(This is truly obscene): ‘‘Beyond insane and sick’: Parkland parents lash out at school shooting simulator
I have NEVER.been a fan of censorship, but I think this could push me in that direction. This is inexcusably foul.
‘Beyond insane and sick’: Parkland parents lash out at school shooting simulator
Parents of students murdered in February at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, have lashed out at a new video game that lets gamers play the role of a school shooter, stalking through classrooms to rack up kills.
“Active Shooter” is billed as a “SWAT simulator’, and will be released on Steam, an online games marketplace. Players can assume the role of the shooter himself, or play as an elite SWAT team member tasked with neutralizing him. As the shooter, the game keeps a running count of how many cops and civilians players have killed.
In one scene shown in the game’s trailer, the shooter throws a hand grenade into an auditorium, a scene reminiscent of the 1999 Columbine High School shooting, in which Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 15 students.
However, the game’s publisher, Acid, said in a statement that “after receiving such high amount of critics and hate,” it will likely remove the role of the shooter and only let players control the ‘good guys’.
WTF is wrong with people? Especially the ones that think mass murder of children is a fitting subject for a video game.
I fully understand that there are already violent video games out there. My son owns a few. But somehow THIS crosses over the divide between fantasy and reality. I can’t imagine anyone thinking this isn’t going too far. Even if they do “remove the role of the shooter”.

Yes, and these kind of companies thrive on it.
This is the Westboro Baptist Church of Video Games.
The companies courts media attention by deliberately creating the most offensive topics and games that they can. Past games include a game called "Hatred" which... well, Yahtzee sums it up better than I can.
It's fucking bullcrap because the Media eats it up with a spoon. It's a great way to demonize their competition and solidify gamers as a group to be hated. Nearly every gamer I know of is appalled and pissed off that this crap is going on. Especially after Steam, the platform this game is hosted on, just threatened a bunch of visual novel games with LGBTQ content.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
But, but, but....Free speech!
And if you don't like it, I'm gonna blow your effing head off!
Just don't fckn take a knee or I'll blow your head off.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I've long held the theory that the companies that create
the military video games have connections with the military and the games are made to help kids feel more comfortable killing the bad guys. I know that others have said that this is nonsense, but I disagree. How many people who are now drone operators grew up playing those games? The games not only break down the idea that killing The Bad Guys is wrong, they also help them develop their skills to operate the controls.
This new game is sick, but apparently the creators think that it has some value or they wouldn't have created it. And I'm sure that many kids have purchased the game ...
I used to spend hours on top of hours playing Marathon which is a first shooter game with aliens as the bad guys. Then I'd go out in public and when people pissed me off I wished that I had one of my favorite weapons from the game to blow people's innards all over the pavement!
I'll admit that I could be wrong here and I'm just bent, but this is my opinion of the military industrial complex video games!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Some I do have serious problems with.
Military themed shooters which top the charts bother me considerably, but there are some that transcend the genre and actually make decent points. You won't ever see something like "Spec Ops: The Line" spoken of outside of gaming circles, but it's an extremely powerful portrayal of madness, war, and even manages to critique the player for playing the game in the first place... (apologies for another Yahtzee video, but he does sum in it up non-spoilery very well)
I would of course point to Japan which has far more graphic and horrific violence in its games and their relative lack of violence. Of course, theirs is not associated usually with the worship of the MIC that most mainstream games are obsessed with... So, different culture, different art, but equally horrific in taste sometimes.
And yes, there are simple bad narratives in much of western literature, zero arguments here. The problem is that more sophisticated plots don't really have mass appeal. I was heavily into RPGs in the 90's and some covered some pretty heavy topics. Belief, pre-destiny, actions with consequences, the nature of good and evil... Really meaty topics with some interesting philosophical discussions between characters, with the individual characters surreptitiously resembling certain modern philosophies... (Just good writing, which unfortunately, 90% of all writing is crap.)
As far as right now, the indie game scene is flourishing, but there's not a lot of money. So as a result, they do the typical capitalist thing, and do anything they can to get attention. Some do it by doing a good job, loving the art, and being good people, and others do it by screaming fire and Censorship alternatively.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
AFFECT: You Can't Unring That Bell.
I think I've mentioned this here before.
At the beginning of the video, the narrator mentions that he gets sick from the video.
I got physically ill playing Halflife, the campaign game and base engine of Counter Strike (great game!). I'll never forget it. Wanted to vomit.
It was at that time that I realized that video games were getting too close to reality – in 2002.
I was not really a dog trainer at the time; I had dogs and was training them, but I wasn't into theory and whatnot until about 2004. Knowing what I know now, I'm not sure that the "shame" angle of the game is going to work any better to stymie AFFECT than the glorification. In fact, I think it might do the opposite - putting a punishment callous on the shame experienced with low intensity violence (or simulated decapitations).
You can't unring that bell. It won't be a problem for MOST all players, but for some it will be the straw that broke the camel's back or the inkling and itch that must be scratched.
I might be writing a piece on what I think is wrong with America and Americans soon. It's not pretty, and it has to do with dog training and behavior modification protocols and their fallout when poorly administrated. I think I got it nailed.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Thanks for addressing this.
I hope to read your essay soon!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
militarized police
This isn't military per se; it's SWAT (read: militarized police).
Make that substitution, and your basic ideas are on solid ground -- collusion not required. (But nonetheless possible.)
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Years ago I read that the best drone
‘operators’ were gamers.
I have NO idea if that was/is true or not.
Anybody know?
EDIT: ?/.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Yep. I've heard that too Amanda
and that's why I have made my opinion about the purpose of the military being in bed with the military gaming industry.
Unfortunately, the drone operators have found out that there is a huge difference between killing people in games and in reality. The number of drone operators who have developed PTSD is staggering.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
You are correct
recruited gamers (with monetary bonuses) to become drone pilots.
The militaryDemocracy Now! also did a segment on this featuring a former drone pilot.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Figures. The military can capitalize on
every human action.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
How does this cross the devide?
All this does is accept the so-called fact that violent video games cause violence.
I understand the hatred of the game but I will not stand forth and blame games for the actions of humans.
I can see it now. My son or daughter was influenced by a game while I didn't give a shit.
My son too has played them all and he hasn't murdered anybody. I have killed millions in my domination of the game be it world of warcraft or first person shooter
Just where do we draw a line that is invisible?
Again, I understand your attitude about this subject. I just don't know if I agree with a solution that is based on belief of what causes facts instead of facts. There still is no provable correlation between games and life or death.
Peace. It's the only answer.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Suspect the issue potentially involves desensitization,
as that used by all sorts of violent criminal gangs.
A 'normalization' process, in this case by initially taking the edge off of, and ultimately, the shock, itself, through habituation in a 'safe' setting, incrementally edging more people closer to acceptance of, or at least reducing the horror of, RL occurrences, even though putting themselves in the killer's shoes may not give most people an urge to emulate them by killing real people, as it will for some.
Like other propaganda, the effects of a successful effort will vary among different people, but will, nonetheless, overall affect the overall exposed groups/society to at least some effect.
And that's been the aim of the fascists all along, using everything from terrorism to propaganda, to incrementally shift societies around the globe toward what's being termed a 'right-wing' demand for repressive measures to be imposed by 'their betters', to encourage people to accept and even demand that their rights must be taken away in the name of a false 'security', with the aid of perception management.
Why not incorporate the usual propaganda into all forms of entertainment,including videogames - not just for violence but perhaps for games where children play that they're waitressing as fast as they can in a hectic environment? There was a rash of these 'menial job' games appearing on the intertubz some time back - and guess what's available for employment in RL?
In case anyone wants to review a little known history, while it's still accessible:
Why do so many Americans believe that torture works and that cops need to be brutal on the mean streets, as portrayed in the movies and on TV? Perception shaping.
If certain types of people with certain tendencies or outlooks repeatedly identify with, and enact the actions of, people who slaughter other people, might that not help enable them to take that last step, whether in the military or civil forces or outside of these?
We've long known what they are; we know some of what they do. Suspicious is a good place to be - it inhibits the effect of continuous propaganda.
Edit to add that we might want to wonder why a society so heavily propagandized:
toward (overall) reverence for a globally invading military, one killing 'bad guys'/taking out 'evil governments' all over the world, by personalizing this into respectful words for the individuals among the cannon-fodder, so often deprived of promised benefits, with many homeless and in desperate need of healing because of the horrors they've engaged in for increased corporate/billionaire profiteering;
into a frantic emphasis on 'gun rights' (while others are taken) unlike anything else in the entire world, where people generally just have their personal guns without making a NRA-generated fuss about 'gun rights';
into a 'school shooter' issue also unlike anywhere else in the world (just beginning to appear in others now);
into acceptance of a militarized police killing appalling numbers of citizens with impunity;
et endless cetera,
produces and sells so many violent video games, where people may happily play the role of violent criminals, seemingly often presented as some sort as some sort of a cool 'Black culture' thing - while real Black people are routinely murdered by militarized police for Breathing/Walking/Reaching For A Requested Drivers License While Black, or games where they can practice shooting the inhabitants of other, invaded countries.
While people in other countries may have and play violent video games, cultures differ, and up until now, no other country or people have suffered the level of propaganda that Americans have been subjected to.
It says volumes for the human spirit that so many have not been entirely pathologized, but far too many have fallen prey to this in at least some areas - and the censorship tightens as the fascist claws tear through the tattered gloves.
Maintaining awareness becomes more imperative than ever, in my opinion.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Ugh, yeah, Time Management games...
Sorry, I see video games as a tool and am horrified to see them turned to such appalling ends. I had a great deal of hope in my early 20s that the genre would continue to innovate and be a medium for greater understanding. (As a roleplaying gamer, I was spoiled in the 90s, and I admit it.)
Of course, I'm also the guy who thinks the Military is a tool that has been turned to evil ends. So, grain of salt on my opinions, because I admit my biases.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Unfortunately, as we've seen time and again,
and know all too well, just about any tool can be used for good or evil... even more unfortunately, there are a lot of evil people maneuvered into positions from which to do this.
And your (informed) opinion on the world's largest and most invasive military is held by an awful lot of non-psychopathic people, all over the world, simply going by the more-than-ample and now undeniable evidence.
Hate to keep saying this, but Trump was a blessing in an admittedly ugly and destructive disguise; we can bet that the media would have covered for the Clintons and that Hillary would have kept the bulk of her remarkably similar-to-Trump's evils from the public and reserved for (no doubt lucrative and Top Secret) bragging sessions about it, among The Right People. And Her staff would, no doubt, have done the bulk of her Tweeting for Her, to try to minimize 'slips'.
In case you're interested, something we need not to forget about in the ever-increasing flurry of Bad News is the murder of Seth Rich, who, I'd say, was evidently the actual source of certain emails - triggering the Clinton campaign to Blame Russia As An Excuse To Attack And Take Out Trump/Putin - resulting now, I suspect, in this intensified effort to, I fear, capture Julian to try to force a 'confession' validating whatever they want to claim.
As if anyone would believe it, especially after Cheney, et al, doing the same thing to other prisoners (including farmers, cab-drivers and the like, turned in for cash by creatively entrepreneurial local war-lords,) tortured until producing whatever they wanted to hear, in order to 'validate' pre-planned war-crimes - and with a psychopathic sadist now to be appointed to head an even 'more vicious' CIA.
And (just guessing, of course) wouldn't it be nice for the Clintons if Hillary's arch-enemy - truth - was vanquished and whatever remained of Julian Assuage after 'interrogation' retracted every evil she'd ever done, to validate her talking-points before 2020?
(Re-edit: forgot to point out that they probably also want the identity of other whistleblowers to destroy them, as well.)
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
A fine comment ending on a hopeful note.
Zero-Dark-Thgirty was as we come to learn a piece of bravura bullshit about how clever the CIA was in
capturingkilling Bin Laden in Abbottabad. Abbottabad is 1.5 miles from Pakistan's West Point. It is a certainty that the clever, resourceful CIA did not track down Bin Laden but paid off the ISI to reveal his location and clear the airways for his "capture".Great comment!
Doctor who helped CIA track bin Laden still languishes in Pakis
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Another great find!
And another grim warning regarding those who aid and abet psychopaths to then become useless trash...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Gotta place hope in the human spirit;
in my strongly held opinion, we've survived the psychopaths among us so far only because humanity - in both senses - has always so grossly outnumbered these, (as with similar percentages of other unfortunates suffering mental disabilities,) and prevailed sufficiently to enable continued species survival, despite the sometimes wide-ranging damage done by some suffering from this particular and inhuman form of generally 'invisible' mental disability.
And because the psychopaths gaining power previously needed human labour now being replaced by robotics - and lacked the ability for mindless global destruction.
Time and again, they've succeeded in ruthlessly clawing a way to take abusive power over humanity in various societies because we previously could not recognize their destructive mental deficiency, to identify them and prevent this seizing of power over societies they then pathologize.
And those ruthless tendencies, in any healthy, non-pathologized society, would be instant disqualification for public office - if more powerful psychopaths stealing power and wealth from the people in some societies had never gained the financial, political, military and subversive power to force themselves and their ilk as 'government' upon not only their own countries but also on the people of others, to use once-commonly defined terminology/propaganda distortions in confusion strategies/social engineering toward such social pathologization.
But by their fruits shall we know them; the very lack of empathy and ethics that defines their condition causes them to self-identify. They could, hereafter, be kept out of public office under public-protective law and identified by brain-scans which, unlike lie detector tests dependent upon registering the physical effects of a conscience they lack, they cannot pass. The portions of the brain related to ethics, empathy and the 'human emotions' simply cannot function in the born* psychopath, and this shows in brain area activity - and the lack of - on certain tests.
It's certainly not their fault that they have this incapacity, but the perceptual blank this leaves, in those then answering only to their own desires with no care for harm to others, and potentially even taking great pleasure in inflicting harm upon others, renders the psychopathic a potential hazard when permitted to attain any position where they can exert power over others.
They lack the governor built into the normal human brain, where the essential survival traits of empathy and ethics combine to form conscience, in a healthy and civilized society, this also reinforced by the standards of that society, especially when under public-protective law universally curbing and discouraging predatory/hurtful behaviors.
Allowing the psychopathic/pathologized such positions - and especially, in the public/corporate sphere, immunity from law and all consequence - is vastly more insanely idiotic than would be permitting the visually blind to have driver's licenses, with immunity from all damages and deaths resulting, because they can't help being blind. (At least they wouldn't be creating endless disasters on purpose, assuming that any were crazed enough to try it, which seems doubtful. As a group, they'd know their limitations all-too-well and would understand they also would be placing themselves at risk.)
Or permitting a clearly psychopathic Secretary of State, engaging in war-crimes and finding amusement in horrors thus created, to profit from her highly lucrative abuses of public office and to endanger her fellow-citizen's national security to that end, on the grounds that she was merely incompetent for any such position, didn't know what she was doing, and should therefore not only be immune from national and international law (the latter of which cannot be overridden by any country's domestic lawlessness, or all the Nazis would have gone free, not just the ones smuggled out by such as the Hitler-funding US industrialists, to keep the fascist core to start again, more incrementally, in their home country and elsewhere) but be essentially appointed President over the objections of already-cheated voters. That being where we now stand.
Obviously, such empathy/ethics-function tests, (to be transparently and publicly conducted prior to anyone running/being considered for public office,) must be performed in a manner making it impossible for cheating to be involved, and repeated examples in any public servant of any tendency to callous/destructive behaviour clearly against the public interest must be acted upon instantly, to protect that public interest, with all due concern for any possible attempts at misrepresentation by any party for political/personal or other reasons.
If we could clean and keep out all psychopaths/pathologized from all positions of power and influence, especially within their more militant and invasive strong-holds, the balance in many countries would anyway naturally begin to tip, as in modern times it inevitably does where remotely possible, toward democracy and humanity, with more sustainable and stable societies, once without the regrettably long-standing global inter-webbing of The Psychopaths That Be's continual interference and support for such as terrorism and the overthrow of governments acting in their own public's interest.
But certainly the US and Britain must obtain democracy now, to be governed by humans concerned with the public good, (which includes the good of all,) while anything still remains to be salvaged, both of the concepts of democracy/civilization and of the global life-support system so eagerly being killed off by those lacking the mental capacity to even know what they do, only that they evidently want to disrupt/damage/destroy whatever they cannot micro-manage and use themselves, believing that the costs will accrue only to others they count as expendable.
We are all in this together, all humans believing in intrinsic human worth and aware that we are a part of the nature forming the life support system in and with which we evolved and only in harmony with which we can freely survive in free and egalitarian societies, if only we stand and work together for life and true democracy.
Having this essential in common, we can pacifically work out our differences once the question of survival in a free society becomes a reality which we can then guard with our lives against any further infiltration.
Without life, there can be no hope.
There's seriously no time remaining to sweat the smaller stuff or especially to entirely reject needed and all-too-rare allies over inevitable differences of personal opinion between humans, (especially when so many of us have been divisively and destructively propagandized into knee-jerk rejection of others displaying differences) rather than perhaps agreeing to differ for the moment to focus on shared imperatives; that's how we've been programmed to lose solidarity, to fragment and fail where it matters, so that the psychopaths prevail.
I firmly believe that we each need to ensure that our moral compass points toward humanity, hold to it, and fight the pathology that lies at the heartlessness of this fascist darkness and seeks to infect the world. (And mock the hell out of its unsustainable, inhumane and unsurvivable lunacy, at every opportunity.)
Fascism by any name is not a legitimate political position; it is the inherently destructive ideology of the psychopath.
*varying degrees of psychopathy can, of course, be caused by various neurotoxins and by other brain injuries affecting the pertinent areas, as well as by life experiences; obviously, the more susceptible of us can be pathologized by media/social influences, even though the victims may well possess at least some human capacities which merely have been unfortunately distorted into a pathological world-view by media-propagated and other social engineering inflicted on them.
(This is, of course, why meeting, speaking with and recognizing individuals from 'othered' groups as fellow-humans can break otherwise reflexive conditioning toward fear and hatred of people from identifiable targeted groups, which is typically reactive in a mental shut-down response to generally media-ingrained trigger-words with implanted fear/hate concepts and therefore not responsive to fact or reason where this is triggered. Finding different language may also help, by avoiding the fear-hate associative response; probably, one way or another, most people could break free of media-implanted fascist/divisive ideology to think for themselves, ultimately using reality and reason as guides, once they can perceive these as they are. We saw a lot of this during Bernie's run, as well as some actions previously initiated by groups introducing media-brainwashed individuals to actual people who happened to be, as example, Muslim or Black.)
The US Psychopaths That Be took over America incrementally, making great efforts to 'normalize' their pathology all the way, while also inflicting their pathology on and around the globe, and we very obviously cannot survive the effects of these. Either they go far from positions of power, or they take down planetary life in their suicidally murderous struggle for totalitarian power over the world.
Example provided by a (retired) London doctor, an ophthalmologist specializing in diseases of the eye, albeit having had a career change some time back, in this following which just came up on my notifications - emphasis mine:
Neatly covering the typical 'projection' in accusing others of what they do themselves and with the human vs psychopath mental positions explained by a trained physician - and a target of the psychopaths essentially because he and his wife are concerned with improving the standard of living of their people and will not abandon or abuse them to further enrich/empower The Right Billionaires And Corporate Interests.
Obviously, all of this is merely my opinion - but this certainly seems to be evident to me. YMMV, of course.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.