Russia!Russia!Russia! is destroying The Intercept
The Intercept was founded several years ago as a bastion of “confrontational journalism” by a distinguished group of contributing editors, including Democracy Now! veteran reporter Jeremy Scahill and Glenn Greenwald. It sprang directly out of the work of Greenwald, a lawyer, who helped Edward Snowden survive to publish his groundbreaking 2013 and 2014 exposes of NSA domestic wiretapping.
With private funding from eBay founder, Pierre Omidyar, at its launch in February 2014, The Intercept promised to revive investigative journalism, nearly dead after decades of neglect and abuse by consolidated corporate media.
Now, four years later, one can only hope that Glenn & Jeremy find a way to distance themselves for some of the others at The Intercept. The Intercept appears to have been turned into a vehicle to take down Wikileaks.
Immediately after a Justice of the High Court in London refused on Tuesday to lift an arrest warrant for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, The Intercept published a controversial story that adds fuel to the cooling Russiagate fire.
Under the by-lines of two relatively obscure contributors, Micah Lee and Cora Currier, appeared, “In Leaked Chats, WikiLeaks Discusses Preference for GOP Over Clinton, Russia, Trolling, and Feminists They Don’t Like”
That story by Lee and Currier alleges to be based upon Twitter direct messages from Assange to a private group of Wikileaks supporters, including a 2015 message explaining why he thought it might be better if Clinton and the Democrats were to lose the election.
Does this signal that Greenwald and Scahill now believe Assange helped Putin spoil President Hillary’s destiny? No. I have the feeling, though, that like many others, they may be undecided or ambivalent about much of the Russiagate evidence.
Some of the reoccurring Russia!Russia!Russia! narrative at Intercept is clearly fraudulent. Like much of the Steele Dossier, the Russiagate narrative is either the product of entrapment by agents provocateur or sources in the intelligence agencies who are spinning what they think they know. Like most of the media, the Intercept has been printing both unquestioningly as the truth. An example of the latter is the Intercept’s publication last June of scanned materials provided by Reality Winner, an NSA contractor, who was arrested an hour after The Intercept published. The authors had (mistakenly, they said afterwards) showed a government contractor an unredacted copy of what turned out to be marked government documents, alerting the NSA to the identity of the leaker.
Ms. Winner leaked the incriminating documents because she was outraged by the contents which described Russian intelligence operations that were datamining US voter registration records. What she did not seem to understand — and the Intercept’s editors did not bother to provide this context — is that Russian military intelligence (the GRU) routinely hacks into the databases of US political institutions just as the NSA and CIA harvest the databases of Russian political parties and quasi-governmental agencies. Both do it for exactly the same reasons, and it’s routine.
Wikileaks revealed that the CIA did exactly the same thing during the 2012 French elections. Without that context, the article published by the Intercept seems much more alarming than it really is. It is actually pretty routine stuff for state intelligence agencies – but, propaganda journalists don’t inform their readers about such inconvenient facts that might disrupt their narrative.
Meanwhile, like all disinformation, there is some truth to it. Similarly, there is plenty of reason to assume that Trump is all mobbed up, corrupt as hell, and has been for two generations.
The problem with the Intercept’s Computer Guru, Micah Lee, in particular, is that he’s technically sophisticated but fundamentally naive about international relations and how all intelligence agencies act. He expresses outrage because Assange seems to grasp that Russia sees western destabilization efforts as a threat. Here’s Lee’s take on what Julien Assange communicated about Russia:
Micah LeeVerified account @micahflee Feb 14
The Intercept has obtained DMs from a private Twitter group with @WikiLeaks and its most loyal supporters. It includes:
– A desire for GOP to win the 2016 election
– Trolling
– Anti-semitism
– Rampant misogyny, sexist attacks on feminists
– Transphobia— Micah Lee (@micahflee) February 14, 2018
At one point, Assange went into detail about its thoughts on Russia. Russia is “absolutely terrified”; “US hacks the hell out of it.” WikiLeaks thinks Kremlin is “deeply paranoid” of foreign NGOs and “invading ‘western’ cultural practices, like gays and the internet”
In the minds of many, hacking becomes proof of a Russian plot to change the results of the 2016 election, and that Assange was acting as a Russian agent. The Intercept articles seem designed to add to that impression.
Of course the DNC was hacked, but we really don’t have enough information to know if the Russian government was the source of the Wikileaks material that exposed collusion between the DNC, HRC Campaign and Podesta. The DNC was cover for Ukranian regime change operators such as Alexandra Chalupa, and it only makes sense that the GRU and SVR were surveiling DNC communications. The CIA/NSA hacks and spies inside Russian political party headquarters and all manner of databases, too – might as well call overhead satellite surveillance an “act of war.” It isn’t. Surveillance, hacking and data-mining of important political organizations, civilian and military, is just how all state intelligence agencies operate.
There’s a lot of co-mingling of things — normal and nasty — going on here by people like Lee that feed the narrative, either by ignorance or avarice, or both. Someone of Glenn or Jeremy’s stature needs to cut through the intentional comingling and spin and tell it straight, revealing how the HRC and Democratic pols pushing Russia!Russia!Russia! have exploited old McCarthyite tactics, coopting “progressive” media to spread Cold War divisions and have created chaos and fear for partisan reasons.

the intercept varies
Just like counterpunch and truthout.
There's good writers and bad ones
submitted the material to The Intercept precisely because of Scahill and Greenwald's skepticism.
The way The Intercept handled her submission was unconscionable. They put her in jail.
The Assange piece is just bizarre. First there is the reckless assumption that all posts in a collective account were authored by Assange. Then there is the fact there are no real thought-crimes revealed therein. Reading the piece, I kept waiting for the boom to drop. It never did. The way the chats have been hysterically portrayed in twitworld by Lee & Co. is nearly as bad as the witch-burning of Quinn Norton.
I always wonder why this place is so Russiaphil?
That's odd, no?
I don't know if this is snark or not, but I guess it's not. I mean, who cares for all of those writers when the bombs start falling on YOUR heads? I guess nobody.
They play both sides to get those clicks. Why limit your site
visitors to one side of an argument or issue when you can get supporters from both sides to visit your site?
It’s just doing business in the marketplace and capturing all the customers possible.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
This is going to be such a dead thread by now, lol.
Just to mention, re 'Russian hacking' (all emphasis in anything below, mine.):
Regarding some of the Wiki article above, unless this portion is old and cautiously written, there may possibly have been some 'adjusting' in deceptively suggestive phrasing; in example the manner of referring to his 'claims' and 'theories' in context with this: "...Binney is known for making the unsubstantiated claim that the NSA collects and stores information about every U.S. communication. ..."
whereas this has been substantiated by other whistle-blowers and by agency actions.
Quoted below, a portion of a humongous and absolute must-read article is preserved here for any on limited devices who might be unable to otherwise access this essential example of outstanding journalism describing any dictator's wet-dream already achieved and running long since. Every embarrassing fart anyone emits in 'privacy' on the planet is not only enshrined for posterity but may be noted as suspicious-sounding - apparently apart from terrorists, who can be as obvious as they like without triggering alarm.
And the already massive US spy system is intent upon 'competing' with the rest of the world in not only a self-created arms/nuke race but an eye and ear race as well, and in the same obsessive, expensive (at US spied-upon and increasingly censored taxpayer cost) and paranoid manner - while telling the world that they cannot produce evidence of a 'hack' claimed in order to initiate the extermination of planetary life.
This is possibly the most important and educational collection of information that everyone needs to understand in order to avoid being sucked into believing even one expedient word of accusation against any potentially desired target. Enough people understanding the situation and what the aim is might still save our lives and chance for democracy.
From 2012:
Dear gawd, wish I could afford that book - the above does not include a lot of the information or even all of the worst which builds from there onward.
And this needs to be read, if at all possible, in entirety to grasp, so far as any normal can, the bizarre pathology represented by this, although this ought to be enough to trigger a good, constructive understanding and disgusted, determined anger to find some pacific means of ending the lunacy and replacing the corrupt and lunatic mess with a strong democratic government, legitimately of, by and for the people - not against them. It's very evident who's considered the enemy to be spied on and micro-managed here - non-psychopathic citizens who just want a decent life and future in a free world and country without being predated upon or paying through the nose to enable predation upon others.
The fact that apparently only these two things came to mind indicates that more people need to be far more aware.
Apart from all else, TPTB, et al, routinely accuse others of what they do themselves, and the portion above is plenty to indicate that umpteen different constant listeners would be able to provide the requisite proof of any hacking related to any government or individual in the world, if they had it. And if they weren't apparently too busy focusing on the private lives of citizens and, perhaps especially, pacific dissidents wanting their democracy back, to ever even pay attention to info they may have in their possession to stop any actual domestic terrorism that occurs. As with Bush-2, on what turns out was probably the 50th-odd warning about the 9/11 attack:
I'd read about the Utah NSA building years back, of course, and was searching for info on it when I came across this but had never seen this impressive Wired article before, with its wealth of mind-boggling information laid out regarding the depth and intensity of this disease.
And we need to spread this around, while we can; the window is closing on our fingertips as we type.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
This is a huge contribution to the knowledge
...that can protect us. As always, you give 150 percent of yourself to the comments that you make here, Ellen. Even to the buried treasures.
Pay heed to the word "protect." We are becoming an America where blurting the truth can harm you and your family. Watch for the signs:
• En mass, journalists will flip to the dark side. They will not lose readership; they will gain.
• A key whistleblower will be assassinated or arrested and disappeared. You fellow citizens will cheer.
• Someone tangentially Left will go on trial. It will be publicized and every decision along the way will be unspeakably unjust. The injustice will be celebrated with joy by friends and neighbors.
These examples come from patterns in the past. Allow these warnings to demoralize you. Assume a low profile. Find another innocent interest online (like pets, crafts, or cooking) to occupy your time. Follow it sincerely and participate enthusiastically and do not look back. Stay safe, drop unsafe friends, and survive.
You will know when it's time.