Red-baiting by Clinton surrogate on MSNBC-HELLO to this site
Hi guys,
I was mostly a lurker on Kos since 2003 (after the war started), and have posted sparingly under my real name, which for now I just want to keep off the internet because the new way of things is creeping me out. I have also posted a tiny bit under this name at Booman Tribune, which I have been a big fan of for around 10 years I think. Anyway, I am excited to see some of my favorites from Kos over here. (Shout out to OPOL)
I had to get this off my chest. I was just watching Tweety on Trumpball and he had on Miami Mayor Philip Levine, a Clinton surrogate who looks like he may be a victim of a botched plastic surgery. He red-bated Bernie big-time. He said he is calling for a "Socialist Revolution". Doesn't sound as nice as Political Revolution, does it? He also referenced Nicaragua as the kind of thing Bernie is talking about, and said even people from European Socialist countries are moving to Florida!!!
This is what we are up against, and we still are in the game. Folks, Clinton's lowdown behavior will be her downfall in November if Bernie loses. The USA has no idea just how much they should be rooting for Bernie. The alternatives are truly nightmarish. One final note, on that Halperin/Heilman show they did a quickly edited compressed version of Trump from last night's press conference. They left out the most disturbing part, when a member of the press named Jeremy was stifled by Trump and belittled for what was the only policy question asked, about trade. The media watchdog is dead, and I for one am worried for the future of this country. Obama has not been perfect, but I think in retrospect we may see him as an anomaly of a Godsend. But I digress, thanks for reading AND DON"T GIVE UP UNTIL NEVER! - I AM IN CALIFORNIA - A BLOWOUT HERE COULD CLINCH IT FOR BERNIE AND I AM GOING TO HELP MAKE IT HAPPEN - LET"S DO THIS THING
Thanks for reading
Twitter is @SqueakBaxter
"The nightlife ain't no good life, but it's my life."
I saw this too
And was revolted. This is how they do it: by innuendo and false equivalences and the so called news-person (Mr. Mathews) doesn't bat an eye or question the misleading terminology. I had to turn it off. Refuse to watch crap and propaganda. Really pissed me off.
When wealth rules, democracy dies.
Hi Grady
I don't think red baiting will get much traction.Even my conservative mother-in-law said "maybe this country could use a little socialism".
Anecdotal I know but people are really fed up with the status quo.
Welcome Grady!
Glad to see you here. Yes, much of what you wrote concerns me and most of us here as well. So much is being revealed to the wide-world right now, and that definitely includes the establishment media. The emperor has no clothes.
Progressive to the bone.
If you are on Face Book,
there is a face booking strategy they're using. I saw it on Reddit. It comes with instructions. Anyway, you are correct, this is the election of our lifetimes. Our future depends on Bernie winning. He is the only person I trust to work for our future well-being.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Hi Grady Seasons, from another Californian, and thanks for site
A big thank you to the makers of this website!
We Californians can make a YUUUUUGE difference already by phonebanking, blogging, witnessing, sharing, and making new friends! Our phonebanking may be far more important than our primary results. As a matter of fact, we can assure our primary outcome, just by doing what we are doing now. No one's going to turn us around!
I have been waiting for this election my whole life, it turns out!
Please see my website for sassy political and social commentary
DKOS ID debocracy aka OliviaLaRosa
YES: Thank You for this site
Thank you all who commented and THANK YOU so much to those who started this site. LET"S GET TO WORK!!!!
"The nightlife ain't no good life, but it's my life."
what sold me was "sassy"
that is what I look for! haha I will definitely check it out
"The nightlife ain't no good life, but it's my life."
As I watch the debate:
Hillary has finally provided transparency: we can see right through her
"The nightlife ain't no good life, but it's my life."