Speculation: Why We Really Have a Huge Military Budget
************** Speculation **************
I believe the wars are just a cover up.
We already know that at least the recent wars have been propagated on behalf of big oil. Everyone wants a pipeline through Syria. And the U.S. is struggling to keep the petrodollar in prominence. The profits to be made from every last ounce of fossil fuels must be protected. Other industries as well, big ag, garment industry, etc. must be allowed to continue to rape the planet for profit with no restraints.
There is that.
I believe that a very large portion of our military budget is for geoengineering and that it is already a project of gigantic proportions, and will only get larger.
- The facts are so well defined on rising temperatures, dramatic ice loss at the poles, and resulting extreme weather events, that no intelligent informed person can deny them (the exception being extreme religious types).
- For the past three summers in my part of Texas, we have significantly increased cloud cover, even with no rain. There are very few completely sunny days. We have a weather station with a thermometer on top of a building in full sun. When the sun hits it, it shoots up to 115 degrees. If we did not have this mysterious cloud cover, we would be frying.
- I believe that all the republicans, corporate democrats, a select group of the very rich, top military, deep state players, and media heads, have initiated and continue to support this project. They really believe they are saving us from climate disaster and can keep "growth" going anyway. They acknowledge there will be "acceptable losses."
- Bernie, the nicer politicians, and most scientists are obviously not in the information loop.
I could list references for numbers 1 and 2. They are completely factual. Numbers 3 and 4 are my explanations for actions that in my mind otherwise make no sense.
We are really stuck with geoengineering now. Ultimately, getting back to the earth and simpler ways are inevitable for any type of survival, but we are past the opportunity of that being the complete solution.
I look forward to comments and criticisms.

some links for one and two; 3&4 are self-explanatory.
Personally, I think the money goes towards a space colony they think they can get up and running in orbit-WTFK?
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Space colony - wow
Jim Hansen is always a good source of accurate climate information. This is from last year.
Gathering links for number two would be more complicated. It is based on personal observations, constantly watching the temperatures, rainfall, and sky. It is very difficult to find records of rainfall and temperatures online. Plenty of forecasts, not many records. I have tried many times. If you have a good link for records, please share it. I view this as sinister as well.
Do you have any blogs or articles to share about the space colony?
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Have you tried NOAA?
Interesting hypothesis. I look forward to reading/learning more.
It's kind of tricky
When you search for data on NOAA it brings you to this tool:

The range is limited to 31 days. You can only search to see if there are record highs in temperatures or rainfall. I want to put in any date range and have the high and low temperatures, rainfall, and humidity for all of those days. This tool is worthless but gives the appearance of "data."
I found this fellow to be interesting. He is X-CIA and talks about climate, weather forecasting organizations, and secrecy agreements.
Isn't there some climate denier running NOAA now? Or maybe he did not get approved. Don't remember.
Accuweather has been full of shit for many years, but I always felt I could trust NOAA. I still trust the Weather Underground guys but wonder if they are being railroaded a bit too.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Forgot to add . . .
On the NOAA data page there is a link to https://gis.ncdc.noaa.gov/geoportal/catalog/search/resource/details.page... which is
The link brings you to an empty page.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
I get pretty fair data from NOAA
Here's the link for my local data: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cag/divisional/rankings/0207/pcp/201806
See the "download" just above the colored boxes? You can get all the (historical) data in an excel spreadsheet or XML format there.
I got the whole (rainfall) dataset since the 1890s for my zone a while back & now I just grab the monthly updates.
There is also a way to get specific data from a local NOAA contributing station (also available as a spreadsheet) nearest you, but you have to click and click to find it. They don't make it easy…
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
Thank you!!
I really appreciate this info!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Many people agree with you
To list just a few. We've gotten a good deal more rain this summer as compared to most other years. Often it is due to high volcanic activity, but last year was only average. However, there were some spectacular eruptions.
My pet hypothesis is that the banks are over leveraged in the fracking and tar sand fields. They have to continue to promote fossil fuel to try to get out with their shirts...much like they did with homes in 2008. Constant wars keep us distracted, T-rump keeps everyone distracted, petty politics keep everyone distracted - and they treat us all like rats in an experiment.
Can we find a way out of this maze?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Ah . . . the banks
Yep, they need to be included in the ranks of the conspirators. Thanks for the other geoengineering links! It was Geoengineering Watch that got me to thinking along these lines.
What do we do?
If it were possible, blow it wide open. Then hope that wiser more present minds would prevail.
Us little guys though . . . do what we are doing. The important things. Those things that really matter.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
me, too.
always thought the
chem trails or com trails were b.s. until I saw a UToob vid (Jimmy Dore?) ask, "what are 'They' spraying?" Turns out it's some sort of mineral mix. Helps clouding or some b.s. Prolly why we see more cloudy days (without rain). So, yeah, geoengineering. Agree! I just didn't put 2 + 2 together to connect military with 0.1% to extend planet "health" long enough for them to squeeze every nickel from Mother Earth before it goes belly up. "They," of course, will be safe in their bunkers and mountain tops. But, what are 'They' going to spend their money on after we, the 99%, are dead and gone?? Better hope 'They' gathered enough seeds.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Here in Chitown
we've had 3 of the wettest Jan thru July periods
in history all occurring in the past 10 years, when
it rains it's usually a deluge with flooding accompanying
And when it gets hot it gets fucking hot very
few just nice summer days anymore.
Agree 3/4, not many in the loop.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Well, I am a Torchwood fan...
So this is all very believable to me.
Of course, we aren't lucky enough to have space aliens to deal with. (But then of course there's the lizard people theory...
Honestly, this kind of thing is way above my paygrade. Nothing against those who can speculate well, just I don't like to think of evil that I know exists.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
According to the Ancient
According to the Ancient Alien crew, we already have an elaborate space force.......
I see some geo-engineering
where I live. Until you published that essay about Geo-engineering Watch I had just assumed the contrails I see were from military planes. But those contrails don't just disappear either, they spread out until you can't see the actual line anymore, if that makes sense. And we too have had a lot of cloudy days with very little rain during spring which seems very different to me - I remember spring being the hardest season for me to adapt to here because it was usually pretty rainy and dismal.
While I've only lived in the Seattle area for 20 years or so, I notice the difference. I feel like they're trying hard to keep that cloud cover because when the sun does come out the temps go up and all the trees around me will dry out very quickly. We've had at least 2 years now where I can see trees around me struggling which also seems very different.
It makes sense to me too that they'd be doing a lot of geo-engineering on the mainland US to keep the skeptics thinking there is no problem and too many do believe that. That, to me, is one of the scariest things - that people think this can just go on forever and there'll be no problems and there are no problems now, utter lunacy but that brainwashing has done its job.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Something odd is going on.
In my part of the Pacific Northwest, the meteorologists' weather forecasts seem to be consistently off, or just plain wrong over a period of many months. I don't mean long range forecasts. I mean forecasts for the next day or two.
I hadn't thought of it in the way you suggest, but looking at it that way, it begins to make some sense.
Never ascribe to clever men
what are obviously the acts of idiots. All the water vapor in the atmosphere is from ocean warming, and water vapor osn't that effective aat reflecting UV anyway. The extra humidity will just make it harder to sweat and hasten heat death.
On to Biden since 1973
It's as plausable as anything
Any disruption is opportunity. Wasn't there a great demand for "rain makers" in the 30's dust bowl? Just like last years hurricanes in Florida and Texas fortells the price of building material to double around the country. Or the adding of MTBE (industrial waste product)to gasoline for "cleaner" emissions, to the farming for ethanol where the cost of gasoline, labor, water and processing exceeds the energy or emissions value back from the product. With the PTB who knows what the F' they're thinking.
Whether or not it's intentional, we are geo-engineering
And the scientists keep yelling at us to wake up. No, the Titanic was not unsinkable.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Space colonies seem a bit far.
Since the rich bitches would never survive in such close quarters with each other.
On the other hand, their enormous egos would probably power the whole colony.
My quess is they will stay earthbound in something like the Dubai Towers, which are purported to be completey self contained, even with an oxygen producing capacity. Who knows whats under that place (hydroponic gardens?).
With six and a half billion air breathers gone from the earth, how many years would it take for the climate to stabilize?
But once again, how long can a bunch of assholes cooped up together get along before they start eating each other?
Lord of the maggots, here we come.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Lots of clouds, and rain
Here in MN too. Had a very short, dry spring, now it rains about every other day, whether or not it was in the forecast. Flooding in the southwest part of the state. My mom just commented this morning on how many cloudy days we've had this summer. I remember 2011 being like this too. At least we haven't had to water our garden in a few weeks. I just don't know if it's TPTB controlling it or a natural effect of global warming.
This shit is bananas.
I think it is combo
Global warming and bioengineering. It's a weird unpredictable mix.
I am from that neck of the woods but can't really talk to family about it. I appreciate your local report.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Oh, and another thing
This shit is bananas.
The jet stream has gone to hell
Paul Beckwith, a goofy looking college prof scientist from Canada has good youtube videos on explaining what has happened to the jet stream. It has gone crazy since the arctic got hot.
I grew up in Lake Mills, Iowa, which is just south of Albert Lea, and remember the winds from when I was a kid. Yeah. Always from the northwest pretty much. Very windy there.
When I moved to Texas 25 years ago, my Texas born and raised husband would complain about wind, and I would say, "this is nothing wind." However, in the last 3 years or so, that has changed dramatically. It is often really frickin windy here now. Plus, our weather mostly comes from Mexico to the southwest going northeast. In October 2015 when we had the 20 inches of rain, that was largely a jet stream thing because it caused the rain to stall over Navarro County. Same thing happened in Houston last year.
The jet stream is the same reason we are recently getting much colder winters and temps in the teens now. It creates the polar vortex that comes down from the north. Screws with gardening big time!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
I'd believe Hive Mind aliens
Are intent on destroying the human race at this point. Funny thing is, if we discovered it was aliens we'd finally drop this stupid nonviolence bullshit and start killing them. But really why should their planet of origin make any difference?