Democrats' disease, malpractice, and where do they go from here?

It is difficult for me to write a serious story about politics since politics is by definition practiced (in the majority) by self-aggrandizing sociopaths with or without narcissism. Greed makes their hearts pump stronger, impelling the pols to want to maintain selected elected office for as long as they can. Get some nice speaking fees (known as emoluments if you are of a different political persuasion), sitting on boards of directors with which are attached healthy stipends, insider trading tips (a term analogous to pre-owned cars since it the Congress Critters [CCs] know budgetary matters well in advance of the majority of the populace.

Neither side of the duopoly are politically more benign than the other. At least the Republicans are open about their nefarious aims. The Dems--well, that's another story, part of which I wish to highlight in this essay. It is difficult to write an essay on c99 because the communitarians are very knowledgable about the whole "shitehole subject", to borrow the inelegant phrase from Herr Hair. Of for the days to T. Jefferson and FDR who were excellent communicators. Pretty soon I expect to hear Sarah H. Sanders come out with a juicy "Fuck You" during the periodic melees call press conferences. Once upon a time, in a kingdom long ago, when we really had a mostly free press, instead of the current paid trolls for the "Establishment" or Deep State or whatever epithet you wish to use for those lackeys of a dying media enterprise, now mainly propped up by government money. I believe a more appropriate term for the 4th Estate would be "fee press".

The ascendent wing of the Duopoly is of course the Elephant in the room, whereas the descendent (morbid, condition critical) party is obviously the Dimwit party. By the way, have any of you c99ers "seen the other guy"? No need to strain your eyes; that was a rhetorical question.

I have mixed emotions when seeing the titular Dim leaders, Nancy Fallacy and Chuckles Schumer, which range from near gagging to hysterical laughter. This makes reading or watching politics a hazardous undertaking while eating or drinking.

One of the triggers for this essay (yes, I was triggered) was seeing an article featuring Nancy We-Don't-Need-No-Changes Fallacy spewing brimstone and Armageddon about the tax deal. A deserved response but so unpalatable when served up by the Hen from Pacific Heights (that's in SF for you that don't know SF). If she weren't so old, I would truly expect her to lay an egg every time she cackles. Haven't seen any good Schumerisms lately except for his signature movement, sliding his spectacles down his insufficiently long nose. It would be lovely to see a few leaves sprout from Chuckie's schnozzle. (Help, Giapetto! Chuckie needs you!)

So what is this essay about? It's about communication and ideology from the Dumbocratic perspective. We already know the Republican perspective, which is openly admitted by them to drain your wallet (and I sincerely hope none of you have alligator skin wallets or purses).

Hellery Sore-Loser Clinton and her fawning acolytes concocted Russia-Russia-Russia motif to excuse the Klinton Creature in losing to the worst presidential candidate a major political party could nominate (except for herself). Along with 18 other cogent reasons she assures us cost her the victory which by rights should be hers because of her purchase of the Democratic Party a year ahead of the primaries. (No, she will get neither a refund nor a re-run).

Hillarian political platform, never clearly elucidated by HERself (other than "I'm for me and you should be too") devolved into "Look, I'm not the orange-haired monster the other side is running" as well as implied threats.

Of course, Hillary added some factual analyses to her Russophobic claims such as

Now that the Dims realize, at least some of them do, this Russia thing has fizzled, it is more difficult even for them to maintain a straight face when trying to resuscitate this myth--even Adam Schiff has difficulty in so doing, fortunately the plastic surgery turning the corners of his mouth up giving him a perpetual smile is working well.

At last a "liberal" (whatever the heck that means anymore) College professor and Russian expert calls the current media circus malpractice.

Stephen Cohen, a professor emeritus of Russian Studies at New York University and a contributing editor to the leftist magazine The Nation, said -- contrary to claims of The Washington Post -- "we do not" know if our democracy was "hacked" by Trump-Russia collusion, it is "not true" that a "consensus of intelligence agencies" said there was collusion and, when it comes to news coverage of the president, "I have never seen media malpractice like this before in my life."

Cohen, an author, writer, and leading expert on Russia since the Bolshevik coup d'etat in 1917, added that he travels to Moscow regularly and even knows Russian intelligence officers and he has not yet "found anybody in Moscow who believes the story" of collusion between the Trump presidential campaign and Russian officials....

Prof. Cohen, who is also professor emeritus of Russian Studies at Princeton University, said, "We do not [know the Russians hacked the election]. It's been alleged." He then explained the "media malpractice" of The Post.

"Originally it was said that 17 intelligence agencies made that finding," said Cohen. "Turned out it was a few people and a couple of intelligence agencies. If you read on in The Washington Post story in the first paragraph, they go back to this claim that it's a consensus of intelligence agencies."

"So, it's simply not true," he said. "I have to say that, in addition to being a professor for a long time, I was also a paid consultant of a major American television network."

"I admire mainstream media, I learned a lot," said Prof. Cohen. "But I have never seen media malpractice like this before in my life."

In the medical profession a verified (i.e. adjudicated) finding of malpractice can lead to loss of licensure, fines, and in egregious instances (when done with malignant intent) even imprisonment.
Were the same standard applied to the Miasmic Swamp Media (MSM) flunkies, most of them would be (and should be) penniless and homeless. And those supporting false narratives inciting our sheeple toward war, should have a nice extended Caribbean vacation at Playa del Guantanamo.

So what's it to be now, Dimocrats?

Ah yes, mental insufficiency. Incapacity to stop tweeting and insulting nations (calling them repositories of excrement, etc) and other obviously insane gestures like screaming "MAGA! MAGA!"

The Trumpeter was recently administered the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, which he passed with flying colors as they say. We physicians don't talk like that. Instead we use multitudinous polysyllabic enumerations of diagnostically deterministic verbiage to communicate and confer with our colleagues (thus allowing us to charge much, much more than simply saying "passed with flying colors".

For those of you who might feel the need to check your compus mentis I present to you the aforementioned test. Those of you feeling mentally intact (which automatically excludes any latent Hillbots trolling c99) you are invited to complete the test. For a reasonable fee, I will personally grade your efforts and give you a full DSM-5 diagnosis. (Cheaper price for the DSM-4 diagnosis).

This test should be made mandatory for all CCs. Nancy and Chuckles, are you listening?

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Pricknick's picture

Everybody with poor cognitive retention knows that the (MOCA) is up to version 8.1.
Or is it 7.3?
Fugit I forgot.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

snoopydawg's picture

because he asked him about his shit hole statement. Of course the WH press corps has let the press secretaries lie and evade questions for how many years now? Silly Sandra Sanderson has not given a straight answer since she got the gig. When is the last time a reporter made them answer their questions? This goes for congress members when they are talking to people who testify before them too. Hillary was good at bloviating any question put before her.

I sprained my brain on the test, especially the word recall, but I passed it. Face, velvet, church daisy red. Yeah, I did it. This is huge for me. Ouch

You say that you haven't heard anything about Schumer for awhile? Here he is talking about healthcare. First he said that All 48 Democrats Are On Board With Health Care Deal.

WASHINGTON — Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Sunday morning that “all 48 Democrats” in the Senate are on board with the health care deal negotiated between Senators Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Patty Murray, D-Wash.

If Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., bring the bill to the floor in both chambers, it would “pass overwhelmingly," Schumer, D-N.Y., claimed during an interview on NBC’s “Meet The Press.”

If only, ehh?

Schumer was also asked repeatedly on “Meet The Press” whether Democrats are willing to negotiate further on health care, but did not give a straight answer.

“We have an agreement,” he said. “We want to stick by it.”

"Now you wonder why we got Trump?" (6:35)

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg Would you like the DSM-5 interpretation, only $250 or the 99% version (DSM-4) for only $58.75. Include self-addressed stamped envelope and you may have ACCESS to your mental health. But you don't get to keep it, unless you send me $5000 for Dr. Ben Carson's brain elixir, which is the discounted rate. Supplies are low because most members of Congress are taking this incredible potion and you see the wonders it has wrought.

Here is a picture of Nancy ordering another bottle from Dr. Ben (85 proof):

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mimi's picture

I remember our feed producer taking in coverage from MSNBC and CNN having a meltdown shouting
"What kind of "Kacke-talking-head-host" is this?" (I don't translate).

Wished I had more than a "Kacke" comment.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@mimi Caca de vaca means bull shit.

No matter what the language, it still smells.

New russian

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Do I get extra points?

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Alligator Ed's picture

@on the cusp

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Azazello's picture

where he says there's a new joke going around in Russia: "The government can fix the US presidential election but they can't fix the roads."

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

@Azazello In an interesting coincidence, the same joke runs through the U.S. as well, but not so much a joke, here.

In contrast, however, it makes sense for the Russians, because they are apparently able to fix U.S. presidential elections with a measly few grand, which of course is insufficient to fix any roads, but clearly allows them to overcome the staunch U.S. democracy with ease. Not really a joke when they can only resort to a pittance to fix elections that could never amount to enough for any road fixing.

The U.S. fixes elections to the tune of $5 billion in the Ukraine, which could have actually been used to fix quite a few roads, but opportunity cost precludes any road fixing because it was needed to 'help' democracy by twisting democratic election.

No roads for you!

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I like your statement,

And those supporting false narratives inciting our sheeple toward war, should have a nice extended Caribbean vacation at Playa del Guantanamo.

I love it, in fact. But wouldn't it be more just, and more permanent and instructive, to give each member of Congress who voted to fund amorphous moderates in Syria, and press secretaries who smiled when saying the moderates were "marbled" with Al Qaeda, and any senator who met with Baathist leaders of ISIS and had his picture taken with them, wouldn't it be more exciting to give them a one-way trip to beautiful downtown Yemen, no parachutes, just the flight and the release through a bomb-bay door? It's something they would never forget. I think that would be justice.

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