A Rash of Suicides

Maybe it's just that time of year. It's nearing the anniversary of my little brother's suicide (June 26, 1979), so the general thought is on my mind. Or is it real? Are we experiencing a rash of suicides? The latest, just reported today, is Anthony Bourdain, host and star of CNN's Parts Unknown.

Before that, it was fashion designer Kate Spade. She was married to Andy Spade, the brother of actor/comedian David Spade. The Spades, like me, were born in Michigan. Also like me, they ended up in Arizona. Casa Grande, to be precise, which is about 20 miles up I-10 from where I live.

But back to my brother, since that's the suicide I have direct knowledge of. I'll call him Ricky for privacy reasons.

Ricky was 20 years old when he chose to lay down on railroad tracks in front of an oncoming freight train. My parents, for one reason or another, refused to deal with it, so talking to the police and arranging for a memorial fell on me and my sister.

How did Ricky end up on the tracks? As sometimes happens, drug addiction caught up with him, leading to jail, unemployability, homelessness, and despair. He started sniffing glue when he was 10 years old and kept up the habit right through the end. I went to the little patch of woods behind a factory where he lived the last few weeks of his life and found used paper bags, empty tubes of glue, and other sad detritus left behind at the end of his sad sojourn on Planet Earth.

Of course I blame myself. I didn't take him in when the county jail offered early release if I'd let him live with me. I could have been a better big brother, the way my older brothers were for me. Excuses, I had a million. I didn't trust him enough to leave him alone at my house while I was at work. I wasn't a better brother because I was 4 years older than him and we had little in common.

Besides, after my crappy parents destroyed what little good there was in our crappy home, none of us were unscathed. My oldest brother joined a biker gang and was shot to death in a fight, also when he was 20. My other brother is an alcoholic and spent much of his teens and 20s in and out of prison.

But I was the white sheep of the family. Army vet. Homeowner at 21. College graduate. Relatively successful computer nerd. And I was also the brother who washed his hands of Ricky after one too many disappointments, one too many failed promises, one too many told you so's.

Nobody knows exactly what's going through the mind of a person that commits suicide except that person. Looking at Bourdain and Spade, who had everything most of us only fantasize about having, and then comparing them to my brother, who had little and lost even that, leaves me puzzled and sad and confused.

Is there a rash of suicides? Well, according to CDC, suicide rates are up 30% since 1999. Why? The only people who know for sure aren't around to tell us why.

Ricky and Kate and Anthony, I hope you found the peace you were looking for. These tears are for you.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

No one knows what to do in these cases. I dated a fellow who committed suicide several months after we broke up. For years I wondered if I had stayed with him, perhaps he would still be alive. A friend woke me up when she said, "what if you had married him, had kids and he did it anyway?" I realized there was nothing I could have done, ever.

No one knows their pain except them. When they can see no other way out, it is the only way out. It is all they know to end the suffering.

There, but for the grace of the universe, go I.

Give rose

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

edg's picture

@Raggedy Ann

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OLinda's picture

Very sorry, edg. My mom, too. Don't even know the date. I was 12.

I had checked in on David Spade's twitter the other day, knowing Kate was married to his brother. His words are so real and pure. Not much else to say.

Its a rough world out there people. Try to hang on


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Azazello's picture

Sorry about your brothers. I had a younger brother with a similar trajectory; hard drugs and death at the hands of a biker gang. But life goes on and we who live must live.
Now about that meet-up. You live in Eloy ?

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

edg's picture


Not far from Pinal Air Park, where military aircraft go to collect dust.

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Azazello's picture

you're practically a Tucsonan. We ought to get together some time.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

edg's picture


Maybe we should set up a meet-up for Arizonans.

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and it might find me too. Worried about suicide running in the family. For good reason. Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister all gone, Mom the only one of natural causes.

Also majored in "what ifs" and survivors guilt. But it waned, not as if it passed altogether, because the memories and doubts never do stop being a part of who I am, but it has become easier to accept and less of an intrusion.

I remember well watching the movie Ordinary People and in particular the scene where the younger brother manages to keep hold of the overturned boat while his older brother can not and drowns in front of him. I am that younger brother. I no longer question my survival, or my inability to change the course of other lives. I chose to live my life as fully as possible. How can that be not be a good thing?

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

edg's picture


My brother, uncle, and great-grandfather all committed suicide. My mother tried, but her arthritis was so bad she couldn't hold the razor blade steady enough to be effective.

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snoopydawg's picture

I'm sorry to hear about your brothers and your upbringing. Each suicide you hear about opens that wound for you again. Sorry for that.

This is so true isn't it?

"Besides, after my crappy parents destroyed what little good there was in our crappy home, none of us were unscathed."

Nope, no one who wasn't brought up with unconditional love are left unscathed. Hopefully there will be one person in their lives that does give them the love they need in their early years. I hope that there was some one for you. I had my grandparents for a few years before my mom married the monster and I think that made so much difference in my life.

There were 5 different people in my house and 4 of us were each struggling to survive. We each dealt with it in different ways. Mom pretended it didn't happen. My older brother joined the Mormon church which gave him structure. My other brother was an alcoholic and died when he was 35 from AIDS. I was lucky to have a friend who saw me for who I could be and she talked me into getting help and seeing a therapist(s). But the wounds never heal do they, they just get scarred over.

Glad that your life got better for you. Try not to beat yourself up for looking back at what you could have done differently for your brother.

Snoopy sure was wise for being a dawg.


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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Mark from Queens's picture

Thanks for sharing, edg.

The images have stuck with me. Made me recall some people I knew growing up for whom I realize I'm fortunate to not have been visited by the same kinds of addiction and going down the dark hole they were.

There were some crazy kids in my seemingly benign suburban neighborhood growing up. One hung himself in his garage, another shot his parents with a shotgun, another supplied a pistol to a girl who did the same. I only knew the third personally through his older brother who I played baseball with. But there was a lot of careening going on, imbibing of all sorts of things at young ages and playing with metaphorical (and literal) fire.

You've been through a lot, my man. And seem to have found a way to rise above it.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut