War of the Worlds

Sometimes overwhelmingly powerful evil can be destroyed with an inimical power that is all around us. Women.
The evening news brings us another one that bites the dust.
Oregon State Senator Jeff Kruse is in hot water over allegations of sexual misconduct with fellow female legislators. Sara Gelser claims Kruse touched her breasts and grabbed her thigh along with other sensual behavior and called for him to be expelled from the legislature.
This on the heels of Senator Al Franken being accused of groping and kissing a woman while she was asleep on an aircraft, and even snapping a photo of the abuse.
While former Judge Roy Moore clings to his candidacy for an upcoming Senate race, a cascading number of women continue to step forward with new allegations of predatory illegal behavior toward teen girls falling under his purview as an officer of the court.
The scope of abuse by men in powerful positions or of wealth is becoming a shocking counter to the far too often mass shooting events.
Former POTUS George Bush Sr. fondling buttocks on numerous occasions, and in front of cameras no less. Anthony Weiner sexting young women. Bill Clinton/ Monica Lewinski, Arnold Swartznegger/housekeeper, perverse sexual piccadillos abound among the wealthy, famous, and powerful.
Notable exception in Senator Larry Craig who seems to prefer strange penises.
The "Me too" campaign could be the virus that cleanses our government of what appears to be a disease of evil. And as powerful as it is with control of every branch of government, as tight it's grip on the halls of Congress, as flush it is with astounding wealth, it is being destroyed with something they have no defense against. Female outrage.
As they fall, one by one, like dominos, they will leave a government devoid of male dominance in 2018 and beyond.
And in their place, hopefully, legislatures of women who will govern in a loving, caring, motherly affection for our country , our people, and our planet. For men seem to only want to eff Mother Earth.
You go girls. This guy supports you all the way.

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mhagle's picture

Such an important topic. I had about twenty years of this shit until I had kids in my 40s and never really lost the weight. Quite frankly, it's a relief. Young women also need to be educated on how to handle these types of situations.

Really truly . . . I am happy to be old and fat.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

WaterLily's picture


Young women also need to be educated on how to handle these types of situations.

So do young men. Apologies if this has already been posted (I seem to have arrived to this essay late), but Caitlin has hit yet another home run. I especially applaud this part:

How many men were taught at a young age that a man’s sexuality is solely his responsibility to manage and that no woman will ever owe him sex for any reason whatsoever? And if he does get the idea that he is owed sex because he paid for dinner / it’s the fifth date / she hasn’t put out in a while / they haven’t had sex since the baby, or any of the thousands of other reasons men get it in their head that a woman should put out — he is mistaken. He is wrong. No woman will ever owe him sex for any reason. That is not a thing.

How many young men get taught that the world doesn’t owe him a wife or a girlfriend and that just because he likes a girl doesn’t mean she’ll like him back? That friend-zoning is not a thing you’re entitled to get angry about, that it’s just the consequence of not being chosen? And that she gets to choose?

How many young men are taught that if she or both of you have been drinking, then consent cannot be rendered? That anything but a ‘fuck yeah’ is probably a no? That Barney Stinson and Joey Tribbiani were sexual predators? That tricking women into having sex with you is the same as fraud? That negging a woman into fucking you causes her long-term psychological damage? That sending unsolicited dick pics is not any less frightening and intrusive than flashing someone in public?

Do they get told that a wife isn’t a free prostitute? That masturbation is healthy? That it’s okay if they never get sex and die a virgin? That porn is just a man’s caricature of female sexuality and the real thing is way different and way hotter? And that you only ever get to see the real thing if you make her feel secure, relaxed and safe enough to play with you? And that’s not gonna happen when she’s drunk, or stressed, or drowning under a pile of diapers, dishes, body inhibitions, expectations or obligations?

(I hope this doesn't violate fair use?)

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Centaurea's picture

Here's a description of Jeff Kruse's alleged behavior toward State Senator Sara Gelser, as reported by the Oregonian newspaper:

State Senator Calls for Expulsion of Colleague, Says 15 Women Harassed

In her formal complaint, Gelser said Kruse's inappropriate touching began in 2011, when she was a member of the Oregon House. Kruse touched her while she was sitting at her House desk, she said.

"He leaned forward from behind my back, and ran both of his hands and arms down my shoulders and across my breasts," Gelser wrote. "He then crossed his arms over the front of my body and squeezed me in a hug with his hands on my hips. He then rested his head first on my head and then my shoulder."

Gelser wrote that she was "stunned and frozen" by the harassment.

She tried to avoid him, but Kruse continued to touch her after she was elected in 2014 to the Senate, she said. She said Kruse, who joined the Senate in 2005, would sit so close to her that his tongue was in her ear when whispering to her. He once put his hand on her shoulder in a way that allowed his palm to rest on her breast, she said.

In two separate incidents on the Senate floor, Senate Majority Leader Ginny Burdick and former Sen. Chris Edwards saw Kruse touching Gelser inappropriately, she wrote, and were so alarmed they immediately intervened. Burdick and Edwards did not return requests for comment.

This year, while on the Senate floor, Kruse approached her and hung his arm over her shoulder, far enough that his hand reached down and touched her breast, she said. When confronted by Burdick, Kruse responded that Gelser didn't mind the touching, she wrote.

[...] She said she didn't know how to make Kruse stop and that at least 15 other women have come forward with their own stories of improper touching by the senator.

[...]Gelser said that despite the public nature of the allegations against Kruse, he still has not corrected his behavior. Several lobbyists and lawmakers saw Kruse publicly urinate at a golf course during a Republican Caucus event several weeks ago, she said.

Dexter Johnson, head attorney at the Legislature, confirmed Gelser filed an informal complaint against Kruse in 2016. At that time, Johnson said, he and the top human resources official spoke with Kruse in, telling him his conduct made women at the Capitol uncomfortable and that he should "back off."

And yet he did not back off. He refuses to accept responsibility, insisting that this is just politically motivated. From all appearances, he sees nothing inappropriate in his behavior.

As so many women come forward with similar experiences, we're seeing them dismissed: "That was 20 years ago! Why didn't she say something then? Too late now. She should just be quiet and go away and stop causing trouble. It's not fair to those poor men."

Look at what happened during the past five years when Senator Gelser attempted to get help from fellow senators and senate leaders. Not much happened. He was allowed to continue.

Does anyone think things were any different 20 years ago, or 30, or 40? If anything, it was worse.

Even now in 2017, with increased public awareness about boundaries and harassment, and with a lot of public support behind her, here's what Senator Gelser has had to deal with since coming forward:

I have watched online and in the media as my integrity, my body, my clothing, my sexuality, my personality and even the sensory characteristics of my intimate body parts have been discussed and debated," Gelser said. "All of this happened simply because I clearly stated that I should be able to go to work and not be touched without my consent."

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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

Deja's picture

From the crass, creepy old man comments like men are just pigs and all women are whores [implied: quit your whining and learn to live with that fact],

to what do you expect when they won't allow porn or long showers in the military [implied: we're entitled to abuse any hole we find to get off],

to back when I was a manager we knew we'd get canned if we boned our subordinates on the desk, but boo hoo feminism [implied: women are all whores, especially when men are their employed superiors]

to with all that's wrong with the world, why are you whining about your boobs being grabbed? [Implied: stfu you whiny ass bitches, what I think is more important than you, your body, or your autonomy and right to your own free will]

Feel free to add more, anyone, male or female.

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@Deja Republicans ask Democrats embarrassing questions about their sexual escapades and force them to lie under oath because that is how you show the world how bad the Republicans are.
Or something like that.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Anja Geitz's picture


has inadvertently turned into a very revealing litmus test here in the last week, hasn't it?

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

detroitmechworks's picture

@Deja The military has an unhealthy puritanism, which causes additional psychological stress in an already hideous situation. Then they think that they're going to relieve that stress by tossing in a bawdy act "For the Boys" after months of repression.

It's poorly thought out at best and inviting disaster at the worst. It's injecting sexuality into a situation where they have done everything possible to repress it.

If you feel that is defending sexual assault, I disagree. I am suggesting that it's an unhealthy situation in the first place, for the men sent over there, AND for the women who have been sent to "Entertain".

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

mimi's picture

haven't lived through experiences like that. I am right now in Germany and see that those 'metoo" cases and issues are reported about even here, but not in the same way as it is in the US, and not in the regular evening news.

It's possible that there are differences in male behavior in different cultures, meaning that the self-assuredness with which males in US working environments can engage in inappropriate behavior and get away with it, might be different in "style" in different countries. There is a difference in how the media report on it. I am sure no women. who goes through groping and unwanted advances can forget these incidences and can only remember them as disgusting, so the anger against those perpetrators lingers around in their minds for good.

I think a great deal has to do how the media is covering it. Or that they cover it at all. A regular woman's groping experiences would never be picked up in the news, unless it resulted in rape and murder or it is an abuse of a child (pre-puberty). A celebrity woman or female politician who has a public role, who gets groped in similar ways, can use the experience in the media environment of today and get her story out.

That's not because her experience was worse than that one of a regular women, but because she can use them for other purposes. It's the media, who has to fill 24 hours of 'news' and enables them and who are responsible that those groping stories get into the public and can result in smearing or destroying careers of those who did the groping. If so many women complain about the same politician to have misbehaved, it might be a good thing to cause a 'career change' in those elected officials, If it's a superior at work or a colleague, it's a matter of courage to complain loudly and risk your own job for it. Who can know if the woman could afford to risk her job for it or not. Or if there is any violence involved and the women is not being able to prove there was violence involved.

Well, at least I can say that tearful comments about incidences against public figures in TV by women ten to twenty years later, have some kind of aftertaste that I find irritating.

That's all.

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snoopydawg's picture

people on the right are defending Moore while they are tearing down Franklin, and many people on the left are blaming Russia. Seriously. Russia didn't stop after the election was over, they are going to continue to sow discord because they hate our democracy. Or something. The picture was taken 12 years ago, but people are buying into this idea that Russia has been just waiting for Trump to decide to run for president so they can help put him in office....
Give me a break!
Apparently the proof for this is that some people on the right knew that he was going to be charged with this today. I have seen the tweets from two people who wrote them yesterday. I'm not sure what to make of this. But the fact remains that Franklin has made a statement regarding that picture, so even if someone put her up to coming forward, it still happened. I still don't understand how they can blame it on Russia.

Here are two tweets from a website that is tracking Russian bots to document that Russia is still interfering with our country. How are they deciding that the sexual allegations are coming from Russia? Don't know, but it is. Somehow.



I've seen one woman saying that she doesn't believe the woman who is accusing Franklin because she is a Trump supporter and a friend of Fox News. This totally overlooks that there is a picture of Franklin touching the woman's breasts and if you look closely at his left hand he is touching her. Then there is his apology for doing the touching and having his picture taken doing it.
But people are saying that he's not actually touching her.

Are there democrats that have sexually assaulted women. Yes. But for people to say that Russia is the one pushing this is insulting to the women who have come finally forward and told their stories.

Please correct this statement. Franklin groped her on the plane, but he kissed her at a different time and when they were practicing their skit for the troops.

"This on the heels of Senator Al Franken being accused of groping and kissing a woman while she was asleep on an aircraft, and even snapping a photo of the abuse."

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Deja's picture

Yesterday, I was asked, on another site, after admitting that I had been in an online argument with a supposed man, who claimed that he regularly hugged and cheek kissed his female employees, defending creepy Biden, if I also condemned the Republicans who do it.


An abuser is an abuser is an abuser. I don't give a shit if you vote at all. If you force yourself on anyone, you're a piece of shit. Period!

The Dems have drunk wayyyy too much Russia is the Reason flavored koolaid. Moronic!

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Lost here, trying to figure out the 'message' being sent!

A.) Was the country of Russia cleverly disguised as the innocent persons accused and even immortalized on video or in pics as being abusive;

B.) did the country of Russia somehow possess the perps to make them behave like abusers;

C,) or would it only be Russians concerned with their perfectly acceptable abuse of lesser beings, just as only Russians would be concerned with routine police murders and other abuses of citizens, foolishly thinking that Black Lives actually Matter (in which case, moving to Russia might be an idea for People of Colour and women of all shades);

D.) or is it still simply lunatic psychopaths trying to use McCarthyism and censorship to cover up their multitude of evils by scaring people silent or by simply having that voice removed from large public forums?

I'd sure hate to be called nasty names or have my perceived nationality (and perhaps my mail!) transfered to another country I've never even been to by fascists for having that 'message' wrong and accidentally speaking out against it while people can still hear/see protest on any media and maybe unite to shut it all down before it's too late!

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Deja's picture


When I heard her sing the part about laughing about the things that go through your head when it's happening, I could relate.

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mimi's picture

As they fall, one by one, like dominos, they will leave a government devoid of male dominance in 2018 and beyond.
And in their place, hopefully, legislatures of women who will govern in a loving, caring, motherly affection for our country , our people, and our planet. For men seem to only want to eff Mother Earth.

Sorry, if I understand your sentences correctly (I am not sure I do), I feel they dumb me down as a woman. Have you never heard about women guards in Nazi concentration camps as sadistic and cruel as their male counterparts? Never heard about female corrupt, power seeking women who couldn't care less whom they "sacrificed" on their way up to power?

You gotta be kidding me. When it came to stories of women coming up with complains of having been touched or groped (I am not speaking of actual violent rape) after ten years or more on TV or otherwise in the social media to get attention, I got a bit irritated and started to talk about it with my sister. She told me how her daughter reacted when she was "inappropriately touched" by a male as a teenager (by a clergy man to make it even more awful). Immediately, in the open, and loudly dismissing that "asshole" in front of other people. It helped quite a bit.

I had witnessed an African woman I walked the streets togather, having been touched and groped at her buttocks. She slapped this guys hands immediately and furiously told him to back off. When he did, she just made a gesture to me, smiling, but meaning she was sorry to be that "noisy and clear' in her reaction. I thought her reaction was "good" and "apporpriate".

So, I would say, it's awful be be in a situation of being groped or touched by strangers, but there is a way to immediately react and get those assholes hands off your body. If the guys doesn't back off and starts beating and raping you violently, then it's a case for a police report - immediately. Not ten or twenty years later. If he intentionally and secretly drugged a woman to the point she hasn't control over her body anymore (like slipping a drug into a drink or some such), that guy needs to go to prison. Period.

Phew, I had to get that out of my chest. I can't stand hypocrits (male or female).

PS: I have now read the comments on this thread. All I can say I really don't understand why women are afraid of cursing their colleagues at work, when they misbehave like that. Would Sara Geiser have lost her position as legislator, if she had yelled at this Kruse bastard to get his hands of her body, in the open and loud? You tell me. I seem to be a bit off the chart in my way of thinking here.

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@mimi You make great deal of sense. But, where does it end, if ever? Tweeden called out Franken and did what you said, essentially, She told him not to touch her again, that she was disgusted by his actions and that, (except for the picture) seemed to end it at the time and she did the USO tour. She didn't like him, ever. Obviously she is still pissed, but she seems like a pretty strong person overall.

Is it enough to call out the offender and embarrass them on the spot? Should there be more? How much more? We are at a point where this conduct is getting dragged into the light and it needs to be fixed. How? Legally, with criminal trials? what penalties? With Franken, would being charged with simple assault be enough? Is anything enough?

I feel that the shaming could work. It worked when we were kids, and this should begin with kids, Rule 1, you don't do that again, ever, and hopefully that's the end of it. It can happen on the spot, and it can bring immediate results, but it needs the strength of community to back it up and we don't seem to have much of that lately.

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@mimi @mimi

I left this comment in Amanda's essay yesterday.

Well my reaction to all of this will clearly be contrary and in
the minority here. Pedophilia and rape aside, I'm getting tired of this. War crimes, bank fraud destroying families, polluting the planet, stealing trillions and screwing over our kids, corruption out the ass, and America can't be bothered. But OMG someone touched someone else's boob, and everybody has to resign and go to jail immediately. This is just another distraction from what matters to me.

I tuned in to this essay to say earthling might have softened my stance on tearful 40-year-old harassment complaints. Afterall politicians are mostly despicable human beings, and there is more than one way to skin a cat. Regardless of why the cat gets skinned, it will still be dead. A point for my side.

Women as saints or victims, however, is pretty damn tiresome and insulting to everyone, but mostly women. Reading some of the comments by and about women during this endless airing of sexual escapades and HS like groping is mind-blowing. As you pointed out so well, the men and women on the receiving end could have, should have made a public scene at the time. They chose not to, and once again, it wasn't their fault they let the rat get away with. Obviously there will always be an exception that proves the point, but generally speaking, I don't understand how getting "fresh" escalated to harassment and then to sexual assault. I was and am capable of taking care of my myself, and I raised my daughter to do the same. Rejecting unwelcomed advances is pretty much 101 for all women, and I don't need some man or the government to take care of me. The number of women who haven't had to deal with this at various and multiple points in their life can likely be counted on one hand.

I'm all for hanging every red or blue politician in state and federal office for any reason that works. When they steal, pollute, starve babies and redistribute up every dime they can steal, America yawns. They cop an uninvited and unwelcomed feel or have private affairs, and America can't wait to boil them in oil. No wonder this country sucks. American sensitivities and priorities are totally fucked up. People are all a bunch of snowflakes when it comes to words and identity politics, but mow down a classroom full of kids, and they don't flinch.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

@dkmich women go running around, bragging about how strong they are, asserting that they are equal to men, yet apparently so many can't even deal competently with a man's inappropriate touching.

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@dfarrah not to suggest that men are competently keeping their hands to themselves.
incompetent women are the reason women are sexually abused. That is some progressive thinking right there! And they call themselves powerful and strong women. How stupid they are.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp was not someone who would know nothing of discrimination or harassment or someone who wouldn't know of complaint procedures.

This went on for years; and she allowed it to continue even after other members of the legislature intervened on her behalf.

Sorry, I don't have much sympathy for women like her. She set a poor example, and she makes women look inept.

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@dfarrah Looks to me she did everything she could to just get him to leave her alone, short of a criminal complaint. She went the route of just being left alone instead of making a big criminal or civil case about it.
I can't really determine what her motives or inhibitions about taking steps toward prevention were, but I can easily, readily ascertain the man rubbed her breasts every time he could, and he knew she regarded that as offensive. He kept doing it again and again. He was untouchable, not her?
You say potato, I say potahto.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp

it appears that the guy thought she did not mind. And how would anyone tell?

Women need to quit sending out mixed messages. She should have taken some sort of action by at least the 2nd or 3rd incident.

I have now been reading about women who received advances many years ago from some guy who is now (or was - I think he was fired due to these women) executive at PBS some 20 years ago. One women was riding in a cab and he managed to tongue kiss her as he left. Nothing in her account indicates that she turned her head, pushed him away, or anything. She even says she didn't complain at the time because he might provide connections for her career. So, now he has lost his job because of her (and another woman who had similar experiences).

This guy had asked one woman to join him in a hotel room for lunch, and put some sort of ad in a newspaper to reconnect with another.

Am I really supposed to believe that these women had absolutely no idea that the guy was angling for sex?

It's just embarrassing to be a woman nowadays.

And there really needs to be some discussion about how women allow this male behavior because they think it will advance their careers.

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@on the cusp .You go first!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp guy would sit very close to her.

How about getting up and moving? Is that so hard?

We are not getting the whole story here. I would bet that her inertia existed because she though he might be helpful to her career, so she put up with it.

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Anja Geitz's picture


About holding off on making judgements until I have the entire story, as opposed to shooting from the hip with whatever information is out there.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

@Anja Geitz about the "litmus test" you mentioned above.

And it seems that most reaction to accusations of sexual harassment has been "off with his head!" well before any investigation has taken place.

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Anja Geitz's picture


To be a serious question?

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

@dfarrah not to suggest that men are competently keeping their hands to themselves.
incompetent women are the reason women are sexually abused. That is some progressive thinking right there! And they call themselves powerful and strong women. How stupid they are.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Anja Geitz's picture


Adjectives can be very powerful when employed precisely. Surely that's not really what you meant say?

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

@Anja Geitz

One would think by now, with all the gggrrrrl power, fearless girl standing up to a charging bull, and wonder woman stuff, that women would be able to handle men's advances adequately (and I am not talking about the rapes here).

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Deja's picture


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Thanks for digging up that old video. I started to watch it, but OMG, that hard, flat voice that comes naturally to Her fits Her so well and I just couldn't deal with listening to any more out of Her.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Deja's picture

@Ellen North
I went through 4 Google search pages, and found an article, started reading it, and got an intrusive pop up about being chosen to participate in some stupid facebook survey. I couldn't close it out, and back button didn't work either. Had to close the whole page. Also, despite searching for "video", zero vids were even 4 pages deep.

Then, remembered I installed Duck Duck Go on my phone, and it was the top video. But, my phone wouldn't let me watch it from the link, so I went back to Google and searched for YouTube and searched by name of video.

Nice try, Google, you fucking koolaid drinking Hillbot!

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Congrats on finding it, and I'm glad that DDG works for you!

I get results like that looking up many evidently 'more sensitive' subjects even though that's the only search engine I'm using, often mostly unrelated subjects that don't fit the search terms at all (and recently had 0 results!!!??? on something relating to Bernie Sanders which thereafter gave me several useless results and nothing more when I cut one word out of the terms, although there'd been plenty last year - and a lot of what I get on some current things have been for quite some time several years old or older, although I can see new ones if I get links.

Very discouraging, especially with the time-consuming connection and computer issues I've been increasingly getting since the move. And draft pages which had had such URLs on them going blank, sometimes still retaining the titles, or entirely disappearing from my Outlook and not showing in Deleted either.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.


Thanks for digging up that old video. I started to watch it, but OMG, that hard, flat voice that comes naturally to Her fits Her so well and I just couldn't deal with listening to any more out of Her.

Fast time-out, but several lengthy attempts in trying to go back and them forth again so far, lol. Hope I haven't added a threadful of repeats, although it generally doesn't, thank goodness! And maybe someday, my next music video in the mix will load too.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

"All I can say I really don't understand why women are afraid of cursing their colleagues at work, when they misbehave like that. Would Sara Geiser have lost her position as legislator, if she had yelled at this Kruse bastard to get his hands of her body, in the open and loud?"

The article above states that two people had to intervene during one such episode. Really? Sara was so completely disabled that she couldn't get the guy to stop? She just sits there while he runs his hands over her?

I've been subject to numerous attempts, and all it took was a withering look to get my message across - some even apologizing afterword.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

earthling1's picture

I apologise for not being clearer.
At this point in my 68 years I am convinced women should run our government.
There is too much testosterone in government. A kinder, gentler machine gun hand is not what the world needs right now.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

TheOtherMaven's picture

when the only way for a woman to get ahead in the power game is to be twice as tough and mean as any man? HER was only the most recent example....

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Raggedy Ann's picture

no woman is unscathed by unwanted advances from men. I'm not talking all men - there are many who respect women as human beings. Then there are those men who don't consider women to be actual human beings, but mere objects around for their personal enjoyment - meaning anything goes.

I am 65 and have received unwanted advances from men in many instances over the years. There is some sort of entitlement in the heads of these men. Whether a mere cat-call or actual touching, women are subjected to inappropriate behavior from men on a daily basis.

It doesn't matter if this happened to someone 20 years ago or yesterday - women have been told to STFU or don't play. Women have been turned into perpetrators instead of victims in case after case - the perpetrator definition being their willingness to speak up against the actual perp and it being turned into a woman-scorned-revenge-crapola argument, or a I-will-ruin-your-career argument.

Women have been marginalized for years. We reached a tipping point. I hope we keep walking toward the sun and letting more light in on this one.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Centaurea's picture

@Raggedy Ann

I believe we (all of us human beings) have reached that "tipping point", in so many ways.

I know there's some concern that #metoo is just another distraction meant to throw progressives off course. TPTB could attempt to use it in that way, but I think there's something more going on here. Wherever this is coming from, it feels organic, not contrived.

In his essay, earthling1 referred to "female outrage". I think he's right. Several millennia's worth of womanly outrage at being marginalized, considered to be lesser human beings, and treated as possessions and servants, not even allowed sovereignty over our own bodies.

My crystal ball isn't telling me whether the human race is going to make it much further or not. But if we do survive -- in order for us to survive -- it's pretty clear that some drastic changes will need to be made. No window dressing will do; no tinkering with the decor and hoping that will be enough. At a deep level, what it means to be human is going to change. It already is changing. I'm choosing to see this #metoo development as a good, hopeful sign. Rather than being a distraction, it is an intrinsic, necessary part of what's going on.

By the way, when I was in my late teens and early twenties, I was very involved in the women's liberation movement. I vividly recall feeling such deep anger and resolve. Then I got involved in living my adult life. I entered a previously male profession, dealt with the challenges involved in being a "pioneer", helped to break the mold in so many ways, and watched things change for women. My time of anger had been exchanged for a time of doing. I figured that the sense of outrage was for younger folks.

Well. What goes around comes around, and here I am again, in my 60s, seeing anew what I first saw back then, feeling the same sense of appalled outrage, but with the eyes of several decades of life experience and hard-won knowledge. I really didn't expect this. It's kind of neat. A delight, really.

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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

orlbucfan's picture

embarrassed Franken. I'm a life-long ERA woman. BTW, What do we do about it?


I hope this link will work. If not, it's a 2011 Playboy cover starring Leeann Tweeden. Franken was wrong, but this female smells like a hypocrite. Female hypocrites and gold-diggers hurt us women, too. You can bet the craporate MSM is having a field day yellow-pressing this story and not the Repuke/DINO horror of a tax cut, and the latest Dakota oil spill. Rec'd!!

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

@orlbucfan have anything to do with Franken's assaultive behavior? Women with no beauty or sexual allure get sexually assaulted all the time. Women in burkas get assaulted. My client of 30 years ago, in his 20's, brutally raped an 80 year old woman.
Models should get every bit as much respect as anyone else.
I had a boss attempt to rape me. I fought him, managed a solid kick to his groin, and I ran to the manager and reported it. As I stood there, with my shirt ripped, he fired me for injuring my supervisor. I am lucky I wasn't arrested.
I was never able to get another job in that industry. I went back to school, changed careers, and have been my own damn boss for 32 years.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp @on the cusp
that a playboy model must eat advances morning, noon and night. If she can't reign it in, well, give me a break.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Anja Geitz's picture

@dkmich @dkmich

If she can't reign it in...

Edit: never mind, I just figured it out.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

@dkmich they must take control or take the blame for being assaulted? ok.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

orlbucfan's picture

and groping her boobs, stay off the cover of Playboy. You catch my drift? She's not anything to write home about. Frankly, I consider her kind an insult. I'm a life-long ERA woman who has seen plenty of discrimination, sex and otherwise. You have a problem with that? @on the cusp

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

orlbucfan's picture

in a Right-To-Serf state and not starve. I succeeded. A guy would have breezed right through and made more coin than I ever did. I saw plenty of worthless males steal and commit extortion with their own businesses. I lost decent jobs cos of them. I also worked for female sociopaths. Tweeden is a lowlife. Period! @orlbucfan

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

@orlbucfan only know her entire life story but her motivations as well.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Deja's picture

I keep feeling like this can't really be happening in the 21st century. Nearly 20 years in, no doubt; but, to have it here, and by women who claim to have been ERA advocates. Consider my mind blown!

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Deja's picture

But she had her boobs fondled at school to fix her because she was a "prude". Another was just out with friends. Guess they asked for it too.

This has the stench of, "Well, what were you wearing?" Or, 'hookers and wives can't be raped'.

The Playboy whore wasn't even conscious. Why are you defending assault of an unconscious human being?

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Anja Geitz's picture


You only have to consider your own personal experience along with whatever empirical circumstances have crossed your path, and Bang! -- your emotions do the rest. Similar to how a pithy generalism sounds like it has a ring of truth, until you pick it apart with an actual argument.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

@orlbucfan as deserving of being crime victims because of their job choices.
I will never back off from blaming the perpetrators for the crimes. No use in insisting that I back off.
"She was just asking to be assaulted" just seems to undermine the laws against unwanted, offensive, and harassing physical contact.
And it is gender neutral, as it should be.
Make your opinions known, and I will do likewise.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981


Bring on the burkas! Mind you don't let your ankles show, or it'll be All Your Fault When You're Raped.

Lol, seriously? Model nude and you lose all rights over your body and choices?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@on the cusp

whether her intent is to invite attention or not with her mostly nude photos, I'm sure they get attention, particularly from gropers and men like Trump. Because she must get a ton of uninvited and unwelcomed advances, she must be really practiced and good at rejecting them.

There are degrees of sexual trespass just like there are degrees of physical assault and murder. What Franken did to her hardly qualifies as assault in my book. You can say she was assaulted all you want, but if I was on the jury, I'd say it was just good ol' immature male, HS locker room, humor. Serial gropers are bullies. The only way to stop them is to take them on head first. If you don't stand up for yourself, you will reap the consequences - fair or not.

Here's another pile of BS in my book.

U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell says she's been sexually harassed in Washington

Women not coming forward are the problem she says, but she refuses to name names. If she isn't willing to go on the record, it is gossip and bull shit. So why is the news covering her or her faceless, nameless, poor me story? Because this whole sexual "assault" slant and non-stop coverage is a witch hunt and venting of women. The number of men in comments who cede their opinions because they aren't women is astounding. Reminds me of the kos edict that only black people get to say what is racist, and only white people can be racists.

I'm tired of the hyperventilation of victimhood and helplessness surrounding identity politics. I can feel sorry for you, but you can't feel sorry for yourself.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Anja Geitz's picture


Is about words, or the act here?

What Franken did to her hardly qualifies as assault in my book. You can say she was assaulted all you want, but if I was on the jury, I'd say it was just good ol' immature male, HS locker room, humor.

Ok, so maybe in the first part of that sentence all we need is a more appropriate word for taking advantage of a woman in a sexualized way? But then you take it a step further and use the word "good" in your description of what Franken did and I'm back to wondering if we are talking about the act of sexual objectivity itself.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

CS in AZ's picture

@Anja Geitz

The stupid photo on the plane, on the way home after the tour, wasn't the main violation, it was more like salt in the wound, and a final parting insult to her.

The assault incident was before the first performance of the tour, backstage. He got her alone to "rehearse" a skit. During which "rehearsal" he unexpectedly grabbed her head to restrain her, then crushed his wet slimy mouth against hers and forced his tongue into her mouth. How is that funny?

What he did to her also was not a "kiss" -- as I've heard it described. He forcefully pushed his tongue into her. She was subjected to an unwanted penetration of her body, and in my book that is an assault. The photo is her evidence of his general disrespect for her. He didn't deny the attack/kiss, but claims he "remembers it differently."

She did get away from him immediately and told him to back off, and that if he did anything like that again she would deck him. She handled it. She dealt with it. She kept on with the show for appearances and not to be a troublemaker or cause a problem. She kept it to herself, and her husband and a few friends, for years. She is still disgusted and angry about it. I certainly understand why.

She said she kept quiet for so long in part because it "wasn't worth it" to speak out. She knew if she told her story she would become a target and get judged and attacked yet again. Sadly she was right. "It's her fault." This is the message here. She was a swimsuit/lingerie model and she posed for playboy, so she deserved this treatment. Al Franken should be allowed to do whatever he wants to her.


Seeing that makes me feel sad and angry. And frankly, confused. I honestly don't understand why this is hard, or how anyone thinks what he did is ok, her fault, or funny. I don't care if she's a republican or whatever. No one deserves to be treated that way. I don't care if a person is a stripper or a prostitute or a pole dancer, it's still not ok to force yourself into their body. Including their mouth.

I'm sick to death of men taking whatever they want and getting away with it. It's the exact same attitude that leads to all the other forms of raping and pillaging and careless destruction of the planet and the people and animals on it. Maybe having a nasty tongue forced down your throat is minor in comparison to dropping bombs and wasting lives and stealing all the money, but I believe it is all interrelated. The core attitude of "take what you want and disregard the impact on other people" is what drives it all.

This issue is a good place to draw a line. A place to start saying enough. Good ol' fashioned sexual abuse needs to stop being ok. And we need to stop attacking and judging the people who come forward. That perpetuates the code of silence and shame and fear, and allows the perpetrators to carry on with no consequences.

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Anja Geitz's picture

@CS in AZ

I was commenting to what I thought the poster was referring to in the picture. Not what you are bringing up.

The assault incident was before the first performance of the tour, backstage. He got her alone to "rehearse" a skit. During which "rehearsal" he unexpectedly grabbed her head to restrain her, then crushed his wet slimy mouth against hers and forced his tongue into her mouth. How is that funny?
If this is true, how could ANYONE not call it an assault.

If this is true, then I agree with you. It is an assault. And what's more I am mystified and perturbed that women are actually splitting hairs about what it is, or isn't.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

CS in AZ's picture

@Anja Geitz

She tells the story in vivid detail. **shudder**

I think before anyone places themselves on her jury and judges her, they should, at the least, listen to her tell what happened before they pass judgment and let him skate.

My husband and I listened to it together last night. He was incensed. Disgusted. He used to like Al Franken back in the days of SNL and Silver Streak. He was like, oh my god, what an asshole!

Then I said to him, but wait, it gets worse. How could it be worse? He asks. So then we watched a video of Joe Biden blatantly fondling a little girl of around I'd say six to seven years old... totally insanely creepy. He escalates until the girl actually yells daddy! and runs to her father. And then joe closes in on her from behind and pushes up against her, smooshing her between his groin and her father's, right at the level of her face. It's astonishing. He's laughing and chatting with her parents the entire time. They either don't notice or ignore it. It was at some swearing in ceremony.

My husband agreed it was worse. One, it's a child. And two, he was the Vice President at the time. And it was (is!) on film. Yet still no one cared. Nothing happened.

That little girl learns how it works. Don't say anything. Just laugh, smile, pretend it didn't happen. That is what the adults model. We learn it so young.

So anyone who judges people for speaking out, or for not doing so immediately, need to give this some thought. It is not trivial, and it's not ok to keep looking the other way.

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Anja Geitz's picture

@CS in AZ

That would adequately address Biden's behavior. What the hell is in the water in DC?

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

@Anja Geitz

It's probably not so much the water, but the power supply, which attracts psychopaths like moths. Or, rather, like the ruthless motherfuckers they are.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@CS in AZ

Exactly! Thank you for another great comment!

It's all the same pathological mindset of 'might makes right', where the less powerful become perceived as 'lesser beings' and the rightful prey of anyone stronger in any way, reinforced within society because this creates social acceptance of what The Psychopaths and Parasites That Be do in turn to almost everyone else, all being regarded by them as 'lesser beings'.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@dkmich And my point is they should not have to.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

...my initial thought about Franken was to compare him to Roy Moore. As if somehow, Franken's crime was a lesser violation and therefore more excusable. The hell with that. Franken should resign. Not because he needs to set an example, or to show that Democrats are morally superior, but because it is the right thing to do.

My youngest sister was groped by a man on the NYC subway. Another sister was molested by my grandfather and the oldest was raped. I grew up in an upper middle class family and all of my sisters were abused and none of the men were ever called out for it, much less prosecuted. I am convinced that these women coming forward now are telling the truth and this abuse/criminality is more rampant than most will admit.

I hope our society will confess to failing to protect and honor women and that we start the process of redemption.

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Daenerys's picture

@Blueslide I even met him, and his wife once (there's a photo; at least he didn't grope me :/). Between this and his support of fracking I guess I was wrong. Again. What a shame. Sad

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This shit is bananas.

Cassiodorus's picture

Martians accuse prominent legislators of groping them! Mars declares that unless apologies are forthcoming, invasion is imminent!

(radio play by Orson Welles)

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

For a woman President. Tulsi Gabbard more and more seems to me to be the right person. She stood up to the corruption of the DNC and she could easily beat Trump as a 99% candidate.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

The Aspie Corner's picture

And things like this only prove the point. The idiots who whine about the accusers simply want to maintain that undercurrent because it's all they, and we, have ever known.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.