the Stench of Sulphur at the UN

Trump’s actions against Iran are working: Israeli Ambassador to the U.N.

(Israel: the only Democracy in the Middle East)

The low-hanging fruit of his address…

‘Trump delivers fascistic tirade at the United Nations’, Bill Van Auken,, 26 September 2018, a few outtakes:

“In his speech, Trump reveled in his administration’s repudiation of international institutions, from the UN’s Human Rights Council, from which the US is the first country to withdraw, to the International Criminal Court, which Washington has threatened with sanctions if it attempts to hold US officials responsible for war crimes, to the UN global compact on migration, which cuts across the Trump administration’s systematic persecution of immigrants and refugees.”

“In his own address to the UN General Assembly, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani charged that Washington is waging “a form of economic terrorism” against Iran and is pursuing a foreign policy based upon the principle that “might makes right,” leading to a practice of “bullying and imposition.”

Rouhani rejected overtures from Washington for talks aimed at renegotiating the Iranian nuclear accord. “It is ironic that the US government does not even conceal its plan for overthrowing the same government it invites to talks!” he said.

Trump also singled out Syria for denunciation, reiterating US threats of military intervention in response to the use of chemical weapons—an invitation to Western-backed Islamist militias to stage such an incident—while reiterating Washington’s demand for regime-change.

The US president reaffirmed the centuries-old Monroe Doctrine used to assert US hegemony over Latin America, declaring that “we reject the interference of foreign nations in this hemisphere and in our own affairs.” The reference was clearly to growing Chinese investment and trade in the region. He also reiterated Washington’s aim of regime-change in Venezuela, which, his administration has repeatedly made clear, does not exclude direct US military intervention.”

The US, he said, was the largest donor of foreign aid, but “few give anything to us.” From now on, he said, Washington would provide aid only to those countries that upheld US interests.

This portrayal of the US as the victim of the world was combined with the promotion of a kind of volkisch nationalism, which was the thread that ran throughout Trump’s address, recalling nothing so much as the rhetoric of Hitler and Mussolini in the 1930s:

“Inside everyone in this great chamber today, and everyone listening all around the globe, there is the heart of a patriot that feels the same powerful love for your nation, the same intense loyalty to your homeland. The passion that burns in the hearts of patriots and the souls of nations has inspired reform and revolution, sacrifice and selflessness, scientific breakthroughs and magnificent works of art.

“Our task is not to erase it, but to embrace it, to build with it, to draw on its ancient wisdom and to find within it the will to make our nations greater…” The task, he said, was to “protect our sovereignty” and to “stand for our peoples and their nations.”

Julian Borger’s analysis of the Megalomaniac Bully’s address to the UN GA contains these snippets:

“Kim Jong-un, the world’s most absolute dictator, was awarded the first shoutout, the latest installment in his reward for the spectacular theatre he helped stage at the two leaders’ June summit in Singapore.

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, who have also cultivated Trump and his immediate family since before he took office, were also lauded for their contributions to the aid funds for Yemen. Their role in the bombing of Yemeni cities and their human rights records at home went unremarked.

The only European ally to merit praise was Poland, whose president, Andrzej Duda, had this month visited Trump at the White House and showered him with praise, even offering to name a future US military base on Polish soil “Fort Trump”.

Trump Chairs the UNSC session, and could someone tell him it’s not pronounced ‘Iz-reeel?’?

Creepily, as in ‘Where’d he go, and why the f?’, ‘Missing in action: Trump leaves UN Security Council he was chairing’, via RT, Sept. 27

 “US President Donald Trump left the UN Security Council session he was chairing before it was over, leaving Nikki Haley in charge and sparking speculation about his whereabouts among the press.

Around quarter after noon on Wednesday, after roughly two hours of speeches and declarations, Trump left the Security Council chambers with his security detail, letting his UN envoy Haley take over.

The US president’s departure took place during the speech by Ethiopia’s foreign minister, and after the address of Russian FM Sergey Lavrov. Some members of the press speculated he might have taken a toilet break and would return.”

“Kazakhstan was followed by Sweden, still sans Trump. Haley eventually adjourned the session in her boss’s absence.

There was speculation that Trump might storm out of the UNSC an hour before he actually left, during the speech by Bolivian President Evo Morales.

“In no way is the United States interested in upholding democracy,” Morales said at the end of his remarks. “The United States could not care less about human rights or justice.”

Bellicose Bolton got his chance at a presser, Haley and Pompeo standing beside Their Man: ‘Bolton warns of ‘hell to pay’ if Iran crosses US & allies as Rouhani dares Trump to return to talks’, Sept 25, RT

“Hours after the US and Iranian leaders took aim at each other at the UN General Assembly, US National Security Adviser John Bolton said at an anti-Iran summit that Tehran will have “hell to pay” if it crosses the US or its allies.

“The murderous regime and its supporters will face significant consequences if they do not change their behavior. Let my message today be clear: We are watching, and we will come after you,” Bolton told the so-called United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) summit in New York.

If you cross us, our allies, or our partners; if you harm our citizens…there will indeed be hell to pay,” Bolton said.

Bolton said the US will be “aggressive and unwavering” when it comes to enforcing sanctions on Iran. He also referenced the European Union’s plan for an Iranian payments channel, accusing Brussels of being strong on rhetoric and weak on follow-through. “We do not intend for our sanctions to be evaded by Europe or anybody else,” he said.

The gathering, also attended by the likes of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Mossad Director Yossi Cohen, was not without incident. Footage emerged from the conference showing activists of the grassroots movement Code Pink disrupting the event while shouting that Americans “want peace” with Iran.”

In answer to Trump’s speech at the GA:

“Hours later, it was Rouhani’s turn to take to the stage. The Iranian president took aim at the Trump administration, stating that its behavior in international affairs is “authoritarian.”

Rouhani slammed the US for its “illegal” withdrawal of the Iran nuclear deal, while adding that Tehran is pleased with the fact that the rest of the international community did not follow Washington’s lead. “The government of the United States of America, at least the current administration, seems determined to render all international institutions ineffectual,” Rouhani said.”

UANI 2018: the Speakers List; the leadership and funders won’t surprise you one little bit.

I’m sure you’ve seen more; please feel free to contribute at will.  has more today:  ‘Washington amplifies war threats against Iran, bullies the world’,  Keith Jones , 27 September 2018

(cross-posted from Café Babylon)

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The Aspie Corner's picture


I posted this on an earlier open thread, but it fits given the circumstances.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

wendy davis's picture

@The Aspie Corner

here's another too smart one. why can't they go back to their white towers of academia? (note the shots of the White Helmets, as well.)


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those freaks smiling away, Jesus. Can't we just drone these guys? s/?

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

wendy davis's picture


no, no...the drone fleet has been by the red queen for julian assange. but don't drone nikki even if you're able! i'd miss her vapid idiocy.

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As things stand, an empowered Assad regime is determined to reunify Syria under its rule. The opposition is fragmented, friendless, and ineffectual. Russia and Iran continue to back a willful and occasionally uncooperative client to further their own regional goals. Turkey has accepted responsibility for a seething cauldron of violent rebels. And Israeli air operations over Syrian territory are largely unconstrained. At this point, it is worth asking whether there is any scope for meaningful U.S. intervention.
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wendy davis's picture


sentence you've quoted, but FP's take i won't accept as gospel. for one thing, the war over syria isn't a civil war. but thanks for the link; we'll see.

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Big Al's picture

@wendy davis the intent of the U.S. is to intervene as the good guy while asking whether it's worth it now to do that.

You're right about the civil war reference, a clear propaganda term used since the beginning of this U.S./Israel/Saudia Arabia and company war against Syria. The paragraph also states, "Assad regime is determined to reunify Syria under its rule.", using the terms "regime" and "rule" to describe a democratically (as much if not more democratic than our presidential elections anyway) elected president. I can't read it unless I log into that trash but it sounds like clear war propaganda.

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wendy davis's picture

@Big Al

those extras. try right-clicking on the link, and choose Open in Private Window (if you're using firefox, at least). they'd emailed me notification of three freebies, i'd forgotten.

'israeli air forces are unconstrained'? with the new russian missile defense 'pads' on the way or in place?

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@wendy davis
It isn't perfect. For instance, it soft-peddles KSA's involvement.
It plays down our involvement in arming jihadists. Etc.

But the paragraphs that I quoted is spot on.

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wendy davis's picture


southfront to see their take:

“An official decision to supply S-300 air defense systems to Syria as well as the tough response of the Russian Defense Ministry to the IDF’s attempts to deny its responsibility for the tragedy shows that by September 24, the Russian leadership had finalized a common platform on this incident, which had also been approved by Putin.

Russia decided to take a series of direct public steps, which are designed to ensure the safety of its troops in Syria and to boost Syrian air defense capabilities thus further limiting the influence of the Israeli-US bloc in the conflict.
While it is unlikely that the Russian military will be publicly involved in the repelling of Israeli strikes on Syria, it will take some steps under the Syrian flag. These steps may include:
• providing the SADF with additional intelligence as well as means and measures to repel Israeli aggression;
• further supplies of modern air defense systems to Syria;
coordination of the SADF efforts to repel Israeli strikes through their military advisers embedded with the crews of the Russia-supplied air defense systems.

Considering the current level of media hysteria in Israel and the US and the complicated situation in the region caused by the ongoing standoff between the Israeli-US bloc and Iran, the rash and hostile actions of Israel in Syria once again put the Middle East on the verge of a hot regional war.”

Vlad was sincerely pissed at the unnecessary loss of life with the shootdown of IL-20. the southfront has both takes on that as well....

the FP's claims about turkey seemed like gobbledygook, but maybe that was just me. but the above was meant to challenge what i'd questioned upthread.

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mimi's picture


yeah, that's my kind of tune I liked to hear ... may be from the next President ... one day.

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wendy davis's picture


why couldn't i have heard that luv instead of smellin' sulpher? can't amerika just jettison the notion of presidents for four year terms? or at all? rotate an elected cabinet member every year like sweezerland?

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mimi's picture

@wendy davis
then? I am sure folks would ask for a monarchy again.

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wendy davis's picture


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Big Al's picture

regime are up to in the big picture.

"The so-called “New World Order” of American-led unipolar globalism is dead after “The Kraken” delivered a scathing attack against all aspects of the Liberal-Globalist system that America itself previously pioneered, which he’s proudly seeking to replace with a nationalist-oriented model of International Relations that cleverly attempts to co-opt multipolar processes in order to most effectively thwart China’s Silk Road-assisted rise."

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mimi's picture

@Big Al
I say that with all my love. Have mercy with migrants lack of sophisticated constructs of English sentences.

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Big Al's picture

@mimi it's a mouthful.

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wendy davis's picture

@Big Al

that's some kind of homework. scan said: "Why can't we all just get along?"

takin' a cue from mimi, now i'm hearing this:


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mimi's picture

@wendy davis [video:]

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wendy davis's picture


i'd meant to cast the dogs as those nations who are creating a multi-polar world. who will the kittens be? wonder what they were singin'? "give up your nukes, bibi? join the NPT!"?

love the nebulae behind them.

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mimi's picture

@wendy davis
your cues soemtimes ... dummy migrant foreigners and all that. Sad

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wendy davis's picture


my quirky pinging of the tune, as i didn't even note why is was hearin' it. my guess is if he'd seen, he might have thought 'wot the 'ell, over?'

but it worked out rather well, mimi, as then i could bring bibi's undeclared nukes and secret sites in, as rhouhani had done later, it seems.

this a.m. RT has up sergei lavrov's explosive speech at the UN; i admire him above most (if not all) diplomats. the link describes some of it, but i'll stick the one it that has a voice-over. bless his heart. cripes, the US is isolating itself further and further on the world stage.


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Big Al's picture

@wendy davis or at least those that control the U.S., were trying to rule the world. Some viewed that as bordering on CT. Now it's openly derided at the U.N. I would guess most people still won't be aware of it even after they fail.

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wendy davis's picture

@Big Al

"'s a coincidence theory" (I forget who'd coined it). "please read 'Overthrowing other people’s governments: The Master List' by william blum." (he has another on the Empire's bombings.) and of course NATO and Africom are owned by amerika and puppet clients, and yeppers: "this is an Empire that will not be stopped, dammit!" but of course, it will...

but now stir in google's deeds, facebook combined w/ the atlantic council's 'algorithms', PropOrNot, billionaires owning 'the papers of record' that control the news, and tra la it an empire that knows it's drowning and is flailing its loose cannon arms trying to keep afloat?

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Big Al's picture

@wendy davis Probably, we ain't seen nothing yet. With technological advances in AI and robotics the divide between the haves and have nots will only increase. Combined with generational inheritance and advantage as well as the human traits of greed and lust, our only hope is revolution.

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wendy davis's picture

@Big Al

in my hippie way: 'what will it take to achieve a true psycho-spiritual revolution', but...i had few takers. oh, well, so it goes. but i'll park this here for posterity re: friends of the Empire:

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wendy davis's picture

for cryin' in a barrel, bibi; no one had featured this i'd read:

‘Netanyahu reveals Iran nuclear site, demanding IAEA inspection; Accuses Europe of 'appeasement.', Michael Wilner, jerusalem post, September 27, 2018

“NEW YORK -- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu disclosed on Thursday the existence of a facility in Iran's capital that he referred to as an "atomic warehouse" full of material related to the country's nuclear program, and yet undisclosed to the UN's atomic watchdog agency, in a speech to the UN in New York.

Seeking to pressure the International Atomic Energy Agency to pay attention to Israel's findings and inspect the new site, Netanyahu declassified details of its contents and warned that Iran was in the process of clearing the facility since he revealed in April a special ops raid of a nearby Iranian nuclear archive facility by Israeli agents.

"The IAEA still has not taken any action. It has not posed a single question of Iran. It has not demanded to inspect a single new site discovered in that secret archive," the prime minister said. "So I decided to reveal today something else that we revealed to the IAEA and to other intelligence agencies."

Netanyahu brought photos and maps of the nondescript building, which he described as adjacent to a nearby rug cleaning facility. He claimed that Iranian officials had already removed 15 kilograms of radioactive material from the clandestine structure. "They had to get it out of the site, so they took it out and they spread it around Tehran in an effort to hide the evidence," he asserted, suggesting that Iranian citizens were at risk of exposure.

And he demanded prompt IAEA inspections of the new facility before the site is completely cleared, mocking their claim that they have access to "anytime, anywhere inspections" under a 2015 nuclear deal brokered between Iran, Germany and the permanent five members of the Security Council. "

"What Iran hides, Israel will find," he said. "How about inspections right here, right now?"

While the Israeli premier was thankful to US President Donald Trump for withdrawing the US from the nuclear deal, he made note of one exceptional, unintended consequence: Israel's natural alignment with the Arab world against Iran, as the Islamic Republic, in his telling, gained power and ambition in the wake of the agreement.”

jeez louise there's got to be video.

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wendy davis's picture

@wendy davis

luckily i found this highlight:


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mimi's picture

@wendy davis
Thanks for posting this. I admire your work, honestly. I would be lost without this site's writers and their links.

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wendy davis's picture


when i put this together i hadn't even known about bibi's sulphurous stench at the UN. "we can have peace if abbas would just quit payin' palestinians to kill Jews!"

i just read at the guardian why the West hadn't paid any attention to bibi's speech until today: the kavanaugh hearings. oh, my stars.

and glad you liked this; to me all of this was a Very Big Deal. slept in till 5 this a.m., got two hours of chores in before i started on it, took breaks to arrange more and more flowers in vases. 13 now; such bounty! pant, pant...still got it together well enough, anyway.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

@wendy davis

I hear there's a wet tee-shirt contest on the floor of the General Assembly tonight. Beer pong in the Press Room.

Really, the United Nations should move on to a nicer nation in a more convenient hemisphere.

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The political system is what it is because the People are who they are. — Plato
wendy davis's picture

@Pluto's Republic

and it may not be so...that the wet t-shirt contest was called 'titty-titty bang bang', and nikki haley was wearing them thar spike heels in the tweet...affectionately known as 'fuck me pumps'.

but i reckon you might mean moving the UN to israel, yes? hell, let em have it all i say!

amerika just opened an air defense base deep in the heart of texas the negev desert. “It’s nothing short of historic,” he said. It demonstrates the “years-old alliance between the United States and the State of Israel.”

sleep well, amigo; your civil defense alert system is awake and has your back. duck and cover in your basements may be on the way to theaters near you!

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snoopydawg's picture

@wendy davis

I've had problems finding a comfortable shoe for my right foot my whole life so pumps like that were out of the question. But lordy ... why do women subject their feet, toes and back to them? To make their calves look good? Mine look okay in tennis shoes. I feel this same way about ties.

Bibi's true thoughts about war with Iran


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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

wendy davis's picture


israel's willing to sacrifice so much? bless your black li'l ♥!

way-ull, snoop. it ain't the calves, but the (ahem) rearview that spikes (ahem) lift above gravity, get my drift? hell with tipped uteri, anyway, or lordosis of the lumbar spine: asses on display, patriotic and byoooootiful is the thang.

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wendy davis's picture


'stiletto feminism'. does that mean 'i'm armed with 4-5" heels, don't mess with me'? ; )
that what you're sayin', nikki?

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Pluto's Republic's picture

@wendy davis

Seriously. I toyed with "Jerusalem" since it's such a hot spot on the diplomatic beat. Be there or be square.

but i reckon you might mean moving the UN to israel, yes? hell, let em have it all i say!

On another note, what do you suppose goes through the minds of Americans when they hear the US call Iran "the world's biggest state sponsor of terror?" Who or what pops into their minds? The World Trade Center? Osama bin Laden? Al Qaeda? The Boston Bombing? ISIL?

I'm taking an informal poll.

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The political system is what it is because the People are who they are. — Plato
wendy davis's picture

@Pluto's Republic

the truth that amerika is the largest by far world sponsor of terror. as to bin laden, twin towers, while i'm agnostic as to whether HE was the mastermind or it was an inside job, the monstrous deed did begin the endless war on terror we still see today, with no signs of stopping.

on one of my recent diaries we were discussing 'who's the client, who's the state' as far as the amerikan empire and israel. but there's a hella lot of money pouring into israel for their constant drumbeats as 'victims' of the mantra bibi still chanted this week: "iran means to wipe israel off the face of the earth!" (ahmedinejad mistranslated i've read?). in the OP tweet was UANI 2018, funders being thomas kaplan, sheldon adelson and friends, joe lieberman chairman.

AIPAC funds the zionist project mightily, and prez candidates genuflect show up at their conferences...or else. christians untied for israel also throw money at them, something to do with 'christ will return when israel stands alone', whatever that means. no palestinians or arabs?

but yeah, you repeat a mantra long enough to brainwashed citizens w/ no critical thinking skills, alternative history searches etc. often enough, stir in the holocaust, and bammo: states even discuss punishing those those involved in the BDS economic movement. sorry to beg off your question, but...there it is. ; )

but i was glad to see this from RT this a.m:

“Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has taken aim at Israel’s “secret” nuclear weapons program, after Benjamin Netanyahu presented, for the umpteenth time, photos allegedly showing hidden Iranian nuclear sites.

No arts & craft show will ever obfuscate that Israel is only regime in our region with a secret and undeclared nuclear weapons program – including an *actual atomic arsenal*. Time for Israel to fess up and open its illegal nuclear weapons program to international inspectors,” Zarif tweeted.”

RT said the guesses about their nuclear arsenal is between 60 and hundreds of bombs. it would have been nice if the UNGA had laughed at Bibiyahoo as they did Boss Megalomaniac, eh?

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ggersh's picture

@wendy davis must be scared shitless cuz this
is who we are, no mention in the msm of course


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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

wendy davis's picture


bill van auken's piece may have had that, but i'd left it out.

or 'this is who we are'? not all would walk out; many are enslaved by the Imperium's fealty to israel as well. do they know that bibi as well as Trump would be takin' names? and they cower before the Mighty US/I?

wish many wouldda walked out, thrown a shoe at him, banged kettles at him,

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wendy davis's picture

mightta got a few more peeks. ; )

but i'm out for the night. closing words are by the late and awesome (founder of the american indian movement) john trudell, a world citizen as i am. may he be still be kickin' ass in the afterlife.


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janis b's picture

But because of its title I couldn’t get past thinking of this …


longer version ...


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wendy davis's picture

@janis b

i'm sure glad you'd provided the longer version. wit, wisdom, clarity, and humanity; the one commenter was right: 'david lange, you are da bomb!' what an inspiration for early a.m., janis b. 'not a necessary evil: just evil!'

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wendy davis's picture

upthread i'd noted rouhani's challenge to bibi close to: 'fess up your nuclear bombs and secret sites'; today RT's up with ‘Mote in the eye? What we know about Israel's murky ‘nukes’ as Bibi points finger at Iran’, sept. 29 via RT

i've clipped off a bit of the intro, and it's a sorta silly video, but while i was searching my saved messages folders, i did come across some national archives diaries by a man at george washington university, iirc, including a report from the CIA back in the day. if it looks worth writing up and the spirit moves me...i will.


and the title of this essay was a hat tip to hugo chavez at the UN, of course.


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