(Does someone have an agenda?:) The Cambridge Analytica Whistleblower Wanted His New Company To Work With Trump Campaign’s Manager

The ‘hero’ whistleblower that busted Cambridge Analytica forgot to tell a lot of the story he’s been selling about Facebook and access to all that data. In fact, HE had access and control of it AFTER he left CA. This guy is NOT any cleaner than Andrew Nix. Not trying to downplay the importance of the CA story but trying to show how MANY people and organizations had that data thanks to Mark Z. and people like our ‘whistleblower’ here. And was his motive for squealing revenge? To eliminate the competition? Or guilty conscience? And most importantly to ask, who the hell DIDN’T have access to all that data?

The Cambridge Analytica Whistleblower Wanted His New Company To Work With Trump Campaign’s Manager
“We have developed a series of algorithms that can predict the personality traits of individual voters by analyzing their voterfile, social, online and consumer data.”

Posted on March 28, 2018, at 12:38 p.m.

Christopher Wylie, the Cambridge Analytica cofounder who recently blew the whistle on the political consulting firm’s improper procurement of the personal data of millions of Facebook users, had the same data set when he was establishing a business of his own in 2014, according to information obtained by BuzzFeed News. The following year, that company, Eunoia Technologies, subsequently pitched Republican political operative Corey Lewandowski on microtargeting tools that could be deployed on behalf of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Emails from 2014 provided to BuzzFeed News show that Eunoia possessed a database of more than 50 million Facebook profiles at the time. That same information — and Facebook’s wider data collection policies in general — are now being scrutinized following reports by the New York Times and the Observer of London that Cambridge Analytica improperly acquired it from a company called Global Science Research (GSR), which originally collected it for academic purposes.


In a four-hour hearing of the UK Commons select committee on digital culture, media, and sport on Tuesday, Wylie was asked by committee chair Damian Collins if he had benefited from the GSR data set on other projects that he’d worked on outside of Cambridge Analytica.

“I didn’t do any contracts or do any, you know, work with that data,” Wylie replied. “I haven’t worked with any clients … That data got deleted, I believe, in 2015 on my end.”

“SCL Without Alexander Nix”

Last week, BuzzFeed News reported that Wylie discussed plans to “build the NSA’s wet dream” in late 2013 while still working at Cambridge Analytica. “Our goal is first to make it an extremely profitable company,” he wrote in late 2013. “Then we will cleanse our souls with other projects, like using the data for good rather than evil. But evil pays more."


Between the NSA and these people (with the help of a gullible, trusting public) there is no ‘reasonable expectation’ of privacy anymore. Which is probably a good thing since privacy has gone the way of the dodo and the Edsel. We just have to get ‘used’ to it.

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Wink's picture

what this whole C.A. FB thing is about. Is there a crime here? People give up all their privacy rights when they sign up for an FB account. FB then makes money selling your (and my) Profile. As someone here said, if a web platform is Free to use - as many are - then You are the product. Anyone that knows this and voluntarily gives FB their real name, real address, yada, yada - as many do - well, they pay what they get for. Stupid is as stupid does. Give FB and Twitter and, and, fake data, as I do, you ain't got much to worry about. That's Not to say they can't track you down by other means, IP addy, etc., but it makes it harder for the avg. joe blow, where they'll likely just go on to the next on their list rather than waste time tracking you down.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Amanda Matthews's picture


“EVERYBODY” doesn’t know bupkis. Far too many people haven’t come to the understanding that there are NO ethics and morals in this world. They still think that there are some fine lines that even the greediest money grubbing 1%er won’t cross. They don’t give these bastids enough ‘credit’ for their venal, immoral, cruel inhumanity. They don’t understand that the people who are held up as icons and role models are actually greedy bloodsucking parasites (that just might be a huge redundancy).

And as for thingd like ‘Terms of Service’, most don’t wade through them because they are long, tedious, and written in a way to intentionally confuse and hide their real motives and agenda. And they serve their purpose. How many who do read, or try to read, actually understand them? Not many I bet. Something that could be said with a one sentence statement ends up being longer than this whole post.

Alleged Certainty
(also known as: assuming the conclusion)

Description: Asserting a conclusion without evidence or premises, through a statement that makes the conclusion appear certain when, in fact, it is not.

Logical Form:

Everybody knows that X is true.
Therefore, X is true.


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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

Wink's picture

a crime, was my point.
@Amanda Matthews
And I didn't say everybody,
although I'm amazed at how many people on there give up all their info.! The internet has been around for a good 20 years now, in terms of anybody with a computer has been online since the late '90s. If this were the early oughts I could understand the masses falling into this trap, but MySpace and now FB have been around forever. If dupes get duped into playing FB games is it the game maker that's the culprit? Then all carnival game hucksters are culprits too. Back when S.L. was getting going (and I caught the very tail end of that before, like Times Square, S.L. became Disneyfied), all kinds of carnival hucksters, pickpockets and rabble rousers roamed the streets. Nobody more a victim than yours truly, but as one fine lady there told me, "just treat your misery as a learning curve, and enjoy the ride. It Does get better!" I did and it did. More fun than I ever imagined could be had for peanuts on a computer screen! But Coca Cola and Toyota were coming on, and they didn't take too kindly to the "atmosphere." Pimps, whores and all kinds of riff raff just wouldn't do. Linden Labs bowed and S.L. lost a Lot of its appeal to make room for the corporates. Point being there's a learning curve. And ten years on FB should be enough of one. But, hey, we gotta protect the children ~er adults too stoopid to know when they've been had. Maybe FB needs a Warning label at the top of each page: Enter at your own risk.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

mimi's picture

blame the 'duped' for their own 'stupidity'? No thanks. This is imo a pretty arrogant and cruel way of thinking of the average internet user. With the addictive features of the internet, this is not simply 'your own stupidity'. It is like supporting selling drugs and offer the needles for free for your own profit and pleasure to your own kids. YMMV.

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Amanda Matthews's picture


you, huh?

You sure love shaming victims.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

Wink's picture

I ain't all that smart,
@Amanda Matthews
and never claimed to be.
So, if I can figure this crap out...
I don't feel all that sorry for those that spend years on FB playing CandyLand or Farmville or whatever the latest craze is.
Everyone pointing fingers at FB and Zuckerfield and C.A. and...
when no actual crime has been committed, everything pretty much covered under those Terms of Service agreements.
Not saying that Zuckerhead and FB couldn't make it easier for dupes by dupesplaining that they're being fleeced while surfing FB, but... they're not guilty of much either.
FB works just fine for me. I post wutzup, read wutzup and, poof, gone.
That others find it "troublesome"...

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

k9disc's picture

I talk about this EXACT issue all the time and get called a conspiracy theorist. Now that it's happened it's some kind of shock.

And most of the people pushing the shocking revelations damn well know that it was FB's Business Plan - capital B capital P. FB wanted to sell data to CA and the like. They didn't mean for them to scrape it and hang on to it for a few years... I mean, who could really be bothered while moving fast and breaking stuff?

This was exactly what FB has intended to do from the beginning. It's now small potatoes money and clout.

Those of you jumping on Wink about picking on the dupes, they were warned, many many times. I was warned. I'm still there. The fake outrage and shock is almost as bad as the fake news, IMO.

Keep on Wink.


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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

fight among themselves, the good can prosper or at least hope to be left alone.


Never mind why. 'Why' can get you killed. Pay attention the what the freak is happening and what you need to do about it.

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Mary Bennett

Pluto's Republic's picture

...the People cannot properly calibrate their own. How many unthinkable depravities have we come to accept in just the past two decades?

But the consequence of this is not merely the incorporation of corruption, murder, torture, the denial of life, and the callous savagery of "foreign" cultures as part of the everyday texture of American life. It's something much greater. We lose our vision of our possibilities and collective potential, which blocks us from creating a positive future for ourselves. We lose our courage to dream big.

I wonder if this can be reversed? Plenty of civilizations have spiraled down into a puddle of exploitation, alienation, and extinction. Many pull themselves back from adversity. But I can't think of any civilization that pulled itself back from the banality of evil and onto the path toward social enlightenment.

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QMS's picture

@Pluto's Republic Would like to make ideas reality. Travel to a few foreign countries. EU, Asian Nations, south and central 'America'. Witness natives unconcerned, smiling and helpful. Not like here. Paranoid, insecure and scared. Find it very helpful to be immersed in cultures accepting. Not the weight of being from a country that is killing hundreds every minute all the world over. Can we stop it?

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question everything