The Converse of mysogyny, now weaponized by the GOP

converse2 | ˈkänˌvərs |
a situation, object, or statement that is the reverse of another or corresponds to it but with certain terms transposed: if spirituality is properly political, the converse is also true: politics is properly spiritual.
• Mathematics a theorem whose hypothesis and conclusion are the conclusion and hypothesis of another.

adjective | ˈkänˌvərs, kənˈvərs |
having characteristics which are the reverse of something else already mentioned: the slow process of growth and the converse process of decay.

Just as the Republicrats and the Democans are the obverse of one another, so too the, the tactics used by both are somewhat interchangeable--but they are labelled differently (a difference, actually, without a distinction).

So, in the current political vacuum left by the collapse of the Russia-Russia-Russia witch hunt, has arisen a tool used by both Republicans and younger Diabolic Rodents who wish to replace the walking dead (Schumer, Pelosi, Conyers, and Biden), not that the Red Plague doesn't have its own share of malefactors manifesting deviant male factors (sorry, couldn't resist). Yes, it's true, what HillBots have long claimed to be anything anti-Medusa to be misogynistic is now being turned around to describe Team Blue and its sycophants by the allied terms of sexual harassment and gender abuse. Oh, beauty in thy symmetry.

Roger Ailes and Jim O'Reilly (remember them?) were stand-out conservative gropers/rapers to have disappeared from the scene. But unlike Bubba and colleagues, the Repugnants do not unzip their pants in public nor let their digits search choice parts of (usually) female anatomy.

So the sexual harassment spotlight now devolves, by default, more than anything else--especially morality/ethical behavior--upon Team Blue. I do not over-read the recent events befalling such icons of neoliberalism, such as Al Freaky Fingers Franken or John I'm 88 Conyers. The descent from his high perch by Matt Lauer to the unforgiving 6th Avenue pavement is NOT payback for his single tough question posed to Killary (despite her wrathful rant).

No, there are several reasons other than mere reprisal. WTF do Harvey Weinstein's casting couch adventures have to do with anything besides removing a Clinton donor from the ranks of the unjailed? Yeah, "Hollywood enforcer" for CIA/mob/DNC or whatever--who cares. At the risk of sounding misanthropic, who would want to intimate relations with that ugly dude? After all, with all his money, couldn't he afford to join the Dollar Shave Club?

I'm sure Harvey can find lodging at Jeff Epstein's Orgy Island Paradise--but I digress.

The Repugnant motives for this "outing" of hidden sexcapades are simple: discredit your political foes, a task, which considering the Repugnants' politics, does not put them on higher moral ground. But it does clear the playing field of pesky, even if usually compliant opposition. By so doing, the Red Dogs, hope to swell their numbers robbing representing The People in Congress.

This ploy of course will not succeed. Those who hate Dems won't change their animosity. Those HillBots don't have minds to change (yes, Nancy, I'm talking about you!) Independents will just shrug all this off and say who gives a damn?!

So in the duopoly power alignment, this changes really nothing. But, the MSM is covering this--thus there is a deeper meaning to all the charade and sudden assumption of moral purity to be demanded of our Team Blue leaders.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi faces a bitter split among House Democrats over how to handle Democratic Michigan Rep. John Conyers’ alleged pattern of sexual abuse against female staffers.

The allegations against Conyers, who is 88-years-old and the longest-serving member of Congress, have inflamed the tense relationship between Democratic leaders like Pelosi and younger House Democrats who want to replace them.

In short, if it weren't for the abject sell-out of "The Young Turks" (cough, gasp), I would call this as a move to rid the old-timers (rhymes with Alzheimer's) from the ruling clique, so that younger opportunists can get in on the action.

Yet, Linda Sanchez, a California Hillaryite, insists that the congress critters are being held to--wait for it--too high a moral standard.

How low can you go? Leave it to Lovely Linda to show us descent even deeper into moral turpitude than Hapless Hillary. Is that possible?

I leave you with a few selected photos of A Liberal Fighter For The Rights Of All People, my favorite Neoliberal of sexual harassment:

Sorry folks, I can't locate my Joe Biden pictures. Really, I'm not playing favorites.

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than the hopeful signs of the demise of the deeply corrupt inner circle of those who actually run this country. At the moment there are more Democrats having their pants pulled down in public, but there are also plenty of dirty Republicans who are scurrying for cover. These people we see being thrown under the bus are not the real story, they are the disposables providing cover.

The Awan IT breach in Congress, the sudden closing of the Podestas Group, FusionGPS on the ropes, the collapse of the Russia Russia Russia narrative, the flagging fortunes of Andrew McCabe of the FBI, the Uranium One deal; these are the stories that MSM stenographers won't touch because the stories touch very important people in both parties. These are the stories that I am most interested in following.

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“What the herd hates most is the one who thinks differently; it is not so much the opinion itself, but the audacity of wanting to think for themselves, something that they do not know how to do.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

Alligator Ed's picture

@ovals49 the geniuses in both corrupt parties have unfortunately picked the wrong camouflage. Women and many men are not about to allow sexual misconduct go unnoticed and perhaps unpunished. This action (diverting the gaze from the collapsing house to the burning tool shed) has used the wrong method. Women (and men) have faced sexual harassment far more frequently and personally than a Podesta Group or a top FBI operative. That fire is going to spread. Look at the young girl Freaky Fingers is groping--it's only a thin line before this activity crosses the line into pedophilia--a depravity most people will not tolerate.

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@Alligator Ed

That fire is going to spread. Look at the young girl Freaky Fingers is groping--it's only a thin line before this activity crosses the line into pedophilia--a depravity most people will not tolerate.

Franken's figure has been photoshopped into it, and not very well at that.

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Roy Blakeley's picture

@JtC Is that Emma Watson in the bottom photo? I am fairly ignorant of pop culture.

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@Roy Blakeley
It's an exact image taken from the Tweeden photo, only it's reversed which can be done with one mouse click in PS.

The shopped Franken image is resized too large. Take a look at the hands, notice how they are out of proportion.

And the dead giveaways to an experienced shopper is: In the shopped image take a look at the bottom of Franken,s left hand. Notice the jagged black lines outlining the bottom of the palm, those black lines are left over from a really sloppy job of removing pixels around the cutout. Look at the shadow under Franken's hand in the original Tweeden photo and then look at the hands in the shopped version and you'll see what I mean. There is also ample evidence of a sloppy cutout job on the rest of Franken's image.

Also take a look at Franken's hair in the shopped version, notice how the frizzy stickups of his hair are gone, they've been cut off for expediency's sake. And also notice in between some of his hair you'll see a little of the blue background from the original Tweeden photo. That's caused by a rushed, sloppy shop job.

The person making the shop job could have made the faked image at least a little more believable by outlining Franken's shirt and changing the color tone. That's pretty easy to do if one is familiar with PS.

I give the shopper a grade of C- or a D on their work.

Disclosure: I've done probably over one hundred photoshopped images.

Don't know if that's Emma either.

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lotlizard's picture


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@JtC Crap....fooled me.

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It's fooled a lot of folks.

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Deja's picture

Yep, but look who's behind the girl. Look at the position of both her hands. At least her right arm is being held back - by a white hand. Is Weinstein holding her arms almost behind her back? Can't tell if someone else is between creepy bastard and girl, partially due to dipshit being photoshopped in.

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But Weinstein may be shopped in there too. Notice the black jagged shadow around the (our) right side of his face, that could be shopped evidence. The bottom of Weinstein's left arm is missing, but that's explainable if he has it bent at a 90 degree angle behind Franken's arms. Also the chubby hand holding the girl's right arm is consistent with Weinstein's hand.

BUT, what may have been done is Weinstein's head was shopped in over somebody else, leaving the existing body intact. That would also explain the black jagged pixelation around Weinstein' face. But then again, that could very well be Weinstein himself.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@JtC but the message most concerning in my essay is that sexual deviancy will be the downfall of many politicians in the near future. John Conyers is on the way out and knows it so he is now playing the race card (one of the last refuges of scoundrels).

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@Alligator Ed
my fine toothy friend, he's a regular ol' D-rat, no?

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SnappleBC's picture

I think that Emma Watson was is a photoshop job.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard