bibi's hell on gazans, (his strikes on Syria, & T's 'out of iran nuke deal' at the bottom)
OTOH, from a different perch:
what’s Israel afraid of?
(subtitles, 17 minutes)
And the ‘inauthentic opposition’ Bernie Sanders called the deaths and injuries ‘tragic’ and said that the IDF had ‘over-reacted’, although he seems to have deleted the Tweet and seemingly replaced it with this one.
Margaret Kimberly referenced the quote at Black Agenda Report. (The site was down for over 24 hours, but it’s up again.) But then…
“WASHINGTON – Bernie Sanders, an independent senator from Vermont who enjoys widespread support among liberal Democrats, told a gathering on Monday that progressives should embrace both the founding principles of Zionism as well as the inherent justice of the Palestinian cause.
Speaking before a conference held by J Street, a liberal Jewish American organization that primarily lobbies for a two-state solution between Israelis and Palestinians, Sanders said that “those of us who support Israel have got to tell the truth about policies that hurt the chances of a peaceful resolution.”
“There is no question that we should be and will be Israel’s very strong friend and partner in years to come,” he said. “But we also need to recognize that the Israeli occupation runs contrary to American values and I believe, Israeli values as well.”
“We need to end this 50 year occupation,” he said.
But Sanders said it was “particularly important” for progressives in the Democratic Party to acknowledge the moral foundation of the Jewish state of Israel – a state that began as a progressive enterprise, he argued. Such an acknowledgment does not contradict the need for an independent and “dignified” Palestinian state.”, jerusalem post
Way to thread the needle, Bernie.
‘Beyond Livability’
life beyond livability is inevitable
like the rainfall
and the winter storms
life inside the walls
is ferocious…stubborn
It grows like dandelions through parched rocks
it transcends obstacles
and powers through
like inexorable love
like an irresistible kiss
like the birthing of new life
beyond the statistics
and the rhetoric of hate
like the darkness that drapes the homes in the besieged city
listen carefully
two million hearts are beating off rhythm
there is no harmony beyond livability
only the inevitable
beware the inevitable.
~ Samah Sabawi, a Palestinian writer and poet. She contributed this poem to
For further background reading:
Jonathan Cook’s ‘Balfour Declaration: How Britain broke its feeble promise to the Palestinians’, 30 October 2017 (Cook writes from Nazareth; his website) He opens with:
“There is more than a little irony in Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to attend a “celebration” dinner this week in London with his British counterpart, Theresa May, marking the centenary of the Balfour Declaration.
Palestinian objections to the 1917 document are well-known. Britain’s Lord Balfour had no right to promise a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine, on the land of another people.
But Israelis have been taught a different history in which they, not the Palestinians, were betrayed.
In 1939, Britain appeared to revoke its pledge, stating “unequivocally” that it would not establish a Jewish state in Palestine. Limits on Jewish immigration were imposed, at a time when Europe’s Jews were fleeing the Nazi Holocaust.
It was for this reason that nearly a quarter of a century ago, in his book A Place Among the Nations, Mr Netanyahu accused Britain of perfidy.
One can understand the reluctance of Israelis today to concede the pivotal role provided by Britain. The Balfour Declaration is an embarrassing reminder that a Jewish state was the fruit of a transparently colonial project.
In fact, Britain assisted the Zionists as best it could, given the need to weigh its imperial interests. Restrictions on immigration were introduced under the severe strain of a three-year armed uprising by Palestinians, determined to prevent their country being given away.”
‘In the Occupied Territory, Two Kinds of Justice’, Stanley L. Cohen, December 25, 2017, counterpunch, including:
“Israel has long preached justice and equality to the world. How often have we heard its mantra about democratic ideals and traditions as so much a unique historical tenet of its travel… a journey for the chosen that get to choose who the beneficiaries are… and are not.
For those of us in the US, either schooled in the classic process of the law or victimized by its aim, we’ve grown spoiled by its safeguards even though they remain but abstract and elusive for those many in the prisoner dock of “wrong” color, with but coins in their pocket or militant politics in their gait.
Yet, despite the betrayal of equal hope for all, the march from investigation to arrest to trial and result knows no formal de jure distinction along the way. Of course, one would be so much a fool to argue that justice is blind, or little more than a commodity for purchase, or the skill of one’s advocate, or the luck of one’s judicial draw. Yet these damning imperfections leave hope along the way that justice may, on occasion, just slip and fall into ones lap despite a long and tarred drop.
That is not the case in Israel. Israel has two systems of justice… one for Jews and the other for Palestinians be they Muslim, Christian or atheist. Nowhere is that more apparent or destructive than it is in the Occupied Territory.”
A two-man blank check AUMF:
Crossposted from: café babylon

Gott mit Uns
Modern days zionists are not far from the Nazis they fled. Reaction formation? Greed? Megalomania? Empire? Fill in the blanks.
Apartheid pushed on those few Ethiopian Jews that are allowed to stay in the country. What a fine role model. Snipers killing peaceful Gaza protestors (whom Israel routinely calls out as violent--and some may be).
AIPAC through its influence on Neocons and war hawk politician have certainly deranged our own domestic politics.
Why don't we start a Congressional Probe on Israeli "collusion" to affect our own domestic elections? Maybe Joe Lieberman can head the panel--I'm sure he's impartial (choke).
a few may be somewhat violent at times,
rocks, sticks, but they reckon they're fighting for their lives, as here: 'We have the right to live': Why Palestinians in Gaza will keep protesting', #GazaSiege. The land beyond Israel’s fence is the dream of every Palestinian in Gaza, who all have the right to live and travel without restrictions
"What are you guys doing here on a normal day?" I asked a group of Palestinian youth protesters on a recent Thursday.
"Why not be here? Where do you want us to be?" one answered. "We are unemployed, we have no electricity at home, we have no money; this is the only place we can express how angry and depressed we feel."
Another chimed in: "No PA salaries, no Rafah crossing - even the sea is polluted. Do you think we are scared of being shot or killed? Do you think they scare us with their snipers? Our presence here scares them; holding a Palestinian flag freaks them out … The life in Gaza is unbearable. We are slowly dying."
and even that journalist low-balls the hideous conditions under which the 2 million Gazans live.
yes, AIPAC and i'd add CUFI (dispensationalist christians united for israel) whose credo they've modified form 'when israel stands alone (get it?) christ will come again...well, here's the old version.
as for psychology, a great commenter at the café's been reading frantz fanon's book 'the wretched of the earth' on revolution against settler colonizing, etc., and disagrees with marx on which class is more likely to succeed (the lumpenproletariat so far out of the system they have nothing)...and not succeed, but the wiki doesn't have the chapter jason mentioned on the psychological interviews he'd done. but this is useful, and has always been so: dehumanizing the enemy.
"Based on this conclusion, Fanon characterizes the assessment of the native population by the settler class as dehumanizing. The settlers literally do not see the natives as members of the same species. The natives are incapable of ethics and thereby are the embodiment of absolute evil (p. 32) as opposed to the
Christiansettlers jewish who are forces of good. This is a crucial point for Fanon because it explains two phenomena that occur in the colonial world. The first is the idea that decolonization is the replacement of one population by another, and the second is that since the native knows that they are not animals, they immediately develop a feeling of rebellion against the settler."and now w/ trump's alliance w/ bibi and clown prince bin salman against iran, and the proxy wars in syria and yemen...god's blood it's criminally insane. what will russia do?
p.s. on edit, and as of May 2: 'made in amerika: state department bugle call: onward the syrian salafist principality!' or: no shia permitted! wahabbists rule! (as per the “The U.S. plan to create a Wahhabi enclave in northeast Syria was directly referenced in a Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report from 2012.)
and this is something a German politician
be it from the left or the right
would never dare to say and therefore Joe's comment that in the end the Europeans (Germany as the crucial part in that) will succumb and be in support of the US (even if they hate Trump for what he does).
Americans and Russians, due to our Germany history of the holocaust genocide, will use that fact (memories in families of the holocaust and the German evils through three generations) as a way to shove the Trump US policies down our throats and any reasonable opposition will be snuffed out like your lovely Mr. Schneiderman supposedly has choked and snuffed out opposition of their sexual objects.
This dirt stinks to heaven.
And even if some on Germany's right (AfD for example) would dare to say anything critical about Netanyahu's policies, it will be judged as anti-semitism ... and the left will also not be in opposition too openly. So, bingo, there we go again. Germans never learn. Apparently the Germans have the wrong teachers they cling to.

... if I understand that all correctly ... which I am always not sure about.
just a quick note
bibi said that the iranian regime is like nazi germany, killing jews during a talk with putin at the Russian v-day celebrations yesterday in moscow. hard to see them together a day after israeli missiles hit syria, but a commenter at moon of alabama had bemoaned the fact that no one seem to understand is that putin knows all israel really has is a powerful air force, showing his military off yesterday was by way of an object lesson. See what we've got?
All you need to know about the Israeli Army is summed up...
In their garbage Martial Art, Krav Maga.
-Crap in any fight where the enemy can see it coming.
-Depends on the enemy being less ruthless and violent.
-Responds to all threats with lethal force if possible.
-Trademarked with an advertising budget.
I think that sums it up pretty well.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
i don't know about that martial art,
is that satire, or...factual?
Factual as to its existence
Just my Opinion as to the veracity of the statements about it. But they don't actually practice fighting, just breaking facsimile's of bones and bodies while instructors scream at them.
Essentially pure aggression training.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
krav maga.
i bingled, and found video titled "end a fight in three seconds". broken neck perhaps? no wonder so many US po-po are trained by the IDF. NYPD even has (or had) an office in tel aviv for such.
To be fair . . .
Krav Maga is a "combat technique." It is taught to the IDF specifically for the purpose of a hand-to-hand combat situations in which Israelis have no weapons and have to fight for their lives. In such a "combat" situation, one's objective is usually to disable one's opponent, even if that means killing them.
That goes the same for any military on the face of the planet. They share the same objective.
It's not really a "martial art," in the sense of a sport. It's a lethal, combat technique.
as expected, and breaking:
‘Trump withdraws U.S. from Iran nuclear deal: ‘It didn’t bring peace, and it never will’, chicago tribune
or: bibi was right! we knew iran lied’
from MoA: 'trump ends the nclear deal with iran: what's next?'
more from the twittersphere:
@Reuters 1h1 hour ago "BREAKING: Israeli air strike targets a Syrian army position south of Damascus - pro-Assad commander"
Iranian army massed to invade Israel?
Those tweets correspond with rumors that I’ve been hearing — that for the past month a massive Iranian Army force has been building in Syria near the Syria - Israel border, preparing to invade Israel.
According to these rumors, the Iranians are acting in concert with their Hamas clients in Gaza, whose so-called “March of Return” was a smokescreen to allow terrorist operatives to enter Israel on missions to disrupt the Jewish state to set the stage for the Iranian invasion.
I hope those rumors are false.
"Please clap." -- Jeb Bush
oh, my.
please indicate the source of these 'rumors'. they make no sense to me save for the purpose of disinformation and agitprop against iran. as in 'wipe israel of the map' which even Ahmadinejad apparently had never said. (i deleted my speculations as to which 'news organizations'.)
I forget the exact source
for those rumors which the tweets you posted partially confirm. It was either MEMRI, DEBKAfile, or Arutz Sheva.
"Please clap." -- Jeb Bush
I'm curious:
Do you habitually frequent Israel-aligned websites?
If so, why?
And if so, do you usually uncritically believe the stuff they "report?"
Side note: I was talking to a staunchly Zionist, Israeli friend yesterday. It was amazing to see the degree to which he had swallowed the self-justifying pro-Israel propaganda and memes.
At one point, he told me that the Iranian nuke treaty should be ended because of Bibi's presentation last week. When I pointed out to him that Bibi's so called "evidence" pertained to the time before the Iranian treaty, he had no response other than to say that Iran is still working on nukes. However, he could give me no specific evidence to support this assertion.
I pointed out to him that Bibi was the one that said back in 2002-03 that Saddam had WMD, and that it was American Zionists in the form of the neocons that got us into the second Iraq war. While he admitted that the second Iraq war was a mistake, the things that I pointed out to him about the Zionist track record on the second Iraq War seemed to make no impact on him.
Finally, I asked him, if since Constantinople was founded and developed by the ancient Greeks, ancient Romans, and Byzantines, should today's Italians and Greeks have a "right of return" that allowed them to reclaim Istanbul from the Turks, he could give me coherent answer as to why these people shouldn't be able to reclaim their "historical homeland" from the Turks, while the Jews should be able reclaim Palestine. He could give me no coherent explanation for the double-standard.
Finally, I decided that I was talking to somebody that was irrational, and that his opinions were colored more by irrational emotions than they were by any trustworthy facts and cool, logical analysis. Laughingly, I ended the conversation by saying, "We'll just have to agree to disagree" and left it at that, because I concluded that trying to talk reason and facts to somebody that was irrational was a waste of time.
See, the sad thing is that this man is so possessed by paranoia, partisanship, and tribalism, that he is unable to have any intellectual integrity. He actually believes his own crazy propaganda.
thank you;
i wasn't sure to go with that sort of hasbara framing, so i appreciate it.
surreal, a café commenter brought this from haaretz:
'Syria Blames Israel for Strike Near Damascus; Target Was Iranian Missiles Aimed at Israel'
Israel opens shelters, braces for imminent Iranian attack ■ Syria TV: Air defenses down Israeli missiles ■ Israel military calls up some reserves, haaretz
ooops, it's behind a paywall for me already, the cheapskates. and how many minutes to midnight are we on the Doomsday Clock?
@wendy davis off topic, but to get
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
i thank you for the tip, even tho i dunno what you mean.
bit of a luddite here, i'm afraid (smile).
An answer and an offer for our luddite members. :)
Another shortcut is to hold down control-shift-T, this will open a new
Incognito tab and you can just paste the address you want to view in the url bar.
Let me know if you get it figured out and if you still have trouble PM me, I'm always happy to be of whatever assistance I can to my fellow C99Peeps.
Consider me the resident c99p unofficial tech support.
As a matter of fact, if any of our regulars has any computer issues, upgrades or data recovery service help hit me up, I know a lot of us are on fixed incomes so I'd be happy to do it at cost for those in need.
We all gotta stick together and help each other with our individual skills if things get as bad as it looks like they have the potential to be and there's no time like the present to start getting into that habit.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
bless yer ♥,
it worked! wooot! take that, NYSlimes, wapo, and 'the nation'! i stuck your instructions an a blogging-help word doc i keep, in case my lame brain forgets it, lol. Firefox, both open private window and a separate window (er...iirc) worked.
i chose this 'slimes' rubbish reporting of israel bombing violently syria again last night (ooops, i mean 'iranian positions' in syria).i know the truth must be out there somewhere, but it looks like this to me.
but srsly of all the news agencies' coverage, i liked the video takedown of trump's 'death and bedlam' speech the best. ‘28 Israeli jets fired about 60 rockets in overnight strikes on Syria – Russian MoD’, 10 May, 2018 08:49, RT
hell, if i could find the video on youtube, i'd embed it, but it doesn't appear to be posted there yet. many thanks again, alphalop. lop for lop-eared wabbits? (tavooch, in ute)
Hey! I hope you didn't mean that blessing in the southern...
Fashion, as that has an entirely different intent behind it.
J/k glad you figured it out! I'm kind of a geek so I like learning or figuring out work arounds and "hacks" like that.
The Lop part of my name is from an inside joke.
In prison slang lop means Lazy Overweight Police, so one day an inmate called me a lop and I responded, "I am not A lop, I am THEE Lop! I am the king of all Lops!!!" (When given the opportunity I always try to go to humor in difficult or tense situations, often it de-escalates them and if it doesn't at least I get to be amused.
And thus an internet handle was born...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
(bingled it) aha. well then...
bless your ♥ you lazy overweight pig. how dare you give me tech hack advice?
(srsly, i wrote it down and will share it about as needed; thanks again.)
@wendy davis because I'm
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
good grief; the light finally dawned,
i'd meant that i'd looked up the southern version of 'bless yer ♥', and found it was essentially a passive aggressive prelude to an insult. hence: my insult. sorry it took me so long to twig.
at one site in the past, some of us would trade Shakespearean insults; there are couple sites of them.
Lol, yeah. It's the equivalent of "Go F@$k yourself"
In the way I've heard it used in the south.
Example, "Wow, what possessed you to paint your house that color?"
"Because I like it, Bless your heart..."
I always found it incredibly amusing and love to use it when I go up north even though I never do down here.
Mostly, because it amuses me to insult people while they think I'm not, lol
(Which come to think of it is likely why they do it too, lol!)
Another example from my past usage of a similar vein.
Some of you may know that I spent a long time employed in corrections.
Well, let me also explain that corrections isn't like Oz.
We are expected to be civil and restrained when dealing with inmates, including use of language (too bad street cops don't receive such training based on the audio from far too many incidents to count but I digress.).
So long story short, I kinda started a trend of using, " Have a nice day!" With the express understanding that it meant "Go Fuck yourself" and the nicer and kinder you said it the more you wanted them to engage in self-fornication.
It caught on, and one day when having a particularly intense conversation with a lieutenant I ended the conversation with the sweetest, " Have a nice day!" Possible and walked out as he turned red raging about how he was gonna terminate me for insubordination and unbecoming conduct of a Senior Officer.
I later learned that he did indeed submit paperwork to the disciplinary Committee, and was promptly laughed at and said that if he thought they could successfully pursue action against me for wishing him a nice day on the grounds of, "he didn't really mean it." That they were seriously considering his fitness for command. Lol!
Sometimes having a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent can be fun...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
"Pre-emption" is part of the Zionist mindset
It is always "We have to take out the other side's ability to make war on us, EVEN BEFORE it becomes an actuality."
Thus, the neocons used it with their Project for a New American Century.
And, as we've seen, this rationalization has been used again and again by the Zionists in Israel whenever they want to take out any supposed supposed threat. Most certainly this was the case with the six-day war in 1967 when the Zionists used a variation on this rationale to justify their expansionistic landgrabs.
A spiritual principle I've learned is this: What you resist, persists.
In fact, people end up often creating or bringing about the very thing they are trying to "pre-empt" by way of their stupid and short sited actions.
Seen in this light, the Zionists have created world-wide hatred for the State of Israel, and have even fueled the rise of irrational and unfair general anti-Semitism against non-Zionist Jews. Yet they are so blinded in their fanatacism-born-of-victimhood and their potential victimhood (paranoia), that they are never able to acknowledge that possibility that any of their OWN immoral or unjust actions are leading to the very thing they fear the most--hatred and persecution against them as a group.
Thus, Israeli ex-pat Gilad Atzmon, speaks of "pre-traumatic stress syndrome" as characterizing the Zionist/Israeli mindset.
i think of 'paranoia projection' as i read your good comment.
and yes, the israeli gummint has created itself as a rogue, pariah state, and when criticized, ramps up the rhetoric, as in: 'iran reminds me of nazi germany, killing jews' bibi to putin yesterday at the v-day celebrations in moscow.
interesting credo: 'what you resist persists'. i know 'be careful of focusing on your enemies, lest you become them', 'string into the abyss for too long', but yours, i'm not sure i'm getting. it may be that i'm pinging some wretched family troubles mr. wd and are finding hard to imagine will ever be/can ever be resolved, but...i have at least tried to learn to not harden my heart for very long, lest i become....the hardening. or something. thank you, darlin', for food for thought.
on edit: oy; maybe i shouldn't drag it up, commenters at b at MOA had brought up gilad atzmon in this thread. opinions differed as to whether he should have put up two posts about it. oops. there was a thread within a thread, so i may be incorrect. me, i watched it real time, so i heard him loud and clear. (b links to his earlier exposé)
'Blumenthal, Norton, Khalek - The Turncoats Deliver A Poor Excuse - by Daniel'
Trump says it's a "one-sided deal".
Ya, the U.S. gets to have over 5,000 nukes, can embark on a trillion dollar nuke modernization project, and can station them all across the planet, and Iran gets none. Sounds one sided to me too. Course if you count Israel, it's really two sided, I guess.
The nuclear weapons industry,
a private industry, is fighting dirty for its life. Its agents want to arm Saudi Arabia with nukes.
If our government agents arm Saudi Arabia with nukes, can we charge them with treason?
yep, guesses at israel's non-declared nukes
seem to be at 200-300. OTOH, even the IAEA couldn't confirm any nuclear amibititions or close. missile capability, likely so, why not? sorry, i'm too out of energy to read all this by now. but yukio amano's predecessor was an american-approved plant, yes? what on earth was his name?
but as of 2017: 'Iran fulfilling nuclear deal commitments: IAEA chief' reuters staff
the sauds? oh, my, so much speculation, as in: beware. from veterans today, 2016, esp. 'TEHRAN (FNA) – Unofficial sources in Riyadh...' pakistan ready to ship...?
and again, the wild card is russia, no? and yes, i've read a few things concerning putin as an iranian/syrian/KSA/israeli/trump stooge, but is the truth out there at all? deconflicting air space w/ israel: is that a bad thing? tribalists will decide, i reckon.
What I think is happening is
Here you go...
Americans Today Work More Than Peasants Did in Medieval Times
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Seen this haven't you Wendy?
I was going to post an essay about it but . ., it's not about the democratic party
"...any military operation against Iran will likely be very unpopular around the world and require the proper international context—both to ensure the logistical support the operation would require and to minimize the blowback from it. The best way to minimize international opprobrium and maximize support (however, grudging or covert) is to strike only when there is a widespread conviction that the Iranians were given but then rejected a superb offer—one so good that only a regime determined to acquire nuclear weapons and acquire them for the wrong reasons would turn it down. Under those circumstances, the United States (or Israel) could portray its operations as taken in sorrow, not anger, and at least some in the international community would conclude that the Iranians “brought it on themselves” by refusing a very good deal."
-Brookings Institution's 2009 "Which Path to Persia?" report, page 52.
Excerpted from your link, very prescient
A fine analysis. So what did Obummer's deal accomplish other than shifting money around, including EU members? Most likely a favorable deal for Sunni Muslim jihadists who had the benefit of a brief respite from Iranian nuclear buildup--as if the Saudis were going to give the riff-raff dirty bombs.Even the Saudis aren't that self-destructive.
Based on the Brookings report, "Obama's deal"
well, ya couldda just pretended it was a D thang, silly mon!
yeah, i'd seen it, but not that version, so i went a-huntin', and found tony's report on it at activist post which included the massive brookings funding sources, including related think tanks.
"Within the opening pages of the report, acknowledgments are given to the Smith Richardson Foundation, upon which Zbigniew Brzezinski sits as an acting governor.
The Smith Richardson Foundation funds a bizarre myriad of globalist pet projects including studies on geoengineering, nation building, meddling in the Caucasus region, and even studies, as of 2009, to develop methods to support “indigenous democratic political movements and transitions” in Poland, Egypt, Cuba, Nepal, Haiti, Vietnam, Cambodia, Zimbabwe, and Burma. Also acknowledged by the report is the Crown Family Foundation out of Chicago.
The Brookings Institute itself is a creation of the notorious globalist funding arms including the Carnegie Corporation, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford Foundation, all who recently had been involved in the fake “Ground Zero Mosque” controversy. Today, Brookings boasts a full complement of support and funding from America’s biggest corporations. Upon the Brookings Institution’s board of trustees one will find a collection of corporate leaders from Goldman Sachs, the Carlyle Group, the insurance industry, Pepsi (CFR), Alcoa (CFR), and various CFR affiliated consulting firms like McKinsey & Company."
he reminded readers of iran's vast resources and population, (mackinder heartland) geolocation, as in: what a prize. pepe escobar reminded us again this week that china, russia, and iran are doin' lot's of bidness, china investing billions and billions in iran, and that iran is of course crucial in the obor, belt road initiative (bri) various names.
an the folks who fund brookings, rand, AEI, etc. hate that it's now an officially multi-polar world, ep., i'd think, that the petro-dollar seems to be dying. i'd had to look it up, but it was wesley clark who'd seen the memo from pnac, remember?
"Project for the New American Century:
Six weeks later, I saw the same officer, and asked: "Why haven't we attacked Iraq? Are we still going to attack Iraq?"
He said: "Sir, it's worse than that. He said - he pulled up a piece of paper off his desk - he said: "I just got this memo from the Secretary of Defense's office. It says we're going to attack and destroy the governments in 7 countries in five years - we're going to start with Iraq, and then we're going to move to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran."
r2p somalia (after clinton ruined it) is on, 'south' sudan (with all the oil), an amerikan project is being touted by clooney & don cheadle and their 'sentry' project and the CFR for r2p, an tra la la. i mean, it'd be funny if it weren't so serious.
but oy; i'd had to bingle 'new world order project. oh, my, a global totalitarian project?
did some reading on opinions on the possibilities of an israeli/iranian war early this a.m., but i need to go make some toast, smile.
more to ballast the heartland explanation,
i read b at MoA's 'Trump Ends The Nuclear Deal With Iran - What's Next?', and the comments were fascinating, as ever. but this was by way of a brief discussion of a and alistair crooke oped at strategic culture (oh, dang the hyperlinks won't come in, will they?
'@123 karlof1
Nicely said on all points.
Your Alastair Crooke article - yes I did see it at the end of the last thread and just read it. By the way, b links to it in his article here, not very explicitly, but he uses it to make the point that China and Russia are making huge deals with Iran and are now effectively its protectors.
I really like the two maps that Crooke uses to show the tremendously important geopolitical position that Iran occupies in the world geographically. These are a map that shows the 6 economic corridors of the Silk Road, and a map that redraws McKinder's world into 3 vertical areas, with a core of energy resource producers flanked by Europe and Asia to the west and east, respectively, as energy consumers.
The links to the maps, and the meaning of them as they pertain to Iran, are all in this quote:
Whether one looks at the bold, red, East-West swath of China’s massive ‘Road and Corridor’ sprawling across Eurasia (see here); or, look at Russia’s vertical, ‘McKinderesque’, heartland of energy producers (see here), stretching from the Arctic, through Russia to the Middle East, supplying the consumers to the East on one side and to the west, on the other, one thing stands out clearly: Iran, and the northern tier of the Middle East, lie smack in the middle of both maps. But just to be clear: these may be articulated as mainly trade and energy projects – but they are primordially political-cultural projects too.
These two visions – the Chinese map and the Russian – are complementary. One highlights resource influence, and the other, its flows and the concomitant economic fecundity likely to arise from the flow of energy and the ebb of manufactured goods along this corridor. In this northern sphere of the Middle East, it is Russia that has diplomatic and security ‘heft’ – and not America. In this northern tier, it is China that has economic and influence ‘heft’ – and not America.
- Is Israel Readying for War?
It doesn't matter much if the US leaves the Iran agreement, as others have commented. It is a further isolation of the US and that's a good thing. I think as Crooke explains, Israel knows it can't really fight Iran, but would scheme to draw the US into a war. I have serious doubts that the US would enter one, personally. As Crooke points out, Trump needs to win the mid-terms or the Democrats will impeach him - but whether this means staying out or plunging in, I can't say.
I am continually amazed at the US's ability to diminish itself, and Trump seems like a god-send for this. But it's not the US - Israel is similarly shrinking, and Europe. It's a function of the tides of history and hubris mixing in a King Canute kind of result, but I don't have the words at the moment to describe it further.
Posted by: Grieved | May 8, 2018 11:23:56 PM
and meanwhile, breaking news: "Strikes have been reported across the border between the Israeli-occupied and the Syrian portions of the Golan Heights. Syrian media says Israeli shells hit its territory, while Israel reports it was targeted by Iranian missiles." (got a bridge to sell ya)
"The shells were fired from the Israeli-controlled area towards the city of Baath in northern Quneitra, Syria’s state SANA news agency reported. There have been no reports of injuries as a result of the attack, it said.
Within minutes of the reported shelling, the Israeli military said that sirens were heard in the occupied Golan Heights, without providing any details as to what triggered the alert.
“The details are being looked into and will be given shortly,” the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) wrote on Twitter. It is unclear so far which of the incidents came first.',via RT
lol, variously:
The Sun · 26m
ISRAEL has claimed that Iranian-backed forces have launched missiles at their military base in the annexed Golan Heights region following reports of an Israeli bombing campaign near Damascus. …
Syria and Israel exchange artillery fire over Golan Heights
Couriermail · 17m
Israeli tanks have also been observed firing from their Golan Heights revetments into positions believed occupied by Iranian forces assisting Syria’s President Assad …
Want to know who's really driving this Iran deal train?
Zionist Israel and those behind it, like the creep Adelson, that's what's driving all of this. Zionist Israel that Bernie Sanders says progressives of the democratic party must embrace.
Pants on fire
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
LOL x 3!
now iirc, you've been amused by the syrian observatory for human rights (SOHR) including its funding sources, location in the UK, etc.
this a.m. when i'd looked for further info on the israeli missile strikes (SE?) of damascus, the msm was reporting that the SOHR as upped the number of those killed to 15, most of them...iranian, while is reporting that:
"The Syrian air defenses intercepted and destroyed two Israeli missiles in Damascus countryside on Tuesday.
A military source told SANA that the Syrian air defenses confronted on Tuesday night two Israeli missiles and destroyed them in al-Kisweh area in Damascus countryside.
A medical source in Daraa said that a man and his wife from the locals of Sheikh Miskin were martyred due to the explosion caused by intercepting the Israeli missiles near al-Kisweh area on Damascus-Daraa highway.
On April 9th, the Syrian air defenses confronted an Israeli missile attack carried out by Israeli F-15 fighter jets on the T-4 Airport in Homs’ eastern countryside.
how tragic for the martyrs, but one might just think that the SOHR has a deeper agenda, no?
it might be to create a red line/rat line for iran to make war on israel.
but among other opinions i'd read today, here's david goldman's at the asia times, fwiw. but he does seem to know some of the military capabilities including hezbollah's many missiles, and so on. his 'dresden' scenario is chilling.
an oldie but a goodie, eh?
"A shorter YouTube clip recorded from a better angle by the BBC Persian journalist Bahman Kalbasi captured his response:
What are we going to negotiate about? What I would say is, “Listen, you see that desert out there, I want to show you something.” You pick up your cellphone … and you call somewhere in Nebraska and you say, ‘O.K., let it go.’ So there’s an atomic weapon goes over, ballistic missiles, in the middle of the desert, that doesn’t hurt a soul. Maybe a couple of rattlesnakes, and scorpions, or whatever. Then you say: “See! The next one is in the middle of Tehran. So, we mean business. You want to be wiped out? Go ahead and take a tough position and continue with your nuclear development. You want to be peaceful? You want to be peaceful? Just reverse it all and we will guarantee you that you can have a nuclear power plant for electricity purposes, for energy purposes.” So. "
yes, bern, progressives need to be friends with israel and the zionist did you see the BS on the right sidebar? 'iranian teens arrested for posting happiness videos', and such? ye gods and little fishes.
Hello World!
Hey Wendy...
I followed you over here from Cafe Babylon, and I have to say your post looks MUCH better here! All sorts of nice graphics popped out of the links! Is this a Wordpress blog? Because if it is, you should probably copy the settings. And if this isn't Wordpress, maybe you should switch to whatever it is, because Wordpress is STUPID! I hate them!
Anyway, here's a nice photo of some Russian soldiers relaxing in Syria, just in case anyone forgets that this isn't about who's right and who's wrong, and it isn't all about Trump, it's about a GLOBAL NUCLEAR CONFLAGRATION!
Welcome Jacob...
this site was built using the Drupal CMS (Content Management System). Drupal is open source software that is independent from any third party CMS provider such as Wordpress.
Since Drupal is open source and Wordpress is proprietary they really can't be cross-pollinated, if you will.
Glad to have you with us, make yourself at home.
the café's loss is jtc's gain then, jacob.
and if you register here, all comments new to you will be numbered and tagged in yellow, very handy. but i do like my home site, partially cuz it's so easy on my eyes, thus brain. i did pay the big bucks for an upgrade that would allow some jigging of the css codes to make videos and tweets a third smaller than the originals, and include my (randomized) photos in the banners. again, very soothing to me.
comment editing would be lovely, but not possible at the café, even w/ the next 'rent' upgrade. all ya get for more bucks is more storage capacity. pfffft.