So, Trump is the scary madman?
Donald Trump is a "scary madman" with a "bomb-dropping approach to foreign policy".
Which explains why he officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel despite every other nation warning him not to do it.
If only we had elected a Democrat instead of Trump, we wouldn't have such a scary warmonger in the White House.
Trump had suggested in an October interview that he was planning to make a decision regarding the embassy, but wanted to give an Israeli–Palestinian peace plan "a shot" first, according to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA).Schumer himself told JTA that he supported the U.S. moving its embassy to Jerusalem and criticized Trump over his "indecisiveness" on the issue.
“President Trump’s recent comments suggest his indecisiveness on the embassy’s relocation,” Schumer told the news agency. “As someone who strongly believes that Jerusalem is the undivided capital of Israel, I am calling for the US Embassy in Israel to be relocated to Jerusalem."
Yes. Trump's Crazy-Madman foreign policy simply isn't aggressively warmongering enough for Democrats.
Sort of like when Hillary demanded that Trump "take out" the airfields in Syria. Trump only bombed one Syrian airfield.

The hypocrisy
is astounding gjohn.
What was considered wrong by the many, is now condoned by the few with even fewer repercussions.
We are owned.
My apologies for inserting a video that I have posted recently. When it fits, you pound a square peg into a round hole.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Scary Scary Trump!
Be very very scared of the scary scary Trump! That way the other party can ask for your vote without having any policies whatsoever that benefit YOU!
"Please clap." -- Jeb Bush
I just wonder what it means if the EU
is working on a "Defense Pact". Why do they agree to it now? Is that in competition to the NATO or cooperation with them on cyber intelligence? I can't embed the DW video in that article here, but have a look. Can you imagine something more confusing than that? Also for more context read "Can PESCO provide a new European identity?
Look what CNN coverage made out of it.
What has that to do with Trump's request to move the US embassy to Jerusalem? Most of the EU countries refuse so far to follow Trump's request.
European leaders refuse to take Trump’s lead on Jerusalem recognition - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Brussels Monday seeking a similar endorsement from the European Union. He did not get it. (It's worth a read, imo.)
Yesterday's (Monday night's) German evening news, visuals and body language as well as facial expression clearly showed how "not happy" Federica Mogherini, European Union High Representative, was about Netanyahu's visit in Brussel (me: Natanyahu was not invited)
I can't find the clip anymore. Here (unfortunatly only in German) some of Monday night's coverage.
Jerusalem-Frage - Netanjahu beißt in Brüssel auf Granit - Datum: 11.12.2017 11:02 Uhr - Donald Trump mag auf seiner Seite sein. Die EU ist es nicht. Im Gegenteil: Bei seinem Besuch in Brüssel bläst Israels Ministerpräsidenten Benjamin Netanjahu kalter Wind entgegen. (my lax translation: 'Netanyahu bites on granite - Trump may be on his side. The EU is not. Contrary: During his visit in Brussels cold wind is blowing into Netanyahu's face')
or this coverage in the German Radio station Deutschland Funk:
Netanyahu bei der EU - spannungsgeladenes Frühstück11.12.2017 | 3 Min. | Quelle: Deutschlandfunk (this the German Deutschland Funk Radio - too much for me to translate - for those who might understand it).
BTW when I tried to google about Netanyahu's visit in Brussels or Trumps request to the EU to follow him on his request to move their embassies to Jerusalem, I got mostly articles from Why? Can't stand the whole mess.
Oh well, I wonder, how long it will take til the EU countries one by one fall on their knees to lick Trump's and Netanyahu's feet.
To answer your question, gjohnsit, yes, he is more a madman than others, because he is predictably an unpredictable madman and folks hate that more than predictably predictable madmen (ie the other US politicians' and presidents dealings with Russia, Korea, Iran or Israel).
Did you catch Jimmy Dore's piece?
...on the democraps support of the embassy move? Pretty funny, (but really not funny).
(15 min)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”