"Other Factors"

I just caught part of the Rachel Maddow, Bernie Sanders interview. Rachel was pushing Bernie hard to get him to suggest that he would fight to get super delegates to come over to his side, even if he came up somewhat short on pledged delegates. Bernie wouldn't go that far, at least not using that language. But he did say that there could be some "other factors" that could influence the outcome. And he specified that these other factors would certainly include the perception of who was most likely to beat Donald Trump in the general.

This dialog sparked a thought in me. I recall being somewhat puzzled about Obama's invitation to Bernie for a WhiteHouse conversation a couple months ago. And when concluded, Bernie was rather vague about what was discussed. I speculated at the time that perhaps Obama suggested that Bernie stay in the race as long as he could because Secretary Clinton may end up with some real legal problems as a result of the FBI investigation into her private server.

I personally hope she is indicted. I want to see her in prison frankly. Do you guys think this is part of the Bernie/Obama calculus - to have a viable plan B if Clinton blows up?

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I missed the story about President Obama's meeting with Bernie a couple of months ago. I could Google it, but it's easier just to put in a link.

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If you don't know what you want, you deserve what you get.

Galtisalie's picture

The FBI investigation does appear to be proceeding without political interference one way or another, as it should and that would be a major GE issue even if she's not indicted. And today the White House walked back any suggestion that Obama had told big funders that the time to start coalescing behind Clinton is now.

Sadly, although Sanders is clearly the far better candidate on policy, favorabilty, judgment and in head to head matchup against Trump, the party establishment as well as the party midpoint are showing themselves to be quite "Republican-lite." They'd rather take their slimmer chances with Clinton because they don't actually want progressive policies, which speaks poorly to the party's long range value. A tremendous opportunity to bring a generation of young people to the party is likely to be missed because the status quo appears to be attractive to more than are fed up. In other words, even though a small d democratic majority that includes independents is ready for a political revolution, enough of the large D Party infrastructure does not want to give up their large or even small benefits of party stagnation.

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Nightowl223's picture

"...the party establishment as well as the party midpoint are showing themselves to be quite "Republican-lite." ... they don't actually want progressive policies, which speaks poorly to the party's long range value."

The way things are going in the GOP, or what's left of it, we may end up with two separate parties on that side. And, now, the way things are going in the Democratic party, we may end up with two separate parties on THIS side, too. Truthfully, if that were to happen, I think it would be good for the country. We're one of only a few countries in the world that don't have several parties to choose from, IIRC. *shrug*

Thoughts, anyone?

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Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. ~ Gandhi
"Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without." ~ Frugal mantra
"Our endless maniacal appetite. Left us with another way to die." ~ Disturbed: Another Way to Die

PriceRip's picture

Investigative procedures preclude speculation at this time. Remember, in high profile cases the process should be above reproach (yes I know that has not been the standard but please leave me in my delusional state . . . pretty please) if it is to be effective. If such were to happen I would like it to be on a very solid foundation.

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Szaephod's picture

I think it would have been highly inappropriate for the President to have made any such intimations; for one, he would have no way of guaranteeing that such a discussion would come into the open, which would be terrible.

I cannot admit to hoping for an indictment. I can admit to hoping for the FBI and Justice Dept. to serve the cause of justice - wherever that goes. The fact that 150 agents have been working on this for months, speaks volumes.

We must be patient and wait. And donate as we can to Sen. Sanders, and Canvas and Phone, and wait for the process to unfold.

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The spirit of party serves to enfeeble the Public Administration,
agitates with Jealousies and false alarms, and opens the door to corruption,
which finds access to the government itself through the channels of party passions.
George Washington