“It takes just four days for a chief executive of one of the world's five biggest fashion retailers to earn as much as a Bangladeshi garment worker will earn in their entire lifetime, the charity said.”
That statement is contained in the following post. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, no? Makes the struggle all worth it, knowing that we spend our lives working for, in one way or another, these greedy bastids. Right? I mean, aren’t you glad you get to start another work week in a few hours so you can pay the rich man’s taxes (as well as your own) and to pay the bills to keep this shithole running? Even though it’s been shut down?
We can pay for eternal war but it will somehow bankrupt this nation if we don’t run these Dreamer kids out of the country. The U.S.. also cannot afford to provide healthcare coverage for poor kids. Or feed hungry Americans. Or shelter them from the elements. Or any of the things most people in Industrial nations receive because they live in a country that values it’s people and understands that THEY are a nation’s most valuable asset and it is good for the country when it’s citizens are healthy and educated.
But these people just got a tax break.
Freaking amazing.
World's 42 richest people are worth the same as poorest 50% combined: Gap widens as the top billionaires accumulate £1.1trillion
The world's 42 richest people have as much wealth as the bottom half of its population, an Oxfam report claims.
These top billionaires are sitting on a cash pile worth £1.1trillion – as much as the poorest 3.7billion people on the planet, the charity said in a report criticised by some experts for misinterpreting the facts to fit its agenda.
The gap has expanded as the richest tycoons, tech entrepreneurs and heirs and heiresses have been boosted by surging stock markets and record-low interest rates which allow their business empires to grow more quickly.
Last year, it took 61 billionaires to equal the bottom half and as recently as 2009 – when the mega-rich were suffering in the Great Recession – the figure was 380.
The Oxfam report also suggests that 80 per cent of new wealth goes to the 1 per cent of people who are already richest.
No more gardens for the gardenless - no more - havens for the havenless
No more helpers for the helplessness - no more - somethings for a less
For the law is now the lawless
`N the flaw is now the flawless
`N the crime is now accepted
`N the criminal respected
`N now evil gets elected
`N now sinful get selected
Heed a president proven rotten Now officially forgotten
Was it your General Sheridan who once said "The only good, good man is a dead good man."
It was not me babe
I just said keep your head `n your bread well down under them floorboardsFROM
Apathy 83
Songwriters: Ian Hunter
Apathy 83 lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
That song is as relevant today as relevant now as in 1976.
It is not only those workers being exploited.
It is also the American workers who work at the design offices. The Company and CEOs make millions/billions off of the creative teams who are paid peanuts. And to move up the food chain you have to "know" somebody high up, or your parents have to be rich and "know" somebody. I think of all the creative designers out there who we will never know because their parents weren't rich like Stella McCartney or Madonna's daughter.
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
And it's much worse if you have disabilities.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Aspie, I cannot imagine how difficult it must be for those with
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
I lost any hope for that years ago.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
I rushed over here to post the article about the 42 richest
and your post already noted the article from The Guardian
the oligarchs run the world
the "rule of law" is, well,
years ago I tried, not hard enough, to get a forum up to write a post on each chapter of a book. I got a couple of them written but I did not follow through.
the author of the book among other things was a classics scholar and he did his own translation of Plato
The book was published in 2012 and while it was a hot potato back then, e.g., one publisher said he should be shot because of what he wrote, and in contrast his agent from NYC said that it was the most important book she had read in 30 years, since then the coup d'etat has taken over and much of what is written is "old hat" but still important especially for an introduction to the topics.
The author is now deceased. He posted it on amazon.com that the download was only 99 cents which is the lowest price that can be sold at. It is a book on political economy and an easy read to get into the corruption of government statistics and the connection of politics to the economy. If you are a professor out there, it could be used in several departments as a text and it has a low price tag for the students in a download.
I have the entire book text posted on line if anyone is interested in getting it.
the text on amazon.com about the book
**** changing gears ****
It is interesting that David Cay Johnston, a Pulitzer prize winning investigate journalist, and for several years the NYT main tax journalist, and had been following Trump for 30 years, including writing in 1990 that at that time, Trump had a negative net worth, on Jan 16, 2018 published his new book on Trump
It's Even Worse Than You Think: What the Trump Administration Is Doing to America
Here is the write up on amazon.com
Johnston spent the entire hour on DemocracyNow on Jan 18, 2017. The video and text is posted on democracy now web site. It is posted in 5 parts and the titles of the segments give one an idea of the main topics
Trump Biographer on the President’s Cognitive Decline & Whether He Will Be Impeached
David Cay Johnston: Trump is Determined to Provoke War to Draw Focus from Racist & Erratic Behavior
“It’s Even Worse Than You Think”: David Cay Johnston on Trump’s First Year in Office
Trump Biographer: Trump is the “Most Racist” President in At Least 100 Years
How Trump’s Deregulatory Push Is Harming Workers, Muzzling EPA Scientists and Unleashing Pollution