Bizarre Morgan Freeman Video Says We Are At War With Russia

If you haven't seen it yet, you won't believe it:

So who is behind social activist and beloved actor Morgan Freeman's ominous claim that Russia is at war with the United States? A group called the Committee to Investigate Russia (CIR). And exactly who are the people behind the CIR? A strange alliance of neocons, Hollywood bigwigs and Hillary supporters, as well as discredited liar and former Obama Director of National Intelligence (DNI), James Clapper, that's who.

Big Hollywood names have helped found the Committee to Investigate Russia, a nonprofit aiming to spread information about Russia's role in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and create debate about possible threats to the country's institutions. The committee launched Tuesday in the U.S., with director Rob Reiner on the advisory board and actor Morgan Freeman featured in an introductory video. [...]

Among other members of the organization's advisory are former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, conservative commentator Charlie Sykes and scholars Max Boot and Norman Ornstein.

Some info on the people who are involved in this non-profit, non-partisan neo-McCarthite anti-Russia committee.

Max Boot

Boot is the Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Senior Fellow in National Security Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a contributing editor to The Weekly Standard and the Los Angeles Times, and a regular contributor to other publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and The New York Times.[1] He has blogged regularly for Commentary Magazine since 2007,[6] and for several years on its blog page called Contentions.[7] He serves as a consultant to the U.S. military and as a regular lecturer at U.S. military institutions such as the Army War College and the Command and General Staff College.[1] [...]

Boot wrote for the CFR through 2010 and 2011 for various publications such as Newsweek, The Boston Globe, The New York Times, and The Weekly Standard among others. He particularly argued that President Obama's health care plans made maintaining the U.S.' superpower status harder, that withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq occurred prematurely while making another war there more likely, and that the initial U.S. victory in Afghanistan had been undone by government complacency though forces could still pull off a victory. [...]

In September 2012, Boot co-wrote with Brookings Institution senior fellow Michael Doran a New York Times op-ed titled "5 Reasons to Intervene in Syria Now", advocating U.S military force to create a countrywide no-fly zone reminiscent of NATO's role in the Kosovo War. He stated first and second that "American intervention would diminish Iran's influence in the Arab world" and that "a more muscular American policy could keep the conflict from spreading" with "sectarian strife in Lebanon and Iraq". Third, Boot argued that "training and equipping reliable partners within Syria's internal opposition" could help "create a bulwark against extremist groups like Al Qaeda". He concluded that "American leadership on Syria could improve relations with key allies like Turkey and Qatar" as well as "end a terrible human-rights disaster".[28]

In short, Boot is a neo-conservative to the core, with a preference for increasing America's use of its military to achieve regime change, and an anti-Russia propagandist and Trump/Putin conspiracy theorist.

Rob Reiner, Hollywood director and producer who is a a long-time Hillary supporter, donor and fundraiser. He has also prominently promoted an alleged Russia-Trump connection since shortly after Hillary's 2016 election loss to Trump. Reiner founded CIR with David Frum.

David Frum

Frum ... was an editorial page editor of The Wall Street Journal from 1989 until 1992, and then a columnist for Forbes magazine in 1992–94. In 1994–2000, he worked as a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, as a contributing editor at neoconservative opinion magazine The Weekly Standard, and as a columnist for Canada's National Post. He worked also as a regular contributor for National Public Radio. [...]

Frum served as special assistant to [President George W. Bush] for economic speechwriting from January 2001 to February 2002. Conservative commentator Robert Novak described Frum as an "uncompromising supporter of Israel" and "fervent supporter of Ariel Sharon's policies" during his time in the White House.[14] Frum is credited with inventing the expression "axis of evil", which Bush introduced in his 2002 State of the Union address.[16] During Frum's time at the White House, he was described by commentator Ryan Lizza, as being part of a speechwriting brain trust that brought "intellectual heft", and considerable policy influence to the Bush Administration. [...]

Shortly after leaving the White House, Frum took up a position as a fellow of the American Enterprise Institute, a neo-conservative think tank. During the early days of his stint there, Frum coauthored An End to Evil with Richard Perle, which was a bold presentation of the neoconservative view of global affairs and an apologia of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. [...]

In a Newsweek column (March 2009), Frum described his political beliefs as follows:

I'm a conservative Republican, have been all my adult life. I volunteered for the Reagan campaign in 1980. I've attended every Republican convention since 1988. I was president of the Federalist Society chapter at my law school, worked on the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal and wrote speeches for President Bush—not the "Read My Lips" Bush, the "Axis of Evil" Bush. I served on the Giuliani campaign in 2008 and voted for John McCain in November. I supported the Iraq War and (although I feel kind of silly about it in retrospect) the impeachment of Bill Clinton. I could go on, but you get the idea.[41]

As the man said, you get the idea. Another neo-con psuedo-intellectual sophist who supports endless war.

The Notorious James Clapper

Barack Obama’s intelligence chief is said to be in frequent and unusual contact with a military intelligence officer at the center of a growing scandal over rosy portrayals of the war against the Islamic State, the Guardian has learned.

James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, is said to talk nearly every day with the head of US Central Command’s intelligence wing, Army Major General Steven Grove – “which is highly, highly unusual”, according to a former intelligence official.

Grove is said to be implicated in a Pentagon inquiry into manipulated war intelligence.

More on Clapper from Wikipedia:

On June 5, 2010, President Barack Obama nominated Clapper to replace Dennis C. Blair as United States Director of National Intelligence. Clapper was unanimously confirmed by the Senate for the position on August 5, 2010.

Following the June 2013 leak of documents detailing NSA practice of collecting telephony metadata on millions of Americans’ telephone calls, two U.S. representatives accused Clapper of perjury for telling a congressional committee that the NSA does not collect any type of data on millions of Americans earlier that year. One senator asked for his resignation, and a group of 26 senators complained about Clapper’s responses under questioning. In November 2016, Clapper resigned as director of national intelligence, effective at the end of President Obama's term. In May 2017, he joined the Washington, D.C.-based think tank the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) as a Distinguished Senior Fellow for Intelligence and National Security.

Clapper's role in Russiagate is often confusing, but it seems clear he has an agenda.

From the Harvard Crimson dated May 3, 2017:

Both Clapper and [former U.S. Representative Michael J. Rogers] agreed that Russia aimed to undermine American democratic institutions this past election.

Clapper said that according to the information he had, he believed Russia had been initially interested in “sowing doubt” in American democracy, but became increasingly interested in supporting President Donald Trump against former Secretary of State and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton as the election went on.

“In my view, the evidence for it was overwhelming,” he said.

Clapper described what he saw as “irrefutable” proof that Russia had meddled in the election through cyberattacks, hacking, and propaganda dispersed throughout social and traditional media.

From Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone Magazine, dated May 15, 2017:

Clapper back in March told Meet the Press that when he issued a January 6th multiagency intelligence community assessment about Russian interference in the election, the report didn't include evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, essentially saying he hadn't been aware of any such evidence up through January 20th, his last day in office.

On Sunday, he said that didn't necessarily mean there was no such evidence, because sometimes he left it up to agency chiefs like former FBI Director James Comey to inform him about certain things.

"I left it to the judgment [of] Director Comey," Clapper said, "to decide whether, when and what to tell me about counterintelligence investigations."

Clapper said something similar when he testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee last Monday. In prepared remarks, he essentially said that there was nothing odd about his not being informed about the existence of an FBI counterintelligence investigation involving Donald Trump's campaign.

Speaking generally, Clapper seemed to imply that the Trump-Russia-collusion scandal, the thing colloquially known as #Russiagate all over the world now, may have originated in information gleaned by the intelligence community, who in turn may have tipped off the FBI.

All these people have something in common. They hate Trump and his stated position to soften the Obama administration's confrontational policy toward Russia, and they either believe Russia colluded with Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton or they want us to believe that is the case. That Morgan Freeman lowered himself to lend his fame, name and reputation in support of this highly dangerous anti-Russia, New McCarthyism, is beyond disappointing and shocking. It's also highly dangerous to keep adding fuel to the intelligence community's psyops campaign directed at the American people, one that could end in a nuclear calamity very easily, as this heroic man clearly knew.

Stanislav Petrov was a lieutenant colonel in the Soviet Union's Air Defense Forces, and his job was to monitor his country's satellite system, which was looking for any possible nuclear weapons launches by the United States.

He was on the overnight shift in the early morning hours of Sept. 26, 1983, when the computers sounded an alarm, indicating that the U.S. had launched five nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missiles. [...]

It was already a moment of extreme tension in the Cold War. On Sept. 1 of that year, the Soviet Union shot down a Korean Air Lines plane that had drifted into Soviet airspace, killing all 269 people on board, including a U.S. congressman. The episode led the U.S. and the Soviets to exchange warnings and threats.

Petrov had to act quickly. U.S. missiles could reach the Soviet Union in just over 20 minutes. [...]

After several nerve-jangling minutes, Petrov didn't send the computer warning to his superiors. He checked to see if there had been a computer malfunction.

He had guessed correctly.

"Twenty-three minutes later I realized that nothing had happened," he said in 2013. "If there had been a real strike, then I would already know about it. It was such a relief."

That episode and the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis are considered to be the closest the U.S. and the Soviets came to a nuclear exchange.

Why anyone would want to resurrect the Cold War with a drastically weakened but still nuclear armed Russia to risk the destruction of all human life on earth is beyond my comprehension. But then I'm not a butt-hurt Hillary diehard supporter nor a Neocon warmonger, both groups that have a cult-like fervor among their members.

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divineorder's picture

move is insane. Our goal with the Russians should be to pick back up on nuclear disarmament and working toward a green energy future. Not nuclear armagheddon.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

divineorder's picture


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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.


Between the Democrats and the Republicans, we are going to be at war with just about everyone.

There can be no peace without war.

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Neocons and Hollywood Noodle-Brains Unite to Save the World from the Red Menace!
How exciting. Patriotic Americans will surely be thrilled to the core... but how come Morgan Freeman looks like he's reading off a teleprompter?

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dervish's picture

@native he's reading from a teleprompter? The piece covers several key neocon points, and only a highly scripted piece would connect the dots in this way, and use those phrases. I think it's a pretty amateurish psyop.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."


War IS peace.

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

Amanda Matthews's picture

the Hershey squirts:

What is 'Brazil, Russia, India, China And South Africa - BRICS

Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa BRICS s an acronym for the combined economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. BRIC, without South Africa, was originally coined in 2003 by Goldman Sachs, which speculates that by 2050 these four economies will be the most dominant. . South Africa was added to the list on April 13, 2011 creating "BRICS".

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

earthling1's picture

@Amanda Matthews
Russia set to issue its own credit card, called Mir, to directly compete with Visa and MasterCard, ultimately for worldwide distribution.
We're at war alright., the Global Banking Cabal is at war with Russia.
We're just serfs, it doesn't really matter who charges us 24% interest.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

Pluto's Republic's picture


It happened during the BRICS summit.

China sees new world order with oil benchmark backed by gold

Yuan-denominated contract will let exporters circumvent US dollar

China is expected shortly to launch a crude oil futures contract priced in yuan and convertible into gold in what analysts say could be a game-changer for the industry.

The contract could become the most important Asia-based crude oil benchmark, given that China is the world's biggest oil importer. Crude oil is usually priced in relation to Brent or West Texas Intermediate futures, both denominated in U.S. dollars.

China's move will allow exporters such as Russia and Iran to circumvent US. sanctions by trading in yuan. To further entice trade, China says the yuan will be fully convertible into gold on exchanges in Shanghai and Hong Kong.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

One thing the world can agree upon is that sanctions imposed by the US are singularly destructive to people's lives and they have an effect on nations that is the opposite what US intends. No one knows why the US continues to manifest this pointless war-criminal behavior. Sanctions have never been an adequate substitute for intelligent diplomacy, to say the least. A time was bound to come when the world would actively undermine the US dollar, which is essentially an over-printed fiat currency. Hoist it on its own petard.

The familiar patterns of forced regime change are apparent in Venezuela. The violent young men unfamiliar to most, the missing or disjointed narratives, the pre-packaged accusations. One can feel the foreign NGOs in the background funding this chaos. When the government falls, the protestors will melt way never to be seen again, and suddenly a new government (with a complement of outside operatives) is in control.

This time, Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro responded dismissively to the US sanctions announcement. "We use a different payment system, now," Maduro said. The US playbook of meddling is unmistakable in Venezuela, easily recognizable to geopolitical analysts who have witnessed the same in Libya, Ukraine, Syria, and other oil-producing countries. Venezuela is merely the most recent sovereign nation to be attacked. Each oil-producing nation is economically destabilized by sanctions, justified by baseless accusations. This is followed by a swift intervention or bombing. Within days or weeks, their nationalized oil fields are seized and handed over to approved multinational corporations for exploitation. But this time the profits will go to corporate shareholders and not to the Venezuelan people.

Venezuela has an alternative to the dollar.

"Venezuela is going to introduce a new international payment system and create a currency basket to get rid of the dollar peg. We, together with such freely convertible currencies as the yuan, yen, rupees, international currencies, will get rid of the clutches of the dollar that have been strangling our country," Maduro said.

Venezuela's daring move comes as a response to the sanctions that US President Donald Trump imposed on the country. American businessmen were prohibited from making deals with new debt obligations and securities issued by the government of Venezuela and the state-run oil company of the Latin American nation.

At the BRICS Summit last week, US sanctions, which have never worked to achieve US diplomatic aims, were discussed. There was a sense of solidarity with Venezuela, hit that same week by the latest US imposed sanctions. During his BRICS address, Russian President Vladimir Putin remarked:

Russia shares the BRICS countries’ concerns over the unfairness of the global financial and economic architecture, which does not give due regard to the growing weight of the emerging economies. We are ready to work together with our partners to promote international financial regulation reforms and to overcome the excessive domination of the limited number of reserve currencies.

To overcome the excessive domination of the limited number of reserve currencies” is the politest way of stating what the BRICS have been discussing for years now; how to bypass the US dollar, as well as the petrodollar.

The BRICS plan for circumventing US sanctions against sovereign nations has a geopolitical reach that extends well beyond Eurasia into the entire Global South, including South America and Africa. The Neocon strategists at the Pentagon are hoping to use India to undermine China's remarkable progress as it builds the One Belt One Road trading infrastructure that will bring commercial opportunity to all parts of the Eastern Hemisphere. The US is probably in for a series of rude economic awakenings.

@Pluto's Republic

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First, I'd like to ask 'what American democracy remains'?

Second: how did Russia hack the Electoral College?

Third: how many pieces of silver were paid to that ever-so-convincingly-sincere 'bad actor' (among good actors, in different senses) to take part in this treasonous and appalling propaganda piece?

Not only have the warmongering Psychopaths That Be jumped the shark, but they're trying to drag-net Americans in to feed that shark with their own blood, pain and lives, along with the rest of the world of life they threaten for the sake of blind, pathological greed and hunger for totalitarian power.

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Pluto's Republic's picture

I guess Maxine Waters got to Morgan Freeman. What an undignified demise for both of them, but a good case in point for establishing upper limits on the voting age. The younger generations are increasingly born indentured to generational debt that can never be paid off. They are slaves, now, to the service of unpayable debt for their entire lives. The younger generations are also crippled or criminalized by dangerous laws supported by a terrified, often demented, and easily bamboozled voting demographic, who are leaving the earth and will never suffer the consequences of their diminished faculties.

The desperation of the Zionist Neocons, writ large by this pathetic video, means they can read the handwriting on the wall. The US can longer be counted on to execute Israel's foreign policy globally. For once they are right.

It's been three weeks since the Petrodollar was dealt a final mortal blow. Some Empires thrash around as they die. The US is so destructive generally, it's probably going to be a thrasher. How many times has the US threatened the world with war in the past three weeks, alone? Heh.

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Creosote.'s picture

@Pluto's Republic

read here with thanks for your analysis, insight, and strong stomach.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

They are making the world a dangerous place for all of us. tptb need to blow each other up and leave the rest of us alone.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

@Raggedy Ann

The process continues, even as the Earth perish...

(Emphasis mine.)

Cheney emerges as surprise Trump surrogate

The president-elect trashed his foreign policy during the campaign, but they've found common cause in Rex Tillerson.



During the campaign, Donald Trump trashed the hawkish foreign policy of the second Bush White House. But now, he and his team are relying on the man most closely identified with that regime — Dick Cheney — to help ensure that Rex Tillerson is confirmed next year as Trump's secretary of state.

As Republicans have voiced reservations about Tillerson’s relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Cheney — himself a former oil executive, a longtime Tillerson friend, and perhaps the country’s most famous foreign policy hawk — is serving as a bridge between the Trump team and skeptical Republican senators. ...

...Rick Dearborn, executive director of the Trump transition and a Senate veteran who served as chief of staff to Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions for more than a decade, is looking to leverage Cheney's influence with key GOP senators, according to a transition aide.

Another transition aide said Cheney's imprimatur may serve as "a good housekeeping seal of approval" with Republican skeptics. And indeed, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio received a call from the former vice president earlier this week. The goal: “To move Marco the right way,” according to a source familiar with the conversation. Rubio will cast a pivotal vote on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which must approve the nomination before it proceeds to the full Senate.

The former vice president is also in close contact with senior Trump aides. Cheney speaks frequently with the vice president-elect, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who himself serves as a liaison between the president-elect and Capitol Hill, and who has said he hopes to model his vice presidency on Cheney’s. ...

House on a Hill by The Pretty Reckless (Lyrics)

Published on 20 Jan 2015


Somewhere in the end of all this hate
There's a light ahead
That shines into this grave that's in the end of all this pain

In the night ahead there's a light upon this
House on a hill
The living, living still
Their intention is to kill and they will, they will
But the children are doing fine
I think about them all the time
Until they drink their wine and they will, they will, they will

Somewhere in the end we're all insane
To think that light ahead can save us from this
Grave that's in the end of all this pain

In the night ahead there's a light upon this
House on a hill
The living, living still
Their intention is to kill and they will, they will
But the children are doing fine
I think about them all the time
Until they drink their wine and they will, they will, they will

I am not afraid
I won't burn out in this place
My intention is to fade and I will, I will

In this house on a hill
The dead are living still
Their intention is to kill and they will, they will
Keep your children safe inside
Out of pocket, out of mind
Until they drink their wine and they will, they will, they will

The actual video won't play for me right now, but my computer does that a lot to me; hope to have the blasted thing fixed up soon, although will be managing for some time with an old laptop known for overheating, lol, until whenever I get my re-loaded computer back.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

The supreme irony here is that the "choice" of Trump or Hillary -- 2/3 of the public wanting neither one; the certainty that either one would see impeachment drives and brutal division in the public -- was the sure thing to help discredit democracy, no "Russia" about it.
Odds that we'll see Shkreli vs OJ in 2020 remain high.

0 users have voted.

Orwell: Where's the omelette?

thanatokephaloides's picture

@jim p

Odds that we'll see Shkreli vs OJ in 2020 remain high.

Not OJ.



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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

dervish's picture

@jim p Yeah, we're at the level of OJ, Shkreli and worse.

0 users have voted.

"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

When they are together on Real Time, they are piranhas feeding on anyone who didn't support Hillary. The Clinton contingent is as nutty as the neocons.

I get neocons. All they want is money, and they don't care who they have to kill to get it. The saps on the left and the crooked politicians they serve are another matter. What they do is worse because it makes no sense for them. Their idols, yes, them no.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

The Aspie Corner's picture

@dkmich Like Caitlin Johnstone said, this country is dominated by two right-wing parties. They just manipulate their bases in different ways. As for having a 'left-wing', I forget who said this, but there is no 'there' there.

If this country had a left-wing to begin with, things would be very different.

0 users have voted.

Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

@The Aspie Corner think they're "left," you're spot on that there is no there, there. For their fans, they've been trained to swallow the swill whole. Boycott all of them.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

thanatokephaloides's picture

@The Aspie Corner

What 'left'? Like Caitlin Johnstone said, this country is dominated by two right-wing parties. They just manipulate their bases in different ways. As for having a 'left-wing', I forget who said this, but there is no 'there' there.

If this country had a left-wing to begin with, things would be very different.

This country does have a left wing.

"You're soaking in it now!" -- Palmolive Madge


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

@The Aspie Corner

"...there is no there there."

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riverlover's picture

@dkmich And given my mind no longer operates at warp speed I actually find this dismissive. To all of us except neocons. And appalling to others. At least on one side of the political spectrum.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

The Aspie Corner's picture

How much did they pay him for this?

0 users have voted.

Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

@The Aspie Corner

He gets his loved ones back for cooperating?

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

TheOtherMaven's picture

@Ellen North
They say what they are paid to say, and they're not going to bite the hand that feeds them.

There aren't many darfstellers (self-directed stars) these days.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

ggersh's picture

along with all the institutions the were
once revered. IT won't end pretty.

My only question is to my sanity, are the
people of amerika really believing this shit
or is it just the elitist circle of the dumb
and dumbest believing this shit.

0 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

These people are sociopaths, my God. No more Morgan Freeman for me, or Rob Reiner either. I know there are more too. And for what? What is it these celebrities get out of this? Does it all come down to eyeballs watching for them? I guess so.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Big Al's picture

vote for democrats who promise to support medicare for all and start community gardens. Then we'll all be free and there will be no more war and imperialism.

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@Big Al

for making me laugh. Otherwise, this video made me want to vomit.

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Big Al's picture

@Linda Wood laugh to keep from crying.

I was being facetious but also subtly ridiculing the push to support democratic politicians who support medicare for all while the democratic party does this Russia bullshit. The compromise is too much.

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CS in AZ's picture

@Big Al

I must have missed the subtle part. Maybe because I'm forced to agree with you. (Forced by the fact you are right.)

Democrats won't give us universal healthcare anyway, but they want a pass for this warmongering bullshit because a few have signed on to having a conversation about healthcare. Yeah, no.

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snoopydawg's picture

After all, he went to McConnell and told him about this and wanted to warn the country about it, but that raskely McConnell stood in his way again and told him that he couldn't do it.

I wonder how many people that have been pushing this propaganda (DK) are aware that Obama and NATO have surrounded Russia with their military, military equipment such as missile defense shields?
If they were aware of how close the nuclear clock is pointed at Armageddon, would this finally wake them up and see how badly they have been played?

ToP has a diary on how many ads, posts riddled with false information and other false crap on Facebook.
Every person that commented in this diary just fanned the flames of the bullshit that Putin was responsible for Trump being elected.
Almost every report about Russia interfering with the election is full of innuendos and quotes from someone who isn't authorized to comment about it.
They used to be able to see through propaganda. Now they are wallowing in it.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Big Al's picture

@snoopydawg Trump siders (those who believe Trump is actually some kind of victim of the deep state) who are so blinded by this bullshit political system, democrats vs republicans, etc., that they can only see what is conducive to their tribal oriented beliefs.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Big Al

I don't understand what you are saying.
I have seen claims about the Deep State turning Trump and this is why he is fully on board with what he is being told. I don't believe that this is why he has fully accepted American exceptionalism, I think that he is in a position that is so far over his ability to understand what the military's agenda is and that is why he has turned his control on the military over to his advisers.
Plus he is starting to realize that with the power of his office, he can do anything he wants to do.

Hopefully this makes sense. I'm suffering another damn migraine.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Big Al's picture

@snoopydawg That's partially what I meant. The meme that Trump was turned by the deep state irks me because the bastard showed signs of this all along during his campaign. He was always against North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, and especially the fake war OF terror. The only thing people could reasonably point to was his comments on Russia and regime changes which were total bullshit as everyone should be to see now after his unbelievable speech at the U.N.
I've viewed it all as just another in a long line of people, including far too many people on the left, getting fooled again, this time by a narcissistic insane clown billionaire liar. Unbelievable. Saying he was turned by the deep state is assuming he wanted something different, which is somewhere we should not give any credence.
Man, after that speech if people don't see we have to get hard and tough on this thing, I don't know.

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@Big Al its sometimes easy to want to believe that this really isn't HIS agenda but theirs. But I do believe most of us out here saw through that, while maybe others simply had that last ditch desperate hope of maybe. But you're right Al, he's only part of the kabuki. He was always going to "cooperate" as long as there is something in that for him. I do think he really gets off on his blowhard status as much as his supporters do. He's having a ball pissing all over the world and our corrupted, sold out, lousy dollar drenched Dems are using that circus for all it is worth.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

ggersh's picture

@lizzyh7 tinyhands get's to play dictator
in chief.....But I don't see much difference though
between him and her heinous, only the language.

At the core of Trump’s speech was the promotion of his “America First” ideology. The US president presented the promotion of nationalism as the solution to all the problems of the planet. “The nation-state remains the best vehicle for elevating the human condition,” he proclaimed in a speech in which the words “sovereign” or “sovereignty” were repeated 21 times.
While declaring his supposed support for the sovereignty of every nation, Trump made it clear that his administration is prepared to wage war against any nation that fails to bow to Washington’s diktat.

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

to winning the Dem nomination, it scared the crap out of America's neoliberal bourgeoisie. Many of them fear the rise of Socialism even more than they fear Trump. That's why they circled their wagons, and started collaborating with the likes of Bill Kristol and the Kagans.

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snoopydawg's picture


because she is part of their group. Almost everyone who was involved in the Bush administration's foreign policies were in advisory roles during Hillary's campaign. This and because they didn't think that Trump could have won the election.
People such as Wolfowitz, the Kagan family and many others who wrote PNAC. I wouldn't have been surprised if Cheney came out and endorsed Hillary.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.


As I've posted upthread, Cheney is advising Pence - quoted in the article as saying that he wants to '...model his vice presidency on Cheney’s...' - and promoted Tillerson as Trump's Sec of State... Like others, I've long feared that Pence was intended to run the whole Trump freak-show, one way or another, although I can't (at least at the moment) recall coming across this particular horror before, among all of the others.

Cheney emerges as surprise Trump surrogate

The president-elect trashed his foreign policy during the campaign, but they've found common cause in Rex Tillerson.



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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.


Hey, Putin is so good with money that a few thousand in non-specific internet ads outweighed billions spent on this last selection! They're jealous.

And they're all pissy with him anyway because even with various armies massing on his border, Russian defenses are good enough for him to cut the military budget to ensure pensions for his people. What a bad example for the rest of the world and horrendous waste of corporate public funding!

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

thanatokephaloides's picture


Almost every report about Russia interfering with the election is full of innuendos and quotes from someone who isn't authorized to comment about it.
They used to be able to see through propaganda. Now they are wallowing in it.

And, as usual, no actual evidence what-so-fucking-ever that Russia hacked our elections.

After nine months, you'd think they'd be able to come up with some direct evidence they could publish. Of course, there's still none. And there never will be any. Because it's still a Cat-damned nothingburger!

Hillary Clinton lost the Presidential election in 2016 because Americans are sick and tired of Republican-Lite Turd Way bullshit. Those who want any sort of right-wing anything voted for Trump to begin with; and there were enough of the rest of us who just couldn't stomach the thought of Her Heinous back in the White House to carry him the rest of the way.

Insulting the blue-collar labor in the Rust Belt States didn't hurt Trump, either!

No Russia required!


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Stupid. Dumb. Shockingly trivial in its substance. Disappointing to learn that Morgan Freeman is so easily misled, or so willing to mislead. And shocking to see that the heavy hitters sponsoring this video think it's believable to anyone who's paying attention to events.

Do they not know that most Americans understand what Ellen North said so straightforwardly in this discussion?

how did Russia hack the Electoral College?

Do they really think the American people, who did the voting, don't know how Clinton lost the election?

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snoopydawg's picture

@Linda Wood

were because of these reasons:

1-Sexism and misogyny
2- Comey's investigation into her emails.
3- His letter stating that he was reopening his investigation into them after some were found on
4-Weiner's laptop
5- Russian interference with the election by spreading false information on Facebook and other social media.
6-Wikileaks' divulging the DNC and Podesta's emails that Russia hacked from their computers.

These are the main reasons why she lost the election to Trump.
What she and her supporters don't understand is that if she hadn't even used her private email server, there wouldn't have been an investigation into them. She has admitted that she made a mistake using it. Just like how she made a mistake voting for the Iraq war.
But she does admit that she was responsible for losing it.
But after she admits that, she then does this:

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

in that clip. It makes her look exactly like a marionette. I swear, there is absolutely nothing spontaneous or sincere about that woman.

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snoopydawg's picture


It's bizarre and it does make her look weird.
There have been two articles I recently read that stated that the information that Wikileaks posted was downloaded, not hacked by anyone.
And I'm sure that I'm not the only one who has noticed that no one said that the information in those emails were false. Hell, they weren't even ever addressed. Not one reporter that has interviewed any of the people who were involved with her campaign bothered to ask about what they exposed.

So yeah, this propaganda is going to collapse in on itself. When this happens, how is Morgan and the others who are involved with this video and campaign going to react when the truth comes out?
What will Rachel's response going to be? Pull a Gilder and say, "Oops. Never mind'"

I can't wait to see this happen.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

The stories they're being told to peddle just keep getting weirder and weirder.
I think the strain of it all might be getting to poor Lawrence O'Donnell.


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Steven D's picture

@native "This fucking sucks" to quote the man himself. Stressed much?

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott


Sounds like a harassment tactic, perhaps to get him in line somewhere or to get rid of him despite some iron-clad contract; the network should be able to prevent this sort of thing...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

thanatokephaloides's picture

@Ellen North

Sounds like a harassment tactic, perhaps to get him in line somewhere or to get rid of him despite some iron-clad contract; the network should be able to prevent this sort of thing...

Actually, it's common. TV control rooms are sacred to the One, True and Only Goddess.

Such issues as Madame Eris may choose to impose don't just happen to MSLSD. Fox Noise's Golden Son got gobsmacked too: (set to dance music)



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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides


Rolls On Floor Laughing My Buns Off While Sloppy Dog Kisses keep Landing On My Face - how appropriate! Thanks for the great video as well, hadn't seen it before either and it was perfucked.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.


Most of her donors are also elderly and have been fossilized at least since the Cold War period, making for clumsy and repetitive string-pulling.

You're supposed to suspend credulity while watching this and not notice where the light distracts attention from the wires supporting her, dammit!

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Steven D's picture

@snoopydawg and Julian Assange. Don't forget they paint him as either Dr. Evil or a Russian dupe, depending on the day and the current talking points.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

Centaurea's picture


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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

Lily O Lady's picture

"You're next!"

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

Cassiodorus's picture

The Freeman video offers us, of course, the "Manchurian Candidate" plot revised to fit the needs of the political class. I keep imagining a plot similar to the one described by Morgan Freeman, except with sides reversed:

1) have the Democrats nominate a woman Presidential candidate

2) make sure the candidate is so corrupt that she's got no chance of being elected -- or, if she is elected, make sure she doesn't stay in power for long

3) when she's completely discredited herself, make sure her cult of female followers stays intact, thus insuring that the Old Boys Club will have no female challengers for decades to come.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

old democracy and how the world would aspire to it is just so so sad. Poor Morgan.

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At that moment, it was as if Freeman was saying, " WE ARE LYING! The whole video you are watching is FALSE."

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Looking back at all the Russian conspiracy stories, it is obvious that there is some amount of coordination of the releases to keep Russia hysteria front and center in major media outlets. And it is apparent that those coordinating the operation study in depth reactions to claims and form counter propaganda, attacks, etc.

So here is one of the issues the guys in the backrooms have to deal with: everyday people simply do not give a shit about the Russia hysteria. Credible polls have shown this recently. Even after all the coverage in the media along with the Colberts and SNL bringing it up, looks like health care and food on the table (jobs) are much more important that a Trump staffer meeting a Russian ambassador.

So out comes a well known Hollywood icon seen by tens of millions who typically plays (moral) authority roles in the movies. This propaganda is squarely aimed at Main Street. I have a buddy who recently went on a trip to mid-Atlantic state on business. He went to a nice friendly restaurant and was appalled that the chef did not know the Trump was Putin's puppet. Maybe Morgan can help them get straight on all of this.

While the elites in the media centers may love the short, I seriously doubt if Main Street will give a shit. Unless the propagandists can convince Main Street that Putin is directly taking their jobs, their food, and their health care, then this effort don't mean squat.

I suspect that as the 2018 mid-terms get closer and closer, the charges against Putin and Trump will get more and more hysterical.

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... I suspect that as the 2018 mid-terms get closer and closer, the charges against Putin and Trump will get more and more hysterical.

Bet you're right, impossible as 'more hysterical' may sound - and so will the laughter of those following this lunatic propaganda campaign. If only it was likely to blow up only in the faces of those propagating this...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@Ellen North The Russian conspiracy is straining under its own weight given the constant stream of charges and personalities. Who can remember all the charges or names of people involved without a scorecard. I suspect that the backroom guys will try to claim that some domestic incident was the fault of Putin. Although those types of charges are not sticking like Putin funded the riots in Furgeson or that Putin is behind neo-Nazi protests (or even that Putin was behind criticism of fracking and TPP).

The choir will suck it up and so will the media. But beyond that, nada....

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Hey, Putin is everywhere and in everything, knows and does everything. God has competition.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.