Dear Kos, about that "I mean everyone" faux olive branch

I am cross-posting my comment to kos' diary here,because I've already received 1 HR Flag, and who knows how many are going to follow.

Number One. The Primary is over when the Primary is over.

Not when you say so. The polls mean nothing.

Voting is voting. Polls are not voting.

You say you support the Democratic Party.

Then support the Democratic Party Primary.

The Democratic Party chooses its candidate at the Convention, unless one of the two candidates concedes earlier. Hillary is under investigation by the FBI and the publicly disclosed findings from that investigation already suggest that there is sufficient evidence to indict Hillary Clinton on criminal charges. I am not going to debate this with you. This is a well-known fact. If you want to live in some delusional bubble. The only person who will believe you is you. But what this means is, that up until the moment she is nominated at the convention, or until Bernie Sanders concedes, this primary is not over.




Do you remember 8 years ago when Hillary justified her staying in due to the possibility of another Kennedy incident? Well, yeah, that was so wrong, but this isn’t that, this is the FBI indicting her. SO, if you deem it over, when we know it is not over. The Bernie Sanders community will gather elsewhere online to continue working on the primary. I assure you, there will be a mass exodus.

Mark my words.

If you deem the Primary over prior to the Primary being over, you are betraying our democracy and YOU will be deemed as blatantly working with Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC to RIG the election on behalf of their financial sponsors who want Hillary Clinton elected at all costs. You can play all of your fuzzy math games and convince yourself that you are not, but you are.


This is your site, you get to make the rules, but this was supposed to be a site, to help elect more / better Democrats, i.e., to help the Democratic Party, and while you do get to dictate the rules and censorship on your site, the moment you betray the ideals of the founding fathers and the heart and soul of the Democratic Party, then you brand yourself as anti-democratic.

You have condoned rampant roaming posses of Hillary supporters who harass and bully people with HR Flags to censor and ban people who challenge their narrative by simply telling the truth, a truth that happens to expose Hillary’s lies and hypocrisy, which you (and they) deceitfully mischaracterize as “shitting” on the candidate. Please. We both know that it is VETTING THE CANDIDATE.

You don’t want me to use the word “oligarchy” even though my candidate, Bernie Sanders, is using the word “oligarchy?”

Seriously? And think that will fly? You think that is in any way whatsoever acceptable? Okay, let me spell it out…


Hillary gets money from the Wall Street Firms, (aka, Large Financial Corporations/Institutions) and these Wall Street Firms don’t want to be broken up, because it allows them a nice safe cushion of the US GOV who will bail them out if they crash, again, and the Too Big To Fail or Glass Steagall Act legislation will break them up. This is also known as “maintaining the status quo.” And, the Wall Street Financial Firms are also known as the “oligarchy” because their money has controlled the US Government for quite a long time.

SO, Hillary does not support Too Big To Fail or Glass Steagall Act legislation.

AND, in order to sell this position, Hillary lies about the importance of Too Big To Fail or Glass Steagall Act legislation.


SINGLE-PAYER… etc etc etc. I am sure you know the rest….

These, and other examples like these, illustrate the fundamental distinction between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. And yet, you and your “Clintonista” friends want to CENSOR that discussion, which happens to the be the CENTERPIECE OF BERNIE’S CAMPAIGN.

Truth is, March 15th means nothing, because the Hillary supporters have been roaming in posses and bullying and harassing people with HR Flags to censor and ban people for 6 months and you and your site admin have been condoning this rampant ant-democratic behavior. I have written this to site admin 6 or 7 times over the past 3 months, in private message, in comment, in diary, and in Helpdesk ticket, and I have been ignored EVERY SINGLE TIME. And here you go and give TRIX a token SLAP on the wrist and you think you are gonna fool us? Please. Do you think we are stupid? Every single Bernie supporter here knows what you are doing. Hell, you showed your colors when you let Hillary supporters rampantly call people the slur “BernieBros” and then you even have the nerve to let them get away with having a slur like “BernieBros” in a diary title and let it sit on the rec list for 8 hours??? I posted a polite courteous comment in that diary gently asking them to remove the slur from the diary title and they were rude and insulting. You embolden them and you know it, and your March 15th rule is meant to embolden them even more. AND EVERY ONE KNOWS IT. And we also know that you changed the HR FLAG with DK5 on purpose to enable the Clinton supports to wantonly throw HR FLAGS without anyone knowing who was doing it. You have embarked upon a methodical systematic strategy to censor free speech to shut down people from telling the truth about Hillary Clinton. There is nothing two-sided or even-handed about your ruling, just like there has not been a two-sided even-handed site admin moderation, just like there has not been a two-sided even-handed Front Pager diaries.



Do you honestly think you are gonna shut down the passionate enthusiasm for the first truly honest politician we have had in 50 years?


Do you have any idea what people are saying about DailyKos on Facebook these days? It ain’t pretty. You have lost your street cred, kos. And this token olive branch gesture is meaningless when we all know that Hillary is still a liar. She still flip flops. She still supports the agenda of the Large Financial Institutions, which is to maintain the status quo, which means, not supporting TBTF & G-S.

Yes, “Oligarchy.” Bernie talks about “Oligarchy.”

You got a problem with that?

Do you wanna tell Bernie Sanders to stop using the word “Oligarchy?”

Get real!

There is a populist political revolution occurring in this nation and you are supporting THE OTHER CANDIDATE. People, like myself, came to this site because we admired what you were saying, back in the day. I read quotes from you about Hillary from 2008 and I honestly don’t know what to make of your positions today. What happened to you?

A prominent Front Pager posts a swiftboat astroturf diary to portray Bernie Sanders as a racist and you let her get away with it? You say nothing? You didn’t terminate her employment that day? WTF? Clearly this means that you condone it. You have a lot of nerve telling people not to shit on candidates, NOW, today, after you let people get away with the comments and diaries that have been posted here, with outright lies and slander and slurs. Hell, you wrote your own swiftboat hit piece on THE HILL, so it’s not like you haven’t shown your colors outright. And then Hillary supporters like to claim that FACT BASED assessments of Hillary are “trash” or “shitting” on her. TOTAL BS.

Sorry, kos. You can fool yourself into thinking that you diary today makes your rule “even-handed” but we all know it’s not.

And all the while, the FBI Criminal Investigation involving 150+ FBI Agents, 22 TOP SECRET EMAILS, 2000 CLASSIFIED EMAILS, 104 CLASSIFIED ORIGINATING/ WRITTEN BY HILLARY HERSELF, PLUS 30,000 DELETED BUT SOME RECOVERED EMAILS, INVESTIGATING CLINTON FOUNDATION FINANCIALS, IMMUNITY GRANTED TO HILLARY EX-STAFFER (that Armando swears is not a Criminal Investigation, even though everyone knows it really is, so who’s he kidding, they just don’t want to say it yet, because once they do, all hell will break loose, and the FBI/DOJ want to make sure they have their ducks in a row before they pull that trigger) inches closer and closer to dropping a nuclear bomb on Hillary ending her political career, a nuclear bomb of her own making. You did say this is a reality based community, right? And if they don’t indict her, you don’t think that will blow up, too? Probably worse.

And you think Hillary can unify and rally the Democratic Party after the BS that DWS/DNC pulled?

After the underhanded politics that Hillary herself pulled?

Please, kos. Please. Wake up and smell the coffee.

You are living in a fantasy land.

Hillary is a lost cause. I don’t care what your math says.

She. Can’t. Rally. The. Base.

You keep saying, “She’s winning. She’s winning.”

I am not here to “relitigate” the Primary. No.

I am here to tell you that the BASE was alienate when DWS/DNC rigged the Debates in Hillary’s favor to give Bernie a fraction of the exposure that he would have gotten in 2008.

So, here’s the lesson: When you rig the Democratic Party’s Primary election to get a lying flip flopping candidate who is openly supporting the agenda of the Oligarchy to be the nominee, then that nominee cannot rally the Democratic Party’s base.

It really is that simple.

As I said, Hillary is a lost cause.

And if your polls don’t show you that, then this means that whomever crafted your polls is not asking the right questions of the right cross section of the Democratic Party.

political22 sensetolisten Mar 08 · 11:20:13 PM
I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggesting this is probably the type of stuff that Kos is talking about not doing after March 15th.

Yes, I know. And THAT is my point.

Thank you, Captain Obvious… . . . . . . . . .

Oh yeah, and about those polls:
Huzzah! Bernie beats the pollsters by 20%+
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gulfgal98's picture

over there in response to one of kos' defenders was this.

I can answer in one word...democracy. Every vote should be important and every issue should be thoroughly aired.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

PastorAgnostic's picture

and approaches. My question is, what will her focus group and polling tell her? What new issue will they taste-test, what new lies will she and her surro-cats concoct? Berniebros, Bernie's a racist, Bernie is in Wall Street's pocket, Bernie hates veterans, Bernie is too old, Bernie is a one issue candidate, Bernie is sexist, Bernie will weaken the US, Bernie has no foreign policy knowledge or experience, Bernie is . . . . What?

What will be her new line of attack?

I only hope they have Bill out there, introducing it. That will kill it super fast.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

by referring to Hillary's followers as "surro-cats". Smile

Surro-goons, maybe, since they appear to be both mean and dumb. Biggrin

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

PastorAgnostic's picture


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TheOtherMaven's picture

Them gators is mean critters!

0 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

riverlover's picture

Fave of nurses in hospitals that allow holes in shoes. There is a marketing idea for Angry Crocs there.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Haikukitty's picture

Cats are individualists, they'd never take part in a group attack or buy into any stupid group-think. Biggrin

I like dogs, too, but they are more like a pack of dogs or wolves. They certainly are loyal to their master, too, but I think dogs are at heart genuine, caring animals so that's a no go.

This is a tough one. Because honestly, there is no animal worse than humans...

Surro-goons, however, is on point!

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GreyWolf's picture

Because honestly, there is no animal worse than humans...

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- Mark Twain

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Twain Disciple

Well, there is a debate in Miami tonight so it may be that he is anti immigrant.

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(spelling?) castro to nevada to smear bernie as being anti-immigrant? i wouldn't put it past the clinton slime machine to do the same thing in tonight's debate. it seems to be their go-to "style."

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The candidate who voted for the Wall and endorsed rapid deportation of central American women and children gets to call the mensch 'anti-immigrant?' That's obscene, imho.

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Alphalop's picture

But know there is a golf clap that is slowly increasing in speed and volume in my office as I read your piece. Smile

Thanks for sharing!


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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

detroitmechworks's picture


Because I love this joke and it doesn't get enough airplay.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

riverlover's picture

--whether that was done to prepare for the Clinton-pushing. But it was rolled out in November, right? I won't go so far as to say that was the beginning of a setup. I find it difficult to see the long picture in short-time. But now you have placed that idea in my head. Ughhhhhhh.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

sensetolisten's picture

The Dk5 TU "feature" which hides who FLAGS makes ZERO sense from a community self moderation perspective.

It removes community accountability.

It removes community oversight.

I see no other way to interpret it. Many people, including myself, have posed the question of why to kos and site admin, and we have challenged that decision, saying that it is wrong, and site admin have said NOTHING. Even Chris Reeves, whom I find to be a two-face DNC tool, even wrote diary complaining about it.

Of course, my comments are anecdotal and this is just my opinion, but I think his intention was very clear. It is ANTI-DEMOCRATIC to not be able to "FACE YOUR ACCUSER."

Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right…to be confronted with the witnesses against him." Generally, the right is to have a face-to-face confrontation with witnesses who are offering testimonial evidence against the accused in the form of cross-examination during a trial. The Fourteenth Amendment makes the right to confrontation applicable to the states and not just the federal government.

The Confrontation Clause has its roots in both English common law, protecting the right of cross-examination, and Roman law, which guaranteed persons accused of a crime the right to look their accusers in the eye. In noting the right's long history, the United States Supreme Court has cited Acts of the Apostles 25:16, which reports the Roman governor Porcius Festus, discussing the proper treatment of his prisoner Paul: "It is not the manner of the Romans to deliver any man up to die before the accused has met his accusers face-to-face, and has been given a chance to defend himself against the charges." It is also cited in Shakespeare's Richard II, Blackstone's treatise, and statutes.

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“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
detroitmechworks's picture

About having flags hidden making people feel more comfortable about making accusations... etc... etc...

In the end, It ended up with only one side getting hit for flagging/uprating, because the flags were completely visible to the referees who wanted one team to win.

Standard operating BULLSHIT.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

riverlover's picture

and definitely after the PW episode that was very public.

I was going on as a TU ver.DK4 and would flag and justify my reason downthread. I still did that, many seemed to have no institutional memory of that. Some not surprising, when the dead lower UIDs woke up. We all saw that. I began calling that out. Still do check new-to-me handles for dates and comments. And I find that necessity tiring.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Phoebe Loosinhouse's picture

because it reveals swarming and hive behavior. BUT I used to hate great diaries being hijacked with long diversions and back and forths about whether the HR was justified. In a perfect world a flag or HR would open it's own discreet window for a sidebar discussion that could be isolated from the rest of the thread. That would also go a long way towards removing intrusive assholery from otherwise good and civil discussions.

On a side note, I think I got my first flag in a tip jar on my last diary at Kos. I was floored. I also wondered about how my recommended tag disappeared from that diary. I never understood the logarithm for that. I know that you can rise fast with a few recommends and get the tag but it will disappear if momentum is not maintained. That diary ended up with 45 recommends which was not enough to keep the tag, I guess.

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" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "

Phoebe Loosinhouse's picture

I can see the html code clearly in preview but it's not even showing as text in the comment. What am I doing wrong?

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" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "

how were you entering the code? One little mistake in the code will cause it not to display. Were you trying to inject a text link or just copy/paste the URL?

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Phoebe Loosinhouse's picture

Perhaps that was the problem? I'll try again here:

Well, I got the link to show this time but not as a Title hyperlinked text.

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" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "

Third icon from left on the toolbar above your comment will make a title hyperlink text.

Click here daily to give free food to rescue animals. I have this one bookmarked on my tool bar, and I feed them every day.

The gizmo I love to no end is on Facebook. Dump in the url and get a preview of the post. No mess, no fuss.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

jiordan's picture

As I mentioned in my comment here:

This was a looooong time coming and preparation has been going on since, I'm guessing, Obama won re-election.

0 users have voted.

Brilliant post!

You destroyed every justification he had and you exposed him for the corporate tool he has become.

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hester's picture

Thank you for posting it. I am clapping very loudly. I left the Orange Monster 10 days ago and am done there now, for good. What they say about Dk on Naked Capitalism is laughable. All his cred is gone. I have no idea what happened.

I really really applaud your bringing up this

A prominent Front Pager posts a swiftboat astroturf diary to portray Bernie Sanders as a racist and you let her get away with it? You say nothing? You didn’t terminate her employment that day? -

I was horrified by her diary and the responses to it. My stomach churned.

You are very brave, very courageous and I'm glad you are an ally. Thank you a million times for your post.

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Don't believe everything you think.

have been staying off Kos unless I see a diary or comment on C99% and /r/KossacksforSanders that is cross-posted. Go over there only to tip/rec. Will stop doing that on the Ides. Will also unsubscribe to all Kos emails that day, as someone on reddit suggested (a mass bail-out) since we can't really unsubscribe to the blog itself.

I too find his fake apology inadequate, and frankly, there is nothing he can say at this point to change my mind. Just as there is nothing Clinton can say or do to earn my vote. She's disrespected me and the 99% too many times to deserve it.

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Shaylors Provence

doing that today.

i never read/responded to them anyway, & it's a total waste of time now that i won't be going there anymore after the week is out.

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Cassiodorus's picture

was really about the March 1st date -- it's important to declare "victory" early because -- well, it's hard to predict anything of a campaign that has no point besides that of boosting the ego of its candidate.

And as for the "faux olive branch" -- how's it even "faux"? "Constructive" criticism still means an adherence to what is being "constructed." By Markos' definition, "constructive" criticism is intended to make Clinton a "better" candidate, without reference to what she is to be "better" at. Making promises she's not going to keep? Writing elaborate, intelligent, and toothless policy proposals? Speaking in front of the 1% for vast amounts of money? Soliciting Clinton Foundation donations from pay-to-play participants?

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

detroitmechworks's picture

Divvying up the electorate between groups based off social identity...

Calling your opponents vicious names via surrogate...

I mean I guess I could suggest that Hillary be more subtle in selecting her surrogates. It does look a lot better if your attack dogs don't all hammer at the same point in unison. That does kinda look contrived...

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Cassiodorus's picture

Though telling her to pander more effectively (in just those words) might be ripping the mask off a little too forcefully...

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

SnappleBC's picture

I think his selection of March 15th (and the pre-announce) was telling. But it's never been any surprise that the site is in the bag for Hillary. But even I agree that if actual, objective math were to prove or strongly suggest that Hillary had it sewed up then at that point there's little reason to criticize her on a partisan-democratic site. Why? What can be accomplished by that?

However, I also think I never really wanted a partisan Democratic site since the Democratic party is half of our problem as a nation. I always knew that I wanted the equivalent of GOS but based on populism rather than the blue kool-aid. As Bernie's movement took focus in my head it became clear that IT needed a site to coalesce around.... one that would go on beyond his campaign and one that could talk about objective reality without the blue filters.

I'm strongly hoping this site becomes that site although it needs a LOT of work and some of that soon.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

Cassiodorus's picture

Interviews with victorious Sanders supporters maybe?

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

However, I also think I never really wanted a partisan Democratic site since the Democratic party is half of our problem as a nation. I always knew that I wanted the equivalent of GOS but based on populism rather than the blue kool-aid. As Bernie's movement took focus in my head it became clear that IT needed a site to coalesce around.... one that would go on beyond his campaign and one that could talk about objective reality without the blue filters.

I'm strongly hoping this site becomes that site although it needs a LOT of work and some of that soon.

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gulfgal98's picture

My own opinion is that even if Bernie is mathematically eliminated, he should carry his campaign through until the last state has voted. It gives every primary voter the chance to express his or her preference and it keeps Bernie's message out there. For me personally, it is about the message and I am hoping that this site will take that message and continue to promote the issues and policies Bernie has highlighted along with a few he has not really touched upon.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Steven D's picture

But when has that ever stopped anyone at DK?

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

ArthurPoet's picture

...and his fucking posse of HillBot fucking bullies:


You, kos, are a fucking traitor to the Democratic Party!

You are a fucking traitor to the Democratic Base!

You are a fucking traitor to the liberal progressives movement!

And you are a fucking bully,
you a fucking enabler of bullies,
which makes you
the fucking king of bullies,
so you're the fucking king
in your fiefdom,
well fuck you and fuck MB
and fuck elfling and fuck
all the fucking site admin for
turning a fucking blind eye,
for not standing up for the
innocent pure souls who
wanted nothing more than
to just be able to tell the
fucking truth without fear
of harass, bullying and banning,


and oh yeah, fuck you FP'ers
for only writing empty fucking
bullshit puff pieces for Hillary,
NEWSFLASH: you are not helping
the Democratic Party when you
betray the Democratic Party's ideals,


yeah, nice comment, sense,
keep up the good work,
i like your comments on the
Clinton email stuff, btw,
and i think you, bobswern and joesig are right,
she is fucking toast,
especially liked
your #DeadWomanWalking comment
from a few weeks ago, Fucking Spot On!!!
Nice! should also repost some of your
Clinton email related comments here,
won't get any fucking HR Flags here, lol Smile
(and if one of those fucking asshole
lowlife fucking scumbag fucking bullies
does show up, i promise you, i will have
a fucking field day with their ass)

you know,
just the other day a fucking dkos staffer,
who happened to have gone to law school
with an old dear nyc friend of mine,
tried to harass and chastise my freind
for calling kos out on her FB page for
that very same March 15th rule crap,
lol.... so i fucking went to town on him,
yeah, these fucking assholes get away
with fucking murder on dkos
wantonly bullying and harassing people
with fucking impunity but out here in the
Wild Wild West Internet, they got no fuckin' clout,
no fuckin' spine, fucking nothing,
fuckin nothin to back them up,
the condescending asshole bully
shut the fuck up, quick, /rant2

peace out

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• Move Sooner, Not Faster •