Taking the revolution to district and state conventions
District conventions are this Saturday in Houston, Texas. At the convention we not only elect delegates, we also put forward resolutions that become the party platform. I imagine it is similar in other states.
Everyone attending their convention should draft a series of resolutions that mirror each of Bernie's policy positions. This is a way that, even if we don't do as well as we hope in western primaries, we can still affect the positions of the party and our candidate.
If Bernie does win the nomination, he goes to the election with a party platform that more closely supports his platform.
You don't need to be a lawyer, parliamentarian or paralegal to draft a resolution. Just summarize each of Bernie's positions into two or three sentences. You can also do specific variations on them. Here's an example:
Be it resolved by this convention that all fossil fuel subsidies will be ended and these funds will be redirected towards the purchase of rooftop solar for low and middle income families.
Bring hardcopy of each resolution.
Be creative. Have fun. And, most importantly, be the revolution you want to see in this world.
Cheers y'all

Here are mine....
District 15 Resolutions
Convert fossil fuel subsidies to rooftop solar subsidies
All-out mobilization to address climate change
Reduce income and wealth inequality
Make college tuition and debt free
Return our government to the people by getting big money out of politics
Create decent paying jobs by rebuilding America
Support a living wage by increasing the US minimum wage to $15/hr by 2020
Build racial justice
Convert Fossil Fuel Subsidies to Rooftop Solar Subsidies
Be it resolved by this convention that all fossil fuel subsidies will be ended and those funds will be redirected towards the purchase of rooftop solar for low and middle income families.
All-out mobilization to address climate change
Be it resolved by this convention that the US shall undertake a massive mobilization to address climate change modeled after both NASA and the WPA to:
Update buildings and infrastructure to save energy and create good jobs
Invest in the research and development of renewable energy technologies to save energy and create good jobs
Invest in the research and development of energy storage technologies to better utilize renewable energy and create good jobs
Build energy efficient mass transit in and between cities to save energy and create good jobs
Make the federal government a model for efficiency and use of renewable energy and use of emerging storage technologies
Reduce income and wealth inequality:
Be it resolved by this convention that the party and our candidates will enact legislation to:
Ensure that the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share in taxes. Stop corporations from shifting their profits and jobs overseas to avoid paying U.S. income taxes. Create a progressive estate tax on the top 0.3 percent of Americans who inherit more than $3.5 million. Enact a tax on Wall Street speculators who caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, homes, and life savings.
Increase the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 an hour by 2020.
Put at least 13 million Americans to work by investing $1 trillion over five years towards rebuilding our crumbling roads, bridges, railways, airports, public transit systems, ports, dams, wastewater plants, and other infrastructure needs.
Reverse trade policies like NAFTA, CAFTA, and PNTR with China that have driven down wages and caused the loss of millions of jobs.
Create 1 million jobs for disadvantaged young Americans by investing $5.5 billion in a youth jobs program.
Support pay equity by signing the Paycheck Fairness Act into law.
Make tuition free at public colleges and universities throughout America.
Expand Social Security by lifting the cap on taxable income above $250,000. At a time when the senior poverty rate is going up, we have got to make sure that every American can retire with dignity and respect.
Guarantee healthcare as a right of citizenship by enacting a Medicare for all single-payer healthcare system. It’s time for the U.S. to join every major industrialized country on earth and provide universal healthcare to all.
Require employers to provide at least 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave; two weeks of paid vacation; and 7 days of paid sick days.
Enact a universal childcare and prekindergarten program..
Make it easier for workers to join unions by fighting for the Employee Free Choice Act.
Break up large financial institutions so that they are no longer too big to fail.
Make college tuition and debt free
Be it resolved by this convention that the party and our candidates will:
Make tuition free at public colleges and universities.
Stop the federal government from making a profit on student loans.
Substantially cut student loan interest rates.
Allow Americans to refinance student loans at today’s low interest rates.
Pay for these proposals by imposing a tax on Wall Street speculation. The cost of this $75 billion a year plan can be fully paid for by imposing a tax of a fraction of a percent on Wall Street speculation. More than 1,000 economists have endorsed a tax on Wall Street speculation and today some 40 countries throughout the world have imposed a similar tax including Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, and China.
Return our government to the people by getting big money out of politics
Be it resolved by this convention that the party and our candidate will:
Only appoint Supreme Court justices who will make it a priority to overturn Citizens United and who understand that corruption in politics means more than just quid pro quo.
Pass a constitutional amendment making it clear that Congress and the states have the power to regulate money in elections.
Enact a publicly financed, transparent system of campaign financing that amplifies small donations, along the lines of the Fair Elections Now Act.
Insist on complete transparency regarding the funding of campaigns, including through disclosure of contributions to outside spending groups, via legislation, action by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Federal Election Commission, and Federal Communication Commission, and an executive order requiring government contractors to disclose their political spending.
Eliminate super PACs and other outside spending abuses.
Enforce campaign finance rules.
Create decent paying jobs by rebuilding America
Whereas U.S. spends less than 2 percent of GDP on infrastructure, less than at any point in the last twenty years, Europe spends close to twice our rate, and China spends close to four times our rate, it is no wonder the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report now ranks our overall infrastructure at 12th in the world – down from 7th place just a decade ago.
Therefore be it resolved by this convention that the party and our candidates will create decent paying jobs by supporting the Reinvest in America Act to:
double the current level of funding for the highway and transit accounts of the Highway Trust Fund, and would create a National Infrastructure Bank to leverage private capital to finance more than $125 billion in new projects.
invest $75 billion to upgrade our passenger and freight rail lines, to move people and goods more quickly and efficiently. It’s time for America to catch up with the rest of the world.
invest $12.5 billion to improve airports across the country, and $17.5 billion to bring our air traffic control system into the 21st century by accelerating deployment of NextGen technology to make our skies safer and our airports more efficient.
invest an additional $15 billion over five years to clear the backlog of projects to improve inland waterways, coastal harbors and shipping channels. Our businesses simply can’t compete in the global economy if they can’t move their goods and supplies to, from and within our country more efficiently.
invest $12 billion a year to repair and improve the high-hazard dams that provide flood control, drinking water, irrigation, hydropower, and recreation across the country; and the flood levees that protect our cities and our farms.
invest $6 billion a year so states can improve the drinking water systems that provide Americans with clean, safe water; and $6 billion a year to improve the wastewater plants and stormwater infrastructure that protect water quality in our nation’s rivers and lakes.
invest $10 billion a year for power transmission and distribution modernization projects to improve the reliability and resiliency of our ever more complex electric power grid. This investment will also position our grid to accept new sources of locally generated renewable energy, and it will address critical vulnerabilities to cyber-attacks.
invest $5 billion a year to expand high-speed broadband networks in under-served and unserved areas, and to boost speeds and capacity all across the country. Internet access is no longer a luxury: it is essential for 21st century commerce, education, telemedicine, and public safety.
Groups from across the political spectrum – from organized labor to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce – agree that investing in infrastructure makes sound economic sense. When spending goes up, both GDP and household incomes grow. Even the International Monetary Fund – long a proponent of economic austerity – now says that well-designed infrastructure projects spur almost $3 in economic output for each dollar spent.
Support a living wage by increasing the US minimum wage to $15/hr by 2020
Be it resolved by this convention that the party and our candidates will increase the US minimum wage to $15/hr by 2020
Build racial justice
Be it resolved by this convention that our party and our candidates will pursue policies to transform this country into a nation that affirms the value of its people of color. That starts with addressing the five central types of violence waged against black, brown and indigenous Americans: physical, political, legal, economic and environmental.
Dig within. There lies the wellspring of all good. Ever dig and it will ever flow
Marcus Aurelius
Thanks for this!
This is great advice.
Do you participate much in local party politics? I've been thinking of getting involved primarily to slowly gain influence at the local level for better candidates in the future. But not really sure where or how to start.
Start where you are
Is the best advice I've ever been given!
Believe in yourself. Do what seems right in the moment. Let the chips fall where they will.
Dig within. There lies the wellspring of all good. Ever dig and it will ever flow
Marcus Aurelius