Climate Change Hits Home
Last week, the Union of Concerned Scientists came out with a report about how climate change would affect the residential housing market in the United States. The report focuses solely on sea-level rise and flooding along US coastal states.
The results are probably what you might expect, but I particularly appreciate this kind of analysis because it ties the science to real-world results. Thus, people can start to digest it and process things in a much more real and personal way.
For example, if I told you in the year 2030--a mere 14 years from now--San Rafael, CA would lose 1,814 homes; or Miami Beach, FL would lose 2,616 homes; or Ocean City, NJ would lose 3,235 homes; or Galveston, TX would lose 1,418 homes due to chronic or permanent flooding--you hopefully might start to pay attention if you lived in one of those locations.
The bottom line of the study shows that, assuming a high level of sea rise of 6.5 feet by the year 2100, $1 trillion in residential and commercial real estate will be destroyed, and 4.7 million Americans will be displaced from those properties. One million homes in Florida will be underwater (more than 10% of the state’s residential properties) as the hardest-hit state. This does not include infrastructure such as roads, bridges, power lines, etc., many of which will also be affected.
Download the data files yourself (Excel and PDF formats):
Apologies if this was covered in a previous essay or noted in Wendy’s climate change compendium articles.

for some reason, the propertarians don't seem
concerned about this unprecedented "taking" of white people's private property.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
I agree
@pro left
Yeah, some light bombing to clear the undeserving away for a new gated settlement beyond the new water level makes for bigger basements. There should be enough cops with Israeli training to help Those Who Matter handle that aspect.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
For the aware,
climate change hit home years ago.
The one thing you can count on from those who study it, underestimation is blatantly true.
I'm not cautious anymore. Humans should watch mad max movies to understand what the future will look like on a good day. For a while. Then we all contribute our carbon back.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Third time I've
Every living plant(that we could eat) Will die in that sort of heat.
And we won't be long behind.
Have a GREAT 4th of July Folks!
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
If we stopped burning fossil fuels today, temps would rise 6F within 3 weeks?
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Up is down and down is up and all is fubar ... /nt
Global cooling;
Stop putting it up there, and when what's there now falls out(approximately 72hrs), we'll get the Suns Full Blast with no window tint in the way.
4-6 Weeks, roughly a degree/week. I could be off a degree, or a week or two; does it make much difference?
I heard a re-broadcast of a climate scientist discussing this on my community radio a few months back, he said we've been cooked since '07, the rest is window dressing.
fuck the war
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Probably, yes
There is no controversy that there is an umbrella effect, but disagreement about how large it is.
Normal actions of industrial civilization put large particles into the air that reflect sunlight into space, making the Earth cooler than it would otherwise be. We also observe this from big volcanic eruptions. This in fact is one of the proposals for planetary engineering.
The main effect is from sulfates that result from burning high sulfur coal and oil. There was a dip in global average temperature after WW2 that is thought to reflect re-industrialization prior to the phasing out of the dirtiest fuels when the first world started worrying about acid rain. Other contributors include dust from tractors plowing fields, cars moving along roads (particularly dirt roads), construction dust, dust from logging and mining, ice particles injected into the upper atmosphere by jets, etc. Normal stuff that is part of normal life.
There have been three papers that I'm aware of that place the magnitude of the effect at around 1-1.5 degrees C. Apparently there are some other papers out there with even larger estimates.
Based on observations around 9/11 when air traffic was halted, they conclude that the time it takes for these particles to fall back to earth is a few weeks. They are continually renewed by normal activity.
If that normal activity were to be interrupted, for example by a big economic crash, we would see an immediate rise in temperature. Altogether it would be double what we've seen already since the 1890s baseline.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Might be true
but it also sounds like an PTB argument for profitable all-out industrial pollution and the continued lucrative spraying of even more toxic, ozone-destructive pollutants into the stratosphere to continuously shower down onto the already-poisoned-for-profiteers Earth. Which ensures that planetary life is doomed either way.
The first sane thing to do thing would be to
lynchcharge and isolate all responsible parties, especially including those with any interest in creating disinformation, to take them out of the equation and sort out what's really going on and how to salvage whatever may still be possible to salvage. Fast.Under conditions where any/all of the myriad 'wars'/military muggings against other people's countries are altered to actual war declarations, the jack-boot's likely to come down hard, under this excuse.
There's been a build-up of 'terrorist incidents' going on in countries that Britain/US PTB would like to bring together in military attacks and need to manufacture public consent for.
After several such incidents which I'd happened to see (with no way of knowing what I'd missed, of course,) presented with careful denials of terrorism being denied by police in such a manner as to imply that this was a cover-up (and smelling of psy-ops), I saw a comment sarcastically saying that the commenter (evidently of the same mind as myself and others) was surprised that it hadn't been claimed that the person had been yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’ during the attack - and the next example I saw not only incorporated that and traditional female dress/veil but -shades of 9/11 - a box-cutter, evidently a favoured (if very short) weapon of terrorists, lol. And she was said to have demanded death, so clearly also intended to raise fears of those now-stereotypical suicide terrorist types.
Why would 'terrorists' set on mass murder of innocents use something that would have to hit a major artery to kill quickly, and that they would have to enter close range to use? Of course, the 9/11 box-cutters were said to have been plastic, so as not to show on metal scans, but somehow a sharpened piece of plastic fails to carry the same psychological terrorizing cache as would even a Boy Scout knife. But here, a box-cutter relates to the 9/11 official story and is, I believe, meant to trigger the same inculcated fears.
The world won't believe any more official story-lines after too many disproven claims repeated endlessly without a grain of evidence so - in my admittedly cynical view - tactics have changed to (very obviously) making it appear that officials in warmongering countries are 'concealing evidence' (as with Reality Winner, used to 'substantiate' a faked story with 'leaked' 'evidence', for which she's then pilloried as an example to scare off other whistleblowers) of what they'd actually like the public to believe - likely that more 'war' and/or an absolute crackdown on the public's civil liberties is required to keep terrorism in check, thereby making criticism of governments or voiced concerns about anything 'sensitive' - including climate change or anything else they'd rather not be mentioned - a traitorous act.
(US RT seems to have been undergoing the same type of infiltration as the Intercept has been so obviously suffering although some interesting articles still appear amongst the outright never-before-seen clickbait and other crap increasingly appearing there instead of news of late. Potentially could be added by bots apparently now let loose to alter material on the net in real-time, and may or may not appear only in certain countries; no idea, just know I've been seeing it. Gotta discredit all independent news sources, ya know. Once nothing we believe is real, their job will be done.)
You see, (while we dunno whether these actually happened or were initiated by spooks manipulating people who are a bit simple/mentally disturbed) they're being very cautious not to leap to conclusions while making certain that the general public will, to be again manipulated into austerity-for-war-profiteers set on global domination.
The Gladios terrorist groups (initiated in WW2 by US industrialists as their sponsored fascist global takeover was mangled by the since-detested Russia, under the pretext of 'stay-behind' organizations protecting against a Soviet invasion which never came) have always had, as their purpose, the crushing of 'the left' (anyone promoting the public interest) and terrorization of the general populations in NATO countries by attacking the powerless among their various publics, so as to make them more willing to accept suppression in the name of 'safety' that never arrives either.
Just a little scare, maybe make the public jumpy - but, whether arranged or not, it adds to an effect
Just a few examples, but there's a definite build-up of public fears in France and Britain, both recently happily bombing civilian areas in Syria together with the US, to public outrage which perhaps might be quelled by such personal fears - while Trump stirs the pot:
Then comes Libya-ration...
Aaaaand tactics are changing here as well, the US PTB being less obvious about at least one of their attempted overthrowings of elected governments that do concern themselves with their own public's interests:
Yup, US involvement, and the criminal Presidential loser (only here, suffering some consequences and kept out of the race due to having been actually convicted of financial crimes, to the disappointment of the US PTB) is behind a promotion of election boycotts - sounds strangely familiar somehow.
It seems progressively more likely that too-often Israeli-anti-terrorist-trained and militarized police are intended to function as more official Gladios-style terrorists to crush the left; I've been wondering if these cops were told off to target Sam Ronan as a leftist politician - and whether he'd be alive if the incident hadn't been live-streamed.
This sort of endless activity along with the censorship and private control of the internet make me think not only that a major crackdown and potentially global trouble could be triggered at any moment but that TPTB - believing that they themselves will survive comfortably - would rather randomly trigger global destruction of planetary life than to allow life itself to prosper without directly financially benefiting themselves.
TPTB, within their various associated groups, have long held dreams of owning and micromanaging everything on the planet - and anything that publicly comes out which supports such aims must, I feel, be treated with great suspicion in that all-out effort to ensure their totalitarian global domination.
Since they're evidently determined to kill us all off, one way or another, anyway, it may not make much difference, but personally, I refuse to follow anything which helps TPTB to attain these goals.
Going to repost something excellent previously posted here by I can't remember who, but this is coming out about the basis for all excuses about attacking even entirely unrelated countries and is one among a multitude of crimes TPTB do not want the public able to access or discuss:
The above is in process; internationally, the leaders of various countries are realizing that this is not a survivable situation - and if the criminals and propagandists can be eliminated from the equation and actual truths established in all the areas of lies and disinformation, perhaps far more can be achieved and salvaged than we might now dream possible.
And we need to read, remember and make note of such things, while we still can.
One more thing, if this might still be true:
and the CIA are still recycling their own disinformation as 'intelligence', wouldn't that also help to explain a lot?
As the old saying goes, we need to question authority of all kinds; probably most of them have been subverted, misled or disinformed by now.
Edit to add this, although the pertinent stuff doesn't even start until 6 & 1/2 minutes in.
Briefly mentions Director Mueller here and there, such a fixer... seems they can only catch 'terrorists' who are mentally challenged/unbalanced and who they can con into playing along with 'terrorist' games, with everything needed supplied.
Lol, apparently some of these 9/11 terrorists were living with an FBI source? What a coincidence! (Don't know if any of those were among the ones found to be alive and well elsewhere...)
But the over-reach into everyone's lives is an FBI over-reaction to the refusal to allow investigators to going into the laptop potentially holding available evidence regarding a suspect until that 3rd plane hit the Pentagon...
Apparently 2 months after 9/11, stamped visa's were sent to a major suspect, (but it's different for refugees, of course).
Around 41 minutes in, she discusses Mueller - knowing better - standing by while Cheney lied about a suspect purportedly having met with Iraqi's as claims toward an excuse for attacking them.
She puts on a best face scenario, but some interesting bits affecting now nonetheless. Also shows how far making allowances can stretch among even the basically ethical...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Not working together with a plan yet
I have come to the opinion that there are not very many actual climate crisis deniers. The actual deniers are folks who are pretty ignorant in general and are followers of certain religious sects. Most of the leaders of those same sects and other end time rapture groups know somewhere inside themselves that it is true, but need to twist it into their money making narratives. They lie to themselves. I am not sure how big this group is in numbers.
Realizing only recently that another group (Trump included) of overt climate deniers, actually are fully aware of the climate crisis but are rich and arrogant enough to believe they can control it. They are rogue independent players who are geoengineering the hell out of us.
Then there are those who are mildly to fully aware of climate but are too self-absorbed to adequately care.
The rest of us along with the scientific community understand the big picture. The height, length, breadth, and depth of the whole deal. We are personally and professionally trying to do what we can to enact solutions, mostly feeling powerless.
To survive, at some point all of these groups need to come together with a purpose and a plan. I am unwilling to resign the world to a Mad Maxx scenario. I hope we collectively transcend to a higher level of consciousness. That's what will be required.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo