The GBCW that is too good.
So I wrote it. I sat there, thinking about it. Reread it. Reread it again. And then realized it was too good. The intended audience won't listen. If they do, it won't change their minds.
But Dammit, It deserves to be out there. So, here's the GBCW Kos and his ilk don't get to read unless they come over here. Because, to put it in a vulgar yet horribly appropriate manner. Fuck Em if they can't take a joke.
GBCW (Get Bent, Censor Website)
So, there I was, trying to think of a nice, diplomatic way to end my stay here at Kos, and realized that you are really not worth the effort. If you're going to be spending your time policing thought for microagressions and numerous other little violations of your speech policy, you're really no better than the neighborhood Ms. Grundy. Yeah, sitting there on your fainting couch, clutching your pearls and lecturing me on how what is said is "Problematic", in the same way that you'd discuss how your poodle Flotsie isn't taking to paper training properly.
You want to talk about my privilege when you have the "right" to talk about who gets to say what words. That's a stunning lack of self awareness right there.
You want to talk about my "racism" when you literally are discussing how the degree of melanin in your system excludes certain people from ever talking about why they voted the way they did. Mr Pot? I have a Ms. Kettle on Line 2 who wants to talk about your characterization of her hue.
You want to discuss how it is imperative to remember that voting for genitalia is the only thing that separates us from true enlightenment, while condemning those who suggest that a female might be just as horrible as a man. Yeah sure, I'll fix the speck in my eye while you sign for your beam delivery.
In essence, there is one word that sums up your site's management, and your politics in general. That word is hypocrisy. I don't need or want to tiptoe around being nice to a person with a management approved position, whilst management proudly proclaims me to be a fucking moron for disagreement. Not a basic moron, apparently I was deserving of the Fucking modifier, for reasons that have been heretofore unstated. That reason is of course, "Because I said so" which even my kids won't let fly. Speaking of which, I really pity your kids. If this is the way you think to discipline and shame adults into doing what they are told, I fear greatly what you would do with a child. I guess MY method of calmly and rationally explaining my decisions takes too much time.
Now, I would be remiss in not acknowledging the great benefits that your site has provided me. I got the right to be on the rec list a bunch of times. Whoot. And I got a month's rent one time when the shit hit the fan, thanks to your members. Also helped me move to Portland, which was the best move of my life. I'd like to point out that Management had exactly ZERO shits to give about my situation, and in fact had actively discouraged members from helping each other in favor of tossing money at nebulous charities. I think I saw a rec or two from you, and that was nice. Never mind bothering to actually do anything that actually involves some effort. I get that you're all about the elections, but dammit, when your membership is the only thing salvaging my opinion of your site, you might want to rethink some policies.
So, I leave for greener pastures. And while you congratulate yourselves for losing yet another "Racist" "Sexist" "White" guy, I'd like you to take a second and think what you're also losing.
You're losing a guy who was willing to get fired to speak out against Medicare part D, and the untold Misery that brought to the poor of Wisconsin. You're losing a Bisexual Man who was willing to go to bat for issues of visibility. You're losing a former classmate of the former president of the NAACP. You're losing a wounded Iraq veteran. You're losing a History Major. You're losing an English Major. You're losing an actor, a writer, a single father and a politically active man. You're losing somebody who is willing to speak on the policies of this country on the poor and how they directly lead to homelessness. You're losing first hand accounts of homelessness, to boot. You're losing a feminist.
While you celebrate at losing a label YOU MADE UP, you're losing the real person you attached it to.
(Apologies on the music repeat Here. I never used it over at GOS because I didn't want to deal with the "OMG 10 white guys, RACIST/SEXIST" commments" But I would use it in a heartbeat for a final diary)

Well done...and their loss is our gain.
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
I find it interesting I was discussing Heinlein yesterday, and remembered a story about his first sale. He felt his work was too good to waste on a crappy contest and instead sold it. Kinda how I felt when I finished this.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Heinlein, eh
I thought I recognized Mrs. Grundy.
"Life begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite"
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
I admit freely to stealing the imagery.
What's the old saying? Good artists are inspired...
Great artists STEAL and have no qualms about admitting it.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
They told me at
art school to steal obscurely and make it your own. On the shoulders of giants you know.
same thing for me
when I was majoring in graphic arts...
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Neil Armstrong had a better one.
He was tossing a baseball around and accidentally threw it into the yard of a neighbor.
As he snuck between the bushes to find it, he heard Mrs. x and Mr. x arguing:
"A blow job? When that dumb kid next door lands on the moon!"
Apparently when he landed and stepped out on the lunar surface, he did make a comment something like "good luck, Mr. x." And NASA was not quite sure why he did it, except for his best friends in the flight crew.
Mr. Gorsky
Good Luck, Mr. Gorsky!
I am very glad
I didn't lose the ability to hear your voice, detroitmechworks.
That voice is one of the reasons I was able to endure the viciousness as long as I did.
Thank you for every word you ever wrote
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
I sometimes felt like Bernie over there...
I rarely went negative, despite the crap swirling around. The temptation was always there however, and when it did come out it scared me how effective being an asshole was.
Never again, if I can help it.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Having read you (avidly, I freely admit) over there...
I don't remember you ever being negative. I'm sure, the way that you write, that I'd have remembered (and probably cringed for whomever provoked your sure to have been cutting response) and then I'd have silently applauded your wit and your words.
You've never disappointed me yet, and I am so glad you're here. Glad, in fact, that there are so damn many fine people here. The 'creme de la creme', as it were, all the folks that I've followed and tipped and rec'd and admired for years.... over a decade,in fact, since joining back in '05. It feels quite homey, and I am grateful beyond words that we have this place to enjoy.
Thanks for the GBCW, and it would have been a h00t, had you published it over yonder, but it would have fallen on profoundly deafened ears. I do get their problem, though. It's just so hard to hear clearly, when your fingers are jammed to the wrist into your ears while you're screaming LA la la La LA!
Peace, and thanks (again) for (another) great diary!
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
I tended to be a jerk...
On Gun Control issues. I had almost NO patience with the RKBA crowd after I tried to meet them halfway and got stonewalled with semantic games and demands that I concede the point before we had agreed on the rules of the debate. The fact that the leader of that little clique quoted the Institute for Historical Review just made my blood boil. (I feel it important to be honest about my failings. )
Thank you though for your kind words. I agree that I'm seeing almost all the voices that I took the time to read. I miss a few of the old timers who are sadly no longer with us anywhere, but that's what happens with the passage of time.
I hope to keep writing, because it's truly what does make me happy. Glad I found the audience that appreciates me, calls me on my bullshit when needed, and makes me WANT to keep writing.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
That's the thing.... that
That's the thing.... that wanting, nay needing to write. If that's not there, it sucks.
Glad you've landed here and that your audience approves!
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
Love it! Thanks for posting this here and not there.
Those asshole admins locked me out of kosmail because I was inviting folks to join over here.
Fuck 'em seriously fuck 'em. There are great folks over there and Kos isn't one of them.
Thou shalt not Hunt the King's Deer...
Now where have I heard that before...
Ah hell with it. ARRRR!!!!
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
No hunting of swans either. They belong to royals
in some constructed reality. Although I suspect swan is not that good as meat protein, and they are mean and big for serfs.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
now i know what happened when I wandered there to invite someone to join here and the subreddit. I got it now.
Don't believe everything you think.
Somebody needs to photoshop
Kos into a Game Warden's Hat with a sign saying "Membership Poachers will be SHOT."
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Unfreaking real and I love it. They are afraid of us!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Dakrle, might it be
that your last diary got some HR's thrown into the tip jar? I looked at your profile, over at GOS, and it still shows you with 3 bars of mojo and not on TO or NR or anything, so you're 'still' at TU.... all those letters
Anyways, there's nothing visable that would explain why you can't access your kosmail. Oh well, filed under "things that make you go hmmmmmmm?"
I plan on being here, there, and at MO's reddit sub, because GOS is something I'm willing to fight for, (and I'm willing to accept an apology from Markos, cuz that's the way I, not holding my breath, you understand!) but this, this place here, is a gem! And the reddit thingy isn't as user friendly but has lots of great folks, too.
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
w00t! Well said, from one vet to another.
Well done. You followed the ageless advice: "Write the angry letter, then burn it and move on." In your case, you wrote the angry letter, then Berned it here on C99, and now you can move on. Its wunnerful. Cheers, mate, from a Canadian and South African vet.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Exactly my thought process.
No reason to give them the satisfaction of the GBCW.
They were actually complaining that everybody seems to have just left without saying anything...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Right on, mate. So they
Right on, mate. So they complained folks left without notice!!! That is too funny. The bubble is impermeable
BTW, I sure hope your VA has you covered. Our VA in Canada is really trying hard to extend it's coverage. I'm grateful, because I damned well need help.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
For the most part.
VA really varies from state to state and town to town.
Portland VA is awesome and I will state that with no hesitation. Not only do they treat you, they do it with respect, which has been a rare experience for me in CA...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
That's real good to hear
I'm glad the Portland VA is on the ball. Our VAC is federal, so vets get the same services coast to coast. Enjoy your day, mate.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
My VA clinic in Florida (Viera) is great too.
Everyone is professional, polite, and caring.
I think they have gotten a bad rap because the GOP want to dismantle and privatize them.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
It shows up in the BIG VA's
Bigger cities tend to have a bigger collection of problems, after all.
What I find interesting though is how the VA seems to reflect the attitude of the populace. If the populace doesn't care much about vets, (OR wants them shunted out of the way as fast as possible) the VA care diminishes.
My former home town was obsessed with "Helping" veterans... Into 12 step/monitored living situations where even legal medication would be forbidden if not properly approved by the DEA and any sex would get you kicked out. (NOT kidding on the last part. Sometimes rules are just... nuts.)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Great to see you here--a hearty C99P welcome!
Question: I wonder if I might 'pick your brain' a bit, the next time that I write about the ongoing privatization of the VA System?
(It strikes home for us, too. I plan to post a video of Republican Senator Johnny Isakson talking about having 'cracked the glass ceiling' when the partial-privatization was passed in 2014. More on that later.)
Anyhoo, even though Mr M is a Category 3 veteran, he's not sought care using his VA rating/benefit yet (he's well-insured, and has had no particular need to do so, yet), so when I write about the VA System, I'm usually going by what I read in the mainstream media, the VA website, and hear/watch on C-Span.
Also, from what I've experienced as a recently retired career federal employee (who oversaw many social services organizations, including mental health and D&A, on a military installation). IOW, some of my info is 'dated.'
I wouldn't ask anything personal--just about the nature of the services you receive. Especially, in regard to whether they are received at the VA, or are contracted out. Hey, if you'd rather not, I'd understand. (I do not wish to put you on the spot, in any way.)
And, I've suspected that they have grossly exaggerated the "VA Problem" for just the reason you stated.
Again, welcome!
(Music City) Mollie
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."--Japanese Proverb
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Visit Us At Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Ask away.
I think the was at least partially addressed to me, so I'll respond.
I have no problem talking about both the good AND bad of the VA. Lots of similarities to the military, in that respect.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
You are correct, Sir! (DMW) ;-) Seriously,
I had every intention of directing you to this comment, and soliciting your ideas, as well.
So, thank you!
(It won't be today, but likely within the next 4-8 weeks; at your convenience, of course.)
And thanks for your excellent diary, as well.
Have a good one!
(Music City) Mollie
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."--Japanese Proverb
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
lol, damned if you do and damned if you don't
Monday Feb 29 i posted about the rank hypocrisy of Kos' first warning. Was asked why I was there. So i quietly left. now they complain that we don't announce our departure. I say, "fuck that shit". cannot have it both ways. I think my gripe was the obligatory rah rah for HRC coupled with the smack down of asking POC why they'd chose her. So they want to cram her down our throats but we are not allowed to ask wtf? so i left. for good. just sneaked away
Don't believe everything you think.
Nicely ranted. I concur.
Rivers are horses - and kayaks are their saddles
I would delete the kid segment.
Mentioning children of a particular person may be a bad call-out, and what you said will raise hackles and dilute your message IMHO.
Otherwise, YES! It is an eye-opener that we were being entrained, until we weren't.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Good thing I didn't name names then.
And to me it's kind of the opposite of "Kiss your Mother with that mouth?"
But you're probably right on that being the one focus point that can and would be taken out of context by the MSM.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Agree. Dragging parenting
Agree. Dragging parenting into it will set off a lot of tangents.
(Not that Club Hill will have any problem finding tangents, but no sense giving them one for free.)
Agree, but not going to edit it here.
Because let's be honest, it was a expression of anger.
I accept the constructive criticism, and probably could cut those two lines out, or modify the intent to be less of a personal insult.
(See, THIS is how you do constructive criticism, for all the new folks!)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Their loss is our gain
So glad you're here and that I get to read your musings daily. I'm only trekking over*there* for BNR now and I soon hope for that to be crossposted so I can remove the GOS from my news list entirely.
This is reminding me a lot of when my better half and I got rid of TV. My mood has vastly improved in the last four days (the MI win helped with that, no doubt) and I no longer have this fixation on what nebulous "experts" are saying when I'm not paying attention. Its a good addiction to get rid of. Although if anyone touches my coffee, bloodshed may ensue...
The corporate internet takeover...
was pretty subtle.
Started with search results, then content, and soon the entire web feels like a big corporate advertisement.
So, yeah, here's to dumping the propaganda overboard!
Apologies but Pirate Metal has been on my brain and playlist recently.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I love Alestorm!
I was actually going to use "Drink" to open my live blog tonight but you beat me to it and I don't want to feel repetitive, lol!
I think we need to do a drinking game where every time Hillary lies we take a drink!
Then again, that may not be such a good idea, I don't know if my liver could take it...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Here in Liberal Oregon...
I'd suggest a bong hit for every lie.
I'd also suggest having Dominos on Speed-dial.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
And BTW, Alestorm IS awesome.
Gotta love a Scottish Metal band that doesn't take itself seriously at all.
Hell, I just love people who don't take themselves seriously. Seen Metalachi?
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Fuckin' brilliant, man
Months ago, I wrote out a rant in a similar vein titled "Does DKos need Trigger Warnings?".
Decided not to post it, but I might resurrect it soon. I've actually seen Hillary supporters referring to the pro-Clinton pieces as their "safe space". The fuck?
“I'll show you politics in America. Here it is, right here. 'I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs.' 'I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking.' 'Hey, wait a minute, there's one guy holding out both puppets!'”- Bill Hicks
DK people are only "safe" when they're with Hilleryites who think the 1%'s trade policies are actually good for working people.
Twain Disciple
Victim culture.
There's a rise among certain groups of people (With Publicists) to always portray themselves as the victim.
Considering the MSM reinforces and supports this behavior at the expense of REAL victims, it's not surprising to see the crowd over there co-opting the tactic.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
only some would think so, if left on their own
sure we see people like Tony Situ (who might be several people, I'm not a team that takes turns posting DNC style stuff) who are very much right of center Democrats but we also have those who will parrot whatever they're told. If Hillary says she likes something then they like it, too. Thus we get "no free college!" and "single payer is bad and will raise taxes!".
The "safe space" thing was *incredibly* offensive.
1. Totally trivialized real suffering. Equating comments on the internet with beatings and gaslighting and rape? No. Just no. Jesus Christ.
2. The sideways implication that Sanders supporters are abusers. Again, WTF.
The "safe space" thing probably got my hackles up more than anything in the past year.
It is irritating
and really is to be pitied. If they cannot make an argument, what can we expect but "safe spaces" where they don't have to? The parallels to Faux Noise are right there too. Really, really sad that supposed Democrats don't see that.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Great GBCW! I'm glad you posted it here, because I don't like going over there. It's like Redstate for me. I feel kind of sick after I read it.
Twain Disciple
If anybody wants to crosspost it...
They're more than welcome to.
Even put my name on it if you want.
Not gonna bother going there any more...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
for sharing with us.
Progressive to the bone.
Posting it on the only place I support.
Thanks for letting me know what you thought though... Means a lot to me.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
You should post this on GOS anyway.
They should be forced to acknowledge what they are losing.
Now that you've set the standard, I've got to come up with some awesome GBCW diary of my own.
I'm expecting a classic!
Twain Disciple
i disagree
they are tone deaf. this is a gorgeous rant and right on the money. Let's cherish it here.
Don't believe everything you think.
Sorry I was unclear
I did not mean to suggest that anyone should post anything on DK. I meant only that gjohnsit's GBCW would be a classic. I would hope for the privilege of reading it here!
Twain Disciple
I agree, hester! (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I don't want to give them my content for free...
I mean, if I got enough requests here, I'd do it, but only as a favor to my friends HERE.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Here's such a request.
Sp far, doing good on my personal goal...
Of writing EVERY single day.
Just have to make sure that I don't fall into the depression where I quit for a year or two. That would be ... bad.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Hear, Hear!
and here. here also. I agree it is too good, no need to throw your pearl's at the swine. The mockery and abuse of people by the mean spirited authoritarian bullies that are given free range at dkos should not be fed. Let them fester in the fear and hatred and when it all shakes out they will get the site they deserve.
You remind me that I still
owe you and the kids lunch -- maybe if Mr. Scribe and I make it up to Portland one of these decades (I've got a niece and great-niece up there plus some friends, so it's not beyond the realm of possibility).
Despite the politics of the management, one can admire how the community came together in times of crisis, whether it was getting someone rent for a month, paying a vet bill for a sick cat or dog, or grieving the death of a member. One reason I'm still reserving the right to return after all this primary crap is over is because it is a community -- it's easy to ignore the folks at City Hall (the front pagers) and simply concentrate on the neighborhood (the diaries).
Hence why I'm posting exclusively over here.
That community is dying. Quickly.
It takes years to build up a level of trust, and watching the site management squander that is heartbreaking.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I wonder
what navajo and MB think about how kos just blew up all their community building efforts. I will still go there because I was gifted a lifetime membership and there are people I care about, but I am avoiding most of what is going on over there.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
They had their own little posse,
and that group may have been how the Social Justice Warrior (aka Butthurt Brigade, aka Injustice Collectors) disease infected DKos in the first place. All the things you were Not Allowed To Say regarding Native Americans, all the eggshells you had to walk on to TRY to avoid their hypersensitive bunions (and it usually didn't work anyway), etc. etc. etc.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Good point...
Once the censorship starts, where do you draw the line?
(Personally, I'd draw it at rewriting history, but there are those who will defend that as well. )
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Meteor Blades and navajo ... staying out of it
I may not know what exactly happened between Meteor Blades and let's say the founders of this site, like Joe and JtC. I don't know what really caused the wounds and scars some people might have gotten that pushed them to create this site. I haven't followed it and it's hard for me to get the picture of it by some hints and comments here and there to reconstruct it.
All I can see is that Meteor Blades doesn't take "online revolutionaries shouting some anti-imperialist slogans around" seriously. Navajo once said she doesn't like those "pitchfork" people much. Ok, I don't blame them for it.
I have watched posters, who were clearly not "socialist or democratic socialist" oriented a while ago, make a turn and now timidly admit to be Bernie supporting democratic socialists. So, people say a lot of things that are not that much written in stone. What they now say is also not written in stone. So, flip-flopping is just a feature among people who would like play a role in the political/activist arena.
But I really wonder, has Meteor Blades ever commented on Black Kos or Denise Oliver-Velez diaries? I happen to not remember they have, but I am not sure, because I didn't pay attention to it in the early years.
What about the "victim" argument? I wonder when someone points out to his/her identity/tribal/ethnic heritage and then points to the victimization of their forefathers and ancestors and make it their your own, even though they personally weren't victimized, I wonder when this is an understandable and fair attitude, and at which point it is used as a manipulative and rhetorical political tool.
I think it is perfectly alright to make the invisible or silent voices heard and count all activism in that regard as commendable. In that regard I like all of Denise "Afro-American history" lessons and all of Meteor Blades diaries covering the American Indians and all of Ojibwa's diaries teaching us a lot. Navajo's role I understand to offer her tribal brothers the home base, where they can collect and archive their diaries and where they are always supported and showered with some love. No problem at all. Similar I see Black Kos as an effort to collect all historical material covering the "Black Experience and Achievements" in the US. They act as the POC tribe. Well then of course white looking Latinos also are POC tribal brothers now and then or at least they are cousins.
Their discussions in their comment sections are over words. Words have meanings. But then words are not yet deeds, but they can spill over into them and it's usually hate related speech or deeds. So, it becomes a matter of balance at which point you believe the arguments to be intentional demagoguery that is bound to be divisive, and to what extent it is reasonable, justifiable and not an intentional divisive expressions of political activism. So some smarter people then try to hide behind sarcasm and cynicism. If they are good they are funny. But still people understand what they want to express and it remains under-cover divisive.
There are so many people and writers online that can perfectly well hide what they think and perfectly well express things they absolutely do not believe in. Us poor readers have to spend so much time to do the "defogging".
I happen to come to the conclusion that most people are hopelessly tribal, when it comes to their personal, intimate lives and feelings. Intellectually of course you are not tribal, but instinct wise most are.
I do believe now (took a long, long time for me to come to believe that) that it's for most people very, very hard to overcome that may be dna based behavior. When people have no feeling of belonging to any "tribe" or any "community" and didn't grow up in something that gave them the feeling of belonging to some sort of culture and group or community, they will search for one. If they have a tribal identity through the ancestors, they will revive their ancestry's victimization and make it their own and eventually that develops into an over-identification and may be seen by the people outside of that tribal identity as fake.
That's what I believe is happening a lot online. Just that no online community or tribe can replace the real thing. How desperately obvious that can become, when you realize that what you thought were your online community and tribal belonging, is nothing of that kind in real space?
I remember how strange I thought it was, when I made some comments about my family's experiences in wwI or wwII that some people thought it was necessary to "console" me over the "hardship" they went through. I never went through that hardship, so I would never think about using a simple mention of some history as a tool to convince someone of my own "hardship" or "identity".
I thought a long time about the usage of one's ethnic identity victimization and exploitation of past generations as a manipulative or persuasive tool. I am still not clear about it. Should you use it as long as the former victimization and exploitation has effects on current members of that ethnic identity? I think so, yes. That would be the case for almost all Afro-Americans and American Indians.
Should you use that among white ethnic tribes, let's say the people of Eastern Europe and the Middle East and all their ethnic atrocities against each other? They would probably say, yes, but people who are very far outside those ethnic groups seem to not see that and for them it's all one big "white sauce with privileges". There it becomes racist.
Similar things happen, when tribal identities and their atrocities against each other, are denied to exist or completely judged as "those black bushman's savage jungle people" or some such, so that becomes then a big "brown sauce with no civilized flavor". There it becomes racist.
I have just one hope. If we mix each other we all become grey. Nothing exiting anymore of being "different", all the same "grey sauce with no spices". Uff, what kind of sauce to you like best?
Phew. I really hate that stuff.
this comment is in response to gulfgal's comment above/nt
It can get rough with PC culture.
Was once accused (By the whitest woman you've ever seen) of being a racist because of my tattoos.
Apparently because they celebrate a pagan European culture, it's a "Dog-whistle" for White Supremacy...
I don't think I can roll my eyes any more than I did that day.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
“Dog-whistles” … “safe spaces” … “microaggressions” …
Sure, discrimination of all sorts is real, but — the victim game gets old. Fast.
Found out about this blog today and signed up promptly
I like very much your version of GBCW, detroitmechworks! And nice to see so many of you here!
Welcome and thanks!
Would I edit it slightly if I posted it over there? Yes.
But Glad to see that you like it. I will take an audience that constructively criticizes and disagrees politely over a stadium full of hecklers, any day.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Welcome Le Frog
Hope you stick around in this pond.
I cannot stomach what's going on over at GOS right now.
Great to see you Le Frog!
Welcome aboard!
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Thanks for this, DMW, thanks X1000!
Speaks for me almost 100%.
I'm one of those leaving quietly without announcement. Stopped posting Hellraisers Previews last week and then deleted all previews.
Made my last comments and last diary last night. I had planned on continuing to rec Bernie diaries but decided against that, too easy to get sucked back into that cess pool over there.
Then I logged out and deleted the DK link from top of my browser.
Already don't miss it, there is plenty here to keep me busy.
I for one don't mind all the DK talk here, takes a while to process a huge change like that and discussion helps.
In fact, I think the discussion is helpful for us here at C99. Its important to take a good hard look at what we don't like over there in order to be clear about what we do want to build here.
I believe that DK talk here will fade eventually all on its own without anyone demanding that it stop.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Best analogy I can think of...
Is stepping out onto the deck of a house party where everybody's had too much to drink and is in a heated argument...
To find that outside the local philosophy professor has started a round table discussion.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
No wonder.
I was looking for the journal to read it and rec it up over there.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Great diary, Thanks! DMW
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Most welcome. And as I said...
I'm not porting it over, but feel free to link, etc...
I honestly am not afraid to do it over there...
I just honestly don't give a shit about that site anymore.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Nah. I'm getting the fuck out of there too.
JayRaye moving Hellraisers Journal over here sealed the deal for me.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Shorter truth: You're Losing, Dear Leader.
Read my first essay here...
For further enlightenment on the issue.
Irony Alert: I posted a Modified speech from Brutus as my first post here. Still say my drag name should be Cassandra.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I thought about writing something similar
I also concluded it would go over their heads and/or create glee for my frenemies. I also feel bad for Ms. Grundy's children.
I think I've concluded that kos really meant to alienate us unapologetic progressives. It seems as though he really thought we would rally around Hillary in light of Trump, that we were really just a bunch of frightened peons to be herded, and any dissenters would be few and already on the margins.
They aren't losing you man. They're pushing you away. The Ms. Grundy's have had their say, they've thrown the gauntlet. You either show up for brunch at 9 AM on the 15th or you won't be invited to the bridge game the next weekend.
bern baby bern disco inberno
And I always hated bridge...
Have always preferred games where I get to customize my playing pieces.
Reminds me that at Some point I really should share my miniature Army. (I paint/sculpt minis, and should really get back into it. About half done, but life gets in the way, ya know?)
And it reminds me of a line I feel like I wrote, but am probably stealing from somewhere.
"You people have been scared so long, you forgot what it feels like to really make a choice."
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I do believe they have noticed
We are missing. I dropped into read BNR today then had to check out the spin and of course read the diary that was freaking out about "confederate states" shame on me I left a comment. Got 3 kos mails from frenemies asking me where I had been. Guess they missed my mean little self..... I do not miss them.
Here's to Rogues Like us!
I'm taking the term back, because the GOP never got it RIGHT.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
You are brave
Braver than I am. I made myself read the diary but I could not make myself read the comments past the first few.
When I first came to the GOS, I used to lurk at Black Kos. Now, I cannot imagine doing that.
T and Rs for friends, that's all.
Glad to see ya here!
And don't let the trolls over there get to you.
Just try to remember these simple words and that you are now in a much kinder place.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I've been thinking of posting a GBCW over there.
I posted a picture of Hillary in a comment thread the other day. The picture is not flattering. It dates from her SoS days, I believe. She looked pretty old and tired. Maybe she was jet-lagged. Maybe it was time for a Botox booster shot.
The picture was relevant because the discussion related to Bernie's age and Hillary's age. To the best of my knowledge, the picture is not 'shopped to make Hillary's appearance look worse. It's just a picture of her. Not a flattering picture, but an actual picture of how she looked at a certain time on a certain day.
Here's the comment.
It is in a comment tree that started here.
A little while later, I come to learn that my recs are not sticking. The comment had drawn at least two flags. There's a note from the principal's office warning me that my comment violated community standards. I had to acknowledge my transgression in order to regain my reccing and commenting privileges. I found this to be unbelievable. I've written a lot of comments over there over the past several years, as well as a number of diaries. I had Mojo Level 5 and TU status. But apparently now, posting an un'shopped picture that makes the Heir Apparent look tired is a transgression. At least they Powers That Be did not require me to say a Good Act of Contrition.
Does anyone think that I crossed the line? I'm really curious. I don't think that I did anything wrong. I thought that the comment was perfectly apt in the context of the comment tree.
Thanks in advance for any insights that you might care to share.
I think...
That the Hillary crowd has an enemies list.
That they aren't at all afraid of using their power at the drop of a hat.
And when they can't use it, they insinuate that other people SHOULD.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.