DNC: ‘We’re going to fight [reform] like hell’

If the DNC can be reformed, this weekend will be the first real step in that movement.
However, articles like this do not give me hope.

Democratic Party officials are on the verge of greenlighting a Bernie Sanders-endorsed plan to weaken the influence of superdelegates in the presidential nominating process. But it won’t be pretty.

As Democratic National Committee members arrived here Thursday for their annual summer meeting, outspoken opponents of the proposal acknowledged they were outnumbered. Still, they pledged an aggressive, last-ditch lobbying effort ahead of a Saturday vote, defying a call for unity from party leaders.

“We’re up against a wall,” said Bob Mulholland, a superdelegate and DNC member from California who helped organize opposition to the proposal. “We’re going to fight it like hell.”

Superdelegate reform is the absolute bare minimum of what needs to happen.
Other reforms concerning budget transparency are also critical.

“If the DNC rejects this, it basically rejects the will of the convention,” said Mark Longabaugh, a senior adviser to Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign. “The left wing of the party would be outraged.”
Yet opposition to the proposal appeared to pick up steam in recent weeks, when Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Cedric Richmond argued publicly that the plan would disenfranchise elected officials who serve as superdelegates.

“There should be enough room in the process to include the perspective of local party activists and officials, and Members of Congress,” Richmond said in a letter to Perez. “One group should not be harmed at the expense of the other.”
After meeting with about 15 opponents of the proposal at the convention hotel Thursday afternoon, William Owen, a DNC member from Tennessee who is helping to organize the resistance, said, “I think we’ve got a shot at trying to slow this thing down.”
He said he expected “a close vote and a contested vote.”

Fuck the voters, amirite!?

The good news is that all of this controversy and bitterness can be blamed on one entity alone - Russia.

Momentum is growing within the Democratic National Committee for a significant reform to the party’s presidential nominating process, but the proposed change has caused a leading California Democrat to question whether Russian meddling is behind the effort.
The basis for his claim? An activist from West Virginia promoting the changes, who he had seen at two national party gatherings, admitted to him that she was a Green Party member and had voted for its nominee, Jill Stein, in the 2016 election.

“I concluded someone is picking up her expenses but there she and others are, demanding we change our Rules,” Mulholland wrote. “The Putin operation is still active.”

Damn Putin! Trying to make the Democratic Party more democratic!

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CB's picture

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JekyllnHyde's picture


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A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

Lenzabi's picture

At this time, I am sticking to the greens or other left parties as I can no longer stomach the bullshit from the Dem-Elites. Primary rigging, corporate and billionaire money seeking, voting along with the Trumpites when they should fight tooth and nail against them.

Pelosi is worth 100million and others are just as bad.they disgust me totally.

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

k9disc's picture

Yet opposition to the proposal appeared to pick up steam in recent weeks, when Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Cedric Richmond argued publicly that the plan would disenfranchise elected officials who serve as superdelegates.

The hubris, it burns!

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

JekyllnHyde's picture


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A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

dance you monster's picture

This isn't about you.

Nothing in politics should be about you. Ever.

This is about the people you supposedly represent. You're their employee.

Every second you think about you is a second you do not think about those you represent. Every second you think about you is a second you are not doing your goddamned job.

Do your actual job or just walk off a cliff, already. The people want representation. They should have it.

August is vacation month, a prime time to look for a majestic cliff.

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JekyllnHyde's picture

@dance you monster

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A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

dystopian's picture

The dems problem is they don't answer to anyone. Because 'the people' have been ok with it enough to not vote them out. Allegedly to keep the right in balance. But when they ran
right due to Clintonism, the right had to run righter to get the F away from the crazies.
Now we have two right arms.

The Clintons and Obamas somehow they think we elected them rockstars. We did not elect them for life. Nor any other elected official. The constest was not to forever make political decisions for me. It was for a few years to see how you did. It was a trial offer. When for instance the Clintons steal the party and make it into something it never was, and when the Obamas do more of the same and call it change, we have to have a way to impeach them. When they leave office they should not retain special additional voting powers over Americans anymore than any intelligence personnel should retain special clearance/access when they leave their jobs.

They have to answer to someone, something, and so far it is only the money. Only their blind followers would want them continuing to make political decisions for them at this point. These egotistical power mongers created this incredibly un-democratic system to retain their power. The same people that have just lost 1000 electoral seats. This is under their super program. It ain't so super. In fact it sucks, if for nothing else, its lack of democratic process. It gave us Trump!

The same people are still in charge directing the party today.

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

QMS's picture

@dystopian right arm brother, two too many.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Hawkfish's picture

I made sure to get my bribe in cash so it couldn’t be traced...

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

“We’re up against a wall,” said Bob Mulholland, a superdelegate and DNC member

Superdelegates make the marketing division of the Sirius Cybernetic Corporation look like a bunch of choir boys.

*speaking strictly figuratively of course. Wink

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

k9disc's picture

So ya
Thought ya
Might like to
Go to the show
To feel the warm thrill of confusion
That space cadet glow

I've got some bad news for you sunshine
Pink isn't well he stayed back at the hotel
And they sent us along as a surrogate band
And we're going to find out where you fans
Really stand

Are there any queers in the theater tonight
Get 'em up against the wall (Against the wall)
There's one in the spotlight
He don't look right to me
Get him up against the wall (Against the wall)

That one looks Jewish
And that one's a coon
Who let all of this riff raff into the room
There's one smoking a joint and
Another with spots
If I had my way
I'd have all of you shot
@Not Henry Kissinger

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

Not Henry Kissinger's picture


How could you miss?

0 users have voted.

The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

Centaurea's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger Bob Mulholland *is* a nightmare. He's been notorious as a corrupt Dem operative in California for almost 30 years.

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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

QMS's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger does the damnocratic party need to market super delegates to replace 'one person, one vote' in the first place? Smells damn crooked. We the people do not seem to add up to the power structure in place. 2016 primary made that clear. It's just another money scam after all.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

earthling1's picture

Constant turnover.
For at least a decade.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.