The Democratic Party Marches To Their Graveyard
Where is The Democratic Party headed you ask? Is any reform or "change" possible (as people like Bernie Sanders would like us to believe)?
Can you join an organized Mafia and then reform it from within? The answer is unfortunately no. The video below makes it clear that The Democratic Party is in love with their own corruption, and rapidly and willfully accelerating toward total irrelevance, and headed straight into the dustbin of American History.
[video: width:640 height:480]
Normalizing Criminal Behavior
Left only with the distraction of "Identity Politics", and the heavy arm of "Fake News" to protect their image and their corruption, there is no possibility of any grassroots uprising ever occurring from within.
They are too far gone. Yet the U.S. News Media will never expose just how far gone they are....and neither will Bernie Sanders either (who if he decides to run again will be hamstrung all over again by all the same Establishment rules and restrictions).
[video: width:640 height:480]
U.S. News Media Is Also Dying
Time to invest in alternative directions.
The Democratic Party is a terminal disease.
There's a thread on WoTB
with regard to the standard Dem response to Sanders...'he's not even a real Democrat'.
I would like to know what a 'real Democrat' is. I would hazard a guess that it isn't very pretty.
from a reasonably stable genius.
A Real Democrat
The sad thing is
Bernie has more Dem spine than all those sitting Dems combined.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
'real Democrat'
There are none.
May the name die with the party.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
This can't happen soon enough
I have been wondering what the goals are and why they are insisting on not changing anything and risking of fading away, but then I look at other websites like DK, democrstic underground, crooks and liars and realize that there are still too many people who believe that they have their best interests at heart.
This I just cannot understand why they think this way after all of their betrayals.
Oh well. As the saying goes, there's a fool born every day.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
A really bizarre form of Stockholm
Syndrome maybe?
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Nah. This would be giving them a pass for
them making deliberated decisions of continuing to support the party despite how many times they have passed legislation that harms most of the citizenry.
They not only agreed to make the Bush tax cuts permanent, they work hand in hand with defense bills that gives more money to the bloated defense system which takes it away from the things that we are in great need of.
The people who still believe that the democrats are better than the republicans have put their shackles on themselves,
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
National Stockholm Syndrome Is On Display in America
They own our livelihoods, they beat us down, they control our entertainment, they kill for profits, and they are destroying our planet.
The politicians are the tools. Claiming stockholm syndrome on Democrats is like falling in love with the guns and rope your captors were using to hold you hostage.
Politicians are tools, just like television channels. Got to go higher up the food chain to find the malicious entity holding us hostage.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I gotta think most of them know better. They certainly freaking
did not too far back in the past. That opposition of people like them came from the same place ours did, the knowledge in all of us that something went drastically wrong when bush** and Cheney waltzed into the White House on a SC decision ‘not intended to set a precedent’. HA! like that was even possible.
I think people like them are so insecure or so used to letting others do their thinking for them that the possibility that something and someone(s) that they’ve believed in and trusted for so long would ever not have their best interests in mind is an absolute non-starter. No way will the lights come on. They’re wallowing in the memory of the ‘Party’ pre-Clinton. And many still believe the ‘legends’ attached to Hillbillary. They refuse to face reality even when their faces are rubbed in it. That is a deep and warped attachment to something that doesn’t exist. It’s so deep and strong that they will let it break up relations with friends and family, fight and actually deny that anyone has a right to an opinion not identical to their own, and when shown the video, the Wikileaks, or the article will be able to justify every racist remark, incident of dishonesty, or proof that their idol is a really horrible person.
That’s insane.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Insane. This is the right word to explain them
We did rub their faces in the truth for months and I doubt that we changed anyone's minds with it. Hillary's warmongering and lust for money was plainly visible, but they refused to admit it.
There were quite a few people who saw through Obama during his campaign, but I didn't listen to them either. They pointed out how he voted for certain legislation when he was in the senate and how he voted "present" numerous times instead of taking a stand and showing us his political views.
His mask came off even before he won the election when he voted for the fisa bill, but it came fully off (for me)when he appointed his cabinet and let go everyone who helped him get elected.
Then Bernie came along and removed the DP's masks, but people still didn't see it.
I don't know it's fear that keeps people voting for democrats. Yes republicans are bat shit crazy, but how hard have democrats fought back against them?
Countless articles say that the democrats should be doing this if they want control of congress back, but if so many people can see these things, I'm sure that democrats can too.
The final straw should have been the number of lobbyists appointed to the DNC, but even that doesn't bother the new democratic sycophants.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
And it is just like the most rabid
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
We all know what the definition of insanity is
good grief
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
@Amanda Matthews
That's something that helps children to have a better survival chance when isolated with abusive parents, and also increases the chances of survival by those kidnapped and held captive, as non-psychopaths find it harder to kill those they may have come to like.
This doesn't work well with psychopaths, though; they merely laugh at the suckers and do whatever they like.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Yep, private never meant to be public
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Life. A comedy of unfortunate truths
A goldmine of laughter, for a distant sort. Needless sufferring, the ultimate truth. Fuck people that think so seriously about profit.
Fighting for democratic principles,... well, since forever
The party may be
on its last legs but I wouldn't start giving it the ten count. And, it's going to live or die with or without Bernie, he hasn't got a damn thing to do with its state of health - and likely couldn't care less.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
It will not!
May the demonrats die of starvation.
Bernie is not or should never be their salvation. He can run alone with many or die with the rats.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
The Dem Party may well have lots of money socked away; that's an old polluting industry trick, (one used by such as Monsanto and others having had reps in the Clinton campaign,) spinning off other companies, transferring value and limiting the amount left within the one likely to be sued so that the victims can't get adequate medical coverage/compensation, as had been ordered by a court.
The poor, victimized Dem party may simply be claiming poverty in order to sucker the public into pouring more money into the sewer, to feed the reptilian creatures within. (Not being Alligators, of course!)
Or perhaps it all went on 'CEO bonuses'???
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Thanks for this Bernie Sanders
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
I am probably the only one...
I'd like to see Bernie run again. But this time do it as an independent.Lots of pixels have been spent contemplating what would have happen had Sanders beat Hillary for the nomination.
My question, is what would have been the result if Sanders had run last time as an independent. Guaranteed the outcome would be no worse than what actually happened.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
You're not alone.
He runs as an independent, or he runs alone. Socialist or demigod.
New party or none.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I don't know that
Bernie could have beaten Trump in 2016, and I'm doubtful he could beat him in 2020. One, I Do Not believe he wants to run in 2020, nor do I believe he will run. But, even if he does, if nothing else the Trump "presidency" has proven that At Least 20% of America are flat out get-the-niggers-out-of-our-country Racists (and sexists). At least. More like 25%. And, they're all Trump voters. I think he beats Any Dem the same way he beat Her Highness. "That's right! We need to get these nigger futhermuckers and illegal Mexicano sonsabitches out of the country! Right now. You with me?!" Big Roar. Sadly, gonna say it pretty much like that, too.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Your comment is no different than, and is just as hopelessly out-of-touch as Hillary's elitist: "Basket of Deplorables" nonsense.
There has been a growing economic unrest among the American people, and not one but two growing "populist" movements going on.
The Trump-Bannon-anti-Globalist, pro-American movement is not about "whiteness" at all. It is about our economic conditions, and the selling out of our Country over to Foreign interests at the expense of Main Street USA.
The truth is that a genuine, honest movement was behind Trump, and People voted for Trump because of the compelling economic message (and failure of the Democratic Party):
But go on .... tell me I'm just a "white supremacist" ..... (yawn)
Now you can find a few bad actors from people on either side, but that is not the real issue. In fact, recently it has been the political Lefties that have looked the most foolish and reckless and have been the most violent people of them all --- constantly calling out for the actual murder (assassination) of President Trump, including even staging mock-decapitations, insulting his family, showering praise on George W. Bush (the absolute worst and most criminal President in U.S. History) as being somehow favorable to Trump(?), and constantly accusing everybody who didn't vote for this endless D-Party corruption, elitism, and warmongering as just being: "a white supremacist", "a racist", "a Nazi".
And we see completely normal non-violent people who simply wear the red "MAGA" hats being continually harassed, shouted at, and even beaten-up by the deranged and insane "political Left"... for no reason in Cities all across our Country. And Hollywood has lost its prestige now from all the many hysterical soap-box diatribes made against Trump. CNN, MSNBC, and most of the News Networks have lost a lot of their viewership/membership ... and are beginning to lose all their political clout and influence. This is all just mass hysteria and mental derangement.
And all of this fabricated "Russia Russia Russia" nonsense has now just boomeranged right back on The Clintons themselves, and James Comey, Robert Mueller (FBI), the Podestas, and even Obama for true acts of treason (Uranium-bribery via The Clinton Foundation and the Obama-Clinton run State Department).
So you guys can shout racist, racist, racist all you want to ... and you will continue to just lose elections, lose relevancy, look ridiculous, and miss the whole fact that there is a great overlap here (from the American worker perspective) between the populist right (libertarian). and the populist left. That is why people like Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul like each other, and former Democrat Mike Gravel ran for Libertarian Party nomination (in 2008 after the D-primaries). Both movements attack key aspects of the same crooked Cartel structure -- which must be attacked. Now if those two forces ever got together then the crooked U.S. Establishment and Global Cartel structure would be totally destroyed.
And it was none other than Hillary Clinton who had actually attacked Black people with real white supremacist, racist remarks: "Super Predators":
They doesn’t wants ta hear it, luv.
The AfD (Alternative for Germany party) is a ragtag and politically ineffective bunch of right-wing populist misfits.
After 40 years living in western Germany, I now live in eastern Germany. I can report from first hand experience that a lot of ordinary people are tired of being told — by writers for both the establishment and the “counterculture”, who depict them as Nazis and laugh in their face — that ethnic Germans should just shut up and die out.
It’s simply a fact that here the 99% were being told “austerity, austerity, tighten your belts, sorry, no money, must balance the budget” for years. Only to see the political class turn on a dime and open all the spigots to provide unlimited funds to accommodate undocumented migrants. People were, like, “what, our supposed representatives want to do nothing for people who already live here, but everything for people who’ve just arrived?”
The more the political and cultural elite keep this up, the more surprises they’re going to have when a significant segment of the German 99% votes AfD.
I didn't say Trump
supporters were All racists. Just a good 20%-25% of them.
And Not just Trump supporters. A good 20%-25% of Americans are racist. At least.
My point (if I had one) was 92% of that demographic (racist bastids) will vote for Trump.
Just as they did in 2016. And, that being the case, I don't see any Dem beating him in 2020.
It's very very likely that the low hanging fruit that voted for him in 2016 will vote for him again in 2020. The question then is, where are Dems gonna pick up any electorals from the 2016 map to beat him.
That's all.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
But what sane person wants the Dems - as the corrupt and warmongering mess they currently are - in over the corrupt and war-mongering mess being created within the also self-serving and co-opted Trump Admin?
The Psychopaths/Parasites That Be are choosing who the American people are permitted to vote for and directing the course of each successive Admin (with the assistance of previously selected Administrations, involving members of the Clinton, Bush and Obama Admins) toward their own various globally destructive goals - and what can be worked out to deal with that? Something must be done.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Just to mention, the Dems are corporate, not 'left/liberal'; they merely use 'Opposite Day' language/concept confusion tactics. And Dick Cheney is 'advising' Trump's corporate/religious-right/military-interest-staffed Administration.
The whole corrupted mess needs to come down and be replaced by government actually of by and for the people, acting in the public interest, rather than against it.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
ToP had two diaries on this
and I just couldn't help myself, I made a few comments about Brazille being involved with the DNC again after what she did during the primary.
I just got done answering the person I replied to.
He said that she didn't actually give Hillary answers to debate questions, she only spoke to her about some policies. Or something. Plus, he had to bring up the accusations of Bernie stealing Hillary's data by breaching the DNC data server.
Of course I was accused of only being upset because Bernie didn't win.
I then told him that Obama and Hillary wanted Perez as head because they didn't want the party to move too far to the left and that Haim Saben threatened to withhold funding if Ellison was elected.
The DNC decided that lobbyists are our friends and made them superdelegates. This is only a few of the superdelegates that were involved in the last election.
Don't forget that Hillary lined up delegates a YEAR before she declared that she was running for president, but after she did this, she went on and got paid to give speeches to financial institutions which is against campaign finance laws. Plus she was giving them to people that she was going to be in position to
reciprocateregulate when she was president.She asked Bernie to name one thing that she changed her mind on. This was a deflection because she hadn't been in a position to change her vote at the time.
But we can look at her history of when she was SOS. Many organizations, corporations, governments and people who had business before her state department donated to her foundation after she interceded for them. They gave her millions. Do you think that they were concerned about people who had AIDS ? Or about women's issues?
What about the money they gave to Bill to give a speech to them? How about that one million dollars
birthday present they gave to Bill? This was illegal on so many levels, yet Barry didn't say anything about that.
I'm still hoping that one day her foundation shenanigans will put her buttocks in prison.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Just twittered the photos.
just to piss off many "Dems." Great post!
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Nicely done, as always!
(And welcome to the banned members not singing in the DKos choir.)
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Coffee & Tim Black
'Nuff said, except for, enjoy:
She looks like The Joker in that picture, but crazier.
Maybe she’s his even more evil abuela.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
She must have painted those lips with hot sauce.
Dems aren't dead. Perez will fix it
He's on a tour to find out what the common folk want, in places like Martha's Vineyard and Beverly Hills.
The dems used to be able to talk the talk
even if they never walked the walk, but now they don't even bother.
They are not dead
Here is the Brutally Honest Truth, the Dems are, and have been successful in meeting their goals.
The Dems exist to weaken the left by being a corporate owned left.
You and the American public are not the owners, masters, or bosses of the Democrats.
You and the American public are not the concern of the Democrats.
You and the American public's opinion do not matter to the Democrats.
The Democrats will be alive until one of 3 things occur:
1) A majority of the American public become aware of why and who has been screwing them.
2) The wealthy realize that they do not need to continue with the charade that is our political system
3) A sleazy capitalist decides that they can make a lot of money by creating another corporate backed political party to capture the energy of the growing number of populists who are fed up with the Democrats but aren't awoke enough to understand that the system itself is the problem and no party will save them.
Wasn't it Jefferson who gave us a way out when
our government no longer not worked with our interests in their goals, but especially when they are working against us? Isn't that what his 'tree of liberty needing to be watered' meant?
Republicans are unashamedly working against us? Trying to throw 32 million people off their health insurance and gutting social programs that help the poor and elderly is definitely working against us.
Democrats aren't trying to come up with legislation that will help us, they are only throwing out slogans to get people to vote for them. This means that if they get control over congress again, they have no plans to pass anything that will help us. Obama is proof of that.
But I'm sure that the intelligence agencies would be all over the leaders of any large protests that try to wrestle power and control from their cold hands.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Thats why...
All this can be done by educating and creating Cooperatives in every field and sector. These cooperatives would not only replace the corrupt private sector, they would create a great bottom up solution to our public sector (government) too.
if cooperative banks, cooperative communication companies, coop heal care services, coop housing companies, and more were all created at the same time, cooperative workers would have extreme power and be able to provide personal evidence to family, friends, and neighbors that coops are the better way to work and we would win.
Great points about how to stay below the radar
and how to bring people together and come up with plans for protesting. The FBI is once again targeting the leaders of the BLM protests as they've done to 'uppity' Blacks throughout history.
And many states are trying to pass laws that make people who protest accountable for any damage that comes from them. In addition to being dragged off in their paddy wagons, people can be hit with lengthy prison sentences.
This makes sense, amirite? People protest against pipelines that spill, pollute and cause millions in damages, but it's the people protesting against the pipelines that go to prison. Jeeebus!
As we know, the PTB infiltrate groups with people who call for violence and other ways that give police the opportunity to become violent. Hell, they become violent without any provocations as it is. Protests are usually non violent until police show up with all of their military toys just itching to use them..
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Please continue nailing this to every wall in America!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Morally, politically and brain dead...
But the Life Support of Money keeps chugging.
It will continue to function as a basic party, throwing rallies and selecting their candidates, and filling out every single ballot, but for all practical purposes, you can expect zero change from the corpse.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Lol, not only do the Dems not provide change, they take extra off people's credit cards.
Every step of the way is taken on the heads of the most vulnerable...
Edit: this letter-typo edit is your assurance of authenticity!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Speaking as a feminist, it
Speaking as a feminist, it outrages me every time the Clinton faction hides behind the 'badgering a woman' type of evasion - whether attempting to claim either that women naturally lie and therefore shouldn't be called on lies or whether it's that women are just too naturally fragile to stand up to questioning on blatant lies.
They are doing more damage to feminism than can be tolerated - which is in line with the right-wing big donors they're still courting and previously won away from Republicans prior to the elections... this explaining the reasoning behind the idea of running to appeal to Republicans, code-termed as centre-right 'voters' they were supposed to be replacing cast-aside Dem voters with, meaning that money, rather than votes were what they were chasing, since elections and sycophantic media coverage can be be bought, even if voters can't.
Current and continuing behaviours only convince me further that the Dem loss was most likely ultimately strategic in order to give the Repubs the majority required for a Constitutional Convention in a non-Presidential election, so that Hillary can have Her Turn after the 'bad cops' rewrite the Constitution to suit the billionaires/corporate interests running both parties, amid the opprobrium of the 'greater evil' half of the Corporate Party which did all of this bad stuff - even though all poor helpless Her can then do by corporate 'law' is to administer in the interests of Those Who Matter more blatantly and with absolutely no pretense of any legal protections for any Non-Billionaire American Disposable against anything done to them under colour of imposed law.
Remember that spate of Repubs arguing essentially that rape ought to be legal? (Prior to their training sessions in what not to say publicly...)
There was some poor woman raped on a Reserve by some politician as well...
Hard to find anything except articles excusing/debunking this now but:
(Emphasis mine)
I'm guessing that psychopaths and non-psychopaths have very different ideas of freedom, the latter generally extending such rights to all, including the right to not be raped, whether physically or metaphorically.
Regarding the following article:
Darn, God made the furnace break down, that being the will of god that I freeze to death while my pipes burst, as I can't repair the situation without defying God.
Darn, my car broke down in the desert, it clearly being God's will that I die of heat prostration and thirst sitting in this car without defying God's will by using my cell phone to call a tow truck.
Darn, the Lord decreed that I slept in today because He made my alarm clock not go off, meaning that God wants me to lose my job and starve here until I'm thrown out of my house.
Darn, the Lord seems to be giving me a heart attack; let's just wait and see if He actually means to kill me just now... can't let a doctor interfere with the will of God, now, can we?
(38 second video of this on page)
Ahhhhh, but will God pay for the care of severely disabled children brought into the world by Republican will?
I've previously seen (now seemingly hard/impossible to locate) articles describing Washington Dominionists telling politicians that God wants them, as the purported elite blessed by riches because of God's favour, to do whatever they want to the unworthy ones God cursed with relative poverty and less power, no matter how cruel.
That would, I suspect, be the source for/justification of the 'meritocracy' nonsense given by psychopaths, who may outright enjoy suffering for fun and/or profit, this being the reward they deserve by being one of God's special cases and intended rulers of the Earth.
links to:
Various industries have long been permitted to quite knowingly get away with murder and environmental destruction in the pursuit of ever-increasing profits, whether by poisoning people in the workplace, the environment or through products and now consider this as a right, as law has been (illegally) altered to allow this by stating that corporations need only concern themselves with increasing shareholder profits even while this extra derives from not only from pinching (in both senses) the public purse but draining and killing workers, consumers, breathers, and life on the planet.
Now, billionaires and direct corporate interests profiting from such as this have been directly moving into government, the Bush Admin, I've read, being the first to stack government top to bottom with industry representatives, high-ranking members of which are still active in influencing/directing government, as are the Clintons and Obama.
People wonder why nowadays politicians don't just go away after officially leaving office - evidently because they're all in and part of the plan for total global dominance by The Right Psychopaths.
US governmental kidnapping and the holding of citizens incognito until death has been 'legalized', torture's OK, as are drone and other assassinations, but that's not enough. It is still all against the US Constitution (superseding all other law), as is so much else, and could be challenged, had the Supreme Court not been so carefully kept 'just majority' corrupt by both wings of the Corporate Party. But there are still international courts, in which the Constitutional, as well as the human, rights of US citizens might be argued.
This scenario of a corporate/billionaire constitutional rewrite has the potential to extinguish any remaining shred of pretense of any respect for, or protection of, human and environmental life.
Dunno if everyone has seen this yet, but it's very interesting.
And the projector light shines on...
Oh, what a tangled web we weave when finance has combined with greed
and threads between 'opposing' teams fight US and the public's needs...
Not to mention the fact that there's evidence of this Trump!!! Russian!!! Collusion!!! being invented by the Clinton Campaign, as shown below in another Jimmy Dore previously posted here by various people:
Interestingly, the above is apparently no longer saved in my draft files; several pages once containing various Clinton-related videos seem to be among the latest of those now simply stating (No subject) (No message text). And something I'd written and copied in there which I just looked through still had URLs present but no longer linked/active...
The internet seems to be fast approaching Irrelevancy...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
The 'bipartisan' political establishment.
Both party establishments serve the purpose of keeping the people divided, to prevent public unity against their shared multinational corporate agenda.
Mike Taylor