The most irksome aspect of Hillary.
I know, so many choices, so little time. But this always gets stuck in me craw.
Whenever she appears on a big stage, she points someplace in the distance, pretends to recognize someone, and puts on a false smile, then waves. It is so contrived, so faux, so discomforting, that it is obvious she simply makes shit up. Bill did it, but he could carry it off. When she does it, it just looks bad.
Frankly, having been on TV lit stages more than a few times, it is nearly impossible to see, much less recognize one face in the distance, when the Kliegs are pointing at you.
That act of bullshit bothers me even more than her many half and mis truths. She does it every time on stage, as though it proves that she is really one of the little people sitting in the cheap seats. Riiiiight.
It even bothers me more than Taylor Swift, who sets my eye teeth on edge, for reasons I could never fathom.
What bothers you most about her? And when can we get a poll function here?.
Heh, saw her described as Madam Obfuscatress. LOL!
How fitting.
Lies, by far.
The lies when it would be just as easy to tell the truth.
And that thought has been expressed by people close to her from way back.
and the constant refrain of "WHY?" keeps bouncing around.
When I first met her, and was forced to deal with her, she was calling herself Hillary Rodham. I had no idea who she was, who her husband was, and my ABA subcommittee board and I had no idea that she was one of the top ten trial attorneys in the country. Which was a laugh. My committee had the top US probate trial attorney, the top Criminal Defense attorney in the west, the top patent trial attorney, and some of the top PI and PI defense attorneys in the country. (they also had me, which was slightly intimidating.)
There was no need to lie to us, or to me, before her keynote. But she did. Demanding, officious, rude, condescending, nasty, and fillled with lies. If she forgot something, or she messed something up, it was our fault, never hers.
Only when she appeared on TV with Bill, after the Gen Flowers blow-up, did the penny click as to who she was. But lie she does, especially when it suits no purpose. It is like a habit with her.
funny you should mention this
funny you should mention this
that particular 'habit' of hers has annoyed me for ages and I cant really put my finger on why, other than the obvious phony-ness of it.
because she points at no one that she knows, and pretends to
know them. It is simply a visual effort to make her one of the crowd. It is PR, spin, deceit, and a mask for her typical poor performance before a crowd.
Some folks thrive in front of a crowd. Bill certainly did. Others are like this really talented singer on open mike day when my best buddy and his band were to appear at a Chicago bar. She was brilliant, but admitted to having such stage fright, that she literally closed her eyes, and pretended that we were not there. When she was done, and we all applauded and cheered, (she was that good) she simply ran off stage.
Hill simply hates crowds, does not function well in front of them, and her handlers realize that they have to play games in order for her to function even slightly on any stage.
It is the lying that bothers me. I hate being lied to.
Bill Clinton lost my vote when he said "I didn't inhale".
Ok Bill let me take you at your word and agree that you didn't inhale. So your not technically a cannabis smoker, you're just a fraud and a fake. You sir are just the kind of person that wants others to think that you are something or someone which you are not.
When she lies about Bernie's record it enrages me, I yell at the T.V. then I start mumbling cuss words as my wife tries to calm me down.
The hubris with this family
empowers them to do and say anything. Hillary administered her own email server because she could. Imagine if you were given a choice to have the State Department of the United States of America protect the security of your communications, or you take that responsibility on your own? The only reason to not do that is either you desire to hide future communications from oversight or you trust that you can do better. Either is a shameful admission but to these people it is their entitlement. They push the edge (if not transgress) on everything. Why can't they follow the rules like everybody else? Hubris. It will be what destroys them in the end.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Clintons are paranoid - need secrecy and control - no FOIA if server in her Chappaqua basement.
Lies, and gets away with it. "I said it, so it's so."
Remember when in WH and her Rose Law firm records were subpoenaed and she couldn't find them, then , a long time later, they suddenly turned up in the family quarters of the WH, and she couldn't explain how that happened.
My sister has learned
to either leave the room or just let me blather on and on and on.... Once I get most of the yelling out of me, I can be calm. And there are just certain times I completely ignore any "news" television - why give myself a headache screaming at the TV? Better to just turn on some insipid comedy and try to forget. Yeah, right, like forgetting it will ever happen for me. There are times I really wish I could stop looking at it and thinking about it, but I am addicted to it now I guess.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Our media is too "Polite"
on lies.
Of course it's their business, so of course they'll be polite on it.
But goddammit, It would be so refreshing to have someone flat out be "rude" to someone lying. Because lying is in itself a violation of the social contract, and should be called out.
"Ms. Clinton, You're lying. Cut her mike. Every time you start Lying, we choose not to listen to you."
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Thank you Hillary
One thing to bear in mind when watching Hillary - everything that pisses us off loses her votes.
The filibustering
The word salads
The 180 about faces
The interrupting
The lying
The pandering
Every time she does one of the above democracy comes a little closer
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
She is such a damned Hillary
I know that kinda goes without saying, but that woman has set my teeth on edge ever since I knew that woman existed. I dunno why but I'd rather listen to a collection of "Nails On Chalkboard" on an 8-track player than listen to her say just about anything. My inner gut has always told me "SHE'S FRIGGIN LYING!!!" and I tend to trust my inner gut eh? My outer gut not so much, but my inner gut yeah.
Having said that, I'd vote for her over any and all that the Rs are offering this year ... and wash myself lever-pulling hand off with battery acid after the fact.
Try a Jill Stein speech.
Actually comes across as genuine.
Stein's my number 2, after Bernie. If anything, she's even MORE to the left. I am going to vote for somebody I feel GOOD about voting for this election. Period.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I am writing in Bernie if I have to do that. I will never vote for the lesser of two evils if both are evil.
I hear you....
There was something about her when she was First Lady that simply turned me off... she is phoney as a three dollar bill...
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First Nations News
The facial constructs
I don't find myself photogenic. So, mirror practice. I am sure that all TV characters get that training: best side, best closed-mouth smile, best open jaw smile (when teeth show up and down). I look best with an open-mouth smile, with a little crooked-tooth show, or left side.
She has those all practiced. As well (treading lightly here) she has had face work done (so have I, there) and she used to have better facial lines and now has apple-cheeks. Those bother me, just because they are new for her, and I (limited viewings of older face transitions) find that over the top.
Lying or nuancing opposite yesterday I find normal for her. I never voted for her husband and feel some slight guilt that i was set up to be suspicious.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Hmm . . . I hadn't noticed
But there they are. It's total radical-centrist Presbyterian bake sale lady. Clinton is such an ambitious woman. Yet never have I learned of a significant higher purpose to her achievement striving (I do admit I never read her books).
for me, it is
her body language. If she is upset, she resorts to finger pointing which always offends me. But also when she is overtly lying, there are the eye rolls and often she shakes her head no while proclaiming her lies. And that awful laugh when Qaddafi was killed.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
She had just watched the video of his heinous
murder when she turned around and said that and laughed. Good lord, who laughs at seeing someone tortured and raped with a sword and then murdered?
I want her nor Bill any where near the WH again. They have caused enough damage during his presidency and during her time as SOS when she set the record on weapon sales to other countries.
Including SA who are now using those weapons to kill people in Yemen. Including use of cluster bombs which she voted against banning.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
The fake OPEN mouthed Surpised this is how I smile look!
Yikes, I thought I was the only one who goes crazy when she does that!!! It is so false, besides not being able to SEE with the TV lights shining on her.
Think she thinks ( or someone in her campaign does) it humanizes her, like "look at all the friends I have where ever I go." It is so damn fake - and it's getting worse!
BTW - cjeck out Bob Johnson diary up at GOS, supposedly leaked from internals of her campaign- David Brock schemes...sick!
No don't check out Bob's piece it is just snark and it isn't
that funny.
If you do give them a click check out "Why the Unity Card is Toxic" but wait a while I just asked PennBrian to cross post it over here.
No offense to you Caerus, I love your show!! President Sanders![Smile](
I agree it wasn't that funny.
Good idea but bad follow through.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
FSC it still playing by WJC's 1990's playbook, and
apparently, well into her second campaign (failed?), she and her political strategists simply cannot see that it's a totally ineffective tactic [in today's world].
(Music City) Mollie
"The obstacle is the path."--Zen Proverb
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Her incredibly arrogant tone when lecturing
sets my teeth on edge, big time. Not to mention the smug smirk, the angry grimace and the sullen pout. Ick. And I know, these ARE vaguely sexist things to say, but I don't think of her as merely a female, but as someone who should be earning my vote, who should be open to disagreement, and who should not take the tone of a scolding step mother with young people. She in many ways gives powerful women a really bad name. And I would like to see a woman POTUS, just not this particular woman.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur