The right-wing's pearl-clutching, hair-on-fire, freakout over the word "socialism"
It's become increasingly obvious that the right-wing has absolutely no clue what socialism actually is.
Most of the new DSA comrades genuinely believe they are working for a better America. These indoctrinated souls have no idea that by joining DSA, they have become part of the international communist movement.
...Academia has been overrun with Marxist professors, who are grooming the next generation of radicals.
Now to be fair, the writer doesn't mention the commies hiding under your bed and in your closet, but he does imply it.
It's clear that the right-wing news media has spent far too many years dumbing down both their content and their audience.
They are out of practice when it comes to making an argument with adults, and it shows.
Well, apparently faux news has one requirement.. You don't need any education to work for them.
Hey, Trish watch this.. maybe you'll actually learn something!
— Molly (@Molly3186) August 16, 2018
More than a few pearls have been clutched as a result. Former FBI director James Comey warns Democrats not to “lose your minds and rush to the socialist left.” A recent story at Vox argues Americans aren’t “ready for the bill” posed by democratic socialist policies. At the New York Times, Bret Stephens says embracing democratic socialism is “Dem Doom.” And at the Atlantic, Conor Friedersdorf says it actually “threatens minorities.”This hysteria reveals a fundamental misunderstanding among media pundits and political elites about why the DSA is experiencing such explosive growth. Whether suggesting democratic socialism is just for white men, that its policies are too radical for most Americans, that it will bankrupt the country, that it’s a dangerous foreign concept, or that it will spell disaster for the Democratic Party, these critics consistently seem to miss the mark. In reality, such claims often betray the fact that the rise of socialism materially endangers their current positions of both wealth and power.
Now you may laugh at how Fox Business anchor Trish Regan recently likened Denmark to Venezuela, but she is not alone.
And in a new column on the scourge of democratic socialism, Commentary’s Noah Rothman casts all proponents of single-payer health care as proto-Stalinists.
...Call it Medicare-for-all or single-payer; the new affinity among Democrats for the functional nationalization of the health insurance industry speaks to a paradigm shift on the left. Likewise, establishing as a right the ability to access tuition-free education at public universities and a federal jobs guarantee—all planks of the Democratic Socialist agenda with increasingly broad appeal—are pillars of the Soviet Constitution.
Because that's how Stalin took over...with universal health care.
Remember when Fox attacked Pope Francis for being socialist?
All of these examples are so ridiculous that they are fun, but my absolute favorite is this one from The Federalist.
How Support For Socialism Arises From Ingratitude
If, as a sophisticated modern person, you are not interested in thinking about Providence, and especially if you are no friend of the free market, please for a moment at least entertain the possibility that a deep truth about human nature is here revealed. There is a direct connection between shallow thinking, ingratitude, and recourse to blame.
The coffee drinker neglects to thank those who bless his table with coffee. Instead, when the government intervenes he blames the coordinated effort of the people who bring his coffee to him — for that is all the free market is — instead of blaming the government. If, on the other hand, you are a believer, you may want to consider how the free market is a gift of our human nature, and therefore ultimately a part of the Creator’s design.
There is a lot to unpack here. First of all, the idea that anyone needs to be grateful to the capitalist system shows that they don't understand capitalism, nor does he know of its history.
Secondly, capitalism is only about 500 years ago, so how can it be part of human nature?
Finally, I missed the part of Jesus' teachings where he praised profiting from self-interest.
Front page @nypost ‘Red Alert’ over primary victory for @DemSocialists candidate @Ocasio2018
— Marcus Strom (@strom_m) 28 June 2018
One reason that right-wingers are all over the place on socialism is because they are belatedly realizing that they've abused the word until it is meaningless and ceases to be scary.
Commentary’s Noah Rothman, besides calling anyone who want universal health care a Stalinist, also acknowledged that Barack Obama’s policies weren’t socialist, but merely “culturally progressive”.
He wasn't alone.
Fox Washington managing editor Bill Sammon was caught on tape admitting that the “socialist” accusations of President Barack Obama on Fox News that he spouted were “mischievous speculation” and “far-fetched.”
Right-wingers are actually trying to move the Overton Window slightly to the left because they've realized that it is so far to the right that Obama and an actual socialist are indistinguishable to the average Fox News viewer, and that's a problem.
Their past success is now a liability, which is an interesting historical point. Maybe at one time these mea culpa's would have meant something, but now nobody cares.
Hell, some right-wingers still refuse to give up the "Obama and Clinton are socialists" meme. They can't see how the world has moved on. They can't see that a good lie requires at least a kernel of truth.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: "We will not rest until every person in this country is paid a living wage to lead a dignified life."
— FOX Business (@FoxBusiness) 23 July 2018
Notice that the right wing first tried to smear AOC with her policies.
They've completely stopped trying to do that because 1) AOC isn't running away from any of it, like Democrats did with the word "liberal", and 2) those policies are popular.
So they've switched to calling her stupid. Once again, it shows just how dumbed down the average Republican has become, that they've resorted to playground insults.
look at this
— Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) 28 June 2018
It's worth understanding why socialism has lost it's ability to smear.
The first reason is, the Cold War ended more than a generation ago.
"Without the Cold War and without the Soviet Union, it becomes possible to talk about socialism in a away that isn't with reference to what is understood as a dictatorial society or political system," Mudge told me. "In other words, when there's no living example of a really socialist country, then people are free to imagine different kinds of socialist institutions without having to defend themselves as somehow being pro-Soviet or pro-Stalin or something like that.""Young people—millennials and younger—who didn't grow up in the Cold War, just as a general trend or rule, socialism is not the pejorative for them that it once was," agreed Andrew Hartman, a history professor at Illinois State University and author of Education and the Cold War: The Battle for the American School.
The second reason is the failures of capitalism and our neoliberal political system.
This exceptional half-century with very little reform explains a lot about our current politics. It helps make sense of the populist rage that led to Donald Trump’s election; millions of people are angry because the political and economic system is not working for them, and they have given up on establishment politicians.It also explains why the word socialism has reappeared not as a demonic other feared by conservatives, but as an agenda for reform. Conservatives are reaping the consequences of their redefinition of capitalism. In a moment when many Americans feel that the system isn’t working for them, a system defined as immutable naturally leaves some thinking that we need an alternative system that is not rigged to benefit the millionaires and billionaires.
These two conditions are not going to go away.
You can't restart the Cold War without the Soviet Union, and you can't expect capitalism to function any better without structural reforms that our political system appears incapable of enacting. This is by design. The wealthy elites have calcified the system and made it incapable of fixing itself.
Our political and economic leaders and the MSM are firmly stuck in the past. They have no idea that the ground has shifted, and have no intention of acknowledging it. Just because they refuse to see it, won't stop the world from turning.

Deconstructing deliberate ignorance
...may be useful for the Left in general because the nation looks to us to define what Socialism means in the context of a developed nation, and in the context of the US in particular. But this argument is mostly a strawman distraction since the fact is that all developed nations on this planet are socialist nations. The US is socialist, as well, it has simply executed a sabotaged version of it, which has resulted in a despairing population with none of the basic human rights defined by the United Nations.
Rugged libertarians don't build nations, they build compounds. Capitalists don't build nations, they build debt-based financial empires, gated enclaves, company towns, plantations, and
for-profit prisons. Conservatives don't build anything resembling a civilization, they build rivers of inequality and pockets of deep, inescapable poverty. Show me a politically conservative nation where the people thrive.
The noise of the current political struggle comes from people pushing against the social limitations that were locked into place by the aristocratic class and their descendants, who still run place based on the global interests of the corporations. They've had a sweet deal for centuries. The people pick up the entire tab the foreign policy-related costs of restoring the Anglo Empire to its ultimate glory as owners and rulers of the melanin+ World. And in return, the great majority of Americans get ever increasing austerity, ever diminishing personal economic security, and tightly throttled social services.
The day that we stop fighting and dying for them, we win. But not one day sooner. Everything else is just a new shade of lipstick.
[edit typo]
nice comment
I'm w greywolf; comment is just a bookmark. n/t
Once again, Pluto,
you have outdone yourself. I look forward to reading your comments any time I see them. Thanks.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
I dunno.
The United States is pretty close, if not on the mark, as an example of a nation built by capitalists. What was the initial complaint that launched our "Revolution"? That's right, high taxes and the consequent fear of slave revolt that accompanied the initial rebellion. And who are our Founding Fathers? Hamilton, Jefferson, that bunch.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Pluto's Republic
Rugged libertarians don't build nations, they build compounds. Capitalists don't build nations, they build debt-based financial empires, gated enclaves, company
What attribution do you want. Commentator Pluto's Republic @ Caucus99% or something else?
Mary Bennett
Here's what I think about that:
When I write here, there are times when I wonder myself to whom the attribution belongs. The fact is, they belong to this community that inspires them as much as they do to me. If you wish to paraphrase them, go right ahead and make them your own.
If you wish to attribute them because a quote works with what you are writing, you can use one of the following:
...a voice over at caucus99percent...
...Pluto over at caucus99percent... of the speakers at caucus99percent...
...according to Pluto's Republic at caucus99percent...
Or any variation, thereof.
Adding my Bravo!
You nailed it, Pluto. In simple terms that I can understand too. Commented to bookmark it myself.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It's not just conservatives
it's also most of the democratic leadership, and rank and file. It's the attempt to put socialism=bad into the "everybody knows" category. I think every US political/governmental system is the way it is because it leaves people out of the equation, and defers to the question of how much does it cost/we can't afford it. If people were at the core, and the concerns for them and their families well being, the power would have to shift away from where it is now.
Which, since the Clinton Administration, have been conservadems. In other words, more conservatives.
And Pluto's remark still stands: "Show me a politically conservative nation where the people thrive."
You can't.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
America has no class consciousness whatsoever.
Many still believe that if they 'work hard', they can join the bourgeoisie. Not bloody likely. Some even go so far as to believe there are no classes at all.
In fact, it's because of this lack of class consciousness or class struggle that nothing has changed since the 1980s...well, I take that back, things have gotten worse. The pigs looted pensions, destroyed unions, bought and then destroyed/became the government, ramped up the criminal 'wars', all while the plebs fight amongst themselves over which group is oppressed more because 'Cultural Marxism'. Karl Marx himself would slap the taste out of all groups involved in this IdPol crap.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
You nailed it. They liquidated class consciousness.
The bleating over what IdPol beings won in last week's Dem primaries is just the latest case in point. Nobody pays attention to what policies they will fight for; they only care that the candidate is a woman, a Hispanic (I refuse to go down the fake-left politically correct road and call them Latinx.), gay, bi, whatever.
Nobody asks these people what they will do about the military budget, the prison industrial complex, the police state rollout, the overt corporate/MIC censorship of the last month. The questions from the corporate media are all fluff and IP crapola.
The lady from Somalia,
Mary Bennett
The fact you know her as "lady from Somalia" proves my point
I want to know her politics, not her ethnicity. Leading with IdPol credentials is exactly why I gave up on the Dems. Here are her positions from Wikipedia
While she does support some good positions, now that she has a shot at Congress, she is already trimming back her support for BDS. Not a good sign.
Also, I don't know how to say this without sounding like a deplorable; but her background is sort of privileged for a Somali. I have grown really, really cynical about the backgrounds of public figures. When someone presents themselves as a "person of the people", I get suspicious. With IdPol refugees, you have to do some reserarch.
Upper middle class is basically the elite in a place like Somalia - a country so messed up the UN can't even get enough data to calculate a GINI coefficient.
Not just everyone gets into the US as a refugee. I'm not sure how strict things were for Somalian refugees from camps in Kenya in 1995, but her family background probably had some influence on getting here and not rotting in a refugee camp. And, settling in Arlington, VA? There's a certain five-sided building in Arlington. Just sayin.
I already wrote about CIA Dems, and about Jeff Beals, one of those CIA Dems trying to palm himself off as a leftie when he had one of Hillary's bagmen as a campaign advisor. This person seems to have more leftish positions. But her focus is a little too IdPol for me:
I'd feel better is she was advocating for something ALL Americans need, like cuts to the military budget or decreases in the prison population and the closing of private prisons.
So, I will withhold judgement on her until we see what she says in the General Election. But, the background is not a slam dunk for me. She came from a privileged family in Somalia. She came to one of the places in the US with the most Somalis. Her advocacy is for Somalis first. Maybe its the Ghandi family scenario.
Sorry to be such a cynic; but I have been fooled too many times.
I would feel better
I think we need a few more cynics. The Lord doesn't love fools.
Mary Bennett
I appreciate your willingness to dig deeper
I hope I didn't sound like I was criticizing your modest enthusiasm. We all are looking for people who are genuinely on our side. You have to take a look at them, investigate them. Thanks for mentioning her, as I had completely ignored the primary hoopla.
The phrase "lady from
I would bet that her family
It wouldn't surprise me.
Mary Bennett
The gopers have it, and the democrats don't.
Hillary on the other hand, pushed Identity Politics in her messaging. In an ironic way, IP played a critical role in her loss. Not because some white voter rush to Trump, which by the way, never happened, but because she did not appoint an African American as her running mate. She stabbed her black voter base in the back when she picked Kaine. Hillary saw race alright, and it was white.
From a certain angle, Trump won the electoral class war.
I think maybe Kaine
Mary Bennett
The Repigs also pushed IdPol, albeit for white christians.
Superficially speaking to working class issues and actually doing something that would radically transform their lot into something better are very different things. But as with every election since Nixon, the good ol' Southern Strategy kept angry white voters angry at the wrong people, much like Clinton's 'Deplorables' comments did for hers.
Neither groups have any consciousness at all. They're entirely reactionary.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Absolutely. White ethnics have never had class consciousness
As long as they were doing OK, they figured America must have been OK for everyone. Everyone was middle class. So what were women, blacks, hispanics, gays, poor people, leftists complaining about?
When they stopped doing OK, never having had to make distinctions of any sort, they latched onto their ethnicity because it was the only thing that made them not in the same boat with women, blacks, poor people... Not to mention, they refuse to listen to any kind of class analysis - because "class" is a "communist" idea.
I don't know how you communicate to that group. Bernie seemed to get some traction. For that alone, I hope Bernie runs again. Not that I'd vote for him, cause he is 100% on board the permanent war train.
His supporters
They know that they are being shafted.
Did you really expect them to vote for stay-the-course Hillary? Do you think they wanted 8 more years of Obama?
I think examples can be found to support both our positions
That's the weakness of tossing around generalities. Nobody's fault. The nature of such discussions.
Yes, some white ethnics (really wish I had a better, neutral sounding handle) are aware of class. They're the ones who went to the Bernie rallies.
But other white ethnics are completely brainwashed by Fux News, talk radio, and so on. They're like the one that Mark from Queens encountered. Totally impervious to reason. Ready to scapegoat minorities and immigrants for all their troubles instead of recognizing the class angle.
I don't know how to get downwardly-moving, angry, high-school educated people to take time to listen to class analysis. The little free time they have is already colonized by talk radio, Christian fundamentalism, and sports.
You say that Trump voters do have class awareness. Do you have any ideas how genuine leftists (as opposed to the corrupt Democratic Party) could reach those voters?
Well, first of all,
There seem to be far too many on our side (broadly speaking) who simply dismiss these people as deplorables, like HRC did.
Both sides realize they are being screwed by the powerful. It would be fantastic if a new party could coalesce and replace all the Pelosis, the McConnells, etc.
I agree...
Generalites, like "our side", make it difficult to communicate in the shorthand that comments on a board are. So, please forgive the unavoidable generalities in my reply.
Yes, the genuine left used to support labor. It needs to get back to that. What has smashed labor is globalization and the bankers who lend the money for debt-leveraged buyouts and globalization. With globalization, first world workers are in direct competition with third world workers. That is the crux of the white ethnics' complaint. The Dems have folded like a cheap suit on globalization. Dem=neoliberal=anti-labor.
Another thing that has hurt labor is the increasing automation of all kinds of work. The problem is that workers, up to and including engineers, created that automation; but only the shareholders own the rights to profit from that automation. Basically, they have used labor to put chains on labor. Automation includes the internet which, via "apps" like Uber and Lyft, has knocked the bottom out of businesses that are legitimately regulated for public safety. Here, I think the white ethnics loathing of government is a mistake. The only way to protect people from corporate slavery is regulation.
So, a party of leftists and workers should be anti-globalization, in favor of heavily taxing or regulating automation (but I don't think a corporate-defined UBI is the way to do that).
That's my simple minded, off the top of my head take on this.
I was confronted by an angry RW zombie while strolling my kids
As many of you know I have a collection of politically confrontational t-shirts that I pretty much wear every day. On this occasion a couple of days ago I was wearing the Socialist Alternative shirt I bought outside of the Quaker Meeting House in Philly during the week of the DNC, incidentally when a handful of we C99ers met for a fun dinner and drinks at the venerable Khyber Pass. It is a play on the Drumpf dumbed-down fascist slogan. In the same lettering it says,"Make Socialism Great Again."
Was the first time in a long while though since something like this happened. I kind of relished it, taken by surprise. Because for the past few years walking around in Leftist shirts has gotten way more support and positive reaction than the contrary.
Anyway, this guy is doing his morning, running-up-the-stairs in the park when I see him and give a friendly wave. I've kind of taken to him because he kind of looks like an ex-football player on the Jets I liked, and when I put it out there in a way to see if he was him, he said he played college ball as a safety. The guy's in good shape, appeared kind and the type of person you might invite to a barbecue or something to hear his football war stories.
I notice he's not waving back but stops his workout and is looking at me. I notice he's wearing a cut-off grey Bud Light sweatshirt. He starts railing about Bernie Sanders owning 5 (?) houses, Soshulism and some other stuff. I start to tell him I don't think that's true, and how many does McCain own, 10, or maybe he doesn't know? Then he's off.
He's frothing rapid-fire about how socialism has killed 100 million people, Venezuela this, free market that, capitalism, blah blah blah. He's practically incoherent in his conditioned rage. Tells me he's 64, and after I tell him the banks and corporations own us all, he tells me he made 200 grand selling horses or something, that we've got the best healthcare system in the world, etc etc.
I begin to see a bad caricature of a completely duped RW fascist. He's spitting every old hack, tired cliche he's heard over decades of having listened to Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, Regean, Beck, Savage, etc. He spews every canard about Bad Socialism/Good Capitalism that it's laughable. Instead of dismissing him as the sad RW tool he appeared to be I told him that when he calms down I'd sit with him, for an hour and a half if he likes, to discuss this all. Could be my pure idealism and kind of liking the guy up to then (and having had success with another skeptic in the same park). We'll see how he is next time. He may fall into the older white male syndrome of being poisoned by relentless RW "patriotic" and fear-mongering propaganda and lost, like so many we know of.
There's so much to say about this all. It's a very interesting time. Which is why, electoral politics or not, I fully support those running for office who don't back away from fundamental Socialist platforms and principles. Changing The Narrative is one the key linchpins going forward, as far as I'm concerned.
Having calm, considered conversations with neighbors in your community could really change things. I'd add that the divisions might be too built up by the ugly hand of propaganda to even have the conversation. But if it is possible I would always suggest that, like I do myself, that my perceived adversary should also consider swearing off all corporate media forever. That might even be as good as any place to start. Just thinking about this though I know I'm a very impassioned guy and can easily meet aggressive bullshit with aggressive dismissal. It's a test. And I realize it's an opportunity to put into practice all the desire we have for coalescing a movement of the 99% being economically disenfranchised. Identity politics is the nemesis to this.
I'll end by saying I am really relishing the tag team meltdown of the Neoliberals and RW zoombies. They're literally scared shit of what's going on. The Emperor Has No Clothes. And they've got nothing too.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Good job.
Let us know if you and this guy ever talk rationally together. It could be interesting.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Well, if the 2020 nominee is Corey Booker
Howsomeever, I think the Dims are going to let Sanders be the nominee so he can loose and then they can say they gave "socialism" a chance and the electorate rejected it. That is no way to treat a revered elder, but then the present day Dim leadership cares nothing for decency.
Mary Bennett
Funny how their grand plans have a way of backfiring
Promoting Trump was supposed to allow HER an easy cruise into the White House, and look how that went down.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Corey Booker is a first class corporatist
When you look past all the personal grandstanding and virtue signaling, he is Wall St.'s boy. I wouldn't vote for him. He's another version of Obama - a black corporatist with a thin record that leans to the right.
Klobuchar is another corporatist:
If this is the best the Dems can do, I'm voting Green again. Screw the corporatists who stole my party.
I never said I like either one of them,
I shall probably be voting Green for years.
Mary Bennett
Thanks for that clarification
I get it that you are just informing me of the conventional wisdom. Thanks.
However, I can't resist commenting. Apologies.
Really, that's the strongest ticket? You may be right; but it would get killed. (Of course, two years of Trump shenanigans is plenty of time to turn the world upside down. But that can go either direction for Trump.)
The right will not go for another black guy, even one whose lips are welded to Wall St.'s ass. A lot of blacks might also be once burned, twice shy.
And a woman with almost zero name recognition, from Minnesota no less? If the Dems want to run a woman, they should run Elizabeth Warren. She has name recognition, she is a good debater, and she has a track record of trying to protect the public from Wall St.
Trump is about to slip the noose on Mueller's investigation. All the rabid Dems look like fools or knaves. If all of Trump's sanctions don't blow up the world economy or start a war, he may actually be able to claim that he improved America's domestic economy. Have the Democrats accomplished anything, or stood for anything except "we're not Trump" for the last two years?
For myself, I do not see any Democratic ticket being compelling other than not being Trump. The ones who have name recognition are compromised, corporatist fossils. The ones who don't are merely corporatists looking to strike it rich. It ain't FDR's party anymore.
Please do comment.
I can't pretend to know what the conventional wisdom might be. At this point I don't think the Dims have a winning ticket for 2020.
Warren is needed in the Senate, IMO, and I don't see her making a good impression in a national campaign. Too hectoring and schoolmarmish. Mind, I have high respect for her, but what states do you imagine she can carry? Booker is already running, or so it looks like to me, and is all around the country in Black neighborhoods, shoring up his base. Run a ticket of two East Coast urbanite types and I think the Midwest gets offended. What, don't we matter anymore? Klobuchar is from the Midwest, a known quantity there and much liked. I think she could be very competitive in Midwest battleground states.
At this point, I don't expect any Dim ticket to win in 2020, but a ticket seen as competent and competitive could bring reluctant Dems and independents to the polls, and be a great help in the down ballot races. The task for Progressives would be the same as this year, make sure our candidates win their primaries. RWs aren't going to vote for any Democrat because they think they have a winner already.
Mary Bennett
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Can you give me a cite on the $4k/yr corporate welfare?
I would love to be able to hand out the reference to that embarrassing fact.
I had success with someone who spouted rw talking points
He started off complaining about 'those people' who went to the hospital and got free care. I asked if he saw someone say that they couldn't afford to pay for their care and he said no ... but he heard about them. He then started talking about the other issues that people complain about when they talk about poor people and I went into my spiel about he's just repeating stuff that he's heard and ended with how the real welfare fraud that happens is corporate welfare. He listened to me for 45 and thanked me for telling him what was what.
So many people have been brainwashed into believing the Koch and GOP propaganda like unions are bad and that SS isn't going to be around for them so why should they have to pay into it, etc. That only blacks and minorities are on social programs and every one of them can actually work, but they're just too lazy ...
I used to not understand how people could be so blatantly blind to things and then Russia Gate happened. We keep getting hit with propaganda because it works.
Good luck with the guy. I hope that you have a chance to speak with him and he listens to your comments and doesn't just blow you off. The guy I spoke with said that he will start setting people straight when they repeat those things.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I’ve done this too.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Great comment, Mark
I find I can usually talk with right-leaning folks if I don't present myself out front as the enemy. Common ground is easy to find in alienation and disenfranchisement from the political system. If political issues arise I generally start with a dismissive comment about both parties, and bring up the corruption and dishonesty of most politicians. It's rare that an opening like that doesn't get agreement. Once we talk a bit about that -- and I show willingness to trash the Dems and Republicans equally -- I'll start to talk about my views of politics in general, and maybe mention my past support for Bernie. Coupled with more disparagement of phonies like Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama. Disagreement then is generally much more reasonable, and I'll ask about their views. Some probing questions about how their views support the corruption and disenfranchisement we opened with have often provoked surprising answers.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Heads stuck in the sand
What the morons don't see can't scare them. It's better for the machine to use their own flavor of fear.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
The propaganda machine failed
Socialism was the "trigger-word" (new phrase there, what do you think?) for the Cold War. Just say "socialism" and people are supposed to stop thinking, set their hair on fire, and run around in a panic.
After 9/11 the trigger-word was "terrorism". As in "we need to record all your emails because TERRORISM". Quit thinking and comply.
People under 40 aren't triggered by the word "socialism". It's just a word.
People like AOC correctly want to talk about policies, which are extremely popular. The propaganda machine is trying to close the barn door after the horses have run off and apply the socialist label to people and policies, then talk about the labels in the abstract. Pick a team, are you team Capitalist or team Socialist, then you have to oppose everything with a socialist label and never mention the policies themselves.
The reason the right was successful in demonizing the label "liberal" was that the liberals rallied to the defense of their label, instead of redirecting the discussion to the grand tradition of liberalism in America.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
trigger happy
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
You've all heard that Nazis are "socialists"...
My favorite is when regressive morons try to tell me that Hitler was a leftist because, national "socialism."
Yeah, and the People's Democratic Republic of North Korea is sooo "democratic," to say nothing of the "Democratic" party lol.
PDR-NK is a keeper. What a comeback! Thanks. n/t
East Germany was a Democratic Republic as well
Who knew that all you had to do was call yourself something?
Too simple
Facism was battling Communism in the post WWI Europe. They tried to coopt certain principles much like the Catholic Church took over the Pagan Sites and Holidays. They did nationalize many industries for the benefit of the "volk". " “A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage.“ Oh wait, that was here in the US...
And the common word is? What?
If religion is the opiate of the masses, politics is its pillow.
Take a look at this.
National Socialism (disambiguation)
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Not sure what you are trying to say
...but I'd be happy to analyze that list for you.
By the beginning of the 20th century, the Industrial Revolution was bringing to towns and cities a transformation that could not be avoided. People would leave the land and take jobs in factories. For the first time in history, the one secure means of survival, working the land, was transformed into more abstract and virtual work — the factory. The people gave up something they could touch and control and sustain themselves with for something that was nebulous — a job controlled by the actions of others, which they could lose for a variety of abstract reasons.
The idea of National Socialism came out of that as a movement toward fairness and security in this new world. The words "national socialism" is an oxymoron or a redundancy, now, but they had meaning for this earlier generation that hoped to survive in an economic construct that the world had never known before. The bottom line was this: If a worker lost their job, how would their families eat?
Simultaneously, another party emerged out of nowhere — Fascism. At some point in the early 20th century, just about every nation on earth, including the US, had an active Fascist Party. I have come to believe that the Fascist party was started by the Aristocracy as a backfire to the wage security issue that National Socialism addressed. Both Parties were predicated on the rise of Industry in the world. I believe the Fascist Party was also designed to sabotage the global rise of democracy, a concept that appalled the Aristocracy.
Then, things happened. The UN was established. Some political parties went away and new political parties that did the same things came along with different names. And before you know it, we were entering the 21st century. And people were still engaged in the same struggle: Trying to find a way to feed their families if they lost their jobs.
My point was
simply that it wasn't just Germany and the National Socialist that are sometimes described as "leftists", in general many co-opted the word Socialism for their political movements and many of the principles of governance (nationalization of industry, re-distribution of wealth, extensive social programs for health and welfare) in the attempt to sway/confuse those with a leaning to communist or socialist philosophy that they could be comfortable with them and achieve similar ends.
But thank you for offering to analyze a wiki list for me.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Your list, to me,
Myself, I thought socialism was merely pooling of money to pay for some public goods, like streets or schools or fire fighters/police.
Even Tucker, Hannity, and Ingraham are rabid capitalists who go all bug-eyed when talking about 'socialism.' Even though they decry some of the same situations we do, they see no connection between capitalism and the bad situations caused by capitalism. They must believe that socialism leads to mass murder or something.
Tucker just now said socialism killed millions of people. Where did this notion come from? His guest is saying that socialism now means something more benign, like helping each other out. Then Tucker talks about the bank bail-out....
I think Ed's point is a fair one
The Nazis claimed to be for the worker; but their "unions" were authoritarian. The first thing the Nazis did was to ban the Socialists and smash their unions, arrest their union leaders. Yes, the Nazis organized workers' holidays; but they were massive indoctrination sessions. Every minute of the vacation was scripted. No time to think. Just go to the propaganda lecture, then an hour at the beach, then another propaganda lecture. Meanwhile, Gestapo agents were noticing who said what in an unguarded moment.
The point is that "socialism" and "concern for the worker" were just words in the Nazi propaganda arsenal. They weren't socialists. They were corporatists.
Interesting points
This speaks to history I'm not familiar with. Did the German National Socialist party name harken back to the socialist reforms of the Bismarck years?
Please help support caucus99percent!
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Saw a Trump follower saying Hillary is a Socialist
I had to correct him, but I'm sure it's just a swear word to him.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Someone on
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
This is the problem
It's easy for Repugs to denigrate socialism (and communism btw) because our electorate, millennials and democrats are mostly illiterate, uneducated in political philosophy (or any philosophy in general) and stupid. Hey, what's Baby BooBoo up to on the TeeVee tonight?
Every time, when asked, Tom Perez, the Clinton Creature, Bernie, AOC and on and on cannot explain what the difference is between a Democrat, a Socialist, or a Democratic Socialist.
All they can do is to point to some small Scandinavian Country with the population of Houston and say see that works.
It's too easy since none of "our folks" have a f'g clue how to explain it to the populace. All the populace hears is the death tolls of Nazi Germany, Mussolini Itaty, Stalin Soviet Russia, Mao China, Cambodias Pol Pot, Castro Cuba, Chavez/Maduro Venezuela etc etc.
Until we solve/move past the death by government issue, none of this is happening in the "good ole" USA imho.
They have way to many scary guns...WOLVERINES!
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
I agree with everything but this
Millennial have no memory of the Cold War scare. They simply don't care about their parents' fears. Nor should they.
We could and should fight back against the right wing's spin on the history of socialism (like I did here, for example), but the kids are indifferent. They are living in the present and looking forward, like they should be.
OTOH, a clear articulation of socialism is absolutely necessary.
Well then it is an education failure
I was not alive in history long past, but I know it.
"Millennials have no memory" nor want one apparently . "Trump Sucks, just because.."
That's a basis for governing if I ever heard one.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
It is altogether possible
...that you are hovering over a dying ember. That world may have moved on. Sure, there are brain cells here and there firing on obsolete news drivers and freaking people out. But these are dying out fast, growing weaker and more irrelevant by the day.
There will always be attempted smear attacks. Some may fizzle.
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
The idea that history is irrelevant is one of the scariest things the corporatists have pushed over the last forty years. To not know how the Nazis took power and how that resembles what is being done today means entire generations are missing in action in the fight against corporatism.
My favorite quote along these lines was from the great historian, Eric Hobsbawm, who said:
History is part of our language. How can you call the Russiagate farce "neo-McCarthyism" if no one knows what McCarthy did? There are many other political shorthands that are very important to the left that are at risk of being lost. Meanwhile, the corporate business media and all the business schools pump out all the bullshit about the perfect market.
History is what refutes all the lies being told by the 1%. To lose history is to become defenceless.
Cicero said it first:
The "kids will work it out" only if they wake up and start studying history. Otherwise, as Cicero says, they will remain adult children as they are marched into a police state.
It's a feature, not a bug
It's like how the history of labor in America is no longer taught in school.
TPTB don't want people to know actual facts about socialism.
The kids will figure it out. Have faith.
But I can still remember
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
the death tolls of Nazi Germany, Mussolini Italy,
Stalin Soviet Russia, Mao China, Cambodias Pol Pot, Castro Cuba, Chavez/Maduro Venezuela etc etc.
For arguments sake, they hardly add up to the Mericun Empire death toll. At least all those other 'adjustments' are in the past. Our clever extinction process is just getting rolling with no end in sight. Explain that to your 'scared of commies' friends.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I'm sorry you are just not correct
Innocent deaths in the countries I mention exceed 100 million combined. Look it up yourself. Merica while certainly not innocent in the world is not even close especially within the borders of this country...
BTW, I don't have "scared of commie friends".
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Speak for yourself. I always check under my bed
Of course you are right
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
You are probably correct, but the mortality cost of
capitalism and its associated empire is pretty hard to calculate.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Where does everyone get that 100 million number? Oh, wait...]
[video:Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
re: RW canard of conflating Socialism with Nazism, etc.
I lack the requisite time at the moment to add fresh thoughts to this. But there was a troll here who last year was throwing around all manner of lame, classic RW propaganda machine BS.
For posterity, here's a comment I wrote in that thread about it.
And here's an explanations down thread:
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
These "free market" bastards have all but destroyed
our chances for survival. While the audience here at C99% already understand this, seems the gullible masses would rather go along with the 'profit over people' meme. Because it is less stress on the thinking process, or some such. Showee shebangers.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare