CIAs: George H.W. Bush Exposed As Serial Groper


The Bush Crime family has plundered and subverted (and dominated) our Country (and violently) for many, many decades now, going back to the era of Oligarch-point man Prescott Bush (the father of George H. W. Bush).

George H. W. Bush, also known as "Bush Sr." and "Poppy" and "the Elder", has long been revealed as a key CIA BlackOps ringleader, War Criminal & profiteer, and DEEP STATE operative of many criminal events in US History by multiple private investigators (naturally ignored, of course, by the corrupt Mainstream Press and the Washington DC Beltway Elites -- which protects all of the evil Bushes).

And now Bush has even also been revealed to be a serial groper and exploiter of unsuspecting women as well.


And this is the low life that the NFL always wheels out and forces in our faces at every Super Bowl to perform the Coin flip (while we're all supposed to applaud).


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The Entitled Untouchable Elites in this Country can get away with anything (Murder, Rape, War Crimes, Treason, Human Torture, Coup D'Etat, etc.).


They always have, and they always will ... in the so-called Land of the "Free".


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Thanks, that video was very interesting! I watched the rest of the series in sections and at the end found the URL for the full video, if anyone's interested.

Dark Legacy: George Bush and the Murder of John F. Kennedy [censored music]

Published on 5 Nov 2012

Relying exclusively on government documents, statements from the best witnesses available, and the words from the mouths of the killers themselves, Dark Legacy produces a thoroughly substantiated criminal indictment of George Herbert Walker Bush, establishing beyond a reasonable doubt his guilt as a CIA supervisor in the conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy. If we could present this evidence to a jury in Texas, he would pay with his life.

Part one presents the overwhelming mountain of evidence that President Kennedy was hit by bullets from the front and rear. Every witness in the Dallas emergency room attests, on camera, to the fact that a bullet from the right front blew a fist-sized whole in the back of the President's head. The New York Times carried these statements on the day of the murder; and has covered them up ever since.

Part two presents the on-camera testimony of the witnesses who actually handled the President's body, the FBI report, and the photographic evidence all proving unequivocally that the President's body was stolen from the Secret Service and the wounds altered, before the body was delivered to Bethesda Naval hospital for the autopsy. Jackie Kennedy accompanied an empty casket on the plane flight home. Who had the power to do all this without attracting public attention? It's a short list.

Part three presents the Nazi-connections of the Bush family, which prompted the FBI to seize their assets during WW II, as Nazi assets. It presents the suppressed fact that Watergate burglar and CIA operative E. Howard Hunt was found by a jury to have been in Dallas and involved in the conspiracy to kill Kennedy. Hunt was a supervisor of the misguided CIA-led anti-Castro Cubans who broke into the Watergate. He is not only connected to Bush through Watergate; and through Bush's father, Prescott; but five days after the assassination, the head of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, wrote a memo, titled "Assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy" in which he named "George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency" as the supervisor of what Hoover himself called the "misguided anti-Castro Cuban" killers of the President. Bush has said he doesn't remember the events of that day, but FBI documents place him in Dallas.

It is difficult to assess the stature and significance of someone who has been dead as long as John Kennedy. His killers have also been his detractors, actively desecrating his memory, as they did his body. The movie begins with a short presentation of some of his most powerful and important speeches; including a stunning speech to the UN in which Kennedy calls for the complete abolition of the military industrial complex. These same men the military industrial complex, ripped him from us, and the darkest features of our history since that time are all directly the result of his murder.

The title of this following put me off, but the guy sounds very reasonable and mentioned some interesting points.

Poppy Bush grins when speaking of 'a deluded gunman killing President Kennedy' at the funeral. (Bush-2, when videoed as being first told of the first 9/11 strike, had the look of a little kid wondering how much trouble he'd be in, if his action in dipping into the cookie jar was discovered. This must run in the family...)

The 'other George Bush', who said that wasn't him, was hired by the CIA at a low-level position (file clerk) just for a few months, over the period that George Bush couldn't recall where he was during the Kennedy assassination, and then let go.

There's a picture of someone who looks like Poppy Bush near the Texas Schoolbook Library where the assassination took place.

Apparently Kennedy also planned to abolish the Federal Reserve and keep British and American private banksters from trashing the economy. A lot of The Psychopaths That Be would have wanted him disposed of...

Photo of George H.W. Bush at Funeral with JFK Proves TREASON

Published on 17 Jul 2016

This video is long winded. I have to go through and show how the death of Phil Graham may have not been a suicide and how that research led me to find the photo that proves that George H.W. Bush is guilty of treason and was an accomplice in the murder of John F. Kennedy in 1963.

CIA Document Re: George Bush:

CIA Document Re: George H.W. Bush:

Image of Bush at Phil Graham Funeral:

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

@FreeSociety But no. FDR let them off and now we're dealing with them all over again. Only now the billionaires wholly own the government and they don't even try to hide it.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

k9disc's picture

better to get a good political deal from adversity than to ensure that adversity goes away.

@The Aspie Corner

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu


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for CIA murders and treason, then at the very least we can out him as a perv.
It is a low bar, historical footnote, but it is something.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

lotlizard's picture

@on the cusp  
As for Trump, there’s still a hope that his candidness about elites, the media, and the Deep State, his tendency to express contradictory positions from day to day, his erratic behavior or at least the appearance thereof, etc. will be sugar in the governmental gas tank, causing the motor of empire to seize up.

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Deja's picture

Try moment to moment. He can't maintain a particular stance while answering one question, much less maintain it from day to day.

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Big Al's picture

@FreeSociety @FreeSociety It's not hard to take down a Bush and all Trump, a fucking war criminal who should now be in prison with Bush and Obama, is call him names and make faces. Idiotic. Trump is now giving cover to the biggest crime committed by the deep state he supposedly has been compromised by.
Defending Trump against Bush is like defending Dahmer against Bundy. They're both child killer psychopaths.

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@Big Al

1. The JEB video is satire - humor (not supposed to be taken so seriously).

2. The Bush Crime Family was never "taken down" at all. Not for 9 whole decades, until 2016 when Jeb (the heir apparent) was routed and finally crushed.

3. Trying to conflate Trump with the criminal Bush family is stunningly ignorant. Sounds exactly like something Hillary Clinton would do...

  • Trump was not ever a Skull and Bones member.
  • Trump was not a criminal CIA Clandestine Insider and operative.
  • Trump had nothing to do with the attempted Coup against FDR.
  • Trump had nothing to do with the Financing the Nazis.
  • Trump had nothing to do with the Kennedy Assassination.
  • Trump had nothing to do with CIA Drug Trafficking rackets.
  • Trump had nothing to do with the Reagan Assassination (Hinkley attempt).
  • Trump had nothing to do with U.S. Banking Scandals.
  • Trump had nothing to do with the Iran-Contra Scandal.
  • Trump had nothing to do with U.S. Election Theft (1980 Hostage release blocking, 2000, 2004).
  • Trump had nothing to do with The Project For The New American Century criminal planning group.
  • Trump had nothing to do with orchestrating the U.S. 9/11 New York and Pentagon tyranny.
  • Trump had nothing to do with the 9/11 Commission Coverup.
  • Trump had nothing to do with starting the whole illegal Iraq War fiasco and Lie.

This is The Bush Crime record here (above), and there is even a lot more on them as well.


Regardless of whatever mistakes Trump has or will make: Since when did Trump ever illegally overthrow a Regime? or Perpetrate Violent Crimes directly against the American people?

There is no comparison at all here.

Trump, to his credit, has stopped the policy of "Regime Change" in Syria and stopped the CIA's weapons sales to ISIS groups (in Syria), and he has rejected the Neocon dreams of Cold War II War activities against Russia. Just why do you think the DEEP STATE so transparently hates Trump? (hint: he's not one of them)

And if Trump is also ever assassinated, don't be surprised if history proves the Bush Crime family fingerprints once again are involved on that one as well.

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lotlizard's picture


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lotlizard's picture


— via Jackpine Radicals

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Big Al's picture

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lotlizard's picture

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@Big Al

seems a straight shot at those "dems" who will forgive anything as long the perp trashes trump.

not pro-trump at all. did I miss the point?

this is how you do the twist!
tina turner co- writer

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Big Al's picture

@FreeSociety and a child killer just like Obama and Bush due to his continuance of U.S. wars of aggression? That would be ignorant.

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Big Al's picture

@FreeSociety @FreeSociety for regime change in Syria (see Tillerson's latest remarks) and has not rejected any neocon dreams that I can tell. He's also continuing the regime change effort in Venezuela and the war in Yemen, Afghanistan and the phony war OF terror which he's fully in on all the lies. I can see you're getting most of your information from right wing sites like Breitbart that lie about Trump's so called accomplishments and what he's trying to do.

I'm surprised there are this many Trump supporters on this blog. Fuck that, Trump is just another one of them to me.

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@Big Al he will never get it off, it is on him forever. Him and his kids, their kids, their kids, etc., Endless cycle of violence from the bloody death merchants. Bloody Obama to Bloodier Trump, that was fast!

Well done, America, you’ve crushed Daesh. Now what?

Of all the cities in the Middle East that have been flattened in the past five years, and the list is long, Raqqa has been crushed to the greatest silence. The city was “slaughtered silently.” Regrettably and shamefully few outside the region, and even many in it, had never heard of this great historic city, for 13 years the seat of the Abbasid Caliphate under Harun Al-Rashid.

Raqqa, a city that recently had a population of 300,000, is finished. The UN says it is 80 percent uninhabitable after the past five months of fighting. Is there even a point in trying to rebuild it?

Varying public postmortems are being conducted by the great powers. Russia, itself no stranger to levelling entire urban areas including much of Aleppo, accused the anti-Daesh coalition of bombing “Raqqa off the face of the earth,” comparing the coalition attacks to those on Dresden during the Second World War.
Gen. Townsend’s denials also do not square with the goal outlined by his boss, the US Defense Secretary James Mattis, who made clear in May that the goal had shifted from “attrition” to “annihilation.” He said: “Our intention is that the foreign fighters do not survive the fight to return home to North Africa, to Europe, to America, to Asia, to Africa. We’re not going to allow them to do so.” More recently a British Foreign Office Minister, Rory Stewart, was clear that “we have to be serious about the fact these people are a serious danger to us, and unfortunately the only way of dealing with them will be, in almost every case, to kill them.”

how diplomatic

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@eyo @eyo

... Gen. Townsend’s denials also do not square with the goal outlined by his boss, the US Defense Secretary James Mattis, who made clear in May that the goal had shifted from “attrition” to “annihilation.” He said: “Our intention is that the foreign fighters do not survive the fight to return home to North Africa, to Europe, to America, to Asia, to Africa. We’re not going to allow them to do so.” More recently a British Foreign Office Minister, Rory Stewart, was clear that “we have to be serious about the fact these people are a serious danger to us, and unfortunately the only way of dealing with them will be, in almost every case, to kill them.”

Kinda makes me wonder if this extermination procedure involves destruction of evidence/witnesses as to who exactly may have funded/trained/armed/brought in any/all of them? Or of any members of any American/European mercenary/special forces possibly embedded with them, who might perhaps, rat them out when, like other vets, not getting even promised medical care and other benefits? Considering the way things tend to work in corporate/billionaire/military-run 'politics' and 'policy' these days...

Edit: so the US military has all of these secret bases in Africa, while well-equipped terrorists go from Africa to help terrorists in Syria fight the government forces and depose Assad, as the US PTB desire?

And even the known US-backed terrorists are failing do that, so now they want to exterminate them all?

I'll bet that there are people here who know something about this...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@Big Al

Trump was never the designer of 9/11 and all the Middle-East "Regime Change" policies. He has just inherited a mess not of his own making, and is surrounded by Generals who tell him everyday ... more War!.

Tillerson is going to be gone soon, so what he says is irrelevant. In fact, Trump did stop the CIA weapons to ISIS groups in Syria program (something Hillary Clinton would have accelerated), and yes he has backed off the idea of no-fly zone and any Military Troop presence in Syria. In other words, the favored DEEP STATE policy (Regime Change) has been rejected.

The Generals wanted a 50,000 troop escalation in Afghanistan, and Trump said no to them. He threw them a bone and gave them just a small increase. I agree this is still not good -- but lord knows what Hillary Clinton would have agreed to (she also wanted direct War with Russia). Yemen is his worst mistake. My prediction is that Trump will eventually learn that his Military Generals do lie and he will stop listening to them and start pushing back even more.

Trump wants to rebuild America, not the Middle East. He is not part of the DEEP STATE cabal. It may take him some time to figure it all out and buck his Military Generals ... but he is the first President that we've had in recent memory that actually has an Independent streak.

We will see. In any case, there is no comparison whatsoever with the decades long treachery and treason of the Bush Crime Family (which I documented above).

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and I agree with Big Al and with eyo that he is doing part of what the deep state requires and part of what their enemies within the American military require. On these 2 points I agree with you completely because it means a lot and it really matters that,

Trump had nothing to do with The Project For The New American Century criminal planning group

and your question,

Just why do you think the DEEP STATE so transparently hates Trump? (hint: he's not one of them)

These 2 points mean a lot. I don't know whether he's an idiot or a savant of some kind, or an opportunist who's taking bribes in some form or another depending on who's in his office on what particular day. But he's definitely behaving as if he knows his life will end if he totally exposes and destroys the deep state, and also that he will totally destroy the deep state's client ISIS.

For what it's worth, I think this is what FDR knew too, that his life would end if he acted to bring the fascist power in our government to justice. His behavior wasn't that different. He allowed the fascists in our government and in U.S. industry to go scott free, but he totally annihilated the civilian population of Germany as well as allowing the decimation of German military forces, EXCEPT FOR THE ONES ALLEN DULLES PROTECTED AND ALLOWED TO ESCAPE. I know I'm opening a can of worms in saying that. But maybe it's time.

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@Linda Wood
FDR did suppress the fascist political movement in the US after the US was involved in the war. He had a 1st amendment problem until then. There were certainly powerful American businessmen doing business with the Nazis including after the outbreak of WWII. They stopped for the most part when the US entered. I have no idea whether Prescott Bush and the DuPonts had Nazi sympathies or simply knew a good business opportunity when they saw one.

I'm sure there were fascists in the US government leading up to the war. I suspect there were more communists.

Some awful people who believed the US should be the dominant power in the world achieved positions of prominence during the war. They hated FDR and he knew they hated him. But they did their jobs effectively. I suspect FDR thought he could control them after the war. Maybe he could have.

The terror bombing of German cities was Winston Churchill's idea. US B-17s were designed with what was expected to be enough armor and armament to penetrate to targets without fighter escort to deliver bombs precisely on industry critical to the war effort. It was a major miscalculation on many levels. The Americans joined the British in the widespread destruction of German cities. When long range fighters became available the US returned in part to its original objective of precision bombing. It's hard to do over cloudy, windy skies from 20,000 feet. The entire British/US strategic bombing campaign in Europe and Asia meets my definition of a war crime.

As for decimating German armies, that was the point. Even so, you might give thought to the lengths German officers went to have their troops assigned to the western front where they could surrender to the Americans and British.

At the end of the war the US and USSR engaged in a competition to round up German scientists and engineers. To keep the record straight Harry Truman was president at the time.

Near the end of the war De Gaulle asked FDR to supply merchant ships to transport French forces to reoccupy Indochina. FDR mentioned the request to Stalin who asked "Are there?" FDR shook his head and sadly said he had to tell De Gaulle none were available.Stalin is said to have smiled slightly. He knew very well that US yards were producing ships that would never be needed in the war. De Gaulle got logistical support from Truman. It was Truman who allowed American imperialists to define the US response to the post war world. They rose in his administration.

You might want to compare the treatment of German civilians in the Anglo American portion of occupied Germany with the treatment under the USSR.

The US has turned into an empire. FDR didn't even want to support the reestablishment of the British and French empires.

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but FDR licensed certain U.S. corporations to be exempt from the Trading With the Enemy Act for the duration of WWII. Chase Bank, Standard Oil and others financed, fueled and maintained the German war effort for the duration of the war and their executives went scott free. Without this industrial and banking effort there would have been no German war machine in the first place and no war involving the U.S. nor anyone else. This is the subject of Charles Higham's, Trading With the Enemy.

Congress held hearings on this subject during the War, but no action was taken against these traitors. This information is available, it was not secret during the War, and yet to this day it is unfathomable to the American people, mostly because FDR was worshiped by most Americans.

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