The GBCW that is too good.
So I wrote it. I sat there, thinking about it. Reread it. Reread it again. And then realized it was too good. The intended audience won't listen. If they do, it won't change their minds.
But Dammit, It deserves to be out there. So, here's the GBCW Kos and his ilk don't get to read unless they come over here. Because, to put it in a vulgar yet horribly appropriate manner. Fuck Em if they can't take a joke.
GBCW (Get Bent, Censor Website)
So, there I was, trying to think of a nice, diplomatic way to end my stay here at Kos, and realized that you are really not worth the effort. If you're going to be spending your time policing thought for microagressions and numerous other little violations of your speech policy, you're really no better than the neighborhood Ms. Grundy. Yeah, sitting there on your fainting couch, clutching your pearls and lecturing me on how what is said is "Problematic", in the same way that you'd discuss how your poodle Flotsie isn't taking to paper training properly.
You want to talk about my privilege when you have the "right" to talk about who gets to say what words. That's a stunning lack of self awareness right there.
You want to talk about my "racism" when you literally are discussing how the degree of melanin in your system excludes certain people from ever talking about why they voted the way they did. Mr Pot? I have a Ms. Kettle on Line 2 who wants to talk about your characterization of her hue.
You want to discuss how it is imperative to remember that voting for genitalia is the only thing that separates us from true enlightenment, while condemning those who suggest that a female might be just as horrible as a man. Yeah sure, I'll fix the speck in my eye while you sign for your beam delivery.
In essence, there is one word that sums up your site's management, and your politics in general. That word is hypocrisy. I don't need or want to tiptoe around being nice to a person with a management approved position, whilst management proudly proclaims me to be a fucking moron for disagreement. Not a basic moron, apparently I was deserving of the Fucking modifier, for reasons that have been heretofore unstated. That reason is of course, "Because I said so" which even my kids won't let fly. Speaking of which, I really pity your kids. If this is the way you think to discipline and shame adults into doing what they are told, I fear greatly what you would do with a child. I guess MY method of calmly and rationally explaining my decisions takes too much time.
Now, I would be remiss in not acknowledging the great benefits that your site has provided me. I got the right to be on the rec list a bunch of times. Whoot. And I got a month's rent one time when the shit hit the fan, thanks to your members. Also helped me move to Portland, which was the best move of my life. I'd like to point out that Management had exactly ZERO shits to give about my situation, and in fact had actively discouraged members from helping each other in favor of tossing money at nebulous charities. I think I saw a rec or two from you, and that was nice. Never mind bothering to actually do anything that actually involves some effort. I get that you're all about the elections, but dammit, when your membership is the only thing salvaging my opinion of your site, you might want to rethink some policies.
So, I leave for greener pastures. And while you congratulate yourselves for losing yet another "Racist" "Sexist" "White" guy, I'd like you to take a second and think what you're also losing.
You're losing a guy who was willing to get fired to speak out against Medicare part D, and the untold Misery that brought to the poor of Wisconsin. You're losing a Bisexual Man who was willing to go to bat for issues of visibility. You're losing a former classmate of the former president of the NAACP. You're losing a wounded Iraq veteran. You're losing a History Major. You're losing an English Major. You're losing an actor, a writer, a single father and a politically active man. You're losing somebody who is willing to speak on the policies of this country on the poor and how they directly lead to homelessness. You're losing first hand accounts of homelessness, to boot. You're losing a feminist.
While you celebrate at losing a label YOU MADE UP, you're losing the real person you attached it to.
(Apologies on the music repeat Here. I never used it over at GOS because I didn't want to deal with the "OMG 10 white guys, RACIST/SEXIST" commments" But I would use it in a heartbeat for a final diary)

An enemies list
An Enemies List.... how Nixonian.
You're probably right, and I'm probably on that list. I have not been shy in making my feelings about Hillary known.
GBCW's are taking a lot of incoming
And I bet it will only get worse as the deadline nears.
Post it here, if you have to write one, perhaps?
I am amazed no one dragged out her $600 haircut with the $600 dye job which made the news last year, but then, maybe the dermatology was more discussion worthy than the coif.
I do not think you did anything wrong, but I learned the hard way about 'the company you keep' over there. One of the posters in your thread is very...partisan.