Vatican Diplomat Recalled for Child Porn. Usual Media Whitewash Ensues.

Yesterday, the AP reported: “A high-ranking priest working in the Vatican's embassy in Washington has been recalled after U.S. prosecutors asked for him to be charged there and face trial in a child pornography investigation, Vatican and U.S. officials said Friday.

“The Vatican declined to identify the priest, but said he was currently in Vatican City and that Vatican prosecutors had launched their own probe and sought evidence from the U.S. The State Department said it had asked the Vatican to lift the official's diplomatic immunity on Aug. 21, and said the request was denied three days later. For the State Department to make such a request, its lawyers would have needed to be convinced that there was reasonable cause for criminal prosecution.”

All the reports that I've read got the above facts correct. But all the reports whitewashed the case of another Vatican diplomat, Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski, and Pope Francis' lack of response to clerical sex abuse.

A “dossier" accusing papal nuncio (ambassador) Wesolowski of sex abuse of minors was sent to Pope Francis in July 2013 by Santo Domingo Cardinal Nicolás de Jesús López Rodríguez. The pope found the information credible enough to dismiss Wesolowski from the Dominican Republic on Aug. 21 via confidential letter .

Neither the civil authorities nor the public knew about Wesolowski until a local TV program did an expose’ on Aug. 31. The result of a year-long investigation, the broadcast contained testimony that the archbishop solicited sex for money from Santo Domingo’s poorest boys..

“We learned from the children that Wesolowski took pictures of them while they were masturbating. Oral sex was performed,” Nuria Piera, an investigative journalist in the Dominican Republic, said. “He abused that poverty and used that mechanism to approach children and take advantage of them for years,” according to Yeni Berenice Reynoso, National District prosecutor.

Wesolowski’s whereabouts remained unknown until Santo Domingo Auxiliary Bishop Víctor Masalles tweeted on June 24, 2014: “For me it was a surprise to see Wesolowski walking along the Via della Scrofa in Rome.”

Embarrassed, the Vatican announced on June 27 that Wesolowski had been laicized (defrocked) “in the past few days,” but he remained a free man. The press reported this as “the most tangible demonstration of what Pope Francis called his ‘zero tolerance’ for child sex abuse.”

On September 26, 2014, the Italian newspaper Il Corriere della Serra reported that Wesolowski was arrested by order of the pope because “there was a serious risk that the nuncio would be arrested on Italian territory at the request of the Dominican authorities and then extradited.”

Wesolowski had more than 100,000 computer files of pornography. “Some were downloaded from the internet and others the victims themselves were forced to take. The prelate stored part of this chamber of horrors on his own laptop. The material, which is classified by type, shows dozens of young girls engaged in sexual activities but the preference is for males. Images show youngsters aged between 13 and 17 being humiliated for the camera, filmed naked and forced to have sexual relations with each other or with adults. … Wesolowski is suspected of belonging to an international network that extends well beyond what has emerged so far.” (emphasis mine)

Even under house arrest in the Vatican, Wesolowski was still able to access child porn on the internet. A large component of human trafficking is the “use of force, fraud, or coercion to control other people for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex. Pornography not only contributes to the demand for sex trafficking … but it also contributes to child exploitation, sexual violence, and lifelong porn addictions.”

On the eve of Wesolowski’s July 11, 2015, trial, the nuncio was taken to the hospital. His lawyer “didn’t know what ails his client. ‘I saw him two or three days ago, and, given his age [67] and his state of mind, he was fine,’ said Antonello Blasi.” The archbishop died the next month.

Wesolowski’s autopsy confirming he died from "natural causes" was "conducted by a team of coroners named by the Vatican prosecutor." This "aroused doubts and suspicions in the Dominican Republic and other countries.”

In addition to Wesolowski, Pope Francis has personally protected five other sexual predators. Perhaps the worst case involves Fr. Nicola Corradi.

By open letter and video message “handed to Pope Francis” in May 2014, former students at the notorious Provolo Institute for the Deaf in Italy begged the pope for justice. More than one hundred deaf and mute children had been sexually abused at the boarding school.

The letter told Pope Francis that three of the Italian perpetrators – including Fr. Nicola Corradi – held current positions at the Provolo Institute in Argentina. The pope took no action to stop the pedophiles.

Corradi and four others in the Argentine school were arrested in Nov. 2016 and charged with raping and molesting at least 22 children. Other reports poured in and “it’s now thought that as many as 60 children fell victim to abuse.”

On Sept. 7, a report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child detailed how, after three years, Pope Francis has not implemented any of the committee’s recommendations to protect children from sexual violence.

“The Holy See was summoned to the committee in 2014 where the Vatican was implored to take concrete steps to remedy decades of institutional complicity and cover-up of widespread sexual violence. While last Friday marked the Vatican’s deadline to submit a comprehensive report on their progress, the committee reports they have not received anything thus far.”

In their report, SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests).and CCR (Center for Constitutional Rights) “detail the Vatican’s failure to implement any of the committee’s recommendations, including increasing child protection from sexual violence and accountability for perpetrators and those who cover-up and conceal the offenses. The groups underscored the continued urgency to remedy this crisis, as revelations continue to unfold across the world of the widespread and pervasive nature of sexual violence in the Church.”

(Betty Clermont is author of The Neo-Catholics: Implementing Christian Nationalism in America.)

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Does it belong to NAMBLA? Do they believe it is okey dokey like some sects in the ME? Humans!

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Justice will come for those abused children.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

detroitmechworks's picture

Far and away the vast majority of Human Trafficking is done for labor. Corporations around the world use it heavily, under veneers of legality, and the governments do nothing about it.

While the priest's actions are justifiably horrific, the conflation of trafficking with sex work has resulted in many sex workers continuing to be persecuted. By all means, if there is tangible evidence of collaboration, the church should be censured, as should all corporations that do the exact same thing.

BUT, the anti-sex crusaders use the church's actions to justify enforcing the church's purported morals.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

I wrote: A large component of human trafficking is the “use of force, fraud, or coercion to control other people for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex. Pornography not only contributes to the demand for sex trafficking … but it also contributes to child exploitation, sexual violence, and lifelong porn addictions.”

That is to say that child pornography has victims.

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Betty Clermont

detroitmechworks's picture

@Betty Clermont Who are notorious for targeting sex workers, the internet spaces they use, and sex positive people in general, all under the "Trafficking" veneer.

Again, the problem is the direct conflation, and then persecution. They NEVER go after the church or the rich. They always go after the poor woman on the street or the guy who pays her. It's simple work, and the cops love it, because they get to have fun and always be portrayed as the "Good Guys". You'll never see them actually head down to a field and note that the conditions are breaking the law, or that most of the folk working there aren't exactly volunteers.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

snoopydawg's picture

because they know that the Vatican has a tremendous amount of wealth and they don't want to admit that this happened so that they can protect their wealth?
For the life of me I could never understand why the church covered for those priests.

I was raised Catholic and I had left the church before this scandal hit, but my mom and aunt who are still practicing never believed that this happened. Both of them had gone to catholic schools their entire lives and I wondered if that cemented the catholic views more on them than it did me because I went to public service schools. (Thanks mom)

Francis speaks a good game, but it's his actions that are what's important. And so far I'm not impressed with his.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

especially for an organization which claims to be the only
legitimate "moral authority" in the world. An Italian financial
daily estimated the Vatican's assets (investments, commercial
properties, bank accounts) at 15-17 billion euro.
If you add the assets of all the dioceses and religious orders
around the world, the total would be staggering.

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Betty Clermont