Comey brings up McCarthy and gets bashed on Twitter
Submitted by snoopydawg on Thu, 02/01/2018 - 9:10pm
All should appreciate the FBI speaking up. I wish more of our leaders would. But take heart: American history shows that, in the long run, weasels and liars never hold the field, so long as good people stand up. Not a lot of schools or streets named for Joe McCarthy.
— James Comey (@Comey) February 1, 2018
A government interfered in our election to influence the outcome and it wasn't the Russian Government — It was the Obama Deep State
— Jacob Wohl (@JacobAWohl) February 1, 2018
But fear not, there are a lot of people who are defending him.

I have a theory
That when Loretta Lynch ordered Comey to whitewash Hillary he had a realization that if he didn't he would be renamed Vince Foster, so he decided to do such a long, drawn out, obviously incompetent whitewash that it would do HER more harm than good. Remember when the Hillbots kept screaming that Comey's constant reviving of the investigation cost HER the election? Well maybe that's what Comey was doing.
Then again, my vocation is writing humorous fantasy novels.
On to Biden since 1973
If you read the two FBI dossiers on the DNC leak
The funny thing is
that with ALL of this bullshit, one fact is never brought up or discussed, perhaps deliberately. And that is the fact that we don't live in a democracy so none of this matters. Even if whoever hadn't done or did do what they did or didn't do, that election was illegitimate from the start. All the talk about who supposedly interfered in the election misses that key fact.
Maybe that's part of what's going on, to display to the public that if it wasn't for outside and internal interference, somehow the election was all right. It was never all right and the next one won't be all right either.
It's the enemy within, clinton sold us out to China
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I don't understand your comment.
Maybe that's part of what's going on, to display to the public that if it wasn't for outside and internal interference, somehow the election was all right.
Would you mind clarifying? Who is trying to display to the public and what do you mean by 'what's going on.'
I doubt that people will ever see things like we do here
People are so wrapped up in believing that the only way Hillary could have lost is because of outside interference. Either by Comey reopening his investigation into her emails or Russia placing ads on FB and Twitter. I have seen some of the ads and they don't do anything to get people to vote against her or for him. They are pretty much about the social issues that were happening at the time. The mind pretzelization of how people feel about Comey has to hurt. They're upset that he reopened his investigation and are upset that Trump fired him. How does this work?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Well, first we have to remember that probably 60-70% of
And the media.
Unfortunately that's what controls the entire narrative and it revolves around these two political parties. That has got to change.
I like your essay
"After the memo" will sound the death knell of the establishment Dem party. They are dead men and women walking. (In Fancy Nancy's case, I'm not sure she still has a functioning brain). The aftermath of this release of Obama's attempted coup machinations will doom the party. I doubt the Dems will be resuscitated but gradually be replaced by third and possibly fourth parties.
I just saw a "news" question of Nancy
She sounded at first like she was just reading from a script written by a 5 year old, but then her voice started sounding strange. It sort of squeaked, like a mouse. I don't know, did she suddenly realize that she was a lousy liar, or did she suddenly realize that she was trying to dig a foxhole in quicksand?
On to Biden since 1973
Seriously who talks like this?
Weasels and other unwanted pests? I bet that anyone who is buying into what the FBI is selling had a different opinion of them during the Bush years. Remember how many said that they were not to be trusted and that they were lying about the WMDs? This is what I just don't understand. They know that the FBI, CIA and other intelligence agencies will say anything they want in order to get their agendas passed. And they did. So why are people believing them now? Oh yeah, because Hillary lost the election.
Has anyone heard that China has been threatening us lately? Yeah me neither. But here's the CIA director Pompeo telling us that China is as big a threat to us as Russia is. Wait, what? Have I missed the news that China has been invading countries and stealing their resources or interfering in their elections too? Apparently.
Let's talk about some hypocrisy, shall we?
Oh no, how will we combat this? I know...
Yep, that's the ticket. In order to keep us safe from outside interference by foreign countries that want to impose their way of life on us, let's take away our civil rights by creating 800 private corporations to spy on us and build up our police departments so that they can beat us or kill us just before another country does it first. I can't say that I disagree with this:
The hypocrisy involved is stunning.
Oh well, maybe Nancy will come on our tv boxes and tell us that this is for our own good because of national security. Or something.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The article concluded by declaring that “America has never faced a rival quite like China,” then added: “America certainly doesn’t want a new ‘Red Scare,’ but maybe a wake-up call.” In reality, a vicious new McCarthyite witchhunt is exactly what is being prepared, with the assistance of the media, to pave the way for further deep inroads into democratic rights as the US war drive against China accelerates.
Great. Another Red Scare.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Greenwald replies to Comey
… But take heart: American history shows that, in the long run, weasels and liars never hold the field, so long as good people stand up. Not a lot of schools or streets named for Joe McCarthy.
oh, snap.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Julian Assange nailed it!
with this tweet about the memo.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Trump's Twitter Troll Troops
have commandeered the hashtag #Patriots. It drives me crazy because I'm a NE Patriots fan and use that tag to follow team news. Now half of the tweets on that hashtag are from President Shithole's Useful Idiots.
I agree with Comey that President Shithole has ushered in a Neo-McCarthy era. Or to quote gjohnsit, an "Orange Hitler" era.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
That comment doesn't make sense.
Sure, Trump is a shithole and a shithead. But it's not him that ushered in McCarthy 2.0. It's Democratic brainwashers, with their sly tagging of anyone that disagrees with them as a Putin-loving Russian stooge.
Brainwashing works, doesn't it?
Hahaah. Did You Just Call Me "Brainwashed"?
Speaking of Brainwashed, You are the one who is always trying to Normalize Trump.
"Sure, Trump is a shithole and a shithead." -- finally got you to say it even if you don't mean it.
Trump is constantly Brainwashing the ignorant masses:
- Hate the kneeling football players (aka hate the blacks)
- Hate immigrants for stealing your jobs, and raping your women
- Hate libruls because they don't like your Messiah (aka libruls hate the demigod Trump)
... I could add to this list all day.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Anything new?
You just listed a bunch of traditional Republican antics (demonizing minorities and immigrants, etc.). So what has Trump done that's new, something that's above and beyond what Republicans have always done? You hardcore Democrats, on the other hand, have gone all Joe McCarthy with your Russophobia. You should be ashamed of yourselves. McCarthy was a Republican, dude. Why do you want to be like him?
Oh so now I'm Joe McCarthy?
Hahaha. Keep digging, you'll get there.
For the record, I hate democrats as much as the repubs (well almost).
Yes, Trump has all the traits that make Repubs sociopaths, plus he is a major league douchebag.
I know alot of folks here think the Mueller probe is a red herring. I'm not so sure. I say let it play out. I suspect we may find out someone on the Trump team was dealing in selling political influence for cash (just my suspicion). Yes, just like the Clinton Foundation was doing it. The Clintons set the bar. They are all neck deep in corruption.
PS No, I'm not ashamed of myself.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
You're drifting.
Your comment that I responded to was "I agree with Comey that President Shithole has ushered in a Neo-McCarthy era." I correctly pointed out that it's Democrats that are doing the McCarthy thing. 'Nuff said.
I don't think it's a good thing to bash the FBI so much
It is a safeguard, a very flawed one, but it is a safeguard against dictatorship. It's very convenient for Trump for us to bash the FBI before we know shit. Maybe Putin is brainwashing people. Somebody certainly is.
Beware the bullshit factories.
What a bizzare comment.
Al Capone
And many other mobsters (not including Whitey Bulger). Many real spies for other countries have been stopped. And a whole load of other things. I'll take the FBI any day over the KGB.
Beware the bullshit factories.
What the hell
Edited: And who said anything about the KGB? You gonna come out and defend the CIA now? Seriously man you sound unhinged.
Having a national police force
That is answerable to the Constitution Is a f**k of a lot better than having a national police force that is answerable to Trump or any dictator i.e. a Gestapo. Or do you care about that?
Beware the bullshit factories.
Have you ever bothered to read any history about J Edgar Hoover? Please do read some. Then get back to us about how Constitution-loving the FBI is.
What the hell are you talking about? Who is suggesting that we enable a secret police? Quit putting your crazy ideas in my mouth.
Who is suggesting that we enable a secret police?
Donald Trump is for one.
Actually,I certainly understand there are few FBI fans in the room. But right now, our real and present danger is Trump. Tactical nukes, goading nuclear power states, undermining the judiciary and every department of the government with appointments of wingnut incompetents.
While I agree there needs to be more evidence flushed out with the Russia conspiracy, we really have no clue what Comey knows or doesn't know. No matter what, it's pretty obvious Trump and his troupe of jesters have many ties with the Russian kleptocracy.
I would be quite happy if Trump goes down with conspiracy to obstruct justice charges, which I believe he is guilty of, even if we rely on his own words and actions as evidence. But I also know that won't happen, at least not with this Congress.
I know
How do you know that?
Are you like Trump where you know everything without ever having to listen or learn? That's what dictators do. They pretend to know everything so they don't have to listen and therefore they can never learn and they're almost always wrong and they create chaos. "I know that climate change is a hoax therefore I don't have to listen to scientists who spend their lives listening and learning about the climate crisis."
Beware the bullshit factories.
I ain't no partisan
I just highly respect people who know what they don't know and therefore seek to learn in as unbiased a way as possible. Ignorance has a lot more to do with ego than intelligence. I don't know what Comey is doing and would be very ignorant and reckless of me to pretend to know. I'm going to wait and see. The stakes are extremely high as far as our Republic is concerned.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Not buying it
"Maybe Putin is brainwashing people. Somebody certainly is."
The FBI has done a lot of brainwashing of the American people in the past, so why should we trust them now? The idea that they are going to hold the administration accountable is just not remotely believable. Whatever Comey is up to, it sure isn't for the American public, it's to protect the powerful as always.
Here are two very good articles
Somehow I don't think the FBI would ever save us from a coup or whatever other threat there might be to our "government" unless they were on the side of those overthrowing or had something to gain by putting down a coup. They're as dirty as the CIA. They are part of the Deep State and NONE of them are clean in any way, shape or form. Sure, individual agents of the FBI maybe, but there is such a thing as the "tone from the top" that most organizations do follow whether individuals like that or not. Pinning our hopes on memo-gate or the FBI isn't the answer.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Well for one thing
Comey stated that Hillary shouldn't be prosecuted for using her private email server because "no reasonable prosecutor would bring charges against her" while all the time knowing that the original charges were "grossly negligent." Anyone else who had done what she did would be sentenced to prison for many years. The submarine member had one picture of his sub that was found years after he left the navy and he was sentenced for two years. I think what Hillary did was far worse.
Both the FBI and the CIA cooked the false intelligence for the Iraq war. The FBI routinely sets up marginal people to try a terrorist attack when if they had left him alone they would never have thought that up. Then there's the CIA renditioning people to countries that will torture them even when they are innocent. I could go on... These are not good agencies.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.