The Reagans were gay friendly -according to Clinton
It may be hard for your viewers to remember how difficult it was for people to talk about HIV/AIDS back in the 1980s. And because of both President and Mrs. Reagan -- in particular Mrs. Reagan -- we started a national conversation. When before nobody would talk about it, nobody wanted to do anything about it, and that too is something that I really appreciate with her very effective, low key advocacy but it penetrated the public conscious and people began to say, 'Hey, we have to do something about this too.
-Hillary Clinton
Which, of course is a complete pile of BS. the Raegan's were homophobes who were completely indifferent to the suffering that the disease caused. They famously turned their backs on their close friend Rock Hudson. Ronald Reagan didn't even say the word 'AIDs' for five years and didn't give a speech on the subject for seven.
“They are both responsible for the death of thousands from HIV in the LGBT community due to their inaction in the 1980’s. So I understand the anger in the LGBT community toward Nancy. I feel that anger as well.”
-Kenneth Bunch. Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
Two possibilities: Clinton genuinely believes that the Reagan's were a force for good regarding gay rights in which case she is so out of touch and misinformed that she should never even be considered for the presidency. Or she has done the math and worked out that praising the Reagans on this subject is likely to be the best thing for her own political capital. Based on past performance, my money is firmly on the latter.
Either way though this is yet another illustration of just how unfit Clinton is to be president.

that pissed me off to no end, so
here is my response:
My blood pressure skyrockets at the thought of that loathsome woman and her equally despicable spouse in the White House.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
When talking about revolutions
we've seen in this country, I've mentioned ACT UP several times -- they rose mainly because of Reagan's inaction on the AIDS crisis.
Clinton was quoted in one debate as saying, "The revolution never came. I waited for it."
Maybe if you're waiting instead of out there working for it, you don't want that revolution after all.
Hi Lady Libertine...
here's the image, I did that by clicking the first little icon above the editor, the "Insert/edit image" icon. I then pasted the image URL in the "Image URL" box and then set the "Width x Height" box for 350 x 500. You can set the width and height to whatever you want. Also if you upload the image using our uploader it will automatically resize to the maximum that we allow.
oh duh!!
oh duh!!
thanks, see how mad I am??
Lady Libertine
After you put the photo into your essay, go to the width and height and change those numbers to whatever you want. Takes a little math but divide by 2 would work for this photo, I think. Then go to bottom and click "save and continue" then go to top to click view.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Silence = Death! Kick my guts history mistake
I think Act Up!ACT UP was born in NYC so there's that for irony. Of course Arkansas is not New York, in 1980 Chelsea was born and Hillary was first lady governor. Anyway fuck this shit I feel the need to speak up for my brother who loved the Clintons because they beatReaganBush*. I think he'd be pissed at both of us right now.Maxxed out and became a delegate to help them win and all he got was cardboard cutouts, but at least they broke the record for "most inaugural balls" because favors.
R.I.P. Richie
* Ha! Mixed up Reagan and Bush the First, same diff.
What is going on in her head?
The reagans were utterly evil on this issue. For Hillary to praise them?
Perhaps it is not just Bill who is losing it in his dotage. It might be both.
Creepy, bizarre, and absolutely unacceptable. Screw her, screw her campaign.
losing it...that's my take on it
If my relative was saying things and doing things so outrageous, such as the lies, the super secret personal email server, seriously undermining their personal goals and progress, I would be setting up drs.' appointments.
I am not a dr., but I can't help but observe abnormal behavior when it is right there in my face.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
To lose something
you have to have had it in the first place.
I just think we're seeing the unfiltered Hillary Clinton showing her true moderate colors -- the same Hillary Clinton who spoke of the "sacred bond" between man and woman in 2004 when opposing marriage equality.
Stupid Lies
The thing I can't figure out about Clinton is why she tells these stupid lies. It's one thing to lie about your policy positions to get votes. But what is the deal with the sniper fire, the being named after Edmund Hillary, or now the Reagan's being pro-gay? These are just stupid lies that she doesn't have to tell, yet does so anyway. Then she gets caught, lies further to defend the stupid lies. All the while, the lies upon lies just prove that she has no credibility.
What gives? It's just weird.
She lies because she's a Pathological Liar
It's a real psychological syndrome:
Notice how closely the symptoms match what we've seen and heard!
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
there has to be some clinical reason.
Clearly she is cagey smart. Then she goes and pulls something like this, and I begin to wonder, is it cagey or smart? There has to be some complex within her brain that causes such lying.
Sounds like "false memory syndrome" at that link
Huh! I'd say more but think I've piled on enough. Thanks for that bit of info there.
I'm starting to wonder Pastor, Is she really that smart
at politicking? Just taking into account the last 2 campaign's I don't think there is much evidence?
What campaign tactics other than raising money is she "smart" at? Between the Clintons she's the Jeb of the duo.
She is and always has been a terrible politician. Bill on the other hand was a natural politician (policies and positions often sucked but that is another issue).
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Thanks for the link
I would have voted for borderline personality disorder, certainly narcissism, before I read that. Now I have the Venn diagram vibe.
hmmm ... pathological liars ... do you know
that most people in the US believe that a large mass of Africans living in the sub-saharan tropical rainforest regions are pathological liars?
I don't deny that people lie, very often, but I think it would be worth considering why they lie.
I liked a quote Joe used in his EB a couple of times (at least I believe it was this one):
May be I need to find out what the difference is between lying and hiding. I have not yet found a good answer to that.
There are different reasons
for lying. For many, it's to cover up misdeeds, either their own or someone close to them. Then the "little white lies" to make someone feel better, like "Of course those jeans don't make your ass look big!"
Those of us of a certain age may remember a cartoon called "Tennessee Tuxedo and His Tales"; on the show there were shorter 90 second bits with other cartoon characters. One of them was an old gentleman who went by Commander McBragg, who was fond of telling outlandish stories that ended up putting him in the best light.
I think Clinton's lies are in this category -- she's just puffing her image up in the public. That's where the #WhichHillary tag comes from -- which Hillary will we see in the White House on a given day?
I am trying to get a grasp of the difference between
pathological lying and non-pathological lying. BTW Sanders himself used the word "pathological lie", so I guess I am just picky with the word pathological.
1. Pathological liars = have no control over their acts of lying due to a mental / psychiatric disorder
2. Non-Pathological liars = have very well control of their acts of lying and do so with a motivation (consciously or sub-consciously)
Do you think that is a fair categorization?
I think politicians usually belong into the non-pathological category.
Just sharing what I remember from that time
I lived in California when Reagan was President. I lived in a very conservative part of the state that is currently represented by Kevin McCarthy. Reagan helped shape my political leanings. Reagan's ability to co-opt the discriminatory elements in the GOP through the use of coded language was something I was unfortunate enough to have had been deluged with. Or maybe I was fortunate, after all I knew that it didn't resonate in my mind and heart when I heard others preach discrimination. I might not have thought about it that early in life had it not been for Reagan, but since he drew a line in the sand he forced me to choose a side. I choose the other side because I'm a natural born contrarian.
Being anti Reagan in my family wasn't easy, my step grandfather was a personal friend of Ron's they were both members of the Los Rancheros Visitadores. I posted a link below which wasn't published during Reagan's time in the club but little has changed from then and now among these folks.
I don't know personally if Reagan was anti LGBTQ but I do know that Reagan was popular because he was willing to reflect and sell the discriminatory nature of the base and I do know for a fact that the base was/is discriminatory and anti-LGBQT because I was there having those conversations.
These people are uncles and friends parents and coaches and teachers. All of them preaching against LGBTQ and POC. Many of them parroting some of the worst vile that came from those times.....
NPK and Dallas doc are on the rec list.
Grab kleenex before you click on over.
The tributes for those we lost are as heartbreaking now as then, like that time was only yesterday.
Crashing Vor's diary
(also on Rec List) is also a good one: