The Evening Blues - 11-16-17
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features blues and r&b singer and guitarist Tarheel Slim. Enjoy!
Tarheel Slim - No 9 Train
“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”
-- George R.R. Martin
News and Opinion
Russia tells two U.S. news outlets they may be affected by new 'foreign agent' law
Russia’s Justice Ministry has notified Voice of America and a Russian unit of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty that they might be affected by a new ‘foreign agent’ media law, Russian news agencies cited a ministry source as saying on Wednesday.
Russia’s lower house of parliament gave preliminary approval earlier on Wednesday to a law giving Moscow the power to designate foreign media operating in Russia as “foreign agents” required to disclose where they get their funding and how they spend it.
Russia-gate Spreads to Europe
Ever since the U.S. government dangled $160 million last December to combat Russian propaganda and disinformation, obscure academics and eager think tanks have been lining up for a shot at the loot, an unseemly rush to profit that is spreading the Russia-gate hysteria beyond the United States to Europe. Now, it seems that every development, which is unwelcomed by the Establishment – from Brexit to the Catalonia independence referendum – gets blamed on Russia! Russia! Russia!
The methodology of these “studies” is to find some Twitter accounts or Facebook pages somehow “linked” to Russia (although it’s never exactly clear how that is determined) and complain about the “Russian-linked” comments on political developments in the West. The assumption is that the gullible people of the United States, United Kingdom and Catalonia were either waiting for some secret Kremlin guidance to decide how to vote or were easily duped. Oddly, however, most of this alleged “interference” seems to have come after the event in question. For instance, more than half (56 percent) of the famous $100,000 in Facebook ads in 2015-2017 supposedly to help elect Donald Trump came after last year’s U.S. election (and the total sum compares to Facebook’s annual revenue of $27 billion).
Similarly, a new British study at the University of Edinburgh blaming the Brexit vote on Russia discovered that more than 70 percent of the Brexit-related tweets from allegedly Russian-linked sites came after the referendum on whether the U.K. should leave the European Union. But, hey, don’t let facts and logic get in the way of a useful narrative to suggest that anyone who voted for Trump or favored Brexit or wants independence for Catalonia is Moscow’s “useful idiot”! This week, British Prime Minister Theresa May accused Russia of seeking to “undermine free societies” and to “sow discord in the West.” ...
Yet, another core problem with these “studies” is that they don’t come with any “controls,” i.e., what is used in science to test a hypothesis against some base line to determine if you are finding something unusual or just some normal occurrence. ... Perhaps, the U.S. government could devote some of that $160 million to, say, a study of the Twitter/Facebook behavior of Israelis and whether they jump in on U.S./U.K. controversies that might directly or indirectly affect Israel. We could see how many Twitter/Facebook accounts are “linked” to Israel; we could study whether any Israeli “trolls” harass journalists and news sites that oppose neoconservative policies and politicians in the West; we could check on whether Israel does anything to undermine candidates who are viewed as hostile to Israeli interests; if so, we could calculate how much money these “Israeli-linked” activists and bloggers invest in Facebook ads; and we could track any Twitter bots that might be reinforcing the Israeli-favored message.
But, of course, neither of those things will happen. If you even tried to gauge the role of “Israeli-linked” operations in influencing Western decision-making, you’d be accused of anti-Semitism. ... And, if you sought the comparative figures for the West interfering in the affairs of other nations, you’d be faulted for engaging in “false moral equivalence.” After all, whatever the U.S. government and its allies do is good for the world; whereas Russia is the fount of evil. So, let’s just get back to developing those algorithms to sniff out, isolate and eradicate “Russian propaganda” or other deviant points of view, all the better to make sure that Americans, Britons and Catalonians vote the right way.
Lebanon: Ex-PM Saad Hariri accepts Macron's invitation to visit France
France Invites Lebanon’s Prime Minister for a Visit. Or Is It Exile?
President Emmanuel Macron of France on Wednesday invited the Lebanese prime minister to come to France with his family, appearing to offer him a way to leave Saudi Arabia, where he has remained under mysterious circumstances since he unexpectedly declared his resignation 11 days ago in a speech broadcast from the country.
In a bizarre diplomatic situation, concern has mounted that the prime minister, Saad Hariri, has been coerced by Saudi Arabia and may be a de facto prisoner there. His insistence in a television interview on Sunday that he was “free” did little to dispel the questions.
Saudi Arabia, Mr. Hariri’s political patron, has been intensifying its efforts to confront increasing Iranian influence and power in the region. Mr. Hariri’s resignation was widely seen as part of a Saudi strategy to isolate Iran and its Lebanese ally, Hezbollah, which is part of the coalition government Mr. Hariri has headed for a year
Also on Wednesday, Mr. Hariri’s older brother, Bahaa, made his first public statement since the crisis began. He appeared to be signaling that he was willing to toe the Saudi line, perhaps more enthusiastically than his brother, who Riyadh wanted to take a more confrontational approach to Hezbollah.
Lebanese Premier's Brother Blasts Iran, Hezbollah in First Statements Since Resignation Scandal
Prime Minister Saad Hariri's older brother broke his silence Wednesday over the premier's mysterious resignation, saying he supports his brother's decision to step down over the "growing demands and actions of Hezbollah."
In his first public statement, sent to The Associated Press, Bahaa Hariri blasted Iran and accused its militant Lebanese proxy of seeking "to take control of Lebanon." He also expressed gratitude to Saudi Arabia for "decades of support" for Lebanon's national institutions.
Bahaa Hariri's name has been mentioned in Lebanese media reports as a possible Saudi-backed candidate to replace his brother, who announced his resignation from the Saudi capital on Nov. 4.
His statement is bound to fuel speculation that he is being groomed to fill the post.
US unlikely to seek S. Korea's permission to strike NK: ex-negotiator
The United States is unlikely to seek South Korea's permission should it decide to strike North Korea, a former US nuclear negotiator said Wednesday. Speaking at a forum, Robert Gallucci, who brokered the 1994 nuclear freeze deal with North Korea, said he delivered that view to President Moon Jae-in when they met in Seoul last month.
"It is completely understandable that the South Korean president and South Korean Assembly people and South Korean people would like ... to be consulted about any decision the United States would take, which would cause retaliation by the North against the South," he said.
But Gallucci noted that US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis once said it would be "game on" if North Korea takes action that directly threatens the US or its allies.
"He didn't say if that happens, the president sends an emissary to the Blue House and we will consult and ask permission of South Koreans as to whether we can adequately defend America and its interests," he said, referring to South Korea's presidential office Cheong Wa Dae. "He didn't say that because it's not true."
Seoul warns Trump: US must not strike North Korea without our consent
Donald Trump should “under no circumstances” take military action against North Korea without the consent of the government in Seoul, the chairwoman of South Korea’s ruling party said on Wednesday.
“President Trump often emphasizes that he put all options on the table,” Choo Mi-ae told a Washington thinktank. “We want to make sure that this option of another war is not placed on the table. Under no circumstances should the US go ahead and use a military option without the consent of South Korea. “We must seek a peaceful resolution of the matter in any manner that is available to us.”
The remarks by Choo – who is expected to meet Trump administration officials in Washington – underscored South Korean concerns that any US strikes against North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs could provoke devastating North Korean retaliation against South Korea. ... “The current situation is extremely urgent; time is not on our side. It is not just a matter of a threat to the continental US; it’s a threat posed to Japan, and most importantly and what is most problematic, to the Korean peninsula,” she said.
Trump asks South Korea’s president: ‘Do you have to reunify?’
While drinking tea with South Korean President Moon Jae-in before their bilateral meeting last week in Seoul, President Trump posed an unusual question about North Korea-South Korea relations to his host: “Do you have to reunify?” Trump asked.
Many Koreans might have seen it as a tactless, insensitive inquiry. Millions of Korean families were cut in half when the Korean War broke out. Moon himself is the son of two North Korean refugees who fled to South Korea in 1950, leaving several family members behind. But rather than take offense to Trump’s question, Moon took the opportunity to educate Trump on the history of the Korean conflict and relate that to the crisis facing the peninsula today. ...
Although it’s impossible to know exactly why Trump asked Moon about reunification, Moon and his team saw the interaction as an unscripted and therefore very honest exchange. After hearing Moon’s explanation, Trump asked him, “Then, what can I do for Korea?” At this point, Moon took the opportunity to ask Trump for a favor. The success of the upcoming Winter Olympics in South Korea is complicated by the high tensions related to the North Korean nuclear crisis, he told Trump. Trump told Moon he would personally try to promote the South Korean-hosted games.
The conversation was unusual by presidential standards, but not particularly so for Trump. Contrary to the public perception that Trump is obstinate and hardheaded about foreign policy, several foreign diplomats have told stories about Trump being highly inquisitive and eager to learn in meetings with foreign leaders. Trump asks lots of questions in these meetings, often challenging basic assumptions about foreign policy (such as whether Korean reunification is necessary) or seeking advice for what he should do. Moon, clearly well prepared for his Trump meeting, gave him a history lesson, made a plea for peace and then asked Trump for something small and specific.
Zimbabwe in Limbo as Military Seizes Control & Places President Mugabe Under House Arrest
Zimbabwe army chief's trip to China last week raises questions on coup
When one of the architects of Zimbabwe’s low-key coup landed in Beijing last week he was met by two of the most senior members of the world’s largest military force. “China and Zimbabwe are all-weather friends,” the head of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF), Gen Constantino Guveya Chiwenga, was told by Li Zuocheng, chief of the joint staff of China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA), according to a defence ministry report. ...
Little else is known about why Chiwenga, who is seen as an ally of Zimbabwe’s ousted vice-president, Emmerson Mnangagwa, made the call on the Chinese capital, just days before the army chief would declare that the military was ready to “step in” over Robert Mugabe’s purge of the ruling party.
China, which has backed Mugabe since the anti-colonial struggle of the 1970s, is also now Harare’s largest foreign investor, pumping huge sums into the Zimbabwean economy in exchange for natural resources and agricultural products such as diamonds and tobacco. ... On Wednesday, as the 93-year-old strongman president was placed under house arrest in Harare, the foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang claimed Chiwenga’s visit had been part of “a normal military exchange”. Geng was cagey, however, about what exactly Chiwenga had been doing in China: “As for the details of his visit, I have little to share.” ...
Those ambiguous comments will do little to dispel suspicions that Chiwenga may have travelled to Beijing to warn China’s leadership of the impending move against Mugabe, or perhaps even to seek its blessing or help. Li Zuocheng, a rising star in China’s 2.3 million-member military, reportedly enjoys close ties to the Chinese leader, Xi Jinping.
Mugabe’s time is up — he just hasn’t accepted it yet
Even under house arrest, President Robert Mugabe was still attempting to cling to power Thursday, a day after the military seized control of Zimbabwe. But all signs indicate the former independence hero’s 37-year reign is over.
Generals have confined Mugabe to his residence in Harare, hoping to persuade him to go quietly. The mediation efforts involve a Catholic priest and envoys from South Africa, according to reports.
So far, the 93-year-old is insistent he remains Zimbabwe’s legitimate leader, and should be allowed should serve out the rest of his term, Reuters reported, citing a senior political source. ...
In another bad sign for Mugabe, his close ally, South African President Jacob Zuma, has not condemned the takeover, but merely called for a return to “peace and stability.” And on Wednesday, Kudzai Chipanga, leader of the ZANU-PF youth wing and a close ally of Grace Mugabe, made a televised apology to the head of the military for having criticized him ahead of the coup.
'Time to Raise Hell': Internet Defenders Mobilize as FCC Aims to Kill Net Neutrality Within Month
Defenders of the open internet are issuing urgent calls to action as news reports indicate that Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chair Ajit Pai has set his sights on a December 14 vote to kill net neutrality and "destroy the internet as we know it."
"In less than a month, and in defiance of the tens of millions of Americans who have spoken out for the free and open internet, Ajit Pai will move to kill net neutrality." Craig Aaron, president of Free Press, said in a statement. "It's time to raise hell."
Hit that retweet button like the Internet depends on it. Then use this tool to call your lawmakers with just one click:
— Fight for the Future (@fightfortheftr) November 15, 2017
The FCC's planned vote will come on the heels of a lengthy, record-breaking comment period during which millions of submissions were filed. One analysis estimated that 95 percent of organic comments came down on the side of net neutrality.
While the details and scope of Pai's attack on net neutrality—just one component of his far-reaching deregulatory agenda—will not be fully unveiled until next week, the agency is at the very least expected to rescind the classification of the internet as a public utility under Title II of the Communications Act, which gives the FCC the power to bar internet service providers (ISPs) from blocking or throttling online content.
Pai voted against this classification in 2015, and now, with the FCC at full staff and controlled by Republicans, he will have his opportunity to reverse it. "Pai's intent is clear: to destroy the internet as we know it and give even more gatekeeper power to a few huge companies like AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon," Aaron concluded.
Tim Berners-Lee on the future of the web: 'The system is failing'
Sir Tim Berners-Lee’s optimism about the future of the web is starting to wane in the face of a “nasty storm” of issues including the rollback of net neutrality protections, the proliferation of fake news, propaganda and the web’s increasing polarisation.
The inventor of the world wide web always maintained his creation was a reflection of humanity – the good, the bad and the ugly. But Berners-Lee’s vision for an “open platform that allows anyone to share information, access opportunities and collaborate across geographical boundaries” has been challenged by increasingly powerful digital gatekeepers whose algorithms can be weaponised by master manipulators.
“I’m still an optimist, but an optimist standing at the top of the hill with a nasty storm blowing in my face, hanging on to a fence,” said the British computer scientist. “We have to grit our teeth and hang on to the fence and not take it for granted that the web will lead us to wonderful things,” he said.
The spread of misinformation and propaganda online has exploded partly because of the way the advertising systems of large digital platforms such as Google or Facebook have been designed to hold people’s attention. “People are being distorted by very finely trained AIs that figure out how to distract them,” said Berners-Lee. ...
“The system is failing. The way ad revenue works with clickbait is not fulfilling the goal of helping humanity promote truth and democracy. So I am concerned,” said Berners-Lee, who in March called for the regulation of online political advertising to prevent it from being used in “unethical ways”.
First half Max and Stacy discuss oligarchy and the Paradise Papers, second half (about 12 minutes or so in) is an interview with Max Blumenthal:
Keiser Report: Business of #Russiagate
'Welfare for the Wealthy': 227 House Republicans Pass $1.5 Trillion Tax Cut for Corporations and the Rich
By a vote of 227-205, House Republicans on Thursday passed a tax bill that would permanently cut taxes for massive corporations, reward the extremely wealthy by eliminating the estate tax, trigger billions of dollars in automatic cuts to Medicare, and raise taxes on millions of middle- and working-class families.
"With this bill, the House GOP is moving to rig the system further for the powerful and elite against everyday Americans," Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness, said in a statement following Thursday's vote. "It's immoral that many hardworking families will pay a higher tax bill or lose access to critical services like healthcare so that some CEO can get a bigger bonus and buy a bigger yacht. Millions of Americans in the middle and at the bottom will be the losers from this tax plan, while the wealthiest will benefit."
According to an analysis released by the Joint Committee on Taxation, everyone earning under $75,000 a year would on average see their taxes rise by 2027 under the House's plan. The wealthiest Americans and the largest corporations, by contrast, would see their taxes fall drastically.
As the Washington Post notes, the House bill—which calls for $1.5 trillion in tax cuts—"delivers more than 80 percent of its overall cuts to corporations, business owners, and wealthy families who are subject to the federal estate tax."
Homeless evictions near future site of Zuckerberg-funded school spark protest
Residents of a Silicon Valley city protested on Wednesday as officials evicted homeless families and others living in RVs from their parking spots over public health concerns. The location of the showdown was suggestive: next to the future site of a private school for low-income students that receives funding from a philanthropic initiative by Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan.
Schoolchildren living in the vehicles were among those evicted and the outcry highlighted the profound poverty in the local school district, which includes the Facebook campus in its catchment area. Homelessness in Silicon Valley is deeply intertwined with the technology boom and the real estate crunch that has ensued. The foundation said it had nothing to do with the RV removals, and construction was still more than a year away.
According to data gathered by the school district based on federal requirements, about 58% of its students experience homelessness, defined as couch-surfing or doubling up with other families, or sleeping in RVs and shelters, said the superintendent, Gloria Hernandez-Goff. Previous data had put the number at more than one-third of students. “No matter what we do, they’re only Band-Aids,” Hernandez-Goff said of her efforts to help the students. She was critical of the city. “We need to come up with a solution instead of just moving people out,” she said.
About 60 people turned up to the protest. By Monday lunchtime, the only RV left on the street was one that couldn’t be moved, its sides patched with wood and a blue tarp slung over the top. A 70-year-old retiree, Javier Godinez, appeared in the distance on a red bicycle: he had been forced to move that morning. “You can see how nice they keep the streets,” he said, gesturing to swept sidewalks as evidence of why the families should have been allowed to stay. “They came and said: ‘Everyone has to move out,’ like we’re living in Russia or something.”
Steve Mnuchin and Louise Linton mocked for posing with dollars
The US Treasury chief, Steven Mnuchin, has sparked a wave of criticism and mockery after photos appeared of him and his wife, Louise Linton, holding up a sheet of new dollar bills. Mnuchin was visiting the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to see production of the new dollar bills, which will bear his signature for the first time. The couple have previously been targeted for the way they spend money.
They were heavily criticised in September when it emerged that he had asked for the use of a US air force plane to fly him and his wife around Europe for their honeymoon.
Linton apologised in the same month for an Instagram post earlier in the year, in which she had tagged a series of designer clothes producers in an image of her stepping off a government plane.
Responding to comments underneath the post, Linton replied to a post saying: “Glad we could pay for your little getaway” with the questions: “Have you given more to the economy than me and my husband? Either as an individual earner in taxes OR in self sacrifice to your country?”
you cannot parody these folks
— southpaw (@nycsouthpaw) November 15, 2017

The Gadsden Groper strikes again:
Roy Moore: two more women come forward alleging sexual assault
Two more women have come forward to accuse Roy Moore of sexual assault, with one claiming the controversial Alabama Senate candidate gave her a forceful kiss that scared her when she was around 18 and another saying Moore groped her buttocks in his law office in 1991, when she was 28.
They join a growing list of women who have alleged sexual misconduct by Moore, a former judge seeking to fill the Alabama Senate seat vacated by the US attorney general, Jeff Sessions. The controversy has roiled the Senate race one month before the state’s special election, with top Republicans in Washington calling on the embattled candidate to drop out of the race.
The scandal began when the Washington Post reported that Leigh Corfman said that when she was 14 in 1979, Moore kissed and touched her and made her touch his crotch. Beverly Young Nelson then came forward to claim Moore physically attacked her in a car when she was 16, grabbing her breasts and trying to force her head down on to his crotch.
A Washington Post report published late on Wednesday detailed the accounts of Becky Gray and Gena Richardson, who in the late 1970s worked at the same mall from which Moore was rumored to have been banned after local talk that he had been bothering young women there.
'Nothing Funny About It': Sen. Al Franken Accused of Unwanted Groping During ISO Tour in 2006
Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) is facing accusations of unwanted sexual advances after a female colleague said she was kissed "without [her] consent" and later groped by the comedian-turned-lawmaker while on a USO Tour entertaining U.S. troops overseas in 2006.
In an online posting Thursday morning, journalist Leeann Tweeden, who started her career as a model and now works as a local newscaster in Los Angeles, said "it's time to tell my story," and explained during a flight leaving Afghanistan how Franken had "groped me, without my consent, while I was asleep."
I’ve decided it’s time to tell my story. #MeToo
— Leeann Tweeden (@LeeannTweeden) November 16, 2017
[Complete story with lurid details at link. - js]
In a statement sent to The Hill, Franken said he does not remember the incident Tweeden describes in the same way but acknowledged the photo "wasn't" funny.
"I certainly don't remember the rehearsal for the skit in the same way, but I send my sincerest apologies to Leeann. As to the photo, it was clearly intended to be funny but wasn't. I shouldn't have done it," Franken said.
Joseph Stiglitz on why Trump is unfit to be US president
Porn star, Coolio launching 2020 White House bid
A porn star and a rapper say they have what it takes to win the White House in 2020. Cherie DeVille, who’s starred in such videos as “Ass Planet” and “Hot Tub Hottie,” says she was inspired to run for office out of her “personal frustration for the current political climate.” ...
“If our criteria now for becoming a political official is minor celebrity, I have that,” says DeVille, who boasts 190,000 Twitter followers. “I feel like I can be potentially what I’m feeling the American people — for better or for worse — want, which is interesting news, scandalous news, you know, not ‘boring’ political news.” ...
A former physical therapist, DeVille — whose campaign slogan is “Make America F------ Awesome Again” — says a lot of people “giggle” when they learn that “Gangsta’s Paradise” rapper Coolio is running as her VP. “He’s lived and exemplifies what I consider the American dream,” DeVille says. While a rep for DeVille told ITK the Grammy winner wasn’t available for comment on the 2020 campaign, Coolio told Los Angeles’s KESQ-TV in a recent interview, “We need normal, regular, everyday people in office.”
When pressed on whether DeVille was making a legitimate White House run versus a PR stunt, she responded, “I am going to actually run for president.”
Trump lifts trophy ban so rich people can slaughter elephants
With elephant populations in sharp decline, Donald Trump moved to extinct the species this week, reversing an Obama-era ban on the import of elephant heads by U.S. trophy hunters.
The decision to kill the 2014 law was reportedly announced at the African Wildlife Consultative Forum in Tanzania, according to Safari Club International, a group that attempted to block the ban.
The new rules will allow hunters to import the heads of elephants killed in Zambia and Zimbabwe — despite elephants being listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act.
The White House is taking advantage of a loophole that permits trophies to be imported if seen as beneficial to animal conservation.
African Activist Slams Trump for Reversing Ban on Elephant Trophies from Hunts in Zimbabwe & Zambia
For Damage Done and Transition Needed, 50+ Groups Demand Global Fossil Fuel Tax
As the COP23 climate talks in Bonn, Germany come to a close, more than 50 groups and and high-profile climate advocates, including journalist Naomi Klein, are demanding a Climate Damages Tax to levy on companies that extract coal, oil, and natural gas "to pay for the damage and costs caused by climate change when these products are burnt, implemented nationally, regionally, or internationally."
The Climate Damages Declaration, which outlines the rationale behind implementing a global climate damages tax, points to "the ever growing numbers of people whose homes are lost, lives disrupted, critical ecosystems imperiled, and livelihoods ruined" due to anthropogenic climate change, emphasizing that "the countries and communities most deeply affected by irreversible climate change did not create these conditions."
Bangladesh, for example, "has a climate action plan, has implemented hundreds of climate projects on the ground, and we have invested taxpayers money into a climate change trust fund—all for a problem that we didn't create," said Saleemul Huq, director of the International Center for Climate Change and Development in Bangladesh. ...
"A climate damages tax on the fossil fuel industry is one way to reverse the injustice of climate change, and ensure the fossil fuel industry pays for its damage—not poor people," said Julie-Anne Richards, international policy manager for the Climate Justice Program, which is also a signatory to the declaration. Richards also lamented that "at COP23, rich countries have done everything they can to stymie discussion on ways to fund the poorest people on the front line of climate impacts," including the U.S. questioning climate impacts and promoting the fossil fuel industry—"the very industry making trillions of dollars of profits whilst it causes climate change."
Also of Interest
Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.
Stumbling Blindly into Cold War Two
'This is surreal': descendants of slaves and slaveowners meet on US plantation
A Little Night Music
Tarheel Slim & Little Ann - Can't Stay Away
Tarheel Slim & Little Ann - Can't Stay Away
Tarheel Slim & Little Ann - It's Too Late
Tarheel Slim - Wildcat tamer
Tarheel Slim and Little Ann - Two Time Loser
Allen Bunn (Tarheel Slim) - Too Much Competition
Allen Bunn & Group - My Kinda Woman
Tarheel Slim & Little Ann - Security
Tarheel Slim & Ann - You Make Me Feel So Good
The Larks - Rockin' In The Rocket Room
The Larks - I Ain't Fattening Frogs For Snakes
Tarheel Slim - Baby, I´m Going to Throw You Out
The Larks - Hey Little Girl

DeVille isn't that bad a candidate.
Very good on Reproductive rights, personal autonomy and war. I mean it could be worse and it could be Brandi Love running... now there's a dyed in the wool Republican Porn star... But then, who's to say Republican working women don't deserve a voice too... But I digress.
Yes, shocker, Sex Workers have political opinions too, and just like everybody else, sometimes they're fairly decent.
But hey, we've had enough crap with people pretending to be Jesus running the show. A Lilith analogue can hardly do a worse job.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
evening dmw...
considering the sort of scum that has been elected president over the years, an honest sex worker would be a big step up and could be a refreshing change.
Hungarian-Italian porn star Ilona Staller, stage name Cicciolina
was elected to the Italian parliament for one term, 1987–1991.
evening lotlizard...
heh, i remember that. then italy went retrograde and elected mr. bunga-bunga berlusconi.
I’ve always said you’ll find more decency and
humanity in the little finger of almost anyone who works the streets than you’ll ever find in all the opportunists in the Halls of the House snd Senate combined. Same with corporate board rooms.
It’s not the whores walking the streets that are killing the planet. It’s the other whores that I compared them to that are doing that.
EDIT: tidied up end of 2nd paragraph
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Evening Joe and all
Well fascism is on the march in the country...right,middle and 'left'.
Caitlen Johnstone says she had her Facebook account frozen.
Your beginning quote is apt today. Modern fascists don't burn books or kill desenter they just silence them and marginalize them. It reminds me of a certain once 'fact based' site and 'edicts of silence' to dissent. Caitlen does a much better job of explaining than me.
Fascism because RUSSIA!
Have a good evening all. (Hold off reading Caitlen's piece till tomorrow.)
I want a Pony!
the thought police got cranky
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Thanks. She posted this on FB an hour ago from now.
1hr ago
I have her posts set to show up first on our feed, along with The Intercept, C99.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
evening arrow...
here's the most important part of her response:
that's why people need to think carefully about their participation in corporate platforms like facebook and twitter. it's also (if i can insert a plug here) why places like c99 are important to maintain.
but you knew that. thanks for the heads-up!
i checked out my faceboob feed and it's (so far) only one of her accounts that is blocked (i am "friends" with 2 of her accounts) so, that much is good, i guess.
That's a key point, one that a lot of people still don't get.
They think that we don't have censorship or propaganda because the government doesn't do those things. That doesn't matter when Big Biz owns the government. Corporations do the censorship and corporate media is non-stop propaganda.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Dammit Bernie ...
Cloobeck says stop using the b-word!
Thanks for posting that Keiser Report, joe. I thought both halves were good; Max & Stacy in the first one and Max & Max in the second.
The 50th edition of the Baja 1000 went off today and is now underway. Who can forget the excitement among the dirt-bikers when two guys won the second race, in '68, on a stock Honda 350.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
evening azazello...
i thought that the max and max segment was really excellent and i there will be a continuation of the segment next episode it sounds like.
heh, i hope that bernie keeps pissing off the billionaire and millionaire supporters of the democratic party and drives them all away.
Stiglitz Says Trump Is A Fascist
He forgot to throw in Hillary, Obama and the leadership of both political parties and The U.S. Supreme Court.
I would add Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos as fascist fellow travelers.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
evening mm...
yep, i wish that stiglitz was more aware of the evils of previous administrations, though, i guess there's something about trump that makes it impossible to ignore.
Hello js, all.
Thanks for the Zim coverage.
FWIW jb, some teacher friends, and myself spent 3 weeks in Zimbabwe in the year 2000 and it still boggles my mind how Mugabe has hung on to power until this week.
We had locals tell us that ‘he’s just an old man’ in response to our queries about the situation. The year before Zimbabwe had lost 80 per cent of it’s tourism. Disgruntled soldiers who had helped kick out the colonialists but did not see land distribution happening began occupying farms. The owners left the hostel on a farm where we stayed in I We boarded and overnight train from Harare to Bulawayo and discovered an extra car full of uniformed police had been added to go out to monitor the election. Amazing wildlife, very nice people and scenery. Wish them all the best. Not sure how China will compare with it’s former masters....
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
evening do...
it is a testament to something or other that mugabe has managed to hang on as long as he has. i thought that he was toast when the hyperinflation started decades ago. it peaked at 79.6 billion percent in mid-November 2008. (and they speak harshly of venezuela! feh!)
on top of that, mugabe's sunny personality and way with the people should have led to an accelerated end of any tyrant, but didn't.
Thanks, Empty Suit
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
You and mizzes shikspak recycle, joe?
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
joe biden has a lovely smile...
but so do crocodiles. we used to call him "the senator from mbna."
i wouldn't vote for that bankster-coddling scumball for sewage inspector.
Suggestion for 'Also of Interest'
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
i'll put it up tomorrow...
so that it will have a full day to garner eyeballs. thanks!
Good evening Joe, and all the fellow travelers.
A prolonged massive over the top propaganda campaign being pushed onto the satellites. A ramping up of censorship including some calls for outright unconstitutional restrictions on speech. An empire faltering from having spent far, far too much of its treasure on wars, warfare and the military.
Can the inquisition be far behind? Can we reasonably hope that the empire collapses first?
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
evening el...
good questions. it may be my personal makeup, but i don't see a happy ending for the empire or the billions of people under its full-spectrum dominance, even in its collapse. i do hope for a soft landing for the people of the world (including us) though.
Aliens might be our only hope, el! /s
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
aliens. heh...
A new industry has been born. The Russia Gate Industrial Congressional Complex. YeeHaw! Another bogus industry that is a transfer of wealth to continue to push the increasing reasons for censorship of any website that tells us that our government is lying to us. It's looking like a lot of people will be okay with this because of how Putin and his menyens are trying to destroy our democracy, sow more dissension for Blacks, LGBT, Muslims and anyone else who is different from the mainstream Americans who have bought into this propaganda which was made up by Hillary's campaign and the FBI.
Orwell is probably laughing his ass off at this. It was much simpler than he thought it would be. Who needs room 101 with an evil torturer when all that was needed was for The Most Qualified Candidate Evah to lose the election to The Worst Candidate. Evah?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
evening snoopy...
yeah, it can't happen here. pffffttt!!!
i guess it was only a matter of time.
Jordan Chariton of TYT accused now
He posted a pretty credible denial. And TYT have hired a PI to verify his side of the story.
His explanation gets pretty detailed. I believe him.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
evening coe...
i like what i've seen of jordan chariton's work and i hope that everything he says is correct. i don't have enough information to really make any sort of conclusion, though. i guess we'll see what comes out in the wash.
Hola, Joe & Gang! Thanks
for tonight's EB! We'll possibly not have a wi-fi connection for a bit, since we'll be staying on a neighbor's houseboat for a couple days, but I'll try to lurk if I have a cell phone signal. (Made this trip with '4' carriers--only one gets reception. And that's in town!)
Hey, haven't been able to catch much news today, but was surprised about Franken. He's not very liberal, but I enjoyed his Air America radio program years ago. Heard some talking head say that an 'ethics investigation' is where the Congress buries charges. So, don't expect anything to come of it. (Plus, I expect that Al's constituents will continue to support him, unless there's a lot more to the story than we've heard so far--which I doubt.)
Hey, here's a couple trivia items from my desk calendar,
Think the House may have passed the tax 'reform' bill today. Sorta doubt that it will pass in the Senate. (If I heard correctly, Ron Johnson is now on board; but, can't imagine that Corker, McCain, Collins, etc., will go along with it.)
Hey, Everyone have a nice evening!
The "Grand Bargain" isn't dead--it's being implemented incrementally through piecemeal legislation. Please read "The Moment Of Truth."
"The standard of living of the average American has to decline. I don't think you can escape that."
--Paul Volcker, The New York Times, October 18, 1979, Page 1.
“If we can divide the electorate this way, we can have them expending their energies fighting amongst themselves, over issues that for us, have no meaning whatsoever."
--USA Bankers Magazine, August 25, 1924
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."
--Author Unknown
[Edited: Added italics.]
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
evening mollie...
i hope your travels are going well and the signals are with you as you move around.
i was somewhat surprised by franken's behavior, i don't know how old he was in 2005, but his behavior at the time seems quite juvenile. i suspect that it will not be the end of his political career, since these sorts of things rarely are, but this might follow him around and limit his future career mobility. i'm sure that he will have a lucrative career as a lobbyist or party hack should this make too much of a dent in his electability, though.
heh. i wouldn't worry about al franken. he's good enough, he's smart enough, and doggone it, the creatures of the washington power structure like him.
Don't do Facebook, so can't read
the article/post, but I'm very sorry that Johnstone's been censored, if that is what's happened.
I think that one of the primary reasons for all this Russia 'BS' is to have an excuse to censor social media. I say this because I've heard too many talking heads/lawmakers bemoan the fact that there's not one consistent/shared news source for all Americans--like there was in the days of Walter Cronkite.
Remember when WJC called for a federal government of US Ministry Of Truth with the 'Money Honey'--Maria Bartiromo? (I posted the transcript a couple years ago.)
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.