Another dystopian scifi becoming reality
In the episode 'Nosedive' of Black Mirror, people are judged by a numeric rating given to them by their interactions with other people. Poor ratings, or even interacting with other people with poor ratings, can have real-world consequences, such as not being able to get on an airplane.
China seems to have viewed this dystopian story as a how-to manual.
The "social credit system," first announced in 2014, aims to reinforce the idea that "keeping trust is glorious and breaking trust is disgraceful," according to a government document.The program is due to be fully operational by 2020, but is being piloted for millions of people already. The scheme is mandatory.
Like private credit scores, a person's social score can move up and down depending on their behaviour. The exact methodology is a secret — but examples of infractions include bad driving, smoking in non-smoking zones, buying too many video games and posting fake news online.
People with low scores can't get their kids into good schools or get good jobs, while people with good "credit scores" have all sorts of perks.
Of course, this is all about controlling people.
A 32-year-old entrepreneur, who only gave his name as Chen, told Foreign Policy: "I feel like in the past six months, people's behaviour has gotten better and better."For example, when we drive, now we always stop in front of crosswalks. If you don't stop, you will lose your points.
"At first, we just worried about losing points, but now we got used to it."
This much you may have already known.
What you probably didn't know is that this didn't stay within the borders of China.
“The civil aviation industry credit management measures that the airlines are accused of violating were written to implement two key policy guidelines on establishing China’s social credit system,” she explains. “Social credit was used specifically in these cases to compel international airlines to acknowledge and adopt the CCP’s version of the truth, and so repress alternative perspectives on Taiwan.”
...It is not clear whether foreign companies have access to the information kept on their social credit record, nor if foreign citizens could find out if their nation’s companies have made concessions or changed their behaviour as a result.
Well, that's just China.
We wouldn't do something like that, amirite?
Welcome to the fallout from the Russiagate scare.
Facebook has begun to assign its users a reputation score, predicting their trustworthiness on a scale from zero to 1....Users’ trustworthiness score between zero and 1 isn’t meant to be an absolute indicator of a person’s credibility, Lyons said, nor is there is a single unified reputation score that users are assigned.
The reputation assessments come as Silicon Valley, faced with Russian interference, fake news and ideological actors who abuse the company’s policies, is recalibrating its approach to risk — and is finding untested, algorithmically driven ways to understand who poses a threat. Twitter, for example, now factors in the behavior of other accounts in a person’s network as a risk factor in judging whether a person’s tweets should be spread.
It's not much yet, but Americans are fully on-board with more social controls.

Now I know why they hung Eichmann
Letting someone else make your decisions for you is the greatest evil.
On to Biden since 1973
I believe that there are better examples than Eichmann
If you haven't done anything wrong,
you have nothing to fear.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Not until they plant something on your computer or in your car just because you came across someone's radar. This is why I despise people who have said that since we found out that we're being spied upon. And here I thought that our rights were very important to us because of all the men and women who have died defending them? At least that's why some people think our troops are in the Middle East and elsewhere.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Just words, no more
The "fighting to defend our rights" is just a motto they use. They don't actually believe it. It's usually dragged out to use in some online forum or letter-to-an-editor in an attempt to make their opponent seem unpatriotic.
If they actually believed it, they would make some attempt to practice that belief. Rather, in real life, it's crickets. Or worse.
That’s right. If they can see everything on your computer or
phone and cover their tracks, they can plant incriminating material on your computer or phone and cover their tracks.
Or they can take control over the software running a person’s car and make them have a fatal “accident.”
I don’t know why people can’t see this (or, worse, are pretending they can’t see this).
Meanwhile, Imran Awan could see everything on 30 Democratic members of Congress’s computers — maybe that’s why he’s being let off with a ridiculous plea bargain, less than a slap on the wrist, backed by a shameless judge. As bad as anything in the worst banana republic.
The only thing missing
is to microchip your ass cheek to fully computerize and automate the system. If you are deemed to be socially unacceptable for a flight, you won't be able to open the terminal door. In fact you won't even be able to take a bus or cab to the airport in the first place.
There will be sensors in all public spaces to ensure that your status is authorized to be in that location.
All they need to do
is give a free Candy Crush app, and mileage points, and people will hand over their freedom.
"Humanity crucified
on the Cross of Convenience."
It really is the exploitation of the natural tendency to seek ease that's our undoing. Climate and environmental degradation can be directly traced back to this trait, as well as social and political decay.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
I'm not sure that will be true
In short, your vision of the future might be the rosy outlook.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Wars and pestilence,
which will be the outcome of global climate change, will cause TPTB to take ever more control of the people under its jurisdiction. As more and more people fight for lessening resources, who gets what and how much will be highly regulated by force - and the populace will accept it as they would in any time of war. You are chipped, you get your daily ration.
Even under the worst case scenarios, the earth will still be able to support a certain number of humans. The people that will be first to go will be the marginalized, especially in third world countries. The US, with its massive military and surrounded by thousand mile moats will become a fortress that can pillage the world at will to take what it needs for survival.
Once the world's population is down to about 1 billion (from the current 7.6 billion) the stresses on the environment and resources will be considerably less. As each climate zone becomes inhabitable, new zones, previously unsuitable opens up for exploitation.
It is interesting that Putin accepts global warming (although he is uncertain if it is man made) and considers it to be advantageous for Russia as it will open up huge tracts of land for agriculture. We can see this happening in North America as commercial wheat growing moves northward into Canada.
We will experience Malthus on technological steroids. I can guarantee you one thing, as an American you will survive far, far longer than your equivalent in Sub Saharan Africa. About 1/3 of the world's population are now living on the very edge and they will be the first to go (if they cannot migrate to our land of milk and honey).
America is not far behind
Brave New World is here...
That was actually one of the more realistic
scenarios in Black Mirror (a very good anthology show btw), because everything exists to make it possible.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Excellent piece, but this is making my hair stand on end.
Truly frightening. Sounds like officers pounding on your door at 3 am followed by a trip to the gulag are next.
Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare
A friend 20 years ago
would "joke" that one day all the radio and TV stations would switch to announcements "If your phone number ends with 512, report immediately to x location; if 513 report to ..."
Of course, he was just noticing the inevitable trend we were on.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
I'd give both Facebutt and Twatter a Zero each.
Please people, don't use them.
They only exist because of millions and millions of 'clicks'.
from a reasonably stable genius.
your social credit rating must suck
Nah. They won't put him against a wall
They'll just shadow-ban him.
I don't. :)
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Computer automation. AI will be used here.
In some sense, social scoring has been in existence in rudimentary ways. Hey credit scores. Private companies keeping scores and histories on renters for landlords with no oversight on whether information was correct. Searching internet for job applicants. And now with some many people on twitter and facebook, easier to do automated scoring using even credit scores, etc.
Holy shit, just thought of something. FB and governments can establish social networks of friends, associates, fellow protesters, etc. to grade you just on your association index. Probably being done already.
Also great series. Really a modern updated version of original Twilight Zone.