The Evening Blues - 10-17-17
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features Seattle area musicians, The Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio. Enjoy!
Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio - Move On Up, Memphis, Untitled
"When life is negotiated within a collective value system that devalues and deadens the individual’s inner life thus warps every human transaction, anomie descends, the worst among a people ascend to positions of power."
-- Phil Rockstroh
News and Opinion
Florida governor declares state of emergency before white nationalist's speech
Governor Rick Scott of Florida has declared a state of emergency ahead of a speech by a white nationalist leader this week at the University of Florida, in order to free up resources to prepare for possible violence. Richard Spencer’s speech on Thursday in Gainesville is part of a national campaign to use outrage over racist events on university campuses to draw attention to white nationalist ideas. The tour is also designed keep fringe provocateurs like Spencer in the media spotlight. Spencer has advocated for a “white ethno-state” in North America that would be achieved through “peaceful ethnic cleansing”. ...
Public universities have split in their response to attempts to host racist, xenophobic and antisemitic events on their campuses. Some have denied requests, citing safety concerns. A few have faced lawsuits as a result. Other public university leaders have argued that America’s strict freedom of speech protections give them no choice but to allow Spencer to use campus venues.
Citing serious safety concerns, the University of Florida was one of several schools to deny Spencer’s requests to speak in the wake of events in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August, where a peaceful counter-protester was killed when a car was driven into a crowd. Under threat of legal action, the school reversed course and said it and other local agencies would spend more than $500,000 on security costs to comply with Spencer’s request to rent a campus venue for a speech on 19 October.
In a statement in early October, the university president, W Kent Fuchs, said: “If you are like me, I expect you are surprised and even shocked to learn that [the university] is required by law to allow Mr Spencer to speak his racist views on our campus, and that we are not allowed by law to bill him for the full costs of keeping our campus safe, which exceed more than a half million dollars.”
Declassified US files reveal new details of Indonesia's mid-60s mass killings
Declassified files have revealed new details of US government knowledge of and support for an Indonesian army extermination campaign that killed several hundred thousand civilians during anti-communist hysteria in the mid-1960s. The thousands of files from the US embassy in Jakarta covering 1963-66 were made public on Tuesday after a declassification review that began under the Obama administration.
The files fill out the picture of a devastating reign of terror by the Indonesian army and Muslim groups that has been sketched by historians and in a US state department volume that was declassified in 2001 despite a last-minute CIA effort to block its distribution.
In 1965, Indonesia had the world’s third-largest communist party after China and the Soviet Union, with several million members, and the country’s president, the charismatic Sukarno, was vociferously socialist and anti-American. US officials were ecstatic when conservative generals imposed martial law in Jakarta, seized state radio and set out to annihilate the country’s communist party on the pretext that it had tried to overthrow the government. Within months, the army would prevail, shifting Indonesia’s political orientation to the US and opening its huge market to American companies.
The newly released files underline the US embassy’s and state department’s early, detailed and ongoing knowledge of the killings and eagerness to avoid doing anything that would hinder the Indonesian army. Historians had already established that the US provided lists of senior communist party officials, radio equipment and money as part of active support for the army. The documents specifically mention mass killings ordered by Suharto, a general who within months would seize total power and rule Indonesia for more than three decades, and the pivotal role in carrying out the massacres by groups that today remain Indonesia’s biggest mainstream Muslim organizations: Nahdlatul Ulama, its youth wing Ansor and Muhammadiyah.
A 21 December 1965 cable from the embassy’s first secretary, Mary Vance Trent, to the state department referred to events as a “fantastic switch which has occurred over 10 short weeks”. It also included an estimate that 100,000 people had been slaughtered.
Mogadishu Massacre: Hospitals Run Out of Blood, Antibiotics for Victims in Mass Bombing Killing 300+
Somalia bombing may have been revenge for botched US-led operation
The man who killed more than 300 people with a truck bomb in the centre of Mogadishu on Saturday was a former soldier in Somalia’s army whose home town was raided by local troops and US special forces two months ago in a controversial operation in which 10 civilians were killed, officials in Somalia have said.
The death toll from the bombing now stands at more than 300, making it one of the most devastating terrorist attacks anywhere in the world for many years. On Tuesday remains of victims were still being brought out of rubble spread over hundreds of square metres.
Investigators believe the attack on Saturday may in part have been motivated by a desire for revenge for the botched US-led operation in August.
Raqqa recaptured from Islamic State by US-backed forces
The Syrian city of Raqqa, once de facto capital of the Islamic State’s self-declared caliphate, has fallen to US-backed forces after a gruelling four-month battle.
The recapture of Raqqa after three years of Isis rule is a symbolic loss to the terrorist group, which is under intense pressure in Syria and neighbouring Iraq, forced into a strip of the Euphrates valley and surrounding desert between the two countries.
The Kurdish-Arab Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said on Tuesday that they had captured the city’s stadium and the nearby hospital, which were the last holdouts of the terrorist group in the city. But they fell short of issuing an official statement announcing the liberation of Raqqa.
“Military operations have ended in Raqqa, but sweeping operations are continuing to destroy sleeper cells if they exist and to cleanse the city from mines,” Talal Selo, a SDF spokesman, said in a statement. “The situation is under control in Raqqa and soon we will announce the liberation of the city.”
Israel Attacks Syrian Air Defenses After Warplanes Come Under Fire
It’s pretty common for Israeli warplanes to attack targets inside Syria, and it’s very rare for Syria to do anything about it. This appears to be giving Israeli officials a sense that they’re entitled to attack Syria whenever the mood strikes, and led to a furious reaction overnight when Israeli warplanes were raiding Syria, and came under fire from Syrian air defenses.
Israel responded with a new round of attacks against Syrian air defense batteries east of the capital city of Damascus, presenting it as “retaliation” for Syria daring to fire on the warplanes. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted such attacks are “not acceptable,” and that Israel will continue to strike Syria whenever it sees fit.
Throughout Syria’s war, Israel has regularly attacked Syrian military targets, particularly in the country’s south. Though Israel says they are “neutral” on the Syrian war, top officials have regularly said they would prefer ISIS winning in Syria instead of the Assad government.
Battle of Kirkuk: "There's a big rift between Kurdish parties in Kurdistan"
Iraqi forces drive Kurdish fighters out of town of Sinjar
Kurdish fighters have lost more territory in Iraq, a day after Iraqi forces pushed them out of the disputed oil-rich city of Kirkuk.
The commander of local Yazidi fighters, Masloum Shingali, said Kurdish forces had left the town of Sinjar before dawn on Tuesday, allowing Shia-led militia fighting with Iraqi forces to move into the town.
Shingali said there had been no clashes and that the Kurdish forces left immediately. “They didn’t want to fight,” he said.
The town’s mayor, Mahma Khalil, said the Popular Mobilisation Forces, a predominantly Shia militia coalition, were securing Sinjar.
Iraqi troops pushed their Kurdish allies in the battle against Islamic State out of Kirkuk on Monday, seizing oilfields and other facilities as tensions soar over last month’s Kurdish vote for independence.
Iraq made 'declaration of war' when its troops seized parts of oil-rich region, Kurdish forces say
Iraqi army units have seized positions in and around Kirkuk, a major oil city that's dominated by the country's Kurdish people, who voted for independence last month. ... Reports indicated that the Iraqi troops had not faced significant opposition from Kurdish peshmerga militia fighters in the area. However, the General Command of the Peshmerga Forces responded strongly to the advance, local news reported.
"The attack is a clear declaration of war against the people of the Kurdistan Region," the General Command said in a statement.
Catalonia: detention of secessionist leaders sparks large protests
Thousands of people have taken to the streets of Catalonia to protest against a judge’s decision to detain two prominent pro-independence leaders, as tensions between the Madrid and Barcelona governments continue to rise.
On Monday night, Spain’s national court denied bail to Jordi Sánchez, president of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) and Jordi Cuixart, president of Òmnium Cultural. Both men are being investigated for alleged sedition in the run-up to the regional independence referendum two weeks ago.
Sánchez and Cuixart are accused of using huge demonstrations to try to stop Spanish police officers following a judge’s orders to halt the independence referendum that had already been suspended by the country’s constitutional court.
The Catalan president, Carles Puigdemont, quickly denounced the move and described both men as “political prisoners”. “Spain jails Catalonia’s civil society leaders for organising peaceful demonstrations,” he tweeted on Monday night. “Sadly, we have political prisoners again.”
The following day, the mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, tweeted: “Catalonia has woken up saddened and worried today. The imprisonment of [Sánchez and Cuixart] is a threat to everyone’s rights and freedoms.” Thousands of people crowded into the Plaça Sant Jaume in the Catalan capital at midday on Tuesday to demonstrate against the ruling. Similar demonstrations were held in Tarragona, Lleida and Girona.
'First high-level political prisoners over referendum': Catalan leaders jailed for possible sedition
Catalan government will not respond to Madrid's order on Thursday
Catalan authorities will not respond on Thursday to the Spanish government’s order that they clarify whether they have declared independence from Spain, Catalonia’s TV3 reported on Monday, citing sources.
Wow, Putin spent $80,000 in an election cycle where $6.8 Billion was spent in total. Gosh, I bet that 80k had a massive effect!
Boo! Putin scary!
Russian troll factory paid US activists to help fund protests during election
Russian trolls posing as Americans made payments to genuine activists in the US to help fund protest movements on socially divisive issues, according to a new investigation by a respected Russian media outlet. On Tuesday, the newspaper RBC published a major investigation into the work of a so-called Russian “troll factory” since 2015, including during the period of the US election campaign, disclosures that are likely to put further spotlight on alleged Russian meddling in the election. ...
RBC said it had identified 118 accounts or groups in Facebook, Instagram and Twitter that were linked to the troll factory, all of which had been blocked in August and September this year as part of the US investigation into Russian electoral meddling. ...
Perhaps the most alarming element of the article was the claim that employees of the troll factory had contacted about 100 real US-based activists to help with the organisation of protests and events. RBC claimed the activists were contacted by Facebook group administrators hiding their Russian origin and were offered financial help to pay for transport or printing costs. About $80,000 was spent during a two-year period, according to the report.
The main topics covered by the groups run from Russia were race relations, Texan independence and gun rights. RBC counted 16 groups relating to the Black Lives Matter campaign and other race issues that had a total of 1.2 million subscribers. The biggest group was entitled Blacktivist and reportedly had more than 350,000 likes at its peak. ...
The company estimated that about 10 million Americans saw the ads, but interestingly also specified that only 44% of the impressions took place before last November’s election, making the Russian campaign look more like an attempt to sow general chaos rather than a narrowly focused electoral drive.
Human Anxiety in Late-Stage Capitalism
How is it [that] liberals fail to grasp the fact that the Trump presidency is not an aberration; rather, his ascension to power should be regarded as being among the high probability variables of late-stage capitalism and empire building? The psychopathic, tangerine-tinged clown Trump is the embodiment of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, a development that is concomitant to over-expanded empires. Thus he will continue to flounce deeper into the quagmire of crash-engendering, economic legerdemain and perpetual war.
Empires are death cults, and death cults, on a subliminal basis, long for their own demise. Paradoxically, the collective mindset of imperium, even as it thrusts across the expanse of the world, renders itself insular, cut off from culturally enhancing novelty, as all the while, the homeland descends into a psychical swamp of churning madness. A draining of the swamp of the collective mind cannot come to pass, for the swamp and citizenry are one. Withal, the likes of leaders such as Trump rise from and are made manifest by the morass of the culture itself. In a swamp, the gospel of rebirth and redemption is heard in the song of humus. New life rises from its compost. In the presence of Trump’s debased mind and tombified carcass, one is privy to arias of rot. While Hillary Clinton’s monotonous tempo was the dirge of a taxidermist — cold, desiccated of heart, and devoid of life’s numinous spark — Trump’s voice carries the depraved cacophony of a Célinean fool’s parade … its trajectory trudging towards the end of empire.
As liberals new BFFL (Best Friend for Life) George W. Bush might ask, “Is our liberals learning.”
In a word, no. For example, the collective psyche of U.S. culture as been enflamed by the revelations that actresses were coerced into sexual encounters with a movie mogul whose power in the industry was only matched, even enhanced, by his sadistic nature. The staff of his company assisted, was complicit in, or remained silent about his lechery, as did the whole of the movie industry and the entertainment press. All as NFL athletes are being threatened with expulsion from the League if they kneel during the national anthem. Yet the great unspoken remains: The enabling of and submission to the degradation, exploitation and tyranny, and the lack of resistance thereof share a common and singular factor: The careerism of all concerned. The cultural milieu concomitant to capitalism is at the rotten root and noxious blossoming of the situation.
Jean-Luc Godard’s 1967 cinematic barnburner “Two or Three Things I Know About Her” should be required viewing for those unaware or in denial of the acuity of the film’s theme i.e., becoming enmeshed within the psychical landscape of dominance, degradation, and submission inherent to and inseparable from capitalist/consumer culture will cause one to become party to societal sanctioned prostitution. When life is negotiated within a collective value system that devalues and deadens the individual’s inner life thus warps every human transaction, anomie descends, the worst among a people ascend to positions of power.
North Korean UN envoy says 'nuclear war may break out at any moment'
North Korea’s deputy UN ambassador has warned that the situation on the Korean peninsula “has reached the touch-and-go point and a nuclear war may break out any moment”.
Kim In-ryong told the UN general assembly’s disarmament committee that North Korea is the only country in the world that has been subjected to “such an extreme and direct nuclear threat” from the United States since the 1970s and said the country has the right to possess nuclear weapons in self-defence.
He pointed to large-scale military exercises every year using “nuclear assets” and said what is more dangerous is what he called a US plan to stage a “secret operation aimed at the removal of our supreme leadership”.
This year, Kim said, North Korea completed its “state nuclear force and thus became the full-fledged nuclear power which possesses the delivery means of various ranges, including the atomic bomb, H-bomb and intercontinental ballistic rockets”.
“The entire US mainland is within our firing range and if the US dares to invade our sacred territory even an inch it will not escape our severe punishment in any part of the globe,” he warned.
Top Trump Official John Kelly Ordered ICE to Portray Immigrants as Criminals to Justify Raids
A directive to immigration officials across the country to try to portray undocumented immigrants swept up in mass raids as criminals came directly from then-Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly, The Intercept has learned.
Earlier this month, The Intercept published a cache of internal emails exchanged between Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials in Texas in February, while the first mass raids of the Trump administration were underway.
The redacted emails, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request by students at Vanderbilt University Law School, show that while hundreds of undocumented immigrants were rounded up across the country, DHS officials tried — and largely failed — to engineer a narrative that would substantiate the administration’s claims that the raids were motivated by public safety concerns. In the emails, local ICE officials are ordered to come up with “three egregious cases” of apprehended criminals to highlight to the media. ...
As a reader of The Intercept pointed out, the email’s subject line — “Due Tonight for S1 – URGENT” — meant that the request had been made by the secretary of Homeland Security himself, referred to as “S1” in department shorthand. Kelly was at the helm of the department at the time, before he was appointed in July to replace Reince Priebus as White House chief of staff.
US civic groups urge Amazon tax pledge: 'We expect you to pay your fair share'
As US cities throw billions in tax breaks and build war rooms to strategize on how best to lure Amazon to their city, civic leaders on Tuesday called on the tech giant to pay its fair share. Amazon’s plans to open a second headquarters, dubbed HQ2, in a major US city have set off an often bizarre bidding frenzy as municipalities pitch for the company’s business. Amazon has promised to create up to 50,000 new jobs at the new site and bids must be in by 19 October.
New Jersey has pledged $7bn in potential tax credits to lure Amazon to Newark. Michigan is preparing to offer similar breaks to woo the company to Detroit. Business leaders in Tucson even tried to mail Jeff Bezos a 21ft saguaro cactus to gain his attention. (Amazon said it could not accept gifts and returned it). But in an open letter to the Amazon boss 73 civic leaders from cities and states including Arizona, California, Chicago, New Orleans and Tennessee have asked the company to promise quid pro quo for taxpayer support.
“You have your list of things you’re looking for from cities – but we live in these cities, and we’ve got some expectations of our own for Amazon,” the authors wrote. “We love jobs, we love technology, and we love convenience – but what you’re looking for will impact every part of our cities. We built these cities, and we want to make sure they remain ours.” The signatories called on Amazon to pledge to hire local construction workers, help build sustainable communities, contribute to affordable housing developments, be transparent about the breaks it is receiving and pay state property and income taxes.
“The things about our cities that make you want to move here are the same reasons many of us live here – we have great systems of higher education, museums, and infrastructure that helps move people and things from one place to another. But we got that stuff by collectively paying for it, through taxes, and we’re expecting Amazon to pay your fair share if you end up being our neighbor,” they write.
Here's the intro to an interview of Ta-Nehisi Coates by Jeremy Scahill. It develops into an interesting interview, though the first part of it about comic books might be something to skip through:
Ta-Nehisi Coates Unplugged
Donald Trump responds to the suffering of black and brown people in a radically different way than he does to that of white people. Puerto Ricans, in his mind, should have been grateful to him, and any Puerto Rican who complains is dirt. He can call John McCain a loser for getting shot down in Vietnam, but black athletes can’t exercise their First Amendment rights. Black athletes are sons of bitches, but the white shooter in Las Vegas is probably smart, according to Trump. This is a pattern that only the willfully ignorant can deny. And this isn’t just about Trump at home. He’s re-escalating the war in Afghanistan. He’s expanded a lethal spigot to Saudi Arabia to keep the bombs dropping on Yemen. He has eased the restrictions for the U.S. military on killing civilians. He’s considering authorizing increased CIA drone operations. And Trump is threatening to wipe North Korea, a country of 25 million people, off the map.
Part of the horrors emanating from Trump involves style, and some involve substance. President Obama was a belligerent war president. So was Bill Clinton. So was George W. Bush. So is Donald Trump. Trump is not really taking the war positions he is because he’s Donald Trump. He’s doing what American presidents do, albeit with some tweaks and differences here and there. But Trump says things that are horrifying. He openly lies. He deliberately chooses to inflame situations. So how much of Trump is who he is and what he believes and how much of it is how he does it and how he speaks?
Journalist and author Ta-Nehisi Coates recently wrote an article about Trump that has sparked a lot of discussion and debate. The title alone is very provocative: “The First White President.” It’s a fascinating read and it addresses the ways in which the eight-year presidency of the first black president, Barack Obama, was seized on by Trump trying to make his way to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
In the piece, Coates write, “It is often said that Trump has no real ideology, which is not true — his ideology is white supremacy, in all its truculent and sanctimonious power. To Trump, whiteness is neither notional nor symbolic but is the very core of his power. In this, Trump is not singular. But whereas his forebears carried whiteness like an ancestral talisman, Trump cracked the glowing amulet open, releasing its eldritch energies. The repercussions are striking: Trump is the first president to have served in no public capacity before ascending to his perch. But more telling, Trump is also the first president to have publicly affirmed that his daughter is a ‘piece of ass.’”
Coates continues: “That is the point of white supremacy — to ensure that that which all others achieve with maximal effort, white people (particularly white men) achieve with minimal qualification. Barack Obama delivered to black people the hoary message that if they work twice as hard as white people, anything is possible. But Trump’s counter is persuasive: Work half as hard as black people, and even more is possible. Trump truly is something new — the first president whose entire political existence hinges on the fact of a black president. And so, it will not suffice to say that Trump is a white man like all the others who rose to become president. He must be called by his rightful honorific — America’s first white president.”
Regreening the planet could cut as much carbon as halting oil use – report
Planting forests and other activities that harness the power of nature could play a major role in limiting global warming under the 2015 Paris agreement, an international study showed on Monday. Natural climate solutions, also including protection of carbon-storing peatlands and better management of soils and grasslands, could account for 37% of all actions needed by 2030 under the 195-nation Paris plan, it said.
Combined, the suggested “regreening of the planet” would be equivalent to halting all burning of oil worldwide, it said.
“Better stewardship of the land could have a bigger role in fighting climate change than previously thought,” the international team of scientists said of findings published in the US journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The estimates for nature’s potential, led by planting forests, were up to 30% higher than those envisaged by a UN panel of climate scientists in a 2014 report, it said.Trees soak up heat-trapping carbon dioxide as they grow and release it when they burn or rot. That makes forests, from the Amazon to Siberia, vast natural stores of greenhouse gases.
Federal Court Dismisses RICO and Defamation Lawsuit Against Greenpeace
In a decision that could set a powerful precedent for protecting activists from legal attacks, a federal judge on Monday dismissed all claims in a lawsuit filed by a major Canadian logging company against Greenpeace,, and individual activists, which included claims under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act.
Resolute Forest Products Inc. filed the $300 million CAD lawsuit in response to the environmentalists' advocacy work in protest of deforestation that results from logging. The activists celebrated the decision, and called for future collaboration between environmental advocates and corporations to protect natural resources.
"The judge's decision to dismiss the case affirms that Resolute's divisive and bullying tactics are a waste of time and resources," said Greenpeace USA senior forest campaigner Daniel Brindis. "It is time for Resolute to finally work with environmental organizations including Greenpeace to address their destructive forestry operations and forge a collaborative and sustainable path forward."
While Greenpeace USA general counsel Tom Wetterer called the ruling "very positive news," he also emphasized that the decision by Resolute's attorneys to file RICO claims was an "attempt to abuse our legal system and silence legitimate criticism on matters of public concern" by using a federal law typically reserved for targeting mobsters—and which even the Justice Department says "was passed by Congress with the declared purpose of seeking to eradicate organized crime in the United States."
"Resolute's claim that organizations and activists committed to the conservation of the forests were part of a criminal enterprise is absurd and a sad symptom of a wider assault on constitutional rights and democracy," said Wetterer. "The logging company's allegations were a clear attempt to silence the voices that advocate for the environment."
Climate Change Has Doubled Area Hit By Forest Fires in US
Also of Interest
Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.
Accused of corruption, popularity near zero – why is Brazil's president still in office?
Kentucky’s Last Remaining Abortion Clinic Could Be Forced to Shut Its Doors
A Little Night Music
Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio - Tacoma Black Party
Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio - Close But No Cigar
Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio - I Don't Want to Play That
Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio - Concussion
Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio - Top Going Down, Bottom Going Up
Jimmy James and Friends - Jam
Jimmy James - Sure Thing
Jimmy James - Foxy Lady
Sharon Jones invites Jimmy James to play guitar

De Niro F-Bombs Trump
I can't wait for Trump to threaten De Niro.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
That would be a sight to see.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Robert De Niro's waiting, talking the f-bomb....
Robert De Niro's waiting, talking the f-bomb....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
evening mm...
heh, that robert deniro has a way with words. his use of the f-word here seems very appropriate.
80 Grand
Vlad is still holding out on me. I gotta get PAID!
Oh...and evening Joe.
I want a Pony!
evening arrow...
yep, vlad's been holdin' out on me, too. damn!
Thanks js!
Hello from the Global Warmer overlooking Lake Powell from Wahweap Campground in Glen Canyon NRA.
Great to see the Greenpeace News!
Fabulous views here, except one can also see the coal powered Navajo Power Plant and the smudges it emits nearby.
Time to keep it in the ground!
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
evening do...
happy camping! sorry to hear that your campground is in sight range of a coal burner. hopefully, we will be able to fend off trump's minions who want to further subsidize earth's destruction. more incentive to figure out how to live off-grid, i guess.
know anything about ultracapacitor banks?
Ultracapacitor banks, no. Sounds interesting, though.
How was your trip, or are you still underway?
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
we're back from the trip...
it went well. we went up to the finger lakes region in new york so ms. shikspack could meet up with a bunch of buddies to hit the women's rights national historical park and related attractions. we also hit one of the many wineries on cayuga lake.
i'm still working on the new rig, but some other things have conspired to demand my attention. so the first shakedown run will be soon, i hope.
We have never been that
Met a fellow retired teacher today. Another cancer survivor.
We could be doing many things but camping seems it just now.
All the best
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
So sad to see all the war news. Peace out!
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Ahh irony. Gotta love it
people who try to protect land, air, water and the beings that uses those things are looked upon as criminals by the people who are trying to destroy those things.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
evening snoopy...
that's actually a step up from how the government views people who try to protect land, air, water and the beings that uses those things - as terrorists.
Herd a great speech related to that at
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
If Trump is our ‘Caligula,
If Trump is our ‘Caligula, who the Hell is our Nero?
Poor Kurds. Actually the best and the bravest among those that fought ISIS. They do DESERVE a reward for that at the very least. Heads would still be ‘rollin’ if it weren’t for the Kurds. But they’ll be abandoned again. If it were up to me, they’d be given something. Maybe not all that they want and deserve. But certainly not betrayal and victimization.
Obviously, the the solution to the lproblem of a homeland for the Kurds is wayyyyy above my pay grade.
EDIT: FESERVE/DESERVE (if there are anymore I just don’t care)
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
evening amanda...
it appears that the kurds have never had and still have no friends. one day, if they ever get their internal power politics straightened out and unite, they might just take back some of their traditional lands and set up housekeeping under their own rule.
The Onion Sues...
The Onion Sues Trump Administration for Stealing All Their Ideas
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
evening gls...
sadly, all too believable.
satire is dead
satire is dead
too much real 
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
Greetings, Joe & Gang! Thought I'd
sashay by to say 'thanks' for tonight's EB. I've had a hectic day--won't even go there--which hasn't been helped by having only 4 'good digits' on my right hand.
Anyhoo, I'm still searching for detailed articles about the Alexander-Murray tentative 'deal' that the Bobbsey Twins announced earlier today. Not to sound 'tin foilish'--but considering the fact that their final product is practically identical to what they first presented this summer (August), I'm suspicious that the past several days--including the EO (Executive Order) that DT signed Friday--is all Kabuki Theatre.
I'll post an excerpt and link tomorrow about the final 'deal,' which is expected to open up Copper Plans--these plans are more catastrophic than the low level Bronze Plan.
The Copper Plan has a 50/50 actuarial value, and today's 'deal' will allow folks--regardless of age--to purchase them, it allows 'regulatory flexibility'--including allowing state waivers to make Medicaid a 'work-tested' program, etc.
It's possible that this deal doesn't include the 'Association Plans' which were included in DT's Executive Order (signed Friday). So, not certain that the Administration would actually go forward with the non-ACA compliant 'skinny plans,' now that the bipartisan hacks have agreed to allow 50/50 Copper Plans.
BTW, the Copper Plans will have to include the ACA's 10 EHBs (Essential Health Benefits); but, I figure that these catastrophic plans will be only slightly less expensive than the Bronze Plans. Hopefully, I'll have some firm info/answers by tomorrow evening.
Hey, Everyone have a nice Everyone!
Edited: Corrected three times--due to 'defective' pinky!
"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures--they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive."--Gilda Radner
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."--Will Rogers
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
evening mollie...
thanks for keeping up with the health plan madness and your ongoing reports.
i hope the ailing digit is improving quickly, i know how it can feel like being rendered mute.
have a great evening!
As an aside, the 'state waivers'
that I referenced above aren't specifically spelled out in today's outline. But, the broadening of the use of waivers, is. I should mention that earlier this summer, former Secretary Price laid out his plans [in an official memo] to move toward approving state waivers to allow for the implementation of a Medicaid work requirement for ABAWDs (Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents). Now, in some states, this type of 'work rule' exempts senior ABAWDs--usually, beginning at age 50 or 55, and older.
Just to be clear . . .
[Edited: Corrected typo.]
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Yet another way to sneak slave labor back under the radar
The prison labor loophole was never wide enough, so they've been looking for more and more and more excuses.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Hi, TOM - Yeah, I'd say that you pretty much nailed it! :-D EOM
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Thought of you today as we watched Humana webinar from inside our camper.
The Group Medicare Advantage plan for medicare recipients like us sounded interesting. Will have to reserve judgement until we get forced into it in January and have a claim.
Have a great evening and thanks for sharing your news.
Oops edit to include TX Ret Tchr Medicare recipients like us being pushed into a Humana Group Medicare Advantage plan.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Evening, DO--glad to hear that you and JB
got to participate in a webinar; it's good news that you Guys were encouraged by what you heard. Who knows - the Humana MA Plan could be absolutely excellent coverage. As I mentioned previously, (IMO) the 3 drug tiers on your TRS website would be hard to beat!
I'm still checking out Part D standalone plans for 2018. Will have a few thoughts to share about them in the next couple of weeks, especially, about the 'shrinking' RX formularies that I'm finding--in comparison to this year's plans.
My 'guess' is that drug companies/pharmacy managers are attempting to offset the very, very skimpy increase in the Plan D "deductible"--from $400 to $405 for most Part D standalone plans. We saw one or two plan offerings with a $315 Annual Deductible. (Those are aside from the '0' Deductible plans, of course.)
Our target date to enroll for 2018 is early next week. We want to have plenty of time to switch plans, in case we're not satisfied with the plans--once we receive the plan materials. We're probably going to each enroll in one of our top two choices--with one of us switching after I scour the plan packet (upon receipt). I'm finding tons of the material online, but figure that it might be wise to actually make a final judgment from the hardcopy material.
Currently, we're in two different plans--Mr M's plan is improving for 2018, but mine has "gone to hell in a handbasket!"
Also, this year, we're both shopping for a 'broader' formulary; hopefully, one that's competitively priced!
Hey, hope you two are enjoying your trip! Safe travels.
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
SOSD - A volunteer-run organisation dedicated to the welfare of Singapore’s street dogs. We rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome strays to give them a second chance.
On Twitter - SOSD Singapore@SOSDsg
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Minneapolis is bidding for the Amazon HQ
Just after we built a new stadium for the Vikings... and upcoming Super Bowl.
Sigh. So much public money for those who can afford it the most.
from a reasonably stable genius.
evening bollox...
heh, just about the only thing that pisses me off more than giant corporations opening bidding wars for tax breaks is professional sports teams that exert leverage on cities to make them provide a huge, expensive
shrubberystadium.i better not get started.
Hey Joe...
Just dropping by for my usual morning read. Just want to let you know how much I appreciate your work collecting the news for us. I always come away better informed.
Wanted to let you know I'm still a fan (albeit tardy on a regular basis). Lately just doing a morning shift in the cyber-world. Hope you are doing well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”