'Sup NSA
So, I got this email last night:
(Subject: Update on Russian-linked activity on Tumblr)
Dear (my Tumblr name),
As part of our commitment to transparency, we want you to know that we uncovered and terminated 84 accounts linked to Internet Research Agency or IRA (a group closely tied to the the Russian government) posing as members of the Tumblr community.
The IRA engages in electronic disinformation and propaganda campaigns around the world using phony social media accounts. When we uncovered these accounts, we notified law enforcement, terminated the accounts, and deleted their original posts.
While investigating their activity on Tumblr, we discovered that you either followed one of these accounts linked to the IRA, or liked or reblogged one of their posts:
(long list of usernames and past usernames)
You aren’t in trouble, and don’t need to take any action if you don’t want to. We deleted the accounts but decided to leave up any reblog chains so that you can curate your own Tumblr to reflect your own personal views and perspectives.
Democracy requires transparency and an informed electorate and we take our disclosure responsibility very seriously. We’ll be aggressively watching for disinformation campaigns in the future, take the appropriate action, and make sure you know about it.
— Tumblr
Russia! Russia! OMG Russia!!!
El-oh-el. Where's the proof here? (Oh wait, it's Tumblr....) And what exactly do they consider to be Russian propaganda? I'm guessing anything that badmouths capitalism or the good ol' US of A--I've been reblogging a lot of that kind of stuff as of late. I'd have to jump in my WayBack Machine to find any posts I reblogged by any of the named accounts, but with our crappy internet and over 2000 liked posts it would take far more time than I'm willing to waste to find it just out of curiosity.
LiveJournal was bought by some Russian outfit many years ago, and it's all but dead now. (George R. R. Martin might be the only person still using it on a regular basis.)
Disinformation campaigns. Fake news!! Good grief.

Jimmy Dore got similar notice from Twitter,
and did a show on it.
Sorry I can't embed with this device I'm on. But thought you should know about/see this.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Thanks Mark
One of the posts made by one of these IRA accounts was something Shillary said, taken out of context. Actually it was a screenshot of an article quoting her as saying 'I don't believe in free college' with the IRA person's comment below. OK that's fair I guess, but how to they KNOW this person was tied to the Russian government? Is Tumblr part of the fucking CIA now? JFC.
This shit is bananas.
Jimmy's video
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The IRA was primarily a commercial enterprise
Mostly after the election also.
I suppose Cambridge Analytica will fall under Tumblrs axe next, right?
Haha. Puppies. Where are the puppies?
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Whatever happened to the World Wide Web?
Are we to believe that 146 million Russian nationals are now foreign agents? We haven't seen shit like this since WWII.
This shit is bananas.
"Democracy demands transparency"
True. But we haven't had a democracy for quite some time. And it's going to get worse. Of course the never ending gift of 9/11 has stripped us of any freedoms that we thought we had. Russia Gate has just been a new propaganda tactic that has numerous consequences of it. Wars are one. Oppression is one. Censorship of the internet is another one so the government is getting private social media sites to do that for them and then there's the government's action, revoking net neutrality. gjohnsit's essay covered what the Facebook scandal is about and members put their contributions of it in the comments.
FB, Twitter, Google and now Tumblir are being the government's puppets for their agenda to strip us our internet freedoms.
The Death of Democracy
This article goes hand in hand with it.
‘Sinister legislation’: Cloud act passes without fanfare
The Deep State is done letting the courts get in the way of their agenda, so congress stripped the legislative branch of any control over the Bill of Rights. I covered another part of the legislation about this here.
'Insidious' and 'Dangerous': Digital Privacy Groups Issue Urgent Warning Over CLOUD Act
Government demands much more than just transparency and we have watched as any form of democracy has been revoked. I wish I knew what we can do to stop this march towards inverted totalitarianism, but I'm not sure that we aren't already living in it.
Make sure that you take your shoes off when you fly so you stay safe...
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The Death of Democracy
Good article from Zero Hedge snoopydawg. I think we may have a different understanding of the Deep State problem:
The suggestion seems to be that "backing down" on Russia, North Korea and Iran is a bad thing.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
They probably showed him the JFK tape
and asked him if he had any questions. We laugh when we say that, but .... ?
The things that are happening lately and on top of each other is frightening. The internet is under attack from all directions and they all have very dire consequences for us. Things are not looking good for not only us, but the world.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
This is fascinating:
Does any body else see the logical contradiction here:
"As part of our COMMITMENT TO TRANSPARENCY . . . "
" . . . . we want you to know that WE . . . TERMINATED 84 ACCOUNTS . . . ."
If they were truly committed to "transparency," then they should have left the accounts up and identified them as accounts that they had connected with the IRA . . . and then let people decide for themselves who and what they wanted to believe.
But nooooooooooo! Can't risk that.
I'd write them back with words to the effect of "Thank you for PROTECTING me from the BIG, BAD RUSSIANS. (These days, every night I go to bed, I sleep UNDER my bed because I'm so terrified of the BIG, BAD RUSSIANS!!) More importantly, thank you for recognizing the fact that I don't have the ability to think critically and make up my own mind about what's valid and what isn't, and that I need YOU to SPARE ME THE DANGER OF MAKING MY OWN CHOICES AND THINKING FOR MYSELF. Thank you for appointing yourselves to be my mommy and daddy. (And while you're at it, since you want to be my mommy and daddy, can I ask you a favor: How about you pay my utility bills this month for me too? I certainly could use your help in this area of my life.)"
(But of course, tyrants--and make no mistake: we are dealing here with a form of TYRANNY--only want loyalty to go one-way (towards them) and they feel they owe the "little people" no reciprocal obligations. That's why all the Dem loyalists and shills at TOP shame the "little people" for wanting to hold Dem politicians accountable, and get pissed off when the little people stray from the fold and decide not to vote for back-stabbing Democrats. In short: Kos and his minions are also tyrants and/or enablers of tyranny. But I digress . . . .)
What's also fascinating is that the Jimmy Dore segment about Twitter (posted above) mentions that he got a message that used much the same language as the Tumblr message. If I was the conspiratorial type (which my masters and "betters" in the D.C. and in the corporate media have taught me no one in his or her right mind is) I'd think that the entity behind Dore's Twitter message is also the SAME entity behind this Tumblr message . . . . as if a common actor was pulling the strings of both corporations.
But thankfully, I'm NOT conspiratorial. I mean, I BELIEVE the Warren Commission report . . . . as every right-minded American citizen should!!!! Thank you, CIA. Thank you, FBI. Thank, you, CNN. Thank you, New York Times. Thank you, Twitter. Thank you, Tumblr . . . for helping me keep my thinking straight!
This shit is bananas.
I feel it only fair to warn you
that the Russian spies are supposed to be under everyone's bed, so if you see any and they don't appear cuddly, you might want to sleep on the roof, just to be absolutely safe.
Personally, I keep checking under mine in case one's a male cute enough to keep, but all I ever find are dust kittens and dust puppies (we have no pet bunnies) in shedding season...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.