An Open Letter to Bernie
An Open Letter to Bernie Sanders: ‘No Bernie, It Wasn’t the Russians’
“Instead of defending yourself and standing up for your supporters, you choose to play along with the scam accept this most outrageous narrative and in the process give credence to the lie that people spoke against the establishment in 2016 because they were gullible guppies who were manipulated by Russia.”
I write this article on behalf of Bernie’s legions of supporters and the millions of Americans who put their faith in someone who spoke against the iniquities that are ravaging our nation and our planet as a whole.
Bernie, it was your decision to speak against this consolidated graft that is cratering society that captured the imagination of the disaffected and gave people hope that their voices could be heard above the cash extortion that dominates our government.
Instead of continuing your rebellion against the establishment and speaking against the corrosive nature of our politics, you are charting a course towards irrelevance by jumping on this cockamamie #Russiagate narrative. Here is what I don’t get about your decision to glom on to this most ridiculous assertion that 12 Russians had more impact on our elections than the billions of dollars that are spent by corporations and plutocrats to bend elected officials like pretzels. The insinuation the punditry is making is that Americans were duped to vote against their own self-interests because they refused to vote for Hillary Clinton.
Never mind that Hillary was one of the most divisive and disliked politician to run for president in modern American history. Never mind that the DNC essentially
cheatedrigged the primaries to ensure her victory at your expense. Instead of focusing on the structural and systematic flaws that render our votes irrelevant, fingers are pointed at a manufactured villain halfway around the world in order to distract from the fact that our elections have been hijacked by moneyed interests and entrenched leeches who are sucking the citizenry dry
....You had the following and the prominence to make a dent in this wall of malfeasance that is drowning our governance and exacerbating social inequalities in the process. Sadly, instead of leading a revolution against a most insidious duopoly that has monopolized the ballot boxes and commandeered our government, you chose to cast your lot with the cackling warmonger from Chappaqua who loves Wall Street as much as she craves power.
Instead of defending yourself and standing up for your supporters, you choose to accept this most outrageous narrative and in the process give credence to the lie that people spoke against the establishment in 2016 because they were gullible guppies who were manipulated by Russia.
The ending is brilliant!
In the process, you tarnish your own legacy by insinuating that your supporters chose you not because they believed in your message but because they were deluded by Russians.
This comes from The Way of the Bern

I wish someone would ask Bernie
If he is now or has ever been a Russian agent. Because I don’t understand how he can push this nonsense without having it blow back on him and his campaign. Hell, I remember during the primaries there was that whole brouhaha where they tried to accuse his campaign of hacking some DNC server (which they hadn’t.) That was even before RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA but it’s not a leap to go there. No way he’s so daft to not see a similarity.
The cynical part of me thinks this is all a game so TPTB can say “even that radical socialist Bernie Sanders thinks Russia tipped the election” but these days, I don’t even know what to think.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
This is not a game for them
This was created for various reasons and we keep finding out new ones. First off I think it was to make people think that Russia is the boogeyman that they have said it was and something has to be done about it. This is why they say that Russia attacked the country and it's just as bad as 9/11 was. Thank gawd they didn't kill anyone this time, though that might still be in the works.
Internet censorship was another gift of Russia Gate. The democrats only talking about it and not talking about the many issues that people want fixed. Getting people to focus on Russia's actions and not the fact that republicans are destroying every legislation of Obama's that was to take effect after he left office. The media isn't covering the way that Russia is being surrendered with military equipment and troops in countries that border Russia. I'm sure that I've left out the other things that is happening that this is meant to distract us from. But it's working. Feel free to add the things I've missed.
"Russia has WMDs and we have to make sure that they can't use them" isn't going to work again, so they came up with a new plan to tell us that we have to go to war because our country is in imminent danger from the thugs of Russia.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
2003: "Iraq has WMDs, and we have to make sure they don't use them!"
"Russia has WMDs, and we have to make sure they use them!"
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
CONSIDER this an SOS, please!
sadly, this thread may be about to end, but if i post a shell of a diary that might be called:
'Duncan Campbell claims he’s convinced Bill Binney and Ray McGovern that the DLC emails were HACKED not LEAKED', (and 'the russians' did it) could you all help out on it? i'm a tech dunce, and these charges have huuuuuge implications...if true. no one's heard from binney or mcgovern, and i went back to consortium news for mGovern's june update on the VIPS position and grabbed a couple other of his links.links.
it does stick in my mind that thomas drake had a dissenting view, perhaps some of you may remember. i could also DM a few folks who might be able to grasp some of the tech-geekier stuff (it's loaded) or even if not possessing that skill, good analytical skills...i lack.
what i just read has me reeling, i admit. and i wish we could hear from binney and mcgovern for verification.
their websites and twit accounts are pretty much the same, and neither have anything about it, nor does craig murray. SUGGESTIONS?
yes, here it is at the nation august 9, 2017:
“We have also learned since publication, from longtime VIPS member Thomas Drake, that there is a dispute among VIPS members themselves about the July 24 memo. This is not the first time a VIPS report has been internally disputed, but it is the first time one has been released over the substantive objections of several VIPS members. With that in mind, we asked Drake and those VIPS members who agree with him to present their dissenting view. We also asked VIPS members who stand by their report to respond.
In presenting this follow-up, The Nation hopes to encourage further inquiry into the crucial questions of how, why, and by whom the DNC e-mails were made public—a matter that continues to roil our politics. We especially hope that other people with special expertise or knowledge will come forward.”
'A letter from dissenting members of VIPS, a reply from VIPS, and the results of our independent review’
yeppers, they agree with a lot of what campbell has ‘discovered’ including ‘adam carter and the forensicator’s’ altering the time stamps, and the goofs he’d/they’d made along the way.
I'm not sure what you are asking for
As you stated both articles are from last year and I haven't been able to find anything more current. My brain is dealing with some other stuff right now and has shut down for the night. I'm sure that the smoke in the air isn't helping. Just got back from our walk and it's bad out there. I smell like I've been sitting around a campfire. The mountains trap smog and smoke in the valley especially during winter. Yuck. Our air quality then is the worst in the country. But other times Ogden is a beautiful place to live.
The peak on the left is Ben Lomond which you will recognize as the logo in Parmount films.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
it looks like a lovely place to live, and yes: the smoke is
hard to endure here, too. red sky at morn', red suns setting.
but it looks as though you did find my dark news on assange at wsws and telesur english somewhere on this thread; good.
okay, let me start over, i took a shortcut reckoning this thread was a dead one. cliffs notes: ‘Without Integrity: The Debunking of the Metadata Debunkers ‘, July 31, 2018, Marcy wheeler,
“But the core of [John] Campbell’s debunking (and the basis of his success at persuading Binney and McGovern, to the extent he did) pertains to the Forensicator effort to claim that certain files released in September 2016 proved that Russia couldn’t have done the hack because they had been copied in the Eastern time zone. Campbell shows that shows that the data behind the Forensicator effort had been adopted uncritically by Leonard and his allies, and that the most obvious conclusion based on the evidence is that hackers manipulated the timestamps of these files, and only these files.”
quoting Campbell:
“The files were manipulated using an unusual method of file packing, forensic checks show. Because of computer clock settings, the packing operations appeared to have created “evidence” that the stolen files had been copied in the US Eastern Time zone, which includes Washington.” [snip]
“This dual compression method was unique to the London documents. It was not used in other file dumps released by Guccifer 2.0, WikiLeaks or other publishers of stolen DNC material. The special method used two different file compression systems, 7zip and WinRAR, and required using a four-year-old, superseded version of WinRAR to obtain the required result. The way the Russians did it, the two compression operations appeared to overlap within a single 20-minute period. The tampering may have been done on 1 September, a week before the London conference. [snip]
The obvious, simple explanation was that hackers were manipulating computer clock settings. The observed changes would have taken seconds.”
now i'll note that wheeler's commentariat was buffaloed enough by the tech explanations, psueds that the diary has only 16 comments even now, some of them just bmaz pit-bulling 'trolls'. but what i wondered is if i put up some of the easier parts in a diary, would folks who might know a lot more be able to agree, disagree, cry bullshit, etc. now it be complicated, of course, and deconstructing the VIPS opinion/s might be too wide a river styx for most here to want to cross, given our collective dedication to their seemingly sensible and expert opinions. but for thomas drake and that group saying why they think the others have gotten it wrong.
i just started on a scott ritter piece marcy had linked to in one of her: 'see, knew all along and i can prove it' hyperlinks. anyway....any opinion?
Is this
the Scott Ritter piece you are reading? I think this is a good one.
But wendy, in answer to your concerns about the possible debunking of VIPS, I think for people like me who can't in fact understand the technical evidence that's presented by both sides, the credibility of each side has to be the deciding factor, the fact that the individuals on one side have blatantly, fervently, slam-dunkedly lied us into war before, killing millions of innocent people whose lives meant nothing to them other than to demonstrate to us that human lives mean nothing to them, that trillions of dollars in private contracting has happened that would otherwise not have happened, and that their actors have been caught deciding who would be in the government of Ukraine after the coup, all of this tells me who's lying. Technical data that I don't understand is only as valuable to me as the credibility of the people who are using it.
just 4 now, as i'm under time pressure,
it's not, but i copied the link; it was this long one i haven't gotten back to. 'It's Time to Reassess the Roles Played by Guccifer 2.0 and Russia in the DNC ‘Hack’, july 28, truthdig
and yet here's ritter on the list of those dissenting with the majority report of the VIPS. 'A Leak or a Hack? A Forum on the VIPS Memo'; A letter from dissenting members of VIPS, a reply from VIPS, and the results of our independent review, the nation
scroll down to:
'When Facts Are Not Facts, by Thomas Drake, Scott Ritter, Lisa Ling, Cian Westmoreland, Philip M. Giraldi, and Jesselyn Radack
somehow it's all about the dates of the various opinion pieces, or it may be. more later as i can, but i do see why your bottom line is: who does one trust?
Thank you, wendy.
This is very exciting stuff by Ritter, and I hope if you have time you will start an essay and discussion about it.
I have only read one of your links, but it is powerful. NOTE that it is from a year ago. As far as I can understand it, Ritter is not arguing with the VIPS position on the falsity of the mainstream/intelligence assertions as much as he is saying their forensics do not prove the Guccifer 2.0 materials were leaks.
This paragraph exemplifies some of what Ritter is saying. I have emphasized a key part in bold type:
What he is saying is something I have long felt was likely, especially because Assange has said the leaker was someone who had legal access to the material, that the leaker of the DNC emails could have been an outraged DNC staff member, but it could also have been someone in law enforcement, like the FBI, or someone in the NSA, as the NSA "legally" monitors everyone. Ritter's article is very compelling and requires close reading.
thanks for reading it,
and i'll read it again w/ fresh eyes again. way too much reading w/ so little comprehension over the past two days, but i thought he was arguing both sides, arrrgh.
i may just create a shell w/ cliffs notes, that in itself will be a hella lotta words and links, let people analyze any or all of it. ordinarily, my credo is 'it's better to know than to not know', but this uns a sticky wicket. but it won't matter a whit to julian's (likely walking dead) fate.
i'll stick the NZ parliament petition here, add it to the new thread. what would jacinda ardern do? remembering NZ is an nsa 'five eyes' partner. of course.
second reply:
from amabssadaor craig murray again:
"I had a call from a Guardian journalist this afternoon. The astonishing result was that for three hours, an article was accessible through the Guardian front page which actually included the truth among the CIA hype:
'The Kremlin has rejected the hacking accusations, while the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has previously said the DNC leaks were not linked to Russia. A second senior official cited by the Washington Post conceded that intelligence agencies did not have specific proof that the Kremlin was “directing” the hackers, who were said to be one step removed from the Russian government.
Craig Murray, the former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, who is a close associate of Assange, called the CIA claims “bullshit”, adding: “They are absolutely making it up.”
“I know who leaked them,” Murray said. “I’ve met the person who leaked them, and they are certainly not Russian and it’s an insider. It’s a leak, not a hack; the two are different things.
“If what the CIA are saying is true, and the CIA’s statement refers to people who are known to be linked to the Russian state, they would have arrested someone if it was someone inside the United States.
“America has not been shy about arresting whistleblowers and it’s not been shy about extraditing hackers. They plainly have no knowledge whatsoever.”
also from ritter's july 28, 2017 analysis:
“The analysis contained in the VIPS memorandum contradicts such an assertion. Unfortunately, this conclusion is not supported by the data. I reached out to the forensic analysts who conducted the analysis of the metadata in question. They have stated that there is no way to use the available metadata to determine where the copying of the data was done. In short, one cannot state that this data proves Guccifer 2.0 had direct access to the DNC server or that the data was located in the DNC when it was copied on July 5, 2016. These same analysts also note that the July 5 date that is pervasive on the metadata probably overwrote all prior modification times, meaning it is impossible to ascertain if there were any prior copy operations.
The VIPS memorandum also speaks of the insertion of “telltale” signs into data copied from the DNC server designed to implicate Russia. I have reached out to the analysts responsible for this assertion, and it appears that they mistakenly attributed actual document manipulation from an earlier date to the July 5 data transfer event. This in no way minimizes the seriousness of the underlying charge—other credible cyber-investigators have proved such data insertion on documents previously published by Guccifer 2.0 on June 15, 2016. Metadata analysis of several Word documents related to that release clearly shows that the contents of at least four documents were cut from the original document and then pasted into a Word template specifically set up for the Cyrillic alphabet, and which showed document attribution, in the Cyrillic alphabet, to “Felix Edmundovich,” the first name and patronymic of the founder of the Soviet intelligence service.
This cut-and-paste activity was conducted after the documents were accessed by Guccifer 2.0, which means Guccifer 2.0, for no practical reason whatsoever, manipulated documents in a way that created the impression of a Russian connection at the same time he was denying any such link."
They started this smear against him with the "Russian Honeymoon"
crap that he now apparently agrees with. If his "Just believe the narrative" doesn't work, I half expect a heavily foundationed Bernie to explain that he was personally a Puppet of Putin, and it's a good thing that none of his family had any knowledge of this, because if they had, they'd of course also be facing the treason Charges...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Doesn't matter, Bernie still
the most popular politician in America, still draws Yuuuge crowds.
And while I mostly agree with the piece, Bernie Still one of the few Dims I'd vote for.
Nope, he's not going to back away from the DNC corporate message, but he's still a bluer candidate than most (if not all) Dims, and blue is a better place to be. And he very likely gets my vote in 2020 regardless of whether or not he runs. Still feeling the bern!
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
You have the right to vote for whoever you want
But I'm curious as to why you would vote for someone who is lying to you and helping the country go down a dangerous path?
This is a good place to post some of what is in the cackling warmonger article.
(Off topic and the author doesn't mention Her by name, but I like what he wrote about why it's a bad idea to worship politicians who don't ever stop to think about how their political decisions affect us. I'm pretty sure that if it was Trump or any other republican had been the one who lost the election that people would laugh their asses off if they blamed it on outside interference. So why do they believe that the only way Hillary could have lost was because Russia? People were warning her that she needed to pay attention to the 3 states she lost. She instead went to another fundraiser in California even though it was so close to the election and they were going to vote for her. People see Hillary and Barry and Bernie as the people that they think they are and not as who they actually are. How else could they be okay with all the war crimes they committed?)
She’s Not With You: Tokenism and Empty Symbolism Does Not Represent US
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
One has to wonder
(1) what do they have on Bernie or (2) has he been threatened, or (3) worse, was he always this way? My uneducated guess is that it is a combination of 2 and 3 with the greater weight on 2.
But I honestly do not know any more.
All I do know is that Bernie has tarnished his legacy with this voter. Instead of choosing to back his supporters, he chose to continue to be a part of the system that he has railed against. Bernie, you cannot have it both ways.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
We will never know why he is doing this
Could he have been a sheepdawg the whole time? Yes he told people the truth about the democrats and he offered people things that they have wanted for a long time. But he had to know that the PTB would never allow him to win. So he got people who had walked away from the DP after Obama betrayed them to come back to vote for him. And after he lost the primary there would be a good chance that people would vote for her. Especially when Trump was the alternative. Just one more way to get people to vote for the lesser of two evils. And it worked. Many of Bernie's supporters did vote for Her. Cynical? Yup. But by looking at what he is doing now it makes sense to me. has the plan backfired some? We'll see next election.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Totally agree but I
just don't care.
But I think it's 1 or 2 for what it's worth.
And I think, too, that most voters just don't give a fuck about Russia; those that do believe the b.s. are mostly Hillbots who totally believe HRC was robbed becuz there is No Way she could lose to dRump. Or Bernie. Or anybody else. Becuz Her is the bestest!
As for Bernie taking the country over a cliff or to the verge of war (for buying in to the Russia b.s.)... It's going to be almost impossible to do that with less than 1% of Americans buying the bull$h!t (Gallop Poll). This ain't 2002 with George Dubya and his WMD. People have seen the 9/11 b.s., mostly believe it to be an "inside job" of one sort or another, not as "trusting" of The Gov't as they were in 2002. And why would I vote for a Bernie that lied to us, lies to us?? Who don't?? Bernie has his reasons, and I believe they're directly tied to 1 and 2. He's Not stupid, surely knows what's going on. So... has to be 1 or 2 in my less-than-humble opinion. I do not believe Bernie is so stupid or so gullible as to buy the R-gate b.s. or the DNC b.s. surrounding his 2015-'16 run. Regardless, has my vote.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Executive summary: Bernie’s playing 11-dimensional chess
because reasons. So we needn’t worry our pretty little heads about it. He’s got this!
Or I simply don't
buy the hyperbole
that Bernie is taking us to the brink of war becuz he, too, spouts off that "Russia!" did something. Weird, but I somehow don't feel any less secure with the dRumpster in charge and Bernie leading us to the very brink of war than I did with O'bummer in charge.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
you believe it's all gulf gal's #1 and #2
with all due respect, i see that as a totally irrational position. for one thing, all he'd have to do is shut up, not run, and so on. for another, it's what soooo many obomba cult of personality pundits and commenters said, and still say: 'he was under the gun; he had to obey wall street, the deep state, pull his punches, make grand bargains!" when he ran for reelection they said the same thing when asked about their former theses: "they'll kill his family if he doesn't run!"
so with his mandate claimed, he committed evil beyond evil all over the planet, deported millions of undocumented immigrants and kept women and chirren in cages, did nothing for main street, created the self-same unitary executive herr hair uses now, and created the greatest wealth disparity since the golden age in amerika. dunno if T has changed that or not due to political bias in 'facts', but still...
@gulfgal98 1 and 2, emphasis on 2.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Bernie understands the true nature of American politics
He understands that there are lines that cannot be crossed. Foreign policy is not controlled by elected officials. The American electorate have ZERO control over how and why the US Deep State operates. He understands how the system works.
Despite the revelation from the leaked DNC emails (yes, these were leaked by an insider - most likely Seth Rich who paid with his life) Bernie sucked Hillary's ass and gave her the popular vote. We watched this shit going down in real time.
Fuck the asshole! He would be no better then Obomber was. No matter who you vote for, you will only get what the PTB decide. The American public have to be the most brainwashed people in the entire world.
The election of Trump was an anomaly that backfired and sank Hillary's ship. That fact that she couldn't beat him shows just how pissed off Americans are with their government.
The fucking Dim Dems are doubling down on their shit. Watch them get their asses kicked in the midterms. Every single person I speak to in my circle of friends (all long time leftists) are moving to the right just to express their dissatisfaction with the status quo.
Bernie can go fuck himself!!!!!!!
I don’t understand that strategy.
“Every single person I speak to in my circle of friends (all long time leftists) are moving to the right just to express their dissatisfaction with the status quo.”
Moving right for the sake of expressing dissatisfaction seems to me like a very punitive response, and since I don’t believe punishment is an effective means of creating positive change, I question that strategy.
I'm sure that strategy makes oligarchs like the Kochs happy
They definitely prefer that we diss Bernie.
Beware the bullshit factories.
So sad,
that you might be right. Dissing is not the same as dissenting. It's a lazy response.
It's called "cutting off your nose to spite your face"
and it's a very stupid, very common, very human reaction to extreme disappointment.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Cutting one's losses
is not the same as "cutting one's nose off". Bernie lost my support and my respect a long time ago. Obama taught me not to be bamboozled again.
Here's Bernie subtly whitewashing Hillary at the DNC convention. If you remember, he painted her with HIS talking points from HIS campaign by "Hillary Clinton understands", "Hillary Clinton recognizes", "Hillary Clinton listens".
Do you really believe Hillary fulfilled the following? I don't. Those were Bernie's talking points which he graciously draped her Heinous at the convention.
Here he passes HIS torch:
You don't pass my support around like a plate of chopped liver to people I don't care to dine with.
Bernie Sanders was just a fluffer for Hillary Clinton.
@CB Actually,
I don't think Bernie was a pre-planned opening band for Hillary Clinton; I think nobody, Bernie included, thought his campaign was going to offer Hillary Clinton a real challenge. The response to his words probably both moved him and terrified him. He didn't go into this betting on a life-and-death political struggle with the Clinton machine.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Dunno, I think dissing
I agree
Thanks for the clarity.
We did not move away from the Dims
They moved away from us, especially with their over-the-top concentration on identity politics they have erroneously labelled as "progressive". They are still playing this game and will continue as long as the old guard is in control. Hillary's identity politics gave rise to both antifa and SJW, two Dim movements that are, in truth, antithetical to each other. Both groups would realize this if they dared to open their ears and minds.
If you have followed politics for a half century you would understand "left" and "right" as well as "progressive" and "conservative" have meaning only in reference to each other. A liberal in the 1950's would be today's conservative.
The majority of Americans fit in the center, holding a combination of progressive and conservative views - call them progressive conservatives. They want a combination of both socialism and capitalism. Unfortunately, the Dims made liberalism a dirty word by trying to usurp it. No thinking person could ever identify Hillary as a true liberal without wearing a rather large set of blinders.
What pisses me off about Bernie is that he was originally brought in as a fluffer for Hillary's flaccid campaign and he knew this. Nobody, including Bernie, expected him to get the Dim nomination - that wasn't in the stacked deck of cards that the Dims were playing. When Bernie managed to give the Dim's campaign a considerable erection (so to speak), the puppet masters in the DNC had to start cooling down the situation. The fluffer was now outperforming the porn star. Bernie had to get off the set and go limp in order to make the star look better. Unfortunately for Hillary and the DNC, the truth had became clear. Hillary had lost her appeal. She had passed her "use by" date.
I'm really hating the term progressive.
“When I use a word,
it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less."
@CB I don't believe in
What center are we talking about? The center of what? What do we mean by "center" or "centrist?" Is this just a shitty DC way of saying "majority opinion?" If we're talking about the middle of the bell curve, shouldn't we just say "majority?"
But we can't say "majority," because if we did, we'd have to look at what the majority actually believes, which is not some fictional midpoint between the talking points of the Republicans and the Democrats.
I'm not mad at you, CB; this is just a hot button for me. I really hate the narrative games that are being played with the terms left, right, and center.
As Alan Grayson once said, "So that's what passes for centrist these days."
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I find your porn analogies disturbing.
@janis b I question the strategy
I'd be fine with punishing the powerful if I could figure out how to do it.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
@CB I won't support any
I get why your friends feel the way they do, but ultimately, voting for Jesse Ventura to show the establishment you're pissed off does nothing but enrich Jesse Ventura.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Who and what is the greatest threat to Americans?
In that
Seemed to fit;
As one colleague in the Russian media wrote me recently, “I just don’t understand how Americans can tolerate all of this. Even if I was not a journalist, having more insight than others, I would not take the risk you did by travelling to the US. There are so many interesting things in the US, so many places to go, so much history, but authorities make it difficult for American cit
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Why now? And what's the purpose?
Remember last year when Glen Ford of BAR wrote "Why Bernie Sanders is an imperialist pig."? I also wrote a couple essays posted here that pointed out his support for U.S. imperialism, highlighting his statements against Russia among other things.
I don't get it.
Yes, BA why now?
OT :
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
good on dennis, and thanks for bringing that.
i remember going to the 'our revolution' website and seeing the group implying that kucinich was running under their banner. turns out they were just aspiring to that?
i mean this is a man who ran for prez with a plank of creating a cabinet level department of peace, for cryin' in a barrel. then liberals disavowed him totally after obomba had him up in air force one to discuss 'single payer' v. ObombaDontCare' on the trip back from wherever, (we imagined w/ a threat of dropping him out of the lane w/o a parachute. kucinich caved, end of the story for dennis.
Really miss teh crazy guy talking sense and practicalities
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Bernie might be doing this crap
so they don't turn their guns on him. Not that Bernie has anything to hide, but it would not be surprising if they made up some stupid stuff to, I dunno, try to dog his next Presidential campaign?
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
@Cassiodorus That might be the least
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Bernie is the first revolutionary I know
to align with the PTB against revolution.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Great point.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
The founding fathers feared hanging
Revolutionaries would rather be dead than live under oppression.
This is the "suggestion" of a revolution.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Well, there *was* Benedict Arnold
Nobody knows who had what on him, either, but after having done as much as any other military leader (and more than some) to benefit the American cause, he abruptly turned his coat and fought for the other side.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Damn. This is another of those short, sharp,
right-on-the-money comments that make me want to log in under another pseudonym in order to give two thumbs up!
Truth be told, Bernie is more a fluffer than he is a revolutionary.
It's like real estate,
I'm nominating it for top comment
Do we do that here?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
@on the cusp Bernie is meant to
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
It all boils down to one sentence.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
What frigging revolution are you all talking about?
In my mind it would be a revolution if you all (Democrats and Republicans and all those others) would have the will to change your constitution and electoral college with an amendment and get your article V convention going to do it. All I remember having been said about it, is that you are scared to do it, because something worse than you have now could come out of it.
You have no democratic system, no democratic election system. Even some dummy Germans got that. Nobody here understands why Obama is more at fault than GWBush or Bill Clinton. Here they defend Obama saying he had no chance to implement his campaign promises. I don't know how to answer this.
People attack me here and say I should read the newspapers. Yeah, right, so thanks, folks, outside the US they don't care about your inside quarrels and blaming this one or that one more than that one or this one.
Who cares whom you blame and for what, outside your world? But it is outside your world that YOUR bombs are falling, without risking one drop of blood yourself in your own country, as most of your weapons are remotely controlled.
How scared people in Europe are about Russian influence depends on whom you ask in Europe and where they come from, especially in Eastern European countries.
In the mind of elderly American politicians that's the only thing they have in their minds, socialists bad, communists more bad, Russia always bad, so that worked in the past so it must work in the future. May be at least you let some younger folks take over so that we don't have to listen to the same kabuki theater wording again. Though within no time they sound the same as the elder ones, anyway.
I can understand Glen Ford. He wrote this in 2003 Barefoot, Sick, Hungry and Afraid: The Real U.S.Policy in Africa
So, what? You can't understand Glen Ford's anger? May be you do, if the US military bombs would fall in your own front yards? Not the Russian bombs, mind you, your own.
I need some cliff notes from you.
1. Why is Bill Clinton a bigger liar than GWBush
2. Why is GWBush a worse liar than Bill Clinton
3. Why is Obama the worst of all liars, even worse than Bill Clinton or GWBush
4. Why is H Clinton the most disliked and hated liar more than all her male co-runners.
5. Why is Trump less a liar than all the rest from 1. - 5.
Cliff notes, please. I need to hand them out at the Berlin Brandenburg Gate, so my fellow Germans get your line of thoughts.
Ok, here's my answers.
1. Bill Clinton is a bigger liar than Bush because he consistently attacked and bombed other countries, just like Bush, but was sneaky and underhanded about it. Had Clinton been Running the show after 9/11 we still would have invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, but the actions would have been ONLY what was needed to turn the two countries into American "democracies". Essentially Clinton would have bribed the Taliban and Hussein, or quietly started killing the leaders until they were amicable to bribery.
2. GWBush is not a bigger liar than Clinton. He was quite honest about his motivations of profit and handing out contracts to his buddies. (Halliburton is still a synonym for corruption. Not a smart move, and probably pissed off quite a few of his corporate buddies, who were quite willing to let him and Darth Cheney take the hit for it.)
3. Obama bald faced lied every single day, and yet started the trend of his followers defending his lies as truth. If it hadn't been for the Obamabots constantly defending everything as "Strategy" and "11th Dimensional Chess" we wouldn't have the tactic considered acceptable. He was the Gaslighter in chief, and just put a Rainbow happy face on Dictatorship.
4. Hillary Clinton is a combination of Obama and Bush. She lies and her followers immediately use Obama gaslighting tactics to convince us that "No, you're crazy, and just hate her and it's just because she's a woman". She's everything bad about Bill, and I hated him the first time around. She's a censor, a war monger and a damn liar. She is the archetypal politician, and I can't stand her because of that.
5. Trump is just as much a liar as everybody else. The only difference is that he gets CALLED on his lies by the MSM, who would run interference for everybody else on this list.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
thanks, so all are the same, just the msm
treatss Trump differently than the others. Wonderful. End of story. It's history. Why should we waste our time about the past. Doesn't make any sense to me. When I started to understand Obama and saw what kind of "great constitutional scholar" he was not, I gave up.
So, now the next set of cliff notes:
1. What is the most important thing you would want to change in the structures of your political system?
2. How do you believe you could achieve that change?
For me it would be the same as it was 15 years ago. Change the Electoral College, change campaign finance system. Get a parliamentary system with proportional representation. No more shenanigans with gerrymandering and Super Delegates all that stuff. Professor Lessig tried to do a campaign on it. I have no nerves to listen in
Enforce an article V convention on it. With mass protest and occupation of the Congress/Capitol in DC and in all 50 states. As they would certainly been shot at if they did, it's up to any single person to decide if it worth doing or not. There you have your revolution, bloody and dangerous.
Otherwise I rather go fishing and get a cool beer.
Another good couple questions.
The first thing I'd want to change in the system would be land reform. After that, most other options become much more manageable. As it is, we need serious addressing of the issues of the unemployed and homeless, immediately. That means High taxation on the Rich, low cost housing, and jobs that pay enough to live in that housing. In addition, the housing needs to be part of land reform, ensuring that every citizen has a stake in the country's DEFENSE not Offense.
That's the First thing I want addressed.
As to how? Try to live it as well as I can, with who I can. I'm disengaging from the mores of society as much as I can, and doing what I can to help those around me. Which means trying to live my ideals, and give freely of my work to those who need it. If it's unwanted, oh well, but I'm working every single day and that means a lot to me, where time was I'd simply hide and not do anything.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
To get those things
you will need a time machine to go back to the fifties and sixties.
What changed in later part of sixties and seventies?
Good Morning Vietnam
Greed Is Good (1987)
rental prices attached to minimum wage earners income
could possibly cause a fairer real estate and rental market. When you talk about land reform, what exactly do you mean by that?
Here just a simple thought I had:
If a person earns minimum wage and works 8-10 hours a day, he/she would make $15,080.00 Minimum Wages. In HI is the current hourly minimum wage $10.10, so they make $21,008.00
With those salaries in mind there should be a law that any person who lives alone and earns minimum hourly wages working fulltime (there should be a law that every worker, who gets paid minimum wage, must be offered fulltime hours) will not be asked to pay more than 25 percent of his monthly income it.
Attached to that law there should be a related law for landlords. They should not be allowed to rent out a studio with own kitchenette, own bath, and parking space, for more than 25 percent of the monthly minimum wage income. That would be $ 525.14 and that should include utilities and no extra co-op fees for example in HI. This should be for ANY rental unit and not only subsidized housing developments. If you have a mansion and rent out a room with your own bath and kitchenette it should be the same. No segregation into rich folks housing areas and poor folks areas.
If that could be law of a state, homelessness wouldn't exist, as long as the homeless are healthy and willing enough to work.
I also was wondering why one can't limit the amount of land an investor can buy.
I just think that land prices and rental prices need to be controlled and investors who buy up land must be controlled in how much profits they could make out of the houses they build on it and the rental units they include.
well, it would work in mimi's mind ... which is really a super duper deal even Trump would like ... heh ... now we are talking... /s
@mimi If I could do
End the CIA, the NSA, and the supposedly fifteen other intelligence agencies. Also the Department of Homeland Security. Take the top four layers of leadership off the top of the FBI and replace them with whistleblowers and lower-ranked agents. Also remove the top three or four layers of leadership from every police department in the U.S. and replace them with new graduates from police academies, while also recruiting retired police who believe in human rights and the concept of a republic as advisors. While you're at it, reform the training of police altogether, and create a system which screens out neo-Nazis.
Next, smash every voting machine in the country. Go back to pencil and paper and hand counts. Those of us who are able-bodied and sighted can help those who have disabilities. We don't need Diebold's crap technology nor should we trust it.
Third, everyone leave the parties in the fetid garbage pile of history.
Fourth, mint a people's currency.
Fifth, re-assert the Bill of Rights as the cornerstone of our legal system.
I like the idea of checks and balances and division of powers. It is elegant. But, sixth,
Fuck the Constitution. We need a new system based on the Bill of Rights, not a system which makes the Bill of Rights a postscript.
Seventh, bring back the commons.
Eighth, create workers' cooperatives that run the factories. Given that we have almost no factories,
Ninth, rebuild the Rust Belt. This should be much easier with a currency that functions independent of the banks.
Tenth, re-skill our people. For 8-10, we will probably need help from outside our borders, because we have been the subject of a cultural Blitzkrieg for forty-five years.
Eleventh, fix the goddamned education system. That could be an essay in itself.
I could go on and on.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
if you run on that, I follow... /nt
@mimi "What do you want?"
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
bad sound ...
the frigging sound technician did such a bad job, that even with the highest volume on
my laptop I can't understand what is being said.
Sorry. Not important too. Just forget it.
@mimi But it is outside your
I guess they are my bombs, in the sense that I don't have the guts to withhold my taxes and get put into a U.S. jail for doing so--after having essentially announced myself as an opponent of the U.S. political system. It would be fun to be in one of their prisons after spitting in their eye.
Therefore I pay taxes, because I don't want to be imprisoned by these monsters, and they spend the money on...whatever the fuck they want; they seem to particularly like death and torture.
That's the connection between me and those bombs. It's the only connection. It's the only connection for most people.
So basically, what you're saying is that I'm bad because I'm not willing to put myself at the mercy of the same monsters who are hurting and killing others. I should shake my tiny fist at them, try and withhold my taxes, and then get thrown into jail, probably as an enemy non-combatant after they read the stuff I've written. While I'm there, getting treated--who knows how--they will go after my assets and claim them, getting their blood money anyway. Unless of course I've managed to offshore my assets into someplace like the Grand Cayman Islands, but I'm not sure that's open to someone who isn't a billionaire.
If we all shook our tiny fists together and withheld our taxes, they'd probably declare martial law and seize as many of our assets as they want, receiving their blood money and continuing to bomb the shit out of people.
If, somehow--God knows how--we managed to actually keep our money and assets out of their hands, they'd turn to their billionaire best friends in the banking and energy industries and get private financing for the bombs they're dropping.
But enjoy your rant. I'm enjoying it too; it makes me feel like I'm back in the 80s.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
no, I didn't say that, you made that conclusion
But may be it helps you to understand how it feels for Germans to be on the receiving end with same conclusion you made about me and my comment. We pretty much have been bad persons ... I know the feeling. It gets at times under the skin.
Sorry if I demonstrate how it works, if it seen from the other side of the aisles. And I would think one can take the "revolution" talk out of it, too.
Nobody there were affected by his policies
I've answered your question many times Mimi as have others. Why keep asking it?
As for this:
This is utter bullshit, Obama could have passed most of his campaign promises during his first two years in office because his party held all branches of government. Instead he wasted two years passing the heritage foundation's health care plan.. he hid behind the mean republicans not letting him pass his legislation. Boohoo!
We have no control over what our government does and you know that too. Can you get yours to stop being our puppet and helping us destroy countries just because we can?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
here we go again snoopydawg
1. I didn't ask, I said 'nobody here (people I talk to in Germany) understands why. That doesn't mean I do not understand why. You have answered the questions several times. And who reads your answers in Germany? Not that many.
2. You prove with your comment yourself that the people, who you would like to reach out to and make them understand of why Obama could have implemented his policies, didn't understand it. They don't read you. And the details that are explained here and discussed here or in other blogs are not read by those, who you wished would read them. That is a bitter thing to acknowledge, but I think it's a reality. In addition the more is written, the less seems to stick.
Exactly, I know.
No, I can't. And I am as frustrated as you are not having control over my government as you are not having control over yours. I just had the feeling that some folks here have hopes we, from the outside, could. It's a pipe dream. All I do here in my frustration is reminding you that you shouldn't have hope, when there is none to have.
So, when we all are helpless and have no control over our own elites in government and corporate control, why then feeling angry about my comment?
It's just a statement of matters of fact. We are not different.
i read the full essay at mintpress news, and yes, their version
of #russia-gate was indeed about russians interfering in 'our elections'. absurd, esp. given all we know about the US empire's interference in elections around the world Biden in ukraine was hilarious), setting up puppet gummints 'friendly to the hegemon', putsches galore (see william blum of the ant-empire report) and far more, but i dug up some other quotes by the bern that are far more hideous to me: revanchist russia/putin. from politifact, funded by the poynter institute of journlism, whoever funds them....
• On March 17, 2014, Sanders wrote in an official statement, "The entire world has got to stand up to Putin. We've got to deal with sanctions."
• On Feb. 4, 2016, during an MSNBC Democratic primary debate, Sanders said, "I worry about Putin and his military adventurism in the Crimea and the Ukraine." (Sanders did go on to say that he ranked the "isolated" nation of North Korea as the most serious national security threat to the United States, above Russia, without minimizing Russia’s threats.)
• Feb. 11, 2016, during a PBS Democratic primary debate, Sanders said, "Right now, we have got to do our best in developing positive relations with Russia. But let's be clear: Russia's aggressive actions in the Crimea and in Ukraine have brought about a situation where President Obama and NATO — correctly, I believe — are saying, you know what, we're going to have to beef up our troop level in that part of the world to tell Putin that his aggressiveness is not going to go unmatched, that he is not going to get away with aggressive action. I happen to believe that Putin is doing what he is doing because his economy is increasingly in shambles and he's trying to rally his people in support of him. But bottom line is: The president is right. We have to put more money. We have to work with NATO to protect Eastern Europe against any kind of Russian aggression."
(he did vote against at least one russian sanctions bill because):
In June 15, 2017, statement, Sanders said, "I am strongly supportive of the sanctions on Russia included in this bill. It is unacceptable for Russia to interfere in our elections here in the United States, or anywhere around the world. There must be consequences for such actions." However, Sanders continued that on Iran, "these new sanctions could endanger the very important nuclear agreement that was signed between the United States, its partners and Iran in 2015."
Great additions
Yeah right. We are entirely blameless for what is happening in Ukraine and it's Putin's fault that Obama just had to beef up troop levels in that part of the world. Make sure you say nothing about our coup in Ukraine Bernie and all the people from congress that went there to set up corporations that the previous pres didn't want in his country.
Good grief. I really dislike liars or people that tell half truths.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
not to mention that a a whopping majority of voters
in crimea voted for re-annexation into russia. and today from RT via RIA novosti:
" The Crimean Republic has completed integration with Russia’s economy, infrastructure and judiciary, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced while speaking to members of the Sevastopol city government.
“We faced an unprecedented task, both in its difficulty and in its scale – we had to integrate the peninsula in the Russian legal, infrastructure and economic fields. Today we can say that the hardest stage is over and we have started the more stable and planned work regime,” RIA Novosti quoted Medvedev as saying on Monday.
i ♥ this a lot, too.
i think nato has a new map up showing exactly how ringed with new nato countries and the various other 'almost nato' designations, (including poland) bases, anti-missile (uh-huh) batteries, etc. but russia is the revanchist threat to the US and EU.
now the bern had told martha raddatz that 'we've just gotten into this race, how the hell do i know what my FP will be' or close, but this had always been my gold standard on his imperialism.
'Bernie Hearts Drone Assassinations, but with One Proviso', September 7, 2015, wd café babylon
i'd clipped the interview, dunno if i can bring it that way, but the diary also features him saying that it's time saudi arabia got its hands dirty to fight isis. wtf? not dirty enuff, bern? see if this works. nope, second try.
yeah, sad, I wished he would rather have said nothing
I wonder what the msm then would have asked him if he would have said nothing.
I agree with snoopydawg, that comment's post were helpful.
another crucial part of #russia-gate:
julian assange. from the wikiLeaks twitter account this a.m.:
CNN: "According to US officials, charges have been drawn up [against @JulianAssange] relating to previous WikiLeaks disclosures of classified US documents."
with this link to (ptui) CNN: Julian Assange looks for deal to end 'diplomatic isolation'
“The recent indictments issued by US Special Counsel Robert Mueller imply that Assange and WikiLeaks were a conduit for Russian intelligence in distributing hacked Democratic Party emails in 2016.
According to the indictment document, "The conspirators (...) discussed the release of the stolen documents and the timing of those releases with Organisation 1 to heighten their impact.
CNN has established that Organization 1 is WikiLeaks, which published the emails in July 2016.”
now marcy wheeler swears Organization1 is wikileaks, and shows tweets from 'them', w/ loads of misspellings, weird grammar, etc. now assange spells well, and most on the team seem to as well, but is it certain that Org1 is wikileaks, esp. given what we now know about CIA vault 7 exploits?
Here's all you need
to understand CNN reporting:

do you have any memory of what bernie's said either about wikliLeaks or julian assange? i couldn't find anything bingling nor at his senate website. still...some memory niggles in the dim recesses of my decrepit mind.
Here's what Bernie said
about the contents of the Wikileak's leaked DNC emails. He minimizes it's import.
"Trust me, if they went into our emails—I suppose which may happen, who knows—I'm sure there would be statements that would be less than flattering about, you know, the Clinton staff. That's what happens in campaigns."
I can't recall him saying anything at all about Wikileaks or Assange.
wow, what weasel words.
it just stuck in my noggin reading someone saying that (essenatially: wth? bern's dissing wikileaks after publishing the emails showing how corrupt the DNC is? but don't trust me on that one bit. i did dig up this solomonesque quote from him on ed snowden, though.
SEN. BERNIE SANDERS: I think Snowden played a very important role in educating the American people to the degree in which our civil liberties and our constitutional rights are being undermined.
ANDERSON COOPER: Is he a hero?
SEN. BERNIE SANDERS: He did—he did break the law, and I think there should be a penalty to that. But I think what he did in educating us should be taken into consideration.
but big al had asked on the thread: 'why now?' and i wonder myself, as i'm assuming he was referring to the editorial at mintpress news. i mean seriously, all these polls, tra la la, and it's two years and a hundred days before the 2020 amerikan prez election.
is it time for a serious Don't Vote movement? long ago i had a list of places that such movements had proved effective, but that may have been in the eyes of the beholders, i dunno.
in some locales, disarm the police and abolish the police movements have gained some traction, not that the fascist po-po state would actually permit it.
Marcy Wheeler thinks she's a CIA asset
and they are grateful that she is helping them with their investigation and that people have made death threats against her.
She is one of many that I never thought wouldn't be able to see that Russia Gate is just another con job that has a hidden agenda. People who I have admired for their brilliant understanding of how things work have all bought into and are very busy pushing Russia Gate. And thinking that Putin is the person who is actually running the government. I wish that they'd take another look at how much power Israel has over our government. Schumer has to get Israel's permission before he can vote on legislation or other policy issues. He's just one of many that has dual citizenship with Israel.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
i think you may have nailed it.
her ‘putting a face on...(mine)’ post was sincerely baffling to me, including the emails she showed in screen shots (or texts), but she doesn’t claim all sorts of insider knowledge from anonymous sources, doesn’t she? when b of moon of alabama came on and challenged the david ignatious ‘insider account of russia to cede to israel in syria’, they collectively called lavrov and berhard...trolls.
she raised boatloads of bucks for her stunning 'patriotic' bravery over that and the next post about 'no heroes here' or something.
the voice of a troll, not a true diplomat, oh my, no.
great Lavrov speech
how is it that you found it? It got 80 something views.
Anyway I agree with most I have read in the subtitles. But had no nerves to listen to the end.
Thanks for posting the video.
iirc, i'd first seen at new eastern outlook on the right
sidebar. can't imagine why you hadn't finished; it was only 6 mins.+, as i recall. so clear, so illuminating; fancy having been a fly on the wall at the #treaonSummit when lavrov and bombastic pompeo had their meeting.
sorry, I simply was too tired, had no other meaning
than that.
also, she, bmaz, and their entired commentariat loathe
julian assange and are quite proud of it, some of it along the 'good whistleblower v. bad whistleblower theme (snowden/greenwald v. assange/wikiLeaks) the latter 'endangered troops and CIA lives!'. zero evidence of that, of course, but an escape into amerikan imperialism.
@wendy davis Is *that* what this
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Seems entirely possible to me n/t
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
a few bits and bobs i'd forgotten to add:
jill stein raising boatloads of bucks for recounts in the ‘close states’ againsth the express desires of the green party board and her running mate, ajmu baraka (her third choice after bernie and (yech) chris hedges on the strength of first 'russian meddling', later 'foreign meddling. she was later hailed by progressives for being cast as a russia-bot after attending an RT dinner (iirc) in...the nation that shall not be named.
next psyops were GG going to russia to take flak as another ‘russia-bot’ and earning rachel maddow's flip-out, but stopping by to see snowden, take come selfies; snowden ‘calling out the corruption of the roosian govt, and asking ‘will putin trade me for someone X political prisoner?”, lavrov’s almost laughing response was sublime...
wooof. and now a café denizen just put another link on the 'hideouser and hideouser assange fukkery or whatever diary: 'WikiLeaks’ Twitter Chats Exposed as 11,000 Private Messages Posted Online', newsweek, today his cliffs notes:
"More than 11,000 messages from a Twitter group used by WikiLeaks have been posted online in full, exposing private chats between 2015 and 2017.
The cabal—populated with around 10 close supporters—was a “low security” group created to share news stories, distribute disclosures, collate freedom of information requests, discuss politics and, in WikiLeaks’ own words, push “advance notice of hostile Twitter PR.”
The messages, released in full for the first time on Sunday, have been referenced by U.S. media outlets in the past. In February, The Intercept first reported some key excerpts, including one snippet showing criticism of Hillary Clinton and support for the GOP. “[Clinton’s] a bright, well connected, sadistic sociopath,” the WikiLeaks account said in November 2015.
The cache was published by national security researcher Emma Best, who broke out some key points in blog posts last week, including alleged anti-Semitic remarks. Best—who has clashed with WikiLeaks in the past—said the information was needed to provide “context” to news reports. The release was redacted in parts to protect the privacy of some named individuals."
i'll read it tomorrow, but good gawd all-friday. night all. as mr. wd had reminded me today: john trudell said in his 'rich man's war', "it didn't have to be this way...except that WE were this way".
ah, may i?
ha, ha, I gave this post to my sister
she told me I am nuts to show me something that sounds like Chinese to her.
She said what you laxly say in German: "Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof". I consoled her and said, me too, just stay away from the "Bahnhof".