Nellie McKay and Jimmy Dore, now with transcript and a huge thank you to eyo
This recent interview with Nellie McKay and Jimmy Dore has been floating around in the comments here, I don't think anyone did an essay on it, but now c99% transcription maven eyo has transcribed the whole half-hour, and I think this is amazing of her to do! Thank you eyo!
I believe it's worth preserving here for posterity, so with her permission I'm posting her transcript as an essay. This is for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, or who wants to see it again, or wants to read the transcript or use parts of it to highlight sections that were especially meaningful to you. The comments are open if anyone wishes to expand on your thoughts on it.
Eyo, you are amazing! Thank you so much for your generosity to do this for the community.
[40s introduction]
Welcome Nellie McKayJimmy Dore: Now the first album you did was called Get Away From Me, that's what it was called. What a hilarious name, how did you come up with the name for Get Away From Me, are you bored with that question already?
Nellie McKay: No not a bit. Well there were a lot of albums that came out that year that seemed very friendly. It wasn't just Nora Jones Come Away With Me, there was Jane Monheit Come Dream With Me, Triumph of the Insult Comic Dog had Come Poop With Me, Sinatra had had Come Dance With Me, Ashanti had Come Wit' Me, and Get Away From Me wasn't just a riff on that it was also already... there was a surveillance state you know, there was the feeling of the government encroaching on to our lives and it's only grown since then so, good title.
J: Wow, look at you. Talking to a musician and she mentions the surveillance state in her first answer. God bless you.
N: I think about it all the time.
J: Do you really?
N: Well you can't take your cellphone anywhere. I mean part of the reason of having a cellphone is safety, I don't want the government to know everywhere I go.
J: Well they do.
N: Yeah. If you have it with you. No, yeah a lot of times I'm not in touch, it hurts my work, but I just don't want to be tracked.
J: Yeah? You turn it off?
N: Yeah. Well I don't even take it, because now I have the smarty pants one, and so you can't... it will still track you even if you turn it off so I just leave it at home.
J: You have to take the battery out for it to not track you.
N: Right. So I just pretend I have a gun in my pocket.
[Jimmy reads quotes from reviewers]
J: Here's your latest album it's called Nellie McKay Sister Orchid. So now this is you doing some standards from the 30s and 40s, correct?
N: That's right, yeah.
J: And so how did you come up with the idea, and how did you come up with the name?
N: Well I think partly it extends in to the 50s, I believe Small Day Tomorrow was written by Fran Landesman and the late Bob Dorough, I believe that was in the 50s, and so I think there's a film noir feel to the album, which partly came out of the first cold war and the first wave of McCarthyism, and now we are in a similar space which I think a lot of people don't know it.
I mean my mother grew up, you know, her dad built a fallout shelter and my nanna was happy because that was a day off from him beating her, he was so worn out from building the fallout shelter.
So now though, you know a whole group of kids grew up with that trauma of perpetually being afraid of the bomb, and now people seem fairly oblivious to it, they're actively encouraging this enmity towards Russia, it's more dangerous then the first one. You have the western front, you have the situation in Syria, and then you have Asia, with the pivot to Asia where it's been filled with U.S. military activity. So I think it's about time that we brought back more film noir, and that kind of "Hey if the end is near, let's just stay out all night".
J: So do you see us having, I mean people who think like us, who recognize the danger of this current climate that we're living in, when do we get our "Good night and good luck"? You know, when does our hero come along to turn the establishment, or most of the people in mainstream America, to understanding this is the new McCarthyism? Instead of what they're thinking, which is this is a good thing to get Trump.
N: Right, well only a genuine populist left can defeat the right, and that has been effectively crushed you know. So a friend of mine who's worked in DC a long time, he said even Bernie is a quick fix. I mean it basically comes down to communities you know, and local organizing.
J: So you think, what I have said previously and also I have found out, which is what Bernie said in the early 90s, I have a video of him, is that there needs to be a progressive movement outside the Democratic party.
N: Of course! It's an abusive relationship, the only pragmatic way is out.
J: So when you say it's an abusive relationship, between progressives and the Democratic party? Is that what you mean?
N: Yeah.
J: And how so?
N: Well they're bought and paid for, you know? And I went to thirteen states for Bernie. When I started, I thought I was going to vote for Clinton at the end, I'm sure you didn't, but I didn't know anything. I was pretty out to lunch, as you said, you know, Obama put the left to sleep and I didn't know so many things. I wasn't properly paying attention, and I had always believed in my life, that in the lesser of two evils perhaps some progress could be made, and that isn't true, when you take a comprehensive view.
J: Yes, in fact we go backwards every time. So every time you vote lesser of two evils, in my lifetime we've gone backwards. So that's very astute of you.
N: Right, right. There's an article on Black Agenda Report called how Obama's the most effective evil, and that's a pretty good article.
J: Oh I haven't seen that I'd like to read that. Well I just found out two days ago that Barack Obama dropped more bombs than George Bush did.
N: Wow, yeah well I know he launched ten times more drone strikes, and one of the primary missiles of the drone program is the hellfire missile, which is a thermobaric weapon, which sucks the air out of its victims lungs, collapsing the internal organs. And when you keep in mind that when they did a study of drone strikes that they found nearly, that 90% of those killed are civilians... when you actually reckon what the government does, you know...
But for years I didn't just vote Democratic, I campaigned for them and I sent them money, you know. I remember in high school - I went to a largely Republican high school - making up rap songs about Bill Clinton, and all the attendant rhymes, I can still remember my list of rhymes. I mean I just thought the Democrats are the better guys, at least.
J: Yes, I was right there with you until I read that book Listen Liberal by Thomas Frank. So that was what made me like I am.
N: Oh I must read that. Yeah, oh good I'll check that out, I mean of course there's Death of the Liberal Class...
J: Right, sure I mean if you read that too, Chris Hedges. The striking failure of the Democratic party, it's not a failure by the way, it's not a flaw it's a design. So they're designed to suppress progress, progressivism, and they're there to keep the status quo. And the idea, do you agree with that, with the theory that the Democratic party would rather lose to a Republican than win with a progressive?
N: Oh, of course! Well I had a friend you know, I called all my celebrity "friends" you know, who I don't... I'm always a little scared of so, this is the one time I called this friend and I had had their number, and I said "Please can you endorse Bernie", and they said ""No, I'm going to wait until the big one", and I thought but this is the big one, you know because I knew by then... but people don't see the vast continuity between administrations.
I mean, and with identity politics, which definitely they affect your life, but it's become completely clouded. I mean I kind of think... what are those things? Are they Fallopian tubes or a uterus, the thing that has two parts? It's almost like a pair of glasses, and you can't see anything past them anymore, and I imagine it's the same for people who are not white, who are not Christian, who are not straight, that it becomes all... it just becomes this perpetual navel gazing, and you don't realize that say, Obama invested, or started a program that would invest one trillion in more usable nukes over thirty years. I mean it's a ... you know, that affects you, you know. You don't have control over your body if it's going to be blown to bits.
J: Right, exactly. Yeah people don't know... he didn't launch a trillion dollar investment in education over thirty years, he didn't launch a trillion dollar investment in prenatal care or... he invested a trillion dollars in nuclear bombs, usable nuclear bombs.
N: Right, right. Prompting one general to say, "Smaller means they're more thinkable.".
J: Yes, yeah. And everyone says Trump's the crazy guy, which he seems to be, but if they really believed that he was, it's weird that they keep voting to give him more surveillance power, and more bombs. That's kind of a contradiction, right?
N: You would think. You would think, but I canvassed so many neighborhoods for Bernie and I met people in Detroit who were voting against NAFTA, and that was... I canvassed a lot of primarily Black neighborhoods because this country is still very segregated, and aside from Detroit where it was mostly... you know, Trump was the "fuck you" vote, can I say that?
J: Yeah.
N: Yeah, that he was the "fuck you" vote, pretty much the consensus I would get from Harlem to Compton to parts of South Carolina was that "Trump is crazy, and so is this world." You know, he takes the mask off, he's not a lie anymore.Zora Neale Hurston has a quote, something to the effect of "I would rather know the truth, then continue to climb on the wagon of wishful illusions.", I think that all the time. I mean, that's the Democratic party, it's just... you know, and once you see the lie it's so obscene.
You were at the convention, I was at the convention, it was a funeral pyre. I mean it was just... there are songs I sing and I'm still looking at that stage now, just wishing, you know, if the ukulele was... had the ability to... I never want to hurt anybody I just want to make them go away. But you know, it's just, you see it for what it is, and the lie of it is too much to bear.
J: It is too much to bear, and people... you know it was really disheartening to see the Democratic party, who I supported my whole life, kick a black woman off the stage, Nina Turner, and replace her with a billionaire who instituted Stop & Frisk in New York. That guy's welcome on stage, but Nina Turner... it was just... and... so, do you feel let down by Bernie?
N: Oh, well I know so many people who invested so much, I mean beyond mere money there were millions of people who invested hundreds of millions of dollars in a primary that was decided from the beginning.
But I also know people who gave so much more of themselves beyond that, I mean a friend of mine who was the first woman in the construction workers union in Minnesota, in the house painter's union, she went to five states for Bernie. She went in to debt, she really believed he had a chance, she was here in southern California.
A friend of mine who was in the Vietnam war, he's a veteran, he campaigned for a year. We were everywhere, we drove around Indiana looking for the cheapest smokes, you know he's got one pair overalls, he was out working seventeen hour days along with the college kids, he's got a bad leg. But he believed, and he wanted this so badly, you're going to take a year of his life? And then not only demand that he vote for the Democrats, but shame and blame and smear and attack him for not doing that? He sold his truck to go on the road for Bernie, is the DNC going to buy him his truck back? I don't think so, no.
J: No. No, they don't even want him to vote, they don't even want to let him be voting in the primary.
N: And you said it, they don't just not fear us, they don't just ignore us, they actively mock and malign us.
J: And work against us, right? So what's happening right now in all the Democratic primaries across the country, is they are cheating the progressives, right? We've seen it, Nancy Pelosi cheated, they cheated in Houston, they're cheating everywhere, and this isn't new. The undercover tape from Colorado with Steny Hoyer that the Intercept published right? Showed you that he says "a decision has been made" before the people get to vote! The party has made a decision, and it doesn't involve you.
So, I feel dumbfounded that Bernie, who spent his whole life as an Independent, then sheep dogs people in to that party that is actively working against him, what do you say to that?
N: At this point... I mean Chris Hedges said he would consider voting for Bernie if he was an Independent, but to go through that primary again, I can't do it again. and I know other people, I don't want to put my friends through this. I mean the dearest people, none of whom had money you know, who were out there knocking doors, teachers here in southern California, my friend in Iowa, you know they take you in. My friends in South Carolina they put up not only me, but my rambunctious dog. My friends in South Carolina left a copy of Lies My Teacher Told Me on the bedside table, as if we had any time. You know people are sleep deprived in a primary, they don't have time for this.
And it was the most diverse group of people I'd ever worked with in my life and I grew up in Queens, so you know... I mean it was just... and the way the corporate media is arranged, and the viciousness of it, and the viciousness of the smears, he can't go through that party again.
J: He is, he's gonna, and you know speaking of the media, it was such a... the Bernie campaign revealed the corruption inside the corporate "lefty" media, amazingly, and then Wikileaks revealed the rest of it, with Hillary Clinton had the Pied Piper strategy, which then their minions in the lefty press pushed. Which is just mind blowing that they would do that. Did you feel the same way, like it really... like to watch MSNBC cover Bernie, or not cover him, and in favor of an empty podium for Trump, that's not hyperbole they literally did that. Did it, was it as distasteful for you as it was for me?
Nellie McKay: Oh it was horrific, I remember just bawling, I mean just the emotion of that campaign. We were in Canton Ohio, and later I learned how politically, how much political corruption is in Ohio, it's similar to Nevada I think, in a way. It's one of the most... where if you follow the money in that state, you know. And I was just... what do you call it? Projectile tears, you know? It's just aah! because we had just had Michigan, and that was such...
J: A huge.
N: And flying through the night getting the last people, trying to avoid the people with Leprechauns on their doors, 'cause they were always a little mean to you for some reason. I'm sure it's not all people, but in Detroit for some reason, you wanted to avoid the Leprechauns, especially the tinsel-y Leprechauns.
But we were flying, trying to get the last people out to the polls at 8pm, we were in this beautiful campaign space with artwork, and again it was such a group of people from all walks of life you know, and when he won it was so... I was just flying, you know? And then when... you know, to continue on... and after that the smears got ramped up.
J: Yeah of course, because he was a threat, because he won something. And well, first of all, is it okay you keep talking about this stuff?
N: Oh no, I love it, I love it. I'm not saying... there are things you keep touching on, oh well I mean for instance in the DNC lawsuit, when the lawyers for the Democrats said something to the effect of, "We have the right to pick candidates in smoke filled back rooms if we wish to", I mean...
J: Right. So they don't... and they haven't changed, by the way. They had that Reform Committee and they didn't reform anything, and... have you followed that at all? The Reform Committee?
N: I mean a little bit, but I um...
J: They still have super delegates.
N: I know. I know. I know.
J: That's amazing, can you imagine? That's like something you know, you would think Russia would do, like they would rig their... "Oh, we have super delegates, their vote is worth ten thousand more than you, it's important that they.... they know better, Jimmy."
N: Yeah.
J: So that's what we do here and everybody's like, "Yep, sounds good!" You know... to lose an election to a political novice, and then blame another country, is what the Democrats are doing. And now they're suing, instead of offering a program to help people, they're going to file a lawsuit. What the? I couldn't be more let down.
N: But... oh against Wikileaks, that's the lawsuit you're talking about. Yeah, no, I know. I know, I know, I was afraid I thought that was something I've missed. No, of course. Of course.
J: Yeah, they're suing the Wikileaks for doing journalism. Did you see The Post, the movie The Post?
N: I didn't. I didn't want to.
J: Why didn't you want to see it?
N: Because... I mean at this point... the idea that Hollywood, I mean... they've turned their back. You know in Good Fellas when Paulie turns his back?
J: Yeah, I gotta give you... "Here's three grand, now I gotta turn my back on you."
N: That's right, he says "This is it for a lifetime of hard work", this is Henry. That's what happened you know? The working class got what? A certificate of appreciation, you know. And the coasts turned their back, the professional class, and you know now they blame them. I mean the... I don't know how I'm going to do my show tonight, because who buys tickets, you know? But it's just.... there's no future there. You know, we weren't just fighting for a future to believe in, we were fighting for a future at all.
J: Right, I know.
N: With this level of corruption... look at one of the existential threats is climate change. The number one driver of climate change is animal agriculture. It's not just because it contributes more greenhouse gas then all global transportation combined, it's because it's the number one driver of deforestation, and the... what do you call it, the poisoning of the oceans. So you're eliminating the biomass that absorbs carbon, so all that's getting pumped in to the atmosphere and there's nothing to absorb it.
If you don't take money out of politics, both parties are bought and paid for, you're not going to stop the subsidizing of the meat and dairy industries. You're not going to stop the wholesale corporate takeover of the levers of power in this country, and you're not going to incentivize a plant based diet or reforestation. So, you know, do you want a planet to live on? 'Cause you have to get out of the system.
J: So that's what I keep telling people, and when people were shaming me to vote for a corporatist war monger who promised to export fracking around the world, and had a public position and a private position, and she let billionaires know that but not the rest of us, I just couldn't... and people shamed me for not being able to participate in that anymore. And I said that, you know, no matter who wins this election, meaning Trump or Hillary, I'm going to have to fight both parties for a living wage, I'm going to have to fight both parties on climate change, I'm going to have to fight both parties on ending these wars, I'm going to have to fight both parties on free college, Medicare for all. The fight doesn't end, the fight starts.
N: Oh no, because of the crime bill of the 90s you have 250,000 to 500,000 people who are now sitting in cages, that are mentally ill. Half of those were put there on non-violent drug crimes. You know, and there was a big push to have Obama pardon, at the very least non-violent drug offenders, didn't happen.
J: He wouldn't even reschedule marijuana.
N: I know! I know, I know. My friend, you know I was saying, "Why couldn't he just do that?" with the pardons at the end, "why couldn't he just do that, last thing before leaving?". He said, "Why should he work at being a hero when everyone gives it to him for free?"
J: Yes. I mean he left office pushing the TPP. And they wonder why nobody would vote for Hillary in Michigan or Milwaukee. That's mind blowing, right?
N: I know, and the TPP would have established a corporate tribunal that would have taken to task any piece of legislation that affected their bottom line.
J: Right, so it takes away sovereignty from United States citizens, and it gives it to an unelected corporate body, and I think people caught on to that, which is why Trump actually repealed it, but he's going to try to pass something similar to it.
N: Oh, it's different roots of the same scam, yeah. I mean it's profoundly undemocratic. It's profoundly undemocratic to say that you have to vote one way, it's crazy. It is a way of suppressing free speech. One way of expressing yourself is through your vote, you have one vote, you're one person, you have the right to run for office if you wish, you have the right to campaign for who you wish, and that is sacred, and don't let anyone take that away from you.
J: No, they will... it's not sacred to everybody else. Everybody else is like "you owe your vote to the Democratic party", and I'm like you know what Nina Turner says, "Any blue just won't do", and I don't owe my vote to anybody. What a politician is supposed to do, if they don't have the votes necessary to win a race, they're supposed to go campaign and get those votes, and if you're not in the business of getting votes, maybe electoral politics isn't for you. And Hillary Clinton did not go to Wisconsin and Michigan, and she lost those states. I mean she lost the goddamned state to Bernie to begin with, what did that tell her? Nothing, apparently. So where do you see this ending up? So how are you going to... how are you navigating politics these days?
N: You know, my same friend from D.C. said "I know what's going to happen with Kucinich", and I put out, we put out a thing for Kucinich but the inevitable happened, you know?
J: That he got smeared, he got smeared. Huffington Post, oh "Dennis Kucinich ties to the butcher Assad", did you see that? It was crazy, the smears they did against him.
N: Right, right, 'cause war isn't butchering.
J: Right, it's like oh... I talk about in my act, ISIS will cut your head off with a knife, they're barbarians. Why don't they blow your head off with a nice Christian bomb?
N: Right, right I know. Chris Hedges said that more people have been decapitated by our drones and missiles and bombs, then ISIS has ever done. And yeah, with Wisconsin, I was in Wisconsin after Clinton, she left before we had finished knocking on doors in Eau Claire. So, not to, you know (huffs and polishes nails on collar) too much, but I mean, come on. You know... people, also they will say Russia! Russia!, is this running our government. They have no problem with multinational corporations running our government.
J: Right, the people who are really influencing our government is you know, Goldman Sachs, Exxon, Eli Lily, Raytheon, those are the people and everyone knows it, right? We know we live in an oligarchy, people... even Hillary Clinton supporters like Paul Krugman admits, yes we live in an oligarchy. And they don't go "so we have to get in the streets and change this tomorrow", they just go "Well, that' s it, we live in an oligarchy and so that's that. Now let's vote for the lesser of two evil and put on a pussy hat and deregulate Wall Street".
N: Right, yeah. It's an oligarchy they can live with, you know they're comfortable enough. Trump brings it way too much to the fore, Glenn Greenwald said Trump makes this country... it's visible what it does, he takes the mask off. Much as Gina Haspel has done with what the CIA does, much as Netanyahu has done with what Israel does. You know, it's not a friendly face, or a comforting face.
J: Yes, he... you know like people say "You really don't think there's consequences to Trump being president, now Jeff Sessions is a racist who is the head of the justice department?", and I'm like guess what? We have a racist justice system in the United States, do you know how blacks are over represented in our prison population, and nobody cares about that?
So it's apt that we have a racist at the head of our criminal justice system, because now we all know what it is. Now we can all get together and fight against this racist criminal justice system, instead of having a pretty boy like Eric Holder have his face on it, a black guys face who seems like he gives a shit, which he doesn't. If he's the head of the justice department you think, okay well they got it, everything's handled, even though what they're doing is racist. He's enabling a racist system. They didn't do anything, did they? Did you see anything that the Barack Obama administration did to lower our prison population?
N: Well, there's a great documentary called Do Not Resist, I don't know if you've seen it but it's all about the militarization of the police, and there's Eric Holder you know, at these meetings when they're talking about sending... what are they called, something cats, emraps?
J: MRAPs, which are like tanks.
N: Yeah, MRAPs to little sleepy towns of like 4,000.
J: Like Ferguson.
N: Yeah, which of course were used in places like Ferguson, yes.
J: So going back to that point it's like, in a sense Trump is the shock that is supposed to wake us up to the horrible stuff that our government's been doing all along, and you see how the Democrats go along with Trump, the worst of him.
They just voted to deregulate Wall Street again, that's the Democrats doing that. They just voted to increase our war budget by 80 billion dollars a year, no discussion, no town hall meetings, no OpEds, nobody wringing their hands, no contentious debates with Ted Cruz and Bernie, on with Anderson, nothing! They just did it like that. That 80 billion dollars, they said Bernie was crazy thinking he could spend that on education, "What are you nuts? We have to spend that on bombs that nobody wants"!
Progressive On Dems - "Only Pragmatic Way Is Out" w/Nellie McKay
Published on Jun 5, 2018

Awesome! I've seen it
now a couple times, and I agree it's one for the books!
Nellie nails it!
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Just one of the many things she said that deserves attention
We constantly hear about oil, but who ever talks about this!?!
She is quite amazing... I think I’m in love. Her music is very cool also. So happy I finally took the time to watch it. And so grateful to eyo for the transcription.
I said the same
thing when I saw
it the first time. And second. "omg, I think I'm in love!"
There's something about her, and it's not just that she's woke.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Thanks wink
You were the one who finally got me to watch it. I agree completely. Although I have to say I don’t care for the term “woke” — I don’t really know what it means, and I think it sounds off-putting. That is one of my complaints about Caitlin Johnstone too, although I like a lot of her writing and her passion. But I’d lose the word woke. IMO.
Anyway, yes, there is something about Nellie McKay, and that something is that she speaks truthfully and from her heart. She is so soft spoken as she delivers these powerful statements. She’s just genuine, and very clear eyed.
And she loves animals!
Here’s a fun song from her first album. The Dog Song.
Seriously, who can not love this? How fun.
I too am in love!
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
that remark deserves attention, lol,
but only to note that she must be a PETA activist/member. their sites were the only places online i'd found claims. coal fired electrical generating plants? yes, solar generation upticks helped mitigate those, not nearly enough. now one can easily say that factory animal ag is horrid for many reasons, including using fields to grow corn for feedlot feeding esp. when other crops have more protein and worth. but then a hella of the world's legumes are now GMO, which is horrid for soil, not to mention their anti-nutritional value, and the cause of many diseases.
and yes, animal agriculture and big ag in general (as opposed to sustainable organic farming that can act as carbon sinks) is horrid for the earth's biosphere and anthropogenic climate change, esp. in ammonia hot spots measured recently by nasa.
don't have a clue what her claim about biofuels cause the oceans no longer carbon sinks,
but here are some allegedly fact-based truths as to why that is:
"The reason is based in part on simple chemistry. Increased concentrations of carbon dioxide have turned waters more acidic, especially nearer to the poles. While carbon dioxide dissolves more readily in cold, dense seawater, these waters are less capable of sequestering the gas as the ocean becomes more acidic. The study revealed that the Southern Ocean, near Antarctica, absorbs about 40 percent of the carbon in oceans.
"There are several factors that may be responsible for what's going on," Khatiwala said. "Increasing acidity is only one of them. Faster emission growth rate is another, perhaps more important, cause, as could be changes in ocean temperature and circulation."
now it goes on to note that tidewater flats and marshes are great carbon sinks, but are being lost to flooding, pollution and erosion more and more over time. well, there's a whole lot more, but i just wanted to provide some...competing theories.
as the amazon rain forest (which hunziker calls 'the planet's lungs) gets killed more via dopey programs like REDD to make way or palm oil, all of it's more planetary ecocide.
Thank you Wendy, that’s all good to know
I will certainly look more into this. I only heard of her in this interview, I know nothing about her personal life, but I do know PETA is avidly anti-pet. They do not believe in keeping dogs as pets, because this is “enslaving” them. And I know that Nellie McKay has a dog, and advocates adopting them as pets.
So I seriously doubt she’s a PETA nut. I think it sounds more like vegetarian/vegan beliefs. And you may very well be right, it could be totally false. Or at least, overstated as “the primary driver” of climate change. But still I think it’s good to think more how other aspects of our lives impact the world, beyond just what car we drive (or not). I guess that’s what I liked about her point there.
Thanks very much for your reply, good to look closer at these claims. And I will.
agreed. and what's the actual carbon cost of a hybrid car
even in terms of the additional needs for rare earth minerals needed for batteries. the answer is: imperial neo-colonization to rape and plunder and them via puppet rulers of the amerikan (most often, imo) kind.
still and all, eating meat is a hideous waste of agricultural land; not more than half of global arable land was used for crops fed directly into humans, at least according to national geographic's maps in 2014, although i had major quibbles with their maps in the four corner states i know well. an CAF feedlots are an abomination, and in WI, so says a café commenter, they're permitted to use the waste (cough) and spray it directly on the fields, even w/o composting it. ergo: disease, disease, and disgusting mircobes in the food, the water supply.
oops, mr wd just back from shopping; gotta go.
egad, it looks as though my longish comment hadn't taken
later then, i need a rest.
Thanks for the transcription!
Hard of hearing so that was great. Impressed with Nellie!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
On the Beach
"So I think it's about time that we brought back more film noir, and that kind of "Hey if the end is near, let's just stay out all night".
Remember this movie where the end is nigh because they used the nukes?
"you know, and once you see the lie it's so obscene."
Bernie folding before the convention, endorsing Her and then pushing Russia Gate has made people so damn angry and feeling betrayed by him. First Obama did what he did and that's why so many sat out the elections that cost the democrats the house and the senate and then Bernie's campaign ripped what was left of the masks that the democrats had been wearing for so long. They then got their hopes up again with Bernie, but his betrayal will have long lasting consequences for anyone who thought about voting again. I wonder if Bernie is aware of how angry people are. If he does run again I doubt that anyone will give him the money they don't have or will work for him like last time. Both Barry and Bernie have basically killed the DP.
I loved seeing them calling out how the "Resistance" democrats are standing up to Trump's agendas.
Huge kudos, eyo. Marvelous job!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Depends. If Bernie runs
as an Indie
he gets it all back, all BernieBros back, all Berniecrats back, he gets a 2016 do over.
If he runs as a Dimocrat he gets nothing. As he should.
The Dims, though, just gave him his opening to run as an Indie, should he choose, by closing Primaries to Only those that will run as a Dim under DNC rules & regs. Which is to say, bow to Wall Street. So, Bernie has a legitimate reason to "leave the party" without throwing them under the bus. But, like Jimmy, I suspect he won't run as an Indie. Apparently chicken. And I would have been chicken in my 40s, 50s. Maybe 60s even. But 70s??! What's to be chicken about? It's sad. The door is open, saying run, Bernie, run! It's yours to lose! and yet... Sad.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I very much doubt that he'd run as an independent
The reason why he didn't after he lost the primary was because he didn't want a republican president. He has said that many times. Besides, there is no platform for any independent to get a fair deal in this country. Just for them to get on state ballots takes a lot of time to get enough signatures to qualify for them. Plus they aren't able to get in the debates.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks for this.
Second time I’ve listened. Now with the transcript, awesome. I have people who need to listen/read this who are obsessed with our national problem - Herr Drumpf. This helps us awaken them.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Thanks for making this an essay, 99% quotable quotes
Thanks a lot CS in AZ. Wow that looks like a giant wall of text, but I like reading it over and over. I see typos but it is pretty close, better than a robot. lol Here's one part that stood out to me, I think I made the paragraphs wrong now, but oh well:
I can't say why that hit me so hard, our generation of trauma survivors. Then she describes the primary so so well, in a nutshell:
and Jimmy Dore also calls Bernie a sheep dog, so there's that. I'm sorry that it does seem so true.
I am lost without a political party, and no other organizing efforts near me, everything costs money I don't have. Thanks.
Oh thank YOU eyo, for doing this incredible job for us
Having it all written out is a treasure, in my humble opinion. Her words deserve to be savored. (And Jimmy is not too bad in this one either.
Typos happen! I was actually going to try to read through it and listen again, to proof it before posting... then I realized that will take time I don’t have, better to just get it out there.
Although we all know that typos are not a big deal, if you would like to PM me with any that you noticed, I will be more than happy to enter edits and polish it up. Because I like things polished.
Thank you again. Typos or not, this is a beautiful gift you gave us.
Oh, this is so important eyo
I truly believe this is a critical issue in all this.
I mean let’s face it, the only reason that Bernie or any dem party “sheep dog” is able to round up and channel people back into the party, is because so many people are feeling like they are lost and wandering in the wilderness!
I know for the past year at least, I have been thinking that too. Although I’ve been politically an independent for two decades, I’ve always been a dem leaning indy, believing as she says in the interview, they were “the better guys.” And gawd when Obama came along, I was a true believer.
On election night when he brazenly announced that “change has come to America” I had a tiny voice in my head saying, uh, well...
But I had hope. Real hope. I’d poured a lot of myself and my resources into getting him elected.
When I look back now, he looks like a mega-church preacher, preaching his bullshit and raking in the lost sheep, who were wandering around lost from the Bush years... and then fleecing us.
I’m pissed. Now, finally. Then 2016... last bit of illusion totally gone. I won’t be fooled again.
But that still leaves us wondering, what to do. Figuring that out is our task now... that’s how I feel.
Part of me is with her on the film noir, let’s just stay out all night.
But ... I don’t know. There has to be some ways to help break this system up. We need to find them. Hopefully with time to process the loss, and more working together to really consider the situation we’re in, we can come up some options.
I'm with you about OBummer. I contributed financially and
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
yep, sadly. Agree.
The el Rushbo crowd
has been rushed for 25, 30 years. In my less-than-humble opinion there is no saving them, there is no cure for Rushitis. Their brains completely washed.
The only thing we can do is out-vote them. And with "our" voting history (or lack thereof) and TPTB voter suppression kicking our ass, well... not going to be easy. But, short of torches and pitch forks, the only action is to carry on. Or sit down, shut up and embrace the suck. Embrace the suck, peons! 'cuz this is as good as it's going to get! That's right, embrace! embrace! Trump! Trump! Four More Years! There's no curing that.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
It's Friday and I'm wiped out but
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
Thank you
Thank you so much for transcribing this, eyo! I tried watching this but gave up after a few minutes of craptions (crap captions).
While reading through it, I found myself nodding along the whole time.
I really do wish I could watch more of his shows without having to have someone transcribe it out though. Is there a reason why he (Jimmy Dore) does not add his own captions? Not enough time? Not enough money? Just doesn't give a shit?
Not sure what you
mean by captions?
For sight impaired, maybe?
My main beef with Jimmy is he repeats crap about a hundred times. Like his audience is first graders. When his audience is as 'woke' as anyone's. That, and he laughs too often at his own lame jokes. But I can suffer through that for the content presented. His was The Best show - or certainly One of the best - during the run up to the Nov. 2016 election, and especially After the election! One of The spots to go to to figure out what's what. It's less of a big deal these days becuz "we" have caught up. We know what's going on. Are 'woke.' But he Still has a decent show now and then, and this one with Nellie is something really special!
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Captions on video and tv, movies, etc
are for anyone who is deaf or hard of hearing or who for whatever reason can’t listen to videos. For instance I often read online while at work when I have time to kill, but I’m in an open cubicle area so I cannot have the sound on, and I can’t use headphones because, um, that’s too obvious.
If a video has captions, I can play it and read what they are saying. Jen is deaf, if I remember correctly, so she needs captions to access video content. Accessibility is the point.
As for why Jimmy Dore (and others) put up videos without captions, I don’t know what is involved in doing that, or what it requires in terms of time and resources, so I don’t know.
It’s also very possible that JD simply hasn’t thought of it. I don’t know if he listens to input from his viewers, but if so maybe it wouldn’t hurt to ask him to consider it, if anyone has a line to him. Or put a comment about it on his YouTube channel.
I agree with you wink, on his presentation. He started sounding too much like Rachel Maddow in his style, being extremely repetitive, taking forever to get to his point. And he interrupts his guests and co-hosts too much. That’s why I’ve stopped watching him regularly.
He was good in this interview however. Nellie McKay is so engaging, he mostly just let her speak, and he asked good questions.
Exactly right
Thank you CS, that is exactly right. There is auto-generated captions, which I call craptions because of how awful it is. It gets a lot of words wrong, misses a lot of punctuation, and it doesn't identify which person is speaking. If it were printed out, it would be a wall of text.
From what I understand, any captions you want to be correct in a video, you have to type it out yourself. Basically transcribing it but adding it to the video so that the words shown are the words being spoken. I've never done it myself, but I talked with someone who added captions after I asked about it. I think it would just be a bit time consuming.
I also tried watching the one with Bernie talking. I hated how he kept pausing Bernie to put his 2 cents in. Like, just shut up and let the man talk.
There might be an app
or gizmo for captioning.
I'll sniff around.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Thanks. :) n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
More restless chatter.
She has a point about Bernie.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Wow, thanks for sharing that dkmich
I finally got time tonight to watch this. The part near the end where she talks about Bernie and his not-at-all-helpful interventions in those primaries, is really kind of amazing.
It seems he’s being actively unhelpful to “berniecrats” at this point. I just don’t get what happened to him. ... or maybe I do, remember DNC has “leverage” on him... so who knows.
I don’t assume that Bernie is even speaking or acting on his own agenda anymore.
I still feel like he was sincere about his goals... right up until he wasn’t. Until they “stuck the knife in” like Robby Mook said in an email.
Which we only know about because of Wikileaks, and whoever got those emails to them.
There’s games going on, that is what I think. I don’t trust Bernie anymore, but that doesn’t mean I think he’s a “bad guy” — and I wonder what that leverage is.
Very obvious Bernie's hands
are tied. And have been
Since Cali (Primary). If not before.
He still gets his message out, but that, apparently, is as far as his leash entitles.
The Campaign to Fuck Progressives - and the 99% - is strong. The Oligarchy has no intentions of sharing anything, least of all "democracy."
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.