Twelve Years, Wasted
Twelve years ago I started college with the hope that I might be able to work around my disabilities, and as of now, I still have jack shit to show for it besides two pieces of paper and two 3 month contract jobs through Voc Rehab doing work the actual employees didn't want to do themselves (and photo/video ops...gotta make the employer look better than they actually are.). Roughly 5 years after these contracts ended, I still can't be placed in a permanent job anywhere.
I've tried many different things in that time, even a home business I shut down because people didn't want to go through the trouble of actually sorting through things they wanted scanned or converted, and I've gone through more employment specialists than anyone should just to get an entry level position in the tech industry because remember, the testing racket exams aren't cheap and I don't have money to burn.
And before anyone suggests anything, no, I'm not going to go to some website so I can pay more for subscription fees than the below minimum wage jobs they claim to offer. I also refuse to sell anything.
So it's because of this crap that I find it near impossible to find joy in anything at all. Sure, the stuff I'm dealing with even without that doesn't help, but the stress of 'making something of oneself' just adds to it.
So what do I do now?

I'm the wrong one to ask
since I've got to somehow restart a "career" at age 57. One option (assuming I could come up with the money) would be to spend about $50k to get a masters degree and I could try to convince people to hire me with a shiny new degree at age 59.
I want a career about as much as I want cancer, never did, but without it they won't pay jack. I have an extremely cheap place to live, but I can't make any money at all here. There was an article a couple of days ago that here in Colorado you need to make $23 per hour to "afford" a two bedroom apartment. I didn't look into their definition of "affordability", and I probably could live on less, but without a doubt my burn rate would soar. The first $25k per year I would make would be pissed away on taxes and living expenses for a life style I don't want in the first place. To make more than that I have to restart a "career" which runs into age discrimination.
You're not alone, brother. Though that probably doesn't help.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
I never even had a chance, and I'm 34.
On top of that, I suck at taking tests. I can do things, but puting them on paper is another matter.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Create a new paradigm for your self worth that
does not rely on an external opinion or job. You have value simply being you. Other values can be experienced through your interaction with other people, nature and the earth. Unfortunately a job has a greater illusion of an value in our current society vs any other activity.
Easy to say, hard to actually achieve, but most of us will spend our lives trying to earn approval from others instead of ourselves.
Many of our greatest critics gain their sense of self worth by belittling others and are not able to generate a sense of value themselves.
Start looking for joyful moments each day. It isn't to mask the pain and despair we occasionally feel, simply stepping stones to move away from it and and not get stuck in that place.
I am sorry the writing is not as complete tonight as you need, but it has been along few days and my mind is not composing quickly.
Your voicing the same words my sister said for decades - "I have no value because I am unemployable." Individuals with Asperger's can be difficult employees. Started and ran multiple companies to provide employment for her. The self value was temporary because she was trying to get it from a job and others, not herself. It took a long time, a life threatening illness and a couple of really close calls for her to realize just living life can be joyful and loving. Part of the process is deciding what what you focus on each day, why it sucks or what parts are joyful and loving. Hope you can achieve a content life without as much hardship.
PS. Jobs and training for jobs make money for other people and companies. If you are lucky there may be enough money to live on, but don't count on it.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
A good part of the advice is based
If it was in the past 12 years these relationships occurred, the path you were on may not have resulted in a job but maybe meeting people who are now in your life.
Maybe this article When a Dream Dies How to Process the Grief No On Talks About helps. No easy answers, since everyone walks their own path.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
"So what do I do now?" 25 cent Stop & Drop?
Would you like "quick and painless" or "slow and horrible"? LOL I'll take quick and painless please, this chronic slow and horrible is no fun, no fun at all. wah
I love how you keep tearing new assholes in your essays on college and employment search, they are so blunt and truthful, it hurts. This is end-stage capitalism. We, the disabled are fucked, "next".
My problem is I just talked to Magenta and Ray yesterday (poor homeless disabled old), they are really suffering right now. Sure enough, the hospital gave pharma and then kicked back to the street. Like them, I don't want to live (here) anymore either. The cops really have become pigs, kicking granny in the ditch. Move along, move along. The mask is off California and it ain't pretty. Open thy eyes, world.
I was going to say "it's all in your head", but someone else beat me to it. haha, not funny
Really too bad Woody Guthrie gets bowdlerized
There were a couple of really sharply critical stanzas in "This Land Is Your Land", that hardly anyone knows or sings any longer. This one in particular:
Who dares to tell truth to power like that nowadays?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.