Manafort. Just askin?
So, Paul is now attempting to save whatever is left of his life. He's 69 and already going to jail for 10 years.
Now this:
Paul Manafort strikes deal with Mueller team, pleads guilty to two felony charges
The plea agreement makes Manafort the latest member of Trump's inner circle to cooperate with the investigation that has loomed over his presidency. And it suggests that investigators, who have brought charges against four Trump aides and two groups of Russian operatives, still have other targets in their sights.
I admit Drumpf sucks. Yet Manafort, who was brought into the campaign to manage the convention votes as he had done multiple times before is going to jail cause he was too stupid to register as a "foreign agent" for the Ukraine more than a decade ago?
The question I have is what is the crime Drumpf committed? Supposedly a Special Counsel is activated to investigate a specific criminal accusation. Rodboy didn't specify such in the order . And why skewering Manafort helps the purpose of a Special Counsel to get Drumpf for something Manafort did a decade before Drumpf ran for POTUS?
This is all very strange...
More serious than only failure to register:
Other charges are being dropped.
Yes the tampering
While on bail, he got caught corresponding regarding witnesses. Which is why they put him into solitary confinement isolated from the court and his lawyers prior to trial.
That still has nothing to do with his original prosecution nor Russian Collusion not Dumpf imho.
They are trying to play us...
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
There is absolutely no doubt that the American public is being
If you had a dollar for every politically influential figure
who tried to tamper with the Jonathan Pollard spy case in some fashion, you’d be rich.
What witnesses? If you listen
What witnesses? If you listen to MSNBC, which I do, and CNN less so, then all you heard was it was entirely a documents case[s]. So what witnesses? I assume they have forensic accountants as expert witnesses so they can enter exhibits into the record and explain the evidence, but they are generic.
I doubt
that the special prosecutor is required to ignore other crimes he discovers while investigating. So there's nothing suspicious about prosecuting Manafort for actual crimes he actually committed, regardless of when he did them.
The more interesting question is why Mueller is offering a deal. Manafort obviously wants one, that doesn't take much explanation. This tells us that Manafort has something to offer Mueller, so he knows something incriminating about Trump.
As soon as Manafort was convicted, Trump went on a Twitter-rampage about pardoning him. Why? Because he doesn't want Manafort to talk.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
With respect, I disagree. Mueller could be offering a deal for false information, or for information about Trump that has nothing to do with Russia or Russiagate. Mueller could be offering a light sentence, or no sentence, in exchange for false information.
Is that too outlandish, unthinkable, unheard of? So many of our political and agency leaders are connected, one way or another, to crime, money laundering, and terrorism financing, including Robert Mueller.
The 'crimes'
Mueller didn't just happen to stumble across this information. He dug and dug, well beyond his charge of finding 'collusion,' with Russia.
I find it very disturbing when people think it is justified to use the entire security and justice system to go after political opponents just because they dislike a politician like you do(apparently).
And your logic re: pardon is backwards. Trump is poking Mueller in the eye, saying 'So what? I plan to pardon anyway.'
Mueller is the epitome of a kangaroo court. But information is coming out about the criminal dems, like the Podestas, who are are somehow entangled with Manafort's actions that are under investigation by Mueller. So, if Mueller's investigation results in more information that exposes the criminal activity of Clinton, Obama, etc., then maybe it will have been worthwhile after all.
Just read the New Yorker article on Cristopher Steele
It's from a few months ago: Christopher Steele, the man behind the Trump dossier
It sure makes this Russia shit look real, along with a whole shitload of other supporting evidence.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I read 40% of the New Yorker article
This whole Steele episode is whitewashed by the New Yorker writer who is oh so sympathetic to poor misunderstood spook Christopher Steel. I don't care if Steele went to Oxford, Cambridge or Sheffield. What he did politically speaks for itself. The dossier was nothing more than well-paid political whoring.
The New Yorker still thinks that Facebook ads seriously affected the sanctity of our election system.
As if this country
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I think the New Yorker is one of the best
My inability to vote for Hillary solidified after reading a New Yorker story about Libya. I think it was this story: Libya's new strongman
Beware the bullshit factories.
World famous for the best finely honed straight razors ever?
Think about it...
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Agree, AE. I was appalled when I read
this piece, although, not entirely surprised, since I've heard Mayer in radio interviews--she's the equivalent of NYT's former reporter Judith Miller, IMO. Need I say more?
Seriously, the most frightening aspect of this article was that a British citizen could wield so much power and/or influence over US governmental agencies. Particularly, since Steele, along with US Intel/law enforcement agencies/communities admit that much of the dossier has yet to be confirmed. Whew!
Blue Onyx
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I don't know that he
Touche, dfarrah! A poor choice of words
on my part. Perhaps Steele didn't so much exhibit 'power,' as he did persistence and flat-out dogged determination.
I guess I was left wondering, "When had it become the duty/business of British nationals to take it upon themselves to dictate, or even greatly influence, anything about US electoral processes." I do think it's fair to say that Steele pretty much knocked himself out to alert Everybody and their Brother about a dossier that he knew had not been (in toto) verified. Apparently, he wasn't able to fully accept his Bud's (Ohr's) assurances that the FBI would proceed with/process the material, appropriately. I thought it was a fascinating read; although, I took some of it with a huge grain of salt.
Have a good one!
Blue Onyx
"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong."
~~W. R. Purche
“At the end of the day, people won't remem what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.”
~~Maya Angelou
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
How corrupt is the whole system in its eagerness to “get Trump”?
To see how corrupt this whole system is, in its eagerness to “get Trump” . . .
. . . just compare Manafort’s case with the sweet, sweet plea deal Imran Awan got.
Amen to that, lotlizard! n/t