"Nemo" Development/Brainstorming #3: Overland and The Technology
Still having fun with this, a LOT of fun with this, so I am continuing.
So let's start with a little mood music for describing the overland adventures. I'm going with Knopfler again, because his music is evocative and also has just enough electric to be feasible in a post-industrial world.
Overland travel in the PNW is severely hampered by the total degradation of the interstate system and the total lack of any alternative built. While anachrotech (A term I like, and I think it's appropriate for describing the use of old designs from centuries ago) steam engines run on small routes, mostly between major cities like Portland and Seattle, the vast majority of the population relies on travel via horse drawn carriage or foot. The pace of life is much slower than the modern world. Old West style tropes, such as the average family hitching up the wagon to go to town on a weekend are back in vogue.
The majority of the world is much more isolated than now. With the average travel time for a horse drawn carriage of only 15 miles a day for a large group, caravans and other techniques for group travel have become common once again. There are well established routes, although the vagaries the weather and environment cause them to shift slightly from year to year. As a result, many of the towns off the main routes have very little contact with the major cities, simply because of the huge amount of effort needed to get to them.
Hence Small Traders and groups can make very good livings bringing necessities and skills to the towns on a regular bases. Doctors, Musicians/Entertainers, Smiths, Librarians, and even the occasional Justice of the Peace are skills that are needed by these individual communities, and as a result, the traveling Caravans often find themselves hired by communities to bring those individuals. So much so in fact, that many Caravans have simply hired the people they're ferrying everywhere, resulting in a "Traveling Circus" vibe to many of them, only with needed skills rather than pure entertainment. (Yes, I imagine the equivalent of a bookmobile is totally a part of the service.)
There are two general branches of technology in this world. Nakrotek and Hitek. (Yes, I'm deliberately mauling the words anachrotech and High Tech to account for 500 years of the words being used in casual conversations...)
The major difference between the two is that Nakrotek is fully understood by even the most basic layman. If an average Caravan or ship carries someone who can fix it, build it, or repair it easily and quickly with local materials, it's Nakrotek. It won't necessarily be the most efficient or most pretty way of doing things, but it will be the way that is most commonly in use. Examples of Nakrotek include Horse drawn carriages, plows, wood frame houses, Early 18th century sailing vessels, Glass blowing, etc...
Hitek relies on advanced manufacturing processes to maintain and build. As a result, much of it is no longer fully understood by the average person, and is viewed with a slightly superstitious air. Sticking with Arthur Clarke's Maxim, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. It's well established that these things can be done, and very few doubt that there is a natural explanation, but they don't know HOW it works. The skills are rare and concentrated in wealthy areas that can force enough labor and resources to afford the luxury. (Yes, the rich areas will be a thinly disguised criticism of modern America...) (One more side note, I imagine that one of the great "Treasures" of Tillamook is a partial database which has a great deal of information. However, sadly it depends upon the skill of the librarian to find relevant data, since the most common response is a "404".)
Things that no longer exist include the internet. Most Soulfun service is history,(Say it out loud with a slight slur... ) existing only the wealthiest areas and protected with extremely strong encryption. Nuclear weapons are still in the hands of the richest states, and they often bluster about the use of them and their ability to use them, but it's been so long since one has been used, that many believe the capability has actually been lost. (In addition, the loss of resources in using one simply means the end of the armegeddon threat came about not because of the desire for peace, but because the MIC can no longer just throw money at problems.)
However, Nitrocellulose is still in common use, which means that weapons are far more dangerous than the 18th century equivalent. Hitek weapons using stamped metal sheeting are rare outside of wealthy areas, (But that doesn't stop certain wealthy folks from selling them at high prices to any and all buyers. Even in this future, I still see shady arms dealers trying to ply their trade.) but the handcrafted AK-47 is pretty much the standard infantry arm. They can be easily built but of course the craftsmanship varies from place to place. (However, a major common modification is a "Brass Catcher" which retains all spent casings for later reloading. As mentioned before,refined metals are valuable.)
Phew... Ok, that's enough to get started. Since we're getting down to the nitty gritty where I am not as much of an expert as I'd like, I'd love it if some of my sustainability and prepping friends can help me out with what is feasable.

Just a little note on how things came about...
I'm envisioning that the reason that so many places don't have things like electricity and refined metals is that they just can't afford them.
The price just kept going up, and people started doing without. We already can see the trend with folks who keep cutting back on "Necessities" like medicine and transportation. I can see the trend continuing with Electricity, Gas, Communications, etc... all getting to the point where they are too expensive to maintain, and disaster capitalists seizing on the opportunity to strip and sell off the infrastructure for pennies.
Combined with climate change storms and disasters, and you have a scenario ripe for isolated communities which don't trust...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
With delayed timing of information promulgation
Rumor mills must exist. Most in small communities would suspect larger communities of everything bad. Rampant self-isolation, extending outward only for unmet needs. Larger communities, self-sufficient, would be Othering smaller ones. Sounds really fun, dmw!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Exactly right... and now I know where the next brainstorm is...
Just thinking that in a world like this, a well located trade port has a great deal of potential to become very wealthy and powerful... (Venice comes to mind...)
Just a little note to possibly work into the storyline later on...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Local Governance...
Quality local governance is the key to surviving the shit hitting the fan.
I'm reminded of this with the series Jericho from the mid 00s. The difference between Jericho and it's neighbor state is mindblowing, but completely believable. Maybe a chart or list of local governance styles would be of use in planning the adventure and fleshing out episodes.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I didn't see Jericho...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I Think You Would Really Dig Jericho.
And it would be a nice series to watch for your research.
And don't let the RW rah rah speech by the Mayor of Jericho near the beginning. I almost quit watching because it rubbed me the wrong way. It was just a rah rah speech, and not a RW manifesto like it came off at first blush.
It was a fairly seditious series, calling out corporatists within our government.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Sounds interesting.
Oh come on, like I wasn't going to find an excuse to post Alestorm.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Jericho was a great show
season 2 blows because they had to wrap up the story line in too few episodes after it was cancelled. I still think that it was cancelled because the story of the mercenary group hit too close to home about Blackwater being able to operate in this country and now we have seen that come true. Blackwater was in New Orleans after Katrina doing whatever they wanted, legal or not, and then TigerSwan was in charge of security at the DAPL protests.
If anyone has the chance to watch Jericho, I highly recommend watching it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Yup! Completely Too Close to Reality for Comfort. nt
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
The Timing of the Cataclysm Creates Opportunity For Wild Tech.
Was just thinking that the initial timing of the cataclysm could introduce some wild tech. Might want to take a look at burgeoning technology and see what's on the horizon. I'm thinking nanotubes, 3rd world emergency tech, and other fancy things on the horizon.
Some of them could stick around 500 and provide novel tech.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Those would be fun for some episodes, absolutely.
What's great about this is that by treating current stuff like the bleeding edge of technology, even very minor advances can seem far more mysterious than they are. I just love the perspective, which mirrors my attitude towards technology a bit.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
And I have no reason to share this...
But I feel it has a bit of the aesthetic and juxtaposition I'm going for...
Plus I like the music, and it's my Essay, and I wanted to keep this in mind for when I'm writing...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
OOOOH, another random thought, which should have been yesterday
I took a look today at the H.M.S. Victory, and Ships of the Line absolutely have to make their way into this story at some point.
(And I totally want to see a Ship of the Line named the "Morrigan")
Right Now, I'm leaning towards them being rare because of the expense, (9,000 trees for ONE of them, yes, research is FUN!) So as a result, it's usually reserved for richer city states, and Having one is generally seen as a sufficient deterrent to anything but the most well armed and equipped aggressor.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Three Useful Tools - Wood Cooking
The cheapest here can charge something small on usb while brewing a pot of coffee or cook a steak. The most expensive here can cost (typically) $4745 installed.
Useful term: gasifier wood burning stove
A gasifier adds cost. Still, running a gasifier wood burning stove might be worth the cost for some folks. The sight of an almost smoke-free chimney would attract fewer hungry looks than a roaring yule-sized fire. Morality and ethics while eating well? That's another story.
To cook and carry: Here is version 2. Version 1 (around $100 to $130 typically) uses copper in one part of the 'fancy stuff' while version 2 (around $200 with extras) uses aluminum.
To heat and cook to carry - heavy: $350
To heat and cook to install - small $3995 +:
(Note: those last three features are from somebody selling "Kimberly" stoves)
Strange that a harp of thousand strings should keep in tune so long
I didn't know that they actually had this kind of stuff...
It gives me a lot of ideas, and allows me to tap into folks who have far more information than I do.
Seeing as I don't see PNW lumber dying off completely in this scenario, something like this would be essential for small/large scale at least in the short term. Traditional Fuel, efficiently processed... great for this story.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
hey detroit
FWIW (for what it's worth) maybe can you try to develop a humane side to the story? I feel many people need hope more than anything right now. Develop the survival instincts of humans as being the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak, in some positive way. The way forward is not without hope. Thanks!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I hear what you're saying and I don't intend this to be tragedy
While it's Post-Industrial, it's isn't totally apocalyptic.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.