Just how unpopular are the Democrats?
The Democrats are that one homely kid that gets picked last for dodgeball.
The Democrats are so unpopular that TheOnion articles look like NY Times headlines.
Consider this headline for a moment: Republicans now prefer Kim Jong Un to Nancy Pelosi
Now before you say, "That's just crazy Republicans," please note the party's favorability rating.
The partisan HuffPost used to keep track of the Dems favorability rating, until it took a dive after the 2016 election. Just a coincidence, I'm sure.
Well, just because the HuffPost doesn't track it anymore, doesn't mean there aren't polls being taken.
Favorable views of the Democratic Party have dropped to their lowest mark in more than a quarter century of polling, according to new numbers from a CNN poll conducted by SSRS.
Only 37% of Americans have a favorable opinion of Democrats, down from 44% in March of this year. A majority, 54%, have an unfavorable view, matching their highest mark in polls from CNN and SSRS, CNN/ORC and CNN/USA Today/Gallup stretching back to 1992.
The rating includes low favorable ratings from some core Democratic groups, including nonwhites (48%) and people under 35 years old (33%).
In case you thought that this six month old poll was an outlier, consider this poll from March.
Those are horrific numbers, especially with the young and the Hispanic, and the trend is even worse. There is no scenario that the Dems can win unless they win big with the young and Hispanics.
So what are the Dems doing wrong?
For starters, they continue to stand by their corrupt and failed leadership that has led them to ruin.
More than twice as many respondents to this week’s Economist/YouGov poll said they would prefer another Democrat lead the party in the House than current leader Nancy Pelosi. Fifteen percent backed Pelosi compared to 32 percent who chose “some other Democrat.”
...The respondents’ preference for new leadership was noticeable on the Senate side as well, albeit by a smaller margin. Twenty-four percent of those polled chose “some other Democrat” to lead the party in the chamber to 17 percent who backed current leader Charles E. Schumer
Quite clearly, the Dem leadership has put their own interests ahead of their party. Which is something to keep in mind when the Dems try to voter shame.
Secondly, the Dems are too obsessed with Identity Politics.
51% of Likely U.S. Voters agree with Matt Flynn, a former Wisconsin Democratic state party chairman, that "our party right now ... is pickled in identity politics and victimology. ... There is no assimilation of the party anymore." Just 23% disagree, while slightly more (26%) are not sure.Even 44% of Democrats agree that their party “is pickled in identity politics and victimology.” Thirty-two percent (32%) don’t agree, but one-in-four Democrats (24%) are undecided.
It's the ultimate example of failure when the Dem leadership pushes Identity Politics, but fails to win over the Hispanic vote.
Other than comfortable liberals, who are the Dems talking to then?
If there’s one thing voters across the partisan spectrum strongly agree on, it’s that most politicians these days are more interested in campaigning on what divides the country. Seventy-six percent (76%) of GOP voters believe that to be true, as do 77% of Democrats and 81% of unaffiliated voters.
There is a commercial on the radio now to try to get people to buy the NYtimes online and some editor is saying that they focus on the things that matter in everyday life:
2nd Amendment
More like they are aiding abetting the politicians that only want to talk about the things that divide us.
DNC lawsuit contradiction
they want it both ways
Another Demexit
"Another Demexit" but she'll Dementer to revote for Bernie
So Loren says she Demexited whoop-de-doo. Then she says she'll Dementer to revote for Bernie in 2020, because who else is there? NOPE
peace and good luck
Here's what happened to the Blue Wave
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
I would like to see the poll numbers --
on how many people want the Democratic Party to die. I'd actually participate in that poll.
“The loyal Left cannot act decisively. Their devotion to the system is a built-in kill switch limiting dissent.” - Richard Moser
Unpopular vs. could give a shit the vs. disdain for the useless
Unpopular implies that there is an active dislike which may actually be motivation for an counter action. The democratic party is more like who gives a shit about them. Maybe disdain is a better word--useles and clueless.
I suspect that minority young people don't give a shit about the democratic party and that spells long term ruin.
Well, I mean...
What has the Democratic party ever done for them?
This shit is bananas.
Yup, ironic isn't it.
I am at the point
Where both parties have become apalling. The partisans are throwing a national temper tantrum over any little thing they can find. If it draws breath and it doesn't have a party I'll vote for it. The breathing is negotiable.
Is it true?
I have seen, from polls, that legally resident Hispanics actually support more draconian immigration rules?
Do they want Trump? Probably not, but yet...
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
A lifelong Democrat
And I am probably never voting for them again. Where I come from, the Democratic regulars are people who know all the politically correct gender descriptions but get their worldview from the Economist. Oh, and they consider themselves Liberals / Progressives. LaFollette and FDR would roll over in their graves if the knew. Of course, these folks know absolutely nothing about the real Progressive movement, or the sacrifice their grandfathers made for things like the 8-hour day.
Climate change is a scientific, engineering, and economic problem. It is NOT a political problem so ignore the politicians.
Democrats are very happy today.
They just got another issue to shame people who didn't vote for Hillary about.
Remember, it's your fault! Don't say a word about how nobody bothered to pass a law in congress, instead just assuming that somebody else would deal with it. Well, that somebody else did, and because you didn't vote for HILLARY they decided wrong, so of course, once again, it's YOUR FAULT! Completely not the fault of the Democrats who you DID vote for who said Okey dokey, Mr. Trump, Sure thing. We'll keep your seat in hell fresh while you nip out for a smoke.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.