So it begins...Jerusalem. Well here we go.

Trump Informs Abbas, Jordan's Abdullah He Intends to Move U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem

U.S. President Donald Trump told Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Jordan's King Abdullah that he plans to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on Tuesday, according to Abbas' spokesman and Jordanian reports. Trump also called Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sissi to inform him of the decision.

Following the call, Abbas urged Pope Francis (wut?) as well as French and Jordanian leaders to intervene on Trump's plan to move the embassy.

I don't want to ignite the storied IP Wars of ToP here.

We all knew this would be "resolved" one way or another. It was always when, not if.

And we all knew it would go badly no matter who or how the intransigence of the parties was to finally be broken.

Armageddon anyone?

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riverlover's picture

Death and devastation trail behind his golf cart ass.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

edg's picture


If only Democrats hadn't coronated Hillary Clinton as their presidential candidate, we'd have a decent, caring president in office now.

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Big Al's picture

Trump is now fighting Israel's wars and supporting Israel apartheid. Notice the timing of this announcement.

"Kushner and his main controller, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, had caught wind of plans by the outgoing Obama administration to abstain on an Egyptian resolution, UN Security Council Resolution 2334, submitted to the Security Council on December 21, 2016, to condemn Israel’s settlement expansion in the West Bank and east Jerusalem. Specifically, the resolution demanded that “Israel immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem.” The American abstention on 2334 broke with long-time US precedent to veto any anti-Israeli resolutions in the Security Council."

Trump and his team should go down, but watch, not a word from he democrats about Israelgate further proving the Russiagate bullshit is all a farce.

"Israel’s collusion with the Trump presidential transition team points to more than just Trump, Kushner, and Flynn violating the Logan Act of 1799, an arcane law prohibiting American citizens from engaging in their own foreign policies. By convincing Trump, Kushner, and Flynn that Obama was behind Resolution 2443, Israel co-opted the Trump transition team to do its bidding. The Logan Act is immaterial when Trump, Kushner, Flynn, and others committed virtual treason against their own country to further the political aims of Israel."

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snoopydawg's picture

@Big Al

I read that some of the reasons for WWI involved Israel. We know every war since 9/11 was done on Israel's behalf. Next up is Iran. Israel has been bombing Iranian troops in Syria along with the Saudis. Both have Trump in their pockets. Dying for Israel is not our military's job. Why don't Israelis have to fight themselves? Our blood, our money.

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

ggersh's picture


I read that some of the reasons for WWI involved Israel. We know every war since 9/11 was done on Israel's behalf. Next up is Iran. Israel has been bombing Iranian troops in Syria along with the Saudis. Both have Trump in their pockets. Dying for Israel is not our military's job. Why don't Israelis have to fight themselves? Our blood, our money.

Got any links for the WWI assertion, I've never heard that.
Afghanistan wasn't on account of Israel, neither was Iraq for
that matter, that was Dubya vindicating his hatred of pappy
by one upping him.
Somolia,Niger, nope don't think so.
Syria and a hard on for Iran yep.
And yes while we do fight some wars for Israel it's not
like we just can't say no to them.
only difference between her heinous and trump is w/Russia
trump is putins friend no doubt, her heinous hides that same fact.

0 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@ggersh I thought those Middle East wars were for the purpose of consolidating the control of certain forces within the U.S. over world energy resources.

0 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

ggersh's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal the wars in Africa also for oil but not much
to do with Israel.

The constant bashing of Israel for all the wars is wrong
although Israel holds great sway over amerika and it's
pol's it's folly to think Israel is the blame for all the
wars we are fighting. Is Israel innocent hardly at all
and the way they have brutalized the Palestinians is just
as bad as what we've done elsewhere.

What Israel asks of us fit's amerika's hunger and thirst
for everything war, a perfect relationship yes.

One last tidbit about Israel, I asked my cuz, a Briebart reader,
what has North Korea done to us for us to even consider
obliterating them from planet Earth, he said Israel, my palm
hitting my forehead nearly knocked me out.

Sorry if I ranted.

0 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@ggersh do you get from North Korea to Israel?

0 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

thanatokephaloides's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal do you get from North Korea to Israel?

You fly across most of Northern and Central Asia!

If you get to Baku, Azerbaijan, you're almost there! Smile

0 users have voted.

"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@thanatokephaloides LMAO. I guess I pitched you a fat one, eh?

0 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

thanatokephaloides's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal

LMAO. I guess I pitched you a fat one, eh?


0 users have voted.

"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

ggersh's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal

One last tidbit about Israel, I asked my cuz, a Briebart reader,
what has North Korea done to us for us to even consider
obliterating them from planet Earth, he said Israel, my palm
hitting my forehead nearly knocked me out.
0 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@ggersh No, I get that. I mean, how in the name of holy hell did your cousin make the leap from NK to Israel?

0 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

ggersh's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal he ain't to bright, but he's alright.
A trumpkopf/bannon lover, liberals are the scourge of
the earth.

My mother his mother were sisters, what can one do? -vbg-

0 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

@ggersh rests on allegations that British Zionists in high places convinced that convinced the British Govt. in about 1916 that if the allied forces could hang on a bit longer, world wide Zionists would convince/provoke/persuade(take your pick) the then neutral USA to intervene. No link, this is not necessarily a story to which I give much credence.

0 users have voted.

Mary Bennett

ggersh's picture


0 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

arendt's picture


They have the minutes of the Cabinet meeting where that was said. I quoted them below.

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arendt's picture


The British had a strong Christian Evangelical movement that championed Zionism. Late in the war, when UK was exhausted they floated the Balfour Declaration to engage American support, and after the war used it to control Palestine.

Here is some material that I posted at JPR, which promptly got me thrown out for daring to insist that it was a historical fact that Zionism was originally a pro-Israel movement, not a mere curseword synonymous with (insert your favorite Jewish insult here).

If I get any static about the historical truth of these facts, I will simply be silent. I have gotten fingers chopped off in IP "debates" before. I would rather be have my face eaten by weasels than endure that again.

Thus the view from Whitehall early in 1916: If defeat was not imminent, neither was victory; and the outcome of the war of attrition on the Western Front could not be predicted. The colossal forces in a death-grip across Europe and in Eurasia appeared to have canceled each other out. Only the addition of significant new forces on one side or the other seemed likely to tip the scale. Britain's willingness, beginning early in 1916, to explore seriously some kind of arrangement with "world Jewry" or "Great Jewry" must be understood in this context.[44]

At a War Cabinet meeting, held on 31 October 1917, Balfour suggested that a declaration favourable to Zionist aspirations would allow Great Britain "to carry on extremely useful propaganda both in Russia and America."[45] The cabinet believed that expressing support would appeal to Jews in Germany and America, and help the war effort;[46] they also hoped to encourage support from the large Jewish population in Russia.[45]

According to James Renton, Senior Lecturer at Edge Hill University, and author of The Zionist Masquerade: the Birth of the Anglo-Zionist Alliance: 1914–1918, Prime Minister David Lloyd George of the United Kingdom supported the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine because "it would help secure post-war British control of Palestine, which was strategically important as a buffer to Egypt and the Suez Canal."[47]

Donald M. Lewis. The Origins of Christian Zionism: Lord Shaftesbury and Evangelical Support for a Jewish Homeland. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. xiii + 365 pp. $90.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-521-51518-4.

And, just as today, there were realists in the government who realized what a bad idea this was.

In October 1919, Lord Curzon succeeded Balfour as Foreign Secretary. Curzon had opposed the Declaration prior to its publication and therefore determined to pursue a policy in line with its "narrower and more prudent rather than the wider interpretation".[77] Following Bonar Law's appointment as Prime Minister in late 1922, Curzon wrote to Bonar Law that he regarded the Balfour Declaration as "the worst" of Britain's Middle East commitments and "a striking contradiction of our publicly declared principles."[78]

In August 1920, the report of the Palin Commission, the first in a long line of Commissions of Inquiry on the question of Palestine during the Mandate period,[79] noted that "The Balfour Declaration... is undoubtedly the starting point of the whole trouble".
British public and government opinion became increasingly less favourable to the commitment that had been made to Zionist policy. In February 1922, Winston Churchill telegraphed Herbert Samuel asking for cuts in expenditure

Donald M. Lewis. The Origins of Christian Zionism: Lord Shaftesbury and Evangelical Support for a Jewish Homeland. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. xiii + 365 pp. $90.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-521-51518-4.

These details are corroborated in "Paris, 1919":

Curzon spoke for many in the Foreign Office when he told Balfour, "Personally, I am so convinced that Palestine will be a rankling thorn in the flesh of whoever is charged with its Mandate, that I would withdraw from this responsibility while we yet can."

Churchill was usually sympathetic to Zionism, but he warned Lloyd George: "Palestine is costing us 6 millions a year to hold. The Zionist movement will cause continued friction with the Arabs. The French ensconced in Syria…are opposed to the Zionist movement and will try to cushion the Arabs off on to us as the real enemy."

(Note: "cushion off" seems to mean that the French will deflect the Arab anger onto the British.)

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ggersh's picture

@arendt So the British Empire and Christians pushed for it.
It wasn't a reason for WWI though.

The British had a strong Christian Evangelical movement that championed Zionism.

It seems as if all logic goes out the window when the ME is
mentioned, debated or given a perspective, wonder why that is.

0 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

arendt's picture


Christian missionaries were at the forefront of the "civilizing mission" of British colonialism. As if making someone a Christian compensates them for having their territory stolen.

As soon as the fundamentalist got into power in the US, they started in on the same fundamentalist shit in the military. Look at the AF academy, it is a theocratic snakepit. Listen to the Army generals praising Jesus.

Are Anglo-Saxon's genetical predisposed to fundamentalist lunacy? I'm beginning to think so.

Here is a favorable review of Lewis's book on a Jewish webiste:

0 users have voted.
ggersh's picture


Are Anglo-Saxon's genetical predisposed to fundamentalist lunacy? I'm beginning to think so.
0 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@arendt Well, Tolkien would be a good argument against genetic predisposition. There are some others.

0 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

arendt's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal

My old favorite, stochastic terrorism, is a good example. Mass propaganda activates certain "receptive" (i.e., predisposed) individuals and someone gets assassinated or some venue gets massacred. Clean hands for the propagandist ("we had no idea this could happen. we are not responsible for nut cases.")

That is, a predispositon does not automatically determine the individual outcome. As they say in medicine, "a genetic predisposition plus an environmental insult triggers a disease".

My argument is that all societies are awash in fundamentalist agitation and propaganda. Some societies fight this disease off, others succumb to it. Given how many A-S countries are going fundie, I think there is some kind of predispostion. I can't prove that, just like I can't prove that a specific cigarette caused a specific case of lung cancer. The causality is statistical. That doesn't make it false.

As a body's immune system affects our response to pathogens, so does a society's laws and institutions affects its response to fundamentalism. (To be clear about my definition, I include Naziism and Stalinism ((but not Marxism)) as fundamentalisms.) The A-S legal system privileges religious speech, and all kinds of agitation. A-S countries are notorious for hyper-individualism and lack of community. I think those institutional factors contribute to the increasing tribalism and fundamentalism in the US today.

Here are two non-A-S examples to consider:

1. The Germans. Having experienced their predispostion, they have banned certain kinds of expression and kept a lid on neo-Nazis - yet the neo-Nazis import their paraphenalia and screeds from the US either over the internet or by mail order.

2. The Ukranians (or the faction around Lviv) seem to have no barriers to their genetic predisposition to racism/Naziism. They supported Hitler during the war and currently have incorporated neo-Nazis into their army.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@arendt Ah, sorry. I read "predisposition" but thought "predetermination."

I just made it necessary for you to write all that...because of a brain fart. /fp


0 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

arendt's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal

Writing the response caused me to connect some dots between legal systems and immune systems.

As a mathy person, immune systems have been on my radar since they were shown to be an example of a very interesting (especially since Big Data arrived) algorithm called Sparse Distributed Memory.

Reference (which I think is readable by non-techies): Immunological Memory is Associative

After I responded to you I got to wondering if I could make an SDM-based legal system. You might know that the lawyers are busy putting themselves out of a job. They have pushed all their precedents into giant databases, which they search with some flavor of database queries. But, just as Wall St. is using Machine Learning to trade stocks, some folks are using ML to find legal precedents.

Even with that, the ML is just being applied to the current legal system. I wonder what kind of new legal system could be created by looking for gaps or blindnesses in the existing one. Of course, given that our entire government and legal system is devolving into warlordism, such esoteric speculations will never be materialized.

0 users have voted.

@arendt I am inclined to think that American Jewish agitation might have been part of the push for intervention, but only part. Many American fortunes were made selling arms--the Bush family's for one. Then, Wilson, a Southern white supremacist, trained at divinity school, Harvard was it?, and one of our worst presidents, IMHO, craved the role of taking enlightenment to Europe's huddled masses. I think he may have had that messianic self righteousness bug worse than GWB.

Then, too, I think there were those who saw a chance to repay what we owed to France.

0 users have voted.

Mary Bennett

arendt's picture


According to Wikipedia, Wilson's father was a Presbyterian minister. Wilson went to Davidson College in NC for a year before transferring to Princeton (not Harvard). He went on to get a law degree from U. Virginia, and a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins.

Davidson was a Presbyterian school, but not a seminary. However, with a minister for a father, even a merely sectarian school could have been the equivalent of a seminary in those days. Presbyterians were strict, dour, Scottish Calvinists. At the time (1880-1910), there was a schism over Darwinism. One side of that schism became modern fundamentalism: Scofield Bible, Moody Bible Institute - and all the literalist ideology that we have come to hate and fear.

Between the Civil War and World War I, American Protestants gradually divided between modernists and fundamentalists—divided over Darwinian evolution and higher criticism of the Bible. The higher criticism conflict reached a symbolic climax in the heresy trials of Charles A. Briggs by the New York Presbytery (1892) and the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (1893), with the result that Briggs was dismissed from the Presbyterian Church. The evolution conflict reached a climax later (1925), in the Scopes trial in Dayton, Tennessee, from which Fundamentalism came away in some disrepute, particularly because of H. L. Mencken’s press coverage of the trial.

In the early period, conservatives (fundamentalists to be) gathered especially at the annual Niagara Bible Conferences (1878-1901) for study of Bible prophecy. In later decades, this movement gradually shifted into Bible institutes (like Moody Bible Institute, 1886) and colleges (like Philadelphia College of the Bible, 1914. which Cyrus Scofield helped to found).
The Most Famous Study Bible of Them All: The Scofield Reference Bible

Wilson's family probably took the modernist, scientific path. Still, he seemed to keep a lot of the evangelistic zeal of Protestantism.

I agree with you that Wilson was an awful president. He was, as you say, a racist, who screened "Birth of a Nation" in the White House. Despite the "he kept us out of war" propaganda, once he decided on war, he cracked down severly on the right to dissent, jailing pacifists as traitors. All in all, the man was a self-righteous hypocrite with a Messiah complex. Par for the course in US politics.

0 users have voted.


perhaps a billiards or snooker allusion- in the sense of a carom off the bank

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arendt's picture


0 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Sorry I can't find it. IIRC, the recent regime change wars was to make Israel the only superpower in the Middle East.
Apologies for not finding that link before I posted my comment.
My understanding of the Iraq war was because Saddam was going to use other currency than the US dollar. Bush might have wanted revenge for his attempt at killing his daddy, but I believe it was more for the oil.
Another reason we were given for the war was because Saddam had used chemical and biological weapons on his citizens.
There are plenty more countries that have killed their citizens or other crimes against humanity, but since they don't live on ToP of oil, we don't defend those people. Hell, we've put some of the dictators in office.

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg I doubt if Cheney was overly upset about any possible threat to Daddy Bush, it was all about the Benjamins.

0 users have voted.
ggersh's picture

@snoopydawg that's why I unfortunately always take
that for granted. -sigh-

Bottom line Iraq was on dubya/cheney for whatever insane
reason they both nurtured.

0 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

snoopydawg's picture


Yeah. I finally found this.

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

arendt's picture


trump is putins friend no doubt, her heinous hides that same fact.


The evidence seems to keep piling up that Putin did choose sides in 2016 and interfered to one degree or another, and I think the reason for that is because he hated Hillary. I think they got off on the wrong foot when Hillary gave Putin that stupid reset button shortly after becoming Secretary of State. Putin didn't want Hlllary to be President. And probably a whole bunch of more nefarious shit.

0 users have voted.

Beware the bullshit factories.

I can't remember which documentary, I think it was a history of Palestine / Israel, but it talked about World War I and Palestine. Apparently Britain was very eager to get the US involved in the war so the Balfour declaration was made partly to appeal to American Jews and fundamentalist Christians with the hope they would pressure the US government to join the war against the Ottomans.

0 users have voted.

Beware the bullshit factories.

Deja's picture

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Meteor Man's picture

Haim Saban, a billionaire media mogul, called out Jared Kushner over the weekend for trying to negotiate peace in the Middle East with "a bunch of orthodox Jews who have no idea about anything."

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

fakenews's picture

power over the area. Remember how the Al-Aqsa Mosque was the red line? And it has been desecrated over and over. I think Trump will do it and move the embassy to Jerusalem and the effect will be minimal. The attempt to demoralize the Muslim world will succeed on schedule.


0 users have voted.

"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN

orlbucfan's picture

corruption. We're talking tens of thousands in Tel Aviv alone. I can't feel much sympathy for them. Netanyaboob was kicked out of the PM's job years ago for corruption. Why did they vote him back in? Same stupidity as the US re-electing Trick the Prick, Rayguns and Dumbya. So now we have Maggot Brain and his little penis raising h3ll over Jerusalem. Yawnnnnn. Enough already. Rec'd!!

0 users have voted.

Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

thanatokephaloides's picture

We all knew this would be "resolved" one way or another. It was always when, not if.

And we all knew it would go badly

The bottom line: same as it ever was, same as it ever will be!

It will always "go badly".


0 users have voted.

"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

detroitmechworks's picture

@thanatokephaloides [video:]

0 users have voted.

I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

@detroitmechworks Love the video! We used to rush to the TV when the original came on back in the early '80s.

0 users have voted.
Steven D's picture

See, they'll say, Trump is a man of God after all.

0 users have voted.

"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

Hillbilly Dem's picture

@Steven D

The Rapture Index dial goes to eleven. Because eleven is more.

0 users have voted.

"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey

GreyWolf's picture

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem *Jerusalem to be born?

William Butler Yeats
0 users have voted.
Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

ordering a sub, and I exclaimed out loud.

I never believed they would go through with this.

Does Bibi want this, or is he not talking to them, or what?

0 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Citizen Of Earth's picture

just keeps gettin better and better.

0 users have voted.

Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

embassy posts in Jerusalem are going to be really coveted by Foreign Service officers who have a death wish.

0 users have voted.

Mary Bennett

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Nastarana It will probably be staffed entirely by CIA.

0 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver


Trump is trying really hard to provoke a war to justify his 10% increase in military spending. And, of course, he's also playing the evangelicals who would rather go along than think for themselves.

0 users have voted.

Beware the bullshit factories.