Advice Needed - Are there ANY Legit International Online Pharmacies?
Hi, all.
I lost my job, and my insurance recently.
I need two maintenance prescriptions refilled, and the total cash price for them is just under $1400.00 (for a 30 day supply for each).
I considered driving to Mexico, but my neighbor suggested I get them online from Canada. So, I began looking into it. However, while the prices are considerably cheaper (especially for the one that actually has a generic option), I'm uneasy about it.
I actually placed an order, but have not paid for it yet, and when I noticed I missed a call from them, I tried calling back, but was forced to leave a message. I did that two days ago, and have not received a call back.
I, then, began checking reviews of various "Canadian" online pharmacies, and none are good.
I also found this place - where you can punch in a pharmacy url and get a report. And, of course, the company I placed my order with shows up as "Rogue". At least they don't have my payment information.
What I can't figure out, is how to find a list of legitimate online pharmacies.
Despite living outside of Houston, the thought of driving all the way down to Mexico (lots of gas!), is off putting, but I need my meds to breathe properly. My daughter also needs her bi-polar meds. I looked, and found no Mexican online pharmacy that offers my meds. Looks mostly like hard on pills, not stuff people actually need, unless I missed something.
Any advice or suggestions?
I'll be in and out as I'm applying for jobs, and documenting the process in case the unemployment agency ever asks, not that they have said anything about an ETA of any money at all.

A couple of suggestions for on-line meds
Canadian pharmacies interested in quality services have taken the extra step to become CIPA certified. Planetdrugsdirect is one portal to multiple pharmacies or one could go to the individual pharmacies to find a list of websites (see upper menu).
Good Luck
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Thank you studentofearth! n/t
How to Buy Cheap Prescription Drugs at 50%-90% Off
A friend in DC told me about the following this evening and swears that these are 100% legit, particularly the first one I list below.
- Enter the drug name and your zip code. Then, enter dosage and quantity. A bunch of coupons will appear from pharmacies near you. Print a couple of coupons for stores near you. Tell the pharmacist that you do not have insurance. You should be able to get the prescription drugs you need at a substantial discount.
Also, read up on these
1. GoodRx - Try printing a temporary card and present it to your pharmacist.
2. Easy Drug Card.
Good luck!
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
I Should Mention...
... that this friend of mine is a medical doctor and I would trust him with my eyes closed.
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
Thank you so much JekyllnHyde
My pharmacy, well, one girl at my local, small-town pharmacy found me a coupon when I had insurance that reduced my $50 co-pay for one inhaler to $0. She didn't have to do that. She's a doll, and her voice sounds like a 10 year old girl's lol. Sweet little lady.
Thanks again.
Hi, Deja! I can vouch for JnH's suggestion
regarding GoodRx. Since Mr M didn't sign up for a Part D Plan until mid-year (this year), and his plan had a $400 annual deductible--we did the math, and realized that by using a GoodRx coupons, he could purchase both his RXs without using his Medicare drug plan (until next year, when he can begin at the start of the year)--and come out better!
(Now, that would not have been the case, if he were still taking a couple of drugs that were several thousand dollars a month.)
Anyhoo, using a GoodRX coupon reduced one rather high-priced generic drug by almost 50 percent!
Good luck!
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Only familiar with GoodRX, so thanks for the info, JnH! EOM
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
My experience with above named has been excellent
have had good results
with 866-539-5330. All you need is a script. Amazing some of the meds come from India, thru Singapore by a Swiss company and are still 1/3 the cost here in the US. Takes awhile, but once set-up it's a snap.
Also found a local pill maker who makes meds on premises. Half the cost of generic meds thru the normal channels. Legit with personal service. Good luck!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Thanks, QMS
I'll look into them. I was just overwhelmed by all the "scam" alerts I kept running into. I knew I should've come here first lol. I can get a 90 day supply of my blood pressure meds for $10 at Wal-Mart unless they stopped that. It's the COPD meds that cost so much. Luckily, I have a ton of albuterol for my asthma and a nebulizer. The inhaler of albuterol was $50 even with insurance. Such a rip off!
damn expensive
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Do you qualify for cobra
or didn't you employer offer it? If you were insured yesterday, wouldn't your insurance last to the end of the month?
I used to order my dawg's arthritis medications online from someone like petmeds that made it appear that they were an American company, but I found out that they came from China and I'm not sure if it was those drugs or just the drug itself that blew out her kidneys.
Sorry that I can't be more helpful. And very sorry about your job.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Cobra is over $1800/mo LMFAO!
Yes, they offered it. No way I can afford that. I have no income, at all. And even if I ever receive a dime of unemployment benefits, it'll be about $250/week before taxes. Hell, mine and my son's auto insurance is $230/mo. $65/mo for hillbilly rural internet. Elec. is about $100/mo until it gets cold (then it goes wayyyy up - even when heater set at 65). Phone is $35/mo. I can cancel Netflix. That's it.
Others have given me some good info, so I will check them out. I have to be able to breathe, and that's what my meds do.
I did just apply for two county jobs. One I completely qualify for, the other is a clerical position which I don't really want, but I'll take it, I don't care.
.sorry for the duplicate duplicates
. JtC, some help?
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
I have been using on-line "Canadian" pharmacies
since the mid-1990s, deja, primarily because of the price-gouging with which US Pharma (and the US government - repugnants, primarily; although the demonrats have not, to my knowledge, objected) appears to feel comfortable. Always have had good results; and have found the three or four "Canadian" firms with which I have dealt to be responsive and reasonable. The one that I currently use -- -- even contacts me several weeks before my prescriptions run out, to remind me that it's time to refill.
I currently am filling two prescriptions for a canine friend (using "people" meds). She is on maintenance doses for chronic conditions, and the monthly price would be outrageous (unaffordable, really), if I had to purchase from US Pharma. I have found that "Canadian" prices range from approximately one-eighth to one-third the price charged by US Pharma FOR THE SAME MEDICATIONS. Generic equivalents often are available through the "Canadian" outlets; if not, you usually also can get the "brand-name" med, also at greatly-reduced prices. (This is the reason that US Pharma fought so long & hard -- successfully -- to prevent U.S. citizens from importing medications from other countries, chiefly Canada. It currently is illegal for a U.S. citizen to purchase/import drugs from Canada for human use. Since I am importing on behalf of a dog, no one, vet included, seems to mind.) This brings up my first caution -- discuss your strategy with your Dr. first, as she will have to provide a prescription to the "Canadian" pharmacy (by fax or email). Also, since you will be using long-term meds, ask her to write the prescription for a one-year (or similarly long) period - this obviates the necessity of filing a new prescription every 30 days (or whatever period your typical prescription runs through).
This brings up my second caution -- order a fairly long time in advance, as delivery (by mail) generally requires a period of several weeks from date of order. Without exception, the prescription drugs that I have ordered are manufactured in India, and shipped direct from the Indian distributor to the recipient; the "Canadian" pharmacy functions simply as a middle-man between the customer (me) and the supplier (Indian. This is why I refer only parenthetically to the "Canadian" pharmacy.) (Shipping costs usually are nominal, and add very little to the cost-per-day of a particular medication.) As a back-up plan, you might request that your Dr. write two prescriptions -- one for the "Canadian" pharmacy, and a second (in a smaller amount) for your local pharmacy, to be filled in the event that you run out of your medication prior to arrival of your shipment from India.
Payment will be by credit card, or electronic withdrawal from your bank. (I have been using electronic withdrawal for several years, with no issues.). And finally a bit of reassurance -- Canadian law requires that medications sold through Canadian retailers (whether passing through Canada or not) meet the very stringent Canadian "drug quality" requirements. This is enforced by the Canadian equivalent of the US FDA, which seems to take their responsibilities much more seriously than does the US FDA. Every imported drug that I have ever used has been top quality. In fact, those non-generic drugs that I have ordered arrive in packaging identical to that used by the US name-brand. The pills themselves (if you happen to be using pills) are indistinguishable in all respects (appearance, size/weight, efficacy) from their US counterparts.
My recommendation -- go for it! ... and best wishes for your continued long-term health and economic stability.
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
jwa13 That's why I put "Canadian" in quotes too lol
I figured out the part about the middle man. I was just afraid I'd get ripped off and never get any meds but be out of my money.
I left a "heads up" message for my doctor's nurse. I said to call me if she had any questions, but this was about the scam company with horrible reviews. That co would not accept a credit card - had to be a voided check.
I only regret I didn't think of this the day I was let go. I only had insurance for another three days after being let go. How very nice of them. Grrrrr I'm completely out of one, and am using only half a dosage of the other but have upped my use of albuterol. The meds are for COPD. Sure going to be impressive if I crawl into an interview huffing, puffing, and wheezing. But, I'll put in an order and wait.
I'm so glad I posted this. Thought about posting in an OT, but wanted more eyes. Glad I did! Thank you!
Ask your Dr. For a sample to last until
What a great country this is....
Looking for a scam of epic proportions, here it is. Looking for health care, education, employment, housing, or clean air/water, no such a thing unless you're the Waltons.
I wish I had something helpful to add deja, but I don't. Sounds like you got a couple of good leads. Best of luck.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I use OptumRx via
my Health Insurance. There is no cost - that is, Free - but I have no idea where they get them from. They contact your primary care doctor to get a list of your meds, then send in mail every 3 months. No trip to pharmacy. All my meds were costing only $17 /mo. via Pharmacy, but that still saves $200 /yr. which pays for something else. They even send a "nurse" (so they say) to your house once a year - Free - to see if you're actually still alive, take your blood press., weight, urine sample... just like the old days when a doctor actually made house calls.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Mexican Teeth, Glasses, Pharm
Here is a trip to Mexico from the host of CheapRVLiving[video:].
Strange that a harp of thousand strings should keep in tune so long
May I suggest
that you contact Texas' Department of Child Welfare or Social Services. That's unlikely to be the right place, but someone there should know the right place. It is possible that your child will be eligible for paid prescription drugs and other health care even if you aren't. That will reduce your problem.
Also, talk with the unemployment office or social services to find out everything you or your child might be eligible for including food stamps and heating aid.
It may turn out to be a waste of time, but it's worth a look.
I am sorry for your circumstances. Only in America.
I don't qualify. My child needing meds, too, is 23
But thank you.
I've checked most of the resources provided by all those who gave sites, and have found what I need, and will research a bit more before paying. (It's Fri night, so nothing from my dr until Mon, anyway.) Will likely cost me approximately $150/mo vs almost $1400.
Thanks, again.
These are great recommendations
I think that department of work force services will be your best place to start. Mine has some very good resources for people in your situation.
Need help paying bills website is another good resource for suggesting where people can turn for help.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.