The Evening Blues - 9-5-18


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Bo Collins

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features Detroit blues singer and guitarist Bo Collins. Enjoy!

Mr Bo - Detroit, Michigan

“The essence of Christianity is told us in the Garden of Eden history. The fruit that was forbidden was on the tree of knowledge. The subtext is, 'All the suffering you have is because you wanted to find out what was going on. You could be in the Garden of Eden if you had just kept your fucking mouth shut and hadn't asked any questions.”

-- Frank Zappa

News and Opinion

Democrat leadership promises to stop progressive agenda in its tracks.

Nancy Pelosi Promises That Democrats Will Handcuff the Democratic Agenda If They Retake the House

In the first outline of the legislative agenda House Democrats would pursue if they take the majority in November, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has made the public a big promise, vowing to handcuff her party’s progressive ambitions, including in the event that a Democratic president succeeds Donald Trump, by resurrecting the “pay-go” rule that mandates all new spending is offset with budget cuts or tax increases. Along the way, she is playing into the hands of Republican strategists eager to warn voters that Democrats’ top priority is raising taxes.

Forcing budget offsets for every piece of legislation would make it more difficult for Democrats to pass a host of liberal agenda items, from “Medicare for All” to tuition-free public college. It continues a trend of Democrats caring far more about deficits than Republicans, constraining the activist impulses of liberal policymakers while giving conservatives free rein to blow giant holes in the tax code.

According to Axios, Pelosi “is committed to reviving” pay-go, which she instituted as a standing rule upon taking over the House in 2007. Though she waived the rule to pass the economic stimulus bill responding to the Great Recession, most of the other major legislative initiatives of the early Obama era — including the Affordable Care Act — were paid for. In 2010, Obama took this even further by signing the Statutory Pay As You Go Act. It enables presidents to enforce across-the-board cuts if Congress violates the rule.

When Republicans took over the House, they changed pay-go to “cut-go,” applying offsets only to spending instead of tax cuts, mandating that spending must be offset with budget cuts instead of tax increases. That still left the statutory law, which retained those aspects, but Republicans waived it for the Trump tax cuts. The move was a formalization of the trend: Deficit fears stop Democrats from moving forward on social programs, while Republicans plow ahead with tax cuts when they get to power.

Chris Hedges, "America: The Farewell Tour"

Here's an excerpt from an interview with Karl Grossman about the new "Space Force" and The Empire's plans to rain down death from above, i.e., "Full Spectrum Dominance". Worth a full read:

Karl Grossman on the weaponization of space

Janine Jackson: While the internet treated it largely as a kind of painful joke, corporate news media reported the Trump White House’s plans to establish a “Space Force” as the sixth branch of the US military as almost an inevitability: A Los Angeles Times story slips from saying the force “would be” responsible for training military personnel to saying the space command “will centralize planning for space war-fighting.” The pushback reported is from those concerned about “bureaucracy,” or changes in the “roles and budgets” of existing military branches. ... USA Today says it “would develop forces to defend satellites from attack and perform other space-related tasks.” It says the Pentagon’s plan “identifies”—doesn’t allege, but identifies—Russia and China as “explicitly pursuing space war-fighting capabilities to neutralize US space capabilities in a time of conflict.” What are we to make, Karl Grossman, of the idea that creating a space force is a defensive measure?

Karl Grossman: What we would be doing is opening the heavens to war, making space a war zone, and that flies in the face of the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, which sets space aside for peaceful purposes, and precludes the deployment in space, by any nation, of weapons of mass destruction. And there’s been efforts—I’ve covered them for years now; mainstream media has not covered these efforts—to broaden the Outer Space Treaty to preclude not just weapons of mass destruction, but any weaponry in space, and in that way ensure that it would be space for peace.

And the two countries that have been leaders in this effort have been Russia and China. In fact, I have here a piece from Chinese media, this was just a couple of weeks ago, “China Envoy Calls for Strengthening Outer Space Covenants and Cooperation.” What Russia and China—and let me mention, too, our neighbor Canada—have been promoting, pushing, has been a treaty titled Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space, the PAROS treaty.

And I’ve been actually to the United Nations for votes on the PAROS treaty. And one country after another country votes for it—again, with Russia, China and our neighbor Canada in the lead. And the one nation, in all the countries of the world, voting against the PAROS treaty? The United States. And because there’s a consensus process for a disarmament treaty, the PAROS treaty has gotten nowhere. So what we’d be doing by creating this Space Force, and seeking, as Trump put it, “American dominance” in space, is just really asking for Russia and China and other countries—there will be India and Pakistan, the list will go on—to go up into space and weaponize space.

Trump to chair UN security council meeting on Iran

Donald Trump will chair a UN security council meeting on Iran this month to spotlight its “violations of international law” during the annual gathering of world leaders in New York, according to the US ambassador, Nikki Haley. The United States, which holds the council presidency for September, has unsuccessfully pushed the security council to call out Iran. Haley has regularly attacked Iran, accusing it of meddling in the wars in Syria and Yemen.

Haley told reporters the president was chairing the meeting “to address Iran’s violations of international law and the general instability Iran sows throughout the entire Middle East region”.

Iran accuses Trump of 'bullying' other countries into anti-Tehran stance

Iran’s foreign minister has accused Donald Trump of trying to hijack the United Nations security council for the purposes of “bullying others” to turn against Tehran. ...

“There’s only one UNSC resolution on Iran … @realDonaldTrump is violating it & bullying others to do same,” Zarif wrote on Twitter. “Now he plans to abuse presidency of SC [security council] to divert a session – item devoted to Palestine for 70 yrs – to blame Iran for horrors US & clients have unleashed across (Middle East) chutzpah.”

John McCain: The View from the Middle East

It is not unusual that Arabs and Americans look at the same event from divergent lenses. Take, for instance, a scene from John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign when he told a woman in the audience who had called Obama an Arab: “No, Ma`am. He is not an Arab. He’s a decent family man.” That brief exchange has been tweeted and retweeted thousands of time in the last few days following McCain’s death. It has been promoted by people in mainstream media (and think tanks and academia) as evidence of the civility, “classiness”, and lack of prejudice of McCain. Yet, Arabs saw something entirely different in that exchange. They saw bigotry from McCain, who was denying that Obama was Arab in the same way one denies that someone is a Nazi. He clearly implied that an Arab can’t be a decent family man. In fact, Gen. Colin Powell was the only U.S. politician who pointed this out at the time. But a new image of McCain is being formulated before our eyes.

For Arabs in the Middle East and in the U.S., the view of McCain does not conform to the hagiography of U.S. media. People in the region remember well that McCain supported every U.S. and Israeli war, invasion, or attack against any Arab target. They remember that he was a major proponent of invading Iraq and argued for the expansion of U.S. wars into Iran, Libya and Syria in the wake of Sep. 11.

While the Washington director of Human Rights Watch was writing tributes to McCain, Arabs were remembering him as a champion of Middle East dictators (except those on bad terms with the U.S. and Israel.) It was not a coincidence that both the official Saudi regime lobby in DC and AIPAC promptly released emotional eulogies for McCain. The English-language, Arab Times (a mouthpiece of Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman) dedicated a special issue to him. McCain never wavered in his conformity with AIPAC’s agenda. He never had disagreements with the Israeli government except in outbidding them in his hostility to Palestinian rights and the usefulness of negotiations with Arabs.

Yet in the context of Washington politics, McCain was not regarded as the anti-Arab/anti-Muslim that he was, perhaps because there were Arabs and Muslims that he approved of. He championed, for instance, Iraqi opposition figure, Ahmad Chalabi (a key fabricator in the buildup to the U.S. invasion of Iraq) and the Afghan Muhajedeen. He was very close to Arab despots and approved arms sales to their repressive armies and intelligence apparatuses. He spoke of democracy but in the way that invading and colonizing states glorify “freedom” to justify conquest. McCain was a champion of Syrian rebels and pictures of him with Jihadi extremists (in Libya and in Syria) were circulated by Arabs on social media in the last week while the Washington press corps and Human Rights Watch were paying tribute him as “a defender of democracy.”

U.K. Charges Two Suspected Russian Intelligence Agents in Nerve Agent Attack

Two russian men charged by British prosecutors with using a Novichok nerve agent to poison a former spy are members of Russia’s military intelligence service, known as the GRU, Prime Minister Theresa May told the House of Commons on Wednesday. ...

May’s statement came just over an hour after Scotland Yard’s chief of counterterrorism policing, Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu, announced the charges and revealed that the movements of the two men before and after the attack were captured on six different surveillance cameras in the English city of Salisbury, where the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal was poisoned, along with his daughter Yulia, with a type of military-grade nerve agent developed by the Soviet Union.

Basu released the surveillance images, along with a detailed timeline and photographs of the two men and of a counterfeit perfume bottle used to smuggle the nerve agent into the country on an Aeroflot flight from Moscow to London.

The police also revealed that traces of the nerve agent were discovered in an East London hotel room where the two men, who used the names Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov, stayed during their two day trip from Moscow.

Alarm as Guatemala bans head of UN anti-corruption body from country

Human rights officials and activists have warned that the rule of law in Guatemala is under threat after a UN-backed special prosecutor was banned from re-entering the country – the latest in a series of clashes between the government and an international anti-corruption commission. ...

Anti-corruption activists fear that the pioneering anti-corruption work of the UN-backed International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala, Cicig, is now at risk. Cicig has launched a string of prosecutions against high-level officials, including the former president Otto Pérez Molina.

Guatemala's current president, Jimmy Morales, and his family are also the subject of multiple corruption investigations. On Friday, Morales announced he would not renew Cicig’s mandate, which ends in September 2019. ... In the past, the US has been among Cicig’s strongest supporters, but it has not clearly condemned Morales’s recent attempts to derail the commission’s work. In May, Senator Marco Rubio placed a hold on $6m of US funding to Cicig, claiming the panel was being manipulated by radical elements.

Cicig’s success in bringing down corrupt officials, judges and lawyers has soared during the five-year tenure of the head commissioner, Iván Velásquez. But on Tuesday, the government announced that Velásquez, currently in the US, would not be allowed back into the country, alleging that he was a threat to order and public security.

Confirming Dangers of FCC's Net Neutrality Repeal, New Study Shows Telecoms Throttling YouTube, Netflix, and Other Apps

An ongoing study first reported by Bloomberg reveals the extent to which major American telecom companies are throttling video content on apps such as YouTube and Netflix on mobile phones in the wake of the Republican-controlled Federal Communications Commission (FCC) repealing national net neutrality protections last December. Researchers from Northeastern University and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst used a smartphone app called Wehe, which has been downloaded by about 100,000 users, to track when wireless carriers engage in data "differentiation," or when companies alter download speeds depending on the type of content, which violates a key tenet of the repealed rules.

Between January and May of this year, Wehe detected differentiation by Verizon 11,100 times; AT&T 8,398 times; T-Mobile 3,900 times; and Sprint 339 times. David Choffnes, one of the study's authors and the app's developer, told Bloomberg that YouTube was the top target, but carriers also slowed down speeds for Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and the NBC Sports app.

As Amazon Hits $1T in Value, Its Warehouse Workers Denounce “Slavery” Conditions

To End Starvation Wages and Kick Billionaires Off Welfare, Sanders Introduces 'Stop BEZOS Act'

Taking aim at Walmart, McDonald's, Amazon, and other ultra-profitable corporations that pay workers so little that they're forced to rely on food stamps and other federal programs to survive, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) introduced legislation on Wednesday that would impose a 100 percent "corporate welfare tax" on large companies equal to the amount of public assistance their employees receive.

"Let us be very clear: We believe that the government has a moral responsibility to provide for the vulnerable—the children, the elderly, the sick, and the disabled," Sanders said in a statement. "But we do not believe that taxpayers should have to expend huge sums of money subsidizing profitable corporations owned by some of the wealthiest people in this country. That's what a rigged economy is about."

Officially titled The Stop Bad Employers by Zeroing Out Subsidies (BEZOS) Act—an explicit dig at Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world—the goal of Sanders and Khanna's bill is to draw attention to the fact that taxpayers are effectively subsidizing corporations' starvation wages and pressure these companies to pay a living wage.

"If employers in this country simply paid workers a living wage, taxpayers would save about $150 billion a year on federal assistance programs, and millions of workers would live in dignity and security," Sanders explained at a press conference unveiling the Stop Bezos Act on Wednesday.

Under the Stop Bezos Act, all companies with over 500 employees—including part-time workers and so-called independent contractors—would be hit with a tax if they don't pay their workers enough to get by without federal assistance.

Report Finds Judge Kavanaugh Ruled Against Public Interest in Almost All of His District Court Cases

More Than $300,000 Has Been Pledged Against Susan Collins If She Votes for Brett Kavanaugh

As hearings on Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh are underway, activists have raised $330,000 and counting of pledged money for a future challenger to Republican Sen. Susan Collins, a critical swing vote.

Progressive activist Ady Barkan, who has the impairing condition of Lou Gehrig’s disease, spent the last five months crisscrossing the United States to campaign against Republicans who supported Donald Trump’s tax law. In mid-August, he announced an innovative tactic for pressuring Maine’s Collins to vote “no” on Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Using the website CrowdPac — which allows users to pledge a certain amount of campaign funding should certain conditions be met — the campaign announced that it would be collecting pledges for a future Democratic challenger to Collins.

the horse race

Ayanna Pressley ousts 10-term Massachusetts Democrat in latest primary upset

In the latest upset during the 2018 Democratic primaries, Ayanna Pressley beat a veteran 10-term Democrat in Massachusetts in a House race being watched nationally as an indicator of the future of the Democratic Party. With Michael Capuano conceding and no Republican opponent on the ballot in November, Pressley will be become the first African American woman to represent Massachusetts on Capitol Hill. ...

Although Pressley gained renewed national attention in the wake of Ocasio-Cortez’s shock win against longtime incumbent Joe Crowley in New York City in June, she is a far more orthodox figure. Long heralded as a rising star in the Democratic Party, Pressley was first elected to the Boston City Council in 2009. The former staffer for Senator John Kerry and Congressman Joe Kennedy has been touted by national progressive groups for years. A former Clinton surrogate, Pressley was awarded a rising star award by the Democratic activist group Emily’s List in 2015.

Pressley, a Boston city councilor, and Capuano were both ardent progressives with a few differences. Pressley supported the abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice); Capuano did not. Capuano favored a federal jobs guarantee; Pressley did not. Instead, the race focused on style.

Glenn Greenwald Interviews Kerri Harris: Can the Insurgency Now Defeat a Centrist U.S. Senator?

Delaware Democrats go to the polls Thursday in what has suddenly become a much-anticipated primary matchup between Sen. Tom Carper, who has been serving in public office since 1976, and Kerri Evelyn Harris, a black, LGBT Air Force veteran and community organizer who wasn’t born by that time.

While several insurgent candidates have unexpectedly defeated House incumbents in 2018 primaries – including Ayanna Pressley’s win Tuesday night in Boston against 10-term House incumbent Mike Capuano – unseating an entrenched, establishment-backed, three-term U.S. Senator like Carper is a much tougher challenge. From the start, Harris has been, and still, regarded as a clear underdog. But this race has become increasingly compelling.

the evening greens

You’ve Heard of Outsourced Jobs, but Outsourced Pollution? It’s Real, and Tough to Tally Up

Over the past decade, both the United States and Europe have made major strides in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions at home. That trend is often held up as a sign of progress in the fight against climate change. But those efforts look a lot less impressive once you take trade into account. Many wealthy countries have effectively “outsourced” a big chunk of their carbon pollution overseas, by importing more steel, cement and other goods from factories in China and other places, rather than producing it domestically.

Britain, for instance, slashed domestic emissions within its own borders by one-third between 1990 and 2015. But it has done so as energy-intensive industries have migrated abroad. If you included all the global emissions produced in the course of making things like the imported steel used in London’s skyscrapers and cars, then Britain’s total carbon footprint has actually increased slightly over that time.

“It’s a huge problem,” said Ali Hasanbeigi, a research scientist and chief executive of Global Efficiency Intelligence, an energy and environmental consulting firm. “If a country is meeting its climate goals by outsourcing emissions elsewhere, then we’re not making as much progress as we thought.” Dr. Hasanbeigi is an author of a new report on the global carbon trade, which estimates that 25 percent of the world’s total emissions are now being outsourced in this manner. ...

Not surprisingly, China, which has become the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide, remains the world’s factory. About 13 percent of China’s emissions in 2015 came from making stuff for other countries. In India, another fast-growing emitter, the figure is 20 percent. The United States, for its part, remains the world’s leading importer of what the researchers call “embodied carbon.” If the United States were held responsible for all the pollution worldwide that resulted from manufacturing the cars, clothing and other goods that Americans use, the nation’s carbon dioxide emissions would be 14 percent bigger than its domestic-only numbers suggest.

Dire Climate Change Warnings Cut From Trump Power-Plant Proposal

Warnings about potentially severe consequences of climate change were deleted from a Trump administration plan to weaken curbs on power plant emissions during a White House review. Drafts had devoted more than 500 words to highlighting the impacts -- more heat waves, intense hurricanes, heavy rainfalls, floods and water pollution -- as part of the proposal to replace Obama-era restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions. That language was left out of the Trump administration’s final analysis of the Environmental Protection Agency proposal, when it was unveiled Aug. 21.

Among the abandoned assertions: an acknowledgment that “the climate has continued to change, with new records being set” for global average surface temperatures, Arctic sea ice retreat, carbon dioxide concentrations and sea level rise, all markers of the phenomenon. The administration also scrapped a reference to numerous “major scientific assessments” that “strengthen the case that GHGs endanger public health and welfare both for current and future generations.”

Internal documents from a White House-led interagency review of the proposal reveal the decision to spike the language but not the rationale for doing so nor who ordered it omitted. The documents, recently released online, show the deletions came during last-minute August edits to the plan’s regulatory impact analysis. The abandoned assertions would have represented surprisingly candid admissions for an administration stacked with officials who have questioned how much human activity drives climate change and led by a president who once suggested global warming was a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese.

Republican Candidates are Paying a Fossil Fuels Conglomerate for Voter Data Mining

Koch Industries is a fossil fuels conglomerate with estimated revenues of more than $100 billion annually and 130,000 employees spread around the globe. It’s one of the largest, private corporations in the world with a history of funding nonprofit front groups and political candidates who are climate change skeptics. Typically, political payments go in one direction from this behemoth: from the Koch Industries Super Pac (KochPac) to Republican political candidates or political committees. Now, quietly, political payments are going in both directions, effectively creating an Orwellian campaign finance model.

Quietly, and without any corporate press release on such an unusual acquisition, Koch Industries has purchased i360, a vast voter database and data harvesting operation. According to i360’s website, it has “1800 unique data points” on 290 million American consumers as well as detailed information on 199 million voters from all 50 states. It brags that its data “shows you everything you need to know including the demographic and psychographic breakdown of your target market.”

The propriety of a multinational industrial conglomerate with an anti-regulatory agenda having a stranglehold on a highly sophisticated voter dating mining platform with unlimited funds to hire Ph.Ds., statisticians and computer scientists trained in artificial intelligence and machine learning, has yet to enter the national discourse.

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

When Will The US Lose Control Of the World Payments System?

From Venezuela to McCain, Media and Human Rights Industry on Same Page

How Israel spies on US citizens

JP Morgan's top quant warns next crisis to have flash crashes and social unrest not seen in 50 years

Trans Mountain Pipeline a Serious Misstep for Trudeau

A Little Night Music

Mr Bo & His Blues Boys - I Ain't Gonna Suffer

Mr Bo and his Blue Boys - Baby Your Hair Looks Bad

Mr. Bo - I'm Leaving This Town

Mr. Bo & His Blues Boys - Lost Love Affair

Mr Bo - Heartache & Troubles

Mr Bo - Buzz Me

Louis "Mr. Bo" Collins - Born In The Country

Mr. Bo & His Blues Boys - If Trouble Was Money

Mr Bo - Fire Down Below

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture

wins this month's Lack of Self Awareness Award.

The charge of media bias can encompass a great many different problems. Critics, for example, may be pointing to the way that certain journalists pay more attention to some issues than to others, or complaining about the unquestioned assumptions reflected in journalists’ work. These are real issues, and most journalists labor to correct them. At the other extreme, critics may be accusing journalists of having deliberately and consciously shaped their reporting to serve some political end. That sort of overt bias is far rarer. Ironically, the best example of this kind of bias airs regularly in prime time on Fox News.

And what did we reporters do in the face of this cable onslaught that would eventually turn into a social-media virus and lead us to the election of the most fact-free presidential candidate in American history? Nothing.

So in railing against the biases allegedly promoted only by other news agencies, Chuck sees no problem in promoting his own bias. OK then.

So what does Chuck seek to do about all these lies in reporting? Why, tell 'the truth'.

I’m not advocating for a more activist press in the political sense, but for a more aggressive one. That means having a lower tolerance for talking points, and a greater willingness to speak plain truths. It means not allowing ourselves to be spun, and not giving guests or sources a platform to spin our readers and viewers, even if that angers them. Access isn’t journalism’s holy grail—facts are.

The truth is that most journalists, in newsrooms large and small across the country, are doing their best each day to be fair, honest, and direct. These values are what Americans demand of one another, and it should be what they demand of their media. The challenge for viewers and readers is this: Ask yourself why someone is so determined to convince you not to believe your lying eyes.

Good question, Chuckles.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

joe shikspack's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger

hmmm... is it this toddler we're talking about?

Chuck Todd Admits Mainstream Media Must Ask Softball Questions

... Chuck Todd let the cat out of the bag in response to a statement by Lewis Black. “I have watched you and everybody else where somebody comes on, and I don’t know how you do it because I’d be barking at them,” Black said to Todd. In response, Todd said, “We all sit there because we know the first time we bark is the last time we do the show. There’s something where all of the sudden nobody will come on your show.”

Of course we all know this is true of the news media, but it is seldom revealed by anyone in the news industry, especially not the host of a prominent news show. Maybe somebody will say I’m reaching, but it seems to me Todd is saying he purposely asks softball questions to ensure the usual suspects, of current and former politicians along with political reject talking heads, return at a later date to repeat this entire charade yet again, and for a reason maybe only “The Todd” will one day explain.

herm, i think we are. i guess it might be stretching the toddler's awareness to note that one's bias is revealed as much by what one fails (repeatedly) to discuss as what one does discuss with a guest.

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture

@joe shikspack @joe shikspack

i guess it might be stretching the toddler's awareness to note that one's bias is revealed as much by what one fails (repeatedly) to discuss as what one does discuss with a guest.

His whole premise (now) appears to be that what he calls 'overt' bias in reporting stories is somehow more insidious than the covert bias of NOT reporting on issues.

As always, Chuckie has it totally back asswards. A viewer who is aware of the bias of a news source is far better able to judge the validity of the reporting than is a viewer who doesn't know what is not being said.

One of the very few things I agree with Donald Rumsfeld on:

Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know.

But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tend to be the difficult ones.

As we see repeatedly, Chuck and the rest of the establishment press are all about keeping the unknowns unknown.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

Azazello's picture

These have been posted in other threads today, but it can't hurt to re-post them here.
Caitlin Johnstone: Psychic Nikki Haley: If There Is A Future Chemical Weapons Attack, Assad Did It
Moon of Alabama: Syria - UN, U.S. Try To Delay Idlib's Liberation
Arizona Report:
Our governor, Doug Ducey, has appointed Republican, and former senator, Jon Kyle to replace John McCain. So far so good, the law requires that McCain's replacement be of the same party. But get this, Kyle intends to serve only four months, just long enough to get his buddy Kavanaugh through the confirmation process. After that, Ducey can appoint another Republican, maybe Martha McSally if she loses her senate race in November.
More here: Arizona Daily Star

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

joe shikspack's picture


thanks for the links! oh my, i'm so sorry to hear that you are to be "represented" by that turd, john kyl. the fact that he can wind up in government is a pretty good argument for scrapping the whole representative government thing.

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mimi's picture

I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration

Given the instability many witnessed, there were early whispers within the cabinet of invoking the 25th Amendment, which would start a complex process for removing the president. But no one wanted to precipitate a constitutional crisis. So we will do what we can to steer the administration in the right direction until — one way or another — it’s over.

Is that helpful?

The Twenty-fifth Amendment (Amendment XXV) to the United States Constitution says that if the President becomes unable to do his job, the Vice President becomes the President. This can happen for just a little while, if the President is just sick or disabled for a short time. It could also happen until the end of the President's term (his time in office), if the President died, resigned, or lost his job.

The Twenty-fifth Amendment also says what should happen if there is a "vacancy" in the Vice President's office (meaning there is no Vice President). Finally, it makes rules about who would do the President's job if neither the President or the Vice President could (for example, if both were killed at the same time).

So what is that all about? Much ado about nothing?

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture

@mimi Good catch, mimi.

This looks like part of the election season rollout by the establishment media to paint Trump as a crazy, unhinged lunatic (hey, everything's relative with this crowd). Another example of this coordinated meme includes Woodward's new book (maybe by the same source?).

Basically, the guy is a neo-con mole who would rather see Mike Pence in charge.

I found this 'example' of Trump's craziness especially telling:

On Russia, for instance, the president was reluctant to expel so many of Mr. Putin’s spies as punishment for the poisoning of a former Russian spy in Britain. He complained for weeks about senior staff members letting him get boxed into further confrontation with Russia, and he expressed frustration that the United States continued to impose sanctions on the country for its malign behavior. But his national security team knew better — such actions had to be taken, to hold Moscow accountable.

So even though there is no evidence of Russian involvement in the Skirpal poisoning, Trump is the crazy one for not wanting to further poison relations by punishing the country for something it did not do.

That only makes sense if you read the next line:

This isn’t the work of the so-called deep state. It’s the work of the steady state.

I guess it's all in the branding at this point.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

Unabashed Liberal's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger

Blue Onyx

"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong."
~~W. R. Purche

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

divineorder's picture

@Unabashed Liberal Second that Mollie. And thanks for tonights comments.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

QMS's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger when deep state tries to shake the steady state. Maybe we should drop the descriptors and just call it the state?

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question everything

joe shikspack's picture


let's see if we can compromise. how about we call it, "the ruling class?"

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joe shikspack's picture


So what is that all about? Much ado about nothing?

i'd say that it was a disturbing article if i actually believed that the u.s. government had not been captured many years ago by a few groups of wealthy class conspirators with largely overlapping interests.

i would take it as evidence that the government's owners now feel so confident that they can (while preserving some level of anonymity) admit that it doesn't really matter whether you vote for tweedle-dee or tweedle-dum, the pageantry of democracy is a meaningless exercise produced to allow those that wish to wallow in delusions to do so.

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

-- Frank Zappa

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mimi's picture

@joe shikspack

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snoopydawg's picture


The person who wrote that opinion piece is part of the Atlantic Council which is full of ex government officials who still should be considered war criminals. I linked to them in Amanda's essay about the op-ed. People such as Kissinger, Albright, Condy Rice and more members of previous administrations.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

mimi's picture


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snoopydawg's picture

PILL NEWSAmazon is Far More Dangerous and Powerful Than You Want to Admit

I want to know how the room reacted when Nikki said this. Did people fall out of their chairs and roll on the floor laughing their asses off?

Haley told reporters the president was chairing the meeting “to address Iran’s violations of international law and the general instability Iran sows throughout the entire Middle East region”.


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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

joe shikspack's picture


excellent article, thanks!

heh, my guess is that when nikki haley speaks, much of the world tunes her out. i had never realized how much she resembled michelle bachman until they installed her at the u.n.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

State midterm election efforts.

[BTW, hope Everyone had a nice Holiday--we did. I'll be tied up heavily with Mr M's medical matters, but, wanted to drop by 'cause my hair's on fire, lately.]

If you recall, I mentioned that the Dem Establishment/Leadership has recruited a boatload of ConservaDem former/retired military servicemembers. Well, it's much worse than that. Much, much worse!

Bezo's aforementioned contribution will support both Dem and Repub candidates--33 candidates as of Wednesday, the majority Democrats. BTW, there are at least two more organizations/PACs that are recruiting/funding/supporting former military/intel Dem candidates for House seats. I'll swing back and post a blurb about that later this evening, if at all possible. (with excerpts and links) For now, I'll leave you with this, founder and chief executive Jeffrey P. Bezos and his wife, MacKenzie Bezos, are making their first major political contribution with a $10 million gift to a super PAC focused on electing veterans to public office.

I have no idea if it's possible to reach the Dem Party Base. We gave up in 2004--when we took a walk, for good.

But, as a last ditch effort, I'm repurposing a years-dormant Twitter account, and plan to start Tweeting out articles about the backgrounds of these conservative midterm candidates.

Basically, they've (With Honor PAC) formed a 'military version' of the toxic fiscal austerian organization, known as 'No Labels.' Remember my byline for that bunch--"Civility's our name; Austerity's our game." Wink

In addition, the DCCC and other organizations have recruited a roster of folks that would put Rahm's wealthy entrepreneurs (in 2006) to shame--in both numbers, and conservative backgrounds. Of course, these candidates are retired/former active duty military, were CIA spooks/assets, or have served as State Dept jackals officials/bureaucrats. Unfortunately, now that corporatist Dem billionaires are getting in the act, we're probably far more doomed than I initially feared.

Anyhoo, seems that the Dem Party Establishment decided to take ol' Rahm's advice,

[Rahm Emanuel:You never want a serious crisis to go to waste, Jim Swift, Published 02/09/09]


Thanks for tonight's EB, Joe. Everyone have a nice evening!

Later . . .


(Edited - Fixed link; added video attribution.)

Blue Onyx

"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong."
~~W. R. Purche

“At the end of the day, people won't remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.”
~~Maya Angelou

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

joe shikspack's picture

@Unabashed Liberal

well now, it appears that mr. bozo has found another way to spend his "winnings" other than burning it up in space - he's going to make a down payment on a government.

the good news for bozo is that it's for sale cheap.

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lotlizard's picture

@joe shikspack

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mimi's picture

Just asking, because I think I could as well read the news from the US, it is all the same.

Conclusion, I guess, would be to not read the news at all ...


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lotlizard's picture

Right now my methodology works something like this.

1. Go look at, as my Left sample.

2. Go look at Junge Freiheit, less frequently Tichys Einblick or, and skim sites like (Dutch) or, as my Right sample.

3. Noteworthy news item in both channels that doesn’t seem to be just U.S. media narrative regurgitated? Only then, go look for corresponding coverage in establishment German sources.

4. For local news, go look at Sächsische Zeitung ( — constantly bearing in mind that the paper is 51% owned by the SPD (German Social Democratic Party).

I almost never go to establishment German sources first. Waste of attention, time, and energy.

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mimi's picture

Sachsen is foreign territory for me. As is all of former East Germany. Other than a short trip to Berlin I haven't seen anything of former East Germany. I hope one day I am able to make the trips.

I find it rather irritating how tribal Germany has become. Up here in the North, it feels like whole Germany is just 'Schleswig Holstein' and Hamburg. Everything local only. Everyone interested to promote their own 'dialect' and local News only. If I listen to BR I understand barely 50 percent of what they say. But I like their humor often. I like the entertainment value, it can be pretty funny.

I never read 'right' sources. 'Fair and balanced' is not my thingy. I am happily biased. And unhappily not at home. Where is home? I have no clue.

Thanks for answering my question. Hope all is well for you. Take good care of you.

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lotlizard's picture

Those sources I’m calling Right here — which exclude almost all of what used to be considered Right, like Axel Springer’s Bild or Welt, or the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung — when I turn to such sources, I don’t think of it as me trying to be “fair and balanced.”

After many years of sticking to media on “my” side only, I think of it more as expanding the search for truth — casting a wider net, despite the growing plastic Political Garbage Patch polluting the noetic seas.

Things got to a point where I could no longer ignore how frequently I was being lied to, or deliberately misdirected and/or kept in the dark — “my” side or no.

There are quite a few things — such as the child sexual exploitation scandals in the U.K., or the murder of Maria Ladenburger or Mia Valentin — that I wouldn’t even have become aware of, if I hadn’t first seen them mentioned on right-wing populist sites.

It is vexing and perplexing that what I had thought of as “my” (Green? Left? Alternative?) side now seems to be constantly “nudging” (Obama-friend Cass Sunstein’s term) me back toward acceptance of the same old imposed-from-above official U.S. set of narratives, after me having sacrificed so much for so long, to try to gain a life beyond their shadow.

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mimi's picture

about main stream publications I think of as conservative vs. liberal. I rarely searched for news in Germany on the internet for what I consider extreme right-wing ideological menschenverachtende Polemik.

Other than that I am tired of all of it and withdraw from everything. In my personal life reading blogs on the internet has prevented me from reading books I wanted, needed and should have read. So, the online medium isn't good for me and I try to put it behind me.

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dystopian's picture

Frank just had a way with words, a master of them, and their articulation. And so often within the bounds of poetry, truly amazing. But not much for blues... Wink Are you with US, or are you with THEM?

I gotta fly, but just wanted to thanks and h/t for that mention

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

joe shikspack's picture


frank always had an interesting outlook on things and was already a practiced cynic when i was just starting to figure stuff out.


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QMS's picture

nobody does it better. Thanks!

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question everything

joe shikspack's picture


thanks! have a great evening!

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mimi's picture


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Unabashed Liberal's picture

program, which includes several organizations and political PACs--including 'With Honor' PAC,

If the Democrats capture a majority in the House Of Representatives on November 6, as widely predicted, candidates drawn from the military-intelligence apparatus will comprise as many as half of the new Democratic members of Congress. They will hold the balance of power in the lower chamber of Congress.

I won't have time this evening to post additional excerpts, but wanted to add that some of the political advisors for the PAC that Bezo is donating to, are:

Erskine Bowles
Tom Daschle
Robert Gates
George Schultz
(Fmr Sen) John Warner

and Military Advisor Michael Mullen.

Yeah--real liberals, there!


It will be a challenge with what we have on our plate, but, hope to post more excerpts and links to these websites, and to articles hyping this DCCC Red To Blue so-called program, over the next several weeks.

Have a nice evening, All!

Blue Onyx

"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong."
~~W. R. Purche

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

joe shikspack's picture

@Unabashed Liberal

so much competition to be the true "war party."

edited to add this tidbit:

in the recent massachussets race where newcomer "progressive insurgent" ayanna pressley upset (already progressive for a democrat) mike capuano, this turned up in one of the articles that i read on the intercept:

Another area where Capuano’s long national record stands in contrast to Pressley’s local profile is on foreign policy — particularly American wars abroad. Questionnaires sponsored by Massachusetts Peace Action, a grassroots pressure group focused on curbing the power of the Pentagon and ending military adventures overseas, provide one of the few windows into the candidates’ views in this area. But, in her responses, Pressley declined to take a position on whether she would “vote to terminate the U.S. military intervention in Afghanistan” or whether she would support legislation to prohibit “stationing military forces [in Syria], and providing assistance and training to insurgents.”

Explaining her non-answers, Pressley wrote that she would seek to exhaust other diplomatic and nonmilitary options, but wanted to avoid closing the door on the possibility of supporting future military solutions to ending the conflicts in Syria and Afghanistan. Capuano, in contrast, answered “yes” to both questions in the survey. He also noted that he introduced legislation to require congressional authorization for the use of force in Syria; was one of only 11 lawmakers to file a lawsuit against Obama for using military force in Libya without congressional approval; and has voted on several occasions to withdraw U.S. forces from Afghanistan.

so, um, great. a progressive has won! right?

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lotlizard's picture

@joe shikspack  
“Progressive” except on Palestine peace.

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divineorder's picture

@joe shikspack Damn .

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

Unabashed Liberal's picture

@joe shikspack

a couple of so-called 'progressive insurgents.' IMO, the outcome of a couple of these races appeared to turn on factors aside from actual 'leftist' ideology.

For those who don't watch the Sunday Political programs--this past Sunday, Andrew Gillum refused to say that he would endorse/support Bernie for President in 2020 if he won the Dem Party nomination. But, he quickly added that he had talked to FSC and the former President earlier in the week.

I'll post the excerpt from his interview with Dana Bash later this week. It blew me away. Of course, I imagine that Gillum was betting on the proposition that you could put the number of his voters that would be listening to the Sunday political programs, in a broom closet--and still have room to spare!


Blue Onyx

"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong."
~~W. R. Purche

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

Fionnsboy's picture

@joe shikspack I'm so glad you posted this and referred to that excellent and revealing article (the Boston media did NOTHING of the sort! In fact the 'liberal' Globe endorsed Pressley)as I was going to do so. Pressley is a fraud, a NeoLib in Identity Politics clothing, who was a Clinton surrogate in 2016 (of course she was!) who, like all such bottom-dwellers, criticized Bernie and his platform as pie in the sky. But suddenly she's for Medicare for All! When questioned about this flip she said, "The world has changed." Great non-answer, worthy of HER. She also revealed she was urged to run by 'party donors,' so if the Clinton connection didn't tell you all you needed to know, that would; Capuano also was against the anti-BDS nonsense; one of Pressley's advisers is very active in outlawing BDS. The Intercept article:

The Massachusetts Peace Action questionnaire also asked about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, focusing on a growing movement to pressure Israel over its occupation of Palestinian lands through boycott, divestment, and sanctions. Known by its initials, BDS, the movement has drawn strong opposition from pro-Israel voices, including the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which has worked to outlaw any form of BDS activism.

Pressley declined to take a position on an AIPAC-backed piece of legislation that would impose criminal and civil penalties on some of those involved in BDS activism. The candidate explained that she intends to support “courageous individuals and organizations, among both Israelis and Palestinians, committed to bringing peaceful coexistence to the region.” Capuano took a stand against the anti-BDS bill, explaining that although he is not personally in support of using BDS tactics to pressure Israel, he opposes the anti-BDS bill on “First Amendment grounds” and believes “others should be free to advocate” for the movement.

Pressley is being advised by Alex Goldstein, a former aide to then-Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick. Goldstein has described himself as a “Jewish Zionist who works every day to fight BDS” and sits on the board of the Jewish Community Relations Council in Boston, which has unsuccessfully argued in favor of passing anti-BDS legislation in Massachusetts.

My feeling is someone had it out for Capuano. The local media didn't bother to do any due diligence, and hoped on the Identity Politics train, so I suppose it's no wonder people made bad choices and voted for this Trojan Horse fraud. How discouraging...

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Semper ubi sub ubi

joe shikspack's picture


i suspect that we are going to see a lot of wolves in progressive's clothing in this new "progressive insurgency," as the powers-that-be resort to increasingly devious methods to maintain control.

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Fionnsboy's picture

@joe shikspack evening to you Joe, yes, they learned their lesson with Obama.....

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Semper ubi sub ubi

Mark from Queens's picture

Reading all this about her for the first time, thanks.

Emily's List? Yuck.

But was just looking through Twitter and found this:

What gives? Straight-up implicating past Democratic Congress & Senate for racist, dog whistle policies (see Clintons) for putting Black people through the grinder of heavy-handed law enforcement and judicial overstepping.

Was surprised to hear such a strong indictment.

Pretty strong to come out with some Truth like that. Isn't she supposed to ride her Identity Politics card to a win and be quiet along the way?

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

lotlizard's picture

@joe shikspack  
against BDS, in cahoots with the CIA.

I guess now, with Trump having moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and ended funding for U.N. Palestinian refugee relief, the Democrats are hard-pressed and straining to prove themselves even more rabidly pro-Israel than the Trump administration.

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divineorder's picture

Camping and kayaking and laughing it up for the last two weeks with old Austin frins in Grand Teton NP.

We have been telling any bear or moose who would come close enough hello from you like you asked and they say hey back.

Today we moved up to Yellowstone to serk out the wolf watchers again but by the time we got there all the NP campgrounds were full so here we are in Gardiner Montana backed up to the Yellowstone River in a pricey rv site. We have been dry camping in Teton and enjoying our solar and the Senior discount from the Golden Age pass so a little sticker shock here in Gardiner. But its just one night. Getting up 5 am and driving in to see the wolves and get a campsite. Thats our goal. Jb saw a motorcycle and said 'wonder if thst wss NCTim?
Tmobile had no data civerage in the parks so n8ce to have the wifi tonight and sneak a peak at the EB

Hope all is well.

0 users have voted.

A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

Unabashed Liberal's picture


to seeing your photos from the trip.

Safe travels . . .

Blue Onyx

"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong."
~~W. R. Purche

0 users have voted.

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

joe shikspack's picture


wow! sounds like you guys are having a fabulous time! thanks for giving my regards to the wildlife.

hey, add the wolves to the list of animals to say howdy to from me. i've never been lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the yellowstone wolves, so take pictures if you can. heh, feel free to just wave from a distance. Smile

good luck finding a campsite, i hope that you get one! the last time i was there, rv-type camping spots were pretty hard to come by, though some (surprisingly few) tenting spots were available.

enjoy and take lots of photos!

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divineorder's picture

@joe shikspack Over the years we have had amazing good luck seeing wolves but that's in part because we discovered the wolf watchers.

Not giving them all the credit but we have learned a great deal from th Wolf Project and their volunteer supporters..

Jb has their annual charts of the packs for around 8 years of trips here dating back to 2010 .

But actualky we had blundered into seeing wolves on our own before that

Our first involvement with Yellowstone wolves was a fundraiaer we attended at the Lady Bird Johnston Wildflower Center in Austin for Yellowstone wolf reintroduction in the 80s.

It was many years later before actually went to Yellowstone NP and observed wolves.

By by now we have seen more wolves in action than we would have ever imagined .

As for photos the proper etiquite is to observe them from as far away as possible
so as not to condition them to humans. We have gotten very few close photos over the years and although those encounters were special the photos were not.

Besides, we are hopelessly behind on our Africa trip photo blogging where we often have wonderful clise encounters to share . But if we do get a good one we will share.

Smile Smile

0 users have voted.

A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

joe shikspack's picture


heh, i just ran across that meme and downloaded it tonight with the thought that i'd put it in tomorrow's eb. i laughed so hard at it that ms. shikspack took off her headphones to see what was up. Smile

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture


Forcing budget offsets for every piece of legislation would make it more difficult for Democrats to pass a host of liberal agenda items, from “Medicare for All” to tuition-free public college. It continues a trend of Democrats caring far more about deficits than Republicans, constraining the activist impulses of liberal policymakers while giving conservatives free rein to blow giant holes in the tax code.

Basically sums it all up right there.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?