Telling her heinous to go "knit" is a definite no no. -g-

Me thinks her heinous still thinks it's her turn.


The Twitter thread:

The Vanity Fair Cave: “Vanity Fair sorry for suggesting Hillary Clinton ‘knit'” [BBC]. Vanity Fair is quite right to apologize. What Hillary Clinton ought to be doing is spattering the glass ceiling with the blood of faraway brown children. For shame, Vanity Fair! For shame!

UPDATE Quick thoughts on the Vanity Fair flap:

1) Vanity Fair should have backed up its new (woman) editor, Radhika Jones, instead of caving to a mob of soi-disant resistors inflamed by Clinton enforcers on social media. Here is a Clintonite enforcer in action:

Tom Watson

1. I have some serious advice for @radhikajones, the brand new editor of @vanityfair, who took over from the legendary Graydon Carter and stepped immediately into a major scandal over a stupid sexist video.

8:42 AM - Dec 27, 2017
366 366 Replies 574 574 Retweets 1,405 1,405 likes
Twitter Ads info and privacy
What Watson is doing, this time on the national stage, is just what Neera Tanden did a year ago when she got Matt Bruenig fired. If getting people fired for the views they express — I’m gonna say “modulo Nazis,” here — isn’t McCarthyism, I don’t know what is. I mean, come on. I guess there’s one thing liberals just aren’t liberal about, and that’s insulting royalty, eh?

2) It may be that one reason Clinton’s enforcers were so concerned to attack the video — which was, all things considered, rather gentle — was that so many of the participants in the video (one of whom, at least, was doxed) were young women; watching Clintonites fat-shaming one such women was a delicious irony. The idea that Clinton no longer appeals to young women would no doubt be deeply threatening to Clintonites and, apparently, needed to be dealt with at once, firmly.

3) I won’t go so far as to say “She’s running,” but Clinton is certainly maintaining an apparatus of media enforcement that would suggest she is. It also seems highly likely to me that Clinton has not even reached the “acceptance” stage in dealing with her loss in 2016, that the sycophants who surround her — whose livelihoods depend on her continued political prominence — are telling her that she could run again and win, and that she believes them. Of course, the split in the Democrat Party this would cause isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

4) You should really go poke through that thread if you want to get insight into the mindset of Clinton’s current, remaining supporters. It’s really hard for me to process this. It’s like watching one of those movies where humans turn into pod people. Which is a horrible trope, and now I’m dehumanizing (unless, of course, it’s all-too-human to turn into a pod person). Help!

5) Twitter failed technically — see the highlights — in serving the public that was hashing this issue out. You’d think that a conversation with “too many replies’ would be important to represent. Do better, Jack.

NOTE * I’ve seen the tweets, too slackish to find them. Read the thread, you’ll see plenty.

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snoopydawg's picture

I read it from your comment in the other essay. The replies are hilarious, but so are the comments in the article.

Question: "How do you get anyone elected as President of the United States?" Answer: "Have them run against Hillary Clinton"

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg the comic genius of the masses.

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The Great UnBrainWashed.

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Wink's picture


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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg
Question: "How do you get the most unqualified president in a lifetime re-elected as President of the United States?" Answer: "Have him run against Hillary Clinton, again"

0 users have voted.

Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

Shahryar's picture

men don't knit? Who's being sexist?

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Bollox Ref's picture


In Mrs B's knitting group. He's been over here several times.

0 users have voted.

from a reasonably stable genius.

Wink's picture

pickup joint, @Bollox Ref
Although that might be a tad sexist.

0 users have voted.

the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

@Shahryar Smile

0 users have voted.

Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

Hawkfish's picture


It helped that his mother (who had a masters in botany) was insanely good at it.

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

it's not pod people, it's the People's Temple.

0 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

Deja's picture

Well, I understand it no better now than I did yesterday on Twitter, but I'll actually watch the video now. Never saw it on Twitter, just a bunch of hateful Hillbots screaming "mysoginist!" and "ageist!".

I did begin following a couple people who were defending Vanity Fair and being called BerniBros, as well as one who was told "go drink bleach you sexist cunt" by upstanding Hillbots. Even though I didn't fully understand wtf was going on, I realized that someone hurt some Hillbot fee fees, so they must have told the truth about Her Heinous.

This is appropriate:

. . . who claim to be part of the ‘resistance’ to Trump are also strikingly ‘resistant’ to any piece of information which doesn’t back up their preferred version of events.

Edit add: HAHAHAHAHA! Video is funny!

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Bollox Ref's picture

Peter Daouche was/is especially poutraged.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

As I read about this, I remembered one of the most powerful act of the fight against AIDS (yes, I am an old dude): The AIDS Quilt.


"Woman's work" was transformed into one of thee most powerful symbols of the AIDS epidemic. This attack on "knitting" seems in many ways absolutely sexist in demeaning the work of women who were forced into their roles and created out it, transformation and art.

"Woman's work" again on how women used their "traditional work" for transformation and help. I again vaguely remembered this and looked it up:

Knitting and the Vietnam War?! Really?! Yes! During the Vietnam War, 2 Canadian organizations Canadian Aid for Vietnamese Children (CAVC) and Voice of Women (VOW) used knitting as a way to help the Vietnamese people. Here are some of the links that I found so you can learn more about what happened.

What the fuck, on a roll now. Just did a search on Civil War and knitting.

This pattern is in response to the volume of emails I get every year asking for easy Civil War knitting patterns. Knitting was a popular pastime for women in the 1860s and many were anxious to make the soldiers items to keep them warm on the cold nights. This is a seriously simple scarf pattern "for a gentleman."

I am sure I can find more, but again, doesn't it seem the reaction to the Vanity Fair rely on demeaning "woman's work" and imply the only work worthy of them is "men's work". It kicks in the teeth the absolute glue it seems to me of how women held together society and family.

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@MrWebster such as

1. I won't order any assassinations

2. I won't destabilize any foreign governments

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Mary Bennett

@Nastarana When I look at Hilary's time at Walmart, she did advocate for women in management. And then it hit me that what she wanted was for women to be decision makers of a corrupt system. Give women the ability to cheat and exploit workers just like the guys.

That was empowerment for women. And on the big world stage, women like her could like the men order the bombing and destruction of countries and revel in country leaders sodomized with a knife.

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snoopydawg's picture


Your video is from 1987, the first time it was displayed on the National Mall when there were 2,000 quilts there. Watching as each panel is unfolded, lifted up, twirled and then placed in the square is breathtaking.

The full video of Common Threads: Stories From the Quilt can be watched here. The music in it is hauntingly perfect.

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@MrWebster But I've been helping some relatives to get up and running a sock knitting machine. It was up in the attic of the old home, and had instructions AND correspondence with the Army and Red Cross on specifications and requirements to donate socks to Soldiers during WW1 It looks like they knitted many pairs. It predated America entering the war and also during the time we were in it.

Of course with HER, knitting a pantsuit would need a lot more skill.

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Deja's picture

I'd love to see pics of the machine. Sounds so cool!

My grandma used to braid rugs and had these little metal guides to help braid the strips of old denim and my grandpa's old uniforms. The rug would eventuallytake over the living room, then she'd sell it and start another.

Thanks for reminding me of that, and would love an essay about the 100 or so year old knitting machine, with pictures. Smile

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@Deja A cousin has it now and is trying to track down parts. There is this link The one we're working on looks like the picture, but the old ones all kind of look alike. If you check out Amazon (sock knitting machine) they have modern ones for sale. The first link says to find an old machine and fix it up, but unless you KNOW what it's supposed to look like originally, you cant tell if all these unfamiliar parts are worn out, or even broken or missing parts. The lucky side is, it may just need heavy duty cleaning and oiling.

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Deja's picture

Whoah! $1000 for a refurbished antique, or $1500 for brand new. Wow! Still fascinating. Maybe new ones are so expensive because they're circular? Thanks for the link.

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Well, how can they be expected to understand how sexist their reaction is when they're busy accusing others of being what they are themselves? You're not supposed to notice that part, silly wabbit!

There they are, juggling talking-points and in some cases possibly dozens of 'different poster identities' for peanuts a post - do you expect them to think about the sense of the playbook attacks they're using/mindlessly repeating because others have said them?

If they don't support the people who'd rather pay them nothing at all in working toward that goal of paying them nothing at all, what happens then? Some unAmerican democracy crap?

Damn Russian FB/Twitter BLM/puppy advertisers-in-government, always worrying about humanitarian crises the (biblical) Job creators cause through, and in, America in their noble quest for Total Control Over Everything, Even If It Kills Everything! You'd think they'd leave hell enough alone!

Be gentle with the Hillbots - they know not what they do, having been otherwise programed. Or hired by those (biblical) Job creators as part of the political puppet show.

(There's an Abby Martin video on there, too.)

Paid Gov’t and Corporate Internet Trolls Are Real
March 1, 2014 By 21wire

21st Century Wire says…

You know them…

Their mission has nothing to do with national security, fighting terrorism, and catching criminals. Their mission is to distort public opinion and spread propaganda in order to generate a ‘consensus reality’ – and they are responsible for polluting the internet with much of the garbage in comment sections, Facebook groups, forums and bogus blog posts.

They jump into productive online discussions and civil debates, and undermine them, ruin them, with uninvited insulting, racist and inflammatory comments. If only it stopped there.

The secretive GCHQ and JTRIG training manual which was leaked via Glenn Greenwald and Ed Snowden show an even dirtier side to our governments’ new ‘digital Stasi’. Their report means that the public can finally put an ugly face on this disease which is ruining the internet. First Look explains:

“Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. To see how extremist these programs are, just consider the tactics they boast of using to achieve those ends: “false flag operations” (posting material to the internet and falsely attributing it to someone else), fake victim blog posts (pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy), and posting “negative information” on various forums.” ...

And this important statement was posted in one of the comments:

"Weird Al" Yankovic - Foil

(Wondering if the Bivings thing is still on the intertubz... I was sometimes reminded of this on DKos.)

Monsanto and Others Caught Paying Internet ‘Trolls’ to Attack Activists
Companies desperate to fool public

by Anthony Gucciardi
Posted on April 20, 2015

... Surprisingly, it was actually a Monsanto employee that unintentionally let the truth behind their ‘discrediting operation’ slip in a conference with students that he may have forgotten was open to the public. In a conversation with students, Dr. William “Bill” Moar raved that Monsanto had established:

“An entire department” (waving his arm for emphasis) dedicated to “debunking” science which disagreed with theirs.” ...

...reading the March 16th article in the Associated Press that broke down how Coca-Cola paid off health leaders in exchange for these ‘experts’ to back their chemical-laden sodas as health drinks.

The AP report reads:

“In February, several of the experts wrote online posts for American Heart Month, with each including a mini-can of Coke or soda as a snack idea. The pieces — which appeared on nutrition blogs and other sites including those of major newspapers — offer a window into the many ways food companies work behind the scenes to cast their products in a positive light, often with the help of third parties who are seen as trusted authorities.” ...

...Next time you’re scrolling through social media, YouTube, or even this website’s comment section, remember that the trolls attacking you for no apparent reason may in fact be receiving an annual salary. Checkout my video report on Monsanto’s secret ‘discrediting’ department and what it truly means for the natural health and alternative news movement:

Old news to most here, of course, but that last bit of advice needs to be remembered. Not least because there were Monsanto biggies (among other corporate nasties) in The Mad Bomber's campaign.

They want us to believe that there is a much larger consensus among the public agreeing with their propaganda than there really is, to bring in the 'herd creatures' to the sty, to make those of us who are better aware feel isolated as we come under attack by what seems to be the many, to discourage dissent from the party line.

Yes, There Are Paid Government Trolls On Social Media, Blogs, Forums And Websites

American Dream | Michael Snyder


Do you want solid proof that paid government shills are targeting websites, blogs, forums and social media accounts?

For years, many have suspected that government trolls have been systematically causing havoc all over the Internet, but proving it has been difficult.

But now thanks to documents leaked by Edward Snowden and revealed by Glenn Greenwald, we finally have hard evidence that western governments have been doing this.

As you will see below, a UK intelligence outfit known as the Government Communications Headquarters, through a previously secret unit known as the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group, has been systematically attempting “to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse”. ...

... You’ve probably run into them before — those seemingly random antagonizers who always end up diverting the conversation in an online chat room or article comment section away from the issue at hand, and towards a much different agenda. Hot-button issues like illegal immigration, the two-party political system, the “war on terror” and even alternative medicine are among the most common targets of such attackers, known as internet “trolls” or “shills,” who in many cases are nothing more than paid lackeys hired by the federal government and other international organizations to sway and ultimately control public opinion.

Several years ago, Canada’s CTV News aired a short segment about how its own government had been exposed for hiring secret agents to monitor social media and track online conversations, as well as the activities of certain dissenting individuals. This report, which in obvious whitewashing language referred to such activities as the government simply “weighing in and correcting” allegedly false information posted online, basically admitted that the Canadian government had assumed the role of secret online police. ...

...So what kind of people are the governments of the western world targeting online?

Well, when it comes to the U.S. government, all you have to do is to look at their official documents to see who they consider the “problems” to be.
–> Continue to full article to view documents. ...

Everybody's doing it, doing it, doing it - to us.

(The following lacks links to sources but doesn't sound out of line, so dunno.)

You Can ACTUALLY Get Paid to TROLL on Social Media and It Pays RM8,500 A Month!

Published 1 year ago on October 5, 2016 By Gerard Joseph

To all Facebook keyboard warriors, your time is now! No joke this is happening right now in the Philippines and I assure you this is legit! Yes, trolling is now becoming a real job. All you need is a computer, internet connection and zero conscience! Where do I sign, boys? ...

...Most people make money off of this method by having spam accounts generated and ‘bot’ them to do it automatically. And if you’re doing it in the Philippines, it’s reported that while some fees vary, usually you can make about RM8,570 a month for this ‘business’! Apparently the Filipino political parties (the original red shirts vs yellow shirts) hire staff to set-up bot accounts to trash the other party. They spread lies and other forms of hate to garner more support for their cause. In fact, it has been shown to swing public opinion GREATLY. ...

(The following has a 5 minute Abby Martin video on this. Didn't watch the first posted, which may be the same one, but computer's a bit better right now, so watching this, since it loaded. And, in the comments, an almost 11 minute video of what appears to be a basic TED talk on Astroturf; just watched a bit, having trouble with videos on and off.)

CIA Agents To Troll Alternative Media Sites In Huge Propaganda Program

March 23, 2016 Sean Adl-Tabatabai News, US

The CIA are expanding an existing program that influences mainstream media outlets to promote fake propaganda stories, by having agents troll internet forums, social media, and website comment sections – in an effort to disrupt alternative media sites.

In an expansion of Operation Mockingbird, the agency are now creating fake user accounts on various internet forums and social media channels, arguing politics with real users in an attempt to stifle and subvert genuine communications between users. reports:

According to RT news, agents have up to “10 fake shill accounts” used to troll and create the illusion of having a genuine network of friends.

“They will defend current administration decisions with relentless irrational stubbornness that one can only be paid to do.” ...

And this following seems rather interesting, when read in full at source. Also would be interesting to hear what some of Those Here Who Know And Can Make Connections I May Never Have Even Heard Of (or potentially verify or not) think of this information.

Gee, I wonder what government/State Department might have had an interest in hiring people like this to help them in eliminating socialist government in other people's (oil-bearing) countries, where they kept getting voted in, whenever permitted presumably legitimate elections, since the elections apparently had to be rigged to get/keep them out?

How to Hack an Election
Andrés Sepúlveda rigged elections throughout Latin America for almost a decade. He tells his story for the first time.

By Jordan Robertson, Michael Riley, and Andrew Willis | March 31, 2016

Photographs by Juan Arredondo

From Bloomberg Businessweek

Versión en español

... Last year, based on anonymous sources, the Colombian media reported that Rendón was working for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Rendón calls the reports untrue. The campaign did approach him, he says, but he turned them down because he dislikes Trump. “To my knowledge we are not familiar with this individual,” says Trump’s spokeswoman, Hope Hicks. “I have never heard of him, and the same goes for other senior staff members.” But Rendón says he’s in talks with another leading U.S. presidential campaign—he wouldn’t say which—to begin working for it once the primaries wrap up and the general election begins.

—With Carlos Manuel Rodríguez and Matthew Bristow

Was that bit about the Trump campaign perhaps an early shot for this other leading presidential campaign which wasn't Trump? I wonder whose leading campaign that could possibly have been... and if he got a foundational booster-bonus over such statements?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Alligator Ed's picture

The Repugnants need you to completely destroy the Democratic Party.

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