the mysterious disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi [Updated]
Updates are at the bottom.
Aside from Tweeting about #QuestOfRandomClues (beats me), WikiLeaks is most sincerely involved in the probably-not-so-mysterious ‘disappearance’ of the Saudi national WaPo journalist; his oeuvre is here; dunno if right clicking and choosing Open In Private Window will get you past their paywall or not.
News is all over the map on everything past the basics, which have been reported as these by the Wapo:
Given that Khashoggi is a Saudi national, before he could marry his fiancé, Hatice Cengiz, he’d have to appear at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul to show them his divorce papers from an earlier marriage. She was the last known witness to his disappearance on Oct. 2 at about 1:30, although someone shared a CCTV image of him walking in that’s featured in this report.
“She had said she’d wait for him near the front entrance. “Fine, my darling,” he said, before turning and heading into the squat yellow structure, which lacks the grandeur of many of the kingdom’s diplomatic buildings.
Khashoggi, 59, has not been heard from since. Turkish officials have said they believe he was killed inside in a planned murder. A team of 15 Saudis arrived on two planes to carry out the killing, officials have said.
Cengiz has not been told whether Khashoggi is alive or dead. On Monday, she was interviewed for the second time by police. They took some of his clothes and other personal items for DNA samples, she said.
Saudi officials insist that Khashoggi left the consulate alive, through a back entrance. Officials at the consulate declined interview requests.
Once close to the Saudi establishment, Khashoggi had in the past year become one of its most high-profile critics, living in Virginia in self-imposed exile and contributing to The Washington Post’s Global Opinions section.”
The Consulate has six CC cameras at the front, and seven at the rear; the Turkish intelligence has taken all the footage to examine. Cengiz waited…and waited for him to come back out the front door, and at 4:00 checked online and found that the Consulate closes at…3:30. She called the Consulate asking where Jamal was; a man came t the door and told her that no one was inside. Given that Jamal was understandably nervous about his mission to the Consulate:
“Khashoggi had previously told her to call an adviser to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan if anything happened to him. She did. And she reported the disappearance to police.
Ultimately though, she said, it is up to the Saudis to back up their story.
“It is the responsibility of Saudi Arabia to explain and prove how Jamal exited and from where and when,” she said.”
You won’t be a bit surprised to hear that Secretary of State Pompeo believes so, as well. The WikiTweet. Ain’t he an adorable schmuck?
‘Six vehicles left two hours after #JamalKhashoggi went inside the Consulate. Each group of 3 went to 2 different directions. 2 of the vans had Saudi number plates (diplomatic immunity) & black covers on the windows. Police think Jamal’s body might be carried out in one of these.’ (image here)
‘Confirmed: Two of the cars with #Saudi diplomatic licence plates went from the Consulate to the residence of Ambassador Muhammed Al Otaibi (200 mt) some time after #JamalKhashoggi went in. Turkish personnel at the residence were given the day off on October 2nd.’ (Source: @Sabah)
‘Trump on Jamal:I‘m concerned about it.I don’t like hearing about it.Hopefully it will sort itself out.Right now nobody knows anything about it but there’s some pretty bad stories going around. The fact that he won the elections despite his language skills continues to amaze me.’
‘It’s confirmed that #Saudi registered HZ-SK1 and HZ-SK2 planes landed at #Istanbul Ataturk Airport on October 2nd. HZ-SK1 route: Riyadh-Istanbul-Cairo-Riyadh HZ-SK2 route: Sharm El Sheikh-Cairo-Istanbul-Dubai-Riyadh’
From, Oct. 8 ‘Turkish police suspect Saudi journalist was killed at consulate, Senior police source tells MEE that police believe Khashoggi’s suspected killing was videotaped ‘to prove the mission had been accomplished’
“A senior Turkish police source told MEE that police believed that Khashoggi, a prominent critic of the Saudi government, was “brutally tortured, killed and cut into pieces” inside the consulate after visiting the building on 2 October.
“Everything was videotaped to prove the mission had been accomplished and the tape was taken out of the country,” the source said.
An unnamed Turkish official told the Reuters news agency that Turkish police believed Khashoggi had been killed and his body then removed from the building.
Speaking to CNN Turk on Sunday, Aktay, an adviser to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said: “Khashoggi discussed to go there or not with his fiancee beforehand.
“Our security officials are investigating the issue in every detail. We have some concrete information, it won’t be an unresolved crime.
“We could determine his entrance but not any exit. That’s confirmed. We asked them [the Saudis], they say ‘he left,’ but there is no such thing on the camera footage.
“That’s underestimating Turkey. They are wrong if they think Turkey is as it was in the 90s. The consulate should make a clear statement.”
Aktay said he believed Khashoggi had been killed in the consulate and that Turkish authorities believed a group of 15 Saudi nationals were “most certainly involved” in the matter.
Police said about 15 Saudis, including officials, came to Istanbul on two private flights on Tuesday and were at the consulate at the same time as the journalist. They left again the same day, according to MEE’s sources.
Their diplomatic bags could not be opened, a security source told MEE, but Turkish intelligence was sure that Khashoggi’s remains were not in them.
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman told Bloomberg in an interview on Friday that Turkish authorities could search their consulate, as they had “nothing to hide”. He added that Khashoggi had left the building not long after he entered.
Some Reuters journalists toured the facility on Saturday, but Turkish authorities had not entered it.
“Khashoggi is considered a Saudi nationalist, and before leaving Saudi Arabia in September 2017 he was seen as close to the royal court.
Friction between him and the kingdom’s rulers began to emerge after comments at the Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policy, warning that Saudi Arabia should be “rightfully nervous about a Trump presidency“.
That last make absolutely no sense at all, imo. Please remember, don’t ever forget: the Sauds have long been ‘our partners in peace’, and Trump loves hovering around bin Salmman’s glowing orb. Okay, this one’s a bit of a spoof…
But news is breaking fast now, and Bingling kicks up: Turkey will search the consulate for JK, Turkey hunts for black van it believes carried the body, and so on.
Other WikiTweets concern issues such as: who the hell got Saudi Arabia put on the UN Human Rights Council, demonstrations of how KSA buys influence on major media and that the Kingdom invested wisely examples, a 2015 German spy BND report on the Clown Prince, June 2015 ‘Saudi issues a second threat against WikiLeaks and everyone else over #SaudiCables, ‘Saudi government threatens everyone with 20 years in prison for tweeting #SaudiCables, and so on.
Please sleuth as you will and add what’s new.
(cross-posted from Café Babylon)

bill van auken at notes these ironies and hypocrisies:
“Erdogan heads a regime that has jailed more journalists than any other on the planet. His concern over the Khashoggi affair is bound up with the tense relationship between Ankara and Riyadh over a whole number of regional crises, in particular, the Saudi-led blockade of Qatar, with which Turkey is allied. At the same time, the Turkish government is anxious not to provoke a complete severing of ties with Saudi Arabia, which it views as a source of investment under conditions of Turkey’s deep economic crisis.”
“The Trump administration has deepened a long-standing relationship with the Saudi monarchy, which, under Obama and previous presidents, has overlooked massive human rights violations in the interests of propping up a dictatorial regime that serves as a lynchpin of US imperialist domination of the Middle East. It has also helped prop up US financial interests by guaranteeing the denomination of oil prices in dollars, while providing hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of contracts for US arms corporations.
To further this relationship, the US ruling class and the corporate media promoted the image of the monarchy’s de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (known as MBS)—the prime suspect in Khashoggi’s disappearance—as a “reformer.” He was feted on a whirlwind tour of the US last April, hosted not only by the Trump administration, but also by the likes of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates and Apple CEO Tim Cook.”
guess that leads to tonight’s closing lullaby:
now wikiLeaks had offered this as evidence of realpolitik; and ain’t it the truth:
Can't help but love Jo Stafford
what a rendition,
eh? turns out that some of that love might have red lines, though. from the amerikan political class: IF the sauds did this, we may have to rethink our love for KSA and the reformer crown prince bin salman. moral compasses at True North, i say.
Somebody disappears.
I think nikki haley knows all about it.
CT express right here.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
CT express?
and where she'll stop nobody knows:
I too wish her all the best
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
speculation on her next
moves is rampant of course, as are her stated reasons for leaving the post after only two short years: 'being generous to others who want the job'. apparently ivanka has declined.
; D
look this up.
I had to"Correct" is an interesting word choice ...
That's just rude!
We'll promote Israel, as long as the Palestinians are unmentioned.
Another wasted piece of internet.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
how much lucre is spent on educating people about the True Nature of israel and the need for an apartheid zionist state? ye god and little fishes, one tweet thanking the spiked heels one was...bianca jagger. man, did she look awful. ones from aipac, etc., even one with bibi himself.
Saud's Yemenii genocide
is something to always remember and mention for context of any Saudi doings.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
yeah, i figured that as it's
so well known that i hadn't had to. but thanks for the reminder.
Oh wasn't chiding you
I've yet to see one essay here that you've written that isn't complete and valuable reading.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
One thing missing in this article
Khashoggi had visited the Saudi consulate last week for the divorce certificate and was told to come back Tuesday ( And this diary says Turkish employees were given the day off on Tuesday.
There is probably some evidence out there that hasn't been made public - Turkish authorities suspect his body was dismembered, but I dont see how they can pick that alternative over just his body (dead or alive) being spirited out.
yes, i'd seen part of that,
hadn't included it. who knows about any of it,but today's reports are this: Oct 10, 2018,
“ISTANBUL -- A newspaper close to the Turkish president published photos Wednesday of what it said was a 15-member "assassination squad" allegedly sent to target Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who went missing after entering the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul last week. Turkish officials suspect Khashoggi was killed at the Saudi consulate, allegations rejected by Saudi Arabia, which says he left the premises.”
oh, lord love a duck:
“The New York Times went further on Wednesday, citing an unnamed Turkish official as saying an order to kill Khashoggi had to have come from the highest levels of the Saudi royal court, given the complexity of the operation. The official told the Times that most of the 15 Saudis who came to Istanbul on the day Khashoggi disappeared had been identified by Turkish authorities, and that among them was an expert in autopsies who might have helped in dismembering the journalist's body. The official told the Times that a bone saw was among the items brought into Turkey by the group.”
but oh, the ruling class elected ones believe that THIS might be the read line of their support for the sauds. good gawd all-friday. oh, and it's beeing reported that jared kushner, friend of the clown prince...might call him and inquire.
In Oscar Wilde’s “The Picture of Dorian Gray,”
Dorian forces a chemist friend to make the body of a murder victim vanish without a trace, by (it is hinted) dissolving it in nitric acid.
‘Washington Post bur
ries the lede: U.S. intelligence intercepted communications of Saudi officials discussing a plan to capture #JamalKhashogg w/ a link to
“Before Khashoggi’s disappearance, U.S. intelligence intercepted communications of Saudi officials discussing a plan to capture him, according to a person familiar with the information. The Saudis wanted to lure Khashoggi back to Saudi Arabia and lay hands on him there, this person said. It was not clear whether the Saudis intended to arrest and interrogate Khashoggi or to kill him, or if the United States warned Khashoggi that he was a target, this person said.”
NSA and the Five Eyes know but aren’t telling yet?
As usual, we, the citizenry at large, have to rely on WikiLeaks to fill the vacuum?
i suppose it could
have been any of the what, 12 intel/nat sec agencies, but given the verbiage from the wapo, it all sounds like ass-covering to me, especially given the vast love shown the sauds and the clown prince especially from the political class.
in a similar vein, a PR campaign plus being shephered acorss the usa by tulsi gabbard twice, made nationalist thug BFFs with not only silicon valley but the political class. and that was after the state department had barred him from entering the US because: genocide in gujarat when he was gov. there. redemption by PR and pragmatism; gotta love it.
again similarly: love for genocidaire paul kagame. much like the HR playbook in my first comment? no, not really: just abject greed and hypocrisy.
but fuck me, the virtue signaling red lines going on on the twitter hashtag is simply ill: tim kaine, john kasich, bob corker, prolly soon hillary clinton, no? lists of reporters killed around the world...but assange? well, he should be drone-killed and put out our misery.
but WikiLeaks featured this recently: 'How Israel spies on US citizens, The truths that won’t be heard' A never-shown Al Jazeera documentary on the pro-Israel lobby in the United States reveals possibly illegal Israeli spying on American citizens, and the lobby’s fear of a changing political mood.
on edit: oddly, the same link hadn't worked. i'll just embed the tweet.
True Grit - not
The hypocrisy, it burns.
At least we expect this out of Trump:
BoltonTrump would have Assange murdered in a New York second. Of course, if Her were sitting inTrump's Golden Throne-roomthe Oval Office, Assange would have been terminated at least 12 months ago.Likely none of these Pillars of Society would venture a
peeptweet if they weren't already quite certain of Khashoggi's demise.dis.gus.ting.
the guardian: ‘Recordings prove Jamal Khashoggi was killed, Turkish investigators claim;
Sources say audio and video evidence show journalist died at Saudi consulate in Istanbul
“US government officials told the Washington Post late on Thursday that their Turkish counterparts claimed the recordings from 2 October proved Khashoggi was murdered and his body dismembered during a visit to the Saudi consulate in Istanbul to pick up marriage paperwork.
The alleged audio evidence – which Turkish sources have also suggested exists in comments to the Guardian – is particularly strong, according to officials.
“You can hear his voice and the voices of men speaking Arabic,” a source told the Washington Post. “You can hear how he was interrogated, tortured and then murdered.”
While US officials said the contents of the supposed tapes had been described to them, it was not clear whether they had seen or listened to the recordings themselves."
oh, yes bidnesses are pulling back from saudi arabia; trump says fuck it, if we don't sell them billions and billions of arms...russia will.
b at MoA says the clown Prince will pay billions for the tape.
the QuestforRandomClues was solved; Wikileaks than said stay tuned for our next publication; IF related, this:
but apparently the amazon cloud contract needs to be renewed or something? squabbles are erupting over non-competition?
Thanks, Wendy, for publishing this here.
While illegal and manufactured wars are where the weapons purchased are exploded, it is astonishing to realize that none of this would be possible were it not for the taxes on the labor performed by ordinary Americans that funds it.
And it is the votes of ordinary Americans in their fake federal democracy that creates the world's war-profiteer billionaires (Bezos is a good example). Do they laugh as they watch ordinary Americans belt-tighten and sink down to a lower standard of living, while carrying on their backs the deficits for funding these war billionaires?
do they laugh, or
are they simply cavalier in their total disregard of the immiseration of ordinary amerikans they cause? is there a larger exporter of arms than amerika still? (i haven't kept up, but i'd think so, even now.)
is the center of the maelstrom still israel? again, with my failing memory, yes, and the proxy wars with russia...maybe china. but you'd know far more on that than i would. 'competitors', not 'enemies', of course.
boots riley calls it 'strange arithmetic'.
Economics is the symphony of hunger and theft
Mortar shells often echo out the cashing of checks
In Geography class, it's borders, mountains and rivers
But they will never show the line between the takers and givers...
g'night pluto; i'm out for the night, blessedly. long day again.
Some of these questions are suddenly hard to answer.
For sure, the US is the largest exporter of weapons — but not "larger than the next six combined" — as they are in defense spending.
Speaking of Strange Arithmetic: Does the US share in the profits from the foreign sales of the prototype weapons that they paid tens of billions to design and develop? Or do they also give the People's initial investment away to the corporations to exploit, royalty free?
The US executes Israel's foreign policy in all muslim nations in the Greater Israel region. Our dual-citizen Neocons see to that. But the overall struggle for the US Empire may have been lost because of that deep state fixation. Now, the US is left with containing Russia and China from developing and blocking their trade and interactive diplomacy with the rest of the world. The emphasis is on Africa at the moment, but they should be looking closer to home. Many of the US strong allies are slipping away; they distrust the US now, and with good reason.
Personally, I believe the key is Saudi Arabia. The US is oil independent now. China is a vastly larger customer, but they buy oil only in Yuan. Those Yuan however, could soon buy more advanced weapons than the US produces. If SA makes the leap, OPEC wlll follow. That will be the eclipse of the Dollar.
It's a bit much to ask the world to un-see the horrors of US aggression. The US was the only nation to use nuclear weapons on innocent civilian targets. Huge targets. It's increasingly hard for new generations globally to wrap their minds around the significance of that, and the (let's use your word) cavalier attitude that Americans have about it.
as to your belief that
saudi arabia is the key due to amerikan dependence on foreign oil, do stir in the grotesque sanctions against importing venezuelan oil. but for 60 years the US has supported the sauds one fellow i just read says. the hypocrisy 'red lines' from congress critters over 'if the sauds murdered khashoggi stinks to high heaven, but...what else is new in amerika?
well posited about trading oil in yuan, and de-dollarization is feared by the empire mightily, isn't it? this answer is likely true: "Or do they also give the People's initial investment away to the corporations to exploit, royalty free?"
when one clicks into darpa as well we see how far the military is willing to go to keep on top, while of course...isn't, esp. in terms of 'efficient' weapons systems, including fighter jets.
this a.m., wsws notes:
“In an effort at damage control, sections of the ruling class are now hypocritically seeking to distance themselves from Riyadh and calling for a harder line. Several business figures and media outlets, including the New York Times, CNN, Bloomberg, and the Financial Times, have declared their intention to withdraw from an investment conference due to be held by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman later this month.
The CEOs of JPMorgan Chase and the Blackstone Group, one of the world’s largest investment firms, and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin have confirmed their plans to attend the gathering, dubbed “Davos in the Desert.”
The principal fear among these circles is that the brazen display of savagery in the Khashoggi case will hamper their efforts to cloak their imperialist goals in the Middle East and elsewhere behind concern for “human rights” and “democracy.” They also worry that Khashoggi’s assassination and other brutal acts could fuel popular opposition to the House of Saud and its imperialist patrons, both inside Saudi Arabia itself and internationally.
Billions of dollars in investments are at stake. According to the Saudi Arabia General Investment Agency, total American investments in the kingdom amount to some $55 billion."
in the comments section was the key portion of, and link to TRNN, and perhaps it's so given jamal's high anxiety of entering the consulate, even though she hadn't claimed so in interviews:
AARON MATE: Joining me is Ali Al-Ahmed, founder and director of Institute for Gulf Affairs. Welcome, Ali. First, let me ask you if you could speculate, what is your sense of the fate of Jamal Khashoggi right now? Do you think he is still alive? Or do you think the Saudis have indeed killed him?
ALI AL-AHMED: Until this morning the messages I’ve been getting are that he was alive. But today, and by the end of the day, we have- I’ve heard people have, they have seen a video of him being killed. That video was taken by his Apple watch. And that streamed to his iPhone, which was outside the consulate at the hand of his wife, and the Turkish authorities were able to go unlock the phone and then see the video. The gruesome video. So we have confirmation from people who said they were shown the video by the Turkish police. So [inaudible]
AARON MATE: Ali, this is a, this is a very explosive claim. You’ve spoken to people who say that they have seen video that was beamed from his watch showing his murder? Who are these people you’ve spoken to?
ALI AL-AHMED: This is an editor of Turkish government TV. I have his recorded statement that this is what happened, and that this is confirmation that Khashoggi has been killed. And it shows the actual murder. And it would be [inaudible].
and ali ah-med reckons nothing will change. yeppers, strange arithmetic. but a lot of the world is beginning to see amerika as a rogue nation itself, yes. 'can't un-see' is fine imagery.
When you sleep with the devil, you wake up with singed bits.
It's hard to say, at this point, who will emerge from the alliance smelling worse, the US or the Saudis.
As I'm sure you know, the "crisis" is over the "petrodollar" — those US dollars that all countries must hold in reserve in order to buy oil. The Saudis were granted a deal allowing them to use the "PetroDollars" they collected to purchase American weapons. And they did. Those PetroDollars flooded back into the US Defense industry for decades. Between lavish government contracts and the PetroDollar side market, the war profiteers were flying high. Now China is offering the Saudis a bigger and better deal, if they switch from Dollars to the Gold-backed PetroYuan. If that deal is struck, the effects will be immediately felt.
I ran across a line while reading about the Khashoggi affair:
That's a layer of complexity that I somehow missed.
Then, there is a suggestion that regardless of how blatant and depraved the US business has been in the Middle East for the past fifteen years, the Trump Presidency triggered an entirely new set of out-of-control behaviors among our allies:
Have bin Salman’s ill-advised actions put blood in the water? Is this a game changer? Or will the US return to squandering the last of its resources to spread doom across the Middle East and Africa?
your comment
too laden w/ quotes and issues for me to digest right now with the time i have. i swear i'll try to come back as soon as i'm able to think it through, okay? that it's on page 2 doesn't help my feeble brain to remember to look, i must admit. ; )
@Pluto's Republic nah, i'l never
whitney webb diary).
nah, i'l never get here in the foreseeable furture, too much divine order (whatever that implies, a new diary and RL (harvesting whatever' viable in the garden and taking care of the flowers to en-vase, arrange, and veg as i'd said in my newapologies; can't be helped.