Constructive Criticism for Hillary
Markos has stolen a page from Ronald Reagan and promulgated an 11th Commandment for Democrats. Reagan's 11th Commandment was, "thou shalt not speak ill of any other Republican." In the case of Markos it's "thou shalt not criticize Hillary Clinton." He did leave a little wiggle room, however -- constructive criticism is allowed. Even though this isn't the Daily Hillary I take Markos's admonition against gratuitous anti-Hillaryism
somewhat to heart. With that in mind here's some advice for Hillary offered with the best of intentions:
Dear Hillary, you may have noticed that there are only two groups of voters you seem to be winning: older folks (65+) and black people. You may have wondered about that and asked your highly paid advisors, "can I win an election if I get majorities from only those two groups?" Here's the answer Hillary, short, not too sweet: "No, you can't."
"What shall I do then?" you might say. Old folks and black people that's not going to be enough. What do I have to do to get more people voting for me?" And that will lead to another question, "Why am I losing younger voters and independents by such astonishing margins?"
Well, here's the answer: a whole lot of voters, especially those called millennials have caught on to you. They know you're lying when you tell them you going to work your heart out for them when you get to the White House. They know you've become immensely wealthy in a shabby racket known as 'paid speechmaking.' They know who has made you rich and who has been spending lavishly on your campaign. These millennials aren't stupid, Hillary, they know who you're working for -- and they know it's not them.
"You can fool enough of the people enough of the time;" that has been the guiding principle of so many successful politicians. It's tried and true. Why won't it work for you? The problem is Hillary, it may be the era we're living in. A whole lot of people are catching on and they're sick of it. Charles Barkley (yes, basketball Charles Barkley) said recently, "All politics is rich people screwing poor people." People are getting that, Hillary. Tough luck for you.
So, here comes the advice. Start telling the truth. Tell the truth about how you were planning to deceive the rubes one more time; how you tried to convince the public that you conveniently 'evolved' on TPP and fracking and the Keystone pipeline; how you pretended to be disturbed about the remorseless greed of the investor class; how your conscience was bothered by investors shamelessly profiting from health care and prisons and wars and crushing the life out of people with debt.
Tell the people that you thought they were stupid. Tell them you thought that if you 'borrowed' the message of Bernie Sanders and acted like you believed it that they were so damn gullible that they would fall for it. Tell the truth about yourself; tell them about selling out to your rich patrons; about the lies and bullshit and, most of all, about the contempt you and your Wall Street buddies have for the American people.
You may be shocked to get such advice, Hillary. You may well ask, "how can telling the truth help me get elected?" Well, it won't. Telling the truth won't help you. It's too late for you. But why not tell the truth anyway? Who knows? Maybe you'll feel better for it.

She wouldn't know how to tell the truth
and no one would believe her if she did.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
You say,
She can't. It runs in the family--she and 'Big Dog' are allergic to the truth!
Seriously, great to see you here, xubu--a hearty C99P welcome!
(Music City) Mollie
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."--Japanese Proverb
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Visit Us At Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Start telling the truth
Hillary wouldn't know the truth if it sat on her face. Sociopaths don't grasp that other people actually have some sort of moral compass. That is her fatal flaw. If you believe the reports of those in the Secret Service and others who have had to deal with Hillary, She is a classic. I believe Hillary has had her eight years in the HW. I believe she can be thanked for all the nasty legislation that has driven the country down. We expect that from the Republicans, but with a Democratic President masquerading as "First Lady", it comes as a surprise and takes some time to assimilate. I don't believe we got "co-presidents" when Bill/Hill entered the oval office. I believe Hillary ran the country for eight years, and I'm sure it chaps her A** that she can't claim that. Bill was too busy doing what Bill does best - hobnob with the great unwashed and chase women.
Her tell is that she can shift gears so rapidly and with absolute conviction in what she is telling you today, as opposed to what she said yesterday. Because of her contempt for the voting public, she just assumes that whatever comes out of her mouth will be met with the appropriate reverence from the little people that she counts on to buy what she is selling.
She believes she's never lied.
She's always tried to tell the truth. Always. Always.
[video: width:560 height:320]
…and she's going to do the best she can to level with the American people.
That is never a good conversation. How would that conversation go?:
"I'm going to level with you. Corporate profits are in danger, so you all are going to have to make do with less. You're innovative, strong peasants, so show us how great you all are by living with lower pay, and even fewer jobs, and less of many other things things so the rich can have more.
Oh yeah, production of bootstraps has been cut, so good luck finding any of those by which to pull yourselves up."
Hillary Clinton, giving all Americans the status quo Corporations can depend on!
"Level"ing with people smacks of condescension.
I'm going to level with you, meaning "I'm going to put this in a manner that I think you understand".
This is not quite cake eating peasants quality of stupidity, but close.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Liars don't give up lying.
They strive to perfect the skill.
or, in some cases.....
Or, in some cases, they strive to perfect the shill.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
She is very trying
The little guy really does look like Bernie.
"If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back" - Regina Brett
An old (ish) article that a tried and true liberal Facebook friend recently reposted as evidence of the rampant sexism against her. What, of course, is always ignored are two things: 1) Most of us also think her husband is a tool. He singlehandedly pushed me out of the D party in the mid 90s with his bizarre capitulation to the nasty conservative insurgency in 1995. It was only Bernie that brought me back and only a commitment on the party to redirect itself to the left that will keep me. All this is to say, it ain't her lady parts that make us have contempt for her; it's her brain and the hand she uses to reach out for six-figure personal checks and larger ones for their "foundation." 2) More important, and the above article exemplifies this, she IS a liar and they simply have no interest in exploring the depth and breadth of her fibs. Whether her ridiculous "mischaracterizations" of Bernie's statements, positions, or votes, her surrogates' more bald faced lies about him, or bizarre things like the sniper fire non-incident...she lies. This has been an issue since before Bernie entered the race and that she has turned her lies against someone who is an actual, decent human is a repulsive thing to witness.
But I've come to hate her for so much more: the waffling on major, easy decisions on energy, the environment, and trade; her disgusting performances when facing black critics (putting "their" problems on their shoulders rather than addressing basic institutional discrimination that lies behind so much of our society, or forcing the young woman out of her exclusive little cocktail tete a tete in South Carolina to avoid owning up to her history as a normal human would); her enjoyment of diplomacy that begins with bombing rather than negotiation; and her milquetoast responses to the public's economic anxiety.
She simply must lose this primary. No lie.
Agree, it's awful to watch her.
I've gotten so over the top about her lately it's shocking even ME. Watching her lie about, and trash, Bernie Sanders simply makes my blood boil. I don't watch their debates anymore. Just the little clips are infuriating. She tells some horrible lie and Bernie invariably looks shocked. You can just see him trying to deal with her garbage without sinking to her level. But the worst is the sneering contempt on her face and in her voice. She is so furious that he is presumptuous enough to get between her and power. I suspect almost all politicians at this high level are pathologically ambitious, but she simply can't hide it. I don't understand how the party of FDR could even consider making her its nominee.
Twain Disciple
To use an old phrase....she is as phony as a $3 bill
It hurts to watch her. She is disingenuous and creepy even when she may be saying something that I may agree with. I have watched her for years starting with the original interview where she and Bill talked about the Gennifer Flowers allegation. They sat their and denied them when of course they knew they were true. You just cannot believe anything she says and that is a proven fact. She just doesn't have the backbone to be President. We just do not know who she is.
Could we all just tell her to GO AWAY. GO far away. GO as far away as it is possible to go. We don't want to hear your voice. We don't want to watch your stupid wide open mouth startled looks of "ah, surprised" when you pretend to recognize someone in the audience, even tho you know & we know you know that we know that it's fake, and you can't see past the TV lights anyhow.
Would you go away if we said, PLEASE. That magic word all kids know about, PLEASE go away.
Hillary Windsock Clinton it is w-a-a-y past your sell by date, your use by date, any date.
Hillary Windsock Clinton you are so past being over, it is over to even say how over we are of hearing your name. You are done. Toast.
Like the parrot in the Monty Python pet shop, you are dead to us. Please don't make us stick a stake in what remains of your heart.
Please, go away.
Please let us elect the most powerfully wonderful human being we have had a chance to elect in decades,
President Sanders: an idea whose time has come.
ps. ( am I banned?)
You're on the wrong tab.
Sorry, Sorry, COULDN'T resist.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Some more constructive criticism.
Try avoiding the appearance of cronyism. You know what would go over incredibly well? Proclaiming that in order to PROVE you are not being influenced by your speech fees you're giving away the money. NO, Not to the Clinton Foundation, or the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. NO! Not the Democratic Party!. Come on, this isn't fucking rocket science.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Moulitsas would just argue that you're trying to tear her down.
And he'd be right. I've pointed this out in the comments sections here, three or four times now: there simply is no "constructive criticism" when it comes to Hillary Clinton. You must repeat the Lie of the Week, without further comment. There is no other way. I'm sure he can run a small, sectarian blog (think Motley Moose) this way.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
My subconscious has been working on all the sturm und drang
over at Kos and the whole motivation about the March 15th cut-off date for supporting Bernie and rallying behind the presumptive candidate, Clinton. People have pointed out that she should be at her comparative delegate count apex at that point which supports picking that date.
DK in general, the FP, and particularly Kos' own posts, have been functioning almost as a focus group for DNC/Clinton talking points in my opinion. Often I see these points repeated throughout the rest of the media after they have been previewed on Kos. It's the first place I saw "polling makes her inevitable", as well as "AAs/POC can't relate to him" and the creation of the Bernie Bro myth and the tear down of his civil rights background. I'm starting to think there's a process going on similar to "greenwashing" (Google definition - noun: greenwashing - disinformation disseminated by an organization so as to present an environmentally responsible public image. As in: "the recycling bins in the cafeteria are just feeble examples of their corporate greenwash"
By introducing and promoting these memes on Daily Kos, it's a form of running talking points through a "progressivewash" - "Look even Daily Kos says that Bernie can't relate to POC" thus cementing its bogus validity. Daily KOS has done a lot to promote the image of Bernie as a has-been would-be civil rights campaign aggrandizing one-issue isolated segregationist misogynist.
Even so, it hasn't worked and I think the Democratic PTB realize that swift boating Bernie isn't going as well as hoped and now they will just have to focus on strong-arming/shaming him into vacating the campaign prematurely by implying that he's robbing HRC of valuable time she could be spending on tearing down her Republican opponents by continuing his Man of La Mancha vanity campaign tilting at windmills. I think Kos sent out the first serious smoke signal that this is where we're headed now - get the old guy out now and let's rally around Hillary. I notice the MSNBC reporter following the Sanders campaign breathlessly asks at every opportunity "Are you staying in?" and then grimacing as she reports "Yeah, he's still staying in" to the disbelieving anchor.
I also think there is something else at play and that's the email investigation. I've read in a few places that the investigation is supposed to be wrapped up by May. Imagine the worst case scenario that Hillary and/or one or more of her aides are indicted. Her campaign would go down in flames immediately. The convention doesn't happen until July. I doubt very much that the party would like to see Bernie Sanders in a king-making position due to his delegate count at a contested or brokered convention. They don't want him to be the candidate by default. I think they see it as imperative to get him out of the running now so that they can then parachute into the nomination whomever they feel is best suited to run ( Biden and Warren?) while they still have enough super-delegates in hand to make it look legit.
Anyway, that's the theory I woke up with today.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Excellent thoughts
Not sure if Kos was the first with the inevitability meme but he was certainly among the very early adopters. I didn't see any floating of the over by March 15 meme prior to his general election footing post. (by anyone)
I've always had a suspicion that the parachuting in of Biden was a distinct possibility (affable fakesy folksy charm combined with absolute fealty to the banking industry). Can't see them wanting to push a Warren nomination though - that would be very counterproductive from their POV
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Interesting theory Phoebe
It kind of runs parallel to mine. I have noticed that all the talking points and arguments both for Hillary and against Bernie are scripted like robocalls. When the defenders of the inevitable one go off script their true authoritarian loving colors and nastiness come out. If dkos is being used as a focus group for the dnc/ clinton establishment they are having a hard time freeping it. I think it makes kos mad as hell that the insurrection in the D party is serious and real rift and people are not capitulating to the bullying or the messaging meme and bs. that her campaign is issuing.
The worst thing he could do to Clinton's campaign is exactly what he's doing. People are just not this stupid when confronted with bs. claims of racism, sexism, and inane illogical loops and tropes. It's ugly in a basic anti-humanist anti-democratic way. Not to mention I find it odious to use poc as a cudgel to elect a candidate who's policy's have and will continue to cause death and misery to people of color here in the US and globally. She believes it's worth it to promote her sick global and domestic agenda. That is why kos has decided any talk of issues, her history, policy or even what comes out of her arrogant mouth are RW talking points or tearing her down with 'shit'. The 'intent' of the poster bit was over the top. Thought crime straight out of Orwell or Brazil the movie. I also think the plug pulling on March 15th came from orders by the Dem. establishment higher ups.
I bet they never thought Bernie was a threat to the owners chosen candidate. Trump on the other hand is handy as he scares the pants off any sane voter. However Hillary scares me worse as she appears to be lass evil then him but to me she just hides her's better. So there you go the Lady or the Tiger pick your door and see what insanity and cruelty comes roaring out. This is the most overtly rigged primary election I have ever seen and I've seen some dozies. Hopefully the truth will out as nobody like to be strong armed and have their vote extorted because other wise nice country you got there. Especially when it isn't a nice country due to the powerful gangsters who own and run it. Interesting to see if his room clearing foaming brow beating works. It clearly didn't in MI which makes me proud of the people there.
I've been on dkos for years - too many. I have watched it compost into what it is today. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has made it crystal clear to even the most benighted that the DNC is all about Hillary and that DWS will move mountains to get Hillary into the WH. Now that many of us have cut the cable, it is possible to think clearly about what the hell is going on.
I would go so far as to say that Trump's run was originally intended to blunt a (reasonably sane) Republican candidate in favor of Hillary. As it turns out, the Republicans are even crazier than we could have dreamed and have latched on to Trump as true believers. I'm sure that Hillary and the Donald had the celebration party all planned when she was swept into the WH on a wave of anti-crazy Republican fervor. God knows what Donald was promised for his part in this charade. The crazier he is, the better they like him! Of course, in reality, Donald is far more sane than Ted Cruz who really scares the S**t out of me.
I thought I was the only one who had the thought that
Trump is only in the race to disrupt the Republican process. Trumps is likely to have to drop out when he has to testify in his many lawsuits so none of this makes sense.
I've been thinking the same thing for months.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Wow great analysis, Phoebe, you should pub it here
as a stand-alone essay for all to discuss.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
I totally agree that
Phoebe should publish her excellent comment as a stand alone diary. The analysis is spot on and is similar to something that has been eating away in the back of my mind.
I believe that the Clinton campaign is in real trouble over the emails and I think it is more than just the security breech aspect. I doubt that Clinton herself will be charged but I am willing to bet one or more of her top aides will take the fall for her (probably Sullivan and/or Abedin). Abedin is a principal in the Clinton Foundation too which is where this investigation might end up. As an aside, I have always wondered why people are so loyal to them. They use people up and toss them aside. Perhaps they are fearful of the notorious Clinton power and enemies list. Whatever comes of this, especially an indictment of anyone associated with Clinton, it will be a campaign killer, particularly in the general election.
I also think the uncle Joe B (not Warren) is plan B and this is why he has been conciliatory in his comments toward Bernie. The establishment will do whatever they can to keep Bernie out of the White House including throwing the election to the Rethugs. Bernie is the guy who has overtly exposed the Democratic party and the establishment Dems as corrupt.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks, someone else is more than welcome
to use the comment as a jump-off for a diary if they would like to have an expanded conversation. I have to be heading out in just a bit.
I actually paused before posting it because I could just imagine the chorus of "CT! Bannable! Off into the wilderness for you!" that would happen if I dared write that I wondered if Daily Kos was a meme laboratory for the DNC, but then I remembered, "Oh, I'm not in that box anymore."
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
To me, CT is simply the state in southern New England I lived in
My fellow experiment subjects — be ye humans, rats, or pigeons — know ye that this whole effort to use the “CT” label as a rhetorical electric shock, evoking an instant and automatic avoidance response as soon as it is brandished — is pure Skinnerian ’60s–70s industrial psychology.
Now, if you all will excuse me, I’m going to ignore GLaDWS for a while and go off and hug my Weighted Companion Cube.
Great points, Phoebe. The theory that I'm
hearing on XM Radio, is a variation of yours.
On the one hand, the Clinton Camp would like for Bernie to stay in to act as a foil. Or, to put it another way--they don't want FSC to have to take the slings and arrows (alone) from the remaining Republican candidates for months on end. So, to some extent, it would be useful to her, or serve her well, for Bernie not to drop out of the race prematurely.
Also, they want him to drive 'enthusiasm,' since she obviously is incapable of doing that.
But, they are also aware of the animosity of some in his Base towards her. And even though they would like to turn their sights toward the General Election, they are walking on egg shells in regard to trying to force him out.
Politico reporter Glenn Thrush, on XM's The Press Pool, reported that FSC's campaign--he didn't name names--intends to use Bernie to help her garner the youth vote by having him campaign in university/college towns, assuming she gets the nomination. I'm not sure that he would go that far, though, even if he's forced to half-heartedly endorse her (if he doesn't win, that is). And, Thrush didn't indicate that they had gotten Bernie's approval on this so-called plan.
Interesting thoughts. This election cycle is definitely not like any that I remember.
Have a good one.
(Music City) Mollie
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."--Japanese Proverb
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Visit Us At Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I'm having a hard time picturing Bernie campaigning for
Hillary. I'm not sure it would even be a good idea for her. It would just continually remind people that they really wanted him. You don't want the opening act to outshine the headliner.
(Mollie, I've been hitting the thumbs up to replies as a sort of hello! thanks for responding, nice to see you, but then realized you can't see who is giving the up ratings on this board, right? Also, is there anyway to track your comments to quickly see if there's a reply aside from just checking your own comments regularly? I'm not quite up to speed yet with this system. Maybe someone could open a HELP desk/thread for the newbies so we don't clog up discussion threads?)
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Having Bernie Campaign for Clinton
Would be the equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot with a machine gun on full auto.
The D party would do LONG term, irreversible damage to the idea of standing for anything other than power. Of course, if the idea is simply to make everybody stay home FOREVER, go for it.
And the only way to really check your comments is through your account. )No response notification AFAIK) So far the volume is down, but I agree it might be a useful future idea as we continue to grow.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
shooting yourself in the foot
(I realize it's semi-auto and in the knee, but still....)
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
It is hard to picture, Phoebe. That's 'why'
I made sure to add that Thrush mentioned her campaign 'wanting Bernie,' but that Thrush didn't indicate that Bernie has signed onto the Clinton campaign's so-called plan, or wish list.
I hope he doesn't, as well. She doesn't deserve his support, for one thing.
You know, tracking our comments (in our Account section) is the only way that I know of to see if there's been a reply to a comment. That's how I just found that you'd replied to mine. (And I've been around here since the inception, so it's gotten by me, if there's another method.) Some folks like to follow the 'content' or 'comment' streams. I prefer the content stream, between the two options.
If I'm not mistaken, Admin may be looking into trying to see if it is possible with Drupal, to set up something sorta like we had at DKos.
FWIW, you are always welcome to ask me questions, and I'm sure that goes for all of the 'old timers' here, that you find near at hand. At the bottom of the web page is a link to the list of Members, and the 'old' ones will obviously be the first members. I'd bet that you know each and every one of us!
Again, I'll happily answer anything that I can. There is also a FAQ in the upper right hand corner. And, a 'contact form' if you'd like to contact Admin (JtC or Joe) with more involved questions or requests.
You've always been one of my favorite diarists at the 'Old Place.' How diplomatic is that, now!
So, it's really great to see that you've joined us.
(I am sorry that I couldn't offer a better solution, regarding replies. If there's something that I don't know--and I wouldn't rule it out--hopefully, someone will correct me.)
(Music City) Mollie
"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive."
----Gilda Radner, Comedienne
National Mill Dog Rescue
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Thank you Mollie for the welcome.
I feel very liberated here. No walking on eggshells, no self-editing, no sycophants asking me why I'm on a Democratic site, blah blah blah. In just a couple of days I feel like I've participated in better and more interesting conversation than I have had in months and months elsewhere (you know where). So it's all good.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
You're very welcome-look forward to talking 'policy' with U. EOM
(Music City) Mollie at DKos
"Only he who can see the invisible, can do the impossible."--Frank L Gaines
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
No kidding
I made one comment on DK last week after years of lurking. HRED immediatrly with no response from moderators. With this site announcing itself there almost simultaneous to my bsnishment, it has made this place seem heavenly! Thanks to everyone involved.
Well, we're glad you've joined our community, NWIA. A
special 'welcome' to you.
Hey, that's surreal--getting banned after just one comment. Of course, that place seems to be 'coming off the rails,' lately. So nothing really surprises me.
I hope you don't let it bother you. You're in a 'cool' place, now.
Looking forward to seeing you comment. (And post, if you'd like.)
(Music City) Mollie
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."--Japanese Proverb
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Visit Us At Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
tracking comments
used to be easy when we were a smaller group, but now I am having problems myself doing that. I am not sure if or when we will have that ability any time soon. I know right now JtC (Johnny the Conqueroo), who is our primary administrator, is working on moving us to an upgraded server.
We have been in existence for over one year with a relatively stable membership. Then over this past weekend, we went from less than 200 members to quadruple that in three days. We had expected that some people might come here during the primaries, but I do not believe anyone expected this volume of people. We are asking everyone for their patience.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
As far as I can tell,
tracking responses (or seeing if there have been any responses, in order to, well, respond!) to your own comments isn't possible. You can go to your account and look at your own comment list, but you have to click on each comment there and then see if there've been any replies.
That would be a great feature to have.... the ability to see if you've gotten a reply, I mean. Something for the future, perhaps?
But no complaints, truly, this place is great!
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
Great to see you here, Lisa! A hearty C99P 'welcome'!
I've seen you around, but never got to say 'hello.' Great to have you here!
(Music City) Mollie
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."--Japanese Proverb
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Thanks, UL
It feels quite homey and cozy, all the furniture fits, and I love what they've done with the windows!
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
Those are plausible words,
"greenwashing", and "progressivewashing", but I think the term you are really looking for is "Swiftboating".
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Interesting, PL
Think that the FBI, or who ever, wouldn't be granting immunity to an ex member of her staff who installed the system if there wasn't a Grand Jury in the very near future. Also, Judge Sullivan, who was appointed by Bill Clinton, kharma or irony or both? said something about wanting to know the "motive" for setting up the private server in her Chappaqua home.
Think Bernie is definitely staying in to the convention. He's a fighter. We see the pictures of the crowds he's attracting. Can you imagine the responsibility he must feel now, looking out at those crowds, feeling that enthusiasm, seeing the hope he's generated in our being able to change the system.
No matter how much the DNC/DLC may not want him to be the candidate, they also saw what he/we did in MI. He's staying in. Think if the pledged delegate counts are nearly even, the Super Delegates/DNC know they'd be committing suicide to give it to Clinton.
Also, think you over estimate power of Kos.
It is the Clinton hubris. They are entitled and anyone who gets in their way is an enemy.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
We're not giving Hillary hell.
We're merely telling the truth, and Markos thinks it's hell!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I agree, there is no constructive criticism
It would be different if Hillary had her heart in the right place and there were just some particular issues that I didn't like. But that's not the case. I somehow doubt Markos would agree see the following as constructive criticism:
Please work on behalf of the people of this nation rather than the plutocrats and corporations. Thanks.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
How do you constructively criticize a pathological liar?
You don' avoid them and you certainly don't elect them President.
Constructive advice for Hillary
-Try to avoid chasing the excesses of life. That half a million you're going to get from someone who's going to use your power to fuck millions of Americans out of their homes/jobs/health isn't worth it in the end. You will sleep better.
-Try to avoid striking out to enrich your owners. We don't need to bomb everyone around the world just cause it helps the bottom line. Wouldn't it be better just to give out free money to the MIC and pay them to not build bombs than to build them and then have to find places to drop them? Think of it like how we pay farmers to not grow tobacco.
-Try to use better judgement in your daily decisions. When the State Department is willing to take all the responsibilities including security for your daily email system, let them. They know better than you how to keep your emails out of the hands of the 'enemy', plus, if they screw up, it's not on you. This is a pattern in both yours and your husbands lives. Endlessly making poor decisions. My advice to you is to buy a little hut in Tahiti with that $150 million and retire. Spend a little time with your extraordinary grandchild but what ever you do, stop making important decisions, you're not that good at it.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
The email thing
is SO unnecessary. The problem is that the Clintons are sneaks. Government correspondence is subject to the Freedom of Information Act, and I think it's pretty clear Hillary got off the government server to avoid that federal law.
Twain Disciple
OMFG!! yes, kharma!!!
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Constructive Criticism of Clinton and Support for Clinton
was given today on Amy Goodmann's show by Cornel West and Dolores Huerta and by Melina Abdullah from Black Live Matters, who doesn't endorse a candidate. There are transcripts for the discussion and I am not excerpting it. If you have time I would listen to the whole thing.
I'm not sure I'd trust Dolores Huerta
after she torched her credibility with the "English Only" lie, and never so much as no-pologized for it. (Over There we're not allowed to say "she lied" - it must be "she misheard, misinterpreted, misspoke".)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Motives of the sacred spokespeople must never be questioned...
Sometimes I just want to quote Clue, but nobody on the internet seems to have seen that old movie...
"You ALL had a Motive."
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Love that movie... favorite of the three endings was When Wadsworth turned out to be the F.B.I.
Myths and legends die hard in America--Hunter Thompson
Think that was 2 of the 3 endings...
Spoiler Alert, sorry...
In the 3rd it was Mr. Green... Who was played by the Phenomenal Michael McKean...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
my comment doesn't say that I think she is trustworthy
I don't know her. And I see that many latinos are to the leftist socialist democrats what some Indians (people from India and Indian's ethnicity inside African countries) have been to the revolutionary Africans, who fought for their independence. In between. Splitting. Too sad.
Listen that whole issue is too touchy for me, because whatever I try to say will probably misunderstood.
She's not untrustworthy,
just old. See my comment in EB.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
I'm old.
She is untrustworthy.
Hey, buddy!
Good to see you.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
It's fun
to be able to call a lie a lie. What a strange thing about American politics the lair lie word is not allowed. In the UK they seem to get in big brouhahas in Parliament and shout the L word freely. another thing that's silly here is the 'My esteemed colleague....' bit that the pol's say to each other regardless of how undeserving of esteem the pol they are debating with is. Democratic pols in DC carry this too far and they suck as the loyal opposition. Perhaps by design. My jaw dropped when during Gonzo's nomination for AG, DiFi said she voted for the chief torturer as he was a nice man. right.
I'm sure Gonzo is a very nice man in between torture sessions
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Cornel West has some terrific quotes in this discussion
and I stand fully behind what he says. It's just sad that so many of the Latino and Afro-American community can't get around to understanding what he is saying. It splits the Democrats and the system doesn't allow for any political revolution a la Sanders to happen, unless the system is changed. It can't be changed, because the electoral system doesn't allow it. So the movement must come from the streets and quite literally, if that were to happen, there will be blood. West knows that. People might die.
It's scary, dangerous and frightening, but probably unavoidable.
for all their talk about throwing people under the bus...
they seem to forget what they've done to Cornel West, Glenn Greenwald, Jane Hamsher, Edward Snowden, Michael Moore, Keith Olbermann and anyone else who dared to criticize either Prez Obama or Flying Spaghetti Clinton.
Amen, so right /nt
So true
When you work against the machine, "they" do not like it.
Over time I came to understand why criticizing
President Obama became so fraught.
I finally "got" that it was incredibly important to many people, especially POC, that President Obama be viewed as a success because of the momentous historical barriers he smashed in becoming the first AA President. I think many people, I will include myself, saw ourselves as simply conforming with past practices concerning complaining ardently, vehemently, bitterly or however -ly about policies which we saw as divorced from the man Barack Obama. In fact, most critics attempted somewhat vacuously to preface their criticism with a lame intro along the lines of "I like President Obama BUT . ." and then launch into the critique. To all the people who were so personally invested in President Obama as a leader and a ground breaker and a transformative historical figure, the lame intro didn't matter one whit - you were criticizing and attempting to debase and demean the Obama Presidency, like he wasn't doing a good enough job. It was an example of white privilege to not understand this - President Obama was not just another President and his critics were fools for not understanding and predicting and being sensitive to the feelings they would trigger by acting like he was. I thought my criticism was actually a display of my white liberalism in action - look! he's just another President to me, etc. but that's not how it always played to those supporters on the receiving end. I can see how vociferous criticism could absolutely make people, especially POC, believe that an underlying subtext was racism, whether conscious or unconscious. I finally got that President Obama was the President he wanted to be or chose to be or was able to be and my vision of what he should be didn't really play any part in the outcome.
This is not to say that I still don't think a fair number of President Obama's policies and practices deserve and deserved criticism, they do. I just understand the dynamics of the playing field much better than I once did. I credit a poster at Daily Kos who once wrote an incredibly powerful article about what it was like to grow up as a black man and to get "the talk" (about how to simply stay alive in a white world). I really felt like the scales fell from my eyes and dropped at my feet.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
I appreciate your thoughts on this subject, but can't agree
with your conclusion.
Once someone becomes the most powerful leader on the face of the earth, they no longer should ever be treated with kid gloves, no matter their race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation.
The people we need to stand up for are those hurt by Obama's policy. Obama is the Commander in Chief of the greatest military machine on the face of the earth. I'm quite sure that he can handle any criticism that a bunch of peons like us can dish out.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
I didn't really reach a conclusion
it's more like I came to an understanding. Part of that understanding was that you would make a lot more headway in an argument, let's take chained CPI, if you simply focused on the policy and didn't even attach it to President Obama. For instance, if you wrote a diary called "Why President Obama is Wrong About Chained CPI" vs. "Why CPI Is a Stealth Benefits Cut" without even mentioning the President, you would change a lot more minds and have a much better discussion than you would with the other title.
I've never held back from criticizing the President on policy but I understood a lot more the motivation of some of his defenders, that's all. Realizing that he didn't want to be the President I wanted him to be was also a bit of an epiphany. Ditching the public option, promoting chained CPI and the sequestration were all eye-openers.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Absolutely right.
The drone campaign, especially, is worthy, demands criticism. No matter what color his skin is.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
And thus, the left was -- and is -- trapped in a Catch-22.
Obama told us that he would need us to "make" him bring the change we hoped for.
Well ... how could we possibly do that without driving a public debate about shortcomings in his administration's governance?
So now we're told that African Americans won't vote for Sanders -- and that no good Democrats should vote for Sanders -- because Sanders suggested that someone primary Obama in 2012. Well, what better way to follow through on Obama's own imperative?
I've never seen anything close to the disrespect that Obama was shown by the Republicans -- yet he worked harder to make them happy than to make me happy, and I donated more to his campaign than to all other campaigns in my entire life. Meanwhile, millions of African Americans and Democratic Party tribalists are ticked off at people like me for criticizing Obama. Well, here's an uncomfortable question that bears investigation: What was the turnout of the African American vote in 2010? The single biggest constraint on Obama, the thing that left him at the public mercies of savage pigs whose first purpose in every waking day was to not only thwart but humiliate him, was the electoral catastrophe of 2010 -- which also put millions of citizens -- including plenty of African Americans -- under the miserable malgovernance of Walker, Kasich, Snyder, Scott and LePage. The lie that the New Democrats tell the world -- and most significantly, themselves -- is that it was pouty pony-wanting purity progressives who withheld their votes in 2010. That's bunk. It was the ordinary, semi-interested voter, the ones who only ever follow the Presidential popularity contest, who stayed home, for the simple reason that the President didn't get the hell out there and rally the vote in the name of his agenda and his legacy.
I just made a small effort to extract some of this data from the census bureau's voting reports, and although I'm not sure I'm reading the tables correctly, this is what I think I see:
(ARGHH, UPDATED WITH MAJOR EDIT: I originally typed "2012 turnout" instead of "2010 turnout". These numbers are all about the 2010 mid-term implosion.)
2008 turnout, white(non-hispanic)=59.6, african american=60.8
2010 turnout, white(non-hispanic)=47.8, african american=40.7
That's the whole story, right there. By failing to get back out and re-engage the African American electorate in his cause, Obama let history slip through his hands -- and even worse, he hung the rest of us out to dry, writhing under the torturous malfeasances of gerrymandered Republican crime syndicates. In Milwaukee County in 2008, where the vast majority of Wisconsin's African Americans live, Barack Obama received 320K votes. 2 years later, Democrat Tom Barrett received 210K Milwaukee county votes, en route to a 125K statewide vote loss to Scott Walker. By contrast, McCain polled 149K votes in Milwaukee County, versus 128K for Walker.
This is the price the Democrats pay for playing Identity Politics.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
The "Party of the people" will never benefit
from dividing the people into opposing camps.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Great analysis.
Hillary Clinton's substance-free identity politics are divisive and calculated to make it difficult for any nominee to win in the fall. But they are all she's got. She can probably outdo Bernie with the rank and file of the party on one issue, and one issue only: gun control. Not that he's bad on that, but her policy is fiercer (at least now; I recall her being so fond of guns in 2008 that Obama called her Annie Oakley). Otherwise, she seeks to win by stirring up hatred and prejudice where it doesn't exist, and SHOULDN'T. It's horrifying to watch her turn Democrats against each other by suborning respected, high profile members of groups so they can mislead those who trust them. It isn't new this cycle, either. I recall in 2008 poor old Geraldine Ferraro, who so many of us respected, "supporting" Hillary Clinton by saying Obama was only doing so well because he's black. She was roundly trashed for it. Apparently nobody blamed Hillary. Every time Hillary runs hostility rises among people who should be allies. It is almost unbearably creepy that her followers are fine with this.
Twain Disciple
Unless HRC has a fundamental change in her
understanding of Democratic Party electoral dynamics, a Clinton victory in 2016 will bring a Republican tide in 2018 that will wipe out the Democrats at both the state and federal levels.
But she'll still be in the White House, so, that's all good. SCOTUS SCOTUS SCOTUS!
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Bad, bad, bad
I wouldn't vote for Clinton if she were running against Attila the Hun.
Think the only way to possibly save the Democratic Party from the clutches of the Clintons & the DLC is to have her be defeated if she is the nominee.
my advice for Hillary
take a long walk every day, do some stretching exercises, maybe run once in awhile
get some good LSD and make sure you take it in a comfortable environment. That can be either indoors with friends (if you have any) or a good natural setting. Golden Gate Park might be ideal or perhaps Muir Woods.
Forget "power tripping". Shut out that world and let it go.
Avoid fatty foods and too many carbs.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Hillary tripping might be a good thing.
Maybe she would have an awakening and turn into Bernie Sanders.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Nah, it would literally blow her head up.
I just spewed some tea on my screen.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I know most of us have seen this
but it seems this would be a good spot for it.
Progressive to the bone.
My advice would be for her to give up running for
President and go get fitted for a nice orange jumpsuit.
Implicit in the phrase "Constructive Criticism"
Is that the object of the criticism could somehow take the criticism to heart, and do something to address the problem at hand.
In the current context, this is preposterous. Any legitimate and meaningful criticism of Hillary Clinton as a candidate can only represent flaws that she simply cannot mitigate, other than becoming somebody other than Hillary Clinton.
The only kind of advice that could possibly satisfy Markos's criteria would be advice to conceal, deceive and dissemble.
For example, "Don't tack left after the primary!" is simply a plea for Clinton to pretend that she will govern other than as she will. Does anyone honestly think that she will change anything about how she will actually govern because some passionate progressives ask, politely or otherwise?
For another example, "Don't ever accept another phone call from Henry Kissinger," represents a fucking bottom-line litmus test for me -- I mean really, this one still just blows my fucking mind whenever I contemplate it. Well guess what? HRC is never going to stop accepting HFK's phone calls, or his advice, or his hospitality, because she doesn't fucking get that he's fucking evil, and his ideas are fucking evil, and his objectives are fucking evil, and evil evil evil fucking evil evil.. What hope is there for progress, incremental or otherwise, from someone who hasn't realized that she's chilling out with, and being mentored by, a fucking sociopath?
Et. Fucking. Cetera.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.