Two Primaries - Update 16 March
Delegate advantage (leader total minus trailer total), data from through Wednesday, 16 March. No numbers yet for Missouri but as it is a virtual tie there should be nearly no change in delegate advantage.
In the South: Clinton +370
Outside the South: Sanders +48
The Southern Primary is finally over. Clinton racked up a huge delegate advantage there. Sanders will need to win decisively from now on to catch up.
Clinton finally managed a substantial win outside the South by winning Ohio by 14%, netting 18 delegates. Missouri is a tie, and Clinton won Illinois by only 2%, netting 4 delegates.
So with the important exception of Ohio, the pattern still holds. Clinton has now substantially won exactly one contest outside the South. Sanders has had several big percentage wins, but not yet in delegate rich states.

And Bernie pitched the only shutout so far
Vermont - he got all 16 pledged delegates, and Clinton got exactly zero.
While Bernie has done poorly in some states, he has been excluded nowhere. That's mildly encouraging.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Irony is that the Rethug BASE gets to pick
their candidate, and the Democratic candidate as well, if DWS and the DLC had their way. (Little Irony. DLC ALSO stands for "Downloadble Content", one of the most loathed money making schemes among gamers... essentially chopping out content from the game until the player ponies up MORE money.)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
If the primary season started with Oregon, Hawaii, and Vermont, both parties would have very different candidates. The calendar is set up the way it is to make sure both parties nominate the most conservative candidates.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Bernie is still in it to win it
I stand with Bernie Sanders. This is probably the last chance in my lifetime, to elect a President I've been wanting for decades.
I will not support the Democratic Party of DWS/DNC/DLS/Third Way.
If Trump is elected, the blame rests squarely on the Democratic party.
Also, tho I don't "endorse" Trump, think he's less dangerous than Cruz, Kasich. Trump is playing the clown he plays on TV. Laughing at how the media are sucking up his every word, acting like a clown, knowing people who aren't supporting him mock him, everyone knows you can't really make fun of a clown.
Trump is more a moderate than this act, the act is meant for the celebrity culture which dominates this country, world, today. His older sister is a judge, strong advocate for women, Trump supported Planned Parenthood for years. He's less of a hawk than Clinton is! The bullshit Trumps is sprouting is just that, bull shit. Just like what Clinton says - and doesn't ever do. Trump panders, just like Clinton does!
Trump is against the carried interest, probably the only Republican who is! He knows how to manipulate a bank - having had more than 4 bankruptcies himself. Can't believe I'm writing this, but if he's what sends the Clintons packing, for good, that's the consequence I can live with.
I don't live in a swing state, would I feel differently if I did. Don't think so. If Trump is elected, I see two "benefits" - destroys the Republican party, and takes the Democratic DLC/Neoliberal Party out of the clutches of the Clintons.
You speak my mind, too, Caerus.
I've said all along that Trump is the least scary of all those running on the GOP side. People are all freaked out about him, but I'm not. If America is going to fall, it's going to fall with whoever wins in November.
Yes, I'm saying it can fall with Bernie, too, because the establishment will fall, which it needs to do. The Dem party will implode, which it needs to do. I'm radical, that way in my thinking.
If HRC is elected, she will expose the Dem party for what it is - a tool of the establishment. Those that were in strict denial will see it for all it is worth and - again - the party will implode. It will happen with either candidate. The only difference is that Bernie will bring us out on the other side with a better America. I don't see that happening with HRC.
If Trump is elected, the GOP will finish off it's implosion. It is already happening. America will experience a major downfall, which will be painful, but what new "birth" is not painful.
No matter the winner - we will go through a painful period - it's already happening, isn't it? Indeed.
Speaking of birth - we are on the cusp of change on this earth - as we transition to a higher consciousness (don't get nervous on me, folks), we're going to have to weed out the darker side of our humanity in order to move to a more peaceful, progressive world. It will happen - have faith, my friends. We are in this together. If we stay together, we will ride this wave to a new era. The millennials are trying to get us there. I'm on board with them - many will be taken kicking and screaming, but taken nonetheless.
Hang in there, my dearest ones, much is yet to come.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I'm afraid I agree.
Rough day.
Missouri is quite a surprise
Missouri is quite a surprise to me. Claire Mc Caskill and the Governor said that no one in their state would vote for a communist. Doesn't look like they know their constituents.
It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. Carl Sagan