The Mueller probe which has cost the taxpayers nearly $7 million as of December should not be allowed to continue. There is absolutely zero reason for its existence.
Other than confirmation, it does not appear that any new information that we already did not know is contained in this document. It does name names which is why Comey has been going off the rails the last two days. It also shows just how the Patriot Act can be so easily abused. People should be charged with crimes over the information contained in this memo and the Mueller probe should be shut down immediately.
I will go back to my original complaint about this entire thing. We really need to end the Patriot Act and the bulk collection of data on every one of us which I will continue to contend is in violation of our 1st, 4th and 5th Amendment rights under the Bill of Rights. No one should be subjected to being spied upon without probable cause that a crime has been committed. To this day, I have yet to hear what crime(s) they maintain were being committed.
I will be interested to see what other folks here think about this.
0 users have voted.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
... and you frickin'
progressives wonder why you're
not invited to the DNC party?
Lest you Librul bastids forget,
this investigation is about protecting
Hillary's butt and, last I checked, you progressives still are a member of the party? Am I correct? of Course I am. So, like good soldiers, you should get behind and support our Hillary or maybe think about leaving the party. capiche? The memo has obviously been hacked, or whatever they do to memos, and we intend to get to the bottom of the Trump-Russia election shenanigans, so help us, gawd! You're either with us or against us. With us! Against us. Choose carefully. - Your former Speaker, Nancy Pelosi.
The Mueller probe which has cost the taxpayers nearly $7 million as of December should not be allowed to continue. There is absolutely zero reason for its existence.
Other than confirmation, it does not appear that any new information that we already did not know is contained in this document. It does name names which is why Comey has been going off the rails the last two days. It also shows just how the Patriot Act can be so easily abused. People should be charged with crimes over the information contained in this memo and the Mueller probe should be shut down immediately.
I will go back to my original complaint about this entire thing. We really need to end the Patriot Act and the bulk collection of data on every one of us which I will continue to contend is in violation of our 1st, 4th and 5th Amendment rights under the Bill of Rights. No one should be subjected to being spied upon without probable cause that a crime has been committed. To this day, I have yet to hear what crime(s) they maintain were being committed.
I will be interested to see what other folks here think about this.
0 users have voted.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
You can hack a paper memo into little pieces, but that's not what Russia did this time. Instead, they obviously hacked the House's copy of Microsoft Word so that it would only create docx format Putin-lovin' Russian propaganda.
#1 ... and you frickin'
progressives wonder why you're
not invited to the DNC party?
Lest you Librul bastids forget,
this investigation is about protecting
Hillary's butt and, last I checked, you progressives still are a member of the party? Am I correct? of Course I am. So, like good soldiers, you should get behind and support our Hillary or maybe think about leaving the party. capiche? The memo has obviously been hacked, or whatever they do to memos, and we intend to get to the bottom of the Trump-Russia election shenanigans, so help us, gawd! You're either with us or against us. With us! Against us. Choose carefully. - Your former Speaker, Nancy Pelosi.
After all it's not coming out of her pockets. She does what anyone who wants to hide the truth. Just tell half of it.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, said the amount spent by the special counsel “is entirely reasonable given the results we’ve already seen.”
“With two individuals having entered guilty pleas and two more facing federal charges, it’s clear the investigation is moving forward,” Mrs. Feinstein said, adding that the investigation should continue to receive all the resources needed.
The two people who have entered guilty pleas are not being charged for colluding with Russia. Flynn didn't report that he was taking money as a foreign lobbyist who didn't register as one. The other person who has plead guilty is also not being charged for anything to do with Russia either. Why didn't you say exactly what they were charged for. Diane? Oh that's right, more baffling with BS to keep the rubes thinking that any minute now, Mueller is going to arrest Trump.
And just the fact that some people are okay with the illegal spying on the Trump campaign by his campaign opponent is beyond insane. The kos kids are some of those people who have totally flipped their morals and are now fully on board with the FBI abusing FISA warrants. Will they ever return to sanity?
The Mueller probe which has cost the taxpayers nearly $7 million as of December should not be allowed to continue. There is absolutely zero reason for its existence.
Other than confirmation, it does not appear that any new information that we already did not know is contained in this document. It does name names which is why Comey has been going off the rails the last two days. It also shows just how the Patriot Act can be so easily abused. People should be charged with crimes over the information contained in this memo and the Mueller probe should be shut down immediately.
I will go back to my original complaint about this entire thing. We really need to end the Patriot Act and the bulk collection of data on every one of us which I will continue to contend is in violation of our 1st, 4th and 5th Amendment rights under the Bill of Rights. No one should be subjected to being spied upon without probable cause that a crime has been committed. To this day, I have yet to hear what crime(s) they maintain were being committed.
I will be interested to see what other folks here think about this.
0 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
After all it's not coming out of her pockets. She does what anyone who wants to hide the truth. Just tell half of it.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, said the amount spent by the special counsel “is entirely reasonable given the results we’ve already seen.”
“With two individuals having entered guilty pleas and two more facing federal charges, it’s clear the investigation is moving forward,” Mrs. Feinstein said, adding that the investigation should continue to receive all the resources needed.
The two people who have entered guilty pleas are not being charged for colluding with Russia. Flynn didn't report that he was taking money as a foreign lobbyist who didn't register as one. The other person who has plead guilty is also not being charged for anything to do with Russia either. Why didn't you say exactly what they were charged for. Diane? Oh that's right, more baffling with BS to keep the rubes thinking that any minute now, Mueller is going to arrest Trump.
And just the fact that some people are okay with the illegal spying on the Trump campaign by his campaign opponent is beyond insane. The kos kids are some of those people who have totally flipped their morals and are now fully on board with the FBI abusing FISA warrants. Will they ever return to sanity?
0 users have voted.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
And the ones who are still there just surprise me because of how deeply invested in this they are. Anyone who says anything that deviates from the party line is piled on big time.
Some days I just have to laugh at what they come up with.
And the ones who are still there just surprise me because of how deeply invested in this they are. Anyone who says anything that deviates from the party line is piled on big time.
Some days I just have to laugh at what they come up with.
The crime was that Hillary was prevented from winning and becoming the first female President. Tantamount to treason according to MsNBC's Rachel Maddow.
The Mueller probe which has cost the taxpayers nearly $7 million as of December should not be allowed to continue. There is absolutely zero reason for its existence.
Other than confirmation, it does not appear that any new information that we already did not know is contained in this document. It does name names which is why Comey has been going off the rails the last two days. It also shows just how the Patriot Act can be so easily abused. People should be charged with crimes over the information contained in this memo and the Mueller probe should be shut down immediately.
I will go back to my original complaint about this entire thing. We really need to end the Patriot Act and the bulk collection of data on every one of us which I will continue to contend is in violation of our 1st, 4th and 5th Amendment rights under the Bill of Rights. No one should be subjected to being spied upon without probable cause that a crime has been committed. To this day, I have yet to hear what crime(s) they maintain were being committed.
I will be interested to see what other folks here think about this.
0 users have voted.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
@The Aspie Corner
this release has something to do with the black unemployment rate increasing, thereby revealing yet another Trump lie?
The black unemployment rate is no longer at the record low that President Trump touted after jumping nearly a percentage point to 7.7% in January
This sums up the vast majority of the public's reaction to politics, even the ones who consider themselves to be really politically aware. If Rush or Rachel isn't barfing it up pre-digested like a momma bird feeding her young, they really can't be bothered.
and one comment I have is how it never mentions that the Steele dossier was initially funded by the RNC to get rid of Trump. I know I've read that several places and since this has become such a partisan issue I can't help but notice that little omission. I'd love to be able to trust that the Deep State is really going down this time but I just don't.
0 users have voted.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
it never mentions that the Steele dossier was initially funded by the RNC to get rid of Trump.
with possible yet unexplored connections to the Jeb! campaign.
My working theory is that Jeb!'s flameout made Hillary! Plan B. The Bushies had already paid for the spadework on the dossier. Why not see that the poison somehow, in a roundaboutsonobodynoticesCIAsortofway, winds up in the hands of the Clinton campaign?
and one comment I have is how it never mentions that the Steele dossier was initially funded by the RNC to get rid of Trump. I know I've read that several places and since this has become such a partisan issue I can't help but notice that little omission. I'd love to be able to trust that the Deep State is really going down this time but I just don't.
0 users have voted.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Trump or does she get to call it opposition research? When Don 11 met with a Russian lawyer he was said to have done it so he could get dirt on Hillary. But when she tries to get dirt on Trump it's called opposition research.
it never mentions that the Steele dossier was initially funded by the RNC to get rid of Trump.
with possible yet unexplored connections to the Jeb! campaign.
My working theory is that Jeb!'s flameout made Hillary! Plan B. The Bushies had already paid for the spadework on the dossier. Why not see that the poison somehow, in a roundaboutsonobodynoticesCIAsortofway, winds up in the hands of the Clinton campaign?
0 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
what I did read in that memo was disturbing, but really, not unexpected. And I realize I should not think a Repug would point out how that stupid dossier went from party to party. But I just think this too will be used as theater to distract and they'll all get away with it. The true ugliness won't come out, and things will just keep on rolling along.
Trump or does she get to call it opposition research? When Don 11 met with a Russian lawyer he was said to have done it so he could get dirt on Hillary. But when she tries to get dirt on Trump it's called opposition research.
Nope. No double standards there.
0 users have voted.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
We well remember that Hillary's emails with the DNC showed how crooked she is But the Dems distracted the press and their bots by claiming we were invaded by Putin. Nevermind what was in the emails. The important bit was Russia!
Now we see that whatever's in the dossier is equally something to ignore because Democrats!!
I still don't get it. This looks like a big nothing, nothing soap opera to me. I am baffled how Rep. Nunes, Ryan and Trey Gowdy became civil libertarian heroes protecting Americans from FISA warrants issued by a secretive court:
There has been growing criticism of the court since the September 11, 2001 attacks. This is partly because the court sits ex parte – in other words, in the absence of anyone but the judge and the government present at the hearings.[4] This, combined with the minimal number of requests that are rejected by the court has led experts to characterize it as a rubber stamp (former National Security Agency analyst Russ Tice called it a "kangaroo court with a rubber stamp").[16
All of a sudden the FISA court is a big problem because Trump and/or his campaign staffers are the target?
Am I supposed to believe Trump is going to do a clean sweep of the FBI or CIA? Problem solved?
Wasn't FISA just renewed with the collaboration of both parties or did I miss something?
Oh yeah. Now The House Intelligence and Judiciary can investigate Hillary! Two or three years of more Clinton Impeachment reruns. Terrific!
On the plus side, now the M$M has a super popular meaningless Kabuki Dance to use as a distraction from continuing bloodthirsty global American militarism, climate destruction and global economic collapse.
0 users have voted.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
@Meteor Man
the Patriot Act, FISA, and all this spying and data collection on all Americans has been a major problem for me. I have posted here on a number of occasions to that effect.
It appears you believe that just because Donald Trump was the subject of this warrantless spying, we should discount it. I really do not give a damn who the victim of this is because in the end, this really is not about just Donald Trump, but is about how any one of us or groups of us can be framed under the low bar set by the Patriot Act for warrantless spying without probable cause. This case shows exactly how easily and badly the system was and can be abused. This is in violation of our rights guaranteed by the 1st, 4th, and 5th Amendments and every one of us should be concerned.
I still don't get it. This looks like a big nothing, nothing soap opera to me. I am baffled how Rep. Nunes, Ryan and Trey Gowdy became civil libertarian heroes protecting Americans from FISA warrants issued by a secretive court:
There has been growing criticism of the court since the September 11, 2001 attacks. This is partly because the court sits ex parte – in other words, in the absence of anyone but the judge and the government present at the hearings.[4] This, combined with the minimal number of requests that are rejected by the court has led experts to characterize it as a rubber stamp (former National Security Agency analyst Russ Tice called it a "kangaroo court with a rubber stamp").[16
All of a sudden the FISA court is a big problem because Trump and/or his campaign staffers are the target?
Am I supposed to believe Trump is going to do a clean sweep of the FBI or CIA? Problem solved?
Wasn't FISA just renewed with the collaboration of both parties or did I miss something?
Oh yeah. Now The House Intelligence and Judiciary can investigate Hillary! Two or three years of more Clinton Impeachment reruns. Terrific!
On the plus side, now the M$M has a super popular meaningless Kabuki Dance to use as a distraction from continuing bloodthirsty global American militarism, climate destruction and global economic collapse.
0 users have voted.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
It appears you believe that just because Donald Trump was the subject of this warrantless spying, we should discount it.
We should discount the altered and misleading Republican memo because it is (1.) business as usual (2.) Rep. Nunez was the co-author and his integrity, if he ever had any, has already been compromised and (3.) the Republican memo is almost entirely unreliable hearsay.
Is this memo going to lead to legislation repealing the Patriot Act?
Is this memo going to weaken the recently renewed FISA legislation?
Will this memo result in less clandestine government surveillance?
No, no and no.
Will this memo bring Hillary and Her bots back to the public spotlight?
Will this memo confirm the Hilbot conspiracy theory that Herheinous is the purist martyr since Joan of Arc?
Will this memo give the DNC another bullshit fundraising campaign?
Yes, yes and yes.
There's a whole lot of sound and fury on both sides of the political aisle signifying exactly nothing. At the end of the day this memo will change exactly nothing that is wrong with the Kabuki players or our political system.
Just my opinion. I could be wrong.
#6 the Patriot Act, FISA, and all this spying and data collection on all Americans has been a major problem for me. I have posted here on a number of occasions to that effect.
It appears you believe that just because Donald Trump was the subject of this warrantless spying, we should discount it. I really do not give a damn who the victim of this is because in the end, this really is not about just Donald Trump, but is about how any one of us or groups of us can be framed under the low bar set by the Patriot Act for warrantless spying without probable cause. This case shows exactly how easily and badly the system was and can be abused. This is in violation of our rights guaranteed by the 1st, 4th, and 5th Amendments and every one of us should be concerned.
0 users have voted.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
@Meteor Man
Nunez or Trump, it is still irrelevant. What in this memo is being contested as wrong? It does confirm what had been revealed via other sources including numerous text messages between two FBI agents. There are a few things in the memo that appear to be new but the basic gist of the memo is information that has been widely known by those of us who have been following this story for some time.
Again, I am a big picture thinker. The fact that FISA warrants were obtained based upon extremely flimsy dossier that was compiled as opposition research without any credible documentation regardless of who was the target should concern every American. I am still wondering what crime was supposedly committed. What is the probable cause which is guaranteed under the 4th Amendment?
It appears you believe that just because Donald Trump was the subject of this warrantless spying, we should discount it.
We should discount the altered and misleading Republican memo because it is (1.) business as usual (2.) Rep. Nunez was the co-author and his integrity, if he ever had any, has already been compromised and (3.) the Republican memo is almost entirely unreliable hearsay.
Is this memo going to lead to legislation repealing the Patriot Act?
Is this memo going to weaken the recently renewed FISA legislation?
Will this memo result in less clandestine government surveillance?
No, no and no.
Will this memo bring Hillary and Her bots back to the public spotlight?
Will this memo confirm the Hilbot conspiracy theory that Herheinous is the purist martyr since Joan of Arc?
Will this memo give the DNC another bullshit fundraising campaign?
Yes, yes and yes.
There's a whole lot of sound and fury on both sides of the political aisle signifying exactly nothing. At the end of the day this memo will change exactly nothing that is wrong with the Kabuki players or our political system.
Just my opinion. I could be wrong.
0 users have voted.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
your comments shout Niemöller to me, who's next? I thought Bloody Obama was going to "roll back" Bush crimes, but nooo. He just made more of his own. They are all revolving through gobs of money right now, can't wait to see where q-tip head Boy Gowdy lands, before rotating up to Trump Cabinet 2.0, or maybe a something-for-life kinda setup.
Remember that Starr took over the Whitewater investigation, an examination into an Arkansas land deal gone bad, in 1994. By the time Starr released the eponymous report of his findings on Sept. 11, 1998, his investigation had turned its focus to Bill Clinton's extramarital affair with a White House intern. It took four years and cost roughly $40 million.
Quoting Cillizza on CNN, I went low for that one. "Ken Starr killed irony today" ding ding ding! It made me LOL. Thanks.
#6 the Patriot Act, FISA, and all this spying and data collection on all Americans has been a major problem for me. I have posted here on a number of occasions to that effect.
It appears you believe that just because Donald Trump was the subject of this warrantless spying, we should discount it. I really do not give a damn who the victim of this is because in the end, this really is not about just Donald Trump, but is about how any one of us or groups of us can be framed under the low bar set by the Patriot Act for warrantless spying without probable cause. This case shows exactly how easily and badly the system was and can be abused. This is in violation of our rights guaranteed by the 1st, 4th, and 5th Amendments and every one of us should be concerned.
desiring not only to understand politics but to become a successful activist.
If one thinks of thought as being 98% preconscious, then imagine the exterior of a skyscraper as representing the visible (conscious) 2%. The rest is structural support, primarily, much of which at one time was conscious. Assumptions made by the architect are conditioned not only by formal education but cultural and personal experiences. Most of those personal experiences were largely conscious at one point, later being subsumed in permanent memory for rapid later recall. Perhaps this is somewhat analogous to walking, although walking depends primarily upon an intact spinal cord and subcortical direction/feedback.
#6.1 your comments shout Niemöller to me, who's next? I thought Bloody Obama was going to "roll back" Bush crimes, but nooo. He just made more of his own. They are all revolving through gobs of money right now, can't wait to see where q-tip head Boy Gowdy lands, before rotating up to Trump Cabinet 2.0, or maybe a something-for-life kinda setup.
Remember that Starr took over the Whitewater investigation, an examination into an Arkansas land deal gone bad, in 1994. By the time Starr released the eponymous report of his findings on Sept. 11, 1998, his investigation had turned its focus to Bill Clinton's extramarital affair with a White House intern. It took four years and cost roughly $40 million.
Quoting Cillizza on CNN, I went low for that one. "Ken Starr killed irony today" ding ding ding! It made me LOL. Thanks.
@Meteor Man@Meteor Man@Meteor Man
Because it's being used for political purposes rather than anti-terrorist purposes, although, I agree that it was a flawed construct. Being used to justify political dirt gathering is a new and menacing turn. I don't like to see the FBI turned into the Ministry of Truth. And as for Democrats claiming the FBI's independence of the President, that's what we had under J. Edgar Hoover. The President is head of ALL the executive branch. Just because we have an unfit President is no excuse. We only had a (practical) choice of TWO unfit Presidential candidates.
I still don't get it. This looks like a big nothing, nothing soap opera to me. I am baffled how Rep. Nunes, Ryan and Trey Gowdy became civil libertarian heroes protecting Americans from FISA warrants issued by a secretive court:
There has been growing criticism of the court since the September 11, 2001 attacks. This is partly because the court sits ex parte – in other words, in the absence of anyone but the judge and the government present at the hearings.[4] This, combined with the minimal number of requests that are rejected by the court has led experts to characterize it as a rubber stamp (former National Security Agency analyst Russ Tice called it a "kangaroo court with a rubber stamp").[16
All of a sudden the FISA court is a big problem because Trump and/or his campaign staffers are the target?
Am I supposed to believe Trump is going to do a clean sweep of the FBI or CIA? Problem solved?
Wasn't FISA just renewed with the collaboration of both parties or did I miss something?
Oh yeah. Now The House Intelligence and Judiciary can investigate Hillary! Two or three years of more Clinton Impeachment reruns. Terrific!
On the plus side, now the M$M has a super popular meaningless Kabuki Dance to use as a distraction from continuing bloodthirsty global American militarism, climate destruction and global economic collapse.
0 users have voted.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Trump AND Hillary are both being martyred by the same evidence. An absolutely stunning accomplishment!
Because it's being used for political purposes rather than anti-terrorist purposes, although, I agree that it was a flawed construct. Being used to justify political dirt gathering is a new and menacing turn. I don't like to see the FBI turned into the Ministry of Truth. And as for Democrats claiming the FBI's independence of the President, that's what we had under J. Edgar Hoover. The President is head of ALL the executive branch. Just because we have an unfit President is no excuse. We only had a (practical) choice of TWO unfit Presidential candidates.
0 users have voted.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
@Meteor Man
Being a martyr requires that the suffering one (or dying one) has led some sort of exemplary life and/or embodied some widely desired beneficial goals. Hillary has none of that and never will. At least Trump may be tearing down the Obama/Clinton deep state, supplying him with a modicum of merit, despite his otherwise horrendous policies.
#6.2.1 Being a martyr requires that the suffering one (or dying one) has led some sort of exemplary life and/or embodied some widely desired beneficial goals. Hillary has none of that and never will. At least Trump may be tearing down the Obama/Clinton deep state, supplying him with a modicum of merit, despite his otherwise horrendous policies.
0 users have voted.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
false pretenses. There was no one in the Trump campaign colluding with Russia, but after the FBI made some things up to get one. The information wasn't something firm for them to get one unless they made things up. The Steele dossier didn't have verified information in for them to obtain it.
Sadly this isn't going to reset the clock on illegal spying. I have been saying this since Barry and friends voted for the retroactive immunity for the Bush administration.
A secret court that makes up secret rules that allows the intelligence agencies to spy on is is still unconstitutional. This goes against our civil liberties. Period.
I still don't get it. This looks like a big nothing, nothing soap opera to me. I am baffled how Rep. Nunes, Ryan and Trey Gowdy became civil libertarian heroes protecting Americans from FISA warrants issued by a secretive court:
There has been growing criticism of the court since the September 11, 2001 attacks. This is partly because the court sits ex parte – in other words, in the absence of anyone but the judge and the government present at the hearings.[4] This, combined with the minimal number of requests that are rejected by the court has led experts to characterize it as a rubber stamp (former National Security Agency analyst Russ Tice called it a "kangaroo court with a rubber stamp").[16
All of a sudden the FISA court is a big problem because Trump and/or his campaign staffers are the target?
Am I supposed to believe Trump is going to do a clean sweep of the FBI or CIA? Problem solved?
Wasn't FISA just renewed with the collaboration of both parties or did I miss something?
Oh yeah. Now The House Intelligence and Judiciary can investigate Hillary! Two or three years of more Clinton Impeachment reruns. Terrific!
On the plus side, now the M$M has a super popular meaningless Kabuki Dance to use as a distraction from continuing bloodthirsty global American militarism, climate destruction and global economic collapse.
0 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Evan Greer
The faux shock surrounding the Nunes memo is absurd if you know anything at all about surveillance law. The FISA court rubberstamps mass surveillance of hundreds of millions of people without cause or suspicion. This is a tiny drop in a big, dirty, disgusting bucket.
false pretenses. There was no one in the Trump campaign colluding with Russia, but after the FBI made some things up to get one. The information wasn't something firm for them to get one unless they made things up. The Steele dossier didn't have verified information in for them to obtain it.
Sadly this isn't going to reset the clock on illegal spying. I have been saying this since Barry and friends voted for the retroactive immunity for the Bush administration.
A secret court that makes up secret rules that allows the intelligence agencies to spy on is is still unconstitutional. This goes against our civil liberties. Period.
0 users have voted.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
@Meteor Man
I hear what you're saying about the FISA court being a rubber stamp. And I raised that issue years and years ago at dKos when Cheney and W both made absurd statements that the reason our intelligence agencies couldn't keep track of the hijackers in San Diego or Virginia or Arizona or Pennsylvania was that they couldn't get a warrant! Very funny! So they used that absurd assertion to advocate WARRANTLESS WIRETAPPING. To save time. Time being of the essence. Because trying to get a warrant out of FISA was so frustratingly time-consuming when we were in an emergency! Very funny! I hear you about the hypocrisy.
But what's going on here appears to be the Justice Dept. and FBI being used to submit false evidence to the court because they wanted to effect the outcome of the election, not because they thought there was probable cause. That seems like a big crime to me.
Evan Greer
The faux shock surrounding the Nunes memo is absurd if you know anything at all about surveillance law. The FISA court rubberstamps mass surveillance of hundreds of millions of people without cause or suspicion. This is a tiny drop in a big, dirty, disgusting bucket.
@Linda Wood@Linda Wood@Linda Wood
in Bush v. Gore. Republican gerrymandering at the state level is commonplace. Has Chicago ever had an honest election? Any election that relies on Black Box voting is probably hacked. DWS and the DNC stole several primaries from Bernie and claimed the Democratic Party did not have a legal obligation to hold fair primaries. (Appeal still pending?)
Stealing elections in America is not a crime unless Putin does it.
I hear what you're saying about the FISA court being a rubber stamp. And I raised that issue years and years ago at dKos when Cheney and W both made absurd statements that the reason our intelligence agencies couldn't keep track of the hijackers in San Diego or Virginia or Arizona or Pennsylvania was that they couldn't get a warrant! Very funny! So they used that absurd assertion to advocate WARRANTLESS WIRETAPPING. To save time. Time being of the essence. Because trying to get a warrant out of FISA was so frustratingly time-consuming when we were in an emergency! Very funny! I hear you about the hypocrisy.
But what's going on here appears to be the Justice Dept. and FBI being used to submit false evidence to the court because they wanted to effect the outcome of the election, not because they thought there was probable cause. That seems like a big crime to me.
0 users have voted.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
@Meteor Man
to convince me of is that our government is thoroughly corrupt, please know that I'm there with you. And if you're basically saying, don't get your hopes up, nothing will come of this, at least nothing significant, I tend to agree also. But saying nothing will come of it because the points in the memo are hearsay is different, I think. Everything's hearsay, not to mention the premise of Russia hacking the DNC. What's partly important about this is that it suggests the evidence provided to the court is hearsay, that it wasn't the result of an intelligence investigation but was politically contracted out, involved money, and involved the paid work of the wife of a DOJ official. That's not just bad work. It's media-enforced selling of our foreign policy. Bad boogaloo.
in Bush v. Gore. Republican gerrymandering at the state level is commonplace. Has Chicago ever had an honest election? Any election that relies on Black Box voting is probably hacked. DWS and the DNC stole several primaries from Bernie and claimed the Democratic Party did not have a legal obligation to hold fair primaries. (Appeal still pending?)
Stealing elections in America is not a crime unless Putin does it.
I hear what you're saying about the FISA court being a rubber stamp. And I raised that issue years and years ago at dKos when Cheney and W both made absurd statements that the reason our intelligence agencies couldn't keep track of the hijackers in San Diego or Virginia or Arizona or Pennsylvania was that they couldn't get a warrant! Very funny! So they used that absurd assertion to advocate WARRANTLESS WIRETAPPING. To save time. Time being of the essence. Because trying to get a warrant out of FISA was so frustratingly time-consuming when we were in an emergency! Very funny! I hear you about the hypocrisy.
But what's going on here appears to be the Justice Dept. and FBI being used to submit false evidence to the court because they wanted to effect the outcome of the election, not because they thought there was probable cause. That seems like a big crime to me.
0 users have voted.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
This should kill the Mueller probe
The Mueller probe which has cost the taxpayers nearly $7 million as of December should not be allowed to continue. There is absolutely zero reason for its existence.
Other than confirmation, it does not appear that any new information that we already did not know is contained in this document. It does name names which is why Comey has been going off the rails the last two days. It also shows just how the Patriot Act can be so easily abused. People should be charged with crimes over the information contained in this memo and the Mueller probe should be shut down immediately.
I will go back to my original complaint about this entire thing. We really need to end the Patriot Act and the bulk collection of data on every one of us which I will continue to contend is in violation of our 1st, 4th and 5th Amendment rights under the Bill of Rights. No one should be subjected to being spied upon without probable cause that a crime has been committed. To this day, I have yet to hear what crime(s) they maintain were being committed.
I will be interested to see what other folks here think about this.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
wait just a second, there, gulf-
progressives wonder why you're
not invited to the DNC party?
Lest you Librul bastids forget,
this investigation is about protecting
Hillary's butt and, last I checked, you progressives still are a member of the party? Am I correct? of Course I am. So, like good soldiers, you should get behind and support our Hillary or maybe think about leaving the party. capiche? The memo has obviously been hacked, or whatever they do to memos, and we intend to get to the bottom of the Trump-Russia election shenanigans, so help us, gawd! You're either with us or against us. With us! Against us. Choose carefully. - Your former Speaker, Nancy Pelosi.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
The hacked memo.
You can hack a paper memo into little pieces, but that's not what Russia did this time. Instead, they obviously hacked the House's copy of Microsoft Word so that it would only create docx format Putin-lovin' Russian propaganda.
Of course DiFi is okay with the amount of money being spent
After all it's not coming out of her pockets. She does what anyone who wants to hide the truth. Just tell half of it.
The two people who have entered guilty pleas are not being charged for colluding with Russia. Flynn didn't report that he was taking money as a foreign lobbyist who didn't register as one. The other person who has plead guilty is also not being charged for anything to do with Russia either. Why didn't you say exactly what they were charged for. Diane? Oh that's right, more baffling with BS to keep the rubes thinking that any minute now, Mueller is going to arrest Trump.
And just the fact that some people are okay with the illegal spying on the Trump campaign by his campaign opponent is beyond insane. The kos kids are some of those people who have totally flipped their morals and are now fully on board with the FBI abusing FISA warrants. Will they ever return to sanity?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
All the sane people
that were there
have been banned.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I've noticed that
And the ones who are still there just surprise me because of how deeply invested in this they are. Anyone who says anything that deviates from the party line is piled on big time.
Some days I just have to laugh at what they come up with.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Is it possible
It's so obvious
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
How Orange State reacted
Schiff to Trump: You have “selectively and misleadingly released classified info to attack the FBI”
Trump allows release of memo over objections of FBI, DOJ, and anyone who cares about the rule of law
Trump says people should be 'ashamed,' McCain says the Nunes memo does Putin's bidding
Basically, it's "we should just trust the FBI/CIA", plus "ScaryPutin!"
The Onion:
FBI Warns Republican Memo Could Undermine Faith In Massive, Unaccountable Government Secret Agencies
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Best commentary
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Oh please. This is just more god damned Kabuki Theater.
More bullshit to keep the sleeping proletariat in line.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Sleeping proletariat is right.
Okay then. Enjoy your invasion of privacy.
Edit: I do realize the irony of the above statement, juxtaposed with my use of FB.
The system is a lie.]
[video:Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
I have to wonder if the timing of
The black unemployment rate is no longer at the record low that President Trump touted after jumping nearly a percentage point to 7.7% in January
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Hey, not all sleeping
It's the worse thing ever!
This is a real headline:
Putin’s Saturday Night Massacre: He got Trump and the GOP to sell out America
For reals?
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
USA Today should be rebranded
They don't even bother to highlight
Anyone clicking on that would assume at first blush it was a report, not an op-ed.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
So I read the memo
and one comment I have is how it never mentions that the Steele dossier was initially funded by the RNC to get rid of Trump. I know I've read that several places and since this has become such a partisan issue I can't help but notice that little omission. I'd love to be able to trust that the Deep State is really going down this time but I just don't.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Very good point.
with possible yet unexplored connections to the Jeb! campaign.
My working theory is that Jeb!'s flameout made Hillary! Plan B. The Bushies had already paid for the spadework on the dossier. Why not see that the poison somehow, in a roundaboutsonobodynoticesCIAsortofway, winds up in the hands of the Clinton campaign?
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
But wouldn't that mean that she was trying to get dirt on
Trump or does she get to call it opposition research? When Don 11 met with a Russian lawyer he was said to have done it so he could get dirt on Hillary. But when she tries to get dirt on Trump it's called opposition research.
Nope. No double standards there.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Just in case I wasn't real clear
God I hope I am wrong.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Exactly the same as "Russia"!!
We well remember that Hillary's emails with the DNC showed how crooked she is But the Dems distracted the press and their bots by claiming we were invaded by Putin. Nevermind what was in the emails. The important bit was Russia!
Now we see that whatever's in the dossier is equally something to ignore because Democrats!!
Irrational Exuberance
I still don't get it. This looks like a big nothing, nothing soap opera to me. I am baffled how Rep. Nunes, Ryan and Trey Gowdy became civil libertarian heroes protecting Americans from FISA warrants issued by a secretive court:
All of a sudden the FISA court is a big problem because Trump and/or his campaign staffers are the target?
Am I supposed to believe Trump is going to do a clean sweep of the FBI or CIA? Problem solved?
Wasn't FISA just renewed with the collaboration of both parties or did I miss something?
Oh yeah. Now The House Intelligence and Judiciary can investigate Hillary! Two or three years of more Clinton Impeachment reruns. Terrific!
On the plus side, now the M$M has a super popular meaningless Kabuki Dance to use as a distraction from continuing bloodthirsty global American militarism, climate destruction and global economic collapse.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Speaking for myself,
It appears you believe that just because Donald Trump was the subject of this warrantless spying, we should discount it. I really do not give a damn who the victim of this is because in the end, this really is not about just Donald Trump, but is about how any one of us or groups of us can be framed under the low bar set by the Patriot Act for warrantless spying without probable cause. This case shows exactly how easily and badly the system was and can be abused. This is in violation of our rights guaranteed by the 1st, 4th, and 5th Amendments and every one of us should be concerned.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Not Exactly
We should discount the altered and misleading Republican memo because it is (1.) business as usual (2.) Rep. Nunez was the co-author and his integrity, if he ever had any, has already been compromised and (3.) the Republican memo is almost entirely unreliable hearsay.
Is this memo going to lead to legislation repealing the Patriot Act?
Is this memo going to weaken the recently renewed FISA legislation?
Will this memo result in less clandestine government surveillance?
No, no and no.
Will this memo bring Hillary and Her bots back to the public spotlight?
Will this memo confirm the Hilbot conspiracy theory that Herheinous is the purist martyr since Joan of Arc?
Will this memo give the DNC another bullshit fundraising campaign?
Yes, yes and yes.
There's a whole lot of sound and fury on both sides of the political aisle signifying exactly nothing. At the end of the day this memo will change exactly nothing that is wrong with the Kabuki players or our political system.
Just my opinion. I could be wrong.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Whether or not you dislike or distrust
Again, I am a big picture thinker. The fact that FISA warrants were obtained based upon extremely flimsy dossier that was compiled as opposition research without any credible documentation regardless of who was the target should concern every American. I am still wondering what crime was supposedly committed. What is the probable cause which is guaranteed under the 4th Amendment?
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Repeal the Patriot Act, flush Homeland Security
Niemöller to me, who's next? I thought Bloody Obama was going to "roll back" Bush crimes, but nooo. He just made more of his own. They are all revolving through gobs of money right now, can't wait to see where q-tip head Boy Gowdy lands, before rotating up to Trump Cabinet 2.0, or maybe a something-for-life kinda setup.
your comments shoutHomeland Security already sounded too fascist when it was formed, what were people thinking?
"Most thought is unconscious, about 98 percent."
~shrug~ it could be worse
Quoting Cillizza on CNN, I went low for that one. "Ken Starr killed irony today" ding ding ding! It made me LOL. Thanks.
You George Lakoff citation should be read by everyone
If one thinks of thought as being 98% preconscious, then imagine the exterior of a skyscraper as representing the visible (conscious) 2%. The rest is structural support, primarily, much of which at one time was conscious. Assumptions made by the architect are conditioned not only by formal education but cultural and personal experiences. Most of those personal experiences were largely conscious at one point, later being subsumed in permanent memory for rapid later recall. Perhaps this is somewhat analogous to walking, although walking depends primarily upon an intact spinal cord and subcortical direction/feedback.
The FISA Court is suddenly a big problem
Because it's being used for political purposes rather than anti-terrorist purposes, although, I agree that it was a flawed construct. Being used to justify political dirt gathering is a new and menacing turn. I don't like to see the FBI turned into the Ministry of Truth. And as for Democrats claiming the FBI's independence of the President, that's what we had under J. Edgar Hoover. The President is head of ALL the executive branch. Just because we have an unfit President is no excuse. We only had a (practical) choice of TWO unfit Presidential candidates.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Now We Have Two Martyrs
Trump AND Hillary are both being martyred by the same evidence. An absolutely stunning accomplishment!
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Respectfully, Hillary could never be martyrd
Trump is not tearing down the deep state
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
The problem with the FISA warrant is that it was created on
false pretenses. There was no one in the Trump campaign colluding with Russia, but after the FBI made some things up to get one. The information wasn't something firm for them to get one unless they made things up. The Steele dossier didn't have verified information in for them to obtain it.
Sadly this isn't going to reset the clock on illegal spying. I have been saying this since Barry and friends voted for the retroactive immunity for the Bush administration.
A secret court that makes up secret rules that allows the intelligence agencies to spy on is is still unconstitutional. This goes against our civil liberties. Period.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Business As Usual
From Common Dreams:
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
I hear what you're saying about the FISA court being a rubber stamp. And I raised that issue years and years ago at dKos when Cheney and W both made absurd statements that the reason our intelligence agencies couldn't keep track of the hijackers in San Diego or Virginia or Arizona or Pennsylvania was that they couldn't get a warrant! Very funny! So they used that absurd assertion to advocate WARRANTLESS WIRETAPPING. To save time. Time being of the essence. Because trying to get a warrant out of FISA was so frustratingly time-consuming when we were in an emergency! Very funny! I hear you about the hypocrisy.
But what's going on here appears to be the Justice Dept. and FBI being used to submit false evidence to the court because they wanted to effect the outcome of the election, not because they thought there was probable cause. That seems like a big crime to me.
The U.S. Supreme Court Overthrew An Election
in Bush v. Gore. Republican gerrymandering at the state level is commonplace. Has Chicago ever had an honest election? Any election that relies on Black Box voting is probably hacked. DWS and the DNC stole several primaries from Bernie and claimed the Democratic Party did not have a legal obligation to hold fair primaries. (Appeal still pending?)
Stealing elections in America is not a crime unless Putin does it.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
If what you're trying
to convince me of is that our government is thoroughly corrupt, please know that I'm there with you. And if you're basically saying, don't get your hopes up, nothing will come of this, at least nothing significant, I tend to agree also. But saying nothing will come of it because the points in the memo are hearsay is different, I think. Everything's hearsay, not to mention the premise of Russia hacking the DNC. What's partly important about this is that it suggests the evidence provided to the court is hearsay, that it wasn't the result of an intelligence investigation but was politically contracted out, involved money, and involved the paid work of the wife of a DOJ official. That's not just bad work. It's media-enforced selling of our foreign policy. Bad boogaloo.
Felony Perjury
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.