Poll: Democratic primary was rigged
It appears that screaming "Scary Russia! Aaahhh!" over an over again has not distracted the public enough from the DNC corruption.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 54% of Likely Democratic Voters believe Clinton won last year’s Democratic presidential nomination fairly. Twenty-seven percent (27%) say the party’s electoral system was rigged against challenger Bernie Sanders, while 19% are undecided.Among all likely voters, just 32% now think Clinton won her party’s nomination fairly. Forty-seven percent (47%) say the Democrats’ electoral system was rigged against Sanders. Twenty-one percent (21%) are not sure.
"Trump is corrupt too" is also not a winning message.
If the Dems want to win in 2018, they need to address this.
Meanwhile, "If you use the term 'billionaire' I'm done."
"Then are you worried that the Democratic Party is going too far to the left?" Ruhle asked.
"So much so it drives me nuts," Cloobeck responded. "So much so it would make me quit the party. And I've made it very clear I'll cut your money off. And others will do the same."

Clear Wake Up Call
Kabuki dancers just gotta keep dancing. It will be fascinating to see how much longer the DNC Centrists can ignore the clear cut will of their voters. Both political parties are locked in a death spiral of their own making.
The poorly informed and ideological zealots who stick with the party line of both parties are a dwindling minority. The operatic fat lady has been screeching her poor heart out for quite a while now to those with ears who refuse to listen.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
The problem, in my mind, is framing
All of these discussions center around Clinton but Clinton is just one person. Sure, she is corrupt and sure she bought the Democratic party. But the other side, and more pressing side in my mind, is that the Democratic party allowed itself to be bought.
For my money this is much like the Harvey Weinstein thing. Everyone seems to be focused on a few individuals who did BadThings(tm). I'm more interested in the prevalent rape culture which allowed such widespread abuse to happen.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
"Rape culture" ain't going
anywhere. It's been around since the cave man days, and before, and will be around 'til the end of days. If you have a vagina you are a target. Power and money attract women. The guy with the fancy sports car, dressed up real nice, nice shoes, flashing some green can walk out of the bar with any lady he wants. Women line up around the block to "get some" of Bubba, rock stars, celebrities. Now, this isn't rape, it's mutual consent. But there is an element of rape somewhere in all that consent, and some ladies cry "rape!" once realizing where she was and what happened. That's Not to say "real rape," non consensual, doesn't happen. Hardly. It happens too often. Just that men are hard wired to zoom in on your vagina. And not just yours. That may be a lame excuse or none at all, but it's a fact. We simply want to tear your clothes off and have our way with you. And we don't much care if you want to willingly participate or not. Now, thank the gods, over the eons women have "civilized" men somewhat. Most of us keep it in our pants until otherwise called upon. But "somewhat" is the key word, and not all of us got the memo. We're all still cavemen at heart. All we want is a warm steak, a cold beer and a vagina. That's it. That's all we're about. Everything else we do is in the pursuit of those three. Sadly, it's as simple as that. Wish we were more, but if it weren't for women pushing us to be more we'd be satisfied living as cavemen. They don't call it the man cave for nuthin'.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Then I'm wasting my time here on C99
Since I'm getting no beer, steak, or pussy for my time spent here. I fully understand male sexuality. I call my own wife "my walking fetish collection" routinely. I also understand that in fairly scientific studies, affluence is the single largest attraction factor when a woman evaluates a male.
None of that changes the fact that Weinstein was doing this shit for decades and everyone knew. None of it changes the fact that in at least some of these cases (the ones told in the press), the young woman in question very definitely was not consenting, even for such a base purpose as money.
I fully recognize that "consent" is not a black and white concept no matter what feminists and Democrats would have me believe. But there is simply way too much actual fire in these charges for me to be willing to wipe it away under "Men like pussy and women like money". I guess my father raised me well because I tend to think it's my job to protect women and... well... this ain't it.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
That seems overly simplistic
Apart from actual mental afflictions, all human beings have a capacity to tap into their own self awareness. Given that, as a woman, I have to candidly ask what is arousing for men about fucking a woman who finds you repellant?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Most men won't be able to answer that question
Heck, a wife's lowered sex drive can be a huge issue in a marriage even if she remains perfectly willing and able. Most men want a sexual partner that returns their ardor.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Exactly. I've often asked
that myself. "Let me get this straight... some asshat decides he's going to rape the girl /woman he happens to be momentarily alone with. He wrestles her to the ground easy enough becuz she's not expecting it, then, once aware, she starts fighting back. In all of this combat he has to get her pants off, unzip his, at least, and during all of that chaos somehow works up a hardon." What? Seriously? I would suggest that for most guys, maybe 95%, that's all but impossible. Still, it happens.
And I wasn't trying to excuse Weinstein or Spacey or anyone else. I just understand where it comes from, I get the dynamics. It ain't right. Is inexcusable. But it exists. Widely. Very widely. And most women know that too. Or should.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Just to complicate things
There is an element of force in even the most vanilla marriages. Many totally vanilla wives like to be pinned down and many men like to do the pinning. In my marriage, at various times, it's gone beyond the simple vanilla games and, at times, gone beyond games. So I get the "erection-factor" of force. So should most men and women.
In me though, the countervailing repugnance that came with the lack of consent would be the end of anything resembling an erection. I can only assume that what we're looking at here is someone who revels in the force aspect and isn't much interested in consent.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
yeah, I guess. Really
the only explanation. And one I never considered. There's just a lot of commotion going on during the act, and I couldn't and can't imagine during all that commotion that the asshat is getting erect, getting off by the commotion. So, yeah, maybe that number is more than 5%, more like 10%. That's bad news for women.
Here's a tip (from my sister who experienced this) if you ever get pulled over by a male cop after dark. One, stay in your car and lock the doors if they aren't already. Two, show your ID thru the window. If the copper asks you to get out of the car politely ask for a female cop. This will go back'n'forth for a couple minutes, just stick your ground with a, "I will gladly get out when you get a female cop here." One will show up soon enough. You will likely get a ticket for totally pissing off a cop. But you will leave the scene safe and sound.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
If they don't just shoot you first
This shit is bananas.
yeah, I was thinking
about that as I banged it out. The cop world has changed since that happened 15 years ago.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Rape is not sex
Rape is not primarily an act of sex. It is an act of power, accomplished via use of the sexual organs.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Yeah, this is the feminist wisdom
I'm not sure I'm buying it. The notion is that I"m supposed to take rape and for some reason remove it from the normal continuum of human behavior and treat it as a thing all unto it's own. While I'm doing that, I'm to deny the evidence of my own senses. Even worse, the act of rape fit into that normal human pattern of behavior just fine but for some reason feminists ask me to rip it out and set it in a frame all it's own. I suspect that rape does, in fact, connect pretty strongly with the sex wiring. I've often wondered why people feel the need to make it so complicated. Guy wants to fuck girl. Girl doesn't want to. Guy is bigger and doesn't give a shit what she wants. There ya go.
Honestly, when I characterize humans I call us, "violent, sexy monkeys". Rape seems to be par for the course given that description. I asked my wife about the genesis of this "rape isn't sex" meme but all she could tell me was that "it was important to discuss that back in the 70's" and she gave me a few (in my opinion stupid) scenarios to back it up. I'm sticking with "rape isn't about sex" is a classic bit of feminist pseudo-science until someone can give me some meaningful justification to back it up.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Normal continuum of human behavior???
Unless you are in fact characterizing the continuum of non consensual sex as "normal" behavior, I'd suggest we unpack your use of the word "normal".
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
And that isn't power-tripping? If a guy doesn't get off on physically disabling/terrifying someone enough to force himself on her in a physical attack, why would he maintain that hard-on, or even think about doing that to anyone? I don't care what his problems are, he has no business brutalizing and potentially scarring anyone else forever just to get his rocks off. This ain't mutual play-rape for fun, it's somebody harming somebody vulnerable for fun. And apart from physical damage and the potential for disease, it trashes the victims, some never recovering.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
@SnappleBC Just gotta say
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
*nod* Of course
Yes and no. I do, in fact, think that sex and violence are tightly intertwined in lots of ways within us humans. I think it's relevant to point out that "force" shows up in even the most vanilla of love lives. I do agree with you that consent is a more interesting point but if you've ever looked at consent closely (as my wife and I have), you quickly come to understand that it also is not what feminists would have you believe. Humans don't come up with simple boolean answers in their heads. It would be normal for there to be layers and layers of "consent" which finally nets up some end answer and that answer may well change over time including after the event has taken place.
The specific example I was referring to went well beyond fuzzy cuffs. That end answer can be summed up as, "Well, I'm not in prison so I guess she consented." Had you been there in the moment it wouldn't have been that clear. In Carol's own words, "I don't think of it as rape but that word was sure on my mind at the time." That's a pretty serious statement given that neither of us is into BDSM stuff so there's no "rape fantasy" in play. I think I can draw reasonable extrapolations to "real rape" from it.
I see no reason why I can't reasonably extrapolate from starting points like that in order to "get into the mind of a rapist". After all, it's just one short step. All I'd need to do is care less what she thought and it would've been "hot sex".
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
I think there is a cavernous distinction
Between whatever sexual fetish you are referring to between consenting adults and actual force against ones will. Unless you are talking about someones predilection for fucking chickens, In which case steers the conversation into sexual deviant classifications.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Fair enough
I have no real way to argue that with you since I'm basing my observations on personal experience... frequently hard-won and not entirely pleasant experience. There may be a "cavernous gap" but they are on the same spectrum and I know people that populate all parts of that spectrum. In the end, I remain unsure whether the gap is more around the sex part or the consent part. There are places on the spectrum where those distinctions get pretty muddy. In the BDSM world they talk about "consensual non-consent" and while yes, that is an oxymoron it also accurately captures an aspect of what some people do. Therein is the mud in the muddy part.
To be fair, I tend towards a holistic view of things so it goes against my grain to partition out parts of a complex system and try to understand them in a vacuum. So you may just be seeing an internal predilection in terms of how I like to analyze systems -- in this case, the human system.
By the way, in case this isn't obvious, nothing that I have written should be taken as an excuse for sexual crimes. There is no excuse for such things and I find them abhorrent. I'm just not sold on this particular bit of the feminist meme. That's why I was hoping my wife could explain it's roots. I have a feeling that the statement, "Rape isn't about sex" has lost some important context along the way. That is true of many things in feminism.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
I have very little bandwidth to entertain the unconventional labyrinth of distinctions involved with erotic predilections in the "BDSM" world. If what you, or anyone else, is doing is not bringing harm to another, I'd be perfectly happy to leave the conversation there.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
If you're interested in that, here's an article for you
Rape is Not (Only) About Power; It’s (Also) About Sex
It goes on to say that current research (and logic) defy this concept, at least in part.
Things are changing however.
Speaking now as a personal survivor of rape/sexual assault (as a teen, by a known and previously trusted pseudo-family member) I agree with this. I've never bought the idea it's always and only about power and control. There are plenty of ways for people to dominate others. When they choose sex as the method, there's a reason for that.
Note I'm not saying that means it's acceptable. Not even remotely.
I must also tell you, you're mistaken to believe all sexual relationships involve elements of force. I've been with my spouse for close to 30 years now. Never once has he forced, even slightly, and he's clearly horrified at being asked if he's ever even thought about it or wanted to force himself on anyone. "Good god no! That would be the last thing I'd want!" was his response. I've known him long enough to believe him. I'm close friends with several men who share this abhorrence, who I'm close enough to them and their partners to know. Our circle includes people involved in various communities, sex-positive, polyamory, alternative and sacred sexuality. The concepts of respect and consent are core concepts among these communities, and the people share those values, regardless of gender.
In other words, rape, or even the urge to force yourself on anyone, is not just about sex or being horney either. Many people experience sexual rejection, frustration, deprivation, and yet do not rape, or even consider rape. There has to be an element of desire to dominate, control, and disrespect other people which makes some people, mostly men, into rapists and predators.
I do believe this is an issue where we can, and should, as a society, put a stop to rape and sexual aggression as the "norm" and teach respect and consent as core values. I do not accept for one second that we have to continue accepting it. The recent downfall of multiple powerful men because of it is perhaps a signal that times are changing.
That article explained exactly what I was hoping to understand... how did we get to a statement as patently ludicrous as "Rape isn't about sex". In fact, the history was pretty much as I guessed. A smart feminist had some smart ideas. Then the masses got hold of them and they were dumbed down.
Also fascinating for me to learn the why's of the original proposal and yeah, it makes a lot of sense. It's not often I raise a casual bit of curiosity on the internet and someone hands me the full and complete answer with a bow wrapped around it.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
@CS in AZ In her
That's worth remembering as current scholars debunk Brownmiller, and I hope to God the debunking proceeds with great care, and a bastardized version of the new data doesn't spread far and wide, justifying a thousand shitty acts.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Thank you, good points and helpful to know or remember
as the case may be. I had never heard of her, as far as I recall, until I looked this up yesterday, prompted by Snapple's question. It's just been this ironclad principle that rape is not about sex, taken essentially on faith for as long as I remember.
I never studied feminist scholars or theory in any depth. I read a few of the popular classics during the 70s and early 80s, but would be hard pressed now to discuss any of them, as my memories are sketchy at best. I never knew where this "belief" originated or why, but it's always felt off, and downright wrong when people take it so far as to say rape has "nothing to do with sex" which is just bizarre.
I totally agree with your point that this was an important turning point and a key step in the evolution of our cultural thinking about rape and sexual aggression. It hasn't solved the problem, unfortunately, and there's clearly a long way to go.
You are quite right, this could feed right back into the "men can't help it" excuses, and that shouldn't be allowed to stand unchallenged. And I believe men need to speak up about it too. When someone asserts that "all men" think and behave in this manner, that needs to be challenged, in my opinion, by other men who know that's wrong. Don't let men excuse acting that way as a matter of "DNA" and therefore they can take no responsibility for examining their behavior and beliefs.
Still, it's not necessarily or accurate to say rape has nothing to do with sex, at this point that dogma has become oversimplified and too narrow. The new expanded theories seem more balanced and fit my own experience better. Now how to translate that into what can be done about it.
I normally avoid Hollywood gossip at all costs, but I'm intrigued by the recent avalanche of accusations and careers shattered overnight, from Weinstein to now taking out huge stars like Kevin Spacey and Louis CK. All of whom have been getting away with it for a long time. Suddenly, it's not being tolerated.
The more that fall, the more empowered victims feel to open up. Very unexpected. And these are all men who could easily access sex with willing partners (for money if not attraction), but what they get off on is humiliating and taking power over a weaker person. That's a sexual dysfunction, not normal male sex drive. Also important to me is this is not just a women's issue. Kevin Spacey targeted young men and teenage boys. It's not just women who can be the victims or targets of harassment and sexual aggression and rape. I think it's unhelpful to make it about gender, men versus women.
The problem is people who feel entitled to take whatever they want from other people, and enjoy hurting them. When what they want involves sex, that's what they take. I don't know how we stop this as a culture, but it seems like maybe this is the beginning of change. One can only hope.
I appreciate you adding this to the discussion, made me think. Which is always good.
@CS in AZ Yes,
Rape is so liberally spread out over the classes, all the way to the top, that it's just as ridiculous to say "men rape because they want sex" as it is to say "rape has nothing to do with sexual desire." Anybody in the top 10% who wants sex and can't get it for free can pay for it, with little risk, and get, I am told, quite a polished product. Even a middle-class person, with a little effort, can find a place which will give a man a "happy ending."
Do places with fewer prostitutes have a higher rate of rape? Does rape decrease as you go up the social ladder? For a rich man, it's not any harder to pick up the phone and get a call girl than it is to feed a woman a roofie, or get her alone, slap her around, and force sex on her. Actually, it's probably easier.
I like the woman who says there are multiple reasons for rape. I would add that some of those reasons seem pretty damned related to me. In other words, some men get excited by forcing people to do things they don't want to do. To refer to lotlizard's comment above, Henry Kissinger once said "power is the ultimate aphrodisiac." That doesn't just mean women get all dewy-eyed and pliable when a powerful man walks by. It means that men get off on the concept of themselves as powerful. Some of them connect these two things directly, with horrific results.
And yes, this is informed by my own experience with rape.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Agree 100%
Looks like you were writing this while I was typing the same thoughts above... you said it better, and captured exactly what I think too. Thanks! What a thing to be contemplating on a nice Saturday morning. I love this place. Open 24/7 and always an interesting discussion to be had.
Prostitution is legal in
much of Europe, certainly in Germany where I was stationed. Rape is more than frowned upon, it is treated as a serious crime and the convicted serve long sentences with no chance for parole. Hence there are damned few rapes and many more happy marriages. Friday nights are traditionally "bowling night" in Germany. "Hun, you forgot your bowling ball." "oh, jeeze, thanks... "
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
@Wink I'm
In other words, first I'd have to confirm that the men are raping less. Second, I'd have to figure out if the men were raping less because there's a nice call girl around the corner, and it's even legal to visit her, or whether they were raping less because they don't want a long prison sentence with no parole.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Well, maybe a little
bit of both, but rape in Germany is virtually unheard of. Or violence toward women for that matter. Working as an M.P. (military police) there, I had the "honor" of escorting a G.I. Joe downtown to a German prison to serve 5 years there for beating his German gf. For some reason I had to enter the
facilitydungeon with the prisoner, leave weapon (.45) and MP insignia with a guard and proceed to processing. I said to the guard, "just remember, he's staying, I'm leaving." The place looked like it was 200 years old. At least.I believe legalized prostitution would do Much to put a dent in rape numbers. A big dent.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
@CS in AZ
Exactly! In a sick societal context where 'good girls don't get those urges' and 'men have to get those urges satisfied', a fair number of women are going to have rape fantasies because they do have those urges, which doesn't mean they want to be raped, just not regarded as 'a bad girl' for having sex and in the fantasy they can't be held responsible for finally getting some - and a fair number of men are going to imagine that 'I can be forceful and they'll like it once it's in' making for absolute dysfunction in attitudes and relationships.
Some of that still sticks even now, 'slut shaming' still (if absurdly pathologically) being a thing. But in order for a man to drug/attack a woman he knows isn't interested in order to force sex on her, he is clearly thinking of her/women in general as a disposable utility to use and abuse rather than another human being, that being where feminism/discrimination applies.
And the religiously-instilled idea that sex sullies and degrades women can play into that as well as the pleasure of terrifying, disgusting and harming someone more vulnerable than themselves.
Being anti-rape - anti-discrimination enabling abuse - may be termed feminism, which does apply, but it's really pro-survival, pro-civilization. Sorta like, Don't Be A Violent Dick, in more than one sense.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Bing. Exactly. n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
@SnappleBC Rape is
that is not to say that all acts of BDSM are bullying; many are not. Some could fall into that category. But the temporary nature of the acts, and the presence of the safeword, makes a fine but deep distinction for me.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
The safe word = consent
That's the key, exactly as you stated. As long as the safe word -- which essentially means stop, too much, too far, I withdraw my consent -- is known and fully respected, the 'victim' is in full control of the encounter. They can end it with a word, and they know it. This involves a level of trust in the partner that is a huge reach, and not one I'm personally interested in exploring. But as I'm close friends with people who are, I've learned to understand the dynamics and the level of trust involved and they talk about exploring power - having it, and using it, and sharing it. The dom/sub roles are not really what they appear to be.
And yeah it's completely different from real life, dangerous kind of dominance and control, as in domestic abuse and violence in a family or a couple. Or a sexual aggressor who does not have uncomplicated, clear consent and goes on and does what he wants, without concern for the other person.
It's not even similar. The opposite, in fact.
@CS in AZ One
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
@SnappleBC This is an
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Are you sure you are responding to my post?
You understand how a man can get aroused by fucking a woman who finds them repellant? Really?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
No, and I said I didn't.
"I understand where it comes from" referred to celebrity ass grabbing.
It's only via centuries of "being civilized" by women that we all (men) still don't act like it's the days of Caligula, or back in the cave. But just becuz we don't do it doesn't mean we don't think it. It's like that college hottie at work that I mentioned in the pages here. "Hey, fuckface, don't Look at me like that!" who me? is she talking to me? Turns out she was. She gave me one of those looks. "Hey, sweetie, that's just my DNA showing." I didn't say that, didn't say anything, just kept walking; hell, didn't even realize I had given her that "I want to fuck you" look. Just my DNA showing, sweetheart. And, trust me, you'll be getting a Lot more of those looks from a Lot of guys.
I'm guessing my "dirty look" would be taken as "sexual harassment" these days. wah. No harm, no foul. Blame it on our DNA. We're not all that far removed from the cave.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Speak for yourself and not all men. There are plenty of men who are capable of not making women feel uncomfortable in public places by leering at them. And your frequent references in this thread to your "biological compulsions" are a lazy and bullshit argument to shrug off your behavior.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
So, most here apparently
in de Nile. I get it.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
@Anja Geitz If we were all still
We're only barbaric when the current norms allow us to be.
I was going to say "when civilization allows us to be" but what we're engaging in here is not civilization. Civilization is oriented toward creating the most survival for the greatest numbers, (sometimes at an awful cost), otherwise we never would have invented it in the first place. "I'm the strongest individual so I get what I want" works just fine without any civilization whatsoever. Occasionally the attempts to reach the goal of maximizing survival are disgusting, abusive, and misguided. Often they disregard modern concepts like "human rights." But what we've got here isn't a misguided attempt to reach the highest percentage of survival we can. What we have here is a scam which if anything, minimizes the survival rate while pretending to be civilized.
Anyway, rape exists, not because we all have the capacity to be barbaric, but because that form of barbarism is tolerated by society, same as murdering Black people.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
There has been a lot of research
Going on in India to explain the prevalent rape culture that very closely follows this line of thinking:
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
It's this sort of mental gymnastics
That makes me read your posts with avid interest. Thank you for making this point.
I should've known better. Of COURSE society defines what is barbarous and what is not. Heck, in some of my favorite fantasy books there is deep exploration given to the viewpoints of the "barbarian" vs. "the civilized person". In many cases, each finds the other barbarous. I think it's particularly telling that we don't find rape to be particularly barbarous. The same can be said of violence in general.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
@SnappleBC /blush
You're welcome.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I'm finding it highly ironic
I'm late to this and catching up, kind of blown away because it's not every day I read men making confessions like I'm reading here. I have to also strongly disagree that all men think like this. Thankfully.
I'm not going to get into another discussion on rape, sexual abuse, and such on here. Been there, done that, didn't go well. Leaving it there.
But I did have to comment on the irony, when one of the biggest cheerleaders for voting for democrats in order to "improve the world" and this idea of how you have to believe that progress and positive change are possible - imminent even (a few good people got elected on Tuesday, so the tide is turning, if you just believe in hope and change one more time) -- this same person now saying men are cavemen at heart and will always be rapists. We can get democrats elected and save the goddamn world, but we can't have a world where humans are not forced into unwanted sex or subjected to any form of sexual aggression -- because men are just, you know, like that. Nothin gonna make men stop being rapists and sexual predators.
I'm so inspired to go work for and vote for those justice democrats or whoever now, aren't you? I mean for sure, elections can fix everything. Except men being men. Oops.
I'm finding it a bit less ironic
Than you are, and a bit more infuriating. But, yes, the irony is there in what you say. Although, the argument for what we accept as a culture in relation to the prevalence of sexual crimes is also there. You only need to look at India to see how rape culture plays out in the circumstances that sustain it. Any woman who has ever had to watch another woman go through the legal process involved in a rape case can tell you that smearing the victim is not only culturally acceptable, it's very effective in mitigating the outcome for the rapist. Frankly, I feel the same way about men opining about abortion as I do about them opining about rape. When they get their own vagina, they can join in on the conversation. But until they do, I'd rather they not eagerly chime in with comments that are gobsmackingly tone deaf.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Oh, Wink, Wink, Wink. All women aren't gold diggers or prosti...
...tutes. Most men of power or with tons of money are pompous, obnoxious assholes whom I wouldn't give the time of day. Want to turn me off? Flash cash or tell me every woman has her price. That type of piece of shit is exactly the rape culture that Snapple was referring to. Disgusting pigs like pussy grabbing Trump, likely every single Hollywood exec and countless others in the world.
I'm disappointed.
Disappointed that the
culture exists? I suspect we all are. And, I was just suggesting that most women are going home with the nice shoes, nice duds, nice haircut and nice sports car rather than the guy in jeans and a hoodie. They want to go home with Justin Beiber rather than the guy still working at the 7-11. Not that there's anything wrong with that, just the way it is. Since caveman days.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
@Wink maybe I'm not
You speak for yourself. I'm flabbergasted that I'm reading that at c99
Thank you.
I was stunned into embarrassed silence.
Not condoning, just mansplaining
the nature of the beast. Everyone is shocked - Shocked - but this has been going on since the cave days, is the way it's always been. I'm guessing now that since a few celebrities and movie stars have been outed, more women will step forward naming names. So, just a matter of time before half of Hollywood is outed. It won't slow down the crotch grabbing, but maybe some women get compensated for some actors grabbing their ass.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Ironically, this is how Muslims often argue in defense of Islam
and its treatment of women.
One reason women must cover everything is because men cannot (subtext: shouldn’t have to or be expected to) control their instincts, runs the argument. Hence headscarves and veils — the hijab and burka and niqab.
And then there’s also Alice Sheldon’s science fiction short story The Screwfly Solution, in which the instinct is . . . modified slightly.
Well, I guess it prolly
does prevent rape. About all it does.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
No. It does not prevent rape.
No, wearing the hijab and burqa does not prevent rape. Plenty of Muslim women are raped. Under the prevailing laws in many Islamic countries, they are blamed for the rape, and are punished for causing men to rape them by being flogged, stoned, or beheaded.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Buddhism, as well
Yet the Buddhist establishment that developed after the Buddha's death virtually banned women from active participation in religious communities. As in traditional Christianity, women were not allowed to be priests, and Buddhist nuns have always been considered inferior and subservient to monks. As Buddhism spread to the West, this is changing, but in Asia it is taking some time.
Their asserted rationale? It was because women would distract the male monks. Women's mere presence would cause the men to have sexual feelings and thoughts that would hinder them in their quest for self-awareness and enlghtenment. In order to protect the male monks from their own thoughts and actions, women must be banned.
I've always found the irony rather amazing.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Thank you, as well!
But, as you can clearly see, three people agree. Three see us all as whores.
Sure wish I had something to show for it!
Thank you, again!
I will forever remember the study that was done
They basically came up with some "dating profiles" for guys and they showed them to women. For each guy they prepared two profiles and the only difference between them was job. The same guy who scored a 4 (1-10 scale) as a 40k/year sanitation engineer scored a whopping 8 as a 120k per year software engineer.
I think that as a society we don't really understand what men and women select for very well because we're so jacked up on the entire area of mating & courtship.
I think it's important to note in conversations like that that there are multiple stages to the dating & courtship dance. Things like "She's young and hot" and "He's got a Ferrari" are generally good enough to get you to the table. I doubt they seal the deal in most cases. I think both men and women have their base selection criteria driven by lizard-brain stuff and then the more socially sophisticated and personal taste type stuff -- our "higher brain" functions. I think with women we tend to focus on the "purity and virtue" items and ignore the base stuff. With men it's the other way around. So we end up with this image that men are base and women are pure.
The women who rated that "software engineer" an 8 would certainly have gone out on a first date with him. The question is would there have been a second date?
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Lol - 'sanitation engineer' makes me think of toilets/sewage systems. Why on Earth did they choose a profession with such icky associations in comparison with anything perceived as 'clean'?
Billion to one that association had a lot more to do with the numbers stated than the pay level.
Edit: do dating sites generally post people's income levels?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Lol, I dunno who you're hanging with, but around here, women are generally superficial about male looks, at least to a point, rather than money. Although my first great love was, I initially thought, homely and a bit goofy, but such a nice guy that he became enormously attractive to my eyes, so it really is in the eyes/mind of the beholder. People you like/love are going to seem attractive to you. Guys with money tend to be more materialistic and decidedly unattractive in their views and priorities, which typically over-involve money and stuff they can buy. The focus is different and the attitude toward even racehorses - living beings - they own can be rather shocking.
It actually does often come down to personality and shared characteristics in at least the most important areas to each party. But then again, I didn't grow up in a culture that worships wealth/'success' to be indoctrinated with that myself. And that culture is, I suspect, not only affecting women but perhaps your perceptions of women?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
First, a clarification. Most women who choose mates based on material considerations aren't looking for wealth, but for financial security. Wealth will do just fine, of course, but since you're looking for financial security, you don't necessarily take the richest guy around if there's a guy less rich with a steady job that you like better. It's a set of values that doesn't give everything to the rich guy, but it does leave the poor guy out in the cold. That sucks, but I do understand it, at least for heterosexual or bisexual women who think they want children. Especially in this economy.
It's no joke trying to raise children in this economy.
That said, there are two other considerations which intelligent women consider more important than the amount of money a man has:
1)Will he stick around?
A rich man who won't stick around is no more good to you than a poor man who won't stick around, unless you manage to get him into a pre-nuptial agreement that gives you control of at least some of his assets. Most rich guys are now smart enough to have pre-nups that do the exact opposite. If you haven't married him, your only choice once he leaves is to attempt to smear him with scandal, a disgusting option most women would not want to engage in, and a risky endeavour even for the amoral types who are willing to engage in that kind of thing. Ultimately, the rich guy has more money to buy lawyers and airtime. I'm not saying such smears never work, but it's risky tangling with a rich man if you aren't rich yourself.
So you want a guy who WANTS to stick around.
2)Is he going to kill or hurt me or my kids?
Beating the shit out of your wife, kids, or both isn't something limited to men without riches. Nor is raping them. Nor is mentally abusing them. Once in a relationship, an abuser has a terrifying power over the other partner and the poor kids who made none of these choices and are just along for the ride. There's at least as much chance a man will be the abusive partner as vice versa, and most women know that getting together with a person who will hurt you will not be made better by the quality of his portfolio.
EDIT: Actually, it will be made worse! Hypothetically, if you're fleeing an abuser, which would you rather: that he was poor, or that he was rich? Think about it.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
all women are not that simple, as you must know.
It wasn't that many months ago that I started a kerfuffle
here on c99p when I argued that the horrible stuff that Trump was accused of had, in fact, been "normal" at the time (let's call it the "locker room" debate). There was considerable division, even amongst women who were old enough to have experienced whatever might or might not have been normal during that era.
So now I ask: Is anyone surprised by anything that has come out in this "sex scandal", other than perhaps the identities of specific perps that one might have thought were above such behavior?
Because I am not, and I'm mystified as to how it is that anyone else is shocked, shocked to discover that there is a rampant sexual assault culture in the entertainment industry.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
When was "that time"?
Trump & Bush perv's conversation happened in 2005. So, when was "that time" that groping female genetalia was the norm?
Joan Collins talked about being constantly sexually harassed to a TMZ (trash, sorry, but that's who got her to actually name a name) stalker/paparazzi. She's 84.
70s or 80s is when I think it was still the norm, but was beginning to not be okay. Not 2017 or 2005 or 1995.
Can't embed the video, but here's link to Joan Collins video (approx 1 min):
Joan Collins Sexual Harassment on TMZ
It has ALWAYS been the norm.
Any new laws and/or regulation will just be another arrow in the quiver of the powerful to use against the powerless.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I was referring to normal people also
Not just powerful people.
No one has ever grabbed my pussy, but I've been sexually harassed. One numb nut even did it in front of my foreman, who was shocked. I tried reasoning with the dolt, and asked what he'd say if his daughter came home and said a janitor or teacher had said the same thing to her that he just said to me. He said, "I'd sat he wasn't blind." This was about '94.
I refuse to believe pathetic pieces of shit like him are the norm. He was the only man, in a machine shop of 50, who acted like that.
Sure, there are men out there who think all women are gold digging whores, or that they can't be trusted around boy scouts (one on this post and the other also on this site), and others who agree with those beliefs, right here on c99, as evidenced by the up votes when they make their mysoginistic comments. I still can't believe they are the norm.
My hope is that when they die, they take their mysoginy with them. Though, someone mentoring young male minds, as a scout leader, disgusts me, knowing what he thinks of women.
Henry Kissinger: “Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac”
Ol’ Henry the K thought his power of life and death over millions made him just the very model of the desirable alpha male.
@lotlizard Eew. Disgusting
No wonder he's Hillary's mentor.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Gross n/t
Agree. n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
@UntimelyRippd I'm surprised that
Maybe he got called on it because some of the people he hurt had become powerful themselves later in life, but why now?
Meryl Streep just accused Dustin Hoffman of raping her back in the day, right? Well, Meryl Streep has been successful and powerful for a long while now. So why now?
Those are my only questions.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I think that's what it means for it to be "normal".
In the aftermath, the victim -- even a victim with power -- thinks, "This is normal. If I say anything, it's not just going to be about this incident, it's going to be about all of them. The repercussions within my society are going to be significant. Friends of mine are going to go down, because they've undoubtedly done similar things. I will lose work, I will lose friendships, I will alienate colleagues, and where will the repercussions stop?"
Consider this: House of Cards is now canceled. No bigs to me, I've never watched it. But everybody whose mortgage was being paid by that show just went down with Kevin Spacey. I think those are the sorts of calculations that people make.
Note: I'm not saying anything about what anybody should do -- I'm only doing my best to understand what people have done, and will continue to do.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
I admit to being a little surprised
And not only a little surprised, but somewhat embarrassed by that since I shouldn't have been. But this Weinstein thing, for me at least, is rape culture writ large. You don't have to squint at the tea leaves to see it. It's right there for EVERYONE to see at the surface reading.
Guy is sexually abusing women for decades. Everyone in the entire industry knows about it. Nobody cares.
It simply doesn't get more straight-forward then that. I guess I understood that our culture was way too permissive about sex crimes but I hadn't understood it to be THIS permissive.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
exactly. It's normal in H'wood
becuz it's been the culture there forever, since the first reel of the first silent film. "If you want a part in this movie, darlin', show me your tits. You want the leading role, there's the couch... " Why? Becuz those men could. And women needed a job. I just don't get the shock - and neither do those celebrities getting fingers pointed at them. "Seriously? I'm getting fingers pointed at me becuz I boinked a few actors? Celebrities? Like I'm the first ever?" I'm shocked! not.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
And they stayed bought
This video was diaried on ToP today as well as the DNC rigging. The comments were what I've come to expect there. It's hard to understand how people can now accept the things that they used to be against.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
One of the many advantages
...of watching CNN take the pulse of where billionaires stand right before another election is that I can now get a jump on re-newing my aspirational billionaire membership this year!
Hot Diggety!
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Thanks for the video.
So plutocracy and obscene wealth and income inequality are "centrist" while $15 an hour and Medicare for All are "far left". I guess we know what we would have gotten from a Clinton presidency.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
"the party of doing well"
There is already one of those. It's called the GOP.
Should there be a party of those NOT doing well?
It is the culture....
Some people only care about themselves. I'm doing good, so why aren't they? Must be their fault because I'm just fine.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I believe the billionaires (both the real and the aspirational)
Prefer to call that the "It's Your Own Fault" party. Or, as its more commonly known, the Pity Party.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
The DNC must address the issue
The DNC really needs to address this or face a growing credibility crisis.
Beware the bullshit factories.
The Dems are still credible
After last years election? I thought the Russians took care of that.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Yeah, he hates the term "billionaire"
but he damned sure loves being one, doesn't he? And he wonders why people hate the rich? Really dude?
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
seems to me that if he doesn't want to be tagged
with the label, there's an easy enough solution.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
As long as it's 2 parties...
We're doomed. All a party has to be is "better" than the other one. All the money is tied up in the two groups who aren't really Republicans or Democrats but rather "those in power" and "those who want that power".
You can't win in this system without insane financial resources. So we're left with a small group of people who are trying to push each other out of the way.
As long as it's 2 parties...
We're doomed. All a party has to be is "better" than the other one. All the money is tied up in the two groups who aren't really Republicans or Democrats but rather "those in power" and "those who want that power".
You can't win in this system without insane financial resources. So we're left with a small group of people who are trying to push each other out of the way.