How inconsiderate of Berta Cáceres to get herself assassinated while Hillary Clinton is running for President.
The Hillary trolls are at it again.
While the murder of Berta Cáceres is very tragic, according to the Hillary supporters, the real indecency is not that the U. S. government supports the government behind the death squads, no. The real indecency is that yours truly has dared to publish and link to the reporting of Democracy Now and that report included the words "U.S.-supported coup!" Hillary Clinton's name was not even mentioned.
From a Hillary supporter:
Again, using a diary giving information that everyone on this site will care about to trash Hillary Clinton is just not right. It is wrong. It is not decent.
And more outrage from Hillary supporter:
Nothing except talking about this person who is at great risk should be acceptable in this diary. I don’t know why you cannot understand this. Respect Gustavo Soto and talk about him. There are scores of diaries where you can diss Hillary Clinton. Many. This diary is not about this. This is not political. It is about humanity and a man who is in deep trouble.
My response:
Um.. a US supported coup is not political, really?
Government death squads are not political, really?What world exactly do you live in?
Hillary supporter:
The man being in trouble should not be political. Squeal away.
[Emphasis added.]
My response:
Reporting facts is now “squealing” to Hillary supporters.
Democracy Now, Amy Goodman, and Berverly Bell are now “squealers”?
I suppose my church in Minneapolis was also “squealing” when we gave sanctuary to a refugee from Guatemala after her village was massacred and then made sure we did everything that we could to get the whole story out about what the US supported death squads were doing to the indigenous people there.
Sadly, this is what the Democratic Party has now become, reporting US government support for brutal governments is now called “Squealing.”
That is just pathetic.
I have been working on the issue of Central and South American death squads since 1973, 42 years, and I don’t intend to be shut up now just because Hillary Clinton is running for President.
[Emphasis added.]
This is what comes of lesser evil voting!!!!
Once you vote for the "lesser" evil, you then must stop any and all reporting about the evils perpetrated by the One Who Is Less Evil when that reporting reflects poorly upon your Lesser Evil Candidate or your Lesser Evil Political Party.
It is the reporter, reporting the facts, not the US supported government death squads, who is "indecent," a "squealer," a "grave dancer," a "hater."
Hillary supporters are reaching an all time low in trying to suppress the facts surrounding the murders of these courageous Honduran land defenders.
Cáceres is at least the 110th environmental or land defender to be killed in Honduras since 2010 in the wake of a U.S.-supported coup.

You are fighting the good fight, but please remember to preserve your sanity.
I'm not sure there are any persuadable minds left there anymore. It's the Eighth Circle of Hell there (i.e. the domain of frauds and liars). Abandon all hope.
Thanks Jen Raye for your continued reporting and calling those Hillary supporters out! People need to know this information/
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
it appears it is about electoral politics to you in the end
JayRaye. what a shame. imo, you report, don't report on trolling if you care about an issue, a story. the end.
say what?
This is gibberish. What are you trying to say?
The more people I meet, the more I love my cats.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
allow me
to expand my too-brief comment, JayRaye. id assumed that you’d seen my thanks for putting up your first diary about Berta’s assassination. given that i’d shed a lot of tears over it, and the fact that so many of her comrades had also been murdered over the past several years, i was blown away to see the title of this post in the left-side column soon afterward.
for me, it seemed that she and they deserved far better than to be an issue devolved into either electoral politics or a daily kos feud. i had forgotten that both themes are prevalent at this site, but even then i might have expected you to add a comment to your original diary to say that you ha been taking grief over it,, rather than creating a whole new one. i’m an issues blogger, not an electoral one. please forgive me for not knowing the lay of the land here. that is all.
the movement to investigate her murder and to protect gustavo castro are growing exponentially.
hi wendy...
i see your assertion that it appears that jayraye's real interest in berta caceres' murder is partisan.
while i assume that your reaction expresses your passion, it does not, unfortunately make a lot of sense logically.
jayraye expressed her feelings about the murder in one diary. in another diary she expressed her dismay about the partisan response to the exposition of facts.
it is possible to have concerns about two things at once, the murder itself and the partisan reaction to it.
these are not mutually exclusive concerns.
i don't think that you can fairly make a character assumption about jayraye, that she cares more about the partisan/electoral issues than about the murder itself, based on the facts at hand.
nor can you fairly make the assumption that she posted her article about the murder in the first place as a provocative act, in order to bestir the partisans.
my window gets wet when it rains.
my window is wet now.
therefore it must be raining.
Definitely DO report on the trolling, JayRaye!
Let's face it: Hillary Clinton's supporters -- especially those over on the Kos -- have now officially gone off the cliff and down the rabbit hole.
"Methinks they protest overmuch!"
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Don't worry I intend to.
Attempts to suppress a story are an important part of the story and need to be reported.
Attempts to suppress the truth about U. S. supported right wing death squads have been going on for a very very long time. Different methods have been used. This shaming of the reporter is just the latest method.
Sad that someone here at C99 would stoop to that disgusting level. Making a character attack on someone when she doesn't even know that person or that person's 42-year long history of activism on this issue.
Don't worry, I'm not an easy woman to silence. We had our church infiltrated and our homes watched while our church was a sanctuary for a Guatemalan woman whose entire village had been massacred. If I wasn't silenced by that, then I'm sure not going to be silenced by some stranger trying to shame me into silence on an internet site!
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
You’re aiming animosity at JayRaye here? Weird. I disagree. n/t
You have to wonder if they even care.
It's like they've made the choice that is comfortable for them, for whatever reason, and they really, really, really don't want to see, hear or speak anything that might upset that comfy little apple cart.
The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop
Actually, I appreciate what they've done because it's caused me
to think more and more on the whole subject of lesser evil voting.
When they have to go so far to protect their candidate that the truth about US Supported Death Squads has to be suppressed, then that tells me that the whole rational of lesser evil voting simply needs to cast aside once and for all.
I remember this nightmare all thru the 70s and 80s trying to get the message out about what was happing in Central and South America and people simply would not believe it or didn't want to hear it.
Used to spend one night a week at our church in the 80s because we had given sanctuary to a woman from Guatemala who had survived the massacre of her entire village. This subject is real to me, and not theoretical. Also personally knew a man who survived the stadium in Santiago. He was a member of the MIR but he had a Christian Democrat card in his pocket and that's what saved him.
Americans forget so fast, and therefore keep repeating and repeating these horrible policies. And their only concern is that the truth shouldn't get out and harm their chosen candidate.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Smedley Butler knew all about it
and reported on it (after he retired) back in the 1930s.
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Unfortunately.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I agree that this is what comes of the lesser of two evils
It's also abundantly clear to me that Hillary supporters and, in fact, most Americans, no longer care about facts, reality, or human decency. In fact, I'm not really sure what they do care about. I have hopes that our youth will save us from our own corruption. And heck, I'm young at heart so I'm doing what I can too.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
I responded to that Hillary supporter....
I told her, "Neither is supporting coups that over throw democratically elected governments costing hundreds of people their lives."
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
I saw that, and thank you, Martha.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
oh, JayRaye, they are so much engaged over there
to function as "agent provocateurs", that it is so silly and such a shame, I just wished, you would ignore them. These people don't react to reason. Things like that caused me to ban myself over there, because I didn't want to come into temptation to react to such commentators. Be sure, you won't find those people on the streets fighting for the good causes. They are all hot air and no trousers.