The Evening Blues - 11-14-17
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features Chicago soul vocal group The Trends. Enjoy!
The Trends - Thanks For A Little Loving
"In capitalist society, providing it develops under the most favourable conditions, we have a more or less complete democracy in the democratic republic. But this democracy is always hemmed in by the narrow limits set by capitalist exploitation, and consequently always remains, in effect, a democracy for the minority, only for the propertied classes, only for the rich. Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in the ancient Greek republics: freedom for the slave-owners."
-- V. I. Lenin
News and Opinion
On Contact: The Power of Persuasion with Stuart Ewen
Check this article out, here's a taste to get you started:
McCarthyism Inc: Introducing the Counter-Terror 'Experts' Hyping Russian Threats and Undermining Our Civil Liberties
This September, Oklahoma GOP Senator James Lankford alleged that the widely popular #taketheknee Twitter hashtag that promoted NFL protests against racial injustice was, in fact, a Russian influence campaign spawned by Kremlin operatives. Hours later, Lankford’s claims received uncritical coverage from the New York Times’ Scott Shane and Daisuke Wakabayashi, who asserted that Russia was attempting “to influence social media discourse and foment division in the United States.” The assertion by Lankford added fuel to a wider narrative darkly insinuating covert Russian influence behind Black Lives Matter and other social justice movements.
The New York Times cited a new organization called the Alliance for Securing Democracy as the source of the allegations about the NFL protests. According to the Times, the ASD has tracked 600 Twitter accounts supposedly “linked to Russian influence operations” and exposed their nefarious agenda. A day before Lankford’s comments, the ASD asserted that a Russian online influence network had amplified the trending hashtag promoting NFL protests, #taketheknee, with the aim of promoting racial disharmony in the United States. Given that ASD refuses to name the Twitter accounts it is monitoring, the allegation is almost impossible to verify. ...
According to the New York Times, the ASD is a “public policy research group in Washington,” and a “bipartisan initiative” with no apparent agenda other than scrubbing the stain of subversion out of American democracy. Hosted by the German Marshall Fund, one of the most respected think tanks in Washington, the ASD has been granted the patina of credibility. However, an investigation by AlterNet’s Grayzone Project has yielded a series of disturbing findings at odds with the established depiction. The researchers behind the ASD’s “dashboard” are no Russia experts, but rather a collection of cranks, counterterror retreads, online harassers and paranoiacs operating with support from some of the most prominent figures operating within the American national security apparatus.
Andrew Weisburd, an ASD fellow who inspired and helped design its Hamilton 68 dashboard, has been solicited by the New York Times and Washington Post for expert quotes on Russian meddling. Neither outlet bothered to mention Weisburd’s well-documented history of online vigilantism, including his founding of a one-man, anti-Palestinian web monitoring initiative that specialized in doxxing left-wing activists, Muslims and anyone he considered “anti-American.” Weisburd’s murderous and homophobic fantasies about Glenn Greenwald, the editor of a publication the ASD has flagged without explanation as a vehicle for Russian influence operations, have also passed without notice by reporters promoting his findings. ... The composition of the ASD’s advisory council has also been exempted from mainstream media scrutiny. A look at the Beltway power players behind the group reveals a collection of military interventionists from both parties, all united in their desire for intensified conflict with Russia. ...
In recent days, the ASD’s master Kremlinologists have branded major American online outlets including the Intercept,, ESPN, and even the U.S. military newspaper Stars and Stripes as vehicles for Kremlin propaganda. ASD researchers emphasized that the outlets they placed within Russia’s supposed influence network were merely “relevant to Russian messaging themes.” But they failed to explain how they became relevant, making it almost impossible to know why the outlets listed on the dashboard were being amplified by any Russian influence operation, or whether they were at all.
Shareblue Pundit Apologizes For Lying McCarthyite Smear About Glenn Greenwald
Ten days after publicly accusing Pulitzer-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald of having “ties to Putin that he doesn’t want people to look too closely at,” Shareblue writer Matthew Chapman has apologized for his false claim. ... If you’re just tuning in, Shareblue Media is a pro-Dem establishment outlet run by Clinton attacker turned Clinton attack dog David Brock. ...
Greenwald, like myself and literally every single English-speaking person with a following who questions the Russiagate narrative, is routinely smeared as a Kremlin agent by rank-and-file Clintonites and McResistance social media addicts. Rarely however have I seen a political commentator who is trying to be taken seriously level such a brazen McCarthyist lie as the following:
Greenwald also has his own ties to Putin that he doesn’t want people to look too closely at.
— Matthew Chapman (@fawfulfan) October 31, 2017
Chapman leveled the accusation during another smear campaign a week and a half ago when online liberal pundits were attacking Greenwald for appearing on Fox News for an interview. Greenwald was quick to return fire:
You should enlighten everyone on what these ties are: in detail & with evidence. Contrary to your claim, I'd really love for you to do this:
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 31, 2017
After receiving no response for ten days, Greenwald again pressed the issue:
It's been 10 days since I asked @Shareblue's @fawfulfan to provide the evidence for this he claims exists. Nothing. How is David Brock's @Shareblue any better than the "Fake News" or propaganda outlets so often denounced?
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) November 10, 2017
Hi Glenn. I shouldn't have said this. You and I disagree on a lot, but I apologize for making an unfounded insinuation. It was not reflective of Shareblue and never would have made it through Shareblue’s editorial process.
— Matthew Chapman (@fawfulfan) November 10, 2017
The Intercept Withheld NSA Doc That May Have Altered Course Of Syrian War
On Tuesday, the Intercept published a hitherto unknown document from the trove of National Security Administration (NSA) documents leaked by Edward Snowden over three years ago. The document was notable as it shed light on the early days of the Syrian conflict and the fact that, for the past six years, so-called “revolutionary” groups aimed at toppling Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have largely acted as proxies for foreign governments pushing regime change.
The document explicitly reveals that an attack led by the Free Syrian Army (FSA), which was intended to mark the anniversary of the 2011 “uprising” that sparked the Syrian conflict, was directed by a Saudi prince. The document proves, in essence, that the armed opposition in Syria – from the earlier years of the conflict – was under the direct command of foreign governments pushing for regime change. According to the document, Saudi Prince Salman bin Sultan had ordered the FSA to “light up Damascus” and “flatten” the city’s civilian airport. The Saudis had also “sent 120 tons of explosives/weapons to opposition forces” for the operation. The Saudis, as the document notes, were “very pleased” with the outcome, which claimed at least 60 lives. ...
However, the Intercept article regarding the document is unusual for several reasons. First, the report inaccurately claims that the attack launched at the Saudis’ behest did not result in any confirmed casualties. Second, it states that the 2011 uprising in Syria was an organic, “peaceful” movement that led the Syrian government to wage “an open war against their own people” — a narrative that has since been debunked. Yet, the largest oversight of all is the article’s failure to mention the U.S.’ role in funding the Free Syrian Army, as well as the CIA’s well-documented role in training the FSA and pumping tons of weapons into Syria in order to foment and exacerbate the conflict in its early days. In light of the NSA document’s revelation that the U.S. had been given advance notice of the planned FSA attack – on a civilian target, no less – Washington’s decision to let it proceed clearly suggests that the U.S. was involved in and well aware of the Saudi directives to the FSA. However, the Intercept piece chooses not to mention this crucial context.
Perhaps even more troubling than the article’s failure to mention the CIA’s well-documented role in backing the Free Syrian Army, now exposed as a proxy force following orders from the Saudi royal family, is the fact that the Intercept had access to this document for nearly three-and-a-half years – deciding to publish only now that the Syrian conflict is effectively over and those pushing for regime change have lost. If this document had been published sooner, it could have dramatically changed the course of the war by exposing the true face of the “moderate rebels” — and potentially saved tens of thousands of lives.
Will cold war between Saudi Arabia & Iran become a full-scale military conflict?
Hmmm... now here's something with interesting implications, or, should I say, "And now for something completely different!" :
IHS Janes: Burkan-2 missile launched by Houthis is Scud derivative and is unlike variants made by Iran or DPRK
— Henry Rome (@hrome2) November 6, 2017
Group Investigating Police Conduct on Inauguration Day Has History of Siding With Police
A consultant paid by the Washington, D.C., City Council to investigate the Metropolitan Police Department’s crackdown on Inauguration Day protesters is coming under scrutiny for what activists and experts say is a bias in favor of police. The Police Foundation, the purportedly independent group conducting the investigation for the city, is poring over charges of police abuses from January 20.
The city’s police department faced scrutiny for violence and arrests that targeted anyone in close proximity to an anti-fascist demonstration, part of a thousands-strong “Disrupt J20” protest against Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration. Demonstrators were allegedly confronted with arbitrary mass arrests and sexual assault, according a lawsuit filed against D.C. and the police. The lawsuit said those in and around the protest came under attack from chemical agents, such as pepper spray, as well as rubber bullets and stinger grenades. Following the mass arrests, hundreds of people were charged with conspiracy, property destruction, and assault, and now many face decades in prison. Defense attorneys say the mass prosecution is unprecedented in Washington, D.C.
The police’s actions on January 20 quickly provoked concern. The Washington, D.C., Office of Police Complaints, overseen by the mayor, reviewed the police’s approach on January 20 and released its findings in a February report. The office acknowledged that the Metropolitan Police Department may have violated its own policies and called for an “independent consultant” to investigate police actions. That’s where the Police Foundation — which is run by retired Redlands, California, Police Chief Jim Bueermann — came into the picture. ...
The Police Foundation “is extremely tied in with police departments and with police leadership, as well as police officials who retire and go into the very lucrative business of police consulting,” said Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, a constitutional lawyer and executive director of the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, which filed a lawsuit in March charging that D.C. police are unlawfully denying public records requests related to Inauguration Day. “We believe that, for there to be a truly independent investigation, it would need to be through an entity that has no ties to police departments, police officials, or former police officials.”
Defendants in the J20 trials and their supporters said the Police Foundation’s role in investigating police misconduct stood as yet another sign that the state is trying to dodge accountability.
Anti-abortion groups may have picked the wrong Supreme Court fight
The Supreme Court’s decision Monday to hear a challenge to a California law meant to regulate anti-abortion groups could eventually bring down some of biggest restrictions on abortion in the United States — but only if the anti-abortion groups win.
The lawsuit, National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra, deals with so-called “crisis pregnancy centers,” or facilities designed to stop pregnant women from getting abortions. In 2015, California mandated that its 200-odd crisis pregnancy centers post signs indicating whether the facility was licensed and letting clients know that California subsidizes contraception and abortion care. The National Institute of Family and Life Advocates, an anti-abortion group representing 73 medically licensed crisis pregnancy centers and 38 unlicensed centers, sued the state, arguing that this requirement violated centers’ right to free speech. ...
Yet this case, which experts told VICE News was the first Supreme Court case to deal with the issue of crisis pregnancy centers, could prove to be a double-edged sword for opponents of abortion. If the Supreme Court rules that California is restricting these centers’ right to free speech, that may mean it’s also illegal for states to make abortion providers tell their patients information that’s often designed to discourage them from having an abortion.
“If we allow the state to script speech for crisis pregnancy centers, then arguably we allow the state to also script speech for physicians who provide abortion,” explained Nicole Huberfeld, a Boston University School of Public Health professor who studies health care and constitutional law. “Right now, there’s a lot more of the regulation [on] what physicians must tell patients seeking abortion. And so if this [law] is struck down, then some of that scripted information may also be struck down in the future.”
Abby Martin Exposes Untold History of U.S. Empire
Richest 1% own half the world's wealth, study finds
The globe’s richest 1% own half the world’s wealth, according to a new report highlighting the growing gap between the super-rich and everyone else.
The world’s richest people have seen their share of the globe’s total wealth increase from 42.5% at the height of the 2008 financial crisis to 50.1% in 2017, or $140tn (£106tn), according to Credit Suisse’s global wealth report published on Tuesday.
“The share of the top 1% has been on an upward path ever since [the crisis], passing the 2000 level in 2013 and achieving new peaks every year thereafter,” the annual report said. The bank said “global wealth inequality has certainly been high and rising in the post-crisis period”. ...
While the global population of millionaires has grown considerably, the number of ultra-high net worth individuals (UHNWIs) – those with a net worth of $50m or more – has increased even faster. “The number of millionaires has increased by 170% [since 2000], while the number of UHNWIs has risen five-fold, making them by far the fastest-growing group of wealth-holders,” the report said.
A Week After Virginia Election Sweep, Democrats Join Republicans for More Bank Deregulation
Bipartisanship, long left for dead in Washington, has struck again. And Wall Street looks to be the winner. In the wake of the Equifax scandal, Congress has been under pressure to act. But the price of modest reforms in Washington is often much larger giveaways elsewhere, and that pattern holds true in the agreement announced Monday between nine Senate Democrats and the top Republican on the Senate Banking Committee.
The measure would roll back several key financial regulations, including sections of the Dodd-Frank Act. It does so under the cover of offering consumer protections and coming to the aid of community banks — though the financial institutions that benefit have not-so-obscure names, like American Express, SunTrust, and BB&T.
Four Banking Committee Democrats — Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., Jon Tester, D-Mont., and Mark Warner, D-Va. — negotiated the bill with committee chair Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, after ranking Democrat Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, broke off talks on a compromise bill with Crapo just last month. Warner’s Virginia colleague Tim Kaine, last year’s vice presidential nominee, signed on as an original co-sponsor of the bill, along with Joe Manchin D-W.Va., Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., Gary Peters D-Mich., and Angus King, I-Maine, who caucuses with Democrats. The Democratic support would give the legislation enough support to break a filibuster, if all Republicans signed on. ...
“Using a moment the Democratic base is busy fighting the corporate giveaways in Trump’s tax scam to push through a gift-wrapped present for bank lobbyists is as cynical as Washington gets,” said Kurt Walters, campaign director for Rootstrikers, a grassroots progressive group.
If you think the Paradise and Panama papers are bad, wait until you hear about Delaware
The exposure of Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca’s work helping the global elite hide money from the tax man, and the more recent leak of the “Paradise Papers” from firms Appleby and Estera in Bermuda, have prompted outrage and interest in corporate secrecy. In the US, it also should provide occasion for introspection, because anything Panama does, Delaware, South Dakota, and Nevada can do just as well.
In fact, the US is one of the largest recipients of illicit financial flows from developing countries—money often smuggled out by corrupt politicians, drug dealers, or everyday criminals.
The key reason is corporate secrecy. When individuals or companies want to hide their assets, they transfer them to shell companies that hide the true owners behind nominee directors who act as the custodian of the firm. Often, and especially in tax havens, the directors of the company are not required to disclose, to the tax authorities or anyone else, who the true owners are. ...
Just as small countries tend to breed the political culture that allows corporate secrecy, sparsely populated US states have competed in a race to the bottom to attract corporate investment through lax disclosure requirements. The tiny state of Delaware, called an “on-shore tax haven” by critics, garners more than a quarter of its public revenue—just over a $1 billion—from its business registry.
This probably factors into the World Bank’s assessment of the US as one of the worst offenders (pdf) when it comes to corporate secrecy. In fact, a 2012 academic study reports that it is easier to form a shell company (pdf) in the US than it is in Panama—or indeed, anywhere else but Kenya. At the top of their list? Delaware and Nevada.

Kucinich: I know why Trump was elected
“I do understand why Donald Trump was elected. I really do.” He said that Americans want their politics “to actually mean something,” and for politicians to represent the practical interests of ordinary citizens. He called Cleveland, his hometown, “the epicenter of the sub-prime,” meltdown. He said his own house in Cleveland is worth less than the money he’s put into it. He said the Democratic Party has minimal understanding, and precious little sympathy, for the working class homeowner in Cleveland. “Remember,” he said, “Trump beat both parties.” Neither party had any handle on the disappearance of good jobs or housing values in urban or rural Ohio, or on what NAFTA has done to this state. Without really engaging with the Trump voter on lunch-bucket issues, he said, the Democratic Party cannot regain the presidency.
Poll: 37 percent of Alabama evangelicals more likely to vote for Moore after allegations
Nearly 40 percent of Alabama evangelicals said in a new poll that they are more likely to vote for GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore following allegations of sexual misconduct against him.
A JMC analytics poll found that 37 percent of evangelicals surveyed said the allegations make them more likely to vote for the GOP Senate candidate in the upcoming election. Just 28 percent said the allegations made them less likely to vote for Moore and 34 percent said the allegations made no difference in their decision. ...
The poll was conducted on Nov. 9 and Nov. 11 and was based on 575 responses. It has a margin of error of 4.1 percent.
15,000 scientists give catastrophic warning about the fate of the world in new ‘letter to humanity’
A new, dire "warning to humanity" about the dangers to all of us has been written by 15,000 scientists from around the world. The message updates an original warning sent from the Union of Concerned Scientists that was backed by 1,700 signatures 25 years ago. But the experts say the picture is far, far worse than it was in 1992, and that almost all of the problems identified then have simply been exacerbated.
Mankind is still facing the existential threat of runaway consumption of limited resources by a rapidly growing population, they warn. And "scientists, media influencers and lay citizens" aren't doing enough to fight against it, according to the letter.
If the world doesn't act soon, there be catastrophic biodiversity loss and untold amounts of human misery, they warn.
Only the hole in the ozone layer has improved since the first letter was written, and the letter urges humanity to use that as an example of what can happen when it acts decisively. But every single other threat has just got worse, they write, and there is not long left before those changes can never be reversed. ...
"Soon it will be too late to shift course away from our failing trajectory, and time is running out," the letter warns. "We must recognize, in our day-to-day lives and in our governing institutions, that Earth with all its life is our only home."
Yes or No: Amy Goodman Asks Trump’s Fossil Fuel Reps at COP23 If They Support US Quitting Paris Deal
US 'Spits in the Face' of World by Promoting Fossil Fuels at UN Climate Summit
Climate campaigners on Monday said that for the U.S. delegation to promote fossil fuel expansion and nuclear energy at the UN climate summit in Bonn, Germany is to "spit in the face of victims of climate change."
While President Donald Trump—currently on a 10-day trip through Asia—has drawn global scorn for his decision earlier this year to end the U.S. commitment to the Paris climate agreement designed to lower emissions to address the threat of global warming, the skeleton crew sent to represent the country in Bonn was lampooned after changing the name of a sponsored event from one focused on "innovation" and "advanced technologies" to simply, "The Role of Cleaner and More Efficient Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Power in Climate Mitigation."
According to Reuters, the members of the delegation behind pro-fossil fuel event include: "George David Banks, a special assistant to Trump on energy and environment; Francis Brooke, a policy adviser to Vice President Mike Pence; and representatives of coal producer Peabody Energy Corp, nuclear engineering company NuScale Power and liquefied natural gas company Tellurian Inc."
Extolling "the virtues of fossil fuels at the year's most important international climate talks," said Karen Orenstein, deputy director of economic policy at Friends of the Earth U.S., should be considered a "slap in the face to countries that are party to the Paris Agreement—literally every nation on Earth except the United States."
Lunching ranger discovers species lost for 40 years
The last time anyone saw Jackson’s climbing salamander – I didn’t yet exist. It was 1975: Margaret Thatcher took over leadership of the Tories, Saigon fell to Communist forces, the USSR was still a thing, and everyone was listening to Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody. And in Guatemala, reeling from over a decade of civil war, two American conservationists found a little treasure of black and gold: they named it Jackson’s climbing salamander. Then it vanished as if it had never been.
Forty-two years later a lot has changed. The world is hotter than it has been in over 100,000 years and species are vanishing at rates that portend mass extinction. Yet, miracles can still happen.
Last month, Ramos León-Tomás, a 27-year-old guard from the Q’anjob’al Mayan community, was having lunch on the edges of the the Finca San Isidro Amphibian Reserve when he found what dozens of previous surveys could not – a small juvenile salamander, black and gold.
León-Tomás took several pictures and sent them on to Carlos Vásquez Almazán, the amphibian coordinator with the Foundation for Ecodevelopment and Conservation (FUNDAECO).
“I took [deep breaths] for a couple of hours, until they managed to send me a photo through WhatsApp, because the region is remote and there is little good internet signal,” Vásquez said, who’d visited the reserve more than 30 times to look for the species. “It was definitely the sought-after and awaited Jackson’s climbing salamander.”
Also of Interest
Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.
Anti-Trumpism Has Turned Liberals Into CIA-Cheerleading, Finger-Wagging Nerds
The Reverse Midas Touch of Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Is Turning the Middle East to Dust
‘The Atlantic’ Commits Malpractice, Selectively Edits To Smear WikiLeaks
Mocking Trump Doesn’t Prove Russia’s Guilt
Canada's most shameful environmental secret must not remain hidden
A Little Night Music
The Trends - If You Don't Dig The Blues
The Trends - That's How I Like It
The Trends - Not Too Old To Cry
The Trends - (To Be) Happy Enough
The Trends - Dance With Me Baby
The Trends - Gonna Have To Show You
The Trends - Don't Drop Out Of School
The Trends - The Soul Clap

Yo joe, some of them Dems is signed sealed delivered...
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
I know you featured this above, but just could not resist
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
evening do...
heh, a great name, indeed.
and a great truth about both parties working for the same (bankers) interests.
This happened a week ago,
but it's a fairly timeless example of what's wrong with Dems.
Cloobeck threatens to take his money and go home if the Dems don't stop talking about all of this lefty nonsense.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
evening dervish...
yes, i remember watching that video and thinking that it will be interesting to see the struggle between the wings of the party play out. it would be nice to think that maybe the rich guys will have to take their marbles and go home, but it seems rather unlikely given the degree to which they are dug in.
It's all out war with the donors
The republicans donors have told them that if they don't pass the tax cuts, they can kiss their donations goodbye. Haim Saben also told democrats that if Ellison was elected, he would withhold his donations to the DNC.
The upswelling of people wanting congress to work for them has gotten the upper crust worried. I doubt that they have anything to worry about because congress is their playthings, but it's nice to see members of congress sweating
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Russia: Brazile told the truth. Dems destroyed person & truth
Brazile is thee example of what will happen if one dissents or exposes the democratic party. Hyper loyal Donna Brazile believed in Russian interference with the fervor of a true believer, but also told as she said, her truth about the campaign. The establishment responded by calling her a Russian dupe. She is now a pariah within the part except probably for her own close friendships and supporters. And her ex-comrades used the spear tip of McCarthyism to attack her.
My prediction: during the democratic primaries candidates will self-immolate with the Russia charges against each other. Look what has been exposed her in terms of the recent effort to tie Sanders and his supporters to "Russia".
Reminds me, have to donate this evening. This is one of the few sane sites around.
evening mr w...
it's already happening:
"people for bernie" - feh! buncha cowards.
Jesus H. Christ.
I wish I could still eat popcorn. The next few years will be fun to watch. And the next election is going to be a doozy.
The first person who is called a Russian stooge should ask the person who said it "how much money did Israel give your campaign."
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
If that alone is not terrible enough, but look at this
That's the reporting style people go nuts over. What is Rahul Manchanda up to?
I can't stand it anymore.
Goes to show you can't be paranoid enough
They ARE out to get you, and anyone who might have any sympathy whatsoever with you. (Snark? Or truth?)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
@joe shikspack
Well, they would use it as a smear - not that I think that justifies anyone catering to it, even though it might very well lose Bernie his Senate seat and the public a very rare politician working for the public good, which would, I expect, be the reason behind this fear-mongering McCarthyist tactic winning out in the strategy silencing humanist and truthful voices before they reach the public. These guys are virulent psychopathic lunatics willing to destroy the very concept of civilization and all (other) life on the planet and nothing is too insanely low for them.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
As I posted the other day,
'O's' been quoted as saying that 'she's (Donna) toast, now.'
Guess pushing the Russia line isn't sufficient, if you have the audacity to buck the Party Elders/Power Structure.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Absolutely right.
Looking forward to The Intercept response to this.
Would like to read the comments to the article but don't have time just now. Comments closed, over 300.....
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
A major assault on Town of Dryden's citizens' privacy
or something, coming from Discovery TV (eg, A five-part series called Village of the Damned. Even the title is ignorant and wrong. Circa 25 years ago, there was a series of awful murders in Dryden Township, NY. A family of four was killed just before Christmas. I ended up being peripherally involved, the first witness to report seeing a bicycle rider riding towards dusk in -10 weather, in the snow. That WAS the killer. I never saw a face. He was black. Killed in a shootout weeks later. But it did not end there. I ended up as a witness in his mother's trial as an accomplice. She was found guilty on the basis of one fingerprint in the house. That one was eventually found to have been "placed" by an up-and-coming detective. My PTSD introduction.
It's a stupid ratings attempt. We are useful as TV shows, cannon foddder and gossip. Too bad (/s) I don't have satellite. I do not plan on viewing.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
evening riverlover...
yeah, but you have to admit, it's a catchy title. (ducks)
Good evening, Joe. It is good to see somebody pointing
a finger at Delaware. The business and corporations code of Delaware is famous for being excessively favorable to corporations, their boards and officers in addition to the tax benefits provided.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
When I worked on my online bookselling website
in 1994 I was told to incorporate my little dream online bookselling adventure in Delaware. And so was Mr. Jeff Bezos. The difference between me and him was that I was a dumb blonde German housewife and he was a Wall Street wizard working for the Bankers Trust, which proves, you don't have to wear smarty pants to know that Delaware is a special place.
evening el...
we always used to call delaware "the bankers paradise." south dakota has been trying to cash in on the same grift for years.
I always wondered what the German Marshall Fund
is doing and all about. Now I know thanks to Max Blumenthal's Alternet essay. (Read more than that one essay and my eyes popped out).
Thanks for the EB. I feel that I need to donate again. I learn so much from this site. Thank God you gjohnsit and lookout and all the others pouring their hearts out here haven't given up yet.

As we would say in German: This site 'ist ja ein Hammer, mannomann'.
evening mimi...
i had heard the name (german marshall fund) from time to time over the years, but had no idea what it was. like you, i learned quite a bit from max' articles.
glad that you are still enjoying the blues inducing news.
have a good one!
So in the Bundestag incident, Max Blumenthal was probably right
and Georg Gysi and the press were just lying and promoting a cheap smear in depicting Blumenthal as an anti-Semite? I see strong reasons to believe that this is the case.
This article also mentioned the German Marshall Fund.
Consistent, solid journalism like this is really what it’s all about. Question Israel and politicians’ subservience to Israel and you risk being labelled an anti-Semite even faster in Germany than in the U.S. . . .
In the U.S. it’s the concentrated influence of the Israel lobby . . .
But in Germany, it seems the intellectual elite and its entire postwar edifice of mainstream thought will rise against you as one.
yep, I always was very unclear about the
Gysi Bundestag "Toilettegate" with Max Blumenthal and David Sheen affair. I admit to have been appalled at David Sheen's shouting, while he followed Gysi into the restrooms etc., I just couldn't believe it. But now have changed my mind about it. The two Blumenthal essays, you linked to and I read before, convinced me.
They are quite precise. I followed the toilettegate from the US only and being away from Germany for so long, couldn't make up my mind about it. I didn't know much about Gysi at all. I found it just a terrible incident. Now I feel different.
McGovern article
Thanks for the news roundup every day. Like someone else said, hard to find too many places where you can get real news. The McGovern article did a great job of going step by step through some of the big parts of this Russiagate episode. Bookmarking because will be a good starting point to have a discussion with someone who still believes what they are being told by the mainstream media.
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
evening jb...
glad you found something useful. i really like mcgovern's exposition style, he is an excellent writer.
good luck enlightening your friend!
Nice to see Abby Martin on Jimmy Dore's show.
Here's the sequel:
[video: width:400 height:240]
Of course, Abby works at Telesur so it won't be long before they try to discredit that network like they are doing with RT. Just yesterday our UN ambassador called Venezuela“an increasingly violent narco-state that threatens the world" and now it turns out that Venezuela has ties to Russia. It's easy to see where they'll go with this. Rachel's probably covering it on her show tonight.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
evening azazello...
i've been wondering when they are going to get around to venezuela. perhaps they are too busy rolling out their other product lines still.
thanks for the vid!
Here’s what distraction dump was meant to cover?
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
they're gonna want to hide that.
The Pentagon has to be one of the world's ugliest buildings
Along with Stalinist skyscrapers and crap that Ceaușescu built.
Authoritarian good stuff.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Hola, Joe & Bluesters! Not that surprised
about the 'evangelical' poll. These folks are livid about 'Washington interference' in their upcoming election. BTW, thanks to Azazello for the link to the piece about fundamentalist evangelicals' views regarding older men/younger woman. I've honestly never heard anything about that, and I've known more than a few conservative evangelicals. Scary!
Just heard that Repubs may drop individual mandate (ACA).
Not caught up on news, since we're very busy with various business/personal matters. So, here's a couple more trivia from my calendar,
1) Number of Kentucky Derby 'dead heats?'
Answer: 2
One in 1828 -- the two horses re-raced later the same afternoon to break the tie.
Second in 1884 -- the two jockeys decided to 'share' the prize money.
2) At what speed does very hard rain pour down?
Answer: 20 mph
3) What percentage of people in Kentucky marry as teenagers?
Answer: 50 percent
Thanks for tonight's EB, Joe. Naturally, we'd have to be super busy during a week that so much 'news' is breaking. It'll be interesting to see if the Senate actually holds a hearing with the latest accuser.
Hey, Everyone have a nice evening!
[Edited: Added 's.']
"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures--they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive."--Gilda Radner
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."--Will Rogers
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
evening mollie...
heh, i think alabamans might be more angry about washington interfering in their elections than russia (were it true).
i heard the same thing about the possibility of the republicans dropping the mandate on npr while i was driving around this evening, though i didn't get much detail.
Judge Roy Moore vs. Doug Jones
I'm enjoying the soap opera being broadcast from Alabama. It would be very dramatic if Doug Jones won the Senate seat vacated by Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III. Jones successfully prosecuted 2 members of the KKK for their role in the 1963 church bombing in Birmingham that killed 4 young African-American girls. Stay tuned.
evening karl...
i keep forgetting to invest in popcorn futures.
This says it all, doesn't it
Anti-Trumpism Has Turned Liberals Into CIA-Cheerleading, Finger-Wagging Nerds
This is exactly what people are doing and they haven't thought about the consequences of what the CIA is trying to accomplish.
I finally saw some of the members on ToP wanted NATO to do something about Russia's interference. They were hinting that it's about time for Russia to have its regime changed. They said that there were enough troops in the area so why not use them.
On top of that, there was a diary on the TPP and how other countries are going to get ahead of us on trade or something...
Guess how many diaries there were about Assange and little Donald? Heh. Caitlyn doesn't take long to cover any new bullshit from the Deep State, does she?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
evening snoopy...
oh my, bring in nato and get it over with, eh? great thinking!
heh, caitlyn seems to be right on top of things.
Good stuff J.S.
I didn't know that 3 thousand communities in the U.S. have lead levels higher than Flint's or that Houston is the only big city in the country that has 0 zoning or that we have 900 bases around the world. Jimmy Dore and Abbey Martin are doing good work.
That Canada Tar Sands story is pretty amazing. We all know about it but it does seem to be a story that doesn't get mentioned often, hence the secret I guess.
I fell asleep during the Chris Hedges piece so I will check that out (and more) when I have some energy. I did enjoy Amy Goodman pressing for her yes or no answers. She appeared to enjoy it as well.
TY again.
evening randtntx...
yeah, the hedges piece is very much worth a listen when you are more awake. there's some good food for thought there.
heh, i enjoyed watching amy do what journalists should do (and so rarely seem to).