Russia Gate has jumped the Shark
Pulitzer Goes Full Orwell, Gives Prizes For Pushing RussiaGate Hoax (NYT, WashPo)
We’re living in truth-is-stranger-than-fiction times.
I noticed this story about the Pulitzer prizes for Russiagate reporting when it came out 10 days ago, and expected an avalanche of ridicule from the alternative media. But the Syria missile strikes happened the day before, and the geniuses at the Pulitzer committee escaped in the fog of war.
Russia Gate is many things - it is a symptom of the deep corruption in our political system, a vicious effort (so far quite successful) by a Jewish elite and its flunkies in the deep state and media to hamstring a president and block good relations with Russia. It is a massive and preposterous lie. And it is a striking example of the abject failure of the mainstream media to report honestly on this hugely important story. Rachel Maddow’s ranting about Russiagate might well stand for all eternity as the low-water mark of professionally responsible journalism. The New York Times and Washington Post are right up there in Maddow’s league.
Is there any type of award that Rachel should receive when Russia Gate is finally shown for the fraud it is? She has been the biggest cheerleader who has been pushing R-G nightly since its creation. She will give her audience a 15 minute breathless rant and then spend 5 minutes bringing her rant to her point.
The only way the journalists ‘reporting’ on Russiagate for the Times and the Post have distinguished themselves is with their shocking professional malpractice and incompetence, verging on venality. They relentlessly pushed, and continue to push what is obviously a transparent lie. The only possible explanation is either a profound stupidity and gullibility or cynical dishonesty, or both, all grounds for professional disbarment.
I estimate that roughly 60% of Americans who take an interest in politics agree that Russiagate is a hoax.
In fact, the only people who still believe this are the die-hard pussy hat crowd, the Hillary wing of the Democratic party, and the liberal media who are indistinguishable from them
It hasn't just been the NYT and Wa-PO that has been pushing it. Leaders from the U.K., France, Germany and others have also been pushing it for probably the same reasons our government has. The reasons are numerous, but I think one the biggest reason is to push for censorship of not only social media, but more importantly, censorship of alternative websites that refuse to push the propaganda and tell us the truth about what is really happening in the USA and the world. And of course restarting the Cold War with Russia.
Here’s a list of the Pulitzer prize board, rock-ribbed, mainstream Democrats, it seems, one and all.

Zakharova: War on “Russian Propaganda”
is Just Clever Rebranding of Suppression of the Truth
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
[Yeah, I totally want that to become a thing...and judging by YouTube comments, from Americans, I think the idea could totally take off
Looks like they too took the red pill
As you stated in your essay, there are more people who have taken it than we realize. There were some people who saw through Obama while he was running. They tried to tell me that he wasn't going to do what he said he would. Looking back now, were they like those of us who see through this voting game that won't change anything?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Personally I caught on to Obama
right after the 2008 Ohio primary, the day after his "dinner with Diane and Killery". He gave a speech where instead of talking about "health care" he said "health insurance". I knew immediately what he was saying, "Now you're fucked, suckers!" He stabbed us in the back and he was laughing at us.
On to Biden since 1973
Salem Witch Trials have nothing on this
Russians, Russians, Russians everywhere!
To see the Demonrats trying to hold a political conversation without mentioning Russia will lead to very short conversations indeed (save for Maxine Waters' "impeach 45" speech, which she regurgitates whenever the chance arises)
You need only watch the first two minutes of this video to see the incredibly intellectual Maggot Hassan, D-NH, denounce the Russkies for failure of DACA legislation. Does that make sense? If it does, tell me why.
Speaking of ole Maxine
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Completely cheapened
the pulitzer prize.
Yeah, lower case intentional.
Same as the nobel.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Eugene Robertson is on the board
What do you expect from him? He too changed his reporting after Obama was selected. I used to read his stuff before he sold out. But I don't think anyone can top Rachel's sellout.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
You mean Eugene Robinson. The other guy, Eugene Robertson, was a baseball player.
Thanks, edg for the correction
I'd love to blame it on autocorrect, but sadly I wrote it this way.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Its all those things: censorship, suppression of the truth
...propaganda and lies, subversion and sabotage.
But these things all do have one single purpose: To cause the Russian people severe economic harm so that they will rise up and destabilize their own elected government, therefore making Russia weak and impotent. This is the US's last-ditch attempt to stop the formation of a multi-polar world that will naturally occur with the rise of Eurasia. This is the US's desperate grab at stopping the development of China and Russia so that the US can be the Supreme Ruler of all nations and all people on Earth. The Super Power holding the force of instant destruction over all the rest by virtue of murdering its way to the top.
Many Americans are buying into the fever dreams and terminal madness of their dying Empire. They find security in being the world's bully and brutal enforcer. But the world they envision is not going to happen, especially for the US, which has demonstrated to the world that it has lost its moral compass, completely. There will be no single superpower Dictator role for the US or anyone else in the future. The World intends to have multiple voices that can shape the future together.
The people who buy into this destructive and delusional propaganda, who believe threatening accusations against Russia and other proxies, which have no verifiable evidence to support their truth whatsoever, are people who should never have a role in any government of the future — a government that must benefit all people. Good people should help one another until a government based on truth and decency can be formed. Humanity deserves no less.
Right on, Pluto
Russia Gate is giving the government cover to place more sanctions on Russia and for people to give their permission and get in the mood for war with it. And it's working. The Clinton Creature has said that Russia committed cyber war on the USA and we know what her reaction to this would have been.
Look at how well the false flag propaganda worked out on bombing Syria. This wasn't just okay with them because Assad gassed his own people, but because they think that Russia (Putin) helped him do it.
The second to the last sanctions on Russia did hurt the economy, but it recovered and then some after we bombed Syria. The other thing that the sanctions are doing is getting China and other countries to stop using the US dollar for buying things. The Chinese Yuan is doing well.
I loved the part in the excerpt above where it says that it's basically the Hillary group of pussy hat supporters that still believe the Russia Gate propaganda.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Sort of like a global mixed member party,
with diverse representation? Too bad that the world powers that are, or are to be don’t have any practice with this type of representation on a national level. It would have helped to level the field more fairly for the future. If I had a choice I wouldn’t choose any of these countries to hold power.
I see them all as very capable, especially for this role.
Their job is to prevent any one of them from abusing their powers and imposing their will on other nations. Over time, more will join their ranks.
Other than protecting all of us from being bullied by one of them gone rogue, they have little to do.
The UN and other global systems are doing fine and will continue to evolve.
Little to do, in terms of meaningful change, is a tragedy.
Neutering each other to prevent one's abuse of power may be the best we can hope for. Progress, not so much. The most it might provide is the prevention of a catastrophe. Maybe that’s all the protection we can afford to hope for. Sad.
This is off topic, but deserves to be seen
This exchange between Blitzer and Rand Paul is from a year ago, but it's going viral again.
Damn good question. Why is Blitzer still on the air?
"5,000 children dead or hurt and 400,000 malnourished" The Saudis, the U.K. and this country are responsible for this! When are the bombings on Saudis, the U.K. and this country going to begin?
Remember, it's only hypocrisy when other countries do the bombing!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It is a freaking moral issue!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Snoopdog, you outdid yerself here!
I'm still chuckling!! A major REC'D!!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Between this and BirtherGate....
I'm getting right tired of this crap.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Mass distraction award.....
...or at least it that's the award Russiagate deserves.
Gerald Horne had an interesting take (vid or text)
And Glenn and Jimmy also had a good discussion about it this weekend...(30 min)
There are two other Glenn and jimmy pieces too (20 min) (20 min)
h/t Azazello
Fake awards for fake news....sounds about right doesn't it?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
What if Russia gate is real
There sure have been a lot of indictments for something that all the super wise people here know is fake news. I'm sure as heck not as wise as that. I don't know. It sure seems like Trump is acting guilty of something because he's so sensitive to any kind of investigation. That's not American. But I guess I'll learn my lesson soon, along with everybody else who doesn't mistrust every single word from trained journalists, that just because I don't know and don't want to fake certainty, I must be an elitist, "deep-state" sympathizer. I'm Jewish too, so maybe that explains it.
Beware the bullshit factories.
If it turns out to be true then I will have egg on my face
and I will admit that I was wrong. Yes there have been some indictments, but so far they have nothing to with the original charge that Mueller is investigating which is, "Trump and Putin colluded to win the election."
Manaforte, Podesta, Gates and Flynn have all been indicted. However, the first 3 have nothing to do with collusion. They have been indicted for not registering as foreign lobbyists from their days working with the Ukraine government, money laundering and tax invasion.
Flynn was indicted for lying to the FBI. Why? Because he had been wiretapped and when the FBI interviewed him he did not answer their questions the same way he said something a year or two ago. Who would remember exactly how things went years ago?
The 13 Russians and 3 Russian companies that have been indicted were from a Russian advertising agency that placed $100,0000 worth of ads on FB. Many had nothing to do with the election, were not targeted towards Americans, but Russians here in the US and quite a few were place after the election. Gohnsit wrote a excellent essay on this a few days ago that is worth reading.
What we have seen is that we have been bombarded with statements that are said as fact, but under further reading it is all conjecture. Remember to read the articles carefully when you see a headline that states unequivocally that something has been proven. Inside you will see that there is no actual evidence that matches the headline.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It really shoudn't be about having egg on your face
It's too serious for that. I just think with the billions of dollars being pumped into bullshit factories of all kinds, it seems really easy to be unaware of biases that have been brainwashed into us. That's why the claim of certainty makes me really uncomfortable and uncertain these days.
Beware the bullshit factories.
What is it that Russia really gains
As for our media, I think we all know Tim that they aren't to be trusted when it comes to beating the war drums. Gulf of Tonkin. WMD in Iraq. Saddam and Osama did 9/11. Hell, the USS Maine.... They lie and have always lied and the more they repeat it the more people think that means they are credible. That's how propaganda works.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
The Russian mob gets Trump properties
To launder its money. Why does any despot want to expand power? I think there's a lot of confusion about who the bigger war criminals are. A video of Rand Paul supposedly being anti-war was just posted. Rand Paul? The guy who just voted to recommend confirming the war monger, torturer lover and Iraq war architect Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State? So now it looks like Pompeo, Bolton and Netanyahoo are all on the same page to get their long wished for war with Iran. Not to mention of course all of Rand Paul's pro-oligarchy votes, for exanple the recent tax scam that was passed. Rand Paul is a Koch funded phony and yet Obama, Deep State, whatever.
Beware the bullshit factories.
The video isn't about Paul
It's about what Blitzer said. But Paul also talked about what is happening in Yemen in case you missed that. He is the only one who I have heard speaking out about the atrocities that are happening there.
And yeah, he pissed me off voting to confirm Pompeo! He knows damn well what that meant! Pompeo is in Israel on his knees in front of Bibi.
Who here mentioned the Deep State?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Oh, don't get me totally wrong
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
There were emails between Hillary and Podesta that shows
that they started Russia Gate after the emails that showed how they rigged the primary. I'd say that's some good proof that Russia didn't get Wikileaks to hack the DNC computers. This is a lot of how the propaganda got its start. Hillary made up facts not in evidence. If that was false, then how can you trust whatever else is said?
Time will tell whether Russia did anything. And speaking of time. Things that were done during Obama's tenure are now being blamed on Russia. Every thing that people don't like is being blamed on Russian bots spreading false information. This further erodes confidence on what people are saying. How many times have we been hit with propaganda bombs that have been proven false? Why would this time be any different? This is the boy howling about the wolf again and again.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
And as for this
seems really easy to be unaware of biases that have been brainwashed into us.
I truly don't feel that I formed my opinion from someone else. I have looked at the facts and read articles very closely and can tell when I'm being fed BS. This is one of those times.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Let's hope Russiagate is not true.
What does is say about the ability of American's to handle and deserve a democracy when something like a rag-tag operation, in fact, less than rag tag operation of some trolls with chump change was able to alter an entire election of a nation of 300+ million people.
What Russiagate implies is that the American electoral system was pure as proverbial driven snow, un-corrupted by power and money, as the Russians could come in with 13 people, $150,000 and totally rape the system. And consequently take control of the White House, war mongers lobbyists, special interests, American oligarchs, be damned. Making heroes of all those people and organizations.
You seen the NYT's new ad campaign yet?
I believe the campaign is called "Support Independent Journalism". That's literally what the ad I saw said above the Time's logo. Others include themes like holding power accountable and "support journalism that reports the truth." What planet are they living on where the NYT is independent journalism holding power accountable?
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
It's Orwellian Perverted Propaganda
War is Peace.
It works if you're the media. When a media giant says something completely twisted and clearly preposterous, people sublimate their confusion and twist their minds to match the authorities. They think, "The New York Times would never risk saying something so up-side-down, unreasonable, and illogical unless it was absolutely true."
Stenography and guilt by association journalism
Looking at the articles I have read from those outlets, it is first about pure deep state stenography. As Michael Tracey stated once, every headline about Russia should be "Unknown "official" makes unverifiable claim based on unavailable evidence" And it all gets reported as if the assertions were true needing no examination of facts--which is impossible as no facts are ever stated.
And then the Rachael Maddows take these undocumented claims and spam them with absurd guilt by association charges which degenerates into outright xenophobia.
Yep bibi maybe Iran has nukes unlike you
To repeat the scary part one more time, Nutenyahoo is fucking crazy, he's still mourning his brothers death at Entebbe. What's worse is everyone
pretty much knows Israel has nukes which Israel won't deny or acknowledge,
so why the big deal that Iran has the capability of what Israel has, cuz
Iran's leaders are nutz? Well isn't nutenyahoo just as nutz, Bibi look at
Gaza for that answer.
I've never been more embarrassed to be Jewish at this time in my life,Israel
under nutenyahoo has become the exact state from which is was created from, yes it takes two to tango and while Arafat wouldnt tango in the past its
nutenyahoo today that wont tango.
Mistakes happen and her heinous would be more than obliging, I seriously hope(though highly doubtful) that trumpolini doesn't drink the poisoned chalice.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
these awards are a joke now
First we had Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize for nothing, and then bombing all he could. Then we had the White Helmets win an Oscar for their crap production propaganda pieces. Now we have Russiagate winning the Pulitzer Prize, as if the whole story is non-fiction. Nothing to see here, move along folks. Everything is perfectly normal. There is no gas-lighting...
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein